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if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] more time feet those together [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] i see revelations [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on come on [Applause] [Music] i am what god says [Music] [Applause] can do what god says [Music] i was fully dressed [Music] but i would never never be the [Music] jesus is my righteousness [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] no [Music] [Music] the sun me [Applause] [Music] [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend dr abel come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favorite show [Applause] [Music] the same i would never know [Music] i would never be the same [Music] [Music] with the holy ghost [Music] it took time to establish that there are two adams when it comes to the issue of salvation and the issue of sin there are two adams adam who is the progenitor of the human race where sin is concerned and adam who is a progenitor of the human race where righteousness is concerned so in adam we see sin we see death we seek condemnation in adam we see righteousness we see life we see justification now when it comes to seeing sin is not individualistic seeing is what affected all of humanity as a result of the fall of adam when we look at righteousness righteousness is not individualistic righteousness is what has been made available to mankind by the obedience of adam we suffered adam we saw second adam we suffered adam we saw last adam and we established that the last adam implies that there will be no other adam outside of the last adam genesis chapter 2 verse 15 let's proceed and the lord god took the man and put him into the garden of eden to address it and to keep it next verse and the lord god commanded the man saying of every three of the god in the mayas freely eat next verse but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that doubt it is thereof thou shalt surely die now man was to exercise dominion on the earth but man was not to exercise dominion outside god the dominion of man was to be within the confines of god man was to exercise dominion within the will of god everything was to walk according to god's plan but we will see that man became disobedient because he refused to exercise dominion or authority within the confines of god that's why god said to man in the day you eat you shall surely die meaning god gave man choice give man will give man the freedom to make the choice man can make the choice man is responsible for his actions but man is not responsible for the outcome of his actions man can make the choice god gave man the freedom to choose man is responsible for the actions but man does not control the outcome of his actions meaning that god didn't predetermine man's choice because before this genesis chapter 2 there was no death there was no sin in the earth so romans chapter 5 verse 12 now gives us an understanding wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have seen so god gave man a choice to exercise the dominion he gave him it was absolute dominion but not sovereign dominion it was absolute dominion but that dominion was not suffering because that dominion was under god's sovereignty sovereign means someone that has no authority above him to control him man had absolute control over all but the day you eat of it you shall surely die you are in charge of everything but to show man that you are not suffering the day you eat of that one you are responsible for eating but you cannot control death please follow carefully because i'm going to get in some technicalities that's why i'm being a bit slow so adam is a creature of dominion a creature of authority and a creature of choice dominion authority and choice but not a creature who exercises sovereignty he's a creature of authority he's a creature of dominion he's a creature of choice but not a creature who is sovereign or who exercises sovereignty jesus too was an adam hello jesus towards another first adam second adam first adam last adam so if first adam was a creature of choice it will imply that jesus to be an adam was a creator of choice same thing that's why when he prayed in the garden of gestimani he said i don't want that was the first thing i don't want the cop creator of choice then after a while he said not as i will he submitted his dominion to the sovereignty of god which is what the first adam never did are you following that's what the first adam never did the first adam did not acknowledge serenity he did not submit to the sovereignty of god he took his decision independent of god therefore he could not control the outcome of his decision he couldn't control that because he is not sovereign he is only serving in the earth he is only sovereign absolute in the earth god gave man dominion over the earth but god was sovereign over all and the sovereignty of man on the earth was only going to function properly under the serenity of the overall god which if man refuses to acknowledge the sovereignty of god then there will be a malfunction in his system are you following please pay attention this is it's gonna help bring some clarity the fact that jesus had a choice showed that jesus was human the next thing to note is that man eventually at the fruit and was caused he wasn't caused by god it wasn't god that caused man but man's disobedience brought the cause to man and then god when he saw that man has disobeyed has brought the cause god instituted the plan of salvation god instituted that plan in genesis chapter 3 verse 15 and i will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel that is the plan of redemption enacted he will bruise your head meaning redemption two adams by the scene of adam humanity was made sinners all of humanity now look at the wisdom of god imagine if everybody was created at the same time all of the human race the over 7 billion human beings are on earth at the same time and adam scene what chaos you can imagine the chaos over 7 billion well i mean the earth is way way more than 7 billion people die every day people are born every day so if you calculate the debts over centuries put together what is 7 billion so you can imagine the billions of humans on the earth if all were created the same day and man fell you can imagine the chaos but god in his wisdom spanned humanity over generations so that there is control to this disaster are we watching here yes that's the wisdom of god because nothing would have stopped all of humanity produced at the same time other than the wisdom of god that's where god becomes so many signs hallelujah are you following okay watch but god in his wisdom created adam okay and after creating adam god also created another adam so that in one adam the problem was created and in the other adam the solution was provided as you are seated right now there is nothing around you that doesn't have a solution the resolution on ground and as your aiming will come like thunder i declare for every situation around your life right now receive solution i'm not hearing that amen receive solution somebody shout i have solution i have answers to the questions of life i thought somebody would shout a powerful amen now follow me carefully man was born in a state but in order for man to enjoy the solution he will have to be born again in another state man was born in a particular state but for him to enjoy the solution provided he has to be born into another state he can't enjoy the solution in that state where the problem was created he must move out of that state and be born in another state in order for him to enjoy the solution provided hallelujah first corinthians 15 22 put it like this for us in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive all died in adam all are made alive in adam christ crystals the man the man so in one man all die and in order for you to see the application of the principle because every seed is supposed to produce after its kind so in one man all die in another man all are made alive so let's see the effect of the death that took place in one man genesis chapter five verse one this is the book of the generations of adam in the day that god created man in the likeness of god made him man next verse male and female created them and blessed them and called their name adam in the day when they were created and adam lived a hundred and thirty years and begot his son in his own likeness after his image and called his name seth so the first child that was born to adam after the fall was born in the image and likeness of adam not in the image and likeness of god that is why everybody is not a child of god and all human beings are not the image of god because you are the image of your father and mother that gave birth to you that's why you look like them that's the result of the fall now man begins to reproduce according to the lord in genesis after his kind what was man's kind falling so what will a falling man produce he will produce himself so that implied that by that law in genesis if the progenitor of the human race has fallen into sin what does it