2020 Prophetic Word | Unveiling Manifest Sons | Kirby de Lanerolle

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow you are the best Church in the world I bless you I bless each one of you it's gonna be an awesome service are you ready okay keep the energy okay promise yes okay right because the way we're gonna do this is different okay the way we're gonna do this is I'm going to preach but the whole preach is the prophetic one you want a center okay so as I start releasing the word it's prophetic for you okay and then and then we're gonna do something so we're doing the prophetic word very differently so it'll be taken during the message but I want to take it from you okay but we're going to see how how does it's gonna be done you are going to prophesy today okay but I'm going to set you up on how that's going to happen all right are you ready okay so get excited get drunk okay I don't want to be sober when I finish this message I don't want to be okay I've got a party to go to okay and I need to be filled up completely that party would be by my by my wife and 12 o'clock frame soaked in the Holy Spirit you want a center so you need to make sure that that happens are you ready can you do that okay so I don't want to walk out of here sober neither do you need to walk out of here sober did you get that are you ready to drink are you ready I can hear you you guys going to be excited okay okay so make sure that this is full of energy okay right now okay all right now we release the power the Holy Spirit we release the power of miracles and signs an wonders I won't go into glory I want to go into miracles that's what we're about right okay that's what that's what the whole vibe was about right let's go for it okay let's go for signs wonders miracles healings everything okay and we end the night off with a bang is that okay okay now okay yeah it's happening okay now you see today literally the way you look at Christianity and Jesus is gonna change literally I like Fiona said I waited for this message for literally maybe at least a couple of years okay and and and I just want to release it for 2020 and 2020 region and sight and clarity for 2020 and it's gonna be a year of clarity of course for sure but the Lord spoke to me and he told me that yes it's all as all right but it's actually the year of supernatural revelation okay but let me put it like this or let me put it put it like this it's a year of supernatural unveiling and I'll explain that to you why I'm saying that okay because there's a data in single is they call it anger that means a concept or a element of the Bible from the beginning to end a few that have been sort of the church somehow have not seen it but interestingly throughout the Bible it's there it's amazingly there okay when you see it and when you see it it's mind will be the word Christian itself means supernaturally revealed think about that but how do we word Christians we do a deep word search for Christian it means that you were supernaturally revealed you but supernaturally revealed you understand that that means it's not a natural revelation it means it means I was partying with Tammy and Ryan okay doing with Jackie Ralph with the whole lot okay suddenly Jesus became very apparent to me and a reality became apparent to me but why it was becoming apparent to me I was supernaturally revealed to them just understand it I would leave the house I would party with them teach the word go back to the club with him do all the naughty things that they were doing more than them the next day I come and sit with him open the Bible they would listen to me like I was a prophet I would go back do the naughty things with them talk to them they would listen to me I did their dumb which they're not oh I was supernaturally revealed I was symmetrical they can help it it was illuminated and we're like I know when Kirby talks God is talking to your friends to your family they don't understand you because the anointing causes you to be supernaturally revealed it's the anointing that makes it happen suddenly how many of you had that experience the eyes open suddenly their eyes open to you and like oh my god we got a priest in the family huh we got a man of God in fam you've got a woman a garden family that is called it's supernaturally revealed to them and that is why constantly in the Bible it's there from the beginning to end it is a it's a mind-blowing thing throughout throughout the life of from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to the Easter lights there are enemies if you notice the stories there are enemies new of them as people of God it was supernaturally revealed throughout the Bible stories why isn't it there today again no one speaks about it no one says that that's the way it's supposed to be look at look at the Easter eggs so many times that they're going to war and by the time we get to the plates the guys are not there and they ask a question why weren't you there like no we heard that you were coming with great and mighty armies Ganassi with elijah he said open his eyes that he may see and then they saw he was supernaturally revealed that this man was a prophet throughout Florida Balaton is a missing element and because we know one is explained it it doesn't happen from today onwards 2020 is a year where people will see you they will see you for who you really are because in the garden what happened was that Adams eyes were open to the natural and his spiritual eyes closed and sunny only saw the natural man and then he saw the nakedness of the natural man do you remember that and he said oh you're naked oh you're naked and they saw the mistakes in each other hmm but they didn't see the glory and the power of God anymore because they are spiritual eyes closed you just get that okay so we have to be supernaturally revealed that's why John the Baptist they didn't know where the Hickey was and even Tina came and Sonny came out and it was supernaturally revealed to the people that he was a prophet you understand that Jesus half half of his life is not in the Bible in three years Youngjae is three years till then bad where was he he was waiting to be supernaturally revealed Wow 20/20 you will be supernaturally revealed to this nation you mean super and reveal to your family you'll be supernaturally revealed to your industries you understand up but I'm going to give you the protocol fight are you ready okay watch it okay I'm going to show you this and the key is in this place okay the key is in display there's so many dynamics here okay so many dynamics in now watch this place in Genesis 12 way to cottony okay Genesis 12 the Lord said to Abraham you remember Abraham okay our forefathers Abraham thousands of years ago eight thousand years we're going back get out of your country out of your family that means family means those who are familiar to you Jesus went to Nazareth where they were familiar to him and they said he's a carpenter's son he was not supernaturally revealed and he could not do any miracles there do you understand that okay so get out of your familiarity does it say I would say family but just say get out of your familiarity just say get out of your familiarity get out of your familiarity yeah that's what I mean right and from your father's house to a land that I will show you I will make you a great nation I will bless you is it there okay and make your name great Wow there you go God becomes your agent unashamed he will make your name great it's his promise to you do you understand that it's it's it's it's what he does he is the famous one he will make your name great is it there and you shall be a blessing now here's where it gets a bit weird or different from Christianity as we know it and you shall be a blessing oh wow I thought I'm getting blessed no no no no you shall be a blessing today I will bless those who bless you I will curse those who curse you that's his promise you don't have to worry about it he will do that for sure in one place he says I will take the diseases that I placed on your on those who hate you and I will put it on them you understand that's that's this God say yes someone decides to be your enemy what was supposed to come on you comes on him the bad stuff you got it now watch is don't know quite on me okay it is it good you should be cheering for that one okay all right now watch is now some of you are there yeah okay I watched yesterday and then I say this and in you in whom in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed Wow now let's look at that okay so the reason you were called to wherever you are act whether it's an industry whether it's a place geographically whether it's a corporation whether maybe it's a church you are called right there to that place to that nation to that situation so that in you everyone will be blessed now that's a big big deal because as you see this you'll realize that as long as you think it's about you getting the blessing this thing doesn't work it's a closed circuit system it's a it's a what do you call what a loop is it called a feedback loop you understand it you receive and therefore you have to give he said now that you received you know heart you can't hide this light underneath the bush Allah you can't hide it somewhere you take the light and shine it you can't take the salt and just keep it because there is your throw it away is that you have to put it on a meat it has to be the full thing if you're wondering why it doesn't work it doesn't work because you didn't go the full circle you understand that this thing works that way now watch this okay now so Abraham is going to be a blessing right okay let's watch this blessing okay so suddenly now he's supposed to be the blessing of you of course he's been blessed and I'm sure you you're being blessed and you know things without working out for you work is good everything starts multiplying in your life okay and then guess what happens the king of Egypt comes in and takes his wife just understand this stress I mean you're going through a problem now just understand the king of Egypt just comes and he