Jacob and Esau are F R U S T R A T E

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance our jacob and esau post-it note looks like garbage let's fix that at some point in time we're going to do like greedier too if you guys haven't seen these two characters it's two characters in one i can separate them by holding control they each have a slot for a card pill rune each have an active item slot they each have um health top right bottom right but you guys definitely saw these guys on the seeing double challenge right i'm gonna stick with the theory that it's better to buff one of them and not both of them because you're spreading items out over two characters i think it's better to stack the dps onto one personally especially when you start to get things like multipliers into the mix no guarantee that we're gonna get a damage multiplier maybe i'm getting ahead of myself already i'm gonna squeeze them together by pushing them up against the wall almost acts like a little 20 20 right now if you're getting close enough run ending situations uh spike rooms actually i'll just hold ctrl and only move with one genius if we ever get split up though during combat that is not a good thing speaking of not very good things this is the hourglass is it a room pause or a slow down from slow down for a bit okay you know that wasn't that bad of a of a time i guess for a two-room recharge you see that being very handy on boss fights okay that was a tough room that was tough for him this can be a health uphill uh i get a hold control and then hit cued in order to use suck oh good yeah that's what i needed a 4.5 volt that makes it so that your active item no longer charges on rooms but charges when you do damage to enemies so that would be a really good boss killer because we could charge our slowdown by shooting the boss who slowed down and then use it again jacob esau versus wrath okay let's see here first floor bombs are good i know where the secret room is i think we just popped our uh excited i think it only pops twice or procs twice golden bomb very interesting that means it doesn't matter where our secret room is because we're gonna find it but it's right here we drop two bombs for every one bomb spent so we can kind of use that to our advantage good money though give me the quarter give me the quarter noise let's do it so monstro slow down right watch my item charge up when i'm doing damage you see that see that i wonder if it charges up with bomb damage it totally does and we actually just ended up killing him before we got to use it again that's fine with me we'll give that health the esau go into the curse room only send one through please curse the tower i know it's ed's favorite item i think it's a load of turd what hot he said that bob's brain is his favorite item what are you dumb well you can't listen point is ed likes all the trash stuff ed's like that mean with the possum and he's like don't touch my trash second floor we only have half a solar protecting esau you esau more like yikes brah probably just gonna slow down any room that i feel threatened in any room that threatens my masculinity so we don't get nearly as many charges back with the four or five votes i've noticed when you're just going through smaller rooms it's mainly for large bosses high health individuals which is totally fine arcade i'll check out the arcade uh five cents going on to it's supposed to be an even floor even though this dross one i wonder if it still counts as like basement two but five cents and then you get the arcades and you know what i'm gonna blow up this machine you're gonna get that pot with it yeah yo that's some protection what do you got chariots and another chariots hot diggity dog let's go play this demon beggar you got son you got give it to me already paid out and that could be generally speaking this is pretty good to me so let's just take it health up damage down fire rate up okay so i think that probably balanced itself out a little bit maybe possibly oh my god now i'm going to die damage down is a big oof fire right up though pretty good coming up here on our item room i like to go all for jacob esau because you can take both items because i'm a cheesing hack that is baby plums flute and that is a rotten heart let's give the baby plum flute to esau the random item for jacob oink bomb bag it's fine as long as it doesn't drop a control bomb on me which it totally does and will do but a healthy supply of bombs is nice this room is also nice look at this double duty shazam another soul heart esau that's all you nice i'm excited to have this baby plum flute i get to finally show it off 100 deal with the devil chance i've been like not going to the deal with the devil because health is so hard to come by on this game i've been like really really really enjoying going to the angel rooms the angel rooms have gotten a huge buff and i'm not sure how ed's gonna like work his way out of this one because it's so much easier to get angel rooms they're so much better and you don't have to give up your health maybe there's a bunch of deal with the devil items that i just haven't