What if Lost Could Use RED HEARTS?

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance today we're going to cover a very interesting mod a mod that changes up how the lost plays it's called heart tokens for the lost by blue and the new pickup for the loss that replaces all red hearts that allows him to use devil beggars and blood donation machines so instead of red heart drops you get these heart tokens that you can actually pick up let's do it let's try it out hey wait a second hey you cheater that should be a heart token you might be asking yourself holy hell how's what happened to your head we raised 26 thousand dollars for saint jude wait why is there two items i'll take this one and i promise to dye my hair for that saint jude fundraiser that's why it looks like i'm auditioning for my local high school's joker play for why i'm exclusively sponsored by gummy worms [Music] these jokes are terrible i blow up this rock my arm hurts another hard token uh they reset every floor apparently you can turn that off if you don't like that what turned you off is it all like you need a bomb i've got a bomb fire what is that gonna do we try to pop it that that dropped the bump that that did indeed drop a bomb eye droppers i like eye droppers double key room what you got re-roll everything jar we have another question mark item because of our trinkets the broken glasses what is this pill i'll probably wait to use the forum hermit friends pickups and items in the room into coins maybe what if i turn both of those items into coins i get a bunch of coins for it and i could buy a birthright prevents items not beneficial to the lost from spawning that would seem probably pretty worth it for me i think this will be a good play i only turned one of them but we have enough and uh like i said early on this birthright that's gonna be a good thing oh look at this room i mean obviously there's nowhere that i can spend these unfortunately but here i am trying to show off this mod this cool new idea and i can't even find a blood donation machine can't even do it that's for you monstro go that was a close call there bud mr dolly you know i just the forum exists but like this is good these are good things can i deal with the devil i want to see what's going on in here i think i'm going to actually go for eye of the occult i think it's pretty good i'd be cult if you don't know what that means it means that wherever i'm shooting my tears will move to uh okay that would be a chaos i used the forum it rerolled pill mimic into chaos i like the idea of chaos i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna see what we can do here uh it does look like we're gonna be able to buy it let's roll this is an exciting run who needs heart tokens oh a little preparatory there go little buddy autumn room yeah oh sister maggie thanks chaos oh some of the fun that we can have with the eternal d6 it's just great it's a good time escalance let's meet purgatory i'm usually not impressed by purgatory but uh i think it's a loss it's pretty okay here perfection is that gonna change anything that we're doing no but we are the lost so it's like basically permanent and i think lux pretty good and i'm gonna re-roll this chaos will be fun eternal d6 is a great item 50 chance to shoot tier backwards that's just a 50 chance to get double shots because the tier will also move forward i think yeah see this is good this is really good removes your oldest passive item and spawns two from the current item's pool current rooms pool i mean um i feel like i feel like i would i would give up a tears upgrade i would give up the uh sad onion so maybe we find our secret room and pop this and see what happens blood donation machine the mod check that out so i had two coins i used them up nice here's the secret room that we were talking about and i'm gonna give up tears for this little horn very good though and i guess i'll reroll this also this horn is coming out of my eyeball item room has got mysterious liquid i like that shops got multi-dimensional i could see multi-dimensional working pretty well yeah see now we basically at least tripled our shots that's good instead of rerolling the undies i'm gonna jump into the boss fight right now and save this re-roll actually you know what there's two more rooms left let's just use it not waste charges here oh crap you know i'm just gonna take it clear rune i could be really good but eternal d6 has just been so good for us lately call me crazy here i actually think that the slowing creep is really really good i'm gonna go with the balatar 100 chance at 18 luck we're at 10 we're gonna have a lot of slow shot and then clear roon you gotta go the bean thank you there it is oh i do love a good four golden chest challenge room let's do it oh man oh bye bye fire rate but uh paulie's good look at that look at that curse from red chest hey it's such a toss up the d6 at least is interesting even if it takes away the item completely see interesting right library what the daddy that's good we'll touch the book re-roll it into the r key i'll wait to use it though wow what a pull i told you it was interesting you jerks inner eye triple shot i mean i don't want my fire rate to go below one but it's so interesting a fire rate didn't change but my damage did go down by eight what caused my damage to go down by eight the tier rate is not lowered further but the effect on damage becomes a flat plus five bonus instead okay so instead of getting the damage multiplier from polyphemus it takes that away write that down write that down and we have a fear shot and a reroll machine you glorious bastard what else you got in there i'll take a syringe a book we'll get some book touch for half off book of shadows is really good as the lost