forcefully takes your wife okay and now he's taken the wife okay and and so when he comes in how he does it is in in those days Abram would say they say is this your wife and because she was very pretty he would say no that's not my wife that's my sister why because he's scared because these kings are ruthless and we find out because they could marry multiple times if you find out that this guy was the husband they would kill him so he would actually lie okay and you say no that's my sister and then they would take the wife and go and I just I understand the trauma and the pain he's going through okay just high stress moment okay now watch this and as the King takes the wife okay this is what happens to him watch this now watch supernaturally revealed are you ready so it goes on in verse 11 and it came to pass when he when he was close to entering Egypt that he said to Sarai his wife indeed I know that you're a woman of beauty and countenance therefore it will happen when the Egyptians see you that they will say this is my wife and they will that and they will kill me and they will let will not let us leave please say that you're my sister is it there okay so she does it so it was when Abraham into Egypt that Egyptians saw the woman that she was very beautiful the princess and fear also saw her and it's so and they they were 16 they'd take the woman from Abraham verse 16 he treated Abraham well for her sake just imagine how long he's been down for this with them this is literally a gut-wrenching okay he treated Abram well for her sake just imagine living like that with your wife with with this King mmm okay and then he said anybody gave Abraham sheep oxen male donkeys male female servants and female donkeys and camels is there I'll listen carefully but something this is the way it's supposed to happen this is the way it's supposed to happen I ready this is the way it should happen to those who set their face against you watches but a lord plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues Israel because of sorrow Abraham's wife and Pharaoh call Abraham and said what is this that you've done to me why did you not tell me that she is your wife is it there is it there how did he know how did he know today we don't know today we wouldn't know we're not sensitive to it how come your enemies don't know these guys didn't work like that they didn't even try to manipulate the situation someone takes your wife he says it's okay don't worry he lies just understand the revelation he had of the word Christian supernaturally revealed Wow Wow okay he allowed he lied is they don't it was like say something do something come on now she's there you're taking the guys sheepdogs and the gold as well it's going to justify don't worry don't worry I got a god and suddenly boom he says what the heck is wrong with you this is your wife how do I know look at my house it's in a mess supernaturally revealed I'll show it again again and again and again they do the same thing we get a template with the same what do we do with our enemies what do we do with the people against us what do we do with the situations that are worse to us we control manipulate all that why because we don't understand this concept it will be supernaturally revealed now but watch the attitude what's the attitude okay remember through you all the nations have to be best that's why you have been given the world I like Jeremiah Jeremiah God tells Jeremiah DS he says hey look at the nations I've placed you over the nations and he says six things to throw down to destroy to pull out you got it to dr. Don destroy pull out and what is that uproot okay to build and plant two good things for destructive things he says see I've set you above the nation's bar so your job you've been sitting on a seat and we don't understand us no matter what your industry is you've been sitting on the seat why are you there because God has given you a seat to throw down to destroy to pull down to uproot to build and plant and we don't know that we don't know the power of that so what happens is when we go in there we are come beating and contending by saying bless me bless me bless me give me give me give me give me without saying hey I have given you I have given you the nation's now that you're on the seat is identity shaped that's where you're the sons of God that means you sit there because you have been given the nation's that's what you're there you're not there because of self-interest when Christianity comes out of self-interest they'll be a blessing to the nations today Christianity is in self-interest and self-interest means bless us bless us bless us bless us we believe in you we are Christians we are called by your name so bless us bless us bless us completely completely different these guys went to the nation's they were a blessing to the nation's they come and attack them don't worry you can take it it'll be revealed to you I'm there to bless you again same situation watch this again this is this is JC's 20 I'm going to show you supernaturally revealed it's a year where you have to be supernaturally revealed supernatural revealed the for this we need to understand this attitude what's that you do it okay you own it watches on what not the place not dominate I'm not telling that have you been given a seat to sit on why are you in that seat is there a job to do that is bigger than what you think it is when the earth was given to man it was saying to tend and keep it is God expecting you in your place to do more than just think about yourself you won't get there okay again I want to show you another not a simple template watch this okay hey Batman I've been like Abraham goes to I be me like aibum Eric takes the wife again this is your sister this is my sister takes the wife okay and again we are in abemolik and I mean like say this it's in 20 was yeah somewhere here verse 3 now Sahra is with Abimelech second time it has happened you can imagine what she's going through talking about trauma okay this is the second time say right now with not a king cole Abimelech verse 3 but God came to Abimelech in a dream Wow is it there by night and said to him this is what I want done Oh God come on say Oh God do this for me do this for me dude if I might say good for me he'll do it he'll do it believe me he'll do it I'll tell you stories ok and he said God came to I've been awake by night this is a hidden he doesn't know Jesus Abraham knows God these guys are what others would call Gentiles or people who don't know I have a relationship with God they start hearing God aha ok God came to I've been like in a dream by night and said to him look at his words this is so much fun God okay indeed you are a dead man it doesn't sound like King James this is it's like it's only what we call a we say now hey buddy you're a dead man man I like it he says indeed you are a dead man because the woman you have taken is it there have taken four she is a man's wife but I believe I had not come near her and said Lord and I loved that Munich because he was a good guide oh he was he didn't know God but he was a good guy said Lord we loosely the righteous nation also did he not say to me she's my sister and she even she herself said he is my brother in the integrity of my heart and the innocence of my hands I've done it sit there and God said to him in a dream yes I know that you did this in the integrity of your heart why also we tell you from sinning against me look how God's interacting me therefore I did not let you touch her now therefore restore the man's is their wife for he is a Wow supernaturally revealed he didn't have to go and take a title I am the Prophet no my name is Kirby your name is Rohan Dayal God says this man is a prophet do you see that come on supernaturally with I'll show you continuously in the Bible this word Christian means supernaturally revealed it means that you will be revealed to the nation's you'll be revealed to people around you they our eyes will be open to who you are you get that so the story goes that Abimelech literally says Abraham why didn't you tell me because my whole household is barren even my dog's a barren we don't have any children Abram said yes my calling is to bless the nation's what nation are you from my calling is to pray for you that through me your nation will be blessed Abraham prays for the very guy who took his wife come on the very guy who took your deal the very guy who took your contract the very guy who did that Abraham prays for him that he also will be blessed beyond him by this time Abraham did not have any children so he could say come on man I know god I don't even have it but he said you know what I'm gonna bless you with the things that I don't even have but that God has because I was called to supernaturally release that to you now I'm just trying to show you an attitude beginning by you all the nations will be best we are called so the nations will be best now we will think on it but is the weakness a Jesus is the best thing no no no I'm gonna show you I'm going to show you okay I'm going to show you something what we just given our job roles just to do well make money okay what is that a calling boys God calling us for something greater I'm gonna show you okay so now we fast forward into Hebrews okay first word in the New Testament and now we're talking about the sons of God and now he becomes really really supernatural okay watch this Hebrews 2 are you ready I tell you a story I was at the warehouse project about a couple of years ago and at that point of time we were being investigated for different things for I don't even know what but it's probably for gold dust and gemstones and money coming in I may be all that I don't know what it was but my passwords were taken my computers were taken a guy film for my roof and I'd in the middle of our church and all these kind of things happen it was a crazy time and at that time the military at that time was doing a report on me and while the guy was doing the report on me and I got interrogated three times every time the guys would come and talk to me and I was very