unlocked yet but man oh man does it seem like deals of the devil are the way to go vlog come on baby plum get him get him i'm gonna slow him down too oh my baby plum wow wow boss killer he's just just like so long partner fire it up great let's just keep buffing let's keep buffing and i'm gonna skip this deal with the devil like i said for an angel room you could probably afford to deal with the devil but trying to balance health upgrades between two characters is just stupid you get it's like half the health coming in no no no plus to begin an angel room that has multiple items and you get to choose one or the other we could just choose both of them why angel run man it's the new meta gluttony not gonna be able to get this health upgrade here wasn't a health upgrade anyways top secret room has a rotten beggar we give him money and in turn gives me flies spiders sometimes rotten hearts i'll play them a little bit here let's get some more money let's let's drum up some money all right what you got bud there's some spiders this would have been really good to find before the boss all right you're done cross two seems like i get nothing but dross now item room health and damage it's pretty good go with one of these i got anemic as well real machine a new thing if you bomb it now it is busted in one use if you want to keep using it you have to pay the machine i'll take a run before the boss trash baby plum do your thing acosta mia i'm getting nothing but colostomia too baby plum go in baby plum we trust look at him look at him go man and scene the colostomy is going to be really difficult to fight on the reverse side that is some fire rate and some health and you know what i think i need to get some health to esau let's blow this open before we forget colostomy on the flip side yikes not excited so not excited for that let's do it let's plan on going to mother on this fight that seems fair gonna need an angel room though to buff us up be careful with one of us having flight it's really easy to get separated like this i think i'm gonna go for the colostomy of fight and just heavily rely on baby plum once again i am once again asking for your baby plum oh god get separated here on the the moving ground the water treadmill blossom mia baby plum go get em do that butt pounce bye baby plum oh yeah easy fire rate let's go jacob on that one jacob's almost at the cap and we're back let's roll down to the mines i like these rooms this rooms are great i really like these rooms i got hit by something i'm getting hit by something i didn't even see that fly oh my god where when did that fly come into play oh flipping flip-flops okay i don't know what that room start is that's a tough one another golden bomb nice baby plums ready for the boss um let's maybe bump up our angel chance first and not die please can we not die i'm leaving these bombs for you sir got him shouldn't have been made out of rocks idiot oh this is the best do you fight for uh an angel key piece here i don't see why we wouldn't these are bombs offensively as well yeah this is the life those are for you god i love that top secret room little oh god the freaking super troll bomb god damn it bomb bag chop refresh it's been nerfed so every time you buy something it gets more and more expensive but hell let's do it i'll never financially recover from this it's reminding that tinted rock for me sucker brown cap poops explode yeah i'm gonna drop that waifu let's give waifu to esau since it's easier to control jacob i feel like and what is that what did you get oh good wonderful hornfell how am i gonna get hornfell with baby plum like this get him baby plum oh god i got split up i don't even realize i was taking damage okay baby plum not not really good in that fight i'm not gonna lie okay yep and on now i'm dying drop a bomb in the okay not the right wave to do that on but i think i had the right idea there and he got away angel room though all right esau get some health let's get some of this angel room yo starts looking it up starts looking it up it re-rolls our items into something better i i know that oh god platinum gods down prevents low quality items from spawning greatly increases the quality of items received from all item pools anything with zero to one will automatically be re-rolled this is really good because we have two item pedestals that means we're gonna get automatically two three or four quality items i think jacob you need to take it sacred orb this is good baby plum go smoosh them we could do mega satan today if we went to like chester dark room we already did the chest so we can go dark room i just think mother fight it's the angel rooms are not hard to come by so sticking with my gut i don't remember at the gate we don't know what it is but we know it's probably hopefully good maybe and go little brim and piercing pretty good stuff no complaints in this guy okay ow okay if i could complain just a little bit and beyond that damage monster said no complaining i'm tired of you being a big whiny baby speak of the devil baby plum go again that booty jumped oh hello stupid ghosts get out of here i wonder if there's