Chris Blackeby: The 100 Fold - Pt 2/3

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so today we're going to continue on now I preach like mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid yeah we wax the cars wax wax on wax off then we sand then we now let me paint you think what are we doing in the end you know karate yeah ok grow these are the devil our drama today is an astrophysicist I think that's very cool you're sure so we're doing a No Child Left Behind policy yep doing a life foundation after foundation but we want understanding so the seed remains everything I'm saying is the same thing that just in the same in fact we use the same versus our stories are completely different but his verses are the same as mine it's how much they line up how congruent they are is amazing okay if you came here today or listen listen to this conference and you think not for me dismiss it I want you to know that you were loved your love before you got here I loved here you loved when you lived your left lived you are loved you are loved yep that's the rest there's a rest if I say something that you don't agree with this is a lesson for life but please I ask you don't say no that's not true say hmm that's an interesting take on that matter and I am going to talk to Holy Spirit who will lead me into all truth and ask him why he believes about this subject in relationship and that is the only way to go because if you say no you create a record you shut things down tick tick tick tick yeah and then you have to go around the mountain again to get to the same place and some of you are hearing things you heard five years ago someone came up to Justin yesterday I said I've heard you before but I wasn't interrupt in a place to receive you yep but now I am we don't have to do that don't say no you can put things aside and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal them to us or the father to father us into these truths and you're safe okay that's the way they go Jesus tells a parable and the parable is mark 4 and in mark 4 he says if you don't understand this parable you will understand any parables and the parables are about the kingdom so if you don't understand this parable you will not understand anything I'm telling you about the kingdom and we all know which parable that is because it's so important beside a farmer sow seeds correct well done everyone think how long have I been in church for it's okay yeah the grace movement was amazing and vital because it restored a truth to the church okay but the fivefold ministry either build you to the fullness of the stature of Christ dot so you won't be taken by every wind of doctrine not the demonic doctrine doctrine because of your a fully manifest son of God or your fullness of the stature of Christ and someone says guess what is healing in the Bible you go yeah it's not a movement you chase if you are walking in the maturity of Christ you didn't earn it you know as a gift then when people bring this grace revelation say yes that's fantastic be not taken by it and not define by it yeah movements are for the church as God restores the church but you don't have to wait 2,000 years okay there's many people that walk in the fullness already way beyond what we are doing as a church oh there's always been a record of immortal fully manifest sons of God on earth someone's always kept that going it's never left there's lots of very old people on the earth very old so and the grace gospel the grace restoration brought a very much law versus grace truth in and really defined it very well the problem is the teachings of Paul where this is all hewn out and they said the new covenant starts in acts which means Jesus preached to the Jews lived under the law fulfilled the law and preached to the Jews and he's preaching was about that and so we've gone by the message of Paul but would left the message of Jesus and during that whole grace time you go back and it's Paul they use not John and not Jesus okay not the guys that live forever well Paul chose Paul made a choice they said if you go to Jerusalem you'll die yes yep I'm choosing to go I'm choosing to leave see it but Jesus didn't talk about the Old Covenant under the Old Covenant he spoke about the kingdom and the Kingdom existed before the earth exists in the new F whatever that is and there's something after something after the something exists there and Jesus is saying truly truly this is what the kingdom is like not the New Covenant they're right Jesus did not preach the New Covenant he preached the kingdom the New Covenant gives us access to this kingdom as sons yeah the words of Jesus are very important the New Covenant is a covenant the next one and there's more coming because why are we are yet sons what we will become we do not know okay there's more coming and the world ones before Adamic covenant Abrahamic covenant Noah had a covenant Noahide covenant King David Jesus brought a new covenant which is superior by far better than the Mosaic Covenant lots of covenants we're currently in the new covenant and it is so good that we reject it we will accept the Mosaic Covenant much quicker than we accept the new covenant okay so Jesus spoke about the kingdom in mark 4 he says this is the most important one if you don't understand this you won't understand any my parables which explain the kingdom and just very quickly a farmer sow seed the sea goes into the field and