careful I used to work for the government that time as I was at the Social Services at that time and we they would come and talk to me every time they spoke to me when they would come to me I mean tough army guys doing investigations I'm sure they've done serious investigations before by the time they finished the meeting they would be crying all three of them from Army to police it all three of them would cry okay and they would not understand what he was okay I didn't go to tell them either okay but they were like why we crying name one Adam may been named right and up we come out the dying meditator Hardware not software that they said Buddhist Hindu different guys okay now you have to understand that one guy was sending a report okay and he was bringing a report as per what he was told to do while he's spending report typing the report God touches him he calls me I'm never met him in my life he calls me on the phone and he says Kermie I've heard about you I'm just typing the report that I'm doing I'm so-and-so I can't help but crying while I'm typing I know for sure that there's something on your life now he's a Buddhist guy he doesn't even know anything he says can I come and see you now and if go it's pundit from from the defense he gets into a trash or whatever then comes to see me and it shows me confidentially now not confidential anymore what he was typing you understand her and she's okay he was a long time ago okay now time and time again God has done it and I realized how the heck does that happen and I realize that my heart condition was that I was a son wanting to bless the nation's now sure I'll explain that to you there were the time when when the churches were against me and people and there were big very big churches against us and there were there were times when you know the prophetic if I have I I treasure it the signs and wonder I treasured you don't you don't hear it happening anywhere else okay because I were me it was like God is uniquely given me something and I would hear it if someone else was walking in it literally because I know the crushing and the pain I went to to get the anointing I have and if someone else is walking in it I was like no no no it's impossible what have they done okay I've gone I've suffered to get where God like your work you work your back to get to the place that you are in right okay and how is it that someone else can walk in it you won't warn that trust me no matter what it is when you see grace you hit it when you see it happen you can't you it's hard to handle and so at that time I would honestly not want anyone to walk in it a lot challenged many said Kirby you need to pray that all the other pastors we start walking in a prophetic and they themselves become prophet you cannot be the only prophet known in this land you need would release it upon every single person believe me there was a time when certain pastors would come up to me people who will not like me and say when my prayer time God came to me and spoke to me about you believe me supernaturally reveal God wants to do that in your industries your enemies need to hear from God your contenders need to hear from God about you otherwise it's manipulation it's control and a lot of performance and striving and it ends in 2020 it ends in 2020 but how does it end I'm going to reveal an attitude Abraham prayed Farben like I ready watch this now watch it here in Hebrews okay I'm going to do something okay watch it here again I'm going to read in Hebrews for you it's mind-blowing Jesus the father is talking to Jesus okay and there's a conversation going on father and Jesus okay watch the conversation okay say it's gonna be really good gonna get really good okay watch this gonna get good here's the conversation I'm going to I'm going to know where New Testament okay and God defines certain things sorts of Hebrews one starting from was one God who at various time now God who had various times in various ways verse one one one spoke in times past to the father's by the by the prophets huh but in these last days that means in these days he does not speak to us through the prophets huh is it there he speaks to us through his son whom he has appointed D are over all things that means the son owns everything who are you your son okay that means your right now it means you he's given you the estate you own everything you don't a strive fight you've got it this is the problem it is what we don't understand so now that you are in charge and then he says this and he talks about the angels again we're just going to talk we're gonna talk a bit about angels with angels are very very important you've seen how angels work in my ministry and we will see them work today okay so and they are with you right now in just with you right now okay and he says let all the angels of God worship Him in verse six and of his angels he says and I now it describes angels okay I want you to see the description of dangers he says office angels of God angels are the sons angels he says he makes his angels spirits Albert Speer said winds and says the metes ministers of fire okay angels of ministers of fire Wow angels and ministers of what fire okay angel means to the fire okay so why the wind and fun okay now what is what was 13 and he goes on to say this okay before you go to verse 13 I just want to understand the seat you're sitting on he talks about a seat that you're sitting on okay it was I think it's six I was eight but the son he says your throne O God is for ever and ever I like this one a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom is it there you loved righteousness and you hated lawlessness therefore God anointed you that means the so throne that you sit on loves righteousness now what is righteousness justice so he says you have to love justice so you can sit on the seat if you love justice then you have angels of fire that work with you Wow okay why why and we're going to read you can see what they are okay why okay what's the team but a which of the angels as you said sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool verse 14 are they all not ministering spirits sent forth to minister not be a lot of angels for those who will inherit salvation is it there so it says the angels are given for you because you're seated on a seat angels anyone's had experience with angels this church has had experience with angels we have it all the time we have it all the time if you look at the gold dust on your hands right now right now just check that's the Ministry of angels right there right there right there right there right there how many if you have it how many well yeah just wave your hand on me look at that look at this look at that huh that's me look at that look at that you see that's amazed you look at it those who have Goldust this way with hand okay now that's a measure of angels but you might think of it's Christmas now and then we have glitter here and glia and there may be a wrap some presents okay okay no problem you can go into doubt with that that's fine okay that's absolutely fine it can be your makeup I agree mmm but let's give the angels the benefit of the doubt let's give the Angels a benefit of the doubt okay now watch is okay these angels are ministering spirits of fire yeah yeah I know you have it here okay the ministering spirits of fire what I'm trying to show you is angels how did that happen I'm just trying to show you I just said as an angel who walked in there he paid he put credit he charged the phone and they saw it before it's not possible okay how did it happen if you know if you're not aware that you have them something is wrong and if you don't understand that you can do you can do what I did with different things I'm only showing these things to show you if rabbi no charge phones surely they can deal with a situation in your life whatever that situation is you can use them within spirits waiting to be used by the sons of God you have them to be released but you need to know that if you don't know that life becomes very very hard there are things that you can release your angels for right now to do something for you now watch this let's let's go into this okay so Hebrews 2 is talking about these angels and it says verse 14 and they are all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those is it they're not to doze do you just get that they are not there to minister to you they are not there to minister to you they can minister to you they're there to minister for you for you for you that means when you ask them to do something for someone they can do it do you want to stand up they can do it now how do I know how do I know how the heck do I know how do I know have you spoken about this you asked me to pray about it before no I'll go up to the person because I see the angels now same angel is doing it now he's for me he's not ministering to me and not saying I have a back pain I do I do have a back pain but it's yours see that's what I'm trying to explain to you we all one so I released the angels now connealy I'm just demonstrating something right now right now right now right now watches right now I'm releasing Sanjay I'm releasing you from back pains for the rest of your life in Jesus name we declare you right now some of you some of you I have to say will be completely free some of you God is going to give you something that is going to be supernatural will be revealed to you for your pains okay it they're both God they're both God okay I don't know why he does it but that's the way it's going to be okay I released that to you in Jesus name right now now watch it so the angels are for you to minister for you am I correct hello I'm demonstrating and showing and doing and I'm not just doing it okay so yeah really cool if I was you I'll say this is really awesome I mean because how the heck how do you how do you do that it's it's it's angels okay now once you are sensitive to them they're for you now I'm going to go into a place that is Mindlin okay Mary 30 now watch this now here's where the prophetic starts for 2020 are you ready here's where it