The Vast Mind of Christ | πŸ…½πŸ…΄πŸ†† πŸ†‚πŸ…΄πŸ†πŸ…ΈπŸ…΄πŸ†‚

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[Music] do you feel like your relationship is in a constant tug of war how do you resolve disagreement i thought you said we're going to talk about this i am talking why is there so much tension what tension really if you want to know how to release your tensions join mystical marriage 2021 [Music] isn't this better kirby moving together in perfect unison who do you have to do this for forever kirby forever [Music] okay hi everybody okay so we are here on a wild tuesday and we generally call this wow deep okay that's because we generally have this event on the transcend page and uh so if you're watching me on the wildlife page and you are not a part of the transcend group and you are getting a tuesday message it means that you are very special and this message has to be just for you okay trust me um i've i've battled whether i should actually have this uh this series on the wow life page and i have got a leading from the spirit uh to have this message public now generally what we do on about translation page and for those of you know uh the voltron page and a part of that group we have i think close over 3000 people there who want to transcend you know on that page is for people who really want to go deeper and that's why we have the vowel trance in page and we know how we take people in we ask questions you know it's a bit select uh to say the least okay but now that's because uh we'd like to talk deep stuff there and um on when it when things that are deep comes on the years of the immature and especially those who have not followed us and maybe just coming in newly uh they listen to us and if they come from a certain mindset they misunderstand us because they've not been listening to the whole series or they've not been following us for long enough to know exactly the full picture one thing i can tell you even if you listen to me today uh that's not the full picture okay you have to listen again and listen again and then because there's no way that in one hour i can release a revelation that is divine it is impossible i'm just human and my my speech is so limited okay and english is such a limited language so what i'm about to say can be misunderstood on so many fronts okay and uh generally it is true those misunderstandings that the deep seeker will constantly continue to seek did he really say that um what is he saying and trust me god is in the detail and uh in the in the on the fringe you'll find uh uh you'll find uh where you will be able to be enlightened okay so uh i'm i'm i'm i'm talking to you uh just this is just the beginning a launch of something i'm just trying to give a a concept here and it's going to be if you're coming in if you're watching us for the first time um and if you are not familiar with wildlife church and if you're a christian uh you might uh be a bit bit uh uh i like with uh a place the word uh as not shaken but awakened okay so because um i like to teach in the bible i'm a bible teacher and uh i love this book and i studied this very very keenly uh so because of that i like to teach from the bible and not from commentaries you know not from what my uh nothing wrong with my pastor he's a loving awesome guy who revelation but i'm trying to say i'm not coming just from what my pastor said i i reference what i'm getting uh in the spirit from to with my pastor and i reference uh what i'm getting from the spirit with those i honor and respect to the faith but every man has the spirit including you if you're listening to me today you have the spirit don't ask questions from another man if you want you can write to me i'll try my best to answer you but if you have a problem with what i am teaching then uh my submission to you is write to me i'll try and explain it or i've got something better for you ask the spirit ask your spirit your spirit is connected with the divine spirit of god no matter who you are whether you're a muslim where a hindu whoever you are ask the spirit and say spirit you know that's the highest form of man your highest consciousness your higher mind just ask that spirit and uh and ask him is what kirby is saying true and if it's true then i didn't say to you anymore you internally you got enlightened by the spirit that told you like i always say a good teacher doesn't tell you new things a good teacher tells you things that you already know that deeply inside of you and all we do is shed light and enlighten that place and you say wow i always knew that that was true okay and that's uh the response i'm hoping for and this is uh the first message on the vast mind of christ it's a message that has been brewing in me for literally years but all the pieces uh didn't come together and i would say uh at this moment of time uh some of the pieces have come together and the last piece that came in the jigsaw puzzle came together when i was in america and it was a vision that i saw uh that set it up so that i can teach like this and so um i'm grateful uh to god to reveal things you know for those who seek the kingdom now guys before i jump into that let me tell you that mystical marriage is going to be on in just a couple of weeks okay if you're not registered in mystical marriage it doesn't matter whether you are single it doesn't matter whether you're a couple man register on we have four events a year we have five day program we have synchronized knowledge we have monogenetics and we have mystical marriage all four of those pieces are essential for your growth okay it's essential for your growth you're single or you're married the reason is because mystical marriage will show you the intimate relationship that you need to have with the bride and with christ the intimate relationship between god and man and man and man okay uh and we give practical examples and meditations on how that that relationship can become very very profound and sublime okay so uh registering uh to musical marriage it's going to be great um and guys uh we are going to have this series for the next couple of uh or weeks i'd like questions because questions uh uh provoke me uh to to go deeper as well uh and so if you have questions please ask uh you don't have to like i always say you don't have to take anything i'm saying and believe it i'm not one of those types of preachers i'm not one of those you've got to believe what i say preachers uh i am on an exploration or in the depths uh of who uh god is in the depths of who this immense consciousness is and uh as i seek him and as i get to know a little more i come on line and i have as you know following and i share with them and also i share wanting to learn more as well okay so uh it's not one of those things that i'm asking you to believe in fact uh i'm saying uh it more research it more if you research it you will know more knowledge is increasing man perishes because of a lack of knowledge most people who don't know me who misunderstand me are people who don't read the