Christocentric Meal (April, 25th) | The Shedding Of Blood (1)

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Crystal centric reveal the daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus email demeanor is my name another opportunity to look into the mirror of God's goodness a true reflection will you I have to hosting the broadcast with me this morning my wife dr. Mitchell demeanor good morning everybody hey all right now welcome to the broadcast amen let's pray together father will rejoice on me thank you for your world your world is life Jeremiah said I found your ward I begged them they are the joy and the rejoicing of my heart as we eat your word today with it life as we eat your word today we thank you Lord that your word is light in our hearts and in our minds darkness goes forever in our understanding thank you for the blessing of our viewers today wheels are destroyed completely great Grace's upon everyone watching the broadcast in Jesus name Amen today we're looking at the shedding of blood the shedding of blood while many believers understand that Jesus paid the price for seeing not many can explain how this was done this is even more amusing because of the many uses of the blood of Jesus every time the Epistle speak of the blood it is always in relation to Redemption that which Christ did for man it is however not unusual to see the blood of Jesus today used as a means of protection deliverance and all sorts you know somebody's traveling with Jesus the blood of Jesus from the blood of Jesus blood of Jesus becomes a religious protective talisman it was true now again when the believer does not come to the full appreciation of the blood of Jesus he gets involved in the practices mentioned above 1 cor acts is anything wrong in using the blood or as it is called pleading the blood for protection or deliverance from danger after all it still the same Jesus in a group of ministers sat with me and this was their major problem they were so angry with me that how can I say we shouldn't plead the blood they were so angry and I said to them the blood why are you pleading it I need a high priest and they were angry they underst you cannot stop him no they were never willing to listen they weren't I wouldn't listen as father concerned the blood of Jesus is like liquid in it in a small jar where you're like his prey you know the error in doing such things is that the believer loses the importance of what Christ did when the blood was shed the concept of shedding of blood was established under the Volkhov yeah it was a shadow of what Jesus was going to do honey wheat falls carefully Leviticus chapter 16 from verse 15 to 19 then shall he killed good of the sin offering that is for the people and bring his blood within the veil and do with that blood as he did with the blood of the Bullock and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat and before the messy seat and he shall make an atonement for the holy place because of the countenance of the children of Israel and because of their transgressions you know their sins socially do but it have a knuckle of the congregation there may not among them the midst of their uncleanness there shall be no man in the tabernacle of the congregation when he goeth in to make an atonement in the holy place until he come out and I've made an atonement for himself and for his household and for the congregation of Israel and shall go out on to the altar that is before the Lord and make an atonement for it and shall take of the blood of the Bullock and of the blood of the goods and put it upon the hands of the altar roundabout and he shall sprinkle of the blood upon it with his finger seven times and cleanse it and hollow it from the uncleanness of the churun of Israel now take note of shedding of blood was an act of the high priest on that were covered you know the high priests out go into the Holy of Holies and use his fingers sprinkle a block where he would kill an animal and sprinkle its blood on the mercy seat nobody goes to that messy seat only the high priests so the shedding of blood was done behind the veil in the Holy of Holies only the high priests went in to make atonement for see and he did it once a year the idea for the result of the shedding of blood no I said but you know all religious we do it at every opportunity not even the high period in the blood you come responsibility absolutely of the high priest is not believe us which is something here and it was done once a year I don't even know who coined that Dean and everybody copied it in the church or the blood could have blocked the blood we plead a broad the blood as you travel with a block the block is what it talisman honey read for us because Leviticus 17:11 for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the Soul the shortcoming of the Old Covenant was that the atonement was only a covering for sin it didn't take away see so that sacrifice had to be offered every year so the question is where did Jesus shed his own blood the messy seat was in the wholeness of Paul which was symbolic yeah it was a symbol okay so Hebrews 5 500 Falls so also Christ glorified not himself to be made an High Priest but he said unto Him thou at my son today have I begotten thee so the shedding of the blood of Jesus was not on the cross wasn't on the cross Hebrews 9:11 2:14 read false but Christ being come an high priest of good things to come greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us for if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling they are clean sanctified to the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God through did you see that experience for your conscience oh he was walking