FIEND FOLIO - Massive Isaac Mod!

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to after birth plus the day marks a big day fiend folio has been released fiend folio features over 200 new enemies brand new bosses challenges over 10 000 new rooms new items pickups and trinkets and a brand new character so excited to see the modding community still pumping out awesome stuff thank you guys fiend new character we're not gonna jump right into fiend i want to kind of get my feet wet first and who better to start as isaac with the d6 we could use our d6 to try to get new items look at this what are we doing right now what is this is that hot steamy floor that that's floor that uh time delay lit on fire okay okay that's i can't touch those i don't know if i hit the wall did the wall hurt me must have been the fire where are we burning basement okay it says ff147 siroo consider i don't know if that's the name of the room that we were in maybe look at these little tiny mush boys and the little poop shooters oh man just adorable firemind uh fitting for the burning basement but i think i'm gonna have to say no what else you got for me no how about again yeah all right i can't say no to the bumbo okay okay then you know i really like early money and like like buying soul hearts in the shop and stuff like that or like mapping earlier the better but uh we also have a bumbo so i don't know how i'm supposed to like you know raise a child as a single parent in this world that's for you one for you one for me how about that we do an even split down the middle although getting the five cents before the second floor is a pretty good idea so bumbo if it wouldn't mind giving me a cash advance who are you okay flame wheels okay you know i've had enough of flame wheels i'm pretty scarred from afterbirth or anti-birth flame wheels rather did you not could you not could we not could we not place a burning basement kind of looks like it's like a like an old school with all the chairs and tables and stuff i wonder if that's like it it could be lit on fire yeah okay so it's potentially harmful but i can walk on it got it that's pretty cool i like that no no no no no no bust that open burn them all burn them all it seems like the hitbox for the fire is a little bit bigger than i expect try not dying give that a shot see what happens okay i'll take the five cents i'm at eight cents now and bumbo i owe you famine not a new boss but uh we are seeing some new stuff already a lot of new enemies i'm just happy this is working the first try and honestly cuba meter ball bandage would be phenomenal here be happy to have it although i'm pretty sure that every single enemy that we've seen minus the the tiny hoop shooters and the uh the mushrooms we wouldn't want to get that close to them using your orbitals for damage is more of an advanced play when you know what the enemies are gonna do oh buddy we could check for some secret rooms too i bet you there's some new pop and secret rooms see your room go uh tiny dudes tiny dudes they're so cute a little bit extra money uh yeah i'm gonna go with bloody penny here let's do this and bumble i'll get to five cents maybe okay that kind of solves the problem of me taking less money i get more money for my money but bloody penny is so good in so many other ways they're both really good if i get the top secret room and the key bruh what do you got health wonderful bad trip [Music] god giveth god take it away and god give it again i need some red hell phil gonna need you to uh give me a top up there please yeah we're in trouble next floor uh running into enemies that you don't know what they're gonna do that's that's the first easiest way to take damage lust predictable you match my ball don't touch it another pill full health pretty good still no complaints okay okay okay okay okay okay wow kill them quickly when they're moving slow with your ball pro strats and there's our arcade see this is why we wanted to get to uh bumbo i need the bloody penny health right now reskin idea bumbo is baby yoda super cute super annoying i'm going for this and you can't stop me ace of hearts that could be really strong here's what we do we go into this room no what the health would be we'd be stronger here i'm gonna bomb this machine once i'm gonna ace of hearts those and then go here and see if we can't get a infinite money and full health we're gonna need okay that's not gonna work we can go hard give up our health to make bumble fully grown because a fully grown bumbo would really clear rooms just bouncing off that baby yoda idea bumbo's baby yoda and all the pennies are that little circle thing on the ship that he like unscrews and hands it to baby yoda item room hook me up yeah oh unbelievably ready for that i'm gonna use my reroll here in hopes that we get another one before the deal with the devil i'm not even sure we're gonna get a deal the devil that's better that's better petrified pizzle [ __ ] we might not get a re-roll oh my goodness they're speedy no no they're champions too this is tricky clear out the middle start a little tiny path here there we go he's smarter than the enemies hit the shop up right now for a soul heart be a smart idea yep two cent heart worth it for the machine later oh wait was there a battery for sale hallelujah and now we hit up that deal with the double with two health upgrades too i'm feeling really good no new bosses yet this is okay um i'm a little nervous like it came out so close to repentance and of course right this was a three years