imply everybody born from that lineage is what a sinner you're not a sinner because you lied no you are a sinner because that's how you were born you see before you told your first life you're a sinner so it's not because you're lying that you're a sinner and it's not because you stop lying that you're righteous before you stop lying you are righteous how did you become righteous by faith in the gospel not because you stopped some activity but because you believe the gospel just like how did you become a sinner because you were born in adam and in adam how many died all died please follow me carefully it will help you because if a man cannot understand the plan of god for his life he will live a life on it as a misfit and god doesn't want you to live a life of a misfit he wants you to live a victorious life somebody shout hallelujah in romans chapter 5 verse 15 but not as the offense so also is a free gift for if through the offense of one many be dead the offense of one many now paul now begins to give us precise knowledge pay attention paul begins to give us what precise knowledge okay first of all he said by the offense of one as in the first adam how many died how many please talk to me citizens how many died okay all died by in one and his name is adam but look at what paul is saying here now but not as the offense so also is a free gift for if through the offense of one many be dead not all be dead first of all in corinthians he says all died because he's looking at man as a function but when he now comes to individuals not all died many now the question i know you're going to be asking your mind is then who didn't die okay follow i'm going to show you okay put it back romans where we are for if through the offense of one many be dead much more the grace of god and the gift by grace which is by one man jesus christ has abounded not unto all has abounded unto many because now we are streamlining this fall where the gospel is concerned there is all and there is many don't be confused if you pay attention you will catch it meaning from romans everybody is not automatically a sinner [Music] because we see many many be dead many not all humanity was made in adam okay and therefore found in sin in adam the whole of humanity is found in sin in adam jesus as a function therefore is male and female male and female in jesus the idea many of us have where the plan of god is concerned is this we all know that jesus is the lamb of god so our imagination is that one day in heaven and the story i'm about to tell that many of us can identify with that one day in heaven god and his angels were sitting and having a nice time god was sitting all angels were together and as they were having a nice time one angel just stood up and said i want to overthrow god i will be like god i will take over government and he went on a campaign adventure okay and in that campaign he succeeded in winning votes from many angels and then after he had set up the conspiracy well okay he now engaged god in a fight and the fight was so fierce that he almost defeated god but somehow somehow god managed god managed to succeed and the moment god succeeded in stopping the coup god threw him down so as he fell down he destroyed the earth and in destroying the earth he made adam to sin okay are you here that's the way we think okay and the moment adam scene he took over then god said ah what shall i do to contain this rebel then god says okay i know what i will do my son will die and overthrow him to recover power that's what all of us were told i was taught that both in sunday school in crk you know crk christian religious knowledge bk bible knowledge i did both cr kmbk such a thing never happened that's the first thing such a thing never happened so the first thing i want you to do is wipe it up so we can establish what really happened all scripture is given by and is profitable for doctrine for teaching or explanation so let's get the scriptures to explain to us what actually happened now in genesis chapter one there was nothing before genesis 1 1 so there was no such thing as god was sitting down in heaven with angels and they must be no such thing ever happened there was nothing before genesis 1 1 because genesis 1 1 says in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth vasu says and the earth was toho behold that's a that's a hebrew word tohoboho means the earth was nothing nothing to hold nothing boho nothing so the head there was nothing before genesis one it was touhou nothing nothing so to say that there was there was a word before the word of adam is to question the authority of scripture because scripture tells us which is the basis for our doctrine that nothing existed it was touhou behold so that will mean that the first time earth was created was genesis 1 1 then that will also mean that god had been before genesis 1 1. that would also mean that there was no satan before genesis 1 1 that would also mean that there were no angels before genesis 1 1. that would also mean that there were no humans before genesis 1 1 and that would also mean that there were no dinosaurs before genesis 1 1 because genesis 1 1 god was created then genesis 1 2 says the earth god created was total behold nothing nothing so if nothing existed before genesis 1 it means only god was there so the first time god ventured into creation was genesis 1. are we in the house okay so in moses's vision the earth was hitter from void and darkness was upon the face of the deep was god showing moses the plan of salvation the first thing god showed to moses was the plan of salvation before anything was created because salvation is not an afterthought salvation is the plan of god that is the original intent that is the original plan of god for man that's why all scriptures are given by inspiration and they are profitable for all of that that that's why paul ultimately the scriptures are able to make the wise untoward salvation through faith which is where in christ jesus so salvation was not an emergency fix for the fall of man salvation was the original intent salvation was the original plan of god for all of mankind now but please follow that means therefore that creation is a function of time nothing was done before time everything took place in time satan in time angels in time man in time all of the planets in time but god out of time and watch this god has always been out of time is still out of time and will continue to be out of time he never was in time no he only created time and everything that comes with time while he himself is independent of time are we here okay now since god created everything in time there was a guy called lucifer among the angels lucifer was an angel among the angels that were created by god in time and like we all know god created man before creating the angels and he created the angels to serve man all angels no angel was created to serve god all angels were created to serve man god does not need angelic help god is self-contained he is god all by himself before creating anything he has been not requiring anybody's assistance if he never required anybody's assistance he does not require anybody's assistance he will never require anybody's assistance because he is god all by himself and has never subjected himself to time he does not need help from anything that originates in time time cannot help timeless only timeless can help time are you following yes honey that's why god humbling some of those prophets he said to them if i need a house i will not come to you if i need a house which house do you have if i'm hungry the food i eat you don't have it i won't come i'm god i'm not a man i'm the self-existing one i'm the only one that nobody created nobody created and i'm the only one that nobody knows my day of birth if i was ever born nobody can trace my history i am the self-existing one i can tell where all of you came from and how all of you came out but none of you can tell how i keep why i'm the self-existing one are we teaching here okay now follow carefully because we're going somewhere so this guy lucifer was an angel created among all the angelic beings and like we know the activity of angels according to the scriptures hebrews chapter one verse seven and of the angels he said who makes his angel spirits and his ministers a flame of fire he's talking about angels here verse 14. are they not all how many now this all does it include cherubims seraphims all angelic bodies how many of them what is the mission of all of them are they not all what ministering spirits what is their assignment send forth to do what to minister for who for them who shall be heirs of salvation so all angels were created to serve man that will mean that lucifer was created to serve adam in eden he never was in heaven occupying a place of choir master never he never was a choir master we don't have that in the doctrine of scripture he was one of the angels that was assigned to the world to serve man is that clear okay now in the book of isaiah and ezekiel we have some insight into the operation of this light being called lucifer isaiah 14 ezekiel 28 he says how thou art falling down