it in the heart yes that's where he went to the heart of you see through the Eternal Spirit okay so he paused your conscience so the conscience is red blood supply okay I'm just applied by Jesus himself mm-hmm Rios 22 to 24 years and almost all these by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission it was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these but it heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices not this for Christ is not entered into little places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us Jesus shed his blood in the heavens this shows that where Jesus shed his blood is in the immaterial it wasn't even physically shed the blood in an immaterial rain but a physical place the Old Testament was a physical place because it was him boy figure of the truth now symbolic of the real see the high priest went into the holiest of all with the blood of bulls and goats high priest observe that the shedding of blood was done in a material tabernacle what Jesus deed is done in our heart yes our hearts verse 40 he poaches our conscience from dead works to serve the Living Word the word pause means to cleanse or to purify so the cleansing is in the hearts of men you know sprinkle it on the roof Jesus has done it our hearts that are born again we already poured from from the box we already paused a flight on cockroaches is religious some fifth grade you see Jesus honey people are angry now you tell them that is not right because they are enjoying the deception because you feel deceived when you say I play the play nevermind you down to the blood after I went into action is like brought in a Buddhism you know so you think tragic blood there's many of the wrong practices today Austin from all these aquatic practices and go to prayer house now what kind of pray you see the to show mom's deceitfulness in you leave Church it's my house is the house of prayer so if you're in church on you are not praying there and now you have to go to another special place for where you call a prayer a so what were you doing in charge then because that means it was not choice you don't even know what church is and so you have to go to another secret or cultic place where they put leaves over your head or something and throw things around you don't mind like from having a form of godliness but denying the power right so we make to ourselves right practices and it it neutralizes the power this you have made God of none effect because of these traditions so as long as we indulge in those practices there's a veil on you you can't see the polite you can't see the truth that vids you from it but your heart has to come from it it has to talk from the shadows its need for project yes your heart has to time it has to talk you know to the Living God then when that happens the veil is taken away that's when what we're teaching become really otherwise you know it's like the peso had rose teach about being baptized into Christ yes receiving Christ how can you say we should not be baptized in water when the bamboo see we are baptizing you tonight really John make sure you don't need Jesus call them fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken religion actually makes you fool it makes you door it does not allow the strong economy jealous yes let's rise of us to go to walk it does not allow you to function in Revelation not it blocks you from relationship knowledge and once a man is not in Revelation knowledge is don't you you're just dull what gives you shuffling descendant and lockness is reviewed knowledge once revealed knowledge begins to come to become shall you become a mother is discerning and that's what religion seeks to do that's what legalism six to do yes defend to cover you from seeing life from same reality from sin revelation knowledge you know and that's why the Spirit of God will lead us into all truth and in all truth there are no symbols in all truth what we have is revealed knowledge yes we don't have symbols you don't have shadows no have practices in color we have is the truth itself we don't have simple yet we just have reality what we have this reality yes but people prefer these things that they hold in the hands water and kind of beside achieve here they're not walking by they are not living by the world they are living by side and sit on operates in the realm of the side god or pretty much like being disciples you see all seats show us more evolution because you know and you don't prove the bread but jesus vanished cuz he doesn't want you to know him in the physical he wants you to know him in the spirit so you'd know him by the word because he also either these scriptures Philippians 3:3 we are the second season that watching God in speed and confidence the flesh you just in worship practices yeah you just bound to yeah worship you know Jesus said they that worship must worship in spirit and in truth not even a physical not set up an idol you're not different if your olive oil is your go to mom to is your charm that you hold oh you're no different from the person who set up an idol in the corner of his house to you know offer prayers every day to take to God for him or you set up something to help you take your prayer it means you and God are very far if you need that you know you don't need a bottle of wine you don't need a bottle of oil when Christ himself God Himself leaves even why do you need all your mind is messed up I don't you know come to this truth until you come to this truth you not enjoy your you know your walk with God and that's why it's important I want prayer for you today is that these realities were done in your understanding man honey lead us in the confession