Tainted Keeper Build for BOSS RUSH

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance today i wanted to jump into the second save file and play my favorite character or one of my favorite characters tainted keeper i love him where are we going i don't know should we try to do like a speed run maybe it's kind of tough to do a speed run because you want to like maximize the amount of money that you get right by doing every single room killing all the enemies world card could save me so okay oh buddy yeah like going fast it's kind of tough also i don't know how i'm gonna get that money with that bomb there but what if you went this way and you got that no no no no no oh i got shot and the money's gone nope they took my liver there we go there we go of course it just flies everything counts could have been the secret room you never know you know you never know until you know you know okay i almost died right there so tina keeper we have to buy everything but shops are really good there's like tons of good stuff in the shop but i want ouija board probably not but i do want that uh fire rate upgrade could be pretty meaningful for me oh i don't know why i walked that far into them falling apart you got touched by lust pills could be bad it could be really bad am i going to risk it maybe we still have to buy things in our item room as well and we have to buy deals with the devil or angel i'm about a top secret room can you do that for me yeah buddy pills what do you got for me remember pill shots beat up yours down i don't want the tears down flies good duka flies spawns a lot of stuff we might get some money out of that small chances of getting money though from spawned enemies and i think it actually just stops at a point because i tried to grind it up at one point in time didn't really work another fire rate oh that tears down i think i gotta go for it two minutes and 25 seconds we gotta kind of pick it up here need a few enemies in here i mean all the money that you got that's what i'm talking about nickels and dimes baby excuse me sir and luck pennies could be like super cool just check out what we're gonna miss in okay yeah come on guys i gotta take that that's so good but the quad shot too hey you guys have any money maybe we could bomb some pots and try to get that fire rate upgrade as well you remember where pots were you guys three minutes we're pushing it here which it's too far too far in the first floor too long okay that's just good i'm gonna go ahead and take that i missed a penny in there just so i could grab that i realized this and there goes our fire rate upgrade whatever i did what i did and now i'm leaving swallowed penny is such a good defensive play as keeper especially tandy keeper now that a tenant keeper has two health gotta have it you know what world card now get that nickel nice grab speed run speed running i'd be running with the speed i am speed oh my goodness gracious great balls of fire the fact that i'm killing things not getting hit and still grabbing the money absolute evil genius hang on a minute i gotta take this yeah evil society i'm not surprised you called [Music] wait how much does the membership be holy i have to sacrifice my own mom to get in i don't know what you got yeah that's probably pretty worth it we get uh some money just for taking it even so every time we take damage we're gonna be like spilling out tons of money in fact walk into him you get tons of money okay that didn't exactly work out the way that i wanted it to oh god yes give me the rooms with all these enemies in it how do i get the money though by being an evil genius bomb evil genius society you're gonna wave the entrance fee great i'm in let's do this i still have to sacrifice my mom all right i'm in i'm fine i missed the tinted rock though fail uh damned upgrade damage upgrade friend finder actually pretty cool i do like it i'm gonna save the money instead though little horn i'm feeling really great about the speed right now 5 30 5 30. we could still do this pinch him in the corner slam against the wall oh my goodness it's great oh it's great that's probably going to give me either a fire rate upgrade or a speed upgrade probably fire it up great i'm gonna pop into here i'm gonna go ahead and take lusty blood we can't just dilly dally all day long and hope to get something nice from our angel room we have to go minimum dilly and like a tiny bit of dally that's all we can afford perks that could be a good pill maybe not really actually doesn't matter for this character now that i think about it item room nope i get spin down though that turns into godhead i think i got time i got time to do this wow the dodge is here though the dodges you are seeing here today did you jump over here sir sir could you come over here thanks idiot shop me bffs no probably none of these things bff might be crazy awesome later it just currently isn't now [Music] yeah buddy a luck penny i'm in a top secret room super in with a luck upgrade pill and a cancer trinket am i gonna am i gonna risk it i already have the item that possibly gives me money drops when i take damage do i need to stack it who can i have a lot of the cancer literally doubles my fire rate i got it i gotta do it i'm doing it balls to the wall pestilence you're going dude this fire rate is crazy good this yeah bff with it probably yes open up these chests twist my nips nine minutes midnight snack get out of here and even if we do make it to boss rush are we also going to make it to the hush fight afterwards will we survive boss rush i don't know that's