some gets no return because it falls on hard ground or the birds take it or the weeds choke it out okay the weeds the concerns are this world money and the simpleness of wealth and then their seed that gets a 30 60 100 fold return that's great and the only difference is the condition of the soil this is the secret to everything you desire the kingdom the soil and Jesus says very clearly the soil is your heart your field is your heart how you respond but the seed is identical okay now I'm talking about the seed of salvation today that you can be born again that truth because in because the gospel is the power to salvation for those who believe the good news is the power that's it salvation is removal of sin and death and all its effects from your body soul and spirit so it's the big one so Paul said I restrained myself to Christ crucified and he was taught by Gamal a oh so he was a very very smart man and knew lots of things they preached this because the gospel is the power of salvation everything all the effects of bleeding Eden are undone by the gospel for those who believe just believing the word goes out and do you believe how you believe your heart depends on the return you get 30 60 100 Christians get a 30 60 or a hundredfold return and they're all good 30 folders very good but what's on offer what's been bought for you at a price he's a hundredfold so we're gonna talk about that today it's gonna be very relaxed what's gonna go through it very slowly I mean you the rest and the way the gospel works is by the foolishness of preaching which is the word the seed if you receive it it grows we've had things framed up for us and Christianity if you grew up on the island and your parents say this is the whole world you think that's the whole world yeah things are framed up Christianity has been framed up for you depending what you've got stabbed into there's angels there's no angels you can hear God you can hear God is healing there's no healing it frames it up and you read scripture that way get revelation and oh my goodness it's always been through Scripture yeah so healing came Wow there's healing all through scripture people fought for that apostles what oh hang on it's all through Scripture prophecy are all through Scripture now we're preaching immortality immortality is in the Bible that's crazy where's that he's an obscure verse John 3:16 for God so loved the world he gave His only Son that those who believe in him shall not die and have eternal life okay always there always there always there always there he was ah Jesus undid original sin original sin what we call it wasn't about sin it was about death will you surely die if you eat this he says would die it's about death death death is undone that okay in the preaching of faith built yep so and you self receive that you can't earn it you just have to receive it's true and you go to sleep but the farmer you wake up and it grows nests of the kingdoms like the kingdom does all the work because the kingdom is received okay this is a 30 60 100 fold response and all the oh man I'm about to touch this and put this yeah as a visual marker okay you're a Christian the seeds taken root and grown if either got a 30-fold 60-fold hey camera person hundredfold response yep thirty sixty a hundred there your responses by your soil but what you choose a thirty-four response i'm not saved I don't know Jesus I received the gospel and I have a 30-fold response thirty fold response is the gospel is so good that Jesus has taken away all the sin and accusation against me and one day I will see him in heaven the thirty fold and this is represented by the traditional or we say evangelical church yeah it's a good response if that's you fully loved delighted and you will have what you say you will get a 35 which is huge a three-fold response that one day you will see Jesus in heaven and you will live in his glory in his kingdom and know him yep and you'll be one with him you one with him already but this is your response 1 the seed goes out and this is how good he is ok then there's people that say yes God is that good but also he sent His Holy Spirit who lives in me and now I can walk in aspects of Jesus Christ I can heal it that is the particular anointing that's on me or prophesy or teach or make money or heal relationships or something okay that is how good god is these people by a sponsor their heart say God is good but that is crazy not that good okay you see it's just a responsive goodness because it depends on good soil and good soul says how good is God these people say that's excess we understand this dynamic this is the church dynamic which we live in okay and some of us many of us including myself have made this journey from here to here okay 64 response then there's other hundred fault response which is clearly in Scripture and this says as he is so are you now on the earth [Applause] it can only be received can only be received as a complete gift your new DNA this manifests okay all this has effort there's something you can do there's something you can do there is nothing you can do that's how good it is yeah this is Christianity that's crazy that doesn't exist or one day when I die that exists okay so death their physical death the enemy will give them what their hearts desire different attitudes that way that's crazy that's when I die talking to the people of heaven engaging that culture being anywhere God is that's for