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the bible is filled with stories and testimonies that showcase god's hand in man when we need encouragement in long-suffering we look to job or joseph when we need to learn about rising and obedience and about supernatural favor we look to esther and ultimately to grow in our character we look to jesus but there's another category of characters that teach us a thing or two about god us our lives are living bibles to those who are around and about us in this film we're going to explore the life of someone whom by grace can teach us a thing or two about diligence surrender and love i didn't watch cartoons those things children watch i didn't grow up liking them strangely i would be drawn to bebop black american jazz music and then also listen with my dad to high life music so my dad and i would sit down morning tonight apart from playing soccer and maybe some other thing i'll sit with my dad listening to jim rex lawson young henshaw from morning till night just listening to music there was a man who was very close to our family a police sergeant you know didn't go to school but could read the bible interestingly he couldn't read any other thing but could read the bible supernatural the first man i saw raised the dead in front of me i mean my cousin had she was living with a family friend they hit her and she just collapsed and passed out they rushed her to the house she was gone and were crying my dad was crying my goodness has anybody gone to go el diaz his name is wonderful one of her cousins out of anger battered her and and and beat her beat the hell out of her and she just fell and died she know that she'll not die she know if he died she know if he died sadness in my family bible don't say we no go die we'll go live to fulfill what god call us for waiting be her name enough yes [Music] jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus may we give him the glory if you delete this bible give something [Music] okay so you saw this and i actually brought it from before you from there we got the trumpet for the church from the first day i i was blowing it no no no no no no this way this way this way so hold it yes you say that you're picking yes [Music] you know this guy where they travel they go legos they go canon this speaking will go far in life amen and they tell you as god chosen you know i think god cannot just remember as god showed me exactly not him god showed me come make her pray for you my king come make her pray for you you will go far in life you will bring blessing to this your family this bassy family are they talking for your performance and i say small boy no encounter with god i knew there was something special about eldahe when he's speaking i'll go stay very close to him so that his saliva will touch me of course prophecy does not come to pass automatically just like paul writes to timothy in first timothy 1 verse 18 he says to him i give you this command in keeping with the prophecies that have already been spoken about you that in recalling them you may fight the battle well essentially content that it comes to pass let's see how it plays out in this particular life so he gave those prophetic words and i began to play the trumpet i i grew up from the apostle church then moved to tram then i was you know ordained in 1998 as a minister then i was led to go to the redeemed christian church of god city of david now while all of this was going on i began to be involved in mainstream music i'm doing gigs with the guys i'm in circular bands you know so you practice for hours so i just wanted to be a good musician traveling the world with bands go to beckley school guys guess what we got accepted into barclay university [Music] i was ready to go to america and then my pastor pastor escort would call me to his office i mean all of this time i never really had an encounter with god he said do you know that anytime i hear you play this trumpet in your hand tears always come to my eyes and that's because there is a sound of god inside of you now open us up into the heavens when we worship i know you're not an ordinary person so that's why my eyes are on you don't even wait tired then i'll go to the music room i'll tell my guys i say imagine this pastor pastor say there's something about me so that i will die in this church [Music] and then your children are american i'll just make fun of you yeah and he kept saying that he said he said i don't know what is it about this trumpet you are playing and i'm crying i'll just think he's trying to i say personally why me benefit of having mentors and fathers and mothers that have gone ahead and can provide wisdom and guidance simply cannot be underestimated proverbs 22 28 puts it this way don't remove the ancient landmarks that your fathers have set the passion translation will put it as the previous generation have put boundaries in place don't you dare move them to benefit yourself the late stella ambassador was going to come to church ambassador has said to me go prepare this song so we did the song and while i was ministering on stage i knew that this was what i was meant to do i wasn't just i knew by the spirit and then that sent me into a journey season so i went back to my pastor and then i cut away from every group but so i can see it now i can see clearly the things you are saying i can see it i can see like i can see it please pray for me please pray for me i can see it is good that your eyes are open it is good i'll pray for you because i believe in you and i believe in what god is doing in your life natalie has received the grace of god to hear from god i release upon your life greatness that the greatness of god inside of you will come out the word is waiting for your manifestation and your songs and the sound of your trumpet will be head all over the world [Music] guys i'm i'm i'm sorry i don't know how how this is going to sound what's going on i'm not doing this anymore i can't do it i'm not going to backlight with you guys i quit um what do you mean you're not going to because what is he saying what do you mean you are not going to beckley guys try and understand this is not about me i'm not going to barkley again again this is our dream [Music] [Music] [Music] the sound of your trumpet will sound happiness for people then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets and ye shall be remembered before the lord your god and ye shall be saved from your enemies [Music] sometimes in life we make bold and daring decisions in our pursuit of the lord and we think that