in the making mods so like they knew even three years ago that they were going to be competing you know timeline wise with repentance but i don't want repetitives to come out and then have this mod not work anymore i'm sure that if they spent that long on it they'll they'll port it right i'm gonna say yes to you since i don't know who you are little fiends your own little bastard okay he bounces around i got it and then we'll reroll this uh you know we did a whole challenge with that guy and i have a newfound respect for it and that would sacrifice my bombo and fiend so no bean what do you do you want to do something the new character is called fiend so i'm assuming that uh little fiend does something similar to the new character maybe we'll get like a little sneak peek fire firefly sweet oh wow look at that great ai bomby fart boy okay oh i didn't see the orange fire shooting at me there more health more money more [ __ ] a golden poop's locked in there got it did little theme do anything not that i saw yeah yeah you can have it you can have all this too that's a nickel in there you lucky little [ __ ] look at him he's level three already in a top secret room i almost forgot about it flame wheelers get out get out stop go away we're good happy all right i want the health upgrade you take the money iv bag won't cut it it's really a shame that we don't have the uh nuns have it right now that's not both of us are like we don't want that give me a nickel or a dime here help me out help me out as soon as you're full grown bumbo you've been taking everything so i'm taking everything after that okay yeah oh come on the greedy bastard yeah oh good oh good i'll take the rest of it all the rest of it that i totally got full grown bumbo though is actually going to be heaven send here oh yes gosh darn it i almost forgot about bloody penny hallelujah an ib bag gives you more payouts than does the machine look at me dude honestly rolling with the iv bag here would be a very smart thing to do with bloody penny but it's the d6 how do i get rid of the d6 how do i live without you i want to know how will i ever survive not taking advantage of the iv bag on the first floor would be a huge mistake treat the fires lucrative roll out was he just dreaming about his pay pay falling off that what i just saw bumble get him this is what i hired you for he's the muscle we can't figure out how to get to that fly though maybe we should just camp out in a corner i don't know what that is okay it's dead now it seemed like it made them invincible little fiend little fiend you wanna you wanna show us what you got you wanna get in there and you wanna do some stuff you wanna show the people you wanna yeah no okay thanks oh big big eye boy okay is that a poly feminist shot oh my oh oh god not the prettiest room i've ever been a part of is that a tinted rock right there that looks like a tinted rock but it's a mausoleum stone that looks like another tinted rock right there okay so we get a couple bombs bumbo hoarding them all over there i don't even know where he gets them must have a really good bomb guy there's a bomb this one first annuits i got another bomb for that oh look at the tiny little spiders look at that soy milk spider guy too oh goodness gracious is that a poop shooting poop wowzers boss time lady juniors suck my ball bro uh i'm pretty sure i just saw a little fiend spit out a little buddy yeah that's a little ghosty whatever thing all right all right fiend it's about time you did something it's gone now it disappeared range upgrade into a tears upgrade wonderful the sack of all sacks that was a weird looking spider thing too look at that thing look at that the boil sack block and sac boil ugh i wonder if i take damage from these guys i'm so curious no they just pushed me around and they blocked my shots okay they're just annoying i was gonna say like having that many things that could deal damage seems a little bit unfair i like the idea that they just kind of get in your way and they stop you from shooting everything else they kind of they're there to protect them i got swat team oh goodness that was pretty cool not a tough room but it was a fun room imagine if we had something like uh ma of the void to just rip through them and get a bunch of black hearts some normal enemies now it's like oh lame still tougher than the other enemies that we fought so far okay i wonder if i get in there nothing happens to me if i'm in the aura what the heck are those oh my goodness little puff boys were they frogs what the heck is that thing we'll never know wall clawdy good one oh wow okay that was super intense what's up with this key here oh i can use that key to unlock that green thing up there got it he follows me around his little angry ghost yeah what do you want unlock that i don't want the dim bulb but you know cool mechanic there these are those weird spiders okay they they shoot spiders that shoot and item room finally angry fly i do like the angry fly we'd be pretty good here considering i think against these enemies crowd control would go a long ways with the real machine though it's like there's so much potential in the real machine i'm gonna take the angry fly i think it's gonna be good buddy in a box should we just go hard on the buddies gonna get bff too no this time i'm actually gonna reroll chaos i'm i'm very intrigued let's just do it i'm enjoying that chaos give me something good here cardboard box yeah very good nice thanks and next before we go flooded caves too maybe a lot of watery