30 Days Of Glory 2nd Service: 28-7-2019 | Day 19

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[Music] television informative man who lived manifesting their realities in Christ Jesus and we thank you for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven literally they will fit together to say these words I am born of God I am born of the word the word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of the service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and everybody verse is a powerful amen but what welcome every one of you journalist or of Kingdom Life Network Facebook not based on anything superficial but its understanding of the doctrine of salvation salvation is so powerful and important because that is the entire plan of God for man in the first service this morning our to attempt to explain that the gospel is the power of God the gospel is the power of God but the power of God is not just careless the power of God is not just anyhow the power of God is regulated regulated to an intent the power of God to save the gospel is the power of God to save not the power of God to destroy not the power so anywhere you see destruction and killing it is not the gospel the gospel is the power of God to save so all of God's power is regulated within the conduit of salvation you will never find God's power I'll set salvation never you will never find God's power I'll set salvation God's mission is salvation the mission statement of Jesus in Matthew want to anyone she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus why he shall save his people he shall save his people all scripture all scripture 2nd timothy 3:15 all scripture I mean 16 3:16 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable and not to make you wise unto kill him the scriptures and not to make you wise on to damaging people the scriptures are not for brain judgmental prayers the scriptures and not for brain damaging players the scriptures all of it to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so God's character is well defined defined in the message in the message the message of the gospel is the message of salvation are we still in the building read for me hebrews chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 Hebrews 2:1 to 4 therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them sleep for if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and every transgression and obedience and disobedience received it just recompense of reward how shall we escape if we neglect so great that the law under the administration of angels receive a just recompense of reward I for eye tooth for tooth leg for leg how shall we escape the law of Moses how shall we escape the judgment of the law if we neglect how shall we escape the punishment of legalism if we neglect so great salvation so our escape from the law is to embrace God's salvation you can receive salvation with Jesus offers and be under the law salvation is your escape from the law and its attendant punishments how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation read on which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard you it was confirmed unto us by the Apostles who had the first-hand recipients of the message in Luke chapter 24 after Jesus rose from the dead and spent 40 days teaching them their father had it and confirmed it to us that's how we say Christianity is apostolic and historic it is what the Apostles of the Lamb handed down to us which is salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus a window in the building now pay attention read for me first Timothy chapter 2 verse 4 first Timothy chapter 2 verse 4 we will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth God will have all men to be saved because of a power is foul that's where is character all of God's power is concentrated to an end salvation who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth that is the essence for charge the essence for charge is to bring man to the knowledge of the truth men are saved but man must understand what it means to be saved the most dangerous man on earth is a man that is born again and knows what it means to be born again he's the most dangerous man that I ever saw who will have all men to be saved don't stop there and to come to the knowledge of the truth hence the need for sotiria thirty days of glory to bring men to the knowledge of the truth have we been doing it well here bring the men to the knowledge of the truth can I hear powerfully men in the facade this we were dealing with the character of God the singleness of God's character and in the cost of that we took time to apportion responsibility in the right territories and in the right domain now it's important for you to know like we said in the first Saudis until someone takes a position against the gospel he cannot be called a child of Satan John chapter 8 verse 44 John chapter 8 verse 44 read for me yea of your father the devil and the loss of your father you will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of him you are of your father the devil jesus also said this to a group of people why did he call the devil their father next verse and because I tell you the truth he believed me not so anyone that does not believe the gospel is a child of the devil because I tell you the truth you believe not that is why you are of your father the devil so when you believe the gospel God becomes your father when you believe the gospel God becomes your father the suribabu says as many as received him he gave them the power to become the sons of God whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world of his own will be glad he offs by the word of truth okay being born again bimba except a man be born so faith in Christ faith in Christ gives birth to you as a song when faith is expressed in the message you are buttered into the family of God you receive adoption to be a son of God hallelujah faith in the gospel faith in