What Is Pure Truth? (Practicing the sabbath)

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[Music] hi everybody okay you are on the transcen page and welcome to tuesday transcend okay guys uh let me see where i'm is my phone okay let me see you guys it's better if i see you hold on let me get you on transcend okay so here we are so who's here okay hi shareen hi trevor hi karmalita okay so guys if you if you are watching me from the usa hi jeffrey francesco my man okay so if you're watching me from the usa and canada and anywhere else outside of sri lanka and india it's important that you understand that we got 24 hours to close the mentorship uh coaching um what do i call it uh the program that we're doing okay we're doing a mentorship application that means once you apply uh i think we've got close to nearly 500 applications so guys we're 24 hours left please apply because after that we will not be able to take you in and after that what happens is four sessions with me and then we've got a platform for you to be mentored okay so we're breaking you guys up into groups and we're gonna have coaches over you guys and it's gonna be an awesome time this year is a year of equipping the lord has uh led me to really equip the body of christ because we need to be able to be completely equipped mature enough to handle what is coming okay and i'm not this doom and gloom guys so i'm not saying what is coming is bad i'm saying what is coming is different it's a different dimension you need to be able to be working in that dimension you need to be able to have a heart for the dimension you need to know the new thing okay i'm every time i say this like you got to be equipped to what is coming everyone oh what is coming in doom and gloom and i know a lot of people say that i don't think so i think it's going to be awesome i think it's going to be restful i think it's going to be pretty produce producing it at stillness and the best of our creativity will come out the best technology will come out okay so i'm very hopeful but i'm saying that to be able to apprehend to be sensitive okay this is the key that's to be sensitive to the new you need to have a new heart okay and so the quipping is to make sure that you have a new heart not like oh the devil is going to come and eat you up and gobble you up and it's it's all going to be bad no that's not my doctrine i don't teach like that i believe in abundance and god is constantly on the increase to the increase of his kingdom there is no end that doesn't mean there are no mosques that doesn't mean there's no lock down that doesn't mean there's no more corona virus with all the chaos you enter into the stillness that's what i mean you have a new heart and we create true a new heart everything we've created up to today we must understand has been created out of the old heart yes out of the old heart okay uh i mean christians today we can we can look at the state of the world and we can say uh oh my god uh people are so wicked and the world is a wicked place to be and uh you know things that things are hard and it's going to get worse and we're looking at what's going on in the political uh geopolitical uh view and you know things are getting harder and all this kind of stuff and that's just what i call perspective okay that's perspective and that's exactly what we are supposed to change in the new covenant what changes is perspective think about that okay and that's why these teachers are so important because what will change is perspective and when your perspective changes the world changes okay so let's let's just put it like this okay who is responsible okay i'm going to i'm going to of course i'm going to say this okay i'm going to say it okay now watch this who is responsible for the state of the world today think about that for a moment and let's take responsibility okay who is responsible for america being like america like it is today okay who is responsible for sri lanka like it is today who is responsible for the world who is responsible for coronavirus who is responding we like to point fingers at the chinese oh no it's made in a chinese lab now who is responsible let's take responsibility okay we are responsible and uh let's not give it out let's not share this responsibility uh let's not have collective responsibility you know like we always tout it when we are supposed to take responsibility hey what about collective yeah yeah let's take first microcosm okay let's take responsibility you and i individual responsibility first let me go to the collective okay who created what we are having today you did okay i did okay that's the first thing and especially christians if you know christ then you created the virus let's first be there because if you don't know that you can get sick if you don't know that you can't you can't uncreate like you have that means you are just a volatile weak creature that things happen to you okay and uh that's not true that's not the way uh that's not what the bible says the bible says that we have been given dirt we have been given dominion everything that everything that springs forth comes out of the human condition or the human heart oh no no it's because of the gentiles no no it's because of their it's their fault it's they they're they're the ones making mistake no the godless will be godless okay the ones who the conscious what about the the conscious ones the ones who awake sleepers awake you are supposed to create and so this is our creation and the first thing the first realm of