any items in the angel okay good shot in the angel pool that are uh zero or one quality probably not breath of life i guess maybe we won't see breath of life why don't i get oh i don't even see that maggot oh my i'm just dying left and right here esau you suck why is esau just like taking all the damage if it's tough twins or if it's gideon i don't think that uh baby plum's gonna do much here and maybe we should hit up our shop or a secret room to up our chance for angel room i hate these things might just end up losing our angel chance by issa taking more stupid damage oh esau why are you an idiot why are you the way that you are angel chance went away that was the ridiculous room for jacob you saw some of these rooms are just not doable i mean they're they're doable but there's no way i'm not gonna take damage at least once which is frustrating because you get six of those rooms and the runs over oh great it was in a freaking green fight too i should just gone to the freaking boss he saw take that pill an item what is it another keeper of course how do i do this with two characters this is how i can't do this with one character a top secret room [Music] oh great great gideon okay good shot wow oh my god ah guys why is the ash pit so freaking hard oh yeah buddy give me that two percent angel chance whoo sweet dude love that i absolutely love going to the mausoleum with no soul hearts man oh man is that going to be great what is it squeezy hey soul hearts wait do i give that soul hard up to get into the freaking mausoleum you son of an absolute dick biscuit unbelievable unbelievable this game just like there's so many things about it that just screw the player over so hard like yeah sure it's a thing that like i once i know what it is i'll know how to avoid that kind of because i'll be used to it it'll be knowledge in my brain on the space where my brain should be but uh for right now and for new players i could not imagine if people just started playing repentance and they had never played even the flash version before of course the flash version was like unrelenting as well but uh in a different way last so on this just like absolute middle finger to the player no i said no oh god how do i how do i squeeze through the freaking how do i how do i squeeze uh oh think of an esau it's just the biggest pain in my ass i look forward to never doing this again not like never going to mother again never playing jacob and esau again please don't make me do it i don't ah stop it i do we are blocking the entire path did someone pick up that key who picked up that key we'll open the damn thing geez now where do i go all the way back over here okay i think i gotta make it the tiniest little path go just go just go just go just go easy yup why is jacob at esau like 50 times harder than every other character on the planets it doesn't even make sense it's just two characters hanzo liam here we come did not have fun yay buddy sacred orb we're looking uh looking to you for this one gonna need some help there that is uh that's a that's a that's a mess already lost our angel chance because there was a brimstone creep dropping suck champion of doom i just don't know what to say well said jacob and esau runs are infested with bad rng well said 12 chance for angelum i already took damage so i don't think i can like hurt that and we should just jump in anyways heretic yikes baby plum go best we're best buds i took damage i got hit from something i got hit i have a point four percent chance for an interim now that's just that was dodgeable too you hit every single corner up plus the middle that was okay i knocked him into myself okay i'm not fast enough to even walk away from him i i just i don't know exactly what to say or how to say it um so i'll start with this holy no no no negative fires though oh he just put a fire on top of me that all four corners amazing absolutely it's a amazing dude this is double white hitboxes too it's just uh that's unreal wow wow i'm having a lot of fun you guys having a lot of fun cause i'm having a lot of fun i suppose he saw you got a good trinket for me oh great i can't wait to turn into lost that'll be nice it's like a really warm hug you guys ace of hearts that could be handy give me a room full of enemies no not you not you either not you i can't dodge that because i'm apparently the worst player in the entire world oh so hard oh oh uh oh good item rooms good items fates reward yeah that that's definitely like a high quality item if i had to put fate towards somewhere i'd definitely put up in the high quality category that's what i would do and go hoopla duplex it just keeps getting better jar flies hell why not handle [Music] well yes we go baby plum plus candle oh let's just walk into spikes let's just start by walking into spikes well how do you feel about that it sounds like a good plan sounds like a great plan i can be tainted lost on my third attempt going all the way to the beast fight but this is something else let's oh a little bit of this a little bit of that a little bit of this oh tiny ounce of that and this and that maybe even some of this two