starts okay Matthew 13 I know you heard this many times before when we've heard this parable I mean we've said if you don't know this parable you will not know any parable okay the source shows the Word of God have you heard that before where does what is the what is the what is the seed word where does he saw it in too hard okay so we know it is parable right we know it is parable right and now we heard recently from the teachings that the parables I just loved if I can't just get over what happened I don't if you understand how this thing happens it's just mind-blowing I see an angel walk from there just understand her I told you exactly where his farming form and right now to his phone I said he could walk you up there and he's putting his charging phones and this guy's phone gets an SMS from even in predict am i correct data free data is the normal of people at first no first time he does haven't you huh as I said check it because there are people wanting to come in check they thinking I'm sending it so I thank God is another number I need to check that number okay and then I say that aim angel now Walker I walk up with this guy began he was standing right next to this guy he's going to do something in your lives believe me 2020 gonna be awesome okay so just understand demonstrations like that are rare rare I challenge you but why why why is it rare because people don't understand Angels your eyes need to be open but not only you eyes the eyes will be open to you now watch this now here's Matthew 13 we've heard this we've heard is parable that is soft sauce thoughts and concepts okayed logos okay we did that right and then it lands in a heart and then it grows the revelation grows the logos grows we've done that right now watch this he finishes that parable okay this is a long discourse and he gets to another parable and this becomes very interesting and here's how it becomes prophetic for you he says this first one is 24 are not a parable he put forth to them saying the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field but while he slept is it there while he shut it out while he slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and he went away Wow is it there but when the grain had sprouted and produced crop okay and tears and the boat came together okay there seven say why don't you take the tears out and clean the field because you only allow the wheat to grow and take the weed out he says no no it doesn't work like that because we won't know what is what let him both grow together because at a time of Howard's when they have grown only will identify exactly what the plant is only when it's grown to be identified and then he says at that time he explains this I'll show you now he experiences verse 37 he answered them and said the oneness sauce the good seed is the son of verse 37 is the son of is he talking of Jesus there is he talking to Jane is there no I'm going to show you again he says you get logos thoughts of God concepts revelations okay of God and that comes into your heart after that he says now you go into the world Wow first part 3600 is you have thoughts of God revelations okay now you have that next one is take your light and shine it in the world take your salt and put it in the world wow you get it the second part is now that you got the thoughts you got the word you got it you're getting yeah okay now you go to the world and now you saw that's what it says here he answered and said he said he said the one who sowed good seed is the son of you son of God no I'm a son of man you're a son of man you're a son of man you're a son of man now you take the seed and you go into the world is it there the field this time the field is what the heart what's the field the world Wow so you'd now take what you have and you go to the world and you so watch this okay what just watch the next one okay it's expensive very well and it says the seeds are the sons of the kingdom you see there and the tares are the sons of the wicked one huh the enemy who sowed them is the devil and harvest and and it's to do with the end of the house so he says okay here's the big reveal you were given the architectural industry you were given dominance you were given banking you were given Fitness you were given music you will give an architecture you were given hotels you were given fitness and exercise you were given movies your world you understand that but you want conscious in your world God gave it world you fill it to God get about you you fell asleep Jesus doesn't fall asleep you can say Jesus when you fell asleep then he became a legion like what Jesus says I don't slumber nor do I sleep so the man who is sleeping on the job is you when I was sleep on a job in my world I woke up the next day with a whole lot of problems because the enemy came implanted in the world that I was the world is the realm I was in he planted bad seeds and now because I was unconscious because I didn't know I was a son I had self-interest I was unconscious I was only thinking me me me me me when I was given to bless the world with my angels with my crew I was given the industry the tourist trade I was given this industry but when I was asleep injustice has happened things that were wrong will happen I watched it while it was happening I didn't care because I was unconscious I want to care about myself 10 years down the road the industry is in a mess and we are blaming the government and we buried everyone but he says yes they don't know God you are a son I placed you in your industry to redeem your industry so now you didn't when you unconscious all hell broke loose and now you're blaming everyone else and you're saying this government will come and this one will change and that one may change in all these things when he says no I gave it to you you should have sat on a seat with justice in your heart I mean is so unfairness you should have dealt with it release the Angels broken it down and not only be thinking about yourself because you were there to bless the tourist industry you were there to bless the architectural industry you aren't just there to make a billion dollars you might make the billion dollars if you do what God wants you to do but you are there for a greater purpose why aren't the risk while the rest believers while the rest believers you were in a field literally you are an athlete in a field why isn't the rest believers because he's not interested in the rest to be believers he's got one he just he loves them so much he loved them even like so much that he wanted to make sure that America was blessed that his whole household was blessed so he says yeah be me like a son Abraham and he reveals because once you know who you are you will be supernaturally revealed to them but if you are competing and contending in a way that you think it's all about me bless me bless me bless me without saying you don't know who you are you don't know who you are like if I were saying I am the only prophet in this country I'm the only one who's gonna prophesy like this I don't wanna die I was there believe me I was there do you know that you know what your 9 thing is the anointing means crushing and 90 means crushed crushed anointing means grapes you crushed grapes you crushed olives so everything I have today all these kind of something you're seeing is because I'm anointed a nine that means I've gone do understand the cost of this and so because I've paid for it I hate to give it away and therefore I'm often I'm fatherless there's a pie and there's only ten pieces in this pie and I'm gonna you take one I'm going to take two I'm off and I'll take three maybe I'll take five okay and no one gets any because it's my pie and there's only ten pieces in a pie and if Phillips takes one and it 36 one and if not the judge takes one then everyone is prophesied and I can't have that you got it and then he says no no there's no pie your father is gone no pie no patch father is God you shall be blessed with his Richards Nona call your bank account believe me if you were in your industry in the right way and if you were blessing your industry today this nation will be blessed we are not there to convert the Buddhists we are there to bless the Buddhists that's what we dare to do we are not dying self-interest and Christians today is like this I'm a Christian I'm a son of God bless me and then we see the people who are not Christians driving nice cars we see them build big houses and we are wondering what the heck is going on I thought I knew God yes you know God in the wrong way God wants you to align with him and his ways he stays there like this he says he reigns on the righteous and the unrighteous the same he says the same rain I give the righteous and the unrighteous he says why why does a guy wake up in the middle east he doesn't know you're God but he wakes up already with ten billion dollars he will never see powder in his life why God wants you to get it he wants to bless people and he wants to use you so that that person will be blessed do you want to send it not to say lord give me all Lord this is the church in America very sad I I go there and they're praying oh lord give us all give us all the things bless us raise us up we need to take over the nation we need this done and that done and all this and all their rights they want the church manipulating politics I want you to understand it because we have to be the Blessed people no no no no that's not the way it's that's not the Bible the Bible is you go into a realm whether it's where it's furniture you go into the realm and that industry is fallen there are things in that industry that you are called to look at justice and be fair and not say hey you know what this is I'm gonna make I'm gonna monetize this now I say hey this is this has been unfair from the beginning this is wrong this is wrong be strong you know what I will not give it I sit in the seat of righteousness and I'm going to judge fairly whether I like the guy or not it doesn't matter believe me there will be no competition there will be no competition because because you know who you are