from heaven oh lucifer when he was talking about falling down from heaven he wasn't talking about heaven he was not kidding but he was talking about the atmosphere because angels flow in the atmosphere not in heaven in the atmosphere this atmospheric is called atmospheric heavens this atmosphere we see we call it heaven but this is not heaven paul said i was caught to the third heaven meaning that there are three heavens there is this atmospheric heaven there is the second heaven and there is the third heaven and these heavens are not like lined up where you travel from one to another how they operate you can't understand just leave it are we together here okay so this guy lucifer was in the atmosphere in the in the sky the atmospheric heavens and the bible says he fell down haven't you read where jesus said i beheld satan fall down like he is not lightening he fell down from heaven as like it was a figo what he was saying is just like lightening falls satan fell suddenly from where from the atmosphere teaching good so when you hear people say demons are flying over their house is scriptural illiteracy satan does not operate in the air because you read the bible calls the devil the prince of the power of the air so some of you think satan is flying in the sky and anytime he stays over your house you feel heavy and in the course of flying every time he purchased on your building malaria fever all kinds of attack satan is sitting over the roof so you have to open fire you have to open fire it's illiteracy and the devil knows you're ignorant because if you knew better you wouldn't think like that the word heir there is the word numa newman means spirit the prince of the power of spirit the prince of the power of the pneuma the prince of the power of the spirit then he now tells you his location hey kabataka the prince of the power of the new man the spirit then he now tells his location the spirit that now walketh in the children of disobedience so he doesn't fly in the sky he lives inside people who don't have christ meaning that he carries out his activity through human beings he's not touching on your roof he may be inside the person sleeping by your bed i don't know if i'm communicating at all okay the prince of the power of the air the new man the spirit and then he now explains to us he's of modus operandi he is a spirit of disobedience and his operational system is in the children the children of disobedience disobedience to what disobedience to the gospel so all those that disobey the gospel by not believing the gospel when a man does not believe the message he has disobeyed the gospel when he disobeys the gospel what does he become he becomes an operational center for satan are we here okay follow me this lucifer was a minister to adam he ministered to adam what was his job to what to do what to to other because all spirits are to minister to us of salvation now something happened between lucifer and adam god didn't create satan god created lucifer lucifer doesn't mean satan and satan doesn't mean lucifer whatever god created was perfect whatever god created was good whatever god created was correct so lucifer was correct lucifer was good because was created by god but there was an assignment for which he was created to serve man adam was created by god as a figure of he that is to come adam was a figure of christ he was not christ but he was just a figure the job of adam was to have dominion over to be in charge while the job of lucifer was to run errands for adam hello now let me give a very physical illustration just to help your mind if you're supposed to be the director of this facility and you are giving some boys to help you run the facility and then your boys are supposed to go by your instructions and then all of a sudden the boy is giving to you and attached to you to help you run the facility walks up to you and say excuse me sir take that chair so i said take that chair okay and then he takes the chair what has happened positions have changed okay the errand boy has become the boss and the boss so from that moment if you're watching who is sir among the two the iron boy who is boy among the two the boss so from that day what will the boss be called boy and what will they eram boy be called boss okay there's a switch of rules and there's a change of name lucifer was supposed to receive instructions like every other angel from adam but for the first time lucifer gave adam instructions did god say you should not according to moses's vision did god say you should not eat of this tree and he didn't know where to answer him okay he said god is wise he knows that the day you eat of it you shall be like him but what was the instruction thou shalt not eat of it so she took it in obedience to the instruction of lucifer she and adam had there was a swap of rules satan automatically became the commander adam and eve became the ministers that swap of role turned lucifer to satan and it was at that swap of role that man died so two things have happened man has died lucifer has become satan all as a result of a transaction between man and lucifer are you in the house now watch this you know that god didn't create satan god didn't so the creation of satan was purely by an interaction between lucifer and man now watch that's why after jesus defeated the devil he still put the devil under man because that's where he should be so the bible now says what happened to adam was that adam transgressed adam was in the transgression what is transgression adam did not heed to what was told him and because he didn't hit to what was told him he decided to act absolute authority outside of god's sovereignty it's like somebody says well i control my life i own my life i can do what i want to do with my life no you're making a mistake you can do what you want to do with your life you don't control your life you only have that life to function that life within the will of god the moment you function out of the will of god you have committed sin sin is acting contrary to the plan of god seeing is doing what you think to do what you feel like doing when you feel like doing it irrespective of what god has said the moment you do what you feel like doing irrespective of what god has said you have sinned and when you do that you are responsible for the action but you are not in charge of the outcome oh yes adam had he died he was responsible for the action but he couldn't control the outcome because i'm sure when adam saw that now he has been stripped he must have thought of how to get it back but he can't get it back he is only responsible for the action but he cannot control the outcome that's why the child that was told not to put the hand in the fire the parents said if you put your hand in the fire it would burn you the child did not listen the child went and put the hand in the fire the fire burns the child the child cannot control the pain and cannot control the extent of the bone but the child can decide to put the finger but whatever comes out of that burn the child has no control over medical science will struggle to fix that finger back depending on the degree of the bone medical sense may not even succeed in making that finger look like before there will be a dent there will be a scar there will be a malfunction or a design in that finger that makes everybody know that something is wrong with that finger and that child will have to live for life with that car in that time the child made a decision but could not control the outcome of that decision don't drink alcohol you say it's my body after all alcohol makes me tipsy it makes me tipsy then you start drinking you're drinking the alcohol you decided to drink it but what it does to your liver you have no control over don't commit fornication you say after all i'm saved by grace i will just commit fornication after all what is it the blood of jesus washes forever that is true but as you're committing fornication and hiv enters your body yes you control the fornication decision but you can't control the gonorrhea and the syphilis and the hiv that comes out of it so you decide but make sure your decision is in the will of god otherwise outside the will of god you're on your own any choice man makes outside of god's will is a sin so that broadens the definition for sin it broadens it because when we talk sin many of you what you think of his fornication adultery that's what's common stealing lying if you decide to leave a quiet bomb to lagos outside the will of god all your life in lagos you are in sin because you're out of his will you're out of his plan you made a decision irrespective of the sovereignty of if you just say well i just got a better job when i was in acquire my salary was two thousand this one is five thousand without seeking to know what the plan and the mind of god is concerning you you moved and on arrival your wife died your two children died you were sacked now what happened you made the decision but you cannot control the outcome so that's why again you must understand the plan of god and that's what we're going to stay on the whole of this week because when you understand