enemies happy to see this as well can't get another iv bag this is not possible do i want a health upgrade right now we really don't need it i could re-roll it the speed upgrade would be good but let's just use it as oh wow there's the exact same health upgrade the exact same speed upgrade on top of it a damage multiplier wow i don't like those i don't like that get away stop it and make it little bubbles okay oh is that a crab i don't know this is super cool though i'm excited uh artwork phenomenal everything seems to be just seamless it's fitting i like the rock design even cool you guys i i think and i don't i don't want to compare this to what i think repentance is going to be it is a little bit difficult so i hope the mod creators understand but uh on a positive note i think that they really did okay cool i think much like anti-birth though uh these guys really fleshed out their own unique floors i mean these floors already existed right he's got a rainbow or something i'm not exactly sure what's happening and how to get through this room i don't want to get rained on maybe i can't get that thing maybe maybe an enemy spit that out but yeah no i really like how everything is so unique and that was one of the things that it said that it did really well was that each unique floor is more unique distinct i think was the word that they use and i agree i like this a lot i hate those guys though nothing seems too crazy overpowered yet which is good no that's a lemon head look at that little bubble maker bubble machine bubble fly he just left easy okay bye one of these guys now electric little flies and the flies were maybe invincible when they were doing their little shock attack bible re-rollable the tinted rock on this side let's use the bible to get some flight how smart i am see how smart i am probably gonna hit the boss room up pretty soon so let's save the charge for that first uh maybe we should use our charge look at those weird spider guys i don't think i'm doing any damage to them is there a secret maybe they're like stoney boys but they're spiders get these little weird looking i don't even know good [ __ ] shot dude get the toads get that oh i shoot the little blob on the ground and i think the spider died with it maybe kind of like the masking heart situation going on there guys i can't believe how strong this game is going years and years after it's a initial release not to mention that it's a remake of an even older game well done ed i'm gonna take full mapping here it's really nice to know how many rooms you have left to know how many charges you're gonna have for the d you know what you get enough here i'm gonna go just back to the item room and re-roll it bible into scatter bombs i really dislike scatter bombs a lot look at these hosts weird champion toad you know how ed said that he was done with uh rebirth after birth after birth plus whatever you want to call it i can't get to that side of that room but then kilburn made anti-birth so good that uh ed's like all right all right well we'll keep it going we'll put that in there i want to see this mod now i want to see ed make this cannon that's the dream that is the goal here i want to be playing mods that are so good that i couldn't imagine playing the game without them and i'm really hoping that this lives up to that squids look at squids those are electric squids hop on to electric avenue angry fly are you doing your stuff he's trying he's just on the wrong squid it's too bad you can't push a button like tab or something to uh make angry fly switch off between different enemies that would make angry fly a little bit more viable or maybe even bumbo maybe even just like you can see the ai and where they're targeting and you could you could change it to something else right by pressing a button or two boss monsoon new boss working on buddy what do you got did you just disappear into the floor and then come down from the ceiling even larger he's gonna end up dying before we get to see what you're gonna really do because bumbo just is an absolute murderer damage upgrade a deal with the devil that gives me a bunch of turd full charge we go back to the item room quick what do you got meat i'll take it down we go bank dap's one so i wonder if there's gonna be something specific and unique to dank seems like it maybe slime all the rocks are looking slimy uh slimy don't you mean dank what the hell who are you i'm tim's older cousin chat and i'm like way cooler than you oh here we go more people to annoy me i'm not annoying and you're pretty cringe bro you think that i'm annoying like you tell people your name every single time you start a video like we didn't know your name for the last 17 thousand times dude i'm playing can we just just please leave it alone just go away cringe bro look at this sludge boy oh god run what do you got in here under a weir re-roll it yo okay not that good still pretty good 0.88 damage is is nothing to shake a stick at but we already got the damage multiplier from magic mush and it's the same multiplier unfortunately i really wish it was different bumble i know it's pretty but could you kill it please [Laughter] oh that was perfect what are you wall claudies but dank version oh he ate a penny to spit out a ginormous chest that contained more pennies that could be pretty good i don't know if we necessarily need the the penny anymore this is pretty good yeah uh a direct line connection with angry fly who's going to be targeting on enemies is going to be like almost a guaranteed