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[Music] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your [Music] [Applause] things feet like [Music] this after us come on is is [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on i am what god [Music] can do what says says [Music] is [Music] but i would never never be the same [Music] jesus is my righteousness [Music] i'm fully blessed [Music] now [Music] me [Music] i will never never never never never [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava [Music] come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favorite show the same i would never know [Music] know [Music] with the holy ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] unto god no man understanded him i'll be it in the spirit he's wicked ministries brother [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all over the world from wherever people are receiving this ministry today [Music] unto them that are lost in whom the god of this world a blind at the minds of them that believe not leave the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine [Music] to shine out of darkness a shine in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of the lord in the face of jesus christ [Music] [Music] that they might understand the scriptures this morning we declare as our purpose teaching the world our understanding is opened our hearts are enlightened we understand the scriptures [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all over the world people are going to be blessed and part of satire their hearts are open their [Music] just as it is with us that the word of god our paper is teaching in this house he's having free cause and he's been glorified through the social media those who are accessing the ministry through the social media through television through radio from whatever means [Music] the world is having free cause nothing in the world [Music] is gifted or transferred he is gifted he is speaking this world his body with fullness he declares god as a boldness he speaks as he ought to speak her makeup or shatter his peaceful [Music] so that the children of israel could not steadfastly look up to the end of that which is to be abolished but the public space we speak with great blindness of speech we declare this body our power is faking with great blindness or [Music] [Music] and all over the world we are changed into the image of god's word from glory to glory [Music] change is coming transformation is happening [Music] but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that he may prove what is that good what is unacceptable [Music] we walk in line with the will of god we walk in line with the plan of god for our lives we walk in line with the agenda of god and possibly fire because we walk in the spirit for no man know it the things of a man save the spirit of man even so that jesus no man but the spirit of god because we walk in the spirit of god we walk in a line measure we walk in sync with the plan of god [Music] god [Music] this morning as the word of god is growing in this house upon so tired the bible says and the word of god increased and the number of disciples multiplied greatly and so we by virtue of increase of god's word in this house by virgil of increase of his word the number of disciples are multiplying all over the world in the city of york in a bible state in nigeria all over the world more and more compositions have been graced existing compositions are [Music] [Music] [Music] for us it is written that the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea we see the world penetrating everywhere [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus i say in the name of jesus somebody shout glory oh let us celebrate our pop and mama in the house let's show the prayer let's celebrate our mama [Music] good morning hallelujah hallelujah how many of you are happy to see mama this morning we see her every day but we see her in a different dimension somebody said [Music] glory somebody shout hallelujah lift your right hands to heaven father we rejoice that this morning we already have answers to our prayers and we thank you that the world comes with clarity of people built up equipped edified jesus glorified we decree that whatever is not planted by god is rooted out budding psyogs are destroyed sick bodies are healed healing flows freely in this service and wherever there is any infirmity it is healed in the name of jesus and we rejoice that by the end of this service the word of the lord is glorified all over the world even as it is with us here in the house your people edified built up and jesus glorified thank you father for your word in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven unless you lose our faith together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the word i do the word naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of our social media community brothers and sisters online we want to welcome all of you to the service this morning and we want to welcome the acquire bomb state community connected to the service by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb passion fm inspiration fm and heritage fm i want to welcome all of you to the service do me a favor call a friend the family member somebody you love ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves we also want to ask our social media community to help us let's get this war together around the end the nations of the earth remember we are on a monday to reintroduce jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you there are so many people all over the world that are still in darkness concerning these realities so help us share the video put them on as many groups as possible let's get the word to the ends of the earth we also want to welcome all our campuses around the world we're glad to welcome all of you brothers and sisters around the world it's going to be an exciting study of god's word this morning is anybody in the building excited to be in the house this morning can we celebrate the word of the lord with a shout glory amen grab a pen your notebook your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the word of his grace this morning [Music] we began to examine how to follow the inward witness how to follow the inward witness and how many of you have noticed changes in your life as it pertains making decisions and you know how many of you have noticed changes how many of you have experienced a blessing through the course of this series you know that's the whole intent to bring you to work to work in the plan the purpose the plan that god has for you can everybody say to me very loud god has a plan for my life can i hear you say it like you believe it can i hear you say with me very loud my life is not an accident my life is not subject to trial and error there is a precise accurate definite plan of god for my life and i'm going to walk in it all the days of my life can i have a good amen ephesians chapter 1 verse 16 ephesians chapter 1 verse 16 brother paul praying for the church at ephesus cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers next verse that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints so he says when the eyes of your understanding is enlightened you will know the hope of his calling you know i took you down the road to understand the fact that the mind is more powerful than we think it is the mind the human mind i explain to you that god's salvation plan can be hindered by the mind of man god's salvation plan can be hindered by the mind of a man in the book of second corinthians chapter three verse number three second corinthians chapter three verse number three he says for as much as you manifestly declared to be the epistle note chapter four verse three second corinthians chapter four verse three but if our gospel be heed it is he to them that are lost next verse in whom the god of this world had blinded the minds of them which believe not the minds the minds of them which believe not let the glorious less the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god shall shine unto them so we saw that the gospel can be hindered by a man's mind salvation can be hindered by the mindset of a man we also saw that when the gospel is being preached the greatest challenge the gospel can encounter is in second corinthians chapter 10 verse 3. ii corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 for though we walk in the flesh we do not walk after the flesh next verse for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds to the pulling down of strongholds what are strongholds what are strongholds verse 5 of the same chapter what are strongholds casting down imaginations and