the gospel that gospel is critical because that is the power of God unto salvation not just power not just power it is power to an end which is salvation now so we said both sin and righteousness as a function of the will of man the a function of the will of man none is imposed on anyone then conclusively in the facade is we said sin and death a destructive systems sin and death both of them are destructive systems exposed by God's judgment exposed by God's judgment so his judgment is in his life and his judgment is in his light and his judgment is in his love God's judgment is not outside of his character it is within his character of love so that is one God's judgment is pre-charged breathe charge is not after the match the judgment is before the action and because he judged ahead of the action he took responsibility to make sure the gospel is preached to you to warn you of what is contained in whatever choice you are about to make so in the character of God which is love life lies in that character God eh oh geez and informs you of the outcome of choices you make ultimately you make the choice but when you make the choice you do not control the outcome yours is the choice but the outcome is not in your power so God now tells you ahead of time that if you make this choice this will be the outcome if you make the other choice that will be the outcome in that message is the expulsion of sin and death so you won't say I didn't know because you've been pre informed so that is why when you believe you are saved when you do not believe you are damned the judgment is in the choice the point I'm making is it's not like God is going to sit on a throne somewhere and everybody will line up there God was not judging people no they dare you make the choice was the day you accepted the judgment because the judgment is pretty God does not react God does not react God through acts God does not wait til something else parts then you say let's fix it ahead of time he has already made his plan to fix ahead of time whatever goes wrong that's what Jesus is the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world before now stare with those thoughts and come to acts 17:30 Acts of the Apostles chapter 17 verse 30 read for me and the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent 31 that you won AB 1731 because he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained whereof he had given assurance unto all men in that he has raised him from the dead hmm because I love this couch oh I love the scripture oh I love this culture because he has appointed a day in the wage he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained wear off he had given assurance unto all men in that he had raised him from the dead now pay attention pay attention pay attention this was from the poor seaman he goes to a place and found people worshiping idols he found people that were looking for God and God unknowns the Asajj they were searching for God even though in the wrong places but you cannot deny that they were searching for God and God are lost the Asajj he honors the Assad now look at that accident in verse 16 for protects now while Paul waited for them at Athens this piece was stirred in him when he saw the city wholly given to adult idolatry 17 therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews and with the devout persons and in the market daily with them that met with him with the devout that is a place to underline this people were devout in the Asajj they were devout in the Asajj read verse 18 then certain philosophers of the Epicureans and of the strokes encountered him and some said what will this bloodbath see on a song he seemed at CBS sets out forth of strange gods because he preached unto them Jesus on the resurrection next verse and they took him and brought him on to era Pagosa saying we know what this new doctrine where of those biggest is without bringing a certain strange things our ears we would know therefore what these things mean next was for all the Athenians on strangers which were there spent that time and nothing else but I ought to tell or to hear some new thing I got to tell oh yeah they are looking for something new the Greek word I play knows he knows it means something fresh something new like an intellectual hob of idol worship an intellectual hub of idol worship now read verse 22 for me 22 then posted in the midst of Mars Hill and said demons of Athens I perceive that in all things they are to suppress you are to the word to superstitious should be underlined it is an interesting word in the Greek I can spell it for you before I pronounce it de is da I am a an e mmon e ste ro s Desdemona stores it means to be in thread of fear by a confused concept of God to be in thread of fear does a minute of the word superstitious from the original Greek to be in thread or fear by a confused concept of God it's not a theme a tease him is saying there is no God no this one there is God but this is how he relates with us he related with us we are nobodies we are useless and we cannot stand him so we are afraid of a God whom we do not know superstitious and there are many people in that classroom to the unknown God so they are worshipping a god they do not know you know why you do not know the god you worship everything must be God death must be God disaster must be God misfortune must be God once you can translate is coming it is God and where is that attributing everything to God we have become Muslims then there is no difference because in Islam good and bad is God the difference however with us is that we know that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all so God cannot be responsible for EVOO odjick ayah we know that every good and perfect gift cometh from above from the father lights Father of lights with whom there is no variableness not a shadow of coming our God has a single natural he has no hidden agenda there is no other side of God he has only one side where you