Christmas Came LATE - Fiend Folio Mod

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to afterbirth plus at some point in time i'd like to get back to trying to do bertrand but i kind of just want to experience this mod normally for a second which might be totally ripped by doing random here but here we go [Music] lazarus run range down gotta get started this mod's like really really difficult and i've played it mostly on streams so i kind of know what i'm uh i kind of know what i'm doing a little bit maybe oh gosh dice bag gives dice hey that's actually pretty cool okay all right we got a good run here it's gonna give me glass dice i think which are the same thing as the normal dice but they're actually totally different they're consumables it's a one-time use to use these dice kind of excited about that let's uh maybe try to join that up with like a rune bag but if we just had an all bag run that wouldn't make any sense at all every item is bag by the way you guys repentance has been announced march 31st and a lot of people thought that it was coming out december 31st but that was just a placeholder date and ed had like previously mentioned that so lie i crushed a lot of hopes there a lot of people coming in to stream like cars you ready it's coming out like right now sorry bud free secret room though i appreciate that and a golden bomb yeah every trip into the sacrifice room curse room whatever you want to call it room blonde's a trap door room is it a crawl space room it is a crawl space room is there an item in it is it a black market can i have it is it cool it's unique it is a black market bro bro oh i can't see anything [Music] what if we went hard we killed ourselves we came back tell me that's not the best idea that you've heard today rusted pipe converts red poop to regular poop bag lunch chance to spawn a health up when getting hit what do you guys have to say for yourselves well that's pretty dope that's a lot of dope what a weird little like room right here kind of cool i guess because i've got the golden ticket i i think we should probably do it what does last come back with very low health if i remember correctly whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey bomb all the pots for sure nice oh i don't like this oh god oh top secret room for sure right there and some pills oh health down pill would really ruin my plans for that uh trap room but a health uphill would be amazing i say we go for it that's fine invested okay okay and arrange down pill [Music] we're fine we're fine all right health up buster what if i actually save the health up for when i come back as lazarus does that make sense i'm just being chicken [ __ ] no you buster's actually kind of tough here we should be using our bombs we should just we should just die horribly we should just have a horrible death that sounds good everyone can agree on that buster why don't you get off my back that's for you delivery for buster fight oh we don't know if it's a health upgrade or not it's divorce papers good yup the hell do you want me to do with this bone heart that means i won't be able to kill myself i'll be down to one bone heart probably should just do this worth it to bomb into this shop for like a solar to protect our bone heart or chest chest [Music] wait we put the judgment down oh i could play them doesn't really make sense to play them you know what wait wait wait you guys hold on a second remember how there was like some beggars in this yeah look at this room you can definitely just go away okay this guy should probably go away too nine cents 12 cents is that enough to get this guy to pay out maybe with a health upgrade all right this is what's up blow up this guy why do i always take like 45 minutes in the first floor one more penny do you think that's gonna do it it might okay you're going away i say we go full ham it's the first floor if we can't handle it now when can we never probably i'm feeling good about bass left i'm feeling really shitty about that decision i'm gonna go right this time i can we start over maybe how about the middle the tier size up but not a damage up that's probably one of the worst black markets i think i've ever been a part of i think that was just the worst thing that could have possibly happened thanks dice bag for giving me those dice that you did really helpful all this dice that we used that came from your bag guess i'm leaving oof all right yeah let's do this first from it's right oh good oh that's even better class d20 maybe i'll think about it look at that glass d100 right now another crawl space you gotta be [ __ ] on my face what do you want from me another kooky one wait wait wait wait wait am i supposed to jump off of them i don't understand this i don't even want it but i want to know what's up with this bro well that's pretty awesome okay we'll come back with a glass d6 whenever i can only jump on them so many times before they they die oh and oh god oh my god all right i don't even know what's happening i blacked out i absolutely blacked out there get away from me get this stinger out of my face bro that's probably a better trinket huh and an ace of diamonds what do you got in here d4 money meet my mouth do we do it i don't want to get rid of the the remember i was like all super