Christocentric Meal (March, 9th) | Dreams

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Crystal centric meal a daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus a bell the Mina is my name and I'm excited to welcome every one of you today we're gonna have a wonderful time studying and learning the word of His grace you need to invite friends and family members let's get into this war I'm telling you to build you up and you will never be the same after the broadcast I have custom with me this morning my wife dr. Richard Amina honey good morning hello everyone good morning and welcome to the broadcast praise God let's pray together father we thank you for Grace Mercy and Jesus words are not enough to express our gratitude for what you've done for us but we say thank you all the same for saving us living in us making us your dwelling place eternally and therefore we have all that is yours on a lie inside gifts of grace and mercy and today we accept the deep things of God by the Holy Spirit we pray for revelation knowledge for everyone watching the broadcast the eyes of your understanding and lighting will unlock your mind and when you clear that clarity comes to you today in the name of Jesus thank you for insell pray in Jesus name Amen praise God grab your devotion and let's get to walk this morning hmm today we're looking at dreams dream dream dream dream everybody keeps asking what about dreams what about dreams well were studying the leading of the Spirit and today were looking at dreams Joseph received guidance through the dreams he had prior to the dream he had a prevalent thought on his mind about Mary's conception and he resolved to secretly put her away Matthew 1:24 when I read force then just have been raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him and took unto him his wife that means he woke up from the dream and knew girls probably speak something about a dream is a riot in the dream you are so alert right in injury they are fought in a physical body it is a dream but the spiritual faculties are a lot that is why you almost think it is real you know when you dream absorb impetus explanation of the event in Acts chapter 2 he couldn't the prophecy of Joe we're gonna read George of the to verse 17 and 28 dreams and this has been a very you know very crucial issue in the body of Christ world world over so let's listen carefully because one who cut scriptures and be able to establish where dreams comes in in the leading of the Spirit oh yeah acts 2:17 and it shall come to pass in the last days saith god i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams your old men shall dream dreams joel 2:28 the old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see these are your sons and daughters shall prophesy George 28 and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons are your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions so dreams can come from the spirit on the believer dreams can come from the spirit on the believer that was examine what Solomon said about dreams in Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 3 for a dream comments through the multitude of business and a full voice is known by multitude of words so dreams come from a multitude of business with vast ceremony for in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also diverse vanities but feared our God so in essence you were saying dreams come out of the multitude of activities the activities of the mind is what translates into a dream this means that there was a communication of activity in the mind of that man not in the physical because it's alright some children after playing ball then the dream the dream also comes from activities India because of football you're playing your mind you're calculating thinking before you throw a business and your mind is controlled from the mind when it is when your mind is saturated would be playing football then in the dream you continue playing football it's just like ladies who get obsessed with some guy or some girl get obsessed with a lady yeah he starts dreaming of marriage or she starts in him in the dream all that is activity in the mine so the mind generates activities that translate into dream now this means that there was a communication of activity in the mind of that mind hence he goes into sleep and engages in that activity in the dream there is an exercise of the mind hence the man has a part to play in the dreams that he has who know God leads us by dreams however this is not to say God talks to us through every dream we have you see in the dream the Spirit of God could communicate to us using dreams and that communication is gives on the spirit what a wisdom it could be a word of knowledge it could be a revelation oh what a wisdom a word of knowledge or a revelation and it could come from activity too much activity and it also come from the devil yes so it's either scary a devil who a word of wisdom I have a word of knowledge from God or an activity from using earth yes those are the three things that are responsible or constitutes into a dream now in the body of sleeping but in your mind you are a lot now you will see it now you know it can I hug in tall the story of a woman here's a warrant this woman was a member of his church and she had a dream and in that dream her daughter had a ghastly motor accident and died so she began to pray until God please let my daughter not die please let my daughter not die and she was praying that prayer but she was already in fear because dream was so real to her but she didn't know any better few days after the daughter was going down the road and a car ran over the daughter and killed their daughter so one she was a few morning she was still mourning that issue then she had another dream and in that dream her house caught fire hose the ones down so now she couldn't take it because this