see you have seen him single identity is not bipolar let's go all the time his hand has never been involved in even the only interaction he has had with evil is to receive evil on behalf of man and punish it on himself does your interaction outside that he has no interaction whatsoever in the house so but these people are superstitious because they are interacting with a God who they don't know not as the difference there is a reference here he said I can say that you people are too superstitious you are in awe of someone you do not know you are in all of a beam you cannot explain so in their mind they were worshiping God look at verse 22 and I love that acts 17 verse 22 and 23 then Paul stood in the midst of Mars Hill and said II men of Athens I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious 23 for as I passed by and beheld your devotions I beheld your morning devotions okay and I found an altar with this inscription vs. altar and anywhere you see those altars what is on top of them is only where you don't know God that you look for altar it's only where you don't know God that you look for alter alter means a place of animal sacrifice and God has no delight in animal sacrifice so God cannot be having a business with altar look at it because they didn't know God what were they doing they had artists and what was on top of the altars to the unknown God are we in the service we don't for me boom there for you ignorantly worship Him I declare I unto you whom dear for you ignorantly washing this other kind of people for the poor will not pray for in Romans brethren my heart's desire for Israel is that they may be saved for I bear them record that B has a zeal of God but not according to knowledge who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth you cannot solve all related God when you don't know him otherwise you will end up in the room of the unlearned you will end up in the room of these Athenians I was still in the building please pay attention ignorant me worship and when people worship God ignorantly they are called the agnostics the agnostics that's why you'll find out what read fast 24 and 25 for me God does made the world on all things therein seeing that he is Lord of Heaven and Earth dwelleth not in temples made with her glory to God he does not dwell in temples made with a hand see God is not in this building God is not in this building God is not in this building the only reason why God is in this building is because you are in this building oh you didn't hear what I just said the only reason is because you are in God with you with you [Music] Hana Hana Hana in la mano kiri Mangala Daaga hey hey Yamaha somebody shot I receive I receive now sit down Saddam God that meant the heavens the world sorry God that met the world and all things during seeing that he is lot of heaven and earth do a lot not in temples made with hands I love see see where you see the way paul writes there is a soon esas around you know soon esas yeah there is some intelligence that accompanies the writings of report that makes you love God because because of the refined way with which he presents God there's as soon as this is the Greek word for intelligence expertise the way he presents God I love him oh I love brother Paul you know brother schambach said to me while he was alive before he died those of you know brother shankar ee sama he said when i got to heaven I'm gonna add what Paul to preach for me for 2,000 extra years is that I'm gonna say brother Paul preached to me for 2,000 extra years will you I love brother Paul now stay with me are you still here stay with me look at verse 25 carefully go with me neither is worshipped with men's hands yes so he needed anything seeing he giveth to all life and breath and all things neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything when brothers go up blessings come neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything saying he defects he doesn't think he did to all life compress and he never takes he only gives that is our gospel our gospel is not bright God no $91 491 blessing no katakana no give to God so that God can bless you he does not need anything he made heaven and earth and everything that is in it so man's hands cannot worship Him you don't have to clap and shout for God to bless you shouting and clapping only helps you he owns everything what do you want to give somebody who owns everything ok let's save damn go take a pious jana and says i want to be your friend and we know damn good is the richest guy in africa and then you now look at Dumbarton you say can I buy you shoes me you want to buy me shoe my shoe can pay for your house out of nothing what will you give him - impressive cup of coffee yesterday on social media a pastor put the picture of a wristwatch let us drop which restored 1.5 million pounds for that watch a watch not matter not dollar pounds 1.5 meters that is like 2 billion watch and there are people that have two three or four so these are human beings we are we are talking about God what kind of song will you sing that will make God shift when we sing some songs it's like we're not thinking we would rather 1000 we're teen I will give to you I know get mommy I know then after that they now say so a seed for God to bless you are you by Allah you have already said there's nothing you can give to him and now you want to bribe him with how much we teach in here he needs nothing from you he created everything for you what do you have that has not been given to you God Himself is the first giver he does not take he does not request or demand he gives unto all the rains it is said he gives all to Kristin's it didn't say he gives on to Kristin's he gives unto that is why unbelievers can be richer than Kristin's because this is not about being a Christian or a non-christian it is about God's generosity that is lavish to all neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he give to life only 26 and hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and have determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their inhabitants let's do some work here I love this verse now when he says an admit of one blood all nations one blood means scholars call it one man that's why in Christ Christ makes all of us one one body one faith one baptism one spirit in Christ all of us have one he determined the times before appointed and he determines the bounds of their habitation look at it now and add made of one of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and had determined the times before appointed and the bounds of the habitation now still as do some exigencies the world to determine means to limit to determine to limit not to limit man but to specify limits he gave man limits not that man lives within the limits but at least he gave limits in lucky Legos they have disobey the limits because they have moved into the sea and gone beyond the limits to reclaim the sea for land but at least there are limits yeah there are limits it's God that has given minutes to specify things River land sky mountains put limits unbounded is taking you somewhere but on his way to get there he's cloudy you along with a wider scope of reasoning so you are not my yo blipping chammak microscopic in your view he wants you to have a broad view so you are robust in understanding did you hear what I just said so not so that's why I told you there's a cynicism a burnable so now in his reasoning in his reasoning look at how he is coming with you through the city of this God now when he said he determined the times before appointed like I said he specified limits he specifies the word specifies is the Greek word yet for our four digits as I as her offices used only ones in the Bible it means to specify limits not to impose limits but to specify and the bounds of their habitation the word habitation the world habitation is the greek word cattle clear kol kie it means conditions to stay or remain that is he gave man a way to live a condition to remain God specified it former God specified it now please pay attention what is that specification that specification is in verse 27 327 for me the specification is that they should seek the Lord that is God by specifying limits three other conditions that makes man naturally to desire to see God people get into the Accord seeking God other people that are in different religions are seeking God people in pea houses are seeking God people in accord by abolishing witchcraft are seeking God every human being created by God part of the specification that God determined if the impulse was specified is that we did man he create that as part of man a desire to seeking so when the true God is not revealed men keep seeking and in there such they move from religion - religion from practice to practice activity to baptize in terms of good olive oil - swimming inside River our second thought because every human being - religion God those are the specifications and the habitations that God put in place that men were seeking am i communicating here now please follow these so that their shoes SiC the Lord hey help me read the next sentence so that I can behave myself if haply they might feel after he repeat it two more times repeat it two more times if haply they might feel after he repeat one more time if haply they might so in making man God had created a man a hunger to seek Him so those who has second for him before the gospel was preached there are those I was seeking for him he's not the gospel preached that makes people sick for God it is that it is sin man to seek for God when you see a man carrying candle always and praying don't laugh at him he's seeking joking when you see somebody put his leg inside at night he's seeking when you see somebody carry red foul is it foul logic the one they use for sacrifices foul the wrong with it is chicken because foul is foul spirits I don't eat foul I eat chicken what about you very good the son of your father I know it foul I eat chicken whale serum curry foul at night white fowl are red foul to the Riverside at night alone with stove to the Riverside they are seeking God because God has put in every man are you understanding what I'm teaching here that's everyone has a form of worship they are all seeking and you know what they're not seeking me somehow is it do you is doing you they are second that is why our religions will tell you they are the way to God they are the way to God they are seeking to get people to God and Jesus will tell you God has come to you don't look for him he has looked for you that's Christianity all the religions are trying to go to God in Christianity God has come to us is it clear here yes God well when we are not trying to look for God God is looking for us and he has made himself available to us that is why no matter how hard in da moneys if he can quietly come down for you to explain God to him he breaks down he just breaks down if you find a man still adamant he has not understood your communication so you pray more and communicate more you pray for was his eyes open to see what you are saying when I first started yelling you i abused you I see you a stupid man I said you a useless man how can I be preaching this kind of gospel what kind of stupid gospel is this but after some time something said as you come and check again I check to again as the preaching so this as you listen something something something nothing that is in man this is what des Thomas am listening everything a sense that making that the eyes of their understanding be lightened that the god of this world Oh blinds men's minds is false a broken I'm not sure enough a man within every man within every man now but I didn't do you know that there are those even though the desires that they would not seek him they will not there are those who are not seeking vast 27 again that if that - who seek the Lord if that word if your Bible was mana was circulate