the mystical is first being first understanding that everything nothing is out of your control there's nothing that you have in your life that is out of your control it's a it's a it's a it's a deep thought and it's bigger than what i'm even saying now it's things that i meditate on years on for years about that if i ever think you know there are things that happen uh that happen all around me that seem like it's out of control and that's a a powerful deception that we are in because everything seems like it's happening from externally outside of me and this is the biggest deception that can happen to you you are deceived because nothing is happening outside of you from an external force and once you once you decide on that and you take responsibility for it and you really take responsibility and i said really take responsibility for it you will really have power real power comes to you when you really take responsibility and so that's the first thing that we need to understand that hey let us make man in our image let us give them dominion who is talking about this we're talking about the elohims the powers of god we are given them dominion okay and then man is created from the earth okay god puts his spirit which is in the is the image of god the spirit okay and he puts it into man as you know and then man names and creates everything okay from the ground and you see that from the ground came up everything that means the ground had the power to produce it still has the power to produce nothing changed god looked at the ground and everything he created and said it is good in fact you look at everything he created except for the second day when when the waters and that whole thing but anyway everything else he looked up i won't go into detail but he looked up and he said it is very good everything is created very good now once that has been done what has been given to us is very good what has changed is our perspective the curse is not god never cursed the ground he said the ground is cursed because of you why because your eyes are now closed what happened what is the dynamics of the curse what we don't we do we see we we think this god is a god that is just cursing god doesn't curse god god god is he he's he is justice and love and then he says this earth i made everything it's good and then he said but now it's cursed because of you it's be it's because and then you see oh how did that happen and you realize that man's perception changed his eyes were closed that's what happened he says his eyes were open now to the natural realm and his eyes were closed to the spiritual realm he could not see the goodness remember that in the beginning in chapter one god ev created everything according to his image remember spirit spirit spirit then he causes things to come out of the ground okay and he puts the spirit in a man and says man now create man is now busy creating and he's creating and creating and in fact man doesn't mean uh male man means man both male and female and so he's creating from his in for his ability to create both male and female he's he's creating and that's why you know i i i harvested a fish called barramundi and let me just tell you a bit about this fish this fish grows up uh as a male and then after a little while when it goes out to sea it turns into a female okay i'm just giving you this kind of stuff because that's really uh you can be uh you might not like these things but these things are they are because god is creating out of who he is both male and female okay so you'll get a lot of things like that so man started creating so all these uh creations are actually what man created out of the elements that were given fire water wind were given to man a man starts creating he is the creator of his world okay and everything around him he creates and so he started creating and while he started creating and creating and creating then god said hey you know what why don't i look what you're creating from your from all this you're creating but let me create someone for you as well to be together okay and that doesn't mean separate it means one there's one and so man then he eve is not taken from the dust of the ground everything else is taken and this is very interesting story i'll get there one day okay it's not taken from the duster ground everyone else is taken from the ground okay and eve is taken from the heart okay and as he is taken from he was taken from the heart okay her name is not eve it is taken from the heart and when he takes her from the heart man looks at her and says you are me okay and he gives her the nature and the character of who he is because that's what he did he called her he called the flesh of my flesh born of my bone okay isha just like me okay and so eve was just like him okay it's just like i i told you like if you have the whole bible is about the story it's and you have to understand it the the the separation is the problem okay as and so eve now although it's one it's one body two parts okay and that's what happened and so now eve and him are one and so he looks at eve and he says just like me so there was no separation okay till he ate from the tree of polarity of judgment of evaluation of grading between the the black and the white the middle is what you know what is that color okay uh grading between hot and cold okay i mean once it gets once you put the it's a bit hot and you put the ac on and uh it it's still very hot and then when the ac starts coming on you'll understand ac means the cold ass that's coming on