Soy Boy - Custom Afterbirth+ Challenge

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to after birth plus we are on the last challenge you guys one more to go soy boy i wonder if we're gonna get soy milk surprise surprise oh no soy boy we have soy milk we got rickets which is that q-tip bone looking thing which makes us uh we get knocked back i think we do increased knockback let's just look it up ricketts plus one damage high knockback tears firing also knocks you back and that soybean up there that looks like the eyeball chance to fire a tear that triggers a butter bean explosion monsters hit directly with the soybean tear spawn a linger bean fart on death so high knock back high knock back we do have item rooms which is exciting i like challenges with item rooms in it uh didn't really have time to read that i'm a huge fan of soy milk though so i feel like i'm at an advantage here i'm feeling pretty good communion reverses the trajectory of enemy projectiles this could be pretty life-saving on a boss maybe possibly oh what's the biggest challenge that we're gonna face on this um i don't know if we get a room where like maybe it's lined with spikes or something like that because if i can just back myself up to a wall if i can back that thing up the knockback is gonna pretty much shove everything else away from me little junior larry junior rather can't even get close to me look at all these linger bean tubes too okay so we're getting like a very high proc chance uh range of damage didn't do anything wait no you don't see the damage upgrade with the blood clot uh i've been playing this game for how long found myself into the curse room sounds mighty spicy um you know with now that i have that cracked in for me 2.5 chance to reset the room when i take damage it'll allow me to reset if i take damage sometimes right is that a good thing or is that a bad thing because i don't want to fight the room over again but if we're taking a lot of damage then maybe maybe you know maybe i'm usually against that one just staring this boy down i will destroy you what do you got for me bud a whopping nothing health uphill full health pill you did this to yourself i don't even want you to look at me you completely did that to yourself brown cap destroying poop causes it to explode which can hurt me but we are a poop shooting machine with soy milk that's like one of the best things about it arcade um probably not going to be doing that oh my gosh the knockback on that guy that makes no sense get back here you'll [ __ ] autumn [Music] touching enemies hurts them maybe if i like slingshot my body into them you know that's that's a pretty good speed goodness gracious oh no no oh monstrous watch me do this see i sent all the stuff back at him it's like telekinesis but better the communion active item if you didn't catch that oh wow that was good yes i am an expert you know angelams wouldn't be the worst not really the best though either [Music] that's what i'm saying oh i'm just gonna say uh-oh in every room the whole challenge is uh oh um i like a lot of things that are going on in this room two clubs it's pretty good got my judgment here and then blow him up and get some money for it and then buy the soul heart oh genius that card's calling my name though we'll kill the other beggars and see what's up secret rooms too another free curse room my goodness um wasn't there also an uh entrance into the same crawl space in the item room yeah okay oh yay hated it some explosive diarrhea going in this room four cents i needed five cents i should have bombed this room i mean i still have bomb bombs you know i got the bomb bombs yeah uh-huh oh it takes you so long to play this game why are you so bad damn it dad can beat it in time that's not what i wanted oh it's funny just move to the next floor you're doing just fine gosh why are you such a slowpoke stupid head you just ignore him he'll go away yo oh so you don't even need that health upgrade oh my god why are you even doing though so i think that you should suck my nuts you burning hell and i can't wait for the next episode come on how's it going the only reason i forget tinted rocks or like the card that i left in the last floor is because i'm trying to drown tim out it's really the only reason uh knew it okay maybe some good stuff in here uh-huh yeah and demon's tale oh boy i can't wait to take this demon's tail what the heck telekinesis i was just talking about you the game has voice activated commands and i know it i already told you though telekinesis it's over it's done between you and me i'm with communion now okay you need to get a life and stop stalking me this is pathetic and scary i don't have to like look both ways when i leave my house this telekinesis might slap me in the face wish i could slap you in the face oh god damn he's back you guys i tried to send that back at him you can't send bubbles back oh well my baby back baby back baby back bubble back bubble back liberty cap gotta fart on it the fart has chosen this much for me let's read what demon's tale actually says decrease the spawn rate of hearts by 20 key drop change increase heart pickups turn into black hearts so a smaller chance for hearts to drop but when a heart does drop it's actually a black heart instead that is a greg the egg i see the chaos i do but that's a greg everything gets put on hold when greg comes in to play eric's not even that good of a thing i don't even know why you have such a hard one get out of here ah you're distracting ah that's nice great time oh heavenly lord you have blessed thine with gregious greggias maximus he's just like what the [ __ ] up dude wanna see a dance [Music] it's hot it's hot oh greg thanks i don't need it thank you what do you mean you don't need it that really hurt coming out like really hurt next room okay how about a bomb that's not what i meant technically that was a bomb i'm really running my editor through the ringer here with the tim's another tinted rock ah the two of clubs card would be glorious polysofalin polyester ibuprofen oh tim hot says uh oh take a drink coffee thanks for blocking that shot greg that really hurt too adam tears up oh boy bomb thanks craig good work fella oh [Music] that's right oh my goodness dice bag this is gonna be a good run you guys i'm excited i'm walking on sunshine hey oh nice curse the unknown if this wasn't spicy enough yeah right skinny rooms are great for me i need to get uh mom's contact shielded tears i'd be so overpowered right now ostrom two rooms into the floor what are you playing at game it wants me to go to the boss room so i don't get a deal with the devil or angel i'm gonna be smarter than it thank you greg get demolished i got a farting baby out of that dan was like holy crap take this just the fartiest fart that's ever farted although it's true though i mean we're drinking soy milk you you talk to a vegan about their farts i don't know why you would talk to a vegan about their farts they will clear rooms oh that's my fault this feels a lot like using alien engine in gungeon did greg die greg died the game wasn't like you're so good the game murdered greg greg is now a farty baby all right at least he's still blocking shots firemind they gave me a one used d6 right next to it so that i would not take firemind because no one in their right mind would take fire mind right now no one in their right fire mind 72 chance for that room to open up let's do it look at this this is amazing it's got the fires it's got the toots i mean we were just dropping mines everywhere we're gonna drop and ah whoa oh oh my god did you see pinball bats oh man how did we not get a room games like i know you recently worked with sin victor and wiped the cinder lock off of me i think honestly with the firemind fires that is going to be the game winner for us when we get down to the last floor a guppy touch here a guppy with this would be heavenly of course flies wouldn't be doing a whole lot of damage but we would be spawning a ton of them adult already and another gulp hill use the knockback to keep the enemies far away from me so that when they explode another glass d6 let's use it now then fire delay times two upon releasing the shoot button all tears currently older than 10 frames will explode okay two fire rate not excited about that but what are we just saying push enemies away so that fire mine explosions aren't even close to us now we have more explosions to worry about but thank goodness for matt demon's tail but the first matte demon's tail blackheart drop that we've gotten or is that that might have been from a skull i don't even know this is nuts so acid reflux when i let go of the shoot button anything older than what was a 10 frames or something like that will explode so nothing close to me can hurt me in that way ghost baby um i do have a glass c6 and we could wait on that wow that's another black card glory stompy at this point in time i why not right look at me just ripping the earth apart wow just wow yo curved peep point four damage it doesn't seem like a lot but i'm very happy for it i forgot i had stumpy just wish there was some sort of like bright visual effect on my character that told me that i had stompy butt huts cuts does not condone him slapping children or violence unless greg is involved or tim the 34 year old living in his parents basement talks smack way too much because then the editor has to deal with kim's [ __ ] and has to animate tim's [ __ ] legally speaking so wait free stuff feel a fortune we just dropped that down and then why did you go on the island why are you over there thick skin 20 chance for any damage to deal no more than half a heart that's pretty good but need a gulp pill monstro 2 more like monster boo right into the fire oh went the wrong way got him oh damage multiplier 2.2 to 2.6 with yo uh well um i oh that's a soy milk brimstone's really bad i wonder if i get the knock back with it though gosh darn it i gotta try it no more knock back i broke the challenge the challenge is broken welcome to hut's gaming hi hello this is what i do and now glass d6 and this'll poop parasitoid oh why don't even take that it doesn't even proc with brimstone you imagine if it did proc with brimstone and i just shot out a bunch of egg sacs just a bunch of flies and spiders and sacky goop yeah this is really bad we were kind of banking on the whole fire mine fires and the explosions and now we have none of it but how hard would you guys have rided had i passed up brimstone or re-rolled brimstone people would have [ __ ] they would have thrown [ __ ] everywhere in the chat in the comments it would look like this wheel next floor bomb beggar what you got if you blow up my friends over here no immediately tries to hey boss rush that can get me killed even faster great finding that in the first room though it's going to make everything i just i took damage i'm going to say it makes everything easier as i imploded myself balls of steel 99 keys band-aid don't you love it when you get a ton of money on the last shop floor watch me fight greed caduceus soul heart also heal half uh red heart oh yeah okay i'm gonna pay this guy preemptively okay you know what never mind he's very selfish there's my grade fight i called it if i glass d4 do i get rid of my starting items i don't think you do with challenge