that word if is a conjunction in the Greek is e-i-e-i-o say conditional word is not a conditional so highly sure it is that is they should seek Him and happily they might feel after him happily what he saying is if a man follows that seeking he will find him if a man follows that seeking he will find him we will see an example very shortly that is when they seek after him they will find him then look at what he said now that they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from every one of us including a child that is on drugs God is not far from him including that guy that is that has gone with the wind wave all including your husband who have been fasting and praying for me including your wife that does not have any desire for anything God in fact the more the more she is like that the closer oh don't give up on any man look look at that verse are you still here that they should shake the Lord if happy they might I want you to underline that they might feel because I'm going to do exigencies there they might feel after him and find him why though he be not far from some of us that's why he shouldn't be surprised that some people got born again nobody is too difficult to be born again nobody except you have not accepted responsibility to present Christ to them no I you see here Paul use the word they may feel after him and I told it on the land that word feel is a what Psel Eph Oh PS e l yo pho say no for refers to something reachable but more than that it is used four times cellphone it is used four times first place Luke 24:39 feel after him read for me Luke 24:39 Luke 24:39 behold my hands and my feet I myself handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bone as you see me hug rich boy handle me touch me like this to feel after him means that they can handle him they can touch him another place you see that word use is Hebrews twelve eight you can study that at home a mountain that cannot be touched then first John 1:1 read for me that one I like that one first John 1:1 God's which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked up on our hands that is is so close that our hands can handle him they may feel after him to handle him to actually handle so that means in all of the times God has set limits for man to find him Paul is even talking about before Jesus came before Jesus came God has set limits from Adam down for man to find him that's the Justice of God he says he met everybody in a way they will seek him how can you say he made mancina's incurring the mere any sinner and yet he is not far to feel after him to find him that were to find is another word we are talk about feel less do exigency son find to find him is the world hedge EU I are sk o heroes co in the grip it means to discern to find him means to discern to discern yet he is not far he is not far to find ma Matthew 8:30 right down for personal story Matthew 8:30 mark 1234 so why we say God is omnipresent the kamini presence of God is within salvation is within salvation is within salvation is for salvation now you can read further look 7-6 look 15 20 John 20:1 8ax 2221 officials 213 officials 270 so he is saying that God makes himself findable so what we just read from what the poll now makes caricature of what they call the doctrine of election you know the doctrine of election some confuse guys they say God has already elected people good no no you cannot preach election as a standalone never if you do that you're preaching arrow there is no election as a standalone election is a product of for knowledge and predestination it is for knowledge and predestination that establishes election there'll be no election if there is for no foreknowledge and predestination and God's foreknowledge and predestination is in a person what is his name Jesus so election is where Jesus so in Christ all of mankind has been elected is waiting for them to receive is it clear there's nothing like God God knows those that will go is not he knows us though he knows those that we believe by hidden influence they are believing he only knows is just knowledge you know is just knowledge is Joshua is just knowledge magistrate you are magistrate I know you are full stop I didn't influence you being a magistrate I only know simple the phonology of God is the good news he didn't influence the choice but he knows that you will make that choice do you understand so far knowledge doesn't mean God is the initiator and foreknowledge means God as God shut out of time projected into time and went beyond time and saw everything and cross his leg and took a cup of coffee if he takes coffee if he does if he doesn't take it I take it for him because we and him are once he does took his cup of coffee and smiled and then he is waiting to see how events will unfold his initiator is just knowledge is just knowledge he just saw so several important ozma why can't we prevent somebody's why will it prevent it just like is not a initiative he can be the presenter if he prevents it it means in hand in initiative so Celsius London initiative there is no hand in preventing but I had of time he for warns you of the consequences of certain choices you will make so that way you are making them you are making them knowingly and deliberately so live with the outcome of your choice hey it's simple and explain and wives that will beat you and wife it's not you I sell you not you not you you a wife that would beat you where you are choosing God is watching but God will not say don't if he will say father I need a financial miracle fire this is love then you now marry her but God has seen the first BT before their marriage but he will influence it why wouldn't he influence it because it was not influenced human choice why because we are not robots he gave us freedom to choose and he will not interfere with the choice so what he does is ahead of time he told you that when you want to marry anybody that is given to anger don't make him you a friend anybody that