Maggie's Last Unlock!

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the bonding of isaac repentance we've got a ton of stuff to do on the tainted side but we still haven't finished the original side still have quite a few mother fights to go maggie sampson azazel laz that's it let's go maggie i kind of like maggie's reskin it actually really looks like maggie with a wig or isaac rather with a wig on which i think is kind of the point here i know that you guys just got done watching the uh blood puppy episode i think that we need a healthy balance here of crazy exciting new stuff and other unlocks that we gotta complete so okay i'll take the hint i'll open it it was trash so maggie used to start with the speed-up pill that's no longer the case so she's kind of back to being trash as far as the starter goes adrenaline the more red health that we're missing the more damage we get i'm kind of a little bit more excited about that nickel first floor let's jump into the curse room i have a full charge on my yum heart this could just teleport me out no okay what is this range up lockdown that's fine with me 0.3 damage up because we lost a heart you know what i don't have to heal myself right now so why not ride out this damage upgrade maggie starts with a lot of health it'd be really easy for us to go deals of the devil but now with adrenaline i think maybe we should uh think about optimizing adrenaline for the first time in my entire life i've never actually tried to make adrenaline work it's no different though from a of babylon in essence 10 cents maybe we can pull up a half price steam sale or something like that um new yes though to that see here how much you got okay blighted ovum is that it i didn't even know that you could see blighted open the first floor tough boss but i can handle it it's not really that tough of a boss it's just you know with the slow speed i thought that maybe it could catch up to me but i guess not and the damage upgrade 169 damage very good you look terrifying we always do we're going mother that means alt let's send it let's hope for um maybe like an iv bag just blood donation machines in general would be perfect with adrenaline double key room i'm gonna pass on that for now curse the blind not a huge fan take the blind one anyways welling hourglass it's kind of cool but maggie's thing is all about her health right i went in here i tried this to say if i didn't like it then i could glowing hourglass out but i kind of like it we'll roll with the glowing hourglass okay um do i want a glowing hourglass and retry that kinda these guys shoot so far with that green goo rainmaker tough boss probably one of the easiest though that we could face right now i always get hit by that tail end thing finish them let's say you speed ball it looks so cute not really like i said angel is probably the smarter play with adrenaline my soul hearts i want to keep five cents at least or arcades arcades gonna be big oh wow i don't even know what happened there but i got paid for it this is a very odd room hopefully we get a lot of keys and bombs you know the leech is it it offers healing but with adrenaline i kind of don't want that epiphora all right the longer i hold fire in one direction the faster fire red i get so i kind of want to not change directions this is awkward there we go keep the out before going for the boss keep it rolling oh wait it made me reset it ah what kind of absolute bs was that resets my before and then wormwood just punches me right in the throat that was just legal right into my epiphora i'll get that at before uh got um angel room as well very nice and bombs i guess we did need bombs i did ask specifically for bombs let's say you angel room absolute trash it's a mystery we'll use it on this guy painting shears actually really nice get him pinking shears i'm gonna keep the glowing hourglass i think it has a little bit more utility or at least known utility predictable utility predict utility what a bummer man like angel rooms are great but honestly you do get just as many trash angel rooms as you do trash devil rooms oh we needed the bombs for this door too so i need a bomb a key and a bomb to get that two bombs for this a key a bomb and a key to get to that how do we optimize this can i get that actually like on the corner if i place it just perfectly no i could push this out open this bomb this oh i'm happier now crowheart takes her my red health first but it does count against my deal of the devil and angel chance really cool idea but you know what actually i could use it right now to get into the curse room since we already got our angel room oh if i pick this up i'm gonna lose it immediately i didn't lose it immediately ha ha mirror dimension go i don't even think about just flying over to get this i could have flown to get that one too whoops oh you're dumb what do you got in there deliciousness secret as well cool wormies what you got punk nothing you got nothing yeah good stuff more health i accept call me crazy but we use our crow heart right now to take damage and get our adrenaline up we bring this trinket to the next floor take this and then we just drop the trinket immediately right we can come back and grab it whenever we need it give me that arcade please and those are my arcade yeah hey hey this guy pills if i get a bad