one too was real so she now went to Kenneth Hagin a pastor and told him my experience and can I hang Ian said to her ok I'm gonna pray for you and I don't want you to pray don't see anything just be quiet let me do the praying all you can say is amen to my prayer and he prayed and took authority and counsel that dream and that dream never came to pass so she came to him and said so why did the first one happen and the second one didn't happen and Ken Hagin said etc when the first dream came you were so overwhelmed with fear and fear connects you that's what God has not given us fear fear fertilizes the operation of the devil that's when that one likes to operate with fear unless I have not received a spirit of bondage again to fear by the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father and in the second dream he said that's why I told her not to pray because he didn't want her to bring her fear into that prayer and he spoke authoritative and dismissed a dream and on Monday begged him never to have effect and as he spoke those words in faith he believed it and she said amen to it and that's a true lead so out of the dream you could come out of here or you could come out with faith in confidence that this no it's not part of the word girls parking what determines whether you come on in fear or faith is knowledge knowledge what do you know what do you know because if you don't know what the Word of God says about you you don't have a revelation of what Christ has done for you any devil can come through your dream mesmerize mesmerize you and you wake up with all flying and that fear will connect you to your fear that's what job said in job chapter 3 verse 1 I'm feared glad which I feared greatly has come upon me when you feel something is because you believe in that if you didn't believe in it you would be afraid of it fear is a connector it connects you to your fear and that's why scripture tells you fear not over 360 times fear not fear not fear not because God doesn't walk in an environment of fear fear paralyzes the Bible says fear is a torment or via torments you fear polishes you you know like we said some time back most times people die not because of the theme that is stretching his lives but because of fear who via is a weapon in the hand of the enemy and fear thrives in an environment of ignorance when you lack the knowledge of God then you become afraid and when you are afraid you can't operate in righteousness and in bored oh yes you are pre pulled by the enemy you'd become a coward you start running away from what does not exist to who because most people are running away from what does not exist it's just fear it's just fear you know in those days when I was in boarding school far back in my second be school days there was a senior in my school who was like a terrorist he was his saddest every time he sees Gino students he's beating where are you doing something to give or not you just oh that's in you for those of you that have been in boarding schools especially in Africa you know you can identify what I'm say so this she knows always beating us and beating us so one night something happened in our senior a little child took the white bedsheets that is wrapped himself in a very small boy and loved himself with a white bed sheet right to his head only left his eyes open when in the bathroom to Granny's himself and this was about like 2:00 a.m. so this cereal a same time was going to the bathroom - without thinking when he saw the way the boy was on me he thought it was a ghost the guy took off run through the window when they had loofas those of you that glass shop classes you know shot shot shot glasses to form the window he ran through that broke it and he tore his body to pieces and you are shouting definitely I saw the ghost it was a ghost but I cannot describe it definitely I saw the ghost you were singing that oh I saw the ghost drop as a ghost but I cannot describe it this boy went and hid himself because it was this guy would kill himself it was the next day when junior students were discussing about the event that I put the senior hey you seen you I don't recall his name because he may be watching a broadcast that the little boy say our the one I love myself this guy was an admission for close to a month because his body was destroyed something for his body on order make you run away from what does not this guy ran away from his mighty believe is very good of you watching them if you're running away from what does not exist it's just fear that can make you yeah a servant if Tom 8mm instrument and most dreams will add a produce fear or faith depending on your strength depending on your own that is why your knowledge of Ghazwan is very critical dreams will come from a multitude of business and when they come out of a multitude of business when you subject them to the Word of God you know whether to take them serious or not if it is the devil so just in those things that formed images in your mind because you expose your mind to activities who more to things that made it easy for the devil to conjure images when you subject you to the water board you will know whether to take it or not and if it is God communicating to you by word of knowledge or what a wisdom through your dreams when you subject you to the Word of God you don't know whether to take it or not because God's war when I buy one of knowledge whatever is on my prophecy will take on the character of God it will take on the character but anything that produces fear is not God mean anything that produces fear so dreams therefore must be subjected to the scrutiny of God's Word dreams are not finally in themselves that's a honey dream doesn't mean you have a heart from God you only subjected to the Word of God to be able to determine whether this is from God or not in fact right here in our devotional we have it here hence the