the future this is this is the human nature the speed you're driving is the correct speed a person in front of you going 58 is an idiot for the person what was in party foom is an idiot because you're doing the right speed this is human nature not these people's nature all humans do this this is our nature okay too much too little Goldilocks not really [Laughter] this is the best of the best of church here the best of the best the best churches in the world position and live here so this is the charismatic Pentecostal church okay this is the evangelical traditional church okay all the kingdom they're all actually raised and seasoned have any places because it's been framed up for them like but like this they live in that box we're breaking that frame creating a new record by the foolishness of preaching just by preaching excuse me I'm saying this to bring understanding because not them up for version I think in another version maybe Luke he says for lack of understanding the seat is taken so bring understanding the birds of the air which come because of the seed like in that luck in the natural okay but with understanding it stays in the ground this into here is baptism of water you're in born-again this is amazing new creation without the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon you you can raise the dead and heal the sick it's your DNA Alexander Dowie who was in the late 18-hundreds create the whole city called Zion it was a healthiest city in the world and they just healed everything because he saw he was born again a son of God and he just walked around doing good destroying the works the devil as we did and he's healed everything because all sickness was the devil and we just crush it I'm a god DNA Devils defeated smash smash smash when Pentecost are when what's a cool when the like the outbreak in the early nineteen hundreds of other revivals loser Street and those things came along thank you team effort together we'll make it takes a village to raise this child he refused it put signed up in Zion Devil's babble that we don't want it we don't want no tongues here probably one of the grace healers of all time just our dis new creation John G Lake you all know also was taught by him framed up did the same thing hundreds of thousands of healings no tongues no Holy Spirit just new creation just being born again amazing but without the power of the Holy Spirit it wears on the flesh and Alexander Dowie at the end went off and John G Lake who received the batson of the Holy Spirit I believe in 1907 but by 1908 his wife had died of they say of exhaustion no Holy Spirit to empower you baton of water amazing you'll live with God forever see for response great but there's more god is good this is baptism of spirit receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and now I can do aspects of the father as a free gift okay but these are a jacket tough I need to choose bigger people in the front row it's gonna happen all right it's a theme evolving this is probably a more accurate way of seeing it actually okay from heaven a jacket comes down and you get empowerment from heaven as a free gift to do whatever is written on this jacket this mantle okay maybe now I can prophesy maybe now I can heal because it's a healing jacket a healing gift from heaven it's not me it's the jacket that's good this is God's design God's given this to me because I'm not spiritual yet I still carnal okay I don't believe so our jacket comes and it creates a record when you learn to ride the bike you put training wheels on your bike no training rules okay and then you can ride the bike that are you riding a bike yes but no yes yes yeah but no you know that's what this is and one day that training rules have to come off and then you learn to ride the bike you go backwards a little bit then you go forwards you have to Monday we need to get rid of your healing gift so you can be a real bike way you can be a real son of God to heal out of your new nature your DNA as opposed to our gift and the gifts are there to teach you what it's like to be a son of God I've never been a son of God before fully manifest under God I don't know what it's like to prophesy or heal this comes upon me and now I can and now it creates a wreck within me oh this was like to be a son of God this is what it's like to ride the bike I'm creating a record in me or the potential that's already there yeah so if this says Chris can build a church ten thousand see the church and I feel it ten thousand see them done people will follow me the angelic will help me it's on my jacket I will build a Sunday School and the school the business crew and newly married screw em have multi satellite places it all works off this jacket it's good that's God's from this is from God okay and then I'll go to heaven and God says great come a jacket back please give him a jacket back and my church and everything that said I was doing well has gone and God says now who are you how you like me they just stop for little children did you turn the other cheek would you walk the extra mile did you pray for your enemies did you lay yourself down for others we're gonna talk about this a lot okay this is just an introduction you can see it's already okay so we're laying slowly slowly so there's understanding so it remains I'm without the jacket because if you want to live here decision once baptism of water you will live here baptism of the