from the machine you realize it's very hot and then it gets less hot and less hot and less salt and less hot okay even when it gets extremely cold it's much less hot that's all it is so but if you can turn it the other way around and you do you do the other thing and but it's the it's the whole of the same thing but it's polarities so suddenly when you ate from the tree of polarity of judgment you just saw hot and cold now pure truth and god says that he's truth he's there is no shadow of turning and like ah there you go no no he's talking of pure truth pure truth says this and this is from from john 1 from 1 john 1. pure truth says what he says don't say that you don't have sin so he's trying to show you the polarities say that you are a sinner but also say that you have advocate who forgives you from all sin so you say you have to see pure truth means that you see the whole natural face in the mirror i'll tell you again you look don't forget the natural face in the mirror pure truth is you see the natural face but you also see the divine nature come on man i mean it's all over the bible that's what pure truth is the ability a man who can see the natural face and be able to know the divine nature both well and completely knows the whole pin he knows the top and he knows the bottom very very very important and what has happened to us is that we have decided either this or that what do you need for america what you need from america is a republican and a democrat boat together okay in this part of the world we call it the middle path okay what we need in the world is both we don't need one side we need to be able to see both and when we can see both we see the whole we see the whole picture the whole picture is a real truth and so you tell me when you we decide upon upon not eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil what does that look like what does it look like to live in a world that doesn't polarize things and we call it meditation okay we call it stillness we call it where our heart doesn't constantly move in emotions that's us absolute stillness it's uh if you want to see if you want to see it just physically um to do it i i teach some people this kind of stuff you know if you want to just understand it just if you if you if you widen your gaze and i say if you want to run or if you want to exercise or something like just just just don't be narrow just when you narrow when you narrow when you narrow down you just concentrate but you just widen your gaze like this and be able to see from the peripheries even right now by watching you just see both sides both peripheries and you realize that you go into from a beta state from the state of just fast fast fast fast thoughts you suddenly go into a state of no thoughts less dots less thoughts less thoughts a soft look a soft gaze they call it okay you're able to see much more and then you go slower slower slower slower slower slower okay why because you're able to take in the whole picture this is so important because god wants us to live in that stillness where we don't rush to judge and call it something that is just one part we're supposed to see the whole the natural and the spiritual the earthen whistle but look true to see the glory okay so um i'm going to show you show you a few things that will be important to understand now let's look at this so we're talking of the sabbath we're talking about the rest we're talking about the stillness we're talking about creation i'm talking about manifesting i'm talking about creating the world i'm telling you that you have the power first take responsibility everything that i have today is what i have created first take responsibility individually then we can go to the macro then we can point fingers at others actually we don't point fingers we point fingers at ourselves and then we can look hey why don't you come in and take responsibility with me you're inviting people to take responsibility for what they have created in the world okay now once you understand that okay once you take responsibility and say everything that happens okay it's a it's an interesting world to live in a world of cause and effect because when you understand cause and effect you'll understand that there's nothing that happens that means seed sowing and get a harvest jesus teaches this okay this is not a buddhist theory this is not a it's not a part of india and sri lanka please understand it's part of your bible you sow seed you get a harvest so judgment you get judgment you sow love you get love this is cause effect okay you don't get a harvest without a seed simple these are simple principles simple principles people hate these principles because when they have a house they're like oh that guy this guy this guy this guy they're like oh no no where was the seed when you see the seed you realize ah harvest oh seed okay so once you understand it that doesn't mean bad anything everything that manifests for me to pick this up there is a need that's an effect why there was a cause okay all these things there is a reason that everything happens once you have decided on that you become a master of your universe you become the great i am the christ dwells in you and you realize that you now have authority so everything that happens is because of you okay so the earth is cursed because of you remember oh really oh i thought no no i thought you cursed the earth no no the earth is cursed because of you so once you understand that you look at everything and realize okay this is the effect what