a lot of money that's a lot of cash and i'm going to do it i'm in i'd be fine with skipping an item room i wouldn't be fine with skipping a shop i think hey listen great for knowing where the secret room is i don't need it because i know it's right there perfect right on cue glitched crown option to take multiple different items i'm gonna go for that and i'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time with it though so i'm gonna kind of just try to like just feel it out and it's gonna be really really ugly and we're not always gonna get what we want but we might maybe get some good stuff gotta go faster please chop me shot me shot me shot me what do you got what do you got what do you got what do you got what do you got that's really zipping that's so deeper pockets yeah buddy 120 volts got it now 4.5 bolt that's what i meant to say mapping 11 26 we gotta go oh my gosh the rest of this floor is ginormous money though for clearing rooms with deeper pockets if it doesn't pay out with anything else it gives me money one to three pennies i believe it feels crazy to see oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh gosh all mine i'm fine i feel great i feel better than ever top secret room vomit don't need a new trinket nickel nickel this is the set up this is the dream lusty blood's gonna be a huge upgrade for boss rush if we can make it but we really gotta nail the we got the mapping right so we should be able to nail it i almost died like three times this floor come on jesus juice just oh i got it it's called being good call being good 13 17. can we do this no shop that way would you get out of here did you get out of here no shop this way item room's got poop ptosis bad for split shot i agree but really good for just base oh nope damage just just dealing some damage yeah this is good damage this is good good damage will aid me in my speed run 1816 cents chaos kind of want it what's this ace of diamonds that could be really good we probably should take the ace of diamonds with us there's some cool stuff in that other pedestal i just i don't have time i don't have time to look at it oh jesus that's what i wanted i haven't missed a single one yet though babe oh i missed that time though 15 minutes 15 and a half danger danger danger i'm gonna keep my ace of diamonds they'll probably eat some oh i just didn't even try to walk over that the hell do you want red key i want the the lump of coal that's what i want counteract the proptosis negative effects boom four minutes to make it there four minutes oh i gotta choose if it's up or down shoot shoot shoot shoot a library do i have time for libraries uh book of re of virtues would be sexy hot okay never mind inner child's not what i wanted aries is not what i wanted can negate damage though i chose the wrong direction we will be able to get our item and shop though shop incubus scifly r key i don't have enough money for arkey it's fine just take the pack to be happy there's a guppy piece in there but actually take the oh there's that's not what i wanted what do you got i don't care just give it to me horrible bubalons it's fine we're doing really really really really really really really good so like just send it massive upgrades on this floor that we just got cracked crown just annihilating it nope i can't afford to die here two minutes we're gonna do this okay we went really fast just dark room does it matter no um skippy stones could be really good that was melting my brain i just had to pick one i just had to send it pop sounds hilarious libro that's a little risky red key could be cool keeper sack keeper sack got it that'll give me stat upgrades so every time i buy something in the future and we have to buy everything this is amazing this is such good oh hello it's good damage wheel of fortune i could blow that up i think we're going to make it the hush bite at this speed uh what do we want here tractor beam bruh in fact i'm just gonna go ahead and like this ace from this stuff into money i don't feel like i have the time to really absorb all five items on every single pedestal so i'm kind of just being like ah that one go so leave in the comment section which item you think i'm an idiot for missing it's gonna be really hard to make me feel dumb with the choices that we've made in the plays that we've made with this glitched crown i'm excited to see what chaos will yield me in the near future as well thrachnid terrible boss what you can't stop after you're dead and i just got rubber cement it's great but i what what just happened i'll take the the luck upgrade i guess stitches is also a pretty choice but our black handle maybe black handle that's fine sack of socks could be cool all right womb two we got six minutes six minutes to make it there pretty much just walk into the finish line here between rooms too easy too easy um ended up taking damage there still got to deal with the devil though sake what he got i'm seeing a lot of stuff i think abaddon might be bad for me the one if i keep hitting my shots and never miss would be good you have five minutes to try to nail this almost took avid on there mom's key could be really good fierce shot could be really good uh pascal's candle angel room item the more perfect rooms we do the faster we fire that sounds like maybe the way to go here i got obsessed fan okay can't win them all we can win against hush 12 32 damage 328 fire rate that's nope no thanks what do you got in here diplo we could maybe diplo this room and get both items what happens if you diplo an item that's under the effect