Holy Spirit a power to show aspects of the father's Kingdom Christ's nature when I live here baptism of fire fire changes your very nature your very DNA sometimes the fire is you loving God and worship sometimes the fire is terrible trial on the earth they both change your DNA if you know this is here for you thirty sixty a hundred baptism of fire this is the Israelites leaving Egypt and they go through the Red Sea baptism of water through they go and now they are under the Covenant of Abraham of faith God says I'll be good to you they complain they get cool stuff they complain they get more cool stuff there's no punishment their babies like your baby okay can screamed with it once it gets rewarded okay love comes its way okay we need to mature faith now grace for the grace gospel of itself not talking with the people who preached it I'm talking about how we receive it okay people who preached it were obedient to God but we receive it by itself we'll leave you here in fact leaves you right next to Egypt okay of itself and then this is going to Mount Sinai and they receive the law but we receive the holy spirit the law within us and this matures us okay now she was troubling for them because they refused intimacy that could open up the mountain but they didn't yeah they said just tell us what to do ministry okay church attendance ministry if ministry is your highest goal you have framed up something on earth and remain on earth if being being Pastor Chris is important to you because pastors are gifts given to the earth from heaven you have tied yourself to an earthy reality not Apostle Paul Paul an apostle very very important okay Paul jacket on an apostle by the grace of God as a free gift okay ministry here sonship and sonship is very different to ministry some sons most powerful sons may not even be known and they're changing the world and nobody knows except heaven because just heaven for heaven this is the ironic priesthood this is Melchizedek Melchizedek is heavens priesthood for heaven already in the next era and brings heaven to earth yeah body soul spirit okay natural Rome this church does a lot of natural Rome thinks gives out blankets soup kitchens those things very good perfect religion okay looking after widow and the orphan great 30-fold is a great response and it's physical you get your physical body and take it to a physical place on Sunday you pull up their stand see it stands see it ain't and physically leave okay it's a physical thing yeah and you can fake it to you do that same what do whatever else is doing Oh mr. Baine [Laughter] [Applause] this is this includes that you don't leave it behind okay this is Seoul okay and these two a lot of so healing and of your heart sorry they express themselves they jump and they dance and they spin and they love God and their songs show the lyrics of these are you know one day when I die I will see the glory and these are they know I could have a loving relationship with God now and heaven can come to earth heaven that come to earth send revival send your presence as a declaration of God's goodness God is so good that he would send his presence here now he would send his presence from the Holy of Holies into the temple in he would do this father Sam revival send healing he would heal father you be so kind coming he'll he is like God doesn't heal today God heals today come down and heal soul emotions healing and the soul is very important isn't Scripture is called the holy place yes I was holy very precious to God spirit your new nature it's not ministry it's who you are okay and you're living from your father's kingdom so for example let's talk about money because the money the best of the best for money is that maybe you've heard people that live off 10% and tired 90 that is an amazing response to God's goodness if your soul can hold it yeah here that is still a rule still a measure there's still a measurement of good and evil here I wake up to my father's house I just do what he's doing and he pays for everything Garden of Eden kicked out angel and saw the fire yeah to go back in there you must pass through the fire your DNA as much of you is the same frequency of this fire comes back into here back into Eden now in Eden Adam just tended provision as well he did it's a rest his work he had work to do before the fall was to attend provision and guy that created change it redeeming but provision came they got kicked out and god said by the sweat of your brow you will fight the thorns and the thistles thorns and thistles Jesus in the flesh had thorns and thistles put into the brow that curse if you receive it is over and now you just ten provision you do what the father's house is doing and you will be provided for you can fake that other thing they do I'm saying it's possible you can fake this not saying they do and just saying it's possible you can't fake this cuz then no money comes I have stories of stories of the offense of being abandoned in the desert God you've abandon me in the desert so literally in the desert when I run out of money and the anger of Adam being kicked out of the garden outside came up it was a disproportional response so angry it abandon me but go on to get into that baptism of fire and change that DNA create a new record of his faithfulness that put me here and now just 10 provision in their area I actually don't even think about money people ask what you're doing what you're doing