is the cause you will not have you will not have an effect without a cause you will not have a harvest without a seed it is not not possible okay if you have a seed and guess what here's the interesting one here here's the mind-blowing one you have to decide on this the mystics decide on it they say yes we agree we we can't move away from it this is for sure watch this if you have a seed you will have some type of harvest that's it so it can be tears or it can be wheat it's up to you another i'm only going to do a book called uh principles uh spiritual biblical principles okay simple principles that people miss out every seed will come out of its own kind you understand it there's no way it's very easy to see it okay but once you understand polarity you understand this you'll be understand a seed because once you understand that heat cold and this coal here is just less heat this this heat here is less cold once you get that you see the whole thing that's the pure truth you're not eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil then you realize what is the kind of this whole thing i was i just went to meet a friend who lost his wife and it was sad to to to be there and um you know i was you know like many of these you know i me like like we learn to experience you have to fail to know it's a spiritual principle okay or you can learn from someone else or you can have you will never have a full experience but at least a small failure you have to have if you're in a good pastoral group you'll realize that they won't let you fall hard okay but they will let you fall small teeny weeny bit so that not as not as hard as i fall but you'll have to fall a slightly bit a little bit so that you'll understand what a hard fault can feel okay there's no experience without pain okay now these are all spiritual principles now what i'm trying to explain is just about uh just about polarity like you know we we talk of i'm just throwing this as an example okay um so my friend's wife didn't take chemotherapy because she believed that chemo was not good a lot of people out there who who believed that and for a certain very short time i read about it and i thought chemo wasn't good okay and then i started understanding the biblical principles and we we started telling our people no if you have if you get sick and have cancer take chemo it's going to be good for you and people started taking chemo with the right mentality without seeing the polarization they started seeing oh no no chemo is medicine chemotherapy is medicine it's going to be good for me and people started getting healed just think about this okay this is important to understand we're not denying it because simple how did you get sick i'm just going to show you simple spiritual principle but it'll blow you away how did you get sick how did you get the cancer how did we get it poison what poison food oh poison oh we got poison and we developed the cancer so what will destroy the cancer no poison poison yes once you see the hole everything works like that the whole earth works like that once you see it you'll understand it how do i get my muscle resistance how do you get wounded today i will it's a crazy thing i'll tell you i went to my physio i go to my physio they're brilliant features great physios so i go to my physio and uh i'd go i got like a little pain in my shoulder and uh sorry yeah shoulder here elbow yeah okay so the elbow and um i was talking to him and this pain wasn't going for a long time and um then he said look the the pain on the elbow he said oh the new type of therapy is that we do i said so do i rest it he said no we don't rest it he said the new therapy is that you exert it what do you mean exactly he said keep doing the same weight not that exercise not too much but it has you have to have more resistance while you're doing it consciously you will do it and then you get healed and guess what that's exactly how we get here have you ever got healed have you noticed have you noticed that when you get injured when you work out although a lot of people say rest and rest is important i'm talking about a sabbath but in a mindset of stillness and rest when you apply the same thing there you get here and these are these are these are precious man just to understand this what am i trying to show you the tree of the knowledge of good and evil when we don't understand what seed it is ah this is all wheat oh this is the top of the wheat this is the bottom of the wheat but it's all wheat okay i first understand that it produces of its own kind what will help me the own kind i have applied your own kind okay when i apply the own kind that's how i'll get healed when i see the hole when i see oh this heat here is a part of the cold then i understand it they say you know we jump in the ice but they actually say if you jump in the sauna and jump in dies jump in the sauna and jump in dies jump in the sun and jump your eyes that's what's really good not just jumping in the ice alone wow okay so you see it's the whole that's important so uh today they say like we fiona is training for marathon and uh uh triathlon and those days i would run i have to run okay so when my heart rate is quite high at some points and so when i'm running i'm i'm running throughout okay so five kilometers around throughout now her teacher okay i mean supposed to be really brilliant his technique of running quite mind-blowing run one and a half kilometers stop and walk hundred meters and then run another one half kilometers now normally