bible most people who misunderstand me are people who don't do the research on it okay so if you do the research on it uh on your own okay you will see that this is nothing new this is uh christianity 101 okay now in saying that i want to be able to explain um in the mind of christ and uh i'm going to give you the ontology of god when i use those words don't don't if you're coming on now don't worry about how big those words are it means it's just the the way it's put together the body of god i want to explain a bit of that i want to explain to you a bit of history and uh we're going to then dwell into the scriptures and i'm going to see uh about this mind of christ and what it entails to have the mind of christ and what is offered to you okay so uh guys get ready it's going to be an awesome ride and every day it's going to get deeper and deeper and deeper and so we're going to lay a foundation upon foundation and build upon its foundations as we go in to the mind of christ okay guys now i don't know whether you ever listen to my who is satan okay if you have not listened to my who is satan series please listen to this on youtube okay uh it will really help you understand this now let me put it like this okay let's start let me put it like this if you look at the bible from the beginning from it's just it's a narrative okay and it's a narrative of different people's revelations different people's revelations all through human nervous system true human pain sorrow suffering and they've written these books each person from isaiah to if you look at ephesians from paul to if you look at the old testament to jeremiah or whatever it is you see people going through different situations in their life and encountering this god and really being able to try and explain god in the best way they know how and that's all i'm trying to do as well okay now i don't think any one of them got it right uh personally and what we can see is the limited life of jesus christ okay put into uh four books really in the bible and then we're supposed to know who jesus is it's like it's ridiculous you know but but with the limited language that has been given in the gospels we understand uh that jesus was saying some some things that hopefully the rendition is correct but even if it's not correct we can understand from the concept even if the words like i said there's 400 000 uh variants in the new testament alone so i can't nail it and say this is it but i can say from the concept when you look at the whole narrative uniform see the full context of the picture uh what i'm getting is jesus the pharisees came to jesus at one point they started believing him at one point there are a few challenges it's in john 8 and jesus says this thing to them when they brought up abraham and he says before abraham was i am you see that was like a very profound statement to me because uh that's when that's the same thing that they said when he was looking are you jesus who is jesus of nazareth in the garden of gethsemane when he was bleeding blood onto the ground and he got up and it's not in the passion of in in the passion of christ movie but this is what should have been there when he got up and he used the same word i am and as he did that over 500 people fell to the ground okay so uh because no one captured him he gave himself for uh to his captures because that was the plan now so what's amazing is that in understanding this there is this man named jesus who is historical figure who walked the earth and and he said certain things that were phenomenally profound and a lot of people try and i'm going to go it's going to be a bit deep so just understand a lot of people try and explain that jesus theology came sometimes from india and places and there are lots of sort of speculation like that and especially in these parts of the world oh jesus oh yeah he's a uh he he's a indian yogi and he you know he got he he got his stuff he went into india he got his stuff and he came back and that uh and that kind of stuff and i just want to address that first because i am from the east and i am when i go into america uh some people misunderstand me and they think that i'm bringing sort of indian or vedantic philosophy into christianity and i just want to be very clear to anyone i've been in sri lanka my grandfather was a methodist priest i lived in the middle east mission field in mission houses what you call new age if you're watching me from the western world is what i call in this region 85 percent of these countries buddhists uh hindus you know there are billion people over me in india who are hindus and they have vedantic traditions and so i'm very familiar uh my mother is a ancient sri lankan family their pintu javatanas sahabandoos they come from ancient sinhalese sri lankan heritage so i do know and they were anciently buddhist my grandfather was a buddhist who became a medici priest i'm giving you a background for you to understand that i know the difference between what jesus came to give the world and i know the difference in the eastern vedantic cultures and philosophies that i am quite well versed with i'm not a scholar or anything like that but i like them i study them because i do see similar similarities in them but they are also massive differences okay and that's important to be said at this time in case you think that i'm confusing the whole thing and i don't know how to separate it so this is important before i go into this and and this is important to tell you because as i teach you might see some similarities on what you have heard okay from eastern philosophies but trust me there is also differences and knowing those differences will settle your heart and also cause you to grow now i'm a keen student all around guys okay i i like reading and i like being enlightened i like having spiritual encounters okay i'm uh i'm a deep meditator uh and so i really like to encounter god uh as much as possible to his word and to different things i suggest you do the same okay now when you look at what jesus said i am okay and he says before abraham was i am that means before the name the concept abraham abram was around he says he was i am but jesus and many times to challenge him said you are not even 30 years old how how are you saying that you were that's what they said how are you saying that you were before abraham you're just 30 years old and jesus was obviously talking in two ways one conceptually and ideologically but also in absolute truth okay because he wanted us to get something that the christ was far before jesus do you get it his name is yeshua jesus joshua whatever you want to call it but he wanted you to know that the christ the i am was before predatored jesus that's what's important and that's not the most that's not only the only place he says it when paul writes in the new testament writers write they say that christ was in men much before jesus was on the earth this is a you know this is something that has to be tackled and understood so jesus is jesus and christ are completely