next I say I'm going to the UK I actually having a thought about paying for the ticket actually don't think that way anymore come just doing what the Kingdom is doing the best of my understanding even if I'm doing it poorly okay you want to grow up and be like your dad okay and they grow up and be like your dad you in the washy car like your dad washes the car see go out and you get a rag and you just swish mud three feet high across the whole car yeah now if your father comes if he's a good father if he sees that you've done that to be annoying then you'll be treated accordingly but if your desire is to be like him my son is doing that or my daughter to be like me so the best way to live here the fastest way to be a Christian or Christ I should say is to walk around and pretend you're God [Music] because that's how children learn to be an adult just do what he would do the way he would do it cuz you are if a giraffe has a child it's all giraffe it's all giraffe okay in nature the giraffe is not it's baby giraffe it has not its parents but it is if God has a child in substance it's all God you are fully God and fully man in substance God had you he is literally your father you're all God so grow up and start doing what God would do that's what's required of you jesus said oh oh never again be like your father in heaven partake in the divine nature put on a new man that's created to be like God be like your dad is that poorly wash the car get the fait l'amor cut your sister's hair just learning cotton hose he knows your dust he knows what you're walking through he wants you to be like him but to be like him you must pass through the fire and leave this DNA behind Abraham left the house of his father's so this is Jordan this is Sinai for us Pentecost Holy Spirit and this is crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land the Promised Land which has been given to you what you say to this message it's the same thing that the 1012 spires did remember reading that story go I never would have done what the 10 spies did because jesus said jesus oh he did he actually does a good you're quoting his dad but G God said you said I left you in the desert to die or by your own confession so be it you've said the parameters the reality you live in no yours everyone were all here reality you live in Jesus talked about the the master and the servant said I knew you're a hard taskmaster so I bared my gift in the ground just as well according to your parameters you've set a Centurion says you have to come to my house according to the parameters you set so be it yeah that's a whole nother teaching how good is God that's always saying the same seed our response okay I'm gonna read Joseph sturgeons texting me what I'm not reading it believe me so demanding just needs my attention all the time Joshua 3 this is them crossing the Jordan 14 to 17 so when the when the people broke camped across the Jordan the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant went ahead of them there is a priesthood that will do it first now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest so against all natural ideas they went during the flood of the Jordan that's when God said to go against all natural understanding yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan so they're carrying the ark they've got the presence reach to Jordan and their feet touched the water's edge the water from upstream stopped flowing it piled up in the heap a great distance away at a town called Adam they're leaving their DNA that Jordan was Adrienne bill teachers means descent or death okay it died themselves rising again they've done it here has happened to him don't you know that you're baptized in Christ death now they are reckoning themselves dead this is their response to goodness the soil and they're leaving their DNA it backed up all the way to a town called Adam I am NOT a human being anymore I'm a new creation I'm leaving the house of my father's if I have to restore the desolation of the generations I've become something different I can't give them a lot don't have and he becomes something different a polar upstream to pole up in a heap a great distance away at a town called Adam in the vicinity of zero fan I bet that mean something check it out well the water flowing down the sea of the era ba-ba-ba-ba-ba was cut off so the people crossed over opposite Jericho the preacher carry the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord stopped in the middle of the Jordan and stood on dry ground while all of Israel passed by and to the whole nation crossed onto dry ground no child left behind God wants error on the cross God loves all these people and lays himself down for people if someone who was a incredibly public opponent of the church and furious was here I thought the church fought fought fought for publicly you'd want them to be healed and know Jesus we have more mercy on that guy than the church because maybe it came from this church from here to here and it cost you something and now you will be vindicated because now you've got a prophetic ministry or you're in the prophetic movement you're leaving it behind become a son of God but something in you you want it to manifest somehow to show them he fought you you will lay our lives down for these people we love all these people if you're here and you go to healing you don't stop doing soup kitchens you don't stop giving blankets