all my life i've been running five kilometers straight and i never had any improvement guess what run walk run walk run walk it's the same thing okay and suddenly my timings are getting better i'm getting fitter i'm not exerting as much because i'm seeing the whole finally our eyes are opening to see not just one thing but the whole fasting feasting fasting feasting not just fasting we've done that feasting important you get it i mean it's so important both once you see the whole something happens something happens life changes why am i telling you this i'm telling you this because we can demonize certain things okay judge certain areas of our lives without understanding that that is exactly what it is the polarization eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and as we do that what happens is we die okay and that ability to quickly judge something according to the law according to certain precepts according to the law that right there that is what we call um out of the sabbath we are completely out of the sub at rest when we go back to the stillness and be able to contemplate on the whole okay you need for this you got to be really slow you know why because there are degrees of this thing there are degrees of cold and there are degrees of warmth and unless i be able to really contemplate on it wow i mean just to give you theology i mean i i'm not telling you i believe this kind of stuff but there was a guy called oregon and i was reading uh if you know fiona is doing a master's in theology where is it fuller okay she's doing a master's in theology fuller and so she reads maybe like a colossal amount of books she tries at least but she does she actually studies 10 12 hours a day and so uh i get a chance to sometimes listen to what she's listening to and then sort of glean off what she's gleaning and grab some of the books and read as well and there was a guy called oregon and i'm just saying this i'm doing it i'm not even saying i believe this but i just like to i like to talk about it because it it builds immunity when you talk about different things then we are on transcend page so we can talk about this stuff this is why you're here it's because it's deep you can run we can transcend and oregon who who actually bought the he actually brought the concept of the trinity he framed the concept of the trinity financially in front of me the theology oregon but he actually even believed with believing in the trinity he believed that the devil can be redeemed think about that i just thought dude i remember all things reconciled he i was like i remember a new age guy walked up to me and i re i still remember this walked up to me in the time of my height of my pentecostal charismatic stage and uh i asked a question for me he said hey if god can forgive everyone why can't you forgive the devil and i was like man you don't know this god because i was polarized i was eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil i was more gracier like hot and cold i was more hot or cold than the others but i was still polarized because i only saw one part okay origin his name is origin okay now what i'm trying to say what i'm trying to tell you is this builds immunity do you know that that the jews just just to give you understanding the jews don't have much theology now this is important to understand jews don't have theology theology is a christian concept it's it's good okay i'm not saying i don't get polarized it's good i love theology but it's also bad okay jews have no theology they have something called a talmud guess what the talmud is the talmud is different rabbis giving different interpretations of the same thing so their immunity is very strong they are not like what i call what people can call uh weak okay i don't want to use the word um it's a political word now but uh but the fact of the matter is they're not weak in their immunity they can balance two three interpretations they're okay with the interpretations they're not weak in their conscience like oh my god is it this or is it that no why do you need to conclude just just work with two or three interpretations why can't you have two or three interpretations why because we are weak we want to control we want to know is it this or is it that oh you want to eat from the treated knowledge of good and evil okay so i'm just explaining to you what this stillness looks like you know my friend debbie chris had written me a long note and she may be watching me right now and i couldn't read all of it but i read part of it and uh i realized she was trying to get me kirby now i'm not saying that debbie is eating from the tree of knowledge she's one of the most progressive ladies i have met in my life okay she's awesome okay in fact she might agree with uh with all i've said and maybe much more okay i learn a lot from her now so she had written written a lot uh to me and um she's asking me now copy what what is it so actually that's it what is it what what the heck are you saying what is it leave it in let's leave it in the state of flux okay because the sabbath which is comfortable with the state of flux because in the state of lux we can create in the state of lux we can create okay so and i've said a lot and not even read the bible okay now here it is okay so revelation chapter 1 jesus says do not be afraid i am the first and the last i am he who lives and i was dead but i'm alive oh my god look look at the polarities first and the last what is he saying exactly what i'm trying to tell you he didn't say amber