eternal hearts in this floor that's two health upgrades do this trap room first baby plum i hate those guys you just got a double butt slam a double butt slam baby plum let's play this machine get some nickels yeah buddy maybe even a blood bag like 99 of every single room is just a pile of for jacob esau it's tiny stupid room wait a second i just dropped all my because i'm holding control because that's the only way i can move only jacob can we just not here please not enough buttons on my on my keyboard for this and now we go into this room and we beef up on soul hearts he's a genius that was an expensive last soul heart but here we are look at me i feel so comfortable now i'm gonna go even harder with this because we need the money one eternal heart for you and one for you first your top secret room has to be right there nice i think just simply by the head of the keeper getting the money playing the donation machines and now pumping up with soul hearts we have a shot that's just taking shots on stream no wonder he's so bad good shot mate oh my god i've never seen that attack before in my life item rub that is just it's not a good item though that's just that that's a horrible item we're almost capped we are capped on one of our characters sacred orb you're literally a pile of the ultimate joke since sacred r rerolls items of quality zero to one ed doesn't think there's any items that are quality zero or one they're all quality two or higher this is horrible more money i guess potentially what's that one makes you larger pill a good match you are stingy there we go i guess i'll put that on esau now that the soy milk damage is pretty much rip you know i am a fan of soy milk it's just uh surprise soy milk is not the best not the best feeling in the world okay this is nice this is another one of those rooms where you're just like why why is jacob and esau even a character that's gonna be fun to take damage in uh they can okay uh one of us teleported which i didn't know was a thing and he whipped me across rocks good times were had by all i just keep like hitting scenarios where i'm just like how i didn't i didn't even know i didn't know the life could be this bad back up with soul hearts though and go yep okay i don't know how i that was magical for once something doesn't make sense in my favor blood bag we did do it we got it esau is looking good health wise mouse time i'm gonna save baby plum for you oh wow wow wow wow hey could you just like let off for a second i can't even get words across i can't even speak three words because holy wowzers wowzers baby plum for mom's heart is all i'm trying to say here oh god oh son of a angel room oh oh oh oh let's take both of these we do have to go dark room right no we're going uh mother fight what do you got boy howdy a real life saver there not bombing the statue baby plum go i can't see what mom tears are and what baby plum tears are oh god this is curse this is so cursed i mean i just uh go from fire to fire here i hate this well how how do we do things like this with jacob esau man come on come on it's just like it's a oh i don't know how maybe i'm just really good i dodged a surprising amount of stuff right there i'm very proud of my performance today now we go corpse xl uh you know what don't i have an emperor card let's just go let's just skedaddle we could move backwards one fight one boss and get another item maybe doesn't sound horrible ah ah scourge oh yeah oh this is gonna be nice with the double head box oh okay why would they put tears in the middle and now it's just chaos i'll admit i'll admit i don't even know what's hitting me i honestly don't have i have zero clues hitting me that was impossible that was that that couldn't be done that literally could not be done and now we are just the lost we're not like both characters we don't get like we do get all the items they did actually concatenate all of the items into one single loss without holy mantle and like just really good stuff i just i'm really enjoying playing jacob and esau it's a lot of fun a lot of fun stuff let's do it let's go baby i can handle it i can do this i'm pretty sure lost already has mother unlocked yeah totally it's just this is all for nothing but finally i'll be able to show off my skills here be able to show off my uh lost skills so like i think i'll be able to do really really well in this fight so when the fight starts because i know it hasn't really started yet well i'm going to go in there and be really careful about dodging everything and then i'm going to go ahead use my candle as much as possible because i think that that's going to probably block most of the shots and then i'm going to really watch out for that big laser that comes out and then the head comes out it's a really tough fight so i think that it's actually going to be in my favor because of all the items that i have and how much skill that i've faced
Channel: Hutts
Views: 327,969
Rating: 4.9624729 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: e-8bO6S_JZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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