man has a part to play in the dream that he has though God leads us bad dreams however this is not to say God talks to us through every dream we have it is therefore instructive for one not to exhort dreams above the Word of God you know and that is why you know some of you that have followed our teachings hear or see the no subscribes those books that you buy all over the place where is he 50 ways to interpret dreams there's only like 50 ways to interpret dreams dreams on its own is not a doctrine that a Christian built his life on dream on its own does not form the voice of God it must be subjected to the scrutiny of the scripture but always having the drink it doesn't matter who's having the dream some people just know how to cooperate you the devil in your dream to create evil and they'll tell you exactly how much dream it must happen yes it happens because you as d'italia are you know of making evil happen especially people that have this all their dreams are always about evil happening who always about it will have to mean and most of it happens is because you don't know better when the devil suggested those things crash is if you and Eva agreement you empower them to make it happen in the real world but if you know better you stand up and say no to it it was rebuked it because you know better you are in authority you know what you permit is permitted what you disallow is disallowed you know in in Philippians chapter 4 verse 7 on you want to read false why don't you take the dream serious or not I mean yeah it won't prophesy like I said to you it won't prophesy you have to judge it by the Word of God Philippians chapter 4 verse 7 and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus so the peace of God is critical if it is God the peace of God will be an umpire it will guide your heart and mind but the next verse finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things this is a yardstick to check in your dreams is it pure that dream is it honest is it true is a dream lovely is it of virtue is it of praying for is a of good report if it wasn't for within that you trash it you throw it away somebody said what if God is revealing to me something evil that is about to happen you stand up and say no to it and it is no you say no to eat in faith and by authority not in fear because most times in the dream because you don't know the Word of God feel ready I'll swallow you so by the time you wake up you're ready in fear everything you speak at that time is in fear and fear will connect you to the object of your fear you know what I mean but when you wake up in knowledge and with authority and you say that dream in the name of Jesus no Connor the reason for emulation is Redemption God does not reveal things to you so they will happen they are reveal so you can do something about it there's something you can do about an evil dream is to stop it and if it is a good dream that agrees with the Word of God you are with it you call it to be you speak into existence you create division you create it you make it come to pass by the Word of God that down by the - war a good warfare you take that vision or dream or prophecy and you you go to war you caused it to happen exercising your authority so if it does not agree with the Word of God you cast it down and disable every demonic agency from using it to actualization yes yes so dreams and visions was the difference a vision is a revelation where you are physically allowed and you see the dream plays later like Peter in that prison officials in a prior training or dream you're sleeping sleeping your body is shutting out a vision most times the whole body's unconscious your brain or you're looking like a truss you don't see things I just saw something because so sometimes if in a trance or in a vision you see what has happened with somebody and what do you do with them you tell them you probably Muslims good to pray especially if you know what you're going to say well create fear again you must be sure now what you want to tell the person if it has the maturity to take it hmm if not what do you pray you interest you you step in you supplicate we pray for each other because like pizza he kept the dream teams the vision is a vision it was any transfer any chance and soy so when circumstances came to confirm yes so he walked he now understood what it was I went to Cornelius and didn't doubt remember Cornelius also had seen in a what did Papa call it was a vision yeah or in a dream a man coming or a ninja telling him to call somebody else so he actually got up and call somebody so those kind of informative dreams so you act on them you act on it because most times when the Lord speaks to you it will come with instructions and even if it's a prophecy a water knowledge a water visa or a dream of the vision what you look at for is not the end product is the instruction in the dream an instruction is the main thing that you look out for because whatever is the end product will never happen if that instruction is not carried out and most times when the Lord is revealing something to you it will be backed by an instruction go like this do this we send for Peter go to Cornelius the whole be honest even on an earth and the poor yes see a thinny in a vision a man whatever yes you pray for you to pray for you yes so and then so when I mean it because a nurse was afraid yes and the dream told him don't be afraid you feel in the vision that because there are these a mother persecute the church why should I do anything to him and he said he has seen you pray for his sight so already that has a redemptive agenda yeah but the mom was afraid it doesn't matter but you can see that it is dealing to us Redemption so he and when he was told that the man had seen him sorry this side so it helped him to go and blue foresaw yes yes so there is God it will have a redemptive agenda and it will