every heightened that exalted itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ that shows you the importance of the thoughts that men have that's why television is very powerful facebook youtube twitter instagram the social media they're all powerful they have totally changed the narratives of our world the social media especially it has changed the entire narratives of the globe it has changed the way things are done it has changed the way things function and things operate and we're talking about you know all of these media media tools and it's because they are meant or designed to school your mind they are meant to school your mind they are meant to effect your thinking to shape how you think to shape how you see things to correct or to impact on your perspective and we're talking about the social media that's how they are that's why they are designed they are designed to impact on your view your perspective of things that is why your country nigeria banned twitter because the government became scared of the kind of impact twitter was having on the nation that's why nations have been overthrown their elections have been overthrown just by the use of social media because social media is so powerful it can change the totality of the narratives of your life that's why young people that are born today i feel so much for them because they are exposed to so much pressure too much information that they cannot handle when i was young i didn't have any information other than what my parents told me and what my teachers told me in school and what me and my friends discussed which was also within what our parents and our teachers told us so it was easy to obey your parents it was easy to obey your teachers it was easy to to to have character it was easy to obey the elders in the society but the narratives have changed today we have the entire social media world that brings too much too much information so your child is fighting with all kinds of information fighting fighting with the information to rebel fighting with the information to be independent don't let anybody tell you how to think think any how you want to think you have freedom to to decide your life don't let anybody manipulate to control you so all that information is coming to your children on social media and your children are trying to obey you but there is more info there's influence coming telling them they shouldn't obey you if they want if a boy wants to be a girl he's free to be a girl if a girl wants to be a boy she's free to be a boy there's so much bombardment and it's on the go steady you wake up two am midnight people are on social media five a.m people are on social media 12 midnight people are busy people don't sleep anymore i'm sure people are suffering from a lot of insomnia all over the world right now because people can't sleep they are lying down their phone doors scream they wake up they're already working on it you know and and the world is being bombarded with information you do not need information you do not yesterday i stumbled on one video on social media he said you have you have you have nash you have breasts you have brain you can cook your wife material i mean how can that make you a wife material so a woman does things because she has bum bum she has breasts she can she has intelligence she can cook food she's a wife material but there's more to being a wife than just breasts and the bomb and what intelligence and cooking there's much more to eat there's character which is the main thing that makes a wife there's character you know but they didn't put character there they just put bomb bomb breast intelligence you can cook your wife material and people are listening to that music they are dancing to it and a lot of ladies are taking that as their narrative on what i need to be a wife material so all kinds of things are coming on social media all kinds of things are flowing around the world and that's what it was designed and that's why you've got to control you've got to control you've got to control control what your children watch control what they see they may tell you you're trying to manipulate them don't listen to them insist because it's important if they turn out to be good it will be your glory if they turn out to be rebellious and nasty it will be your shame you've got to take charge take charge of your home take charge of your world take charge of your environment if you need to employ a king employ a king it will not kill it will only help to put order and decency i'm teaching good this morning now so the mind is so important if you underrate the power of what comes into your mind you will underrate a lot of things you probably will underrate the power of the devil himself because the devil influences people through their thought pattern he influences people through their thought pattern look at ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 ephesians chapter 2 verse number 1 and you have to quicken who were dead in trespasses and sins next verse wherein in time past you walked according to the cause of this world there is a cause of this world according to the prince so there are people that walk according to the course of this world under the influence of the prince of the power of the air and it is a spirit the spirit that now worked in the children of disobedience next verse among whom also we all had our conversation in time past in the loss of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and whereby nature the children of wrath even as others the cause of this world that prince of the power of the air the spirit that now occurred in the children of disobedience among whom we all had our lifestyle our conversation bible language conversation is not discussed here conversation is lifestyle so we see that there is something called the desires of the mind the desires of the mind so a man is identified as a child of the devil based on his thought process a man is identified as a child of the devil based on his thought process in ephesians chapter 4 verse number 17 ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 this i say therefore and testify in the lord that you henceforth walk not as other gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind so he tells you not to be like the gentiles and how do we know the gentiles in the vanity of the mind so he identified unbelievers by their thought pattern unbelievers by their thought pattern so we can identify unbelievers actually by their thought pattern by the way they think by the way they think by the thought pattern of their lives that's why the christian world can be hindered by the information in your mind your christian journey can be hindered by the information in your mind romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed how by the renewing of your mind and what will be the outcome of your renewed mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god please stay with me that's the importance of the mind and the things that comes to the mind you cannot take away a man's lifestyle from the information that he is present with in his mind your lifestyle will be a function of the information available to your mind you didn't hear that your lifestyle will be a function of the information available to your mind so the information available to your mind defines your lifestyle that's why paul prayed consistently for the church that the eyes of your mind being enlightened the eyes of your understanding a version says the eyes of your understanding being flooded with light flooded with light it means to be overwhelmed with information you become overwhelmed with the information of god's word your mind is flooded with revelation flooded with the light of god flooded with the truth of the gospel the eyes of your understanding being enlightened means your mind needs to be enlightened your mind needs to be enlightened if you are not enlightened you are in the dark if your mind is not enlightened you are in the dark even though you are born of light you are part of your you are in union with the light of the world but if your mind is not enlightened you are in the dark a very core part of you is in darkness if your mind is not enlightened so no matter the information that is present in your mind if that light of the word of god or the light of what christ has done has not dawned on you you will discover that the mind is flowing in darkness no matter what information you have as a christian is if the light of what christ has done is not available to your mind you will find out that you're still flowing in darkness that's why many people battle they struggle to embrace the truth that we preach because their minds have been abused by religion abused by wrong