two two separate things but one just understand it like jesus is a man yeshua the man i'm going to do a series when i finish this series called jesus the man okay it's going it's going to cause you to fall in love with jesus again okay and so i mean yeshua the man what an awesome man he was you know some people have a theology 100 man hundred percent god so that hundred percent man let's talk about it okay because jesus the man is saying i was before abraham okay and who was before and that's the nature of christ and so what is christ who is christ and paul writes it and we'll go there maybe not even today but he says now we have got a mind of christ he says who can he says those those who are outside of this mind you know they will they will judge but you are not judged by anybody but you will judge all things because you have the mind of christ okay and we talk about that and what is it to have the mind of christ and that's what it is and that's not the mind of jesus but it's the mind of christ now did jesus have the mind of christ of course but let me put ladies jesus was in the mind of christ is a better perspective to that and so we're going to talk a lot about this in and out thing so get used to it okay it's going to stretch your mind a bit so jesus of nazareth son of david a man was in christ was in the mind of christ okay that's why jesus says hey and they said you're just 30 years old how can you be before abraham says before abraham was i am and jesus had no problem he was unashamed to be entitled to that name i am okay it's a name of god if you watch my series it came up in exodus 6 where god says from now onward i'll be known to all you and your fathers forever as the i am okay you know whatever you want to call it however you want to pronounce it okay god is the eternal i am okay and jesus identifies with it and he says now let this mind be in you okay that's the launch of this now let this mind be in you what's his mind that he counted it no robbery to be equal with god okay and he says i am now let this mind it's in philippians uh for let this mind be in you not this heart be in you let this mind be in you okay why am i saying that is because um i'm just going to show you a few few areas where i think uh christianity in the last couple of decades uh or if not even more uh really has gone a bit off in really explaining uh this this understanding even and you can go into the tabernacle and i i don't know how many of you have seen the tabernacle uh i don't know what i'm pronouncing the right tobinacle um the tent uh yeah she's saying tabernacle okay uh the tent it's a tint right that they had and then solomon solomon upgraded uh the tabernacle okay and uh it was a tent in the wilderness and i'm going to show you where he got that from so i'm going to talk about the tent in the wilderness okay i'm going to talk about the spirit and the mind and then i'm going to talk about the mind of christ okay so let's get to uh let's get into the nuts and bolts of this so if you jump into uh if you jump into exodus 24 okay you will see that this is a crazy story okay moses was invited up into the cloud okay that it was a dark cloud and that's what people don't understand the dark cloud it's the void you know i always talk about a void about the meditation in the world so it's elijah was also he went up into the darkness into the darkness because in the darkness when you say void we got a a wrong understanding of void we think it's empty now white is full okay it's it's full the void is full okay so he's invited into the cloud of the void into the darkness okay and as moses goes up the mountain into this darkness uh it's the bible says and it's in in exodus that they saw no form okay and the people didn't want to go up because he was formless god is formless okay we can't have he's not abraham he's not uh any name that we can give form and characteristic to okay so he invites us up the mountain to uh defragment from the greek or jewish or sri lankan or indian or american concept you understand it so defragment into the cloud where everything is just potential again okay and he's invited up into this cloud and they saw no form the bible says they know saw no form they only heard the silent sound and he was invisible he said now be very careful not to go back down and make a form okay that's what we call idolatry when you can't deal you know you're you're fearful of the formless okay in the darkness okay that is full of light okay but anyway we won't go there i'm going i'm completely diverting now why i'm going there is because i want to lay down for you that as he goes up there moses went and he experienced god he had a phenomenal encounter with god he saw the formless one the invisible one the unseen one the uncreated one uh all that okay he shrouds himself in darkness and then he invites the people because people refuse he says bring your elders and come up with me and i'm going to show you my ontology i'm going to just show you from the abstract i'm going to just bring myself to you for you to be able to see in abstracts okay this is important and so i'm going to read a bit to you and then i'm going to explain okay so chapter in chapter 24 in verse 9 then moses went up also and aaron and nadab and abihu and the seventy of the elders of israel listen carefully and they saw the god of israel okay if you if you obviously say they saw okay but why is that important is people say anyone who sees god cannot live and that's true because why they cannot live is because after you see god you die elijah went up the mountain to die moses went up the mountain in fear and trembling and died okay so when you come down you come down a different being you come down shining with light your clothes are different you're shining with light you are not as a man any longer okay so you come you've seen the reality of who you are up the mountain and anyway so god now meets them up this mountain and he said and they saw the god of israel okay and there was under his feet oh so it's anthropomorphic anthropomorphic means that he looks like he has feet and hands so these are abstracts okay and under his feet as it were paved works of sapphire stone and it was like the very heavens in its clarity is it there it was like the heavens in its clarity but on the on the noble of the children of israel he did not lay his hand so they saw god and they ate and they drank okay and the lord said to moses come up to me on the mountain and be there and i'll give you the tablets of stone and the law and commandments and that i have written that you may teach them okay i if you look deep into that explanation there i invite you home okay say it's a person okay and the main uh emphasis of this dinner that i'm having is this stone ground that you are on okay and it's a fire stone and it it says it was paved the whole it was paired with it with saphire stone okay and it was clear when i'm talking of that clarity is like what you would see in a pool or when you see in a mirror that's what clarity