drinks alcohol and forgets his house address don't make him your friend hmm anybody have funny kids around don't make him your friend he gives you certain things that you should take lot off before you money because what will make a woman beat a husband is anger when the angle is too much the hand will be moving without control when the angles come down the hand will cool down the mottos that apologizing I'm sorry mommy I didn't beat you like this please sorry I beg don't leave me they cirqueo forgivable who is carrying the pain he warned you ahead of time a wind building who want you ahead of time thank you Jesus can you see the love of God now stay with me so what condition did he make man like I look at that as I get ready to close are you blessed what condition did he make man first of all he placed a limit on man what limit to look for him does the limit he placed a limit on man to look for him but when man cause of that limit he looks for something else once you go of that limit you look for something else so at the end of the day there's a limit in creation to look for God there's a limit all of humanity looks for God all of it then he says he is not far so a man just by looking will find God even without the message just by looking that's why you hear a man that does not know John 3:16 you am saying God is good you know you will see a man that doesn't go to church is not it doesn't care about God something happens in his life you say I'm coming for Thanksgiving praise the God but because I be bad the man knows that there must be God somewhere to have done what was done Satan cannot do it only God saw press the God haven't you seen such people praise the God the God who did whatever ask me God I don't know him but I know there must be God somewhere around and we teach in here he makes himself available in Maxim's have real I've been inside this is where people said praise the God and people started laughing I shouted amen to encourage the brother don't laugh at such times and so well and encourage it because that is his pathway to finding God hallelujah praise the God and we are laughing the mother wonder why you're laughing because he doesn't know that the problem is from him it is you just wondering what is your problem because as far as is concerned it is pretty close when things ladies doubly stand alone xalapa look at is what is cause habitation how did he make man he put a limit so within that limit man can find God on his own most people would tell you nobody preached to me I just woke up one morning and asked God to come into my heart I went and bought a Bible and started coming to church have you had people like that then God has made provision for people to find him on their own in case a preacher is too lazy to get to them that is the extent of God's generosity and love us some people said I had a dream and in the dream God appeared to me and say my son carry a Bible on Sunday be in the church and he came had the message and said the altar call is on fire because God has made put a limit what is the limit that men shall find am i teaching good here any that man will find him that is cause a mutation that is the way God designed it to function look at that verse 27 of acts 17 acts 17 27 that they should seek the Lord if happily they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from every one of us verse 28 read for Miguel 28 for in him we live and move and have our being a certain also of your own poets have said for we are also his offspring that scripture is not for preaching Christ why did he use the scripture in context look at verse 25 325 for me neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything seeing he giveth all life and breath on all things he gives that to all so that is in that context since he give it to all so we live in him means we live within his provisions all of humanity everybody not just believers he is giving us life bread and all things why does he give us life bread and all things why help me help me y-yea is his nature but of what benefit is it was setting us up to find him is his goodness that leads us exactly so all of his goodness is to what intend to find him and this is someone who said God the next time I smoke sigue let me die then he will smoke three packets and said god I'm sorry I know the last time I say the next time please don't kill me you hear then you will take another packet and even with that medical doctors will find that I don't have any disease God God is creating goodness romance in this man to find teaching Korea had some people say father this is number for fun occasion the next time I do one give me HIV then he will not do one I say father please please father I spoke like a stupid person I'm sorry I thought I would not what I have done and nothing will happen there are even some people that slept with people that have hit Bailey and didn't catch it cause goodness walk him on walk him everywhere just God just I love man so much I will let go I won't give up on you my goodness my goodness my all over sometimes a man becomes overwhelmed with God's goodness he breaks down by himself and begins to cry why are you crying I'm too bad to have this kind of life have you had people like that yeah because of the way God functions that's where he functions that's why our gospel must represent his goodness see I hear you have a gosvamis what it must represent the goodness of God we can be found preaching a contrary message we can preach a message that contradict God's character no ways our message must reflect his character Casamayor hallelujah nature even nature will help you find God evil science will help you find God science chemistry physics biology technology all of them will help you find God they were help you seek Him verse 29 I'm almost done be patient with me verse 29 for as much then as we are the offspring of God we ought not to think that the Godhead is like on the gold or silver or stone graven by art and man's