of the thing with the stuff freezing shots could be good but not against hush i got the diplo if i want to dip all the thing that we really want it just makes a whole nother thing uh ladder mom's knife mom's life could be super good i kind of like our tears currently and then here i'd probably like to go mark or monstrance although book of shadows could be really saucy as well although if i get the key piece we could fight mega satan oh sorry not the key piece but dad's key oh oh god there's good things in there defensively i gotta go holy mantle with that one holy mantle sounds like a really smart play walk in devil card 1477 damage look at this look at that what an absolutely crazy run watch me somehow blow it sci-fly you need a race oh my so much damage there's so much damage on hush even through the boss armor that's crazy 33-28 damage by the way thanks for the extra cash you're already dead did you try i have to ask so the keeper's been unlocked we got both of them done in one run absolutely insane and we have the negative so we got to go down loving this run loving this run what do you got up here holy card could be cool i'm gonna say the damage upgrade got it i suppose we don't need dad's key if i just go ahead and bomb the statues since we have the stairway really simple we'll actually get paid to do it oh blessed penny oh you know what bless penny actually has a chance to pay out soul hearts which are just flies never mind and you know what i'll take the holy card oh already lost our holy mantle charge yeesh oh my goodness oh my goodness and devil is done didn't even get to fire on me give me that foot dead too strong for you you suck give me delirium right now which one do i want to look at first up here maybe the scythe or sensor defensively sensor offensively scythe ah i missed them both joker card i'm gonna give up my holy card if i joke her card i guess we'll pop the holy card or maybe we'll come back here i don't know how it's gonna work glass shard it's just so good maybe guppy's tail for uh maybe we'll fold clear the dark room got it nailed it what do you got triple shot i think triple shot with quad shot does not affect my fire rate although i don't know if i officially have quad shot but i still feel like i should try for it [Music] fire rate did go down significantly that's horrible lead pencil oh dry baby's also pretty good nine lives i don't have enough money for nine lives we'll come back um ooh rock bottom would be so good but so would cricket's head qriket's head plus 10 damage nine lives actually probably is is is a negative thing but i could buy the sausage afterwards to recuperate the health lost with holy mantle i just don't think we have to worry really um host hat perfect now about that sausage got it 50 damage um stye is damaged contagion could be good too let's die not only are we playing like a boss right now soy milk [Music] i maybe go quince went on that one uh-oh conjoined oh that's good because of the tractor beam oh it's more more damage despite it uh seeming like a damage down we're playing like a boss but we're also getting like unbelievably lucky with the items that we're seeing although that is the reason why i really like to take the glitched crown just the chance that you're gonna find something good out of five random items chaos is crazy we're at seven luck right now i want that apple yes oh well we already have the damage multiplier via qriket's head so the magic mush is only going to give us a little bit more still the best item 0.36 damage up yeah yeah this last dude tech x i honestly think we're better at with tears but that d6 though d6 kind of messes with the uh the glitch crown rather i in the back of my head tractor beam will force it to go forward we'll just deal double damage it's like 20 20. got it call me crazy here like i said i don't want the lasers i do want uh freezing or analog stick for the damage up clam nope i do feel like full clearing for funsies or almond milk perfect boss soul he gets a holy mantle charge what that's really good that's it that's all she wrote now we go mega satan give me delirium please maybe i should have taken uh rock bottom you know i took cricket's head over it i think it was qriket's head we could have gotten that damage multiplier from the uh the magic mush shame that happened in the order that it did because rock bottom would have been really good so we don't lose the 60 damage that we have going on because we miss that's dead eye doing that the more accurate we are the more damage we get but if we had the rock the whatever thing rock bottom ah we didn't get delirium no rock bottom would have been also really really good is what i'm trying to say golden pennies appear in the basement that's such a good upgrade i'm very happy to have it that was such a phenomenal run and i'm so glad that i caught that on camera let me know you guys thoughts in the comment section down below how much do you think i must have to cheat to get a run that good hit that like button if you enjoyed yourself once again thanks for watching and i will see you in the next video see you guys [Music] oh oh don't give me a sticky nickel you think this is funny [Music] don't forget you guys i am live every tuesday thursday at 3 p.m central on twitch which means i'm live right now so don't miss it follow the link in the description and i will see you there
Channel: Hutts
Views: 274,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: NxKynCxf_Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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