thought patterns abused by wrong information and because they have spent many years in that wrong information it has formed strongholds and those strongholds are fighting against the truth of god's word i have said it over and over when when falsehood becomes an institution truth looks like rebellion when falsehood becomes an institution truth looks like rebellion and that's what many people are suffering from you know they hear us teach the truth of christ and what christ has done and they are angry how will you be angry about what christ has done how will he be angry about the things that the death of christ has provided something definitely isn't right something is wrong with your mindset so your mind will just live exactly like an unbeliever will leave your mind will live exactly like an unbeliever will live as though the man in that body is not born again you know because the mind walks with received information the mind walks with received information and that is how and why you can control the way you think you can't go because it works with received information the mind walks with received information the mind is like a process of processor of information the mind is like a processor of information you drop thought in there and you take them out of there you drop thoughts in you take the thoughts out please listen carefully you drop thoughts in you take the thoughts out and you know let me quickly recommend many of you who are following me both online and in church here and on the campuses and all over the world this will be a good week for you to read my book understanding the spirit the soul and the body i have a book like that understanding the spirit the soul how can you be a human being who does not understand your composition you don't even know who you are you don't understand how you function you don't understand how you are make how your make is designed to function that's why you can't live a victorious life you need to know how you function as a human being you need to know the compartments that constitute you as a human and how each of them operates so that you take charge of your life understanding the spirit the soul and the body is a book i wrote is available in the books and get a copy and consuming this week those of you online you can order for it on amazon amazon abel damina on amazon understanding the spirit soul and body the e-copy and just jump on it the whole of this week and consume it it will be difficult for you to operate an appliance that you don't understand is functionality the only way you can understand how the human being is designed to function and maximally live the life that god wants you to live is by understanding the spirit the soul and the body in details doctrinally so that book i wrote it intentionally you need to grab jump on it now because the things i have taught in the last many weeks if you read that book now many people read the book i didn't even know what i was talking about if you read it now in the light of all i have thought the book will become a treasure you will not want to stay from so get a copy of that book quickly now please stay with me your mind changes once your mind changes your emotions will change once your mind changes and when i'm talking about your mind i'm talking about your thoughts once your thoughts change your emotions will change but your thoughts will only change when the information available to you changes so you change what you hear to change what you think to change how you feel you change what you hear to change what you think to change how you feel so your emotions are actually programmed by you your emotions are programmed by you emotions come from information that you receive your emotions come from information that you receive for example if i just walk right now and i said dr gabriel i was walking into the church and somebody stood in front of the church and he said you stole you stole his money you stole his car you stole this you stole that he's standing in front of the church with a placard and he's busy shouting your name instantly dr gabriel will get angry and move out with action because he knows it is deformation of character he will go there to fight the person now as he gets there to grab the person and the person says is not your doctor gabriel is dr gabriel happen he will cool down information changed his emotions changed am i communicating at all so the moment your information what you are hearing changes what you are thinking will change your feelings will change so you program your emotions but what by what you expose yourself to here what you expose yourself to here what are you hearing because what you're hearing is controlling your life it's controlling everything about you please listen this is very important so the mind is that powerful but the mind is not that powerful too you see that the mind is that powerful but the mind is not that powerful too because the mind is programmed with received information the mind is programmed with received information that's why the bible wants the eyes of your understanding to be enlightened that you may know all the hope of his calling so if the mind functions with received information it shows that we can control our thought patterns in life we can control our thought patterns in life because we can decide what to listen to and we can decide what not to listen to we can decide who to listen to and we can decide who not to listen to you see that we ultimately can decide the kind of life we want to leave you know and please very very important in proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs chapter 4 verse number 23 the word of god says proverbs 4 23 keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life another translation calls it the wellspring of life another translation calls it the influences of life proverbs 4 23 give me the amplified proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 dealing with the mind keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard for out of it flows flow the springs of life the springs of life out of it flows the issues the spring another translation causes the forces the forces of life another translation calls it the influences of life out of your heart which is your mind because remember your mind and your spirit are together all right so out of your heart which is your mind the call flows the influences that determine the outcome of life the forces that determine the quality of life you have or you know the the the spring that determines the kind of life you live you know a version says out of it flows what controls your entire life and of it flows what controls your entire life so if you can guard your mind you can guard your life if you can guard your mind you can guard your life proverbs 25 28 proverbs chapter 25 verse number 28 look at the way brother solomon puts it he that had no rule over his own spirit it's like a city that is broken down and without walls a man that has no rule over the things he hears over the things he thinks is like a city that has no gate it's like a city that has no fence you don't control what you see anything you see you watch anything you see you watch anything you see you read anything you see you stay with you have no control anything goes you like you are like a city that is defenseless defenseless there are things you must tell yourself i cannot feed on this i cannot feed on that this kind of diet burned from my life you've got to god you've got to protect you've got to put a gate you've got to put a defense on what you are permitted to see and what you can never see no matter what happens you've got to guard your heart because if you don't guard your heart you are like a city that is defenseless it has no gate it has no covering it has no protection so the minute you don't put a you know a god on your mind it means anything can come to you anything can come to you anything can come to your mind you know you are free you can mingle anywhere you can browse any website you are the most dangerous man on it because it means anything goes it means you are just a bunch of disaster going somewhere to happen your brows anywhere you watch anything you listen to any and everything you are just available for every kind of junk you have no god you have no no no you have no border lines you have no protective device nothing you're just exposed anybody can talk to you anybody can tell you anything you're just there you are the most dangerous man because you are going to be so so so so disastrous for yourself and for those who'd hang around you because what you're doing is you're getting information into your mind and that information will direct your emotions you know some people say i don't feel like a