looks like resolution i hope you got it okay how do you know something is clear if any of you know diamonds or if you know a mirror or a water if you look at something clear it means that it reflects it's like whoa it can it's transparent but it's also very reflective it's not murky that's what clear is okay and so he literally shows in the stone that he's going to write the emerald tablets from okay and the emerald tablets if you listen to my series on this you'll realize that he gave him mirrors okay now this is important and why i'm saying that is what he wants is and then he said now make the tabernacle okay this is where he gets the instruction make the tabernacle the tent as a mirror of what you see there now they saw the ontology there they saw his feet they saw his form wow okay and they make the technical in the ontology in the mirror image of what they saw okay that should explain something to you okay that means the tabernacle is the ontology or the abstract image or the motif or the symbol of the likeness like we were made in the likeness okay the mirror image of god that's important to get and once you understand that you're serious and that's and everything is mirror so the technical was that mirror and if you understand it so we are made in that mirror image and something happened there some their minds shift and they understood that the tabernacle was made in this mirror image okay and so you get the you get the the the legs which is the outer court and the lower body which is out of code you get the heart and you get the mind remember we're talking about the mind okay now that's what it should be like because that's what you are like you have the body okay you have the heart here and the lungs here and you have the head and we can we consider the mind we don't it's not in the head but we consider it there okay but do you understand that because that itself should show you that the contemporary explanation of the technical there's something wrong with it because we put the heart as the most holiest place we put our heart to be the most holiest place okay and the mind we put it in the holy place that's how christians explain the tabernacle they explain the tabernacle oh the outer coat is the body they get that okay and they say oh it can be the body and then the holy place is the soul okay the mind and the heart is the most holy place and so that means you have to switch this around i mean my head must come at the bottom and my heart must come on my chest must come on top okay so there's something wrong with that look okay if we have created an image of god when i say image of god i'm saying that very lightly so don't take that very seriously okay uh it's in the likeness like it's abstracts we're in abstracts we're in abstract forms okay uh now this abstract form of god who we are okay all we can have is motives and the tabernacle is the most clearest motive of what god can be okay he's not he doesn't have a body but it's the only body has his ass but he's trying to show the triune nature of who he is father son spirit how to code in a most holy place okay this is important and it's important for you to understand that all this time to get to the mind we go we begin going from outer court this way and then that way like because we think that the we we think we put in the holy place we put the soul so i just want to say that i can't see um i can't give credence to that any longer okay i've been there and i'm submitting to any pastors looking at me to really look at this and review this according to what i'm saying now and this came to mean a vision and so the vision was that in the holy in not the most holy place okay the most holy place is the mind okay and where we need to go through the curtain okay which is this area okay um our throat area is formed a heart we have to expand the mind and so the highest form of godly divine jesus enlightenment is the enlightenment of the mind very important get okay it's the enlightenment of the mind and i keep telling people i said you get it in the heart and you have to upgrade it to your mind so that then now you can be full and my submission to you is that in the new testament you don't see it anywhere that god gives us his heart he doesn't give us his heart and i mean you you but more more so he gives us his mind okay in the new testament he gives us his mind but he sensitizes our heart and makes our heart new that's a big difference for you getting a new heart to you getting his heart so i do agree that we get a new heart our old heart that was stone remember the stone mirror image yeah okay that stone heart has been now converted and we made brand new so they can be sensitive again and that is why the menorah and if you understand the menorah uh and uh the the showbread in the in the holy place are representative of the menorah and then you have the altar of incense is representative of this area and the cabbages have done some work on that and i was glad to see it today i've not seen it before but the cabbage had done some work on that but showing that the incense is to do with the lungs and the menorah should be one part of the heart to do with arteries and iotic valve and and the show bread is supposed to be the heart itself and so they've understood that this area is the heart okay so the holy place is the heart and the menorah lighting up with all its wonderful uh the spirit of wisdom the spirit of understanding the seven spirits of god is the lighting of the heart and the bible itself says that the spirit is the hidden man of the heart okay but what i'm trying to say is you already know that but all i'm trying to say it's not here it's not the highest place it's not the most holy place it's not where the cherubims are covering that's not that we're talking of the heart which is here and when the heart is enlightened i mean the heart is sensitive okay and when the seven spirits of god has filled our heart and when that happens then it pushes up forward towards the mind and a mind becomes enlightened from a lower mind to a higher mind from the spirit of our own man from our spirit to his spirit you see and that connection is made when our spirit the oil of our spirit not god's spirit our spirit is in our heart our spirit is the hidden man of the heart not rock hakadosh not the holy spirit the holy spirit is actually the mind of christ okay not the heart our spirit is the heart of man i hope that explains it and we're going to do this a little more so then you'll understand that why our hearts need to be to be sensitized is because we need to have the higher mind when we are not sensitive in our heart we still have the ego paradigm or the lower mind and the ego mind and there's nothing used along wrong in using these polytechnical terms because we need polytechnical terms so that we can understand better okay so don't worry about it you heard it in the new age or not i'm i'm i'm trying to talk to all people whether it's new age or buddhist or hindu or whatever it is i'll be using different