excited about the glass bag what else do we have the the tears up which is good and then the snake oil which is trash it was more the active items if i would have had a d6 that would have been good the d4 or d100 is actually not that good yeah you know i'm going to keep the maybe the d4 is like an emergency situation kind of thing maybe these tiny spiders are so annoying oh come on oh come on our damage is pathetic kids in the box i see you i see you do i do it isaac's bindle slots and beggars pay out faster spawns three pickups around isaac when first picking it up okay i got my key back world card like it's a good idea but i i just i need more ace of diamonds them 16 cents we go right to the shop let's say you shop oh yeah just the oh the jar so it's just so good we're gonna have to pull something out of my butt you guys something magical is gonna need to happen here i have to constantly remind myself that we do not have a lot of damage snake oil is just a bunch of snake oil snake oil is a euphemism for deceptive marketing and health care fraud it refers to the petroleum-based mineral oil or snake oil that used to be sold as a cure all elixir for many kinds of physiological problems oh it's tech pin no no no stop it oh god who invented tech pen has science gone too far you're dead you're oh thank god hell that's helpful now what what do you got oh god yes shovel i don't know what to say i don't know what to say my all my isaac runs have been so trash never did get that glass d6 we hop along the bunny trail and get that uh item over here uh-huh caves one change my luck help me help me obi-wan cave nobody oh i don't like this okay okay let's just die uh some of these rooms are like more packed than any room on the chest what the heck are you first tier fired in a room does 10 times damage i well i can get down with that 40 damage when we walk in i know you were trouble when i walked in okay i don't know what what what what do you want me to do with that game come on oh my [ __ ] puff [ __ ] we're dead i i just can't believe how much we got screwed over there with that curse of the blind boy howdy am i having a lot of fun staying let's go i'm just tilting i just i almost just want to die just to have this end stop it oh god we're in angel room that could really change things what's that we can't get an angel room because i took a uh an item from a crawl space yeah that sounds fair that sounds pretty fair to me okay we have so much trash as far as items go i guess there's a damage up in there the cyst i don't know i could take it or leave it honestly and then the tears up is okay i guess the glass bag is fine ah what do you have puppies pride grants and brother bobby style familiar upon pickup and at the start of every floor no it counts towards guppy but bad apples are tears up but there's an eight chance for all tears on screen to be turned into bad apples and they deal half damage i just don't i just don't know about this we could yolo the d4 that is like our one out here and if i took a guppy item and d4 after that fact it would still count as a one-third guppy so that let's do that we're just gonna we're like we just have to go all in man watch me watch me do and now we d4 i'm like what's not bad what we have right now let's see if we can get a bad apple yeah see there was a bad apple right there this is doable but not really at one heart so i think we still need to d4 especially with this mod we're gonna get hit but d4 now seven fire rate uh we got a succubus hey look at that four nine damage and an incubus succubus standard incoming center in a a a in a little brim uh uh okay all right uh more health too i i you know um i think we're gonna stick with this one we also got the horn we got joyful for babylon porn photo just like okay yeah yeah watch me still die though because this mod is insane did these rooms have more enemies in them um good top secret room good decent spot to pop this glass d20 in money could be better pop the lovers card for more drops in the floor super smart do 20s now what do you got health that's just like basically all i really needed and i think we got more money out of that yeah we definitely got more money out of that than uh was on the floor great 41 cents look at me the hot bombs floating in there i can't get it though her throw oh my jesus a tinted rock for sure is oh my what the heck was that is that dodgeable yes full well knowing it's not shot speed just really gets ya it's a definite yes look at all that stuff and a shop with some grundle that's pretty good for me and you know what the candle yes i'm done with you d4 i'm washing my hands of you you did what you needed to do we're good bureau machine what else got you i shall god has the steam sale and health more please i take a dece and i take a dece feeling pretty spicy right now spicy enough to get that hot bombs hell yeah i really didn't need that i don't want this key bagger i don't even want to re-roll the key beggar but i do want to get in there and flame these bros with my candle eh give me that cash it's double cash too maybe even triple cash considering our our trinket nice whiff and i guess i could have flamed him before i decided to bomb yeah oh yeah we would have gone oh gosh for sure here don't you know you're gay