man even though i'm a man i feel like a woman you know why they feel like a woman they've been exposed to information that tells them that they're women so because they've been exposed to an information that tells them that women they have gender crisis and because they have gender crisis that crisis has become real because their mind has embraced it and configured their emotions it's in the mind all of these lesbians homosexuals be girls given to bestiality all of these bisexuals all of them are victims of identity crisis they expose themselves to an information that programmed and configured their feelings so you see a man [Music] disgusting and you wonder he says that's how i was born no he was not born like that he was exposed to an information at a point of his life where he was not guarded where he was not protected either by his parents or by his guardians nobody was protecting him and he himself didn't know what to protect himself from so he exposed himself to an information that configured his emotions that's why he's feeling like a woman leave me you wonder what's wrong with him everything is wrong with him beginning from what he heard which condition what he thinks which affected how he feels and now affects how he acts all right so such people are not hopeless such people are not evil such people are not bad they are victims of circumstances they are in their need of help they do not call for our judgment because you have not been where they were maybe if you were where they were you would have been worse than them you've got to be where somebody is first and not be like he is to be able to judge him but if not being you've not been where he is you don't judge him you look for how to help him that's why god doesn't judge us he comes into our circumstances and he helps us out of our circumstances god commended his love towards us in that while we were yet seen as christ didn't judge us god sent not his son into the world to judge the world but that through him the world might be saved so when you see people in certain very uncomfortable conditions don't be judgmental because you have not been where they have been so you don't understand what they were exposed to am i talking to somebody here you show some kind you show some understanding show some compassion so some love if that's all you do is enough but you can go beyond that and hell to bring such people out we have a ministry of reconciliation not a ministry of destruction teaching good this morning they were exposed to information you know when you hear some children that are abused by the good man abused by the house help abused by an uncle it's not their fault somebody that was meant to protect them was careless and they didn't know what to protect themselves from they were vulnerable and somebody took advantage of them you don't look at them judgmentally you look for how to help such people they didn't put themselves into those conditions so that's why you reach out with understanding you reach a bible says if a man be overtaken in a fault you that are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness not judgmental in the spirit of meekness considering yourself lest you also be tempted meaning that what they are going through you are not better than them maybe if you are in their shoes you will have been worse than them so let there be an understanding as you seek to help people am i teaching good this is very important what i'm teaching you is very critical to life and when your emotions are conditioned it forms the perception of your life it ultimately forms your perceptions just like with growth with growth comes exposure honey you know the guy who has never traveled to lagos before has always been in his village and saw another village girl in his village and to him that girl is heavenly wants to marry her by all means but just before they now go to get married an opportunity opened for him to get to lagos he got to lagos and his worldview began to change instead of one month he stayed in lagos for six months another opportunity opened for him to go to london he gets to london and suddenly his worldview changes his exposure changes his information changes and the moment all of that changes his feelings change now he doesn't want that girl again he looks at that girl now from where he is and he is feeling sorry for himself that he ever thought of marrying that girl what happened he's not a bad person and the girl is not a bad person it's just that growth and exposure interfered with his thought process and affected his feelings and things changed so what happens move on brother sister move on because there's no way both of them can get married they will not be compatible they will not be compatible there's no way no hard feelings no hard feelings lady bless your heart another brother from the village will look at you one of these days brother bless your heart some sister in london will look at you one of these days let there be no corral am i teaching good here sometimes you get angry over things that don't really matter at all and because you have refused to grow people need to grow am i teaching good you know so with growth and exposure travel the mind gets altered the mind gets altered because now you have new information and those information will make you not to fit into your previous group of friends even friends you lose them as you grow you lose friends you lose associates as you grow because the only thing that makes me and you a friend is that when we meet we have something to talk about but when my information changes i don't have what to talk with you again because what you are talking has become mundane and useless to where i am going so our friendship automatically breaks because a new set of facts have been exposed to my mind a new set of facts have been exposed to my mind the mind has been deprogrammed and the mind can be reprogrammed so the mind can be deprogrammed and the mind can be reprogrammed based on the kind of information available to the mind you need to receive the right kind of information to put you on the right lane that you want you need to receive the right kind of information to put you on the right kind of lane that you want in our growing years with mama we decided i was never going to travel anywhere she was never going to travel to and she was never going to travel to anywhere i was not going to travel to all our travels we did it together so we're exposed to the same kind of information exposed to the same kind of influence we grew together we learned together we saw things together we discover things together we experience things together so when i'm talking she knows where i'm coming from when she's talking she knows where i'm coming from you're a husband you're always traveling alone you're always adventuring alone very soon your wife will look like the housemaid that you brought to take care of your house because she will no more be fit for you because you've been too exposed for her level and that is one way to break a home there's one quick way to break it home you get exposed to information make sure your wife gets exposed to it a wife gets exposed to information make sure your husband gets exposed to it let there be some level of growing together you may not all know the same things but let there be some level of growing together because it's not possible for both of us to know the same things in every area but there will be some basic realms where we're all growing i don't know if i'm talking somebody suddenly you find out that your wife is no more understanding you because you are talking at a level where she's not all your husband is no more fit you look at him you're embarrassed so quickly enlist him in adult education pay his fees tell him quickly you because his english are talking he's embarrassing me see i was chemist to you what is that go to school you're embarrassing me and what happened was he was speaking that chemist before they married but after they married the wife moved he didn't move now looking at him again he has not moved it is becoming he is becoming an embarrassment and a misfit he has to move up if he doesn't upgrade his wife can be collected his wife can be collected by somebody who is fit for the level where she is and it's not a threat i'm telling you facts you got to grow up grow up don't expect your wife to chemist back to where you chemist she will not chemist the part of the nature is there's a shiny light he shines brighter and brighter not dimmer and dimmer it is chemist that you're supposed to comment or comment i'm teaching good this morning if you're getting bloodshot i hear i hear jesus said in mark chapter 4 verse 24 mark chapter 4 verse number 24 mark chapter 4 24 and he said unto them take heed what you hear with what measure you make it shall be measured to you and unto you that here shall not be given look at the way the amplified translation puts it mark 4 24 amplified mark four and he said unto them be careful what you are hearing the measure of thought and study you give to the truth you hear will be the measure of virtue and knowledge that comes back to you and more besides will be given to you who here measure of thought and study will determine the measure of what you receive virtue all right so he says guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues or forces of life if our our lives our wives can listen to the right kind of information if our wives wives can listen to the right kind of information we will have heaven on at homes and if our husbands can also listen to the right kind of information we will have bliss in our homes the right kind of information and i'm talking about the word of god i'm talking about the word of god a husband and a wife that are dedicated to hearing the word of god and meditating the word of god and growing in the word of god whatever they do shall prosper whatever they do shall prosper if young girls can get the right kind of information and follow godly conduct you will see humility and character in their lives humility and character will be the outcome of a young girl who follows the word of god and meditates the word of god so if you see a young girl that is proud rebellious stubborn know that that one the word of god is still far from her mind is the fruit of hearing the word of god is humility the fruit of hearing the word of god is character the fruit of hearing the word of god is the fruit of the spirit when a man or a lady is given to hearing the word it is not by carrying books around and flaunting them for us to see no you can be carrying books but the books are not carrying you it is it is the fruit that we see from how you relate the fruit that we see from how you you can't conduct your life that shows whether you're hearing something or reading something or you're not it's not just in telling us the tattoos or books you have read it is a fruit that it produces in your interpersonal relationship that shows whether you are really hearing or reading or not you know not some secular crazy models modeling after rihanna modeling after what is the name of the other one self there's one lady gaga and modeling after some of those so lousy funny bob risky stuff hello here is that somebody's name bobrisky i thought it's a song you modeling after crazy people models of this world the models of this world should not be our models we are godly people we are in this world but we are not of this world when you begin to gravitate towards secular people and they become your models your christianity has a problem there is nothing in them that should attract you nothing nothing in them shall attract you because you and them are not in the same kingdom when you look at some of them all you should feel is pity and compassion what you should be thinking about is how you can reach them and get them born again there's nothing in them to admire there are people we admire in the kingdom godly women mothers of faith mothers of faith whose lives are exemplary bible says look at sarah your mother those are examples even our mothers right here in george mama and some of our women they become your models you look at them you admire them you come close you ask one or two questions they help you with with with counsel that produces a new godliness not some crazy secular people we follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promise and what i seem to see is some of these secular models you call models when their marriages are broken then they become relationship experts how do you observe they now to teach you they want to teach you how to break your own marriage that's what they are relating to you how i broke my marriage if you follow me you break your own because that's why it's after they broke their home they now become relationship experts don't let any man sit on you don't let any man ride on you don't let any man tell you what to do and what not to do because those are the kind of lines they are now churning out so that they can have ladies that will be like them who cannot keep a home so that they are not alone in that boot you stupid you will say wow i like the teacher said he resonates with me it resonates with your ignorance illiteracy and rebellion be not conformed to this world but be transformed by what the renewing of your mind i'm teaching good this morning if our girls and boys will make the word of god a priority you will see a lot of christian virtues and values among our young people so your emotions are not as uncontrollable as you think they are your emotions are not as uncontrollable as you think they are only you know a young girl will say if i don't marry this man i will die i will die if i don't marry this man i have given him my soul my spirit and my everything i must marry him whether you like it or not then she now discovers that that is the the man that killed our father what do you think will happen to her all the feeling will disappear so that means emotions are not as uncontrollable as you think they are emotions are a product of what the mind feeds and the mind is a product of the information available to it if you can control the information you can control what you're thinking if you can control what you're thinking you can control how you're feeling that's why i hear people say toxins to him call him and talk sense to him what they mean is give him a new set of facts that will influence how he feels yes expose him to a new set of facts that will deflate the balloon of his feelings he's like a young man who says i must sleep with this lady today i must sleep with her he prepares organizes himself and upon arrival she gives him a result hiv positive actually eighth stage all the sexual desire will fly as if he's no more a human being at that moment you will become a priest why do you live a reckless life why are you promiscuous can't you control yourself now can you see you're going to die soon and have you made peace with god the man that went for fornication became a priest of the most high what happened a new set of information deflated the balloon of his sexual desire and the ministry that was hiding the ministry in him came alive true of us so your feelings are not as uncontrollable as you think they are i'm teaching you this morning they are just a product of the kind of information you are exposing your mind to so your mind is something you can control and your mind is something that can control you you can control it and it can control you second corinthians chapter four verse three second corinthians chapter 4 verse number 3 but if our gospel be healed it is here to them that are lost next verse in whom the god of this world blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god to shine unto them so there must have been a time he did it hath blinded hearth in whom the god of this world half blinded so there must have been a time he did it and there must have been a way he did it nobody was born born blinded by the devil so there was a time satan blinded a man and there was a way satan blinded that man so the devil must have blinded their minds with certain information that has come to them he has blinded their minds with certain information that has come to them see that if some people can just speak to the mountain before calling the doctor they will have been alive today do you understand what i mean if they can speak to the mountain before calling the doctor they would have been alive today because some people all they know is doctor they don't know how to take authority they don't know how to stand in faith and resist so when symptoms come on them they think doctor doctor himself is confused he needs help he needs help because now the doctor can come thinking is malaria and giving malaria medication for something that malaria medication is against and there's confusion in your body and you're gone but if you took authority and spoke to the mountain in the name of jesus you symptom i speak to you now this body has been bought at a price you have no right over this body the life of god is at work in this body he bore my griefs he carried my soul the chastisement of my peace it was upon him by his tribes i am healed and jesus healed them all jesus the healer lives in this body body respond to the healing power of god if you speak to the mountain if you shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be ambidextrous sea i shall not doubt in your heart but shall believe that the things you say shall come to pass