what's that James saith to the cold ah be warmed and comforted on your way okay we don't do that we still look after the needs and we do this if you move here you still heal you still worship still prophesy you still give blankets okay be become a son of God who's doing it here spiritual warfare you fine tearing down principalities if you're tearing them down that means they're above you are you pulling them down on you okay and your but even wait you're saying by you frame it up I am outside the curtain I'm here on earth I'm opening the brass heavens open heaven making a hole in the sky you know the way you friend it up by your definition so be it to you and it takes time that will work or you're a son of God like Paul had just walked into Ephesus you can't fake it do you know who you are there's a lady I met in America and she was the teacher to a church at least ten thousand I think it may be twenty thousand about the time of ten thousand when she did deliverance ministry and taught limerence ministry her loving response to God she loves God so it gets a full reward for its love that's what you want to do for God and then she heard as he is so are you now in the earth they should went to bed that night and that night a spirit like his old woman spirit came into the room and it could be fully seen and she jumps up and straight into warfare mode closing the doors work at the access point etc said how can this thing be here but all true and she learnt them and then her husband he's a very relaxed man he says honey as he is and she remembered farmer I saw my mouth and the soon as the spirits saw that she knew gone and then she got all her books that she wrote she wrote she left it behind jacket off and become a maturer son yeah so can you still do spiritual warfare yes he's still prophesy absolutely you still give blankets yes but who is doing it who's doing it someone way down here and gods in heaven and here are my nerf some of you is administrated has an anointing and a gifting and going on with their ministry and it's a but demons it's like a shootout or a fully manifest son of God we're supposed to wrap this show up this it sounds too easy it's supposed to be like this we're supposed to fix the whole cosmos if you're busy doing fighting over a little piece of land against the Principality how are you gonna fix up Andromeda has been given raised and seated everything you need for life and godliness has been given you know you have to ask for you just maybe ask for help how to becoming that's being given to you because your DNA if you're a policeman and you see someone robbing a store you don't go someone's robbing a store can I should I do something can I do something about that cover your permission please yeah okay if you kept doing that you're not very good policeman if you're the stationery master of a large corporation you keep bringing the CEO hey CEO on the by some staplers can I cut by some staplers well I guess I can oh sorry to bother you again uh can i if it is your will you please co-ceo just just just please be your will please if you'd be so kind can i buy some some sheets of paper and some crayons you're not a very good stationmaster and you won't be promoted just do your job everything you need for life and godliness has been given to you immaturity or carnality is God why are there earthquakes maturity is Chris why there earthquakes immaturity is God why is there sickness and disease on the earth maturity is Chris why is there sickness and disease on the earth I gave it to you to look after that's your room clean your room [Applause] heaven belongs to God by the earth and well by I mean all creation belongs to men he gave it to us how we frame it up it's ours to do when Jesus Christ returns will he find faith on the earth not this faith faith in God the faith of God we speak and create this is living on earth out of Earth's supply we Western medicine or nutrition and they're both gives the both good buzz a cost to it okay Western medicine is probably a very good example because these both work no matter how in tension you are but a knowledge of good and evil you try do good but there's always the one fruit yep so Western medicine does great things but there's a cost even understand nutrition does great things but there's a cost because then you know if I eat that that will do that to my body you've framed it up now you want to attain a promise you want to attain a promise you've created now you've created Ishmael I've created Ishmael to get health Western medicine and or nutrition okay to get the promise I've learned about this what I did I learn and learn and learn about it but now I want to go to healing so another kick ishmael out of the camp which is painful if my ministry is attached to it my money's attached to it my identity is attached to it or just using my life and now I receive healing by faith faith faith faith faith faith I get a faith in the street or healing ministry or that reality in me but it's an Ishmaelite self and now receiving by faith ministry must go out I must be Jesus and it's a rest and I says very sensitively because I have suffered medically in my life but after workout Jesus isn't sick I'm not sick and that'll be the seed that goes in and then just rest knowing that that does the job no flesh inherits the kingdom the high priests couldn't sweat it must be by the invisible promise God's love language is just to be believed