terms or from every age to explain christ now so it's the spirit that gets our spirit gets enlightened the menorah lights up and then we have the higher mind of christ or the vast mind of christ okay and this is what's important to get and therefore uh once you understood that you will understand um that the tabernacle is literally our human body okay this is important and and the more sensitive the heart gets the more uh expanded the mind becomes okay and that's and the whale is here right here you know and amount in the changes uh uh our words change everything changes right then uh the mind changes okay so guys uh that is the beginning of what i want you to understand for me to get to this place now this place is something important okay now let me tell you a bit of history you see uh in if you go back into the uh into christianity into judaism into the hebraic paradigm of god uh the hebrews had no concept uh of uh like how especially christians of this age talk about the devil and uh talk about you know uh things that are uh uh opposing god okay there might be things opposing man and that's why they call the devil the adversary and but there is no concept of this one supreme satan fighting against god there's no concept like that in the old jewish even the old christian paradigm okay i just want you you can do your own research on it okay this is a very new thing uh you know even when moses uh beat egypt out with his own wand or staff you want to call it if you you can bring it to the today's world and say uh he had a wand because that's where it comes from okay he wielded the power to bring the devil himself or satan himself upon the egyptians okay i mean he had a power and the word satan if you not understood is the word adversary that means he raised up an adversary against egypt okay and he had the power to do it who called it he did okay he had the power to call on the adversary against egypt now why am i saying that because they call him the angel of death today if you see it in the new christian perspective you will call him satan or the devil and there's nothing wrong with that okay that is an enemy in context to being an adversary that's the context of enemy not enemy that we need to fight with that it is against us it is an adversary okay that is why uh the power of that had was the devil who is the adversary now why am i telling you this because in the old old understanding they didn't separate good and evil in the way we think they separated good and evil they didn't in fact they thought that the angel of death itself was was under the authority of your god god was not fighting with anybody at any point of time we fight jesus had a contest and contended as a man that's why he came as a man because man has a contest with the adversary god is no contest with the adversary you must understand that that's why jesus came as a man and conquered the adversary why because as a man he had to do it because we did it as a god there's no point he had to come into our obfuscated material perspective and and and defeat the adversary there because the devil is on the thinking level it's in the ego paradigm okay that doesn't mean the devil is in the mind please understand that i'm not saying that the devil everything is in the mind that's what i'm saying okay including god and everything else now when i say when i say in the mind i'm saying in the mind of god not in the mind of man okay now i'm going to explain all this to you and i want you to listen very carefully otherwise you'll you'll make a mistake on this and i don't want you to be confused okay but you got to hear it when i talk of mind i'm not talking of just my mind okay i have a mind but i've been saying for many years that our minds are all connected and it's all one mind and this is all the mind of christ everything is mind and you are in your mind okay the mind is not in you you are in the mind okay this is so different to what you and you'll realize the differences as we go and when you get the difference something shifts in your life now why am i saying that because it works like this okay we're talking about the eastern philosophies in this parts of the world you have buddhism and hinduism and stuff like that and then you have if you go back into the greco-roman sort of philosophical aspects you'll realize that their philosophy was slightly different you know before plate plato was hermes and before they said before hermes and you know plato would have learned from him and then before that they would have learned from uh i have a sneaky feeling and there's a lot of research done on it that they would have learned from abrahamic traditions okay sumerian traditions who understood yahweh the i am okay strange sumerian texts and sumerian traditions are the oldest type of traditions who had yahweh as their god before the jews so i believe the greeks would have been feeding off the sumerian understanding and they had developed these traditions okay now i want to see the difference because the understanding of the types of philosophies that exist are broken down into two types of philosophies one philosophy is ideally so funny to use the word ideally but i won't use would i leave for that because it'll confuse you one tradition is materialistic and the other one is idealistic literally okay literally those are the two traditions the most obvious philosophies are broken into and if you look at the understanding of these two philosophies one the materialistic understanding and when i say materialism i'm not talking of people loving money and material things that's please understand materialism is really a wonderful philosophy and when you look at it it looks really sound it's what dawkins and dennett and all these other top philosophers and most scientists i'm most scientists before the next five years will be materialistic but they're changing very fast okay because of certain things that are coming up in science so most atheists will be materialistic okay most of them will be materialistic and the reason i'm explaining that to you is materialism literally is an understanding that you know when when karl marx went away from christianity he was jewish he was when he went away from today the judaistic understanding he went materialistic it's a way of saying i don't believe in god anymore i don't believe in anything external you know i believe in i create my consciousness okay so consciousness doesn't create me i create my mind so literally materialistic understanding is that the material world causes consciousness to happen okay that means the material world brings forth mind and the emphasis is on materialism and consciousness brings forth because of the material realm okay so if it's now i'm looking at the iphone and because i'm looking at iphone the iphone causes me now to have a new consciousness okay that's literally the paradigm okay the ideal is paradigm and uh that that kind of philosophy is is from like i said when i started off is a lot to do with the eastern philosophies uh they uh