you shall have what you say you speak to the mountain don't speak to the doctor first when you take charge over the mountain the influence of your prayer even if the doctor is to come will affect the doctor and clear him from confusion so by the time the doctor is coming you have taken charge of the environment you have exited satan from the situation so now the situation is helpless so the doctor can now know what to do and fix it and you'll be alive so if only you know how to speak to the mountain many people that are dead today will have been alive moreover you know when you start speaking to the mountain your mind becomes strong when you start speaking the word of god hope comes alive hope comes alive and when your mind becomes strong your mind controls your body because the bible tells us a man's a man's mind shall sustain his infirmity if in your mind you refuse to give up your body will hang in there that's why i see some people they are almost like vegetables in the hospital but their mind refused to give up so their body is just hanging there nothing is functioning in the body but the mind has refused to quit see that's why when you feed your mind the word of god it is difficult for anything to to push you out of life i'm telling you the truth when you feed the your mind the word of god your mind becomes so dogged about winning it keeps winning it just keeps winning no matter the pressure you don't quit it just keeps winning am i talking to somebody here so that's why you've got to renew your mind with the word of god time invested in meditating and learning the word of god is never time wasted never i'm telling you the truth if you can watch telemundo for three hours if you can watch see me receive similarities similarity in their movie for six hours my brother you can stay in the world for 24 hours the world will benefit and benefit you eternally than telemundo mundo or mundo it will benefit you more than what do they call that indian channel the world you have no value for your life that's why you can spend endless hours on zero when you come to bible study 30 minutes you're already checking time you have no value for your life people that want to win are not lazy where the word of god's concerned because the word of god is the way to victory the word of god is the light that darkness cannot withstand so when you're full of the world you're full of light and when you're full of light darkness cannot withstand you am i talking to somebody here so let the word of christ dwell in you be full of the world be full of the world so you can live in victory so you can reign in victory so you can triumph over the circumstances of this world the reason why you always think of your doctor is because your mind is strongly programmed in a particular direction of your life you don't believe that prayer can heal you you don't believe that god heals sickness you believe that sickness is a natural condition so why talk to god about it and if you program your mind in a particular direction that is the direction in which your mind will go your mind will only always go in the area of your predominant thoughts some people when it comes to their finances that is how they are if their finances are going down they start crying oh how am i going to survive and they start running around who can help me who can help me instead of standing in faith and speaking to the mountain you speak to your finances you speak to your situation and you begin to declare the word of god and then you begin to pray in the spirit and speak in tongues and expect the holy ghost to show you what way that they are there and earth has not created any problem that does not have heavenly solutions it has never and will never create any problem that does not have a heavenly solution before it created a problem heaven already prepared a solution so if you can only learn to pray in the spirit walk in the spirit listen to the spirit you will win in every circumstance of life it doesn't matter complicated the problem you will always have a solution to that problem far back in those days mama and i were still struggling financially and all that was just sitting in the middle of our bed on top of our bed in the middle we'll sit down together there we'll spread out people and write down all our financial challenges write out all the things we are struggling with and then we will pray in the spirit we will speak to them one by one we will speak to them in our mind we will swallow them and in our mind will make them small we will speak to them in our mind and we will see that they have become nothing few weeks after when we come back to the same bed and we sit there we will be thinking that they are already taken care of that's how we kept winning we kept winning and that's how we are still winning that's how we're still winning we just sit down write all of them and speak to them number one we speak to you this mountain be removed we did that over and over until we came out from under and overcame and grew and we're still growing some of you don't know how to speak to things you get overwhelmed you have problems you have problems they overwhelm me you start running around from people to pose sit down sit down no human being have solution to your problems there are too many even if one to help you where do we stand from when i discovered that no man can really solve my problems i forgot man i faced god because if i come to you today you solve it who will i come tomorrow next tomorrow next problems will keep coming so you must learn how to take care of them by yourself all this going around you make yourself a nuisance you lose value before men and you bring a lot of insult to yourself that reduce your identity from who you are to a victim sit down and talk to yourself tell yourself this thing is not too much i'm bigger than you if i shall say to this mountain mountain come here sit down i speak to you am i talking to somebody here yeah and when you are speaking to them your mind is consuming them your mind swallows it suddenly becomes small it diminishes i'm telling you how to work in victory and how to live a victorious life if i'm teaching good this morning can i have a good amen so it's important for you to take serious the things i'm saying here that's why television is powerful because eventually what becomes your understanding in life is the information you put in your mind what becomes your understanding in life is the information you put in your mind in studying the word mind how does the mind actually walk i'm beginning to round up a country in the next service how does the mind actually work does it mean that anything i see will control me no there's a law of the mind there is a law l-a-w of the mind paul talks about it there's a principle the mind works with there's a principle the mind walks with brother hagin says this often he says you cannot stop a bird from flying over your head but you can stop it from building a nest in your head you cannot stop a bed from flying over your head but you can stop the bed from building a nest over your head you can control thoughts from coming to you in this world because you're in the midst of canal christians on serious christians church goers unbelievers people that you are in the midst of a world full of negative things negative vibes all over the place so therefore because we're in this kind of world lots of influences are available thoughts will always come but how exactly does the mind walk the law of the mind is meditation the law of the mind is meditation what you now fix your mind upon meditation is to fix to fix your mind what you fix your mind upon meditation is to fix your mind upon something you fix your mind let me tell you how meditation subtly works in our mind whenever you watch something the first time is empty then you watch second and third you think you're just watching a while in a way time you are building control over your mind because man is a spirit doesn't swallow anybody you know the same thing with music the first time you hear a song it doesn't register you listen again you listen again they say oh so this is how the song is sounding gradually you become addicted that's why secular people know that the only way to to force information to you is to slam it all the time you will hear the music they will play it 40 50 times a day in the radio station they are dry they are forcing your mind to submit to that music before you know it you are dancing it why they forced it on you anything that mounts pressure on the mind in a fixed way the mind eventually succumbs that's why the first time you see a young man you don't like to marry him wrong because if you hang around him after a while he will say his dentation is really