i'm i'm not minnesotan i swear i did not think i'd be this happy during this this game i thought it was nothing but pain in misery man look at me now cursed room honestly doesn't even sound that bad considering we are as i said one-third guppy guppy would be a huge victory here are cursed rooms trash in this mod are they pretty good i don't know let's find out together uh this is pretty good we have a tower card here we could try to use it to bomb out these things on the side you know what i'm gonna do it it worked out great blackheart all right let's get the bonehearts first so we don't grab them first they're going to be dead when we walk out of here and a lover's card never mind we're just going to film immediately well that feels pretty good phenomenal no reason for me not to get that spiked chest sweet you know what there's a railroad machine in the shop i almost forgot about do we stack up actives and then perth throw them maybe jewel bag should have waited until i grabbed this first five bombs for seven cents that's not bad my bombs gonna wait on my other school bag item no they're not yo bff incubus bff succubus and bff little brim i was gonna say christmas came early christmas came late just just phenomenal just wonderful saving my per throw for a deal with the devil man oh man i'm stoked watch me still lose this run i'm not gonna do that this is this is a guaranteed win oh god oh god the game's like hold my jesus juice healthy amount of tinted rocks too in this let's play a nice nice nice nice golden key too really just going to be focusing on the little brim shots and that's where most of our power is going to come from right now we also have a candle can't forget about that whoa what the heck was that top secret room another tinted rock goodness gracious the best item room's got um we'll take the fly d7 is not terrible though the fly will be bff for sure but since we have room for it how about we d7 and we use that on the chest for extra items and shop some options 20 of the item pick up spawn alongside a wooden pickup taking one will cause the other to despawn i'm not against it let's just yeah let's give it a go how do i get to the other side without buying stuff i mean i guess we could just buy that get some bombs get some health oh here we go wooden double bomb or a battery we'll take the double bomb that's that's actually that's pretty nice and boss fallen wonderful fight i don't get what i want i'm gonna per throw ow that's what i want there we go there's a good spot to perthro but i like harbingers i think they're pretty good no no they're not they really are not go yeah we'll take a mark next steps one look at us crushing the game now feels good by the way you guys i have retribution on i announced that last time i thought i'd just reiterate that this is uh this is multiple mods uh woof woof that means it's a crawl space i think yeah let's see you crawl space another unique one uh we jump up and we grab spider bite i'm in i'm liking these like more involved crawl spaces that's nice to see chaos chaos with the steam sale with a rear machine in my shop means guppy not a guarantee but it's looking good i say we kill the boss first though because uh a deal with the devil is the best chance for us to actually get the guppy item so if we give that with a 38 chance then we head back another holly boy getting in my top secret room that's good things are looking up all right depths one deal the devil work with me here going down we have we're just a powerhouse now what an absolute 180 on this run and we did get it now give me that gup action oh oh black box plus four luck whilst holding on use will either spawn a collectible or three spiders minus point five luck per use [Music] oh rip our per throw how's it supposed to go to save it though yeah i'm fine with not taking that in chaos here we come all right wish me luck glitter bombs oh we can only buy three items so we got to be really picky here sad bombs okay we're just getting bomb upgrades side bombs is really good though still gonna be picky bomb bag what a [ __ ] surprise hmm shocker homing bombs yep yep mr mega sticky bombs can we like this game has been out for what seven years can we figure out why the bomb upgrades completely break chaos can we just like maybe not do that it makes zero sense it completely breaks what chaos is supposed to do how have we not fixed this somebody hit up fix it vin immediately and our item room has stem cells or welting sack immunity from explosion damage bomb explosions destroy that's another bomb upgrade uh it's a good one though i mean immunity to bombs now i wish i would have had like all the bomb upgrades of course but of course if you get every single bomb upgrade in the entire world your bombs are going to be pretty good well hawk's gonna have a run where he's winning and he's still raging tim nobody asked you to be here tim did that bomb just blow up and not open up that stone chest i agree with your facial expression right now lazarus completely agree i am also shocked that's two that's two we don't need guppy okay let's let's stop like being so invested in this chaos and guppy like we could win the run right now and we're going to that's where we're headed currently that's a finger you can keep it how do i kill