the plan of god you will live in eden out of the plan of god is out of eden now don't don't get me wrong eden in metaphorical things because it's actually not hidden is heaven you enjoy the heaven's life if you reject the gospel if you refuse the gospel you have subscribed to death eternal separation from god which begins with his exhibit here on it are you blessed everyone is quiet hallelujah we know that lucifer was created in eden the bible tells us that in isaiah you know he was created in eden from the day you know isaiah tells us ezekiel tells us god made adam the god of this world but satan gave adam instructions adam complied that is what we call sin romans 6 16 put it up for me for clarity know ye not that to whom you yield yourself servants to obey his servants you are to whom you will be whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness when adam yielded himself to satan who was lucifer when he healed himself a servant he became a servant of lucifer unto sin and out of sin came death if you yield yourself a servant of anything outside of god that becomes your master anything you yield to if you yield to anything that thing becomes your master if you're yield to smoking it will become your master if you yield to cheating it will become your master and if you're you to god he becomes your master thank you lord adam was made the god of this world that's what god made him adam was made a sovereign only on the earth and he gave his sovereignty to satan adam took that control absolute dominion over the earth and handed over to satan in that exchange it was not only an exchange of rules there was also an exchange of position and an exchange of authority and an exchange of influence in that exchange he lost everything every that's why in the book of matthew look at it just for clarity in the book of matthew chapter number 4 verse 8 and the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them now look at me for a minute everybody satan didn't walk to jesus physically that's not what happened satan didn't go and say jesus are you jesus follow me no that's not what happened so many of you that's what you think happened it was in jesus mind satan spoke to his mind like he speaks to your mind he says are you sure you will leave another one here look at the way things are happening you will soon die satan is talking the same way he spoke to jesus now when the bible says he took him up and showed him put up that scripture when he said show them all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them we shall soon understand what the kingdoms are i will explain and he said unto him all these things will i give thee if thou will fall down and worship me then save jesus unto him get the hand satan for it is written thou shall worship the lord that god and him only shall thou serve then the devil delivered him and behold angels came and ministered unto him luke chapter 4 verse 6 and the devil said unto him all this power will i give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me question who delivered it to satan adam that dominion god gave adam in the transgression adam gave it to satan and from that day instead of adam being the god of this world satan became the god of this just as a swap of office that's why first corinthians 4 4 he says in whom the god of this world who is the god of this world satan who was satan lucifer so in the plan of god what did god have in mind lucifer or satan lucifer lucifer is the plan of god satan is the plan of man so he became the god of this world now when he said he showed jesus the kingdoms of this world look up the kingdoms of this world he didn't show jesus 30-story building he didn't show jesus the tallest building in dubai those are not the kingdoms of this world no those are not the kingdoms of this world the kingdoms of this world are the hearts of men he showed jesus people's hearts and said can't you see i live inside all of them i reside in their hearts i am the one in control of the human race can't you see i own humanity because adam handed over humanity to me then he said jesus if you kneel down now and worship me i will give you their hearts jesus look at you i know how to get it without kneeling down to worship you i will not do what my father has not allowed my father has not allowed me to kneel down and worship you to get the hearts of men my father has a better way of getting me to get the hearts of men what jesus is simply saying is to get the heart of men i am ready to die to pay the price to take man back i will not go through the shortcut i will go through the wrong route i don't know if i'm talking to somebody here so when jesus died that death paid the price for the heart of a man to be stripped of satan's authority i don't know if i'm talking to somebody that is when the message of his death his barrier his resurrection is preached a man's heart is delivered i don't know if i'm talking somebody see the message of hell fire cannot deliver a man there is no power in the message of hell the message that carries power is the gospel what is the gospel the death the burial and the resurrection the moment a man he has that faith faith is injected into him and because faith has entered him even if he's an atheist he starts believing see the power to believe is not in a man the power to believe this in the message so until a man hears the message he is not saved even if he came out for altar called 30 times it is not altar call that saves a man if you like sleep on the altar for one year you are not saved until you hear the message what message jesus died for what sin he was buried for what seen on the third day he rose for what sin so right now your sin is paid for if only you believe when a man hears that an injection of regeneration has been releasing to him am i communicating when he believes that in his heart and confesses that with his mouth he is saved until that happens he is not saved if i stand there and i begin to talk about hell fire is very hard when you enter hell even worms they will be moving on your body fire will burn you but you cannot die it's very hard if i finish all that and i say come out and be born again and you came out crying you are not born again you only came out of fear and fear does not reproduce sons you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but the spirit of adoption we are bad you cry so with the heart man believe it you must hear something that carries with it faith it's not how many people gathered on the altar on the altar called the question is what did they hear that brought them to the altar that's why he says how can they believe on whom they have not had so salvation is in the womb salvation is in a whom and for a man to be saved he must hear of that whom is in a person salvation is not in a church that's why you don't say this is my mother's church i cannot leave my mother's church no church died for you [Music] if in that church the whom of salvation is not revealed get out is not a church it's a social gathering what defines a guardian from another quadrant is the subject matter after all this is not only the place where people gather people gather in stadiums for rally people gather in stadium for political campaigns people so that a people got that doesn't mean salvation is there the difference from one gathering with another garden is the subject matter what are we discussing what are we discussing if we're discussing business entrepreneurship that's not a church that's a business school [Music] only jesus can say [Music] you only know everything a double double [Music] [Applause] how can they believe on whom they have not heard and how can they be saved except they hear about the whom that they didn't hear about from a preacher that is sent romans chapter 10 verse 12 for there is no difference between the jew and the greek for the same lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him next verse for whosoever doesn't matter where you came from it doesn't matter your past record whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord what shall happen shall be saved shall call on what the name of the lord not shall cry for his sin not whosoever shall lament and wear suck lot and actions whosoever shall call on the name of the lord shall be saved next verse how then shall they call on him not on it in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not had and how shall they hear without a preacher how because for a man to be saved he must hear about him so there are many altar calls that produce false conversion false conversion because it's clear for a man to be saved he must hear of him not it not 666 have you heard of 666 666 so you have not heard of 666. the american cheap they're already producing it people are just full of stories so at one point is a man saved when he hears when he hears of him why because when he hears of him he believes why because the message brings faith that's why that's in romans chapter 10 as he kept that conversation in verse 17 he now says faith comments by hearing then he now explains which kind of hearing hearing the message of christ the message of christ king james says word of god the original text the original greek says the message of christ so without hearing the message of christ faith doesn't come and if there is no faith there is no believing in the heart and if there is no believing in the heart there is no salvation because salvation only comes when you hear him and when you hear him his message produces faith for by grace are you saved how through faith how does faith come hearing the message of who christ standless clothes that's where the power is i'm not ashamed for the gospel the gospel doesn't have power the gospel doesn't have power you didn't hear me citizens the gospel doesn't have power why it is so when you hear the message of his death burial and resurrection what are you hearing power to save the gospel is the power of god unto salvation so power to save is in the gospel what is the gospel the message of his death his burial his resurrection for if christ be not risen your faith is in vain you are yet in your sins if you have not heard about his resurrection if you don't know about his resurrection and he said you're a christian you're a liar you're stealing your sin what exits you from sin is the message little one that paul will come to church and say all foolish galatians who has be with you so that is there is a witch on your pulpit so there are churches where the people on their pulpit are witches and what do witches do they bewitch he said who has been with you that's to say you're under expense somebody's using remote control over you glory to god lift your right hand and say with me very loud i am saved because i heard the gospel of my salvation the message of his death his burial his resurrection i believe in my heart i confess with my mouth therefore i know i know i am saved i didn't hear your human say very long my sins past present future are eternally forgiving certainly i am eternally saved sanctified perfected accepted forever i didn't hear your amen [Applause] now say with me there is no more judgment for me jesus took my judgment two thousand years ago he was judged on my behalf i am free i am delivered from the road to come therefore when i think of my future i rejoice because there is no more judgment i touch somebody with a rejoicing voice who shout him normal judgment all my judgment has been placed on christ and you know what god says now when he looks at you i'm not angry [Applause] i'm not angry so if somebody say god will get you tell him no he got me he got me long ago god is not going to get me he got me already i'm his he is mine if somebody said well god is after you tell him no he's not after me i didn't escape i mean him he's in me if somebody tells you well god is angry with you tell him no the last time i checked all his anger was exhausted on the cross and after the cross he's no more angry somebody say he's no more angry am i talking to somebody [Applause] god said i swear god himself god he said i swear i will never be angry with you never god almighty are you hearing me god almighty said what he said i swear i will never be hungry in isaiah chapter 54 he said i will no more be angry with you why because isaiah 54 came after isaiah 53 in isaiah 15 he said surely he bought our griefs and carried our sorrows the chastisement of our peace was upon him by his tribes we are here all we like sheep have gone astray everyone has gone to his own way it has pleased god to put on him the iniquity of us all he has bruised his soul for our sake then in isaiah 54 god now say as this is as the waters of noah just like i saw that i will no more destroy the world with water also by the death of christ on the cross i swear i will never be angry with you i don't know if i'm preaching here with your hands god is not angry god is happy with me i didn't hear your human now turn to your neighbor tell your neighbour stop performing just accept because some of us are trying to perform some of us are trying to perform tell your neighbour stop performing just be yourself you know there are some people when it's time to pray they are trying to impress god father verily verily i come before you it is written humble yourself under the mighty heart god will just laugh and say what are you you act actor what are you acting here stop acting be yourself if you want to pray you cannot find the scripture just say it the way you feel it he understands he lives in you he is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask so even when you are thinking god is hearing so make sure you think good things cast down imagination don't think you will die young who am i talking to in this house lift your toes everything that you have desired as your aiming will come like thunder receive supply receive answers receive answers receive answers receive answers look at me nothing is stopping your answers from coming all those reasons they gave you 30 steps to prayer answer 40 steps to answer prayer carry them and put in the dustbin because god loves you that he gave you jesus there is nothing he cannot give you he does appeared not his son but gave him up for us all how shall he not also with him freely the guarantee for answered prayer is christ in you so open your hands are you ready as your emma will come like thunder every prayer you are prayed receive answers where there was a delay i clear the delay receive answers receive answers receive answers in the name of jesus in the name of jesus and i decree this week is going to be a week of multiple testimonies you will have this testimonies from the left right back front even your enemies will perform for your testimonies as your aiming is coming like thunder they don't like your face but they will misbehave and it will be your testimony they will malfunction and it will be your testimony you're blessed in the city you're blessed in the field the work of your hands are blessed your business is blessed your ideas are blessed your going out is blessed your body is blessed your career is blessed in the name of jesus you will only go up and never come down grace is upon your life receive manifestation in jesus precious name can your aim enslave the devil we trust that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominar please call plus two three four eight zero six eight zero zero nine nine three nine or email power city office at [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i'm here babatu is here my name is michael bush my producer complete with his technical team all of them are here continental about global is here dr ebel gamina the intercontinental mr bush is so good to see you today about welcome to this edition of the program thank you mr bush i saw so many questions i can imagine okay but let's get down to the nitty-gritty of today's action we begin here from this one comes in it's a quick one i'm the one that called the other evening to ask if i was correcting this explanation i gave to somebody that genesis 1 2 is the heart of man without god and the light in verse 3 is god's plan for suteria of man so terrorize salvation yes salvation of man as the proaction of god to man's state even as apostle paul confirms that in ii corinthians 4 6 then genesis 1 9 which is the third day is actually when god created the earth and the sea and lastly the sun and moon where what were created on the fourth day while verse 26 is christ the image of god thank you absolutely correct absolutely correct absolutely correct emmanuel we celebrate you you're just brilliant okay so back with you back with you let's see we come back to you my name is blessing paul hello dr ebel damina please how can a man be poor in spirit according to matthew 5 3 also explain malachi 10 8 to 11 thank you well point spirit is simply humility you know humble and seeking to receive it it's a it's it's a parable language that's what it is so still from uyo uh mr peter well done pastor for your expository teachings could you please explain ecclesiastes 7 15 to seventeen doesn't mean that we should be a little to the left and a little today right no no no that was solomon now you know solomon that's why in the new testament you hardly find anybody quoting him because solomon you know said a number of things that were called ppc things that you can only find in an idealistic situation and a lot of things solomon said we are things in the natural they have no revelation knowledge so when you read those books you read them with caution you you just look for christ in them and stay with wherever christ is revealed fantastic still from you men so hello baban the great presenter mr michael bush i've been really blessed by our great teachings and i really wish it could be extended to 365 days of glory so we could continuously dwell in god's glory by your teachings baba you said that devil was involved in the death of the first born in egypt which was in order to free the israelites from captivity as it was all god's plan now baba does that mean that god works in partnership with satan to fulfill his plans thank you you know god delivers without killing if you remember in the prison peter was in prison he was to be killed and the angel of the lord went