that's all it is and that's why we don't like it so your strengths are your weaknesses you have the ability to confess things in the hold of confession to hold your confession to hold your confession you have that ability that's your go-to but you were never advocate that is good but it does contain effort not everyone can do that maybe it's just your personality type or maybe your sickness doesn't fatigue you so you can hold your mental strength together but this is for everyone if you leave being a human and be Christ whatever you are growing up into maturity but you're here okay he's growing and walk around and pretend to be God so you can become him because the whole kingdom looks like the father the more you look like the father the more you'll do in that kingdom more you can govern everybody inherits the kingdom what you do in the kingdom will be very different how much you look like the father having a jacket doesn't mean you look like the father if you settle for a jacket you sell for ministry as opposed to the person of Christ okay you want to look like him maturity living here is become like the father and this is a VIP this is so important this should be Christianity 101 what I'm about to say a father lays down his life his time his assets and his name just to give somebody the opportunity to choose him and we see it all through Scripture so Moses Moses says I worry that Orta is there Moses says I rather be written out of the book of life but these Hebrews be saved he says surely they are sinful terrible people and I rather be written out of the book of life that they be saved yeah that's true it's not but he's talking from heaven to heaven so you can't fake it okay that's maturity Paul says about the Hebrews my people he says I rather be written out of the book of life that they be save he's going to love Faith Hope Love yeah he's gone to love laying down his life for another Jesus said I'd rather be written out the book of life that everyone that these people be saved who that people who are killing me Father forgive them they know not what they do be like your father in heaven who sends rain on the good and evil a just and unjust this worked for knowledge good and evil and it contains effort okay and the trouble is if you maintain a standard you judge people who don't maintain that standard by the speed you're going if you ever gone on a diet and you lost lots of weight and got fit you see someone's stuffing their face oh come on you get but that guy because you've changed for your own strength but of health is given to you as a gift you smile give that person health as a gift yeah this contains effort this contains effort this contains complete surrender based on the nature of God alone his work alone you can only be received as a gift that no man can boast the high priest was not allowed to sweat the kingdom can only be receive only be received no flesh will inherit the kingdom it's just believing the promise because God chooses to reveal himself as invisible word if you take him on his invisible word as possible in taste touch and see sensual sensitive you wait on that invisible word you've loved God because God just says will you love me as I am and then you know me annoying me you become like me servant young son the way they live the ministry mature son becoming like the father Jesus is my Savior jesus is my lord ministry I do what he says Jesus is my friend and friends don't have to do anything and leaving ministry you'll have more earthly fruit in the tell fruit then years in ministry Jesus saying will you know me as I am mi Jesus your Lord come on Jesus Saviour for a certain epoch I'm only Jesus the your Lord for a certain epoch or how you frame up your eternity but we know me for who I am what do I think of the weather was my favorite color how am I feeling today do you know me who swallowed mountain of Transfiguration his friend saw her not all the disciples I need three not three or five hundred not was it 120 70 12 three I love that three only one went to the cross and that one didn't die that one took his place on the earth Mary he's your mother John is now your son friendship he isn't truth that is the first time I'm saying who went to mount transit transfigurations what Jesus in his glorified self Peter James John what do they have in common they all had Satan rebuked in them your DNA bad DNA who's your father Peter get behind me Satan James and John you don't know what spirit you are off knowledge of good and evil what you deserve here I think here they kicked us out I'm dying for component I'm Peter I'm dying for the whole world I love everyone I arrived a bit now the book of life that those people in comparing them most people killing me will give it given the opportunity to know the father this is your true nature give the father's nature you can't earn it you only discover it I'm not teaching you anything I'm just reminding you who you are I'm not teaching your spirit a mr. transforming your mind to know what's already here so you can receive the goodness of God it just flows out and flows out Jerusalem Judea Samaria and all the earth doing very well
Channel: As He Is Ministries
Views: 22,998
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Id: IFi7DI8eXyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 43sec (3463 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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