people will rally around us to celebrate and champion us and those decisions and that may simply not be the case we may be misunderstood maybe even persecuted like matthew 5 says we may lose relationships but we have to remember like matthew 19 verse 29 says not houses not brothers sisters fathers mothers wives or children will we give up for the lord here and not receive a hundred times in addition to eternal life let's see how this decision and its aftermath played out in the life of this character i was going to church a man who had never called me i was driving my kia car wearing a white shirt i don't know how he got my number as i picked up the phone he said don't see the lord the hand of god is upon you from today conduct yourself accordingly goodbye drop the cuff so from then on i knew that god got hands upon me and i had to set myself to seek in him and the rest they say so i shut down everything gave myself to praying and i'll just be weeping i will just weep i'll have encounters so i just stood up all through the night i had a vision you know ministering and as i ministered there was fires everywhere so i just began to whip all through the night we pour through the night so when i had that encounter and i pulled out but it was tough and there was a time where a a journalist wrote an article he said a gift like this is wasting away in a local church and doesn't want to inspire his generation you know and of course many years later and still riches tribulation however doesn't last forever romans 5 tells us tribulation produces perseverance perseverance character and character hope and hope does not disappoint because of god's love poured into our hearts by the holy spirit now let's see how hope has translated in the life of our character let's see how he met the love of his life [Music] i mean pian has profoundly called him in an unusual manner trust me my local church at that time had an event it was our anniversary i remember we had invited a preacher pastor b and i remember she said you know she wanted to travel with her mainstream i mean i was asked to be her protocol assistant you know during her stay with us in my looking out for pastor b i you know i i noticed um a good looking young man i wouldn't i mean yes you know when i saw him you know i said to myself not bad but you know how it is you're like no don't be distracted let's go back to [Music] the reason why we're here during the um conference i think the only thing we assess ourselves was maybe just greetings like hello hi how are you today and that was nothing more than that so after the conference you know i get a call from my pastor saying he needed to have a discussion i went for the meeting and then i remember when i walked into his office that day and he asked me to sit and i sat and he said do you know why you're here i remember i boldly told him yes pastor i do and he's like oh really okay tell me why and i told him so it's because of nathaniel percy and he's like what how did you know did you guys talk i don't know all of that stuff but i was like closer what i didn't tell him was i i had a dream you know um before the meeting you know i mean it was it was it was a wedding ceremony pian and i had you know gotten married in that dream but of course you can't tell your pastor this night you're just crushing on the guy you know already dreaming about marriage but anyway i didn't tell him that part so my my passenger said okay you know what um with the exchange contacts it was my pastor who gave me his number and gave him my number so he said you guys just talk you know let me know how things go so we began talking i mean but you know just seeing someone in the dream you know wasn't enough confirmation for me so i needed you know some more i needed some more confirmation i remember in my church those days would have like quarterly fasting periods when we fast so one of those um one of those period that you know just fasted and just praying just asking god to you know just confirm further if you know he was the one and we had a video during one of those fasting and i remember the pastor who came up to share had said you know he just came up came on stage and you know he was like okay what's on your bibles he's gone with me to the book of daniel chapter 1 and verse 8. daniel chapter one and verse eight and i read and nathaniel proposed in his heart [Music] sorry i'll take it again and nathaniel proposed in his heart that he would not [Music] technical why am i what's going on why am i reading nathaniel i don't know i will take it again i'll take it again and nathaniel proposed in his heart praise the lord i perceive in my spirit that this is a word for someone here praise the lord hallelujah and i mean this is just one of several other confirmations that i had back then and i guess the rest is history [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh let's look at how he was entrusted to past a young adult's church so this is what the plan looks like costs about fifty thousand dollars i'd like to know what you think about it excellent structure thank you mr namdi for your presentation i will deliberate on it and get back to you thank you thank you very much [Music] hey [Music] so i know i know i know i know that his life has just begun but this is one great example of a young adult who's allowed even his youthful days to be a living bible to those around him the bible says not to despise the day of small beginnings of early beginnings for god delights in them how are you living your life let's see how god has opened great doors and trusted him to bring and usher in the presence of heaven in worship both locally and internationally someone's knocking at the door [Music] can you hear him knocking can you hear him knocking [Music] he's been knocking very long [Music] he's been knocking for so long can you hear him knocking do you know the song hallelujah you heard it now we're in church during the healer that's how he came earlier it was not at home when the church said we sunday service how many of you remember we were just worshiping singing and then i began to sing then i came i'm like hallelujah [Music] is [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] hello times [Music] rising from the [Music] your name is [Music] [Music] is
Channel: Nathaniel Bassey Main
Views: 154,638
Rating: 4.9689345 out of 5
Keywords: Nathaniel bassey, worshipper, christian music, believer of christ, hallelujah praise
Id: b3dtKbCz78c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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