in there brought peter out without killing anybody paul and sellers were in prison god delivered them without killing god can deliver without killing he doesn't have to kill people to deliver people like god doesn't have to pull somebody down to raise you up god is not like that that's why he's god so in the killings of the of the firstborns of egypt satan just took advantage of an opportunity and deleted the first bounds of egypt it wasn't god the bible says they were killed by the destroyer in the book of hebrews chapter 11. so it wasn't god it was a destroyer who took advantage and killed god's role in all of that was to deliver his people and he delivers without killing i have no other entries coming from uyo akwa boom where by the way this program is broadcasting live from body damn team says hello man of god and mr bush i've never called or texted any radio station that's some good thing for you and says for anything but now i've decided to defend the gospel you said the fire that came down from heaven by the request of that great prophet was not from god please sir can you explain second kings 1 2 or 1 12 to the world and also first kings 18 24 and 38 well again you do not explain parables by parables you do not use figures of speech to interpret figures of speech so calm down calm down in bible teaching you calm down first don't be in a hurry because if you're going to defend the gospel of christ you must be taught to the gospel first so what you you do is the old testament is mystery the new testament is revelation the old testament is jesus conceived the new testament is jesus revealed the old testament is types and shadows figurative expressions in many places which requires interpretation so to help you a little bit brother paul says in romans chapter 16 verse 25 now to him that is a power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of jesus christ how according to the revelation of the mystery old testament mystery new testament revelation the apocalypses of the musterion so the new testament reveals the old testament in the old testament we see elijah praying such prayers if i be a man of god let fire come down you know elijah prayed such prayers and fire came down now in luke chapter 9 jesus who is the reason behind the scriptures shows up physically to defend the character of god and to defend the nature of god because jesus is god who became a man to save man so in luke chapter 9 verse 51 look at jesus now and he came to pass when the time was come that he should be received up he steadfastly set his face to go to jerusalem next verse and sent messengers before his face and they went and entered into a village of the samaritans to make ready for him next verse and they did not receive him because his face was as though he would go to jerusalem next verse and when his disciples james and john saw this they said lord will doubt that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them even as a liars did they are quoting elijah for jesus look at jesus's response next verse but he turned and rebuked them and said you know not what manner of spirit you are of meaning that spirit that brought fire down for elijah was not the spirit of jesus that's why he rebuked them because jesus is the same yesterday today and forever if you rebuke his disciples for copying elijah if he was physically there when elijah was attempting to bring fire down he would have rebuked it rebuke means he he spoke to them like demons then he added in the next verse for the son of man is not calm to destroy men's lives but to save them and they went to another village so again you don't interpret variables or figures of speech by figures of speech you use the new testament to interpret the actions of the old testament i hope that will help you for starters let me recommend for you before you defend the gospel of christ you need to get my teachings on the old and the new covenant in christ it's about 35 hours when you have gone through that very well you can now begin to see how you can start defending the gospel of christ yes okay so we'll make progress yes still from you james thank you dr damina please sir while clarifying issues the other day you said covering of the hair is not spiritual can you please explain why the same scripture says this all to be done because of the presence of angels more great sir again some of you when you read the bible you don't pay attention to english it's like english is is not effective in your understanding if you read the pretext and the post text which we keep explaining don't just take a verse of scripture line who can thinker and run no verse of scripture has a life of his own except within context so you read the pretext and the post text to understand the context the bible is a piece of literature so the rule of context is critical and key in bible teaching and study now when he talked about head because of the angels it's not talking about his head on top of your neck he explained in the pretext that the head of christ is god the head of every man is christ and the head of every woman is the man so head god head man head christ then he now said every man that covers his head which is god is not right because we should allow god to be seen then he now said every woman every woman that uncovers her head which is her husband is not right he's teaching submission that a wife should be subject to her husband because angels understand hierarchy and angels understand order that's what brother paul was outlining in corinthians or darliness because things must be done decently and in order i wasn't talking about my head don't be thinking like a natural man he was teaching spiritual realities using physical illustration which is like a figure of speech more questions still from you as hello dr damina and mr bush i was wrongfully removed from my office i want god to restore me to that office and also recover all my losses please pray for me baba father in the name of jesus we ask for your favor and we ask for an intervention for your soul in the name of jesus receive amen amen thank you for your labor on me my name is kufre basipu from brook street uh district in uyu in one of your teachings baba you said that if man did not sin christ would not will still have died but today i don't know what that is today but you made it clear that it's mansion and death that brought about redemption please baba how do i reconcile this the reconciliation is easy when you realize that god sees the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end that should fix that for you god does not operate in time he operated ahead of time saw everything and made out his plan that should help you in thinking but however keep following the series because we have not finished okay baba many thanks for your labor in word and doctrine in light of what you taught today about cherubims directing man to the tree of life in genesis 3 22-24 how do we reconcile that that with andrew womack's explanation which states that god drove mine out of the garden and placed the cherubims to prevent man from partaking of the tree of life in that fallen state which will mean that man will have eternal life but left with sickness forever i explained that that was god's love for man displayed pastor of the men you know you i've not read under warmack on that and i do not quote under warmack i quote the bible and i teach the bible so i stay with the text of the bible the way i taught you go look at it very clearly you will see that's exactly what it is in the scripture okay still from you princess says baba and dr bush thank you for the great work you both do i'm really really really receiving impact my questions is spiritual husband or wife real that is not real there's nothing like spiritual husband there's nothing like spiritual wife jesus told the story and corrected that impression and i'm sure he was speaking to some africans you know on a light handle now they said to jesus a certain man married the first wife he died the wife buried him married the brother he died the wife buried to the seventh brother and then they now asked jesus on the resurrection day whose wife will she be among the self and jesus said there's nothing like that on the resurrection day because on the resurrection the people shall be like the angels meaning that there is nothing like spiritual wife or spiritual husband it does not exist it's just a fallacy princess yo continues baba if angels are spirits why did they desire and marry women on earth and begot giants as recorded in genesis please also explain matthew 22 30. thank you sir well again i have taught that extensively angels never married human beings when you read that scripture in genesis chapter 6 where it says giants got married to the daughters of man he wasn't talking of angels he was talking about human beings god read that scripture very well read from genesis chapter 6 from verse 1 to verse 8 you see what's talking about human beings and those giants were like people like goliath angels and human beings have nothing in common they cannot be married okay mary still says from acquired bomb state mary i'm coming