agree with the Word of God with cause intent because of what the girls got thoughts the logos the logos of God the thought go stinking patent the idea behind what is the idea of the thinking plan of for my is redemption so if it is God it will have it will be tailored to us redeeming revelation is for redemption God will show you things just for the fun of it and God will show you things just so that you can just be happy every time he shows you something there's an instruction that is attached because people have dreams I'm asking all these things to try and tackle all areas of our viewers yes you know emotional needs no people have dreams you know like Joseph he dreamed that he's a brother and bow to him it sounded like a foolish dream all too deep red red yes but his parents who were wiser yes and studies in their heart yes and then even when in total parents you even the son have mood but it sounded like it was far-fetched but these tickets it's so sometimes our daily dreams of petty dreams and things that we have they do they are not significant I think that those can be ignored yes so you can't cut if it scares you or if something you don't want so you cut it down your Casa de if it's something that is good oh really love that remember when you have a dream that you were with a Firebug like modern 20 years or 30 years when it was my rule like ever possible why are you so i self preaching with bunky and we had bunky yes and we loved and fake you know and i said to you one day you may have been that as most a second yes i know we've talked it riadi has come to your place you know I've gone to his place and it looked like Pablo patio seemed like it was a teen dance forever but we've done this within the last 10 years that was a positive that was a vision that was to one intent of redemption yeah you know reaching because me and Bank a meeting inspired something a lot to us and we started air in his broadcast right Johnny yes on our Channel right so that was a dream you had you we need vision our truck was a dream but that dream had a redemptive plan yeah do you liked the dream yes so you're embracing religion and say okay let this happen I believed in it it seemed it was what I desire and remember the man in our church that you saw him in an accident he said for him I think he couldn't make it or something he didn't come but then he now came maybe I mean this leta buttered from a motorcycle accident very sick spot back yes but and he said where were you on Sunday when I called you to pray for you you know remember you called him and he wasn't there but we prayed for him you remember what was but that was deep yes yes yes yes just because in the oh yeah I didn't want him to push on hey yes in his absence he had the accident not hot today what the equipment was destroyed I told you don't worry treaty we do would that be you yes that would have been damaged like that yes you know I remember so that was a dream as well as a dream but in that dream was a message yes on him to be careful but he didn't show we prayed for him and he was on - Orsi yes only the accident destroyed yeah blood or Lord's Day yes but we declared I do not have here and he had the accident but you'll see what remember Paul yes he said only the loss of the ship but that every George it by me tonight like you know watching me what it's only vision it was a visual I saw any situation tree that is actually 7 verse 1 when it was determined that will sail into it equally divided Poland certain other prisoners onto one Manor Julius is Centurion of August respond an entering to a ship of RIT on we launched meaning to sail by the coast of Asia one Aristarchus in Cinderella thessalonica being with us and the next day we taught at zero and G lost cautiously and treated poor and gave him liberty going to his friends to refresh himself the last seven and when we had saved slowly many days ask as well come over against needles the wind knots offering us we sell on that Crete over against Salamone and hardly passing it came on to a place which is called the fair havens night were on towards the city of last year now when much time was spent on Wednesday it was not dangerous because the first was now already past Paul admonished them and said unto them SAS I perceive okay is a passive as a perception at this point we perceive dozen impression in this yeah that this voyage will be with hot and much damage okay what you were speaking I was one of whist who he was speaking by word of wisdom by gift of the Spirit not only of the lady and she bought also of our lives nevertheless the Centurion believed the muster on the wound of the ship modem distance which was spoken by Paul and because Xavier was not commodious to winter in the more part advice to the pardons also and if my enemies they might attend to finish and their painter which is unhappy of Crete and lire toward the southwest and not west and when the south wind blew softly supposing that they had obtained their purpose losing dance they sailed close by crater but not long after there arose a great against it attempt us win called euroclydon and when they should not any enemy win yes Katrina yes and where the ship was caught and could not be up into the wind we let her drive now running under a certain allure which is called cloud we had more the walk to come by the boat which when they had taken up the used helps on the gut in the ship and fear unless they should fall into quicksand Nora we've been exceedingly toast with a tempest the next day they lighten the ship on and on it will now follow this I want you to see something and now I exhort you to be of good cheer for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you but of the ship for there stood by me dismayed the angel of God that was nation ham and who myself that was a vision saying fear not poor Don must be brought before Caesar all right