nice i didn't notice that his dentation is nice ah i've never noticed his skin color is chocolate oh his eyes are lovely so what is the problem nothing anymore by staying there eventually your mind is succumbed anything you don't like don't hang there because if you hang around it you will succumb the human mind is is frequent the human mind is like i told you it's powerful but it's not that powerful once information starts bombarding the mind the mind submits to information am i teaching good am i teaching good yeah the mind submits that's how you find yourself doing things you you swear you will never do look at how you're looking at me i'll use one of knowledge and bring you out now i said that's why you end up doing things you never thought you will ever do true or false things you saw i ca i swear i will never do it god the next time i do it let me be a leper a few weeks after you have done it they say i'm sorry please don't make me a leper i was just joking you know i was never serious because the mind succumbs to anything that mounts pressure it succumbs a guy tells you i want to marry you you say i don't want to marry you his friends come around he said what are you thinking about a friend he's a really nice guy his character is wonderful his mother his father fantastic in fact this guy is so kind that when you experience his kindness it will change your life they are bombarding you with information to bring your mind to succumb then the guy comes and something just happened that was not planned and you needed hundred thousand he gave 150. your mind says ah wonderful he's really as kind as they said confirmation has started confirmation has started coming circumstances are working because you didn't run you stayed i said about the fleet fornication what do you do because if you don't flee you will end up in it so what you from first look when your mind was still saying when you are still together when you look at it you don't like it move don't hang around and say let me look again that's your failure let me look again okay let me look again okay let me look again okay let me look again as you're looking again something will hook you power don't look again you have already looked the moment you suffered fire i'm teaching good run for your life run for your life thoughts that come over television you know television is telling a vision tele tell a v tell a vision somebody is telling you his vision thoughts will always come around us and we'll be bombarded with thoughts even jesus was tempted so the law of the mind is meditation and in the next service i will open up on the law of the mind the law of the mind is meditation the book of someone want to as i close this service are you blessed this morning someone want to put it up for me psalm 112. he says from verse 1 someone one two from verse one praise he the lord blessed is the man that feared the lord that delighted greatly in his commandments his seed shall be mighty upon the earth can i be hearing your amen if you like what i'm reading he said shall be mighty upon earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed that amen includes your children so let the amen come with thunder now i like the next one wealth and riches shall be in his house his righteousness endured forever unto the opera there arise that light in the darkness you are gracious you're full of compassion you are righteous a good man showed favor and landed he will guide his affairs with word discretion next verse surely you shall not be moved forever the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance you shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is what fixed his heart is what fixed that's meditation fixed will trust him so his heart is fixed on god's word that is why all those blessings will happen because his heart is fixed trusting in god's word his heart is fixed he is not unstable he is not double-minded he is not here and there no his heart is fixed he has made up his mind to stay with the world to do the world to live out the world to practice the word to read the word day and night the day of joshua's instructions was this book of the lord shall not depart out of your mouth day and night you shall meditate the law of the mind stand on your feet that's of god are you blessed this morning his heart is fixed trust him in the lord now please stand with me the online people you know some of you once you hear me say stand up you start signing out i don't know why you came i don't know why you came because you should listen to the end because you never can tell what instructions will come that will help you in the application of god's word you don't just when you stand up you just sign out on your way no no you don't you don't cherry pick what to hear if you really came to hear us hear everything hear everything hear it well because i don't like people who are picky in what they hear those people are prone to error they are prone to heresy you've got to hear the theme conclusively so that you arrive at a place of understanding and there are some things we have said that you thought you understand you didn't understand that's why we keep teaching even in the next service so that you can have holistic understanding and the intent of teaching so that the word of god can profit you so that the word of god can benefit you so don't be in a hurry to just sign off wait hang around linger a bit and hear what we have to say conclusively and wait for us to pray for you then you can go with the benediction and go with the blessing can somebody say i hear you please it's very important i hope somebody's hearing me online and somebody's hearing me on television and already it's very critical can somebody say good amen say with me my heart is fixed i'm not afraid of evil tidings i'm not afraid of evil news my heart is fixed i'm trusting the lord by trusting his world i have deliberately made my choice as to what i will expose my ears and my eyes to see and hear because what i see and hear the time is what i think what i think determines how i feel therefore i am selective on what to see what to hear in my life i didn't have a good amen if your emotions are going to win if your thoughts are going to win you must be selective as to what to hear and what to see you guard your heart you protect your heart with all diligence with what all diligence for out of it are the forces that determine life there are the forces if you don't like the kind of life you're living now it's because of the kind of forces you've been releasing into your life it means you need to change and allow right forces from the word of god he said how forcible are right words you allow right forces to condition and program your life and bring you to a place where you win say with me i win in life all the days of my life show me again i win in life all the days of my life because i have discovered that victory and defeat is in my mind and i determine what my mind is exposed to i will expose my mind to information that is tailored towards the word of god so i can win over the circumstances of this life how did jesus win it is written man shall not live by breath alone but by every word that proceeded that's how he won and if you're going to win like jesus you've got to put the word of god in your mouth and put the word of god all over your life decorate your life with the word of god decorate your life for the word of god you know coca-cola i mean if you know coca-cola i don't know i've been drinking coca-cola for two weeks now i think i need to check my coca-cola intake i've been drinking i don't know how suddenly i just started feeling like coca-cola maybe i need it but i think it's getting it's getting plenty now all right anyway i'm not advertising coca-cola don't go and drink coca-cola because it's it's not too healthy for you all right so now but you know coca-cola when you drink seven bottles of coca-cola the extra large size you drink it you drink you drink up to seven bottles your stomach pushes now you can walk coca-cola now start determining how you walk coca-cola determines how you lift your leg and how you bend because the way you lift it it will hurt you because you're so full so coca-cola is determining how you move your peace and if somebody by mistake comes from the back and gives you a punch on your stomach what comes out of your mouth what comes out of your nose coca-cola take the word of god in like you would take coca-cola be so full of the word of god that to even move is the word of god that is determining it you want to lift your leg you lift it according to the world and if problems of life hits you what comes out of your mouth the word of god be so full of god's word glory to god be so full of god's word