you are in charge and you can say I know I really don't like the guy but that thing that is happening to me the same thing happened to me five years ago I'm anointed in that area because I've suffered just like him recently someone was telling me a situation and they were saying the dev up there they were telling me that it's this huge situation to do with their lives and I and they're quite well-to-do and so I was also telling them and say look at the others the same thing has been done to others I said hey what happens if you just pray for them release us get up every day and say God I want them to be blessed what happens if I get up every morning as a son and I say Lord you know what I want cancers healed all in every church day in every temple today oh now we going somewhere with wherever any man is praying no God wherever any man offend God I want him to be blessed Lord God let them walk out with miracle signs and wonders and people wake up like we're having like free data I don't know how much free data that was but Lord let it happen in every church then they won't be persecuting us you understand it let people wake up with like money transferred into their bank accounts and II don't know about degrees and they're not even Christians why can't we do that because that's our job we are called for that through us but we are so much into self-interest we vote according to self-interest everything is done according to self-interest and we lost our sonship and therefore we have no power in the church lacks power and it has become a place it's become a club because sonship is gone now you today I mean industry you are in a position today the pain that you you go to I recently we were we were we were dealing with a company that every day we've taken over and and they say it's inherited a lot of debt and you know I was thinking you know good I have to pray and stuff like that and then they go running around in the company checking this out and checking it out all these you know 17 this is damn headache okay and and I was thinking but I'm okay really I'm not going to I'm not gonna be on the road but there are others in this nation who who having tremendous depth and they can't pay the debt off and I instead of me praying for me I get up in the morning and say Lord let death be canceled on let let people come out of debt Lord Lord you have given me this realm in this company there's so many people in SMEs who are struggling to pay it's a lot you can do something and when you start doing like that I'm not saying I'm thinking the president it was a brilliant decision that he made I'm not saying I'm not taking any credit fight but I can tell you I prayed because the pip because I was anointed in that I was crushed in that I suffered something on that have you gone through a sickness have you gone through a disease people under don't know the government just a couple of weeks ago said that all smes loans below 300 million don't need to be paid for twelve months only interest I think even if I'm correct that is not unheard of I don't know I always been done anywhere in the world that was it done yeah it was done in this country because you what happens we address your crazy thing what happens we all pray like that I'll tell you something the Bible says the goodness of God leads us to repentance that means it's so much easier if people are already rich I am never found people ok who resists the gospel when they're rich wants it again I've never found people who resist the gospel when they are abundant and when they have they don't they don't they don't resist Jesus they don't resist the blessing because they're not fighting for bless me bless me bless me going to every temple every church as they only bless me they're already so blessed in their mind I thinking it has to be God I know what I'm like I'm not such an expert so they are already understanding the goodness has come on their lives what happened simple story I tell tell my American friends this a lot Mangia Mangia not American in Sri Lanka me but I tell a lot of my American princess I say you know at the end of the day you're American yes yes I say you know it's like it's like Sri Lanka we can talk about Sri Lanka you know when you when you give a kid to play with the toy they the cable Christmastime kids are playing with their toys and then sunny mom comes and says hey you know there are kids why don't you share and so long these kids and I'll present you opens it up like well oh and prison is like mom turns Christmas darling Oh she'll like ok and sharing what you gain fielder like like you make the other one day anyway immediately like Christmas darling is charged jesus loves everyone yeah really yeah okay and then they share the gifts like this I mean you can see the shunning they're sharing but they don't like their anger right but what happens if we say isn't it better if we say hey this darling this is your gift this is yours play with it sweetheart just enjoy I'm telling you whatever they tell this nation like if the if the the I'm not getting anymore in politics but I'm telling Sam I don't wanna get him all in Sri Lanka so I said I'll get more Americans but what I'm just trying to say like if you say tell the Americans like the minorities in America I say hey let them let the white Americans enjoy the country please like if they enjoy like they've done such a good job all these years if they enjoy the country okay they will share because they own it same here same here in this country let them enjoy the country because it's theirs and when it's theirs they naturally share the goodness of God leads us to change when a man has he always wants to give out it's the heart of the natural father but when people don't have they want to take from every mother's son every bit because they don't have I want to got one pie if you have a pal take half of yours as well do you just understand because they don't understand the industries there's life the industry is yours if the we've got gave you the industry you don't care who comes into the market you will just make sure that you sit on your seat and you adjudicate well I mean somebody is unfair you say this is unfair and you know what I'm gonna stand up for so-and-so because these aren't fair I don't like him one bit in fact he let me down in fact he's taken money from not even return but you know what what is fair is fair but judicious is judicious and I'm going to stand by righteousness and as you do that you become a son of the king Matthew six let's turn to many six now do you understand this now while I'm talking to you while I'm talking to you I want you to think about your industry because you can prophesy today because the pain that you've gone through if you are sick if you got a sickness why did you get that sickness ask the question don't you just hear me hear me hear me when you're sick have you ever thought man if I'm sick Claire is just a man how many people suffer from this so many people suffer only sickness I don't want any one yourself from this and that came that you go through is called the anointing the crushing and in that pain you have an authority what happens is in the pain we become victims we don't know that that situation is specifically for an anointing in that area so that you can heal people I'm not saying God gives it to you if you're going through any problems in your life but it's financial you know your financial probability you're going through use it because you're going to come out of this crushed and oil will be pouring out and it'll be a fragrance now you'll be able to pray don't spend time praying for yourself that problem in that area and whatever their industries and you've been challenging that industry God gave that industry to you and you're going through that because there's so many just like you suffering even worse than you and when you can say you know what I'm going to sit on the seat and I'm gonna be a blessed something ships are you with me okay now watch this okay now this is mine line Matt you fire me flows okay Bank can I have your pemmican prophesy now while I do it is it's a huge realm it is completely a different realm there's no self-interest there is no self-interest why is it as a self-interest have you noticed how Christians are just self-interested its bless us only and so if a non-believer is blessed it's like if baffles are mine right and because you're stuck in a system yeah you're stuck in a system of like how is he blessed he's blessed because God is a blessed it's time that you align yourself and bless him with the one whose blessing because you're called to say I bless this man in what he has do you want to send that and then what's your L watch where you go no matter your five and Jesus so plainly talks about it it is mind-blowing watch this magnify yeah yeah when talk about a and handle enemies now guys please understand God says he'll bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you some are worried about my enemies that's his job and as I sit on my seat and when they unfairness done to me notice for tremendous unfairness done to me the last one year you know this okay tremendous unfairness what have I done about it what have I done about those any means what have I done about the same is in fact a lot of them in big trouble at the moment from church splits to scandal and cases and all kind of things I didn't take long the same day where they use against me is self-appointed and all that nowadays one self-appointed two self-appointed okay same words now how did it happen what did Camille and will do of course I said there on my seat and I said lord I curse this damn thing of course I did that is that okay it is but on on what on what right because something bad is happening me because what they're doing is an injustice to many many people and God gave me that realm he gave me a realm as a leader of a church and I saw my God if this is and I found a pianist I my God if their duty to me it meant I mean look at you guys you guys are beautiful you guys were stand with me to take out in so I'm not I'm exactly