first like you want to run a race and come last think about it i'm just trying to say i mean these are just the basic fundamentals here do you want to be the last no we never want to be the last we wanted jesus is the first oh but jesus said you'll be the head they're not the tail oh hold on hold on that's all law stuff let's look at what jesus says okay he says i'm the first but i'm also the last i am the resurrection but i'm also the life but i'm also the dead i died you understand i died but now i'm also alive the bible says look at look at the look at i'm just giving you an understanding of what kind of realm of stillness we should live in he says now that you died in christ and were buried in christ okay so now we have to be dead buried and now you're resurrected in him so in christ we are all three no no we won't only live the resurrected life we only know the rest of your life is important so when we see a sick person we want to deny that and so when we want to see when you see a sick person you know what we want to do we want to heal him why do we want to heal him because we are living the resurrected life brother no what about a dead life what about the sick life do you think there is no there is no christ in death that no life can separate us from the love of god of course there's christ in death i was there today i met my friend okay he's he's living the dead life there's christ there everywhere man you should see their faces happy the believers you know there's children i met the children smiling only only christ can do it be me why there's christ in death there's christ in sickness oh no but that's not but jesus healed no he didn't heal everyone he healed some people there were many people who were who were sick he was too busy doing sometimes uh wine miracles like silly signs and wonders when there was sick people around because sickness i'm in everything i'm we have to have a better option than moving with our emotional heart space that has no sensitivity i'm getting somewhere with the sensitivity stuff that's how we started okay when you don't eat from between the knowledge of good and evil you become sensitive when you're in stillness you're able to see the hole so you're able to see everything and so the top the bottom and you become extremely sensitive because you see in the hole if you're only holding on to one stance you lose sensitivity but if you see the whole they're like ah wow okay this is hey this is not bad this top here is not bad it's just less it's just less than this here less than the end but it's it's much less you're sensitive that's what consciousness is that's what meditation is that's what stillness is that's what contemplation is sensitivity question when was the hebrew boy circumcised eighth day okay what do you mean circumcised oh after the sabbath guess what happens you become sensitized yes circumcision is on the eighth day you know what eighties eight eternity okay forever realm sensitive forever okay that's what a day seven day rest as you rest on the seventh day guess what circumcision on the eighth day why now you're circumcised in the heart if you enter the sabbath the next in the circumcision and the circumcision of the heart means now you're sensitive you can see the whole why you're still you're not moved to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you're not you're not you're not moved to judge anymore you can look at a state of infinite potential you can look at the state of flux and be so comfortable in the touhou you're comfortable in the mystery you're comfortable in the stillness you're comfortable with no noise you're comfortable without any movement if i flash a light now at you from your left hand side your eye will catch the movement and you will bring meaning to your movement you can't help it we bring meaning to movement because we are not comfortable with stillness we can't help it we are created if nothing moves there's no meaning have you noticed that if i keep my my hand on you like this as you find it you'll find you'll find my hand oh my someone is touching me i'll leave you there for a little while you'll forget about it there's no movement what am i talking about because suddenly now it has become one with you you have become one with it you have learned to deal with this but if i if the same thing if i if i i tell people when i'm meditating i tell people look guys so they say shall we put the music off they don't put the music off put the music on okay because music is fine as long as there is a rhythm to the music but if there is a randomness and a shouting and whatever and like now that it won't disturb me why it's not supposed to okay it's not supposed to but it disturbs me why because my mind will try to make meaning out of movement out of anything that moves you know you mind this kind of stuff okay and so unless i find a sabbath unless i find stillness i'm constantly trying to bring some sort of name adam was created to give character and meaning that's what it means that means you can bring meaning to anything the way you look at it your perception the way you catch it the way you make it yours will cause it to have meaning in your life for someone else's life till you till till as long as you're still and you look at something you will not cr you will not give it a name you will be able to look at it without any identity and you can see the oneness and you can always be in spirit this and that are one we are just spirit but as we start trying that's moving our mind starts