Jesus has shed his blood once and for all in my heart Jesus shed his blood once and for all in my heart my heart has been cleansed with the blood of Jesus my heart has been cleansed with the blood of Jesus father we pray for viewers out there today that these truths will resonate that you begin to see these realities as their own realities what you've done already in Oz is a complete walk a total walk a perfect walk and we thank you Lord that veils are falling off reality is dawning on our viewers the revelation of Jesus is growing big in their hearts until nothing else matters Jesus our reality is becoming their reality so with the Korean declare right now that every deceptive tool of the enemy is totally neutralized broken and rendered useless and we pray for viewers today that the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light you're strengthened with might by his pee it in the in AMA that you are worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing being fruitful on to every good walk in the mighty name of Jesus that the treasures of God and your inside will find full expression this name and we decree that your heart part from dead works to serve the Living God that you walk in the reality of that perfect work done by Christ in Jesus precious name Amen praise God hey guys you must order for this book see you need to get one for yourself for your family members for friends and loved ones in your community it's very important and the announcer will tell you how to get these books there's another book we recommend for you today is God in a man God in a man you need to read that book it's a book written money God in a man the announcer will tell her to order for these materials I'm telling you this will equip you build you up and bring you to a place where you're not toast to and fro with every wind of doctrine where you're so grounded in Christ that you are functioning in Christ plus nothing equals everything praise God just before we go honey one word for viewers don't forget the shedding of blood was done in your heart it's not that some holy place it's your heart that's right through that he put your conscience from dead works right amen a new tech of your eyes from anything else and be confident in what Christ has done it was a perfect complete job and does not need an addition you praise God we love you guys tell everybody about what's going on here and courage more people to hook up to our teaching it's critical so that they can be liberated and enjoy what Christ suffered for on their behalf to become again over to more this is richer and able Dominus a the kingdom of God is in power [Music] the book of Ephesians two segments one side the position of the believer the other side the work the seat understand of the believer am i communicating where did the church in Ephesus began from Acts chapter 19 verse 1 and it came to pass that while Apollo's was our current Paul had him passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples he said unto them have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed and they said unto Him we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized and they said unto John's baptism then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him who which should come after him that is on christ jesus when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus and when paul had laid his hands upon them the Holy Ghost came on them and they spake with tongues and prophesied somebody said they were baptized with the Holy Ghost they spoke in tongues and they prophesied can I get a powerful amen so now we see the first mention of the baptism of John the baptism of who of John now look at Acts chapter 18 and see the first time Paul came to Ephesus now listen carefully acts 19 is not the first time Paul came to Ephesus in acts 18 there was a little visit that pulpit to Ephesus but didn't start anything in Ephesus then thereafter he now came back in chapter 19 where he met certain disciples who knew only the baptism of John and it is with those disciples that the church at Ephesus started now but look at acts 18 verse number 24 and certain Jew named Apollo's born at Alexandra an eloquent man my see in the scriptures came to Ephesus Apollo's came to meet Paul at Ephesus all right next verse this man was instructed in the way of the law and being fattened in the spirit he spec and thought diligently the things of the Lord knowing only the baptism of John so two times the baptism of John is mentioned the people in Ephesus in acts 19 knew only the baptism of John Apollo's has arrived Ephesus knowing only the baptism of John so it seems to me that the message that was being spread at that time was the baptism of John so let's do some exegesis on the baptism of John first question I want to ask you is you was the baptism of John the preaching of Jesus always it what about dizzy what does the baptism of John our usual think before you answer well if you look at the teaching go back to Apollo's that will help you a lot vas and a certain Jew named Apollo's born at Alexandra an eloquent man mighty in what exactly what is the scriptures where is the Scriptures Old Testament which is Genesis to Molokai alright so Apollo's was conversant with Genesis to Malachi alright now out of Genesis to Malachi he was mighty what was his area of might next verse this man was instructed in the way of the Lord who is the Lord Jesus so Apollo's had a knowledge of Jesus but limited he had a limited knowledge of Jesus because what Apollo's was mighty in was the scripture being instructed in the way of the Lord now follow carefully next sentence there and being fervent in the spirit he spec and taught he