I'm been able to lose but look at the other little ones we are duty to me then they do need too many people so it's not throwing down a destruction out of self-interest when you start looking at your enemies in that way things change it's so important to understand it it can't be for self-interest it can it can be because of who you are and what God has given you each one of you have given a realm and God has called you into that realm and he's called you sit on the seat and take ownership of that realm and make sure that you're not unconscious and fall asleep you want to send up now question what can you think in your industry I'm telling you 2020 is a year of a double of everything - two - two times a year of a double of everything you understand that and I'm teaching a new day it's the way we're going to go in is we're going to go in with an attitude of a son okay so I'm going to come around and you're going to shout it out for your industries and we're gonna prophesy our way out in 20 minutes you'll be awesome it gonna have a it's gonna be festive okay we're gonna get we're going to get smashed we're going to shout out we're gonna prophesy these things I'm going to declare that these industries will change but it's industries made it's your health but it's family issues the pain that you went through last year don't let it go to waste please don't let your pain go to waste you went through that so that you will have anger a passion you want to stand up till you go through it till you go through it you don't know what it feels like you know what rejection feels like last year do you know what rejection feels like last year tell you what rejected you will never feel for someone rejecter come on come on you want to stand up till you got sick in the way you were sick you will never feel left till you lost the money you will never feel that and so you've gone through much and a collective church ITB going through a lot let's use that don't let it go to waste and say Lord I don't want anyone else I've got angels with you working with me and we're going to put a stop to that I me pray over those people and those situations they don't need to know Jesus they don't need to be converted through you the nation is blessed Christians are given to a nation so the nation will be blessed and if you have that heart believe me it is gonna happen now here's a prophecy if you believe that there are eyes not your eyes your eyes as well but mostly their eyes will be super naturally open so that they see you and they desire you and they want you and they say this person is the one we want in the midst of us this is the person that needs to work with us this is the partner that I want by my side you will be supernaturally revealed in fact they will say stuff like this he says I don't know whenever I come into your meds I feel blessed and every time I'm with you or partner with your work like you become very rich they will say that they say I truly believe that God is with you if you understand us that is your destiny for 20/20 but it comes from a heart and Lord you know what I've gone too much and I don't want others to go through the same thing I don't want others to go through the same thing and you fire watch this thank you Jesus thank you Jesus good it changes your view right it changes your view on Christianity and it puts you on the seat i watch Matthew fast I don't know how we missed him but Jesus says it like this in verse 43 we end with this sir I don't know how we missed it up did I watch this one huh amazing mind blown verse 43 Jesus is now saying how you become the sons of the Father he says if you do this you'll be the sons of the Father Jesus is saying he says you could align yourself with what the father wants verse 43 he says you have heard you have heard that it was said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemies but I say to you love your enemies and bless those who curse you do good to those who hate you okay we say oh you be heard all this Jesus man listen carefully and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you but Jesus is very hard but watch why it says it watch why it says it why verse 45 that you may be what sons of your father in heaven wow so how you be sons it's just by understanding the days no self-interest there's no competition watch this now watch why he says it I'm going to say it again and we read it again and we coast with this okay and they'll be prophesied but I say to you love your enemies bless those who curse you do good for those who hate you pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you is it there that you may be sons of your father in heaven for he makes there you go the son on the evil one and under Goodwin he sends rain on the just and the unjust is it there Wow is it there he says God makes it rain on the good and the bad on the wicked and and just is it there if you love those who love you what reward have you what what reward have you is there Wow if you only love those who love you what reward have you you're not even a tax collectors do the same thing he says hey wow if you want to be father's if you wanna be sons sons of your father in heaven you got to understand the father does something very strange what does he do he reigns on the Hindus he reigns on the Buddhists he reigns on the Muslims same rate sometimes he's been looking he looked like even a little more and he reigns on the Christians but he says he's a savory he says you know he lets his sunshine on the Buddhists turn on the most Linux on the Hindus now that's just religious let's equations on the Tamils under similes on the burgers on the Muslims I'm just trying to show you same song okay let's take it a step further we look at the guy and he's been cheating all his life he's been robbing all his life you know this guy ISM I mean he does all the wrong things in fact he's done wrong to you but he's got the latest car in fact he got his how he got himself a house in France just recently with your money you can name the guy and then you're asking the Lord God why is this guy doing well and because he says he's a bit curvy the fact of the matter is I reign down I bless the righteous and the unrighteous the same now that doesn't sound like God but that is God he blesses the wicked man and a good man the same so then that's when Christians now cop-out he says come out now it is a hell of a thing why do I do come to church we got to you but become the church for us to get less exactly that's where the biggest problem has started you don't come to church to get blessed you come to church to be a blessing to them [Music] you've got to know where you are and then you know who you are you can then see that same person is robbing from you who is rob from you surely you're a smart guy he's robbed from other idiots as well okay but sure if we got truth from you I can imagine what happened to the others now do not prey from self-interest say god this is unfair I sit on my seat of judgment I send my angels out like candy so what he's doing right now see what happens when you stand from righteousness not about yourself but when you stand for others from the pain of the robbing that happened to you but you can feel from others and you can speak from that place you can see that your industries this nation will be blessed Jesus says my people might be caught if they humble themselves if they pray I will heal the whole nation not suddenly become Christians because you are any give me two mice maybe two Mike's gone get ready for a big thank you Jesus thank you Jesus just stand up to stand up to set up I'm going to show you something okay do you know the first time and what I said is a very strange thing okay how many of you remember the first time we had phone bills getting paid off not Church how many remember the time raise your hand you remember high-speed remember the time who did I go and talk to that is the only your church oh shut it out Serena okay I'm going to show you the example she works for a company right calcio telco huh what did I go for in just about I said do we agree machine can you big trouble but I teach it's not a company anymore yeah I said do we agree that bill is ticket with a market leader you remember what happened over hundred bills just got paid off angels moved I want to work with market leaders come here come on working market leaders because do we agree the hot one for you I know no I know but it's okay it's okay it's okay look it's a hard one for everyone this is big stuff because giving up yo you feel ego giving you engines away again you know what it means I mean you know the guys who cheated you and taken and they've competed with you I told you about them and what's gonna happen to them yeah but forget about what they've done could you say Lord you know what really with my heart I just wanna I want the whole industry to be pressed and I want even a competition because if you're all dressed just imagine if we all have less there is enough to go wrong God can make this come country so rich that you won't even you won't be fighting for small markets you can make this country so big fill it that's our people all the architects will have work [Music] nobody sensei no yeah whatever you do the best best best friends come right [Music] feel like I should be famous for the best architects in the world yeah that's real language known for its architects it'll be a leader in architects in the world not not the West but Sri Lanka for this year that Sri Lanka but one of the main big er than tourism they're people who come from all over the world looking for the best architects Sri Lanka its high-rise the skyline will change because there is so many accurate despite whole skyline will change each one will have ten big buildings to be oh yeah each one will have it and we pray even for the ones who compete a contributor than Singapore I used to believe for that guess it can be can have we can have be bigger than Singapore very fast we believe this group believes that's right bigger than Singapore yeah and even though architects you don't pray who don't