moving with it then we want to like okay let's bring meaning to it let's give it a name let's give it a character okay why because that's who we are we are characterizing constantly continuously giving branding things because why do we name things just think about it there are different reasons why we name things because we want to characterize we want to bring meaning to things so we have to be very careful when we are naming something unless you see the whole when you name it you can name it only black and once you name it only black it's always going to be only black but what is black have you really seen what black is do you know that if it's really black you can't even see it because because light won't bounce off it for you to see if it's really black wow it's deep you understand it dark matter now what i'm trying to say is we give names because we want to characterize and give meaning to it and in the character of the name is power that's what adam was created to be so he says i'm the first and last okay i like this i have the keys of hades and death before you say that i like this one i am the one who lives and was dead and behold i'm alive forever more and i have the keys of hades and death so that's what's given to you death and life okay both we have to know both we have to know both very well that's who we are both okay and then i love this because you get the seven seven if you overcomes if you overcome if your comes in genesis in revelation is mind-blowing but i like uh if you look at the the first uh if you overcome straight off he says it watch this well he tells it speaks to the church and he says in verse chapter 2 in verse 7 he says he who has ears let him hear what the spirit says to the churches to him who overcomes i will give to him to eat of the tree of life that is in the midst of the paradise of god wow you see there a way is open that means now if you understand it's kind of stuff you understand who christ is you get to eat again from the tree of life remember this you know i had a vision just about uh three weeks ago like uh two three weeks ago and um i was uh taken to uh to eden and i was at the end at the beginning of eden and the lord showed me as he opened it up it's just wondrous vision he i opened my mouth and in my mouth was a double-edged sword just like christ had and the double edges when i spoke whatever i spoke it was like it was ancient hebric language like names of god if it's actually names of god that was speaking and i spoke as i spoke the names of god the pathway opened to the tree of life i i i saw it and he explained to me this was that he when he says i am the first and i'm the last if you look at the hebrew of it it means i am the aleph and i am the tab actually he's saying i am the full alphabet just understand it that's so wonderful isn't it he says i'm the full and i'm the a and the is end kirby and a b c d f g h i j k l m b all the full alphabet and the full alphabet means that in the beginning was the alphabet he created form the living words each word was alive each sorry each letter was alive so he says i am all of it kirby i and when you know that you can use each letter each what does it mean to know the word what does it mean that the word became flesh and built among us it means the whole alphabet now is inside of you okay but if you start polarizing this is the devil listen to my who is certain series this is good this is bad this person is a good person that person is a bad person we are still eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and therefore what we are creating is coming out of that realm and therefore we are having corona viruses we are having diseases we're having all our creations because we are eating out of a natural realm god is calling his people to eat off the whole alphabet okay and create out of a realm that there is no shadow right there is just holistic creations that there is no separations here o israel the lord your god is one you are supposed to create out of that now i won't i won't go too much into revelations i was planning to but let me uh let me take you to let me take you to yeah let me take you to genesis let's go back to genesis i'll just take it from there okay we go into genesis you'll realize now let's go into hebrews let's go to hebrews hebrews 4 very very interesting hebrews 4 hope you guys are doing well is everything going hi rodan everything i hope you're getting all this and i'm trying i'm trying to land the sabbath series okay because um after today i don't know when i'm going back here okay so we should be able to close in on the sabbath series and after this i'm just i just i think you'll be ready for this i want to talk about this is going to be controversial but it's going to be interesting no but you think i should do questions yeah why no no no we're going to talk about that yeah yeah okay so sorry fiona and i have a little discussion okay so after um after this i want to maybe talk about uh something that might be very controversial but it'll open your mind once you understand no polarity thing we can talk about something that is fully fully missing in the bible or not in the bible sorry my mistake missing in christianity is the aspect of the divine feminine in god i want to discuss it okay because once you see that that that again you see god you can't take away from the fact he said i am god created us in his image both male and female you can't take away from that we can't why we miss a lot in our lives is because we don't see the two so we