items right because that would really really really change things we have such a good combination of items i mean i guess it's not that strong though with the brim if if we start to fail our glass d4 will be our way out and all we should do okay get your eyeball out of the way there we go go in the boss drum first booster shot minus damage piercing tears tears increase in damage by 1.5 for every monster they pass through probably doesn't work with brimstone maybe it does flat stone i don't that works with brimstone either it's death touch that's just straight damage brimstone overrides flat stone i'm gonna go with the damage up here okay i'm thinking about deforing ah this is awful why am i here in boss rush cause you're a big lump of stupid huh tim you should just go lie down i think i think i can't take a simple slide to the face grandma hits harder than you tim are you all right oh crap you're cuz my grandma now get back here this is definitely painful have low damage brim oh oh i thought i could send all those tears back in them but no they're moving the wrong direction what the uh oh that's just not dodgeable ah get away from me sir 44 minutes in i should just d4 i should just we'll maybe we'll wait for the item that we get on boss rush be smart about this here oh my god oh my god ah look at my health look at how they massacred my boy no not you tim oh gosh every one of the homingtons missed thanks communion how are we not done that explodes never again never ever again ever ever ever looking up the items called looking up what the item is called take cracked infamy ever damn it i forgot that the more damage i take the higher chance is completely taking me out of the room and now i can't even get back into the room oh that would have been a really good test for d4 though if it reset the room and we got the d4 back and i could have chosen to do it or not again too late now that must have been the last wave gulp that's good balls of steel that's good addicted you're an ass we gotta dominate we gotta dominate in greg's name gonna beat this challenge out of pierce spite nice vibrant bulb this is phenomenal it's another stats up six fire right now you're gonna give me a harder mom's heart battle right before mom's hearts are you kidding me right now oh my god oh my god this screen shake why why oh if i d4 i get rid of cracked infamy what the absolute hell am i supposed to do on this why ah the amount of screen shake needs to stop i got him i got him though i got him i got him i got him i got him i got him i got him i got him we got him take the health up d4 i'm doing it what the hell are we ludovico technique i just how did my health go down i got nine lives wait a minute are we guppy dark judas that's exciting we don't have an active item so vibrant bulb does nothing explosive diarrhea power card both okay the split shot's actually really cool you see how many split shots are coming out of there look at that look at that though what the heck oh 67 chance for my last deal the devil didn't get it uh-huh what is this game okay we have celeste berries my favorite breakfast cereal we're dead i think we're just dead we just die how do i control this that's what what is this shot speed on this thing i can't i can't aim that i can't control this i can't do it i can't hit him yara rune okay i'm thinking shoal on that one oh god i can't kill these guys until i get the freaking buttons it's from blows oh what is even happening right now glass 100 okay we can redo we can we gotta redo everybody we have a redo yeah okay that's a triple shot tech laser with the dark bomb which is good our health is back up our damage is oh my god 1-1 i'm a cyclops i'm a holy cyclops bob's brain no yep can we go back and get brimstone oh mama mama balls of steel i love you just get to the next floor yara the red chests get guppy profit yo the bombs the bumps get away from me sir all right sneak in with the devil you can't hit me not right here ow ow hide behind your samson's ball uh ball and chain i say samson's ball okay guppy i don't want to say that i'm jesus but i'm not but i might be an article you know what let's just piss it away oh a lot of gulp pills back in the game baby yeah we're in we're out we're in we're out what an absolute roller coaster of emotions still can't do enough damage to do anything we could get another glass d4 and i think i would take it i don't think i've learned my lesson just yet still an identified pill this late in the game 50 scissors pretty good wait was that a glass d6 yes it was horus and scorpio i'ma take the scorpio reroll the taurus salesman's eye all items in the shop have a zero to four cent discount that's my that's really that's thank you for that nice stop buddy yo does that even work take a slider nope last room before the boss ow the sheer amount of will skill thrills and gills no not kills clam fight easy we have a bumbo since when oh nice oh bob's brain knocked the bomb back into my own self yep yeah yeah this is peak bob's brain you may not like it you guys i'm just gonna use bombs just finish it with bombs black heart damage got him [Music] oh that concludes all the challenges phenomenal phenomenal phenomenal let me know what you guys thought of this video are you having a good time because i'm having a good time leave a like leave a comment keep being the awesome people that you are thank you for watching and i will see you in the next video see you guys mom's heart okay what do you got
Channel: Hutts
Views: 443,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: Ak-CZThDp-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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