come to avoid a lot of them come but all other guys even the guys in the other church can select the churches [Music] [Music] we have enough casinos the best man enough nothing has to bless it we are not petty we have enough blessing in deputy of magnanimous our God is big our God is huge he can bless the whole industry and still make us the best we can do it if they are blessing is our greatness they sing up Jesus come on come on Elliott come here come here come here going to do this [Music] I must be okay and now you can do it with a sincere heart okay I know it's for sure you were sending it and you lead it and others prophesied oh we use so many great things but I want you to release a place in a very dusty and every industry a nobody's nation come on [Music] [Music] [Music] the coding industry yeah you know everybody in this is the region yeah from Bangladesh to India to positives they come to us for advice yeah because we are the leaders in in in coatings for Poonam on and we've been able to take this message and be for our Italian company the biggest distributor in the world in the world I mean bigger than the Russian bigger than the American distributor come on and all that is because of the blessings I'm a nothing we will be able to do and to do to to to empower everybody around us release it to the others about it okay is it to that okay yes okay you see when we did in Sarina they do it again yeah come on you will be blessed if you are a son of God come on shondo come on [Music] maybe they just thank you Jesus thank you Jesus members Rohan ties are on data back there Gary come on Chris come on come forward where's Gary retro hunter come they're gonna pray come on industries I prophesied that the tourism industry is going to boom last amount of tourists it's going to have the highest amount of world drivers we are going to get the high-end tourists here we are going to get the highest brands here we are blessing to make this happen [Music] [Music] you watch the tourism industry responded because of this church watch what's gonna happen when we release right now the tourism industry right now to prosper and we declare that the the rates will come down in Jesus right now right now right now right now right now right now right now guru Oh [Music] I also a co-op chanter said tourism in this country you know this we have two million tourists coming to the country today and I prophesied that we are going to get bigger than France whoever they have the highest footfall in the country in the world but how are we going to accomplish that I infrastructure is going to get bigger and make the port city for example we are we are going to just take over that's going to be bold and more development architects are going to possible maintain lossy everyone are going to prosper because of tourism what is unfair what is unfair for you not you only everyone we would cancel because soon is very important and it is developing in you all the country but in our country due to that [Music] with the new system and II find it very comfortable but everybody [Music] whatever the thing everyone to get all the investment to the country because your your list to get the investment so I'm missing you sh and everyone in this [Music] [Music] we speak life below industry the my keys in your hand you are a son who owns the realm that can sit on panels i you believe me you remember I said I took Serena's hand bills got paid immediately in a second do you understand the power of what we are doing as we are greedy you will see these come to pass I give it you in writing again you will 100% come to pass as we have waited I pray that all the is send me the products the sri lankan made products not taken to the world stage [Applause] and all the supply of lack of supply of Road raw materials which come under the state for the industries will not have any left whatever you want give me local back I'm into IT industry it's a growing industry and with your blessings I mean bless you bless the industry energy she gave you a new we need we need pilots come on speaker industries I pray a blessing again the entire export industry but it is small medium or large I pray a blessing especially on the tax related savings our foreign investment coming into the country and making this place much bigger than what it is [Music] - the beauty industry and I think the small time as well really and restaurant but in the beauty industry I think the small time has advanced a really suffered because of the duty the import duties the taxes that we have for our products so i prophesy that those who come down and are my industry we're really cool and we will really have a completely different nation we will have the most beautiful nation we have already started I've already started with the municipal now again so we will have beautiful people and I just do it as a boon to another level I prophesied the domestic helicopter mission in Sri Lanka will prosper and more companies will warn helicopters and it will not be a luxury for anyone it will be in a city [Music] come on I even speak over the fashion industry is clear that the fashion industry will prosper every designer I place and I say be recognized in the u.s. be recognized implant be recognized around the world in fashion in the country I'd like to say that I mean I'm in the game development industry my studio this month the largest mobile game distributor in the world a billion-dollar company told us after working with hundreds of studios worldwide that we were the fastest improving studio they have ever worked with ever and is all from Sri Lanka all and I bless the industry everyone I bless the industry that all the artists all the creative artists in Sri Lanka in games and just painting in concept or whatever it is they all get equal opportunities and elegant opportunities to pursue their career pursue the curry [Music] come on Sharon is good stop I represent the papaya industry and Sri Lanka used to be the biggest exporter of natural fibres in the world and not anymore but I prophesied that this year and the harvests will increase there'll be enough of material and that we will become again the biggest exporter of fire fiber in the world [Music] i prophesy just like Philip did and so many others at the construction and the interior industry and the design industry will perish and that we will be sought-after worldwide we will be sought-after worldwide and that there will be a an exponential growth of the industry for everybody in industry i prophesy that through media I represent media promoting sri lanka tourism that through every word written by every journalist everywhere in the world there be a supernatural revelation of sri lanka in the first place the number one country to visit [Applause] I speak over the food industry i prophesy that Colombo in Sri Lanka will be the known nation of restaurants and cafes in regions all others in South Asia and I just declare over the entire fitness industry all of the trainers that no longer will they become loads unqualified no longer will they be calls or seen as not having anything to offer not valued but this year there will be a fitness wave that it's gonna hit Sri Lanka because there is going to be a value for the industry for its trainers and I also prophesy that if the Turner this year that people are gonna wake up valuing life filing hell valuing fitness and as they do every trainer every group class instructor is going to have no shortage of clients it's going to have no shortage of class members and they are going to be paid top dollar for what they do because there will be a value and I also speak that every supplement all the fitness equipments all the things that have about a 30% markup and tax that tax is going to go down so under half of it it will no longer be and also all the latest Fitness things are gonna come to Sri Lanka we're no longer going to be barred from those things and also Sri Lanka is going to be known as the most innovative place for worldwide starting this year I speak over the music industry and I speak right now that the next wave I speak the next sound the next news will come from this bed so the World Bank gives billions and trillions of dollars around the world including to Sri Lanka so I declare that the Kingdom principles from abundance as Kirby said it it remains it's the largest lender surface of a heart of the Father as it gives from this step for Kingdom principles in the way use lends money and gives grass all the nations of the earth and lets Sri Lanka reform that will be blessed abundantly [Music] I declare that the transportation industry in sri lanka will boom I pray that people grow and fill I will be famous for logistics plan foreign trade and for efficient service this year [Music] resources resources that can be converted to incomes but unless we use it in a stable manner we will lose to resources so I pray and I prophesy that our conservation will be resource Pierce time will be here in a manner that resource will continue forever computers talking out of my league herbs object type of the band is in industry and Sri Lanka has and oh its foreign exchange being the largest foreign exchange earner that we planted several blocks that we have t SS coconut but now that market has gone down and we Appeal to Reason men use the garment industry and foreign employment I predict that with improve prices with improved production all this time we have had a market driven price structure I predict that it will be without sin T one [Music] prosperity products whatever products they use [Music] [Music] I'm Jason I represent the beauty industry boy oddly awesome I represent the film industry we fall back we call back films that were shot in the 80s like Indiana Jones feedback International Hollywood film entertainment for you know and you look at all different from and thinking that brown guys [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all the natural resources that are in this country whatever they're based on we just speak increase in every area we speak increase within Colombo we speak in