I know God had given the ordem that silly your good cheer you see so I believe God I shall be even as it was for me but this is regulate yeah this is empty you know and God gave him a gift yes when he prayed for the situation yes of life's favorite beauty this is not like somebody dreaming and seeing fish flying by said oh okay Oh chameleons moving on his neck and it's acting what does he mean or a police already shot a policeman really short money bicycle well soon arrested I mean those are useless I don't have maybe watch it oh you see I said wearing the school shed your primary school in the village when you're not a PhD holder oh you're wearing a schoolboy because my face what does it mean doesn't mean anything does it mean it means the days of you adding to boys I didn't clean out of your head I mean it played back that's all it means it has no meaning every time God is revealing something it must have really need a retentive agenda you see God does not just what is not jobless that you just see see and he shows you cockroaches and they go what does it mean it means your head is dead to clean it up God doesn't do that when God shows you something is to an intense God is a God of purpose is to an intent either you intends to achieve something or intends to accomplish something so dreams are revelations and visions are all intended to achieve the redemptive plan of God or to bring it to an end where a village shops you know we're taking them to do with all of this because this is a very important so tomorrow we're going to be talking on cell phones honey dipper is an internet and you need to understand so you don't get spellbound by your dream or be kept increasing by your dream or be struggling with all these dream things you've got to stay in the world and I have many Christians who exalt modified dreams like even when you are telling them no look the Bible says it but I know my dreams I know my thoughts that my dreams are the oldest reason one or two three two dreams one or two dream that's all you dream and you actually lost it so throw them out and focus on the Word of God you'll get rid of those things clear your head yes I'll stick with the water I always carried that you useless many letters dreams is because of bad food and it's in late at night many sometimes because of your past life things you were exposed to many ways to watching horror and again Paul Johnson Carey and those things were stored up hiding somewhere not this one food and fear I won't see anywhere they come up as other things I'm Ferrentino that's what they believe you exposed to t or just a renewing of your mind and that's what what do we do would have got right now for them all and make your dream life less important you can make the Word of God awesome idea once you do that those things who suddenly lose relevance and you will commit to the Liberty the freedom that you have in Christ Jesus not tied by any crutch of dependence or tied by anything that the devil could use to hoodwink you and mess up your life praise God it meant so it's ready to go that your dream must not be exalted safe of viewpoint and authority over fear you fear we bind and cast you out in the name of Jesus the love of God overshadows your heart the love that God has for you you have come to know and to believe that love so you walk in that love you function in that love and let that love keep and guide your steps and order you in the name of a man you remember that God loves you and he will not let you - of taking sister good Kings are on the way know every blessing and every favor she owes good gifts come from God no evil comes from God and every weapon of evil against you is abolished every person every useless dream and we cancel every demonic setup and every cost per se and every report formed against you is aborted right now in the name of yes you'll be blessed today and enjoy the fullness and the abundance of cosmic ray Neela who in Jesus name we pray amen amen well praise the Lord guys we love you and I were able to show her to share with you make sure your own of a copy of this book it will bless your entire life and get copies for friends and loved ones and other resources that this ministry offers you we are committed to equipping and building you all in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ tell other people about what's going on here on this platform we love you guys and we are glad to be a blessing in your life just before we go honey one word for viewers dream of the Word of God dream the Bible or the scripture that you read yes the last week last year dream of them and see them come to pass you know you can get so filled with the scripture that it becomes your dream yes you start dreaming you stay in that it's all filled with the scriptures eat it think it may be that it speak it drive with it everywhere you are let the Word of God feel and you live a victorious life all the time we love you guys we look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow why don't you become a king away tomorrow this is Rachel enabled I mean I say the kingdom of God is in power hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to hear study and meditate on the word you need not only here but to also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily meals making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and your confidence as a believer so all of this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. abode Amina called the number or email the address on the screen starting the new year with this book is your first step to guaranteeing an enriched life a new year [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 7,764
Rating: 4.8228784 out of 5
Id: JMukOCKcaa8
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Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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