didn't say his back and so people in water he say he's peaked and thought so the baptism of John would imply a teaching the baptism of John will imply a teaching he spec untaught what was his speaking and teaching the baptism of John are you following it is say he carry people to River he says his pack and torch is India I said is India he speak and taught diligently the things of the Lord what he did was speaking and teaching and he was picking and teaching what the things of the Lord he was not baptizing people in water I want you to think now in only so by application it is fake and thought knowing only so that will mean that what respect and thought is what he knows hey what does he know the baptism of John so what was his teaching exactly so the baptism of John is a teaching now I want to give you a paladin so that when you hear baptism you will not be thinking of River stop giving baptism and a mini-boss application where when you hear baptism young man goes to River there is a teaching or baptism of John say I hear exactly there is a teaching call the baptism of John because that's what Apollo's was carrying everywhere teaching and his speaking titled the baptism of John so you can imagine Apollo's came to porosity praise the Lord today our topic is the baptism of John he starts teaching and after teaching ebrary we go home what was the message the baptism of John a a religious man will think all the people in charge are baptized in the river but it was a teaching in occasion now we have seen the first application of the budget of jr. as a doctrine on a teaching let's see the second application of the baptism of John acts 19 verse 1 and it came to pass that when Apollo's was at Corinth Paul having passed through the upper Coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples certain what disciples next verse he said unto them have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed and they said unto Him we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost we've never had it and he said unto them unto what then we are ye baptized and they said unto John's baptism so there is John's baptism here which is water baptism and there is John baptism there which is a teaching meaning that the word baptism doesn't have an omnibus application it must be started contextually because what baptism cool meaning one vast will not be what it means in another am i teaching here yeah see that's why I told you context and content is key in Bible study if not you be you will be making the Bible say what the Bible is not say he asked them which baptism then were you baptized they said about tassels John's baptism so let the actual of your question who is John because his John says we have to uncover this John self who is John was Joan a prophet or a brother was he a New Testament prophet or an Old Testament prophet all Testament okay so he's the last prophet of the Old Testament John is the last prophet of the Old Testament so second question if he was a prophet did he prophesy huh yes not a prophet will prophesy he prophesied what was the greatest prophecy of John ah behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world that was the greatest prophecy of the entire Old Testament that was the biggest prophecy of the whole Old Testament how do we know that very simple Jesus himself said and I can show you quickly among all that are born of women none is as great as John the Baptist have you read that before why was John the Baptist great because he give the biggest prophecy of the Old Testament Hey ladies and gentlemen do you know that John was greater than Elijah yes John did not yield her back John never prayed for malaria to be healed from the account John did no miracle not even one miracle meaning that the greatness of a man in the kingdom is not by the miracles he performs but some of you that are canal when you see miracles you say that man is a great man of God even a native doctor can produce miracles a man of God is not measured by the drama that happens in his charge people falling people jumping like gods people doing frog jump in the name of spirits people vomiting that is not the yardstick for qualifying a man of God because the same yardstick can qualify tentative doctor that is rebranded in suit and path lord have mercy is getting hot here how many of you know John the Baptist did not heal headache no record of miracle to his account but is greater than Moses who brought water from the rock greater than Moses who splits the Red Sea and commanded dry land to occur in the midst of the river for people to cross yet here nobody so what is the yardstick for measuring business in the kingdom of God it is the revelation of Jesus because John the Baptist said being followed all the prophets that does saith John the Baptist said behold what they were saying I see and because she saw what they didn't see he was greater than all of them can I talk to somebody here received a revelation of Jesus [Music] hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to hear study and meditate on the word we needs not only here but also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily meal's making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and your confidence as a believer so all of this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. abode amino call the number or email the address on the screen starting the new year with this book is your first step to guaranteeing an enriched life and new year [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
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Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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