well she's not thinking like that I don't wash it comes in somebody carries a bottle and since this anointing oil is God in a bottle does I don't wash it how can God live in objects oil how can only oil be God in a bottle olive oil is oil for frying chicken the good one the other ones can be poisoned what kind of God are you saving that they both who can continue he say you can build things cannot continue did we read that so is the bottle of oil that will continue I know what ship comes home after well you can't travel to the carrier oil does become talisman or you carry a handkerchief you say man to man man wa man and tool is actually a man and to or you go to Israel and bring water from the vajura you call it holy is holy indeed because it took you traveling to bring it he must be holy holy for you God's holiness is not water God's holiness is a person his name is Jesus and he lives inside you hallelujah yeah and because Jesus the most holy lives inside you his presence in you makes you only preference patek nos of the heavenly calling where are my holy brothers in this very boat he does Santa fire and them that are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren lift your eyes and I saw Jesus my brother I worship you thank you for making me your dwelling place thank you for finding me fits to house you now turn to your neighbor say hey I house called then somewhere else ahead the next time you are looking for those residents don't look too far I am his residence I am his residential address he lives in me form an angle a river let me close the service tomorrow is another day are you bless this manner if you seek Him you find him but I have news for you we have found him hallelujah we are found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write who is him Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph we have found him he that has the son has life we have found him we have found the revelation of God what did I say we are found we have found the revelation of God where is the revelation of God in a person what is his name Jesus reveals God to man you cannot know God outside Jesus kobata Jesus is the resolution the unveiling is the Express image bada is the image of the invisible way look for God is invisible way look at Jesus Jesus gives visibility to the invisible kebaya Jesus is the face of God think about Chatard when you look at Jesus you are seeing God I am my father yes I came from my father you see I live by my father and my father lives in me teaching good listen you can never know God or said Christ no man cometh to the Father Jesus is exclusive custodian of God and he alone can unveil he alone let me tell you I want to close this out pray for me to close the service because the way this team is pushy mina caballo caballo caballo caballo let me ask you a question did Jesus heal the sick the leaders the dead they make us our demons they return water to wine of all of that none of that means anything what meant anything to Jesus was that he revealed God all those miracles don't mean anything to him do you know that when you drop this body you will need a car you will need a house and you do not need money that's right if our hope is only in this world we are of all man suppress all this pursuit that people are chasing after money house things people are selling their legs selling their wives using their children for sacrifice to bite hamaji by epidural bye-bye-bye prado by lincoln navigator by toyota to you to you to you miss a Mercedes Bentley Bentley Lamborghini he carries leg and give them to keep it on the sacrifice order so that he cannot move it leg again but has a Bentley when this body drops you don't need any of those things it is after this body drops you will find out that the only thing we have as kristance things of the spirit the only thing we have that is pneumatic or things of the Spirit that's our blessings our spiritual the spiritual he has blessed us with spiritual that is all we can brag about that's all we have the life of God the life of God that's how we have does how we can brag about real life is not 70 years real life is 120 real life is eternal life eternal life eternal life eternal life no life can compare to eternal life let me tell you friends that's all we have now you will understand the import of this statement till this your body stops functioning and if Jesus studies whether you like it or not one of these days your body would drop because this mortality is not designed to live forever it must drop and when it drops the only carrier left with is what you're having Christ adopted accepted righteous holy justified glorified in Christ's in Christ in Christ do you not also from beginning to the end there's no need you come on let's sing it here you are God [Applause] there's not nah god my you are from beginning ha you maybe about erosion that's [Music] saya saya saya saya take it I got you my god - time worship in the spirit worship in the spirit worshiping in the spirit Oh hyah Diana Diana bang-bang ah shot shot shot shot for shot for shot my god man [Applause] as I will collect under I command a revelation of Jesus to increase your hearts increase your hearts in crazy or not you must sentence with Knights by the spirits in the name of Jesus grow in grace grow in knowledge of Jesus and I declare the word of God the influence of God's Word increases being on your inside until nothing else matters in the name of Jesus every yoke of sickness and disease is broken right now your bodies I feel totally set free in the name of Jesus and I command every fear every reasoning every imagination that contradicts the purpose of God in your life broken in the name of Jesus we cast them down and I command the spirit of sonship on your incense to rise a babe and cause you to walk in your authority your full authority your full authority your fuller turret in the name of Jesus great Grace's upon you great grace is upon nakute lapa they call zakiya those