to you shortly right now uh first caller hello hello thank you for joining us where are you calling from go ahead please this is this is the name phone calling from you go ahead and inform someone asked me about what it means to to take a word out of the prophecy or to earn from the prophecy in the book of revelation 22 8 19. to take a word out of scripture to add a word to scripture simply means to misinterpret the bible misinterpret okay let's make progress mary as we leave acquiring state now says baba abel damina and mr michael bush i thank god for giving you this great mandate that one specifically for baba of course great mandate of re-teaching the believer the word to the body of christ god bless and protects you baba please pray for me i'm a sunday school teacher and i've done this for many years with joy the devil is attacking my vision okay i think we've read this before my vision is cloudy i've gone to many eye hospitals i cannot read the bible and lessons even with the prescribed trem glasses please help me with your prayers this is a different person the other one was the man in the name of jesus we rebuke whatever is responsible for blood vision we command your sight to be quick restored we receive a miracle of sight for you right now receive it in jesus name amen to babas into local government area but just hello hello thank you for joining us you name where you're calling from my name is south but i am also from lagos thank you very much and the bush of the bushes thank you very much all over the world now so don't be messed up so that is how you said that you are on learning and relating which i got from you that i'm also on learning and learning i kept on thinking about this thing all the time like when you say let's lift our offering for god let's lift it up i thought of it i never know how we supposed to lift that offering from god yeah based on things that you've taught us already yeah i don't want to go too much too much fun yeah we lift up our friends because new testament immortality and it seems easy enough so i don't know how we lift up him for god well if you read the new testament clearly worship in the new testament is lifting up holy hands so our worship of god is lifting up holy hands without doubt and without love our offering is worshipped to god so when we say lift up your offerings what was saying is in your worship of god you lift up holy hands in reverence which is new testament so that's why we lift up our offerings as our worship to god in our giving it's new testament i'm going outside um aqua please pray for me concerning baptism of the holy ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues also can once refusal to partake in the holy communion in church in that his righteousness thank you sir the holy communion does not make you righteous and does not stop you from being righteous you're righteous by faith in christ baptism with the holy spirit means speaking in tongues it's very easy but as i said we have to go outside of uh a quiet bomb now and we go by road to kogi and grace jewel writing from cookie says greetings baba please pray for me that god should restore all my children that satan are taking away back to me and that that joy and peace should be restored to my family we don't know how he took them away is it death or i'm not sure i'm not sure we ask that you receive a miracle of restoration receive it in the name of jesus amen and we declare that you receive right now and your joy is full amen in jesus name amen from kogi to benue michael prince writing says hello my dear baba and beloved brother bush i was turned out of the great tempest of religion when i heard you are teaching where you said that i'm never at any fiscal apple on a radio broadcast that was my turning point in the year of our lord 2016. until now questions had for knowing god had been answered by most of the teachings but please sir i have a question what did paul mean in first corinthians 6 9 does it mean that those who participate in this act will do kingdom ministry on earth or that they won't enter into the immaterial heaven let the scholar hello hello thank you for joining us just pick up a little yes yeah please i want to thank you for what you have done all over the world in fact i was praying i was praying for god for the revelation of god for god using to open please please i was making it quickly going to pray for me for god to be corrected oh father in the name of jesus we rebuke every blindness every form of blindness in the name of jesus amen that makes it difficult for you to see we command your sight restored restore receive a miracle in jesus name amen amen from uh benue state first corinthians oh first corinthians what was that again chapter six verse nine nine no he knows that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate no abusers of themselves with mankind vast 10 no thieves no convictions not drunkards no revilers not exercise shall inherit the kingdom of god next verse and such we are some of you but you are washed you are sanctified you are justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of god so again that scripture is not for believers that scripture is for people that are without christ whenever you read a verse always go down pray text post text will always fix the issues for you baba from benue let's dash to sokoto priscilla writing hello baba i need your counsel what does it mean when a woman sees her period in the dream and wakes up to see that appeared actually started flowing she gets messed up by personality in the dream during her ovulation any negative implications it's like a young boy who played a lot of football in the afternoon a lot of football in the afternoon then he sleeps and at night he jumps up give me the ball give me the ball give me the ball and this one that runs after him okay come on lie down come and lie down and the boy calms down after a few minutes and then he goes back to lie down on the bed what's happening to that boy what's happening to him is simply that a lot of football entered his head and played back in his subconscious so if you dreamt and you saw yourself having a period you must have been too preoccupied in your subconscious with the thoughts for your period and for your period to come back you must have been so worried that it played out in your subconscious and when it started flowing it was part of those you know subconscious events that walked along with it so that's what happened there's no big deal about that okay so from sokoto let's go to abuja nigeria that's the capital of the nation the political capital because we still have the commercial capital being lagos that will be going to any moment now kefas in abuja thank you for revealing jesus baba but please what are you doing about publishing a version of the bible that will correct some of the translation errors therein beautiful question i do not need to publish a version of the bible to correct errors all i need to do is teach you how to do it because bible translation takes a lot a lot and a lot but there are translations you can also lay hold on that will help you like the greek lexicon the hebrew lexicon and there are other new translations that are on the pipeline that are doing a lot of justice you know to bible interpretation translations like the mirror translation is still very young you know and then there are others like that that are on the pipeline so keep looking keep studying keep following eventually all that will be dissolved this caller hello hello yes thank you for joining us your name where you calling from your point go ahead my name is london london okay go ahead ma'am i just want to thank daddy for everything that he has done i just want to point out that i am not confused compared to before when i when i was i was a christian but i was more confused because i was a christian but listening to that i'm more focused i'm mentally stable i understand what the bible is talking about it's revealing itself slowly and and i'm i'm able to preach it properly so i'm less deceived by pastors so i just want to thank daddy for everything i have done but i just want you to pray for me that the eyes of my understanding continues to be open because the problem now is that i am getting more distracted it's easy for me to when i'm watching this program too my mind just uses focus rather than focus on what he's saying so i just wanted to pray that my eyes continue to come continues to open as he speaks amen father we pray for your daughter that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened will rebuke confusion you're not the author of confusion therefore confusion we command you out of our life we command clarity of god's word we decree that you are stable in understanding and we declare that the grace of christ are bound towards you the peace of god is upon your heart and mind in jesus name amen okay so from abuja we're trying to negotiate um to lagos by road okay so pass through some southwestern states so shobo ocean state is number one and our friend samajala is there waiting he says why does the bible say jesus is coming soon and soon then till