this thing i gotta get that button first interesting oh okay curse from still probably should another one of these glorious ones i like it i like it item room chaos not doing us any any favors anymore box with a better trinket maybe no yes we're immune to explosions so harbingers actually would have been okay this time i don't want tim i don't want to hear it tim you suck last shop last chance for dreams bible tammy's head would be pretty explosive right now you know what let's do it instead of the candle it's quicker it's better maybe it's not better i don't know but it is quicker to use polaroid deal with the devil no guppy i did this to myself get rid of our red health i suppose now we go scarred womb one curse the blinds excellent unidentified pill this late in the game bad trip there we go just full of sprint right now for the boss let's go oh what the heck was that little shop buddy sell me some guppy well still might woman one is two boston items that's that's pretty good are they gonna be chaos i have no idea mom's first and a cool attack smart drink it room yeah sure i mean we're not gonna spend our money elsewhere so thanks shot bud birdlings double trouble severe amounts of turd heard everywhere we are just a powerhouse roid rage sure boom two speed run we're speed running now okay ouch not sure what that was second i even said the word speedrun the game was like no punched me right in the dick what say you sir very stingy holy crap guppy guppy guppy guppy not guppy but if i d7 in here i don't think it does anything yeah just teleports me out rage quits on me it lives and fiend cathedral smash and grab go go super dope can't see my health potentially problematic that's a tinted rock up there is that what they look like interesting wowzers that was tough a mammon pig dude guy let's do it five cents per play here he's gonna make me he's gonna force me to pick up whatever he drops to get out of this area unless i pay him and then run that's that's the play there silver tongue shop prices are reduced by one nice try bud that's a speed upgrade don't need it i'm at max try to trap me in with that yeah right you know what yes we should take that i'm amina bombs it's not always a trash item you guys proud that i remembered that greed fight give me my other steam sale so i can be salty about it all right travel bro is pretty awesome oh those dodges though isaac let's do this easy easy easy next don't forget d7 charges here on this floor poink blank shadowing like the idea of halo flies i suppose explosivo is not terrible with my immunity then we'll dice shard the other two and mom's key you guess super spun and they're off ooh a shop bro there gotta remember what the where did he go i think the shop guy counts as a consumable and i picked up the wooden thing and the shop guy disappeared i am so sorry i was gonna say the shop guy could give me my uh my guppy but oh my god this room though what am i supposed to do with this that kill em all okay uh yeah i could do that if i must let's say you bbf community to bonds and your b f out i got that b yeah my d7 charges i told myself to remind myself that i didn't remind myself i forgot to forget to remind myself just pick a room it doesn't matter if you do it again and hopefully a room pays out with a chest this time yo peeler i don't think that works with bone hearts thank you d7 mom's coin purse actually never mind balls of steel unidentified pill we continually use our d7 in uh a double wide room we'll get two charges back on it if we had nine volt we could do this infinitely or the aaa battery and uh yeah that's how you d7 break it was the third time doing this room now ouch coming up here on the fourth time come on give me what i want friday card that's not it oh my goodness this one though oh what's that he was worthless another time go still no chest payout okay hey how did i take damage there if i'm immune to bombs am i just immune to my own bombs still no freaking drop it's like what the sixth seventh time i've done this room i saw the child leash trinket we should totally take the child please trinket that'll hug in our our dudes following us oh that's gonna be so good yes look at this look at how tightly they grab onto me now it's a tinted rock by the way okay wonderful oh wow yo yo we're almost done with the floor but still our guppy dream two-thirds but still happy to see it only took me doing that room like 10 times nbd nbd another one oh okay and the race to the finish line let's just redo this room i'm playing with that and another item guppy no papa fly bl is a blub okay look at that we got flight wonder bars it's still a chance that uh you know we could go down to the delirium floor what say you no well what a phenomenal run anyways what a roller coaster of emotions the run started off good then we got screwed over by the crawl space then we hail married the d4 and it was all downhill from there let me know you guys thoughts about these fiend folio runs do you want more thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next one see you guys you
Channel: Hutts
Views: 236,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack, fiend folio
Id: hh96wNrPYpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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