of you in the Academy I speak over you preach the world in an out of season preach the world may Christ manifest manifest the savour of God's praise kappa gotta take over cities take over territories contaminations conquer continent the water caught in your mouth goes forth like fire to destroy every hold of darkness and debridement to salvation thank you Father I decree that with great power you will give witness of the resurrection and great Grace's upon you you are not with your strong you're not weary you're resilient thank you for hallelujah hallelu I said hallelujah I said hallelujah my prayer for every one of you here in the sound of my voice is that you grow in your relationship with God to a place where you know God so well that without closing your eyes you can tell what God will do next that's my prayer every veil of religion every mindset that will hinder you from this level of intimacy with God in your mind the to whom gasps of Teck neurons the holes of wrong teachings and my sense they are broken in the name of Jesus precision epignosis accurate knowledge you be grounded in that knowledge Thank You father in Jesus name every believer blessed are given Lokhande are you blessed this morning can we give the Lord a greater shouting mister [Applause] is the shout for your father [Music] is that praise for your fun is that place for your matter is that place for your fun is that I'm talking about your father offering let's give on worship and praise and bless the Lord get a good offering this morning we give joyfully willingly we give deliberately intentionally and we give it understanding those of you watching online Facebook YouTube and all our campuses grab your own offerings this morning father we rejoice that our giving spreads before us with smell today and we rejoice aware of the privilege to advance your kingdom and we have the understanding of bringing your war to a world that has not yet known you and we thank you that we have this opportunity and we give you praise today hallelujah in Jesus name and everybody verse is a powerful amen now just before I sign you guys off in the facade this adidas and I'd like to do it in the service there a number of people on our online church online community who have taken it on themselves to see you eat that people are mobilized and people are encouraged and people are kept steadily listening to the word of His grace God gave the word and great is the company of those who publish it and I want to recognize their label some of them have been with me for years now steadily not just that they are watching the teachings they are mobilizing people aggressively to be consumed by this light and there are quite a number of them on Friday I mentioned brother Emmanuel Kofi and Noah and sister Naomi Mattel I mentioned two of them on Friday but I still have a few McCall their names when I finish over just celebrate and appreciate their label in helping to get this message across the nations of the earth since that Rangi freedom is in namibia sister Angie Kass he is in USA sister Sybil epignosis she's in USA brother Charles Frederick in Legos sister TT Emma Legos sister Kate who came to you as a sister precious Raymond in Spain brother Raymond yabai in Spain sister Phyllis it whole in South Africa but the Calvin seems in Legos evangelist in BBC or conker in Qatar brother fakuma tayo in Legos but a field in USA dr. kwame amaku in USA cry cry of Falkner is in Ohio sister Lucy karma Mia in USA sister most fatal in Botswana she's our campus coordinator in Botswana brother out rumba in Ghana but a cushy Aditi Charles in Egypt brother Abbasi oh no or Buddha in Lagos sister Angela in Swaziland she actually passes our church in Swaziland in Swansea lon alright sister Rose is actually physically here she came all the way from Cameroon thank you thank you bless you bless you bless you we love you a glad you're physically here representing everybody else but a brand Slav Zachman in Ghana but the scared vodka in Cameroon brother Evans who do remember in Bremen and brother Osman in the mood WA Ohio in Sydney Australia these are the people and a lot more others that may not be putting their names that are laboring but these are the people that are making sure our online community is alive all the time and hey guys were a huge online community of people that are feeding from this house we want to appreciate these people for their labor can we go ahead give them a hand and a pressure amen and I said to you guys be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord we love you guys and I'm glad that we have all of you online and all our campuses we love all of your North Campus coordinators for your labor and all that you do I tell you it's gonna get better and greater this next one week I want all of you to go very aggressive and viral on social media this is our last week of glory this whole week the following week is going to be homecoming and the holy following week I'm not the only one preaching Bishop Mack Okonkwo will be here Pastor Chris on I think I'll be here myself and momma so it's gonna be a wonderful week next week but this week is the last week where I am holding exclusively the microphone to upload all the sotiria things that I use are you excited so you want to be with us every evening at 5:30 every day I mean at 6 p.m. GMT plus from where life get more people encourage more people let's get it to hit the roof this week but we love you guys and our campuses we live in the ever-merciful coordinators and you're the grace of Christ enjoy the rest of your Sunday let's celebrate viewers around the wall praise [Music] [Music] [Music] the vase is Kingdom Life Network [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,348
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Id: tt0FDSMkHk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 25sec (5725 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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