one i can just use my glowing hourglass that's good and that's good basically have eight damage right now very saucy you make a bridge yeah buddy saving my key though for either shop or item room this feels like top secret room mm-hmm uh-huh oh i had to run with bozo or piggy bank that's good for that arcade if i can get health back i could use crow heart and then jump on the sacrifice spikes but uh i need the health first i need a key as well for my shop okay this bombs are i got a key bff that works with nothing but i like it and boss fight the pile tough tough fight here wherever it looks like it's going okay as i say run in the other direction but i kind of tried to burn in hell burning out burning hell almost got it it's almost there oh that last little spike on the ground angel rum no i can't complain too much the locket the more soul hearts we get the more uh stat upgrades we get and i don't have another bomb to bomb the statue oh well in order to pick that up i gotta like lose a soul heart and then i got range and speed too bad i can't use my glowing hourglass and then come back in and get a different item wouldn't that be cool if it was just like not decided until you walked in that would totally ruin seated runs though all right i don't feel like jumping on my sacrifice spikes and we'll give it up here i guess kind of do one consumables i might just play this machine okay intentionally lose a soul heart or fire rate hey yeah 10 damage for fire rate this is a good run another soul heart okay we'll come back for that oh god dang it this stupid rum what am i supposed to do with this yep calculated i can hate that rum six bombs bring it stars card i guess i could use that i have some po so creed fight if i don't get steam cell can i just redo it and have a chance to get steam sale is that seated that's probably seated i got it anyways get that knife piece god dang being slow excuse me excuse me excuse me a bff fruity plum people would literally ride if i did not take pretty plum here bouncy buddy i don't think he's gonna be that handy he she on any fight at all but it's so cute not really bff mom's knife it's not mom's knife it's the whatever corpse knife thing shell can handle it handling it currently another angel room you spoil me that's spun too plus three two four damage yo flights i'm gonna take the flight here a lot of potential with the void but flight is so good and repentance specifically fruity do something get in there make yourself fizzy we gotta get our adrenaline damage back here oh car are you kidding me i mean i guess i want to take damage anyways with the crow heart oops and i want two red hearts remaining i guess down to one would be fine no i think it actually does have to be two mausoleum door we'll take my health yep here we go gehenna darkness we get some soul hearts so we can get some thermostat upgrades sweet we'll come back for that consolation prize that's going to be does it count for luck no it's probably range range cops got kind of a bunch of turd for fire rate another free soul hearts don't mind if i do okay just whipped me into it backstabber or pyromaniac we can heal ourselves with bombs that used to mean we were immune to mom's foot stomps i don't believe that's the case anymore blood donation machine with an arcade oh demon beggar just got to pay out too or i could bomb them for angel yeah i don't really need the health blammo right the boss and then get that demon beggar to pay out horny boys can be a problem got him already all right demon beggar it's time to pay out lover's card wonderful whip worm wonderful anything you got anything for me health up no what happens if i use my thing here right does it just revert back to every single thing that happened yeah it's seated okay cursed eye no eternal heart i don't even want health max health i want the red hearts no oh no no no rip machine it takes my soul hearts before it takes my eternal heart that's interesting there it is and there that is not really a game changer all right i'm out mazzo two last shop phd with a starter deck really you think this is funny start with a phd see what kind of pill we get bombs are key just the best so the rest of the floor see if we can get pills if they're prep pills or neutral pills we'll just go ahead and turn them into cards at the end a bunch of pills full health could be meaningful shot speed up is health up sunshine experimental pill i think maybe they're better off as cards all right guess we're going rando rando rando rando spider baby like incredibly underwhelming for items here gonna be a very classic fight just playing well having decent tears and fire rate nothing special about it there is still a chance though for angel and uh possibly even a devil room to change that i would take a double room right now black hearts does that if i get down a black cart and then pick it up my soul heart lock it did give me a permanent damage and fire rate upgrade for that let's do that again more damage and not to downplay the importance of that little bit of speed that we got to here's the tricky thing we want to go down maybe a little bit further on crowheart no i can't go down on crowheart i lose my angel chance so i just have to go into the mob fight we won't be able to come back out unless i get a teleport card hermit this turned into an emperor