thousands of years never comes because a day is a thousand years and a thousand years it's like it is with the lord soon absolutely people pray that he should come quickly because of this corrupt world will god answer such prayers no he won't he will not answer because he won't come just because he prayed he will come because his work is already done so let's keep preaching let's keep walking let's keep advancing the curse of christ evil is not new to it it has always been there so yeah we go to lagos even as we plan to fly outside the country they're from mr mrs adebayo he's in league in lagos nigerian says please pray for us my wife and i are believing god for the fruit of the womb baba we receive we receive for the brother who is asking for fruit of the womb we receive that miracle and we call it dawn in the name of jesus every part of your body that are responsible for reproduction we command it quickened and we receive that miracle god will rejoice that by faith right now we receive the miracle of fruitfulness for their marriage amen and we thank you for it is done in jesus name amen okay so from um lagos we are flying outside the country i like us to go to zambia and uh our friend kennedy duo law writes hello mr bush and baba there are some preachers who tell the members to tap the pastor's anointing but is there such a thing baba it's not palm wine you don't tap you have your own annoying crisis in you so don't bother about all those are just juggles they are not scriptural every believer has the anointing in him the anointing is the spirit of god living here our last caller is on the line um today and i'm privileged i'm honored to have him hello hello thank you for joining us just pick up a little you know where you're calling from i'm a young song when i'm calling from you right here okay i want to appreciate papa for all the speaking i really appreciate all that you're strong i really don't have any questions give me god bless you amen amen thank you okay he just called to do appreciation okay let me see what i can do a quick one inside uh africa there's so so many of them mcdonald's arrives from harare zimbabwe and says hello baba an intercontinental mr bush i started following ba ba in 2016 when someone shared with me his sermons when you preached that paul at jefferson's 5th to 5th conference oh your teaching blew my mind and i was hungry for more till i ordered your books and your semens then i sat down with my notebook to learn from you my partner that's father yes it's not a secret that i learned from you every day oh daddy i'm grateful to have you in my life he builds doctrine of christ in me that no one can touch me to and fro by any wind of doctrine we met last uh in south africa the icma conference two years ago what great time we had i speak an end to this pandemic so that we can meet again this week there are seven sixty days of glory something else baba we're learning thank you baba for your labor in word and doctrine this generation is blessed to have you in our time surely we're covering this blue marble planet with the fragrance of his grace we see jesus charlatans and forces are packing out in our time this gospel is penetrating everywhere baba they're raising an army which is preaching this simplicity gospel of christ in every country here in zimbabwe we are pushing the same gospel reconciling men to christ we've been called names heretics calvinists because we are preaching eternal salvation but we are grateful we keep pushing this gospel the good thing people's eyes are opening and they are beginning to see christ my prayer for you baba is to be delivered from a reasonable man for not all men our faith continue baba to keep yourself in the love of god you are far from operation and your family we love you baba me and my family we continue to unlearn relent so that we can learn okay so that came from mcdonald's in harare zimbabwe thank you okay so from him we're going to let's fly outside to france oh my i have so so many okay let's go to new york first and this one baba all i can say is thank you for this wealth of revelation god is dishing out through you my prayers are with you more grace my question is from proverbs 13 22 be is the words of the sinner in that context a figure of speech can you please explain that verse for me god win rise from negro falls in new york proverbs 1322 a good man liver and inheritance was children's children and the world of the sinner is laid up for their jaws the word sinner there is no figure of speech like i said solomon used a lot of naturality so a cena in solomon's context in that scripture is somebody who gets well to dubiously dubiously by crooked means that's what he meant okay so somebody matthew is in new york he writes peace and blessings to you dear intercontinental s uncle michael bush and our global apostle dr ebel damina question based on luke 4 18 you affirmed that deliverance is preached that born-again christians don't need any deliverance sir i totally agree with you but i'd like for you to clarify the use of the word deliver for supposedly born again christians in psalm 33 19 and 2nd thessalonians 3 2. now you can't combine the two psalms concept of deliverance was salvation that's what they were talking about but i can quickly explain second thessalonians chapter 2 chapter 3 verse 2 and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked man that's not delivered from demons that's not delivered from sin that's not delivered from satan is delivered from the wickedness of men all right so the only deliverance that a believer in jesus would require is from wicked men we can't plan plot of wicked men against you and that's why in deliverance we've been delivered we are delivered we are being delivered just like we are saved we are being saved and we will be saved all right so it is spirit soul and body so in christ we are delivered we have received salvation we are being delivered from the plans of wicked and reasonable men and we will be delivered when mortality puts on immortality so a spiritual body that's what it is from the americans barbara let's fly straight to europe and we land in england newcastle specifically and says hello dr ebell damina my name is favor i'm writing from newcastle in england i wanted to thank you for all your teaching and enlightenment on the bible my family and i really appreciate your hard work as you preach both in the mornings and in the evening something that most persons who struggle with but you make it look easy however i have heart equation i've always had a question how can god jesus and the holy spirit be free and won does that mean they are the same person in that case does that mean that we've seen how god looks like through jesus or are there three different creatures so does that mean we are saving more than one god i always struggle to imagine it in my mind so could you please describe it physically or is it all just figurative speech best regards from fable in england okay favor let me give you a parable a very simple parable that helps you to understand the sunlight you have the ball of the sun and out of the ball of the sun you have the ray of light and from the ray of life light you have heat but all is from the sun that's the only simplest way i can explain the trinity to you god the father god the son god the holy spirit is one but functions in three different ways so the trinity is a concept of redemption god the father loves man so much and he has to die for man but he cannot die as god so he becomes a man out of god to die to save man and after saving man he cannot live in everybody at the same time so he sends the holy spirit who lives in all of us at the same time he's still the same person for four different functions okay we need to go we're dashing from england into france paris glory idris right hello mr bush and um baba lisa i need your advice on what to do i've been in ministry as a worker for five years now but i'm not seeing what i i was expecting should i leave or stay i wish i could answer that yes and give more background because we don't even know what is expected right that's the first thing i wanted to say what are you expecting because we need to know what you're expecting when you came into ministry if you even have the right expectation to stop it so send us a more detailed me absolutely i'll be able to counsel you but you see it's more small i'm making progress you know they are calling you a person that's what you want uh every studio and sound engineers everyone joins me michael bush to thank you even as papa steps forward for the benediction intercontinental michael bush we appreciate you man and i appreciate all you do every day to make it easy for us to reach the world with the love of christ guys we love you enjoy the rest of your day and enjoy christ jesus goodbye nigeria amen [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 1,662
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Id: To4-OmWcu1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 7sec (6547 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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