a lot to do if it's the some category you get a veda the samkhya and the yoga okay and if you understand some care philosophy that kapila uh started and that came down to this part of the world uh has very strong material a very strong materialistic approach which is which i i like a lot i've gone through it i i i think it's awesome i think that it uh some of their arguments are really really powerful but if you look at the idealistic paradigm which which is completely opposing that the idealistic paradigm is very different the idealistic paradigm is very biblical and the people who actually promoted it are people like they can't can't people like that who who who were strong christians and believers and they brought an idealistic perspective so it's very similar but what they say is that consciousness is what creates all our experience and a phenomenal the phenomenal world or the phenomenon world is a part because it's because of our conscious experience okay so that's a huge difference that means if i see you i see you because you are a part of my conscious experience that means in the greater mind in the vast mind of god we are now parts of that we are alter egos in the vast man of god uh to simply put it it's like one guy is going into the temple from outside okay the materialistic kind of concept is we are material first auto code first and then we're pushing in and there's an objective uh material phenomenal that is happening uh whether there's a mind or not okay there's something happening outside of my mind uh whether i interpret it or not it's already happening that's the materialistic understanding the idealistic understanding is i'm in the holy of holies i'm in the vast mind okay and then from the spirit from the consciousness from the vast mind i see i'm looking at everything but everything is within the vast mind and that is the paradigm of the tabernacle if you look at the tabernacle it's all three are there that means there is the most holy place which is the vast mind there is the uh the the heart okay and there is the body so there is the mind there is the higher mind the lower mind and the body the unconscious mind the vast mind the spirit and the body it's all in one tabernacle that means what it means is all is one the three are one there is no duality in the approach you see we're saying we brought it we've crowded it we said the three are one three of them are one okay not two there's no you and me there's no separating them everything is one and that's the concept of the trinity that means as i am okay so is he and as he is so am i okay it's the i am you see what i'm saying so jesus when he's when he said looking at him and he's an abstract of the immense vast god who created the universe and here he is in jerusalem or in israel on the ground as a man and he has the entitlement to say i am you understand that it means immediately at that very time he is also something else and that's christianity 101 christ means that the spirit and matter become one there is no duality in that you see it's one it's just that we can't recognize our spiritual uh stuff or a spiritual being we don't see ourselves as god sees us not because we are not that it's because that our eyes are closed and that is what happened in the garden we there is no separation what happened was our eyes got close and i know that in the latter days you know people reach separation there is no separation there never was separation our eyes are close to be able to see the fullness of who you and i are and who god is now that is a very idealistic sort of understanding we are obfuscated from seeing our full self and so we see only the abstracts and therefore adam had the power to give name and to characterize okay that means i can look at something and i can say i'm looking at fiona i'm looking at next to fiona is my dog rua and we named her which means spirit okay and you know what made me call her is the question okay uh is is she only a dog or is she much more than that am i only seeing according to the ego paradigm of my diverted or fallen nature i don't use the word fallen but i use it in this so that it can i can explain something so i mean look at rua i'm seeing just what my nervous system can interpret because it's limited because it's because it patents because of pain sorrow subconscious programming would have been passed down regeneration and i see a dog called rua but that's through my ego mind my eyes are close to what she really is she is already something else somewhere else it's not separate and it's only the curtains okay the whale which is the ego that separates us so what is separating us is not dualism we are not becoming something we are not changing to something we are that in this very at this very time we are that you know enoch was taken into into the heavens and and his old robes were taken off and you see it as well in with joshua the priest these old robes were taken off and they're clothed again and that is not a chronological description it means at that moment of time he was seated with gabriel in opposite with gabriel and realized that he was at that point of time also something else he didn't become that he was that and this is mind-blowing when you understand and one corinthians 13 he says one day you will see in full when you see in full you will know yourself like god knows you think about that okay think about it that that means they're not there's no you're not maturing the maturing that is happening is your eyes are opening the layers of your ego is falling away and you're seeing yourself in fullness one day you'll be known like god saw you you know when gideon was called they said mighty man and he looked around and said who are you talking to since i'm talking to you because that's the whole thing the whole thing is that we are something else but we can't see it and not just you but everything else okay we can't see it because our eyes are closed okay we are already something else but we have got obfuscated or the truth has been obscured but we are already connected to our vast self okay now that gives uh sort of a uh a better explanation to where i'm going okay because now i can go into isif yeah now yeah fiona says don't worry you'll get it as we as we keep repeating this okay it will stretch you but as you keep hearing the words okay a new language is very very important guys okay don't shut off get it okay don't be intimidated okay trust me this is for you it will change your life now watch this okay isaiah 45 and you'll you'll see this okay eyesight 45 saved it like this so cool okay isaiah 45 is one of my favorite favorite old testament songs or poems or whatever you want to call it and prophecies and i want you to see what how god explains himself and this is going to be very different to maybe what you already know and maybe even a bit different to what i've preached sometimes okay and i'm growing and i want you to grow with me okay but look at what he's saying here and i want you to get it and right here is is a misunderstanding