all the rural areas has so much to offer in this film we call it the nation's the most experienced the most missed our yoga teachers to actually come here and talk with them crowds from other nations who see Sri Lanka as the center that becomes the center of the listing throughout the whole of the world for health or wellness for long life might declare prosperity over all of the trainers in the fitness industry the health industry the saga would be known for new blueprints new new modules new programs new inspiration may everybody who comes to Sri Lanka have the awareness for God in everyone and come back to union within every single one being on a one God and Mia one and everybody may come here to realize that we are the ones here to bless every single one in this world [Music] I'm a 3l Campea and be prophesied and 2020 will be made evil and it was many many farmers will ya will be benefiting from this edge nationwide I also want to say about the real estate industry we did construction in architecture there's a lot of things in the real estate industry we need to cover it's gonna repeat that thousands of units across a lot of people I don't not a lot of real estate which is to move and go and make construction the real estate market Bilbo really rough everyone [Music] I speak for them weddings and the car especially for weddings I speak the WP destination weddings either silica will be a country and people I speak over printing publishing and packaging industries specially the packaging industry to grow more and more sri lanka and internationally they export markets to be improved more and more when i speak over the IT and the technologies mr. die we do this more and more in all the industries alright I speak over the family industry because all I'm dustless will be nothing if we are not solid as a family I speak life over every marriage every relationship that there will be no separation that there will be no hurt and I drop site that we sri lanka is gonna be an example for for a good marriage for good relationships for good family lassie on [Music] [Music] [Applause] the relationship special angels operating I bless this Jesus I think we have been one of the biggest exporters in the world and I wanted to excel and for the whole world to know that Sri Lanka is an amazing place for manufacturing and that they will all come to Sri Lanka buy their clothes from Sri Lanka I speak for conservation environmentalist climate adaptation all that and I when I was going coming here by a tuk-tuk trishal a guy suddenly the driver said carbon dioxide out of nowhere and I speak that Sri Lanka will set up an example with innovative way [Music] politician redeeming the creation and now [Music] there we danced in front of the heart he does because he was so full of joy and I declare the dance will become joyous again and all this competitive spirit and owning of people we are stopping this country and that we will bring forth a new breed joyous dancing in this way all kinds of dancing not a particular time but all times through the pain of [Music] [Applause] hello guys I'm kovitch okay this regarding healthcare I pray i prophesy there will be no no more diseases cure predominates and cure for prehypertension industry so I pray I bless and pray and prophesy that the best of the best lawyers will emerge from this nation now the best of the best contracts will emerge from this nation the best of the best international arbitrators will emerge from this nation and there will be justice maintained and there will be lawyers who will be created by God made by God to stand for justice in this nation i prophesy [Music] speak for the financial markets I believe that it's time that government put in the right structures and identify it as a way of bringing in foreign direct investment that Sri Lanka will be one of the best emerging markets where where people look for investment opportunities and there'll be sufficient volume and people don't have to strap that there will be such an abundance that good companies will come enlist in the kalapa market and that the whole industry will fry for a while I speak over I speak over Ceylon tea then it'll be great once again I'd be the great for everyone we are now over 400 companies in sri lanka everyone and business that the government will support and that everyone around the world will know Ceylon tea and demand fight [Music] for the advertising company sri lankan if you ain't know our names in the creative industry I want them to open a new Ram that you know that they will speak about Jesus they will tell people that they can have everything what we have in what way inspiring them on through social media deviously the we want I want them to speak about Jesus and tell them that they can also have what we have and the earth is open for them to have that relationship with God [Music] right [Music] sports 20 years now it's down we speak about the crickets for this twenty20 cricket in Sri Lanka is gonna cook become the number one now going to know it they're going to know the football because are the qualifier for watch Bob it's so down I pray for the for the Federation should i cough graduation also this year the foot bones Sri Lanka for body is here it's gonna be one of the greatest and I also prayed for the club site Colombo FC gusta la lucha ahora club I mean maybe this year going for the World Cup champion what contract your ship scoffs I try to Austin they are going to know them in Jesus name [Music] yeah I figure the education industry then there will be more teachers they'll be expectations towards all the teachers in Sri Lanka and all the schools will be recognized Sri Lanka will have no best recognised school and all the teachers will there will be international declared that all the teachers in Sri Lanka will be recognized in the world and they will get the best I prophesied that the athletes in this country will shine because the only fix is coming next year and we are going to bring more and more gold medals to this country as y'all know that I'm some Devon years old I prophesied that everyone over 60 they think they are very old they can't do anything they can and upon the war part in sports never be running at least women and wait until nothing is going to stop them my age is only a number i [Music] represent every unique artist who a beatboxer so I represent every unique artist who is afraid of starting something new that they will prosper and prosper they will not take on any identity but they will to live awesome committed lives to Jesus and they will prosper and they'll know that this is the most sweetest amazing life to live and they will have the boldness to stand and start whatever they like and have the ballers to do prosper in whatever they like this I want to start a new industry they will start [Music] that the prosper and grow beyond every measure [Music] the comedian give someone a hug wish him for the new year with every word not one word to fall to the ground I'm just releasing right now there's anyone issues with their heart in Jesus name right now I declare that have been prediction right now but it's Collister all with high blood pressure any type of cardiac issues right now I arrest cardiac arrest right now right now when I declare that can be healing of hearts in Jesus name right now and I declare that this nervous system disorders people who have nervous system disorders from Alzheimer's Parkinson's two different sicknesses and diseases we declare and every single day you start getting better and better and better and better and you will realize your health you will realize your life you'll realize that God is is healing you right now we declare right now for those we nervous system issues with those in memory issues of Alzheimer's - amnesia what is it what that was a thing dementia dementia I declare right now that God is going to come into your life and you're gonna wake up with a better memory but jesus loves you right now right now right now let it be done let it be done yeah I prophesied that every church in sri lanka whenever revelation of christ [Music] [Music] [Music] right now bless this day we bless the wine the blood covenant of forgiveness no to the end each one takes a blessing right now I've gotta win thank you and forgiveness is for us it's also for the whole world on favorite mistake that we have not known but you are paying the debts that behind me there's so many mistakes under we have gotten throughout last year so many mistakes and we can't give God neither do you want us to be [Music] justice you're making sure the ones we have hurt the ones we have did down the people we've spoken against the people that we have scandalized so God and you are compensating him today or God that meant today I enemy will be blessed because the work that we have done against them for God because we are Christians God and we warned him to be blessed just like they're compensated not laughs in our hand we know that human footprints in houses every wicked thing that has been done against us every betrayal every letting down every bad word spoken Oh God and you will compensate us press down shaken together running over Wendy Wendy we're gonna receive the compensation but a betrayal little negativity and others and that was Jesus mighty [Music] see the ultra promised to blow me from the ashes if not my soul [Music] [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 10,368
Rating: 4.90099 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg video, rccg sermon, rccg holy ghost sermon, pastor e a adeboye, online sermons, trump, donald trump, president trump, president donald trump, trump rally, trump impeachment, trump 2020, trump news, trump visit, trump booed, doanld trump, trump speech, trump obrador, trump ukraine, melania trump, trump hong kong, trump baltimore, baltimore trump, trump border wall, irby de Lanerolle, wowlife, wow church, wow sri lanka
Id: crkTHrv52Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 48sec (6588 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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