that what comes out of your mouth naturally is the word of god it's not medical doctor medical doctor if his sickness punching you it is written by his tribes i am healed if his financial challenge hitting you my god shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory if somebody speaking evil of you my heart is fixed trusting in the lord i shall not be afraid of evil tidings you're so full of the word of god that whichever way the devil comes there are scriptures inside you by revelation to take care of him get so full of that word tell me i will fill up myself with the word of god i expose my mind to the word of god i think the word i feel the word my feelings my feelings are word oriented they are pure they are holy my feelings are pure are holy because my thoughts are pure and holy because i hear the pure and the holy word of god i didn't hear powerful amen are you blessed this morning glory glory somebody shout i win in life i win in life i win in life i win over circumstances i live in victoria's life if you are the one i'm talking about shout out glory [Music] amen now listen quickly i'm going to pray for you but today is partnership service today we're receiving partnership commitments from all of you in this building online television radio because your partnership enables us as a family of god to reach the whole world with the gospel remember global evangelism will require global support local evangelism will require local support if we're going to reach the world we need people from all over the world that have been blessed by this ministry to give back to this ministry every month so together we can keep pushing this righteous cause the bible says let them that favor is righteous because shout for joy let them continually say the lord be magnified that has pleasure in the prosperity of his servants why does god have pleasure in the prosperity of his servants because his servants favor the dust of zion his servants support the righteous cause his servants give to advance his cause so god is magnified in their prosperity i always say online and for the tv audience imagine if somebody didn't give for us to get this word to where you were you wouldn't hear what you're hearing today because somebody gave that's why you heard when you also join in giving more people we're here so today's partnership sunday and we're going to be receiving partnership and i'm talking like this because once we close you won't be here when i'll be receiving partnership from this house and i will pray for every partner so therefore there are banking details there are you know banking information all of you wrote us for partnership emails were sent to you with all the info you need and if you're just watching for the first time today you know it's a partner you want to be a partner you just need to shoot a mail today to dr ebeldamina dr ebelldamina at if you get your mail right now we'll send you banking details so you can send in your partnership make up your mind how to partner with us the next 12 months every month you take a chunk of your income and you send it into this ministry now remember this ministry is committed to the gospel of christ in its purity therefore every dollar every pound every naira every round and every dirham every cd you send in is properly accounted for and properly utilized in this gospel every dime you're sending to this ministry we are a people who are very accountable and we are transparent as to how we use the finances you sent to this ministry you know and i'm talking to people here around the world of companies maybe your company will want to send support to this ministry you know you want to send support to this ministry if you're in america or another part of the world where a charity organization in the country you know and we can give you we we have a tax exempt status that you can benefit from so your your company can send the taxes of your company in that country to this ministry and will give you a certificate to exempt you from paying tax to your government so that together we can get this gospel to the ends of the earth there's much more to be done there are tv stations to pay for radio stations to pay for there are crusades and conferences there are books to write i mean there are outreaches to be done it costs a lot of money every month to get this gospel around the world and when you send finances to this ministry indicate partnership and for those of you that are in campuses if you want to send your partnership send it to us directly at the headquarters don't send it to your campuses the only offering you give to your campus is the general offering to help your campus but partnership and honor offering comes directly to the headquarters because this is from where we are reaching the entire globe your campus only takes care of the immediate environment but here we have the responsibility of the whole world so when you send your partnership here it helps us to continue to serve you and others around the world with the gospel of christ please that's very very important but want you to know we love you and appreciate and honor you for responding and giving to this ministry and believing in our course of reintroducing jesus to this generation equipping believers to know who they are in christ what they have in christ and what christ can do through you father i pray for everybody under the sound of my voice in this building on television on radio all over the world all our campus yesterday i speak to anyone that is still struggling with a mindset that contradicts the word of god we cast down strongholds we cast down imagination we pull down thought patterns that contradict the will of god we pull down thought patterns that contradict the plan of god we pull down thought patterns that war against the will and the purpose of god in the name of jesus and we command the revelation of god's word to break forth in your mind break forth in your understanding and bring you to a place of alignment in agreement with the will and the purpose of god and father we thank you for new partners and all the old partners great grace is upon every partner of this ministry sufficiency in all things you are bound onto every good work father we rejoice for victory and we rejoice for triumph for everyone that is a part of this household in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a route of finality can i hear that amen like thunder all right grab your honor offerings all over the world grab your honor offerings in the building we want to give in honor of the world in honor of christ and in honor of all that christ has made available to us as a church every time you hear me teach the word of god you give in honor of the word the bible tells us let him that is not communicate with his teacher in all good things and even the honor offering that you sent to this ministry none of it comes to me personally even though it's supposed to come to me personally but it never comes to me personally it goes back into this ministry to get this gospel to the ends of the earth but you have done the world by giving to me your honor offering because that's what the world demands of you and we do the word in this ministry so every sunday once we hear the word we communicate with our teacher in all good things that's the honor offering all over the world and as you give today you're giving faith you do the word and the blessing is upon you lift up your offerings everybody father we rejoice that as we give we're giving faith we give a joy thank you for the blessing that is upon this household thank you for the blessing on our online community the blessing in our campuses and radio audience and as we honor the world today honor continues to flow in this house and in the atmosphere of honor nobody is deprived the blessing father we give you praise and we rejoice because of manifested victory that we celebrate in this house in jesus name we pray and every believer says that amen on a note of finality glory online community you don't want to miss 11 am gmt plus one this morning as i continue teaching on what i am teaching and following the inward witness we love you guys looking forward to see you at 11 o'clock and until then enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed let's celebrate viewers with a shout in the building this morning amen this message for these all the messages and books by dr abell dominant please call plus 234-806-800-9939 or email [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,546
Rating: 4.9781423 out of 5
Id: EO1dOs82E00
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Length: 105min 42sec (6342 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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