that people think that he's teaching monotheism but my submission to you this is not a monotheistic uh proclamation but a a larger proclamation more uh it's a large proclamation here and i want you to see it okay look at what your god is saying okay he says i am god i am the god of israel okay and he says i have named you in isaiah 45 where in verse 4 i have named you though you have not known me okay now watch this i am the lord and there is no other now i want you to see that in the context of what i told you about how they made idols they went into the void they saw a god that had no form and because there was no form they made themselves idols the problem with idolatry is not that those are different it's not that god is angry that you're worshiping another god he's he is pleading with you that when he is the whole body the whole person you're only worshiping a finger or a toe that's the problem the fragmenting okay the disassociation of him is where his problem is so literally saying hey don't worship only the finger worship the whole okay and so that's the problem so when he says i am you can't put me into a box you can't put me into one statue you can't put me into all that i am greater than all that and i am in all that now watch this so he says i am the lord and there is no other that's not monotheism he means i am all of it watch this there is no god besides me i will gird you though you have not known me listen carefully and they may know from the rising of the sun to each setting that there is none besides me so what is he trying to say he's trying to say when the sun comes up till the sun goes down to when you look to the face to the way or to the west okay you are seeing there is none besides me i am all of it that's what he's saying listen carefully again he says that they may know from the rising of the sun to his sitting there is none besides me i am the lord and there is no other listen carefully okay to qualified i form the light and i create darkness and in in the bitter translations it says i create good and i create evil it's all me whoa stop there for a moment i create good i create evil everything you see is all me i'm trying to take you in to the vast mind of christ what is it to be in the wise mind why are we so intimidated oh no no no no god is only good god is only good no i know that scripture it means it doesn't say god is good there he says god is light that means he's truth truth is better than good good is such a poor resolution concept what is good for you can be bad for someone else god is truth and he says i create good and i create bad and i like this one i make peace and i create calamity i the lord do all these things what is the qualification here what is he trying to say he's trying to say don't separate me don't fragment me i am the formless i'm the unknown i'm the mysterious i am the one who creates everything i am in everything for everything and is everything i created all these things there's none besides me you are worshiping something but it's a fragment of me and that's the problem that i'm having that's what god is saying he said i am all these things now he's not preaching monotheism neither is he teaching politicism that's what you need to understand because as you do that you're fragmenting him again he's he's washed he's bigger he's saying everything there's nothing that is not in me that means he's the mind he's the vast mind he's a vast consciousness and everything material everything that we've named everything that we have brought into the limited confinements of our nervous system okay he says that's your construct what you have made to remind you again of my teachings before in the past in the beginning genesis god creates everything in the spirit realm and he says it is good that means the things that inspired it is good and then he takes the things that are in the spirit in him and he brings it to adam and he's watching to see in genesis 2 what adam will name it and characterize it okay now adam names and characterizes things after that according to what he's seen in the spirit realm and he's waiting to see what we would call it and we call something today coronavirus we call it something today cancer we call something today uh diabetes and parkinson's disease we call something today rich we call something to it poor we call something today black we call something today white we these are all our creations and these are created by our understanding according to the definements and the characteristics according to our nervous system and our five senses and information that comes and we create those things he doesn't say that is good he's waiting to see what we should call them but everything in the spirit is him he created all the things in the spirit and then we characterize and name those things in the spirit and that is out of our ability to create as god creates because that's what he made us in in our likeness so please understand that he created all these things and we've given it names okay so we can call different gods different names different times even if you if you know if you if you known your god for say you know your religion has been 15 000 years old say you know these pastors say that the pedentic tradition is 15 000 years old even those names of those gods are created by men how would you know those those names unless you created it by your mind your name you it was in the vast mind and you gave it a name but it's the same with even the name yeshua jesus it's a it's a hebraic name it's a greek name and that's why jesus said before this i was i am and he prays in john 7 father make us one again make us one again just like you and i were one again before any of these characteristics and names are given he says because you and i created all these things before i was jesus i was the christ and he prays in john 17 father give them this same glory give them this same mind give them the same understanding of oneness before any name before the foundations and chronology and time and space came into being give them this revelation to be able to become one wow i the lord created all these things and so when i see things good and bad right and wrong when things go wrong in the world and i see calamity disease you know what i'm not afraid of it because my father says i created all these things now i've given you the power to be the i am you can sit on that throne like jesus was and say i am jesus use can you understand he didn't scandalize death he used debt to quell death he knew that it was in his arsenal the the artillery the weapon that itself was he said i'm going to give you the power of the kingdom i'll give you the keys of the kingdom the keys of life and debt of hell and all that is in it here are the keys do you know what it is like to take the keys from him and not scandalize anything but look at everything so objectively from the mind of christ detached from the names and the characteristics that we give things and detaching from that those definitions become in to