but we're going for interesting brownie [Music] yeah right oh my god we get what we get now we're in the hands of chaos boss trap room with bff eff multi-dimensional what do baby is larger but tears shot through it will not do more damage awesome awesome awesome uh let's take it my poops are larger though metal plate yeah chance to negate damage i'm in battery buddy uh yeah come on along with us mom is toast the devil's got a fire rate upgrade wonderful hard womb xl let's speed this sucker up boss fight blast to sit oh god you've landed on my face should i our key fair fair boss spawn on that one i like that a lot bookworm even more shots i actually like that and now for mom's hearts d flippin g let's go cathedral catholic drawl continuum that's good um very interesting devil room here i am going to be taking some chalky i can spam it like this that's kind of weird looking i like the colors and for isaac yeah that's what i thought just time with this much luck we should hopefully get a lot of chests oh my gosh look there's four now voodoo head more cursed rooms yeah that's fine undefined oh that's touch look at that look at the colors tint oil that's fun yeah fruity plum red key you gotta be pooping on me maybe we'll find a backpack backpack come on consolation tears up probably yes very good endless baby oh there's our conjoined lost a little bit of damage to gain a lot more shots look at that red stew mom's perfume or tears classroom here that'll do r time item room with chaos go d infinity there we go look at that we have a true blue d6 now gurglings i'm so sorry the candle rerolling you into twisted pair oh my god that's gonna be so many shots chop let's say you oh shop refresh yes actually yes might be the spiciest run we've had in a while and we'll take a dece that's trash she'll take a little bit of this lucky's horns at 10 luck notched axe okay let's save our money for when we actually can see the pedestal but we can re-roll those oh to let you see this pedestal wait a second no wait never gets old we rolled this c-section wow i don't know if you guys are following the poll on reddit it's probably over by the time that chaz is edited to this edited to this edited edited edited this but i'm pretty sure that c-section is going to win the all-time best tier 4 item this is hot this is super hot and seen on the boss fights tammy's head actually hilarious here i can't get rid of my d infinity though hands are tied sorry look at this look at this wow keeper sack you're me that's so good watch me buy everything else mom's key super good dad's key get out [Music] he's taking everything try saigon i don't even know what that's gonna do the ladder or the stairway i mean okay carrying queen is that another perfection i got 10 more luck and a ceremonial robes so stairway what do you got split shot i'm in mapping yep harbingers why not look at that look at what the heck is going on here with these tri saigon blasts one room i don't want to i don't want to do it but i feel like i must you can't sit here and talk about making interesting runs and then avoid a one room let's find an active item to drop this active item oh my god you guys come on we'll save that we'll reroll and come back for it stupid it's absolutely dumb to reroll this this run but we're done here we've already reached like the max that this run could even get it's busted beyond belief [Music] uh book of virtues tm trainer we got tm trainer items sacred heart though still have chaos this seems pretty hot and happening or damage is nothing to write home about but we can fart get my d infinity back still have 20 luck get my stopwatch i want a true and honest pole here in the chat when i have a run like this do you actually want to see me continue going on with the clearly busted run just to see how possibly crazier i could get or if i could crash the game or do you want me to jump in that one do you want me to re-roll things to make it interesting what do you actually prefer because i can sit here all day and talk about what i think you want what do you actually want i would say that this is just as broken so like i'm not really upset [Applause] it's more proof you guys rocks don't stan you tell stan rocks don't and they never will how about a d100 spirit sword look at my range on the spirit sword that's way out there he saw junior i could switch nothing's stopping me from being esau jr what do we got a bunch of things that i don't care about 45 damage though polyphemus is back let's maybe go to the beast [Applause] to the beast we go speed run this speed run this to the beast fight please we're there dogma let's try to do this without switching the dark esau i gotta switch the turkey saw actually no i still have a holy mantle charge as long as i got this holy mantle intact we're fine we're going on tentacle you're doing a great job oh gosh gotta go darkee son dogma finished we go back we get the holy mantle charge back if we go back we do excellent perfect yes kill them quick see them quick i can't even see where my body is i have no idea where i am look at this miasma these fights we're doing a great job so far i gotta make sure that the knockback from the sword doesn't knock me into one of these uh spikes here almost done what a run you guys what a run we technically showed off the heart tokens i wanted it to be a mod showcase and then that happened let me know your thoughts on that run thank you so much for watching i hope you had as much fun as i did and i will see you in the next one see you guys [Music] foreign
Channel: Hutts
Views: 137,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, lost, red heart, tokens
Id: IPc5ja9Z-_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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