zap watch it watch this see yeah you watching you looking at this it's working oh ground foils oh i'm trapped oh oh oh oh oh oh how do i not take damage there thanks one boss sister best easy enough i think that sister vest needs a huge buff way too easy far too easy sad bombs i does that apply to bumbo's bombs i don't think it does if it did we'd be in biz someone make that a mod bombo gains my bomb upgrades what do we want here in this room something spicy with chaos you know that's pretty good with the wig yeah i'm gonna take it our chance of getting guppy is dwindling but if we could get guppy with this see pretty good dank dabs too more dank the dankening oh god oh geez buff boy supreme oh let's check out our shot before we agree to steam sail because it's going to be a greed fight just watch yes with a reroll machine guppy now's the time now is the time to bestow upon me my birthright please though can i get guppy what are these flies what do they do mini pins oh that is awesome bombo would you stop taking my stuff i'm from i think i'm an expert yes no no mine what is that guy what are those things what are all of these oh my god these are tough these are really tough enemies i'm gonna take this judas's shadow is too good to pass up why didn't i buy the quarter for seven cents give me some more money i need it need a cash advance that's a a blobby host interesting oh god i'm taking too much damage here man deals the devil they're they're chaos so don't don't need them i suppose a little bit more money please flat penny is amazing but but uh but but but stick with the zaps coupon could do it for me [Music] yes buy the battery too probably yes two more plates what else you got yes one more please piercing shot i have to buy it it's too good not to buy uh i could just reroll in here i don't i don't think it really matters i'll do this first then i'll re-roll if i don't get a guppy piece that's pretty good but i'm gonna re-roll anyways double damage until i take damage puppy please one more guppy how about you what what say you had a jump bookworm would be a nice thing to get we only have a couple more rooms left so be careful here oh god how does one be careful here i think hive mind not only do i do more damage with my spiders i can have up to 10 spiders out of my my mask that's re-rollable but i doubt i'm gonna get a battery in this room nope guess you're coming with me shade it's pretty good our damage is up there 19-7 like how the skulls even look dank i'm gonna blow this open bumble don't take the money that's inside of it please justice bomb was unnecessary bumbo and spicy enough to venture into here boneheart and some blackhearts i well yeah we got another joker out of it too we live one of the joker cards by the door for when we want to come back and grab it we're going to lose our bone heart immediately upon leaving the room sweet glad to have it let's get a full charge use our joker and then go grab the other one we probably gotta get a devil deal anyways but i can't take two jokers with me wow bumbo all right joker now [Music] the whistle i don't know what that means i don't know what it is it's got a money symbol on it store whistle portable shop awesome and now he's gone looks like he pulls from the current uh room's item pool i'm i'm gonna roll the d6 right now thanks though i appreciate it let's roll and yeah i'll take some science cool swallowed penny on our last shop it's tempting gulp awesome speed up balls of steel amazing i can see forever unnecessary bear with me on this one we take the swallowed penny we damage ourself until we die come back as judas of which we go into the curse room and grab the bone heart i don't have any bombs though to get them shoot can buy health in the shop though i just want my guppy the guppy would be the the prime answer here sit here in the doorway oh bumbo's getting on my money bumble's pissing me off which shows a way to muzzle bumbo spikes are full heart of damage right no yes might even be able to get uh guppy before we die maybe that'd be the smarter play here but you know what i take the how to jump turn into dark judas in the curse room with the candlestick let's hear i want to be in this room i'm going to leave this room and i'm going to kill myself in this room turn into dark judas bumbo stop stealing my money then i'll spawn in the other room how to jump to get the health with my double damage grab that grab that am i the smartest person that's ever lived probably i i don't know maybe leave the room and go back in to get the money oh curse of the shits fill my bone hearts i can go into this room now what the heck open the stuff oh gosh the money and the bombs and stuff death card cool joker's better 39.4 damage by the way 55 cents by this like this guppy yeah bro the strats the unbelievable undeniable strats look at my health too mama i'm gonna even take that i'ma take this too you know what hell i'm gonna reroll this i'll take the speed drop this and into the boss room we go bro this is awesome you know what we don't care about a re-roll there's one more item in the item room but it's chaos so let's use our reroll here on the item room that's not even a bad item that could uh net us blackhearts you know what screw it i'm gonna do it and then i'm gonna take the flat penny with me since it's the last shop smart smart super smart this is why it takes me three hours to do a run you guys there's not enough time to fit all my smartness in for the record i believe that i am of average intelligence and this has