the vast mind of christ you understand that and then you realize what it is to be christ it's the spirit christ means the spirit we go back into the spirit and then we realize that when we come back into this world we come back from the mountaintop experience we come back and recreate from our submitted ego we come and recreate again a new world why because we know that everything is in the mind we have absolute authority of those things okay last bit okay and i'm going to release you guys now here we are again we're going into colossians and i'm going to show it to you again here from going from old testament all the way into new testament and colossians and we'll end here and guys don't worry if you miss if you're not getting it now you keep listening this thing grows on you it comes on you okay it's spirit okay it's not worth the spirit it comes on you but listen keenly in wanting to learn a new and something will shift in your life okay now watch this okay colossians and here it is in colossians just wonderful okay and you're talking of jesus okay and he says it like this okay when you say jesus a token of christ okay so we're talking of 15. he is the image of the invisible god you see that person unformed no form no name that place in the darkness he is the image of the invisible god the first born over all creation for by him all things were created listen carefully i've said this many times when i say it again things that are in the heavens and things that are on the earth all things were created by him and so people say oh those are just angels and supplies oh no no he tries to qualify it good bad what do you call a god what do you call a demon what you call whatever created by the father and the son there are concepts abstracts okay and it says by him all things were created the heavens are on the earth visible and he qualified or invisible oh all the invisible things were created by him and to him were the thrones oh or dominions wow whether they're principalities or whether they're powers today what's rule in the world corona virus what's ruling some other place can be calamity destruction okay he says those are all powers there might be some people call them principalities he says god has created all these things and he's calling you to sit on the throne and lord over all these things all these things i like i said before jesus didn't scandalize that he used debt itself to destroy death think about that what type of mind jesus a man whatever mind can think that you know when you go to when you when you're sick to to destroy cancer they use another type of cancer they use poison to destroy a poison you know he was an alchemist he understood how it worked there was no scandal on it look at this for by all things all things were created that are in heaven and on the earth visible and invisible with the thrones with the dominions with the principalities of powers all things were created through him and here's the wonder of it for him did you just get it all things now he didn't in in those in that one words everything is included in there that you can ever imagine in another place he says every name that can be named within this age or in the age to come they're all with him and under him okay and he is before all things and in him there you see in his mind all things exist oh in his mind all things we you and i are also in his mind that's what he means to be in christ jesus in him the bible says we live and we move and find our being that means guys we made a decision okay what's the decision what is in our mind is in his mind okay we are the mind of christ you understand that and so if you're seeing a body if you're seeing something material if you're seeing something that is natural in the in this realm oh that's all in our mind the mind of christ and that can't influence me because it's a part of my mind so next time the devil comes it's not because the devil doesn't exist but he exists in the unconscious subconscious and in the holistic mind of christ and therefore we can now ask him to fade away because we take the right i am and make the right choices we are all in the mind of christ you see and he says all things were created through him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things exist and he is the head of the body which is the church you see there okay and i like this one in verse 19 and he pleased the father that in him all the fullness should well and by him to reconcile all things to himself with the things on heaven over the things on earth you reconcile everything death life calamity sickness disease they demons exist in him and he says and this is what it suited and pleased the father that by him to reconcile all these things to himself whoa with the things on earth or where things are in heaven and what did he do he had peace with all these things through the blood of jesus wow did you just get that i hope you understand that when i look at things that aids what people can call demonic and they'll say oh it's devilish it's demonic it's uh it's uh against you it's attacking you and all this kind of stuff i say man have you read colossians one he says he is reconcile all these things to you and therefore he's made peace with all those things to the blood which is cross all those things exist within me good bad ugly demons devils black white all these things are in the vast mind of christ you have been given a choice to choose whatever you want you can be the i am today of whatever you want and he leaves you with his choice choose life choose the right i am you can be anything you want at any time you want because that precious name of the vast mind has been given to you and then it says choose life if you understand it and this is just the beginning and the launch of the vast mind of christ don't worry okay as you keep listening it will grow on you today was transcend okay sunday gets the simplified version but also an extended version so get ready for sunday it's going to be awesome love you guys make sure that you register into mystical marriage bless you do you feel like your relationship is in a constant tug of war how do you resolve disagreement i thought you said we're going to talk about this i am talking why is this so much tension what tension really if you want to know how to release your tensions join mystical marriage 2021 isn't this better kirby moving together in perfect unison yeah how do you do this for forever kirby forever okay you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 5,917
Rating: 4.8486485 out of 5
Keywords: The Vast Mind of Christ, mind, christ, kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, desiring god, bible study, personal growth, Mind of Christ, the mind if christ, mind of christ, mental health, christian motivation, renewing your mind, bible teaching, mind of god, focus on christ
Id: xWX84Bkdzjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 50sec (3770 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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