question mark teleports due to an extra boss room that drops a boss room item as normal this room isn't part of the actual floor and leaving it returns you to where you teleported from probably fight mom first though what else you got in here a world card normal emperor two of hearts frank world strength would be a good one to go into the final boss with that damage multiplier all right let's go in fight mom permit out emperor then keep going to corpse hopefully get an angel room this is a tricky fight i don't even know what got me there that was interesting and done no angel room really i really felt like we were gonna get one doesn't matter which one of these we take let's go ahead and take the negative for the damage by the hearts or the it lives actually this one is just the heart let's go pretty plum get in there i hate these i hate these ah it's so hard to dodge got him okay now i said herman out and we just try this emperor and see what happens i suppose i grab oh it takes away everything wait a second why would you do that let's try this emperor that's a whole mother fight you want me to mother fight before my mother fights what what the hell what an absolute waste what just happened i couldn't have grabbed my crow heart because they removed why wha wha what was the reason for any of that that's the kind of stuff that i think could be like you know cut from the game is just the things that like literally makes zero sense at all a lot of this game if you want a min max you just have to have like 7 000 page textbook of random instances well you see if you are playing on a tuesday and it's raining outside then every boss that spawns will be blowed then the game crashes we have 100 chance to get a room so we can get some more um damage here okay that's in the opposite direction speed there damage there the library this late i kind of don't mind the item that i have right now if we really bombed the fight then we could redo it right oh we have flight we can touch these at least get a touch off monster manual is gonna give me a ghost baby satanic bible if i use it i will get a deal with the devil instead of a boss room item that is bookworms gonna be huge i like it a lot chance to fire two tiers instead of one we got buddy does this guy sway angel chance if i get him to pay out i think it might hang demand question mark turn into the keeper gain triple shot speed down enemies drop coins it did sway angel chance you done got flight you can't get me oh man all embarrassing last phase too easy too easy ah i still got hit and we gotta deal with the devil and the guppy piece on the outside very interesting if i got permiss dad upgrades by getting the soul hearts from trading red health i would consider it a lot more what do you have in here a bunch of stuff one on the left is heartbreak gives you a .25 damage up for every broken heart that you have gives you three broken hearts when picked up i wonder if broken hearts count towards adrenaline every hit of damage that would kill you instead adds two more broken hearts broken hearts are empty heart containers that cannot be removed or refilled and will override other types of hearts when you reach 12 total replacing all 12 containers with broken hearts will kill you instantly the only way to remove broken hearts is by donating to a confessional i say we try it hell and nothing special really happened i think it maybe it bumped out a soul heart or two then there's a judas and then there's the money kind of a bummer all around i took this and maybe used it once use this machine get my adrenaline back up basically walking onto the last floor with five hp i might live to regret that we'll find out kind of seemed like my damage went down when i got the broken hearts so i'm kind of thinking that adrenaline does not count them i guess we learned something today i feel like i was lied to though when it specifically said they counted as empty hearts i could have just used my hourglass i kind of want to see what happens from here though emperor we could just go right there we got an empress cart for damage i said we get this last secret room going to the cursed room and then we call it nice first from scott here we are time to do it what do you got no thanks no thanks how do i dodge this that is such a tough one stay there stay up there it's a good spot for you i can maximize my epiphora please no no no no not getting too close come on we can do it the second phase easier i don't know this is kind of hard to dodge psych i mean it's super easy i've got this pattern down now look at me do got her yo what a very classic run yuck heart has appeared in the basement is that a yum heart that gives me rotten hearts upon use i'd put money on it when use this item gives you plus one rotten heart awesome you guys let me know your thoughts on this episode let me know what you want me to do next leave a like leave a comment please the algorithm gods thank you guys for watching and i will see you in the next one see you guys [Music] that's the kind of stuff that i think could be like you know cut from the game is just the things that like
Channel: Hutts
Views: 240,848
Rating: 4.978126 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: -YINj20y8pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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