all been a ginormous running gag if you did not get that then you might be below average intelligence let's go mom what do you got it should be dank mom i want to see dank mom that was way too easy you know what you ever think that sometimes i'm too smart and it just makes the game trivial rerolled it nope down we go do you actually like a real question do you do not like it when i just steamroll the game or do you like it when this when things get out of hand like this is this exciting to see oh my god i don't even know what those were all right from here on out we're gonna end up killing all the enemies before we get to see their attack patterns not gonna help me for future runs but oh well what the heck is this room what deck was that it's spawning what platelets yeah it looks like is that a a marked polyp no it's a bone fly it's a spare rib boy it's a mcdonald's mcrib what do you got for me show me the money um decent health that's he's now dead [Applause] fulfilled the prophecy we roll those cool glasses gotta have them gold rush another re-roll here i don't want to give up my health but i want to know what else there is [ __ ] bombs snugget bombs friend inside plus five bombs little pooter buddy our health is not looking good let me tell you that might have just doomed the run but man am i a sucker for new stuff oh gosh golly goodness that was frightening i don't know what tinted rocks look like oh that's a tinted rock right there i can see the lacrosse on it yes is it just me or does that look like a flesh cannoli what's happening right now every time i pick up money from the gold rush it seems like it's doing room damage look at that it drops money in the room that i can pick up to activate it sweet if it's based off my damage then everything's just dead it kind of seems like it is get toasted health up i don't right now i don't want the health up maybe i should though we're going to take another devil most likely i just i kind of want to be in uh polaroid invincibility now we have two hearts i think the hell with that is that flesh dog you know i guess normal dogs are flush dogs because they are made of flesh the tinted rock there okay our health is looking better i mean i can't see it it's feeling better i guess it lives chaos is a deal with the devil not a good combination but we have like 75 000 batteries we'll be able to scrape something out of this uh yeah i'm gonna have to take that bacon grease empty calories i didn't notice any stat changes but i do love me some bacon and the tears upgrade i'm gonna say i'm gonna take that it's good cathedral go um what did i just watch okay illuminati the library coming up these fancy rocks in the pots i like that that's not a library it's even better that's an angel item for free nice angel item thank you for that angel item you know what health upgrade before the deal with the devil sounds pretty okay to me joker um i will reroll it ah yeah that's double chest drops for the chest that is poison shot sure green diamonds look at me emeralds look at that bro those are brains judgment card that's a free item on the next floor what is that what is that roaming pack of ghosts what happened there look at this from amazing look at the fires popping up in the pots it looks super cool if i get close to them they light up isaac fight get demolished to the chest drop the judge blow the judge what else he got for me mom's key wouldn't help right now i don't think touch the book book worm re-roll all these take the potato peeler use that a couple times come back with more charge look at this teddy bears in the chest oh how do i get to that then can i bomb these no i juke them out no i don't think i can get that item i don't really need it but i you know it's curious how one is supposed to do that small rock for free ah i came back and i thought i could sneak up on it maybe if i go like really slow or if i wait for them to turn off nope the hell is happening reroll bam we get super bombs sure we have two syringes we go for spun plus nine damage pretty good wowzers what do you got health and health our flies are doing over 100 damage it's real good at the reroll ah trash corn [Music] what did corn just forced me to take like seven pills also dad's key my chest dad's key luck is through the roof always has been we'll take on some santa then poop rose what the heck boss time do this quickly the void is open too i'm gonna go for santa first one of the time people okay santa here we go let's keep our damage multiplier let's not take any damage it's gonna be too bad oh man waltz to the park dang uh-huh uh-huh let's see if we can't pull this off with one bomb one uh second phase mega santa bomb go yep they did it and we're not going to the void all right you guys this has been our first look at friendfolio awesome stuff uh i liked it a lot but let me know what you guys think of this mod in the comment section down below also it helps out a great deal if you guys want to hit the like button there are just certain things with the algorithm and whatnot like more comments on the video the more likes a video gets every little bit of engagement really does help so thank you guys in advance once again i hope you enjoyed this and i will see you in the next episode see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Hutts
Views: 328,338
Rating: 4.9560833 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack, fiend folio
Id: QctOQZayX7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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