are always can you believe that we grew up okay i'm just bringing it's all a part of this the trio of knowledge of good and evil we grew up christian christians grew up in an understanding of like oh there's the father and there's a son there's a father and there's a son like can you believe that i mean just if you understand how lopsided that view is it's completely distorted there's a father and there's a son like have you ever seen any family that has a father and a son without a mother it doesn't even make sense but we grew up in understanding just father son father son father son without understanding that the hebrews the jews had the understanding of the nature of god that was called the spirit which was called shakkaina shakina is a female aspect of god and so there's a father and there is a son and we might go into it but i'll just give it just explain to you so unless you see the whole and unless you see the wholeness of god we are unable to understand holy spirit and so just understand holy spirit we've been dealing with holy spirit come holy spirit come holy spirit come without really understanding who the holy spirit is and that's the divine feminine of god the holy spirit the shakina and the jews understood the shekinah as the divine feminine of god the kind of glory so unless you see the whole you won't be able to operate within the power that's why she is brought in straight off and jenny says okay i was going to go there but in genesis you she brings eve out now remember he brings e from from not from the ground why because she is a part of god that's why so he brings eve from the heart okay you see the divine feminine coming out now and eve is called the helper there was no one comparable to him so that means every seed is out of its own kind okay so eve the helper is out of its own kind which is god's kind but what part of god the heart kind of god that part of god that is the divine feminine so you see the full picture there's no eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and then you realize that eve was brought as the mother of all living that's what adam finally calls who now the son calls what comes out of his side and he looks at eve and he says you will be the mother of the living just understand it that's the holy spirit that's the holy spirit the shakina of god is the divine aspect of god so it was all throughout the bible you see both father and mother working together in tandem every time you see the father you see god and then you see the divine aspect of god and then there's power it was only when the glory when you say shekinah glory the glory is the divine feminine of god and when you see the glory over something everything is birthed out of the realm of the glory you see the helper so when we say helper holy spirit come out of her everything is birth i'll i'll show it to you in um and i've gone into this now you see i've gone into early but never mind i'll show you because it goes with the treated knowledge of good and evil because we don't seed it we only are completely polarized male patriarchal without understanding such a powerful aspect of god the divine feminine and you see that's why it says when mary says listen carefully mary says how can this be i'm not known a man listen to what he says i preached this for so long and then i saw it okay when the lord revealed to me he said watch this the holy spirit will come upon you okay so that means how is this going to happen the holy spirit is the one that comes upon you so she the holy spirit comes in as like the womb of god and the power of the most high shall overshadow you ha so it's the holy spirit and the father meeting together that causes you to be pregnant with the the child of god how does it happen in you oh we say come holy spirit come so the father and the holy spirit causes you to be the son come on man you can't be the son without the mother do you get it so the father and the mother meet together in you in the temple and you become oh i'm a son of god that's what it means to have the holy spirit i'm telling you you will have power with the holy spirit like you never had before when you understand the nature of the holy spirit shakina is a a gender that is female in the bible okay i'm trying to show you look how much po how polarized we are when we understand the whole we are going to really have power real power man so cool okay now where would you be completely window that's not a that's not really not a rabbit hole is it it's exactly what i was i was saying i'm just trying to show you how polarized we are it's crazy melissa phillips i love it ellen says come on ladies here anita says no such thing as a motherless son absolutely on the dot you know man how did we get so twisted why because guys preach this gospel from the beginning right i mean that's that's what happened now okay so we have to understand it too okay we have to understand the two now it's going to get really interesting and guess what we're getting more controversial yay okay superb they're getting tricked out samuel peter says peterson says i always thought the triangle was all male uh the triune i'm waiting to catch this samuel peterson guy he's just like uh very very very uh joanistic had to say the least okay anyway uh okay so so guys okay but see again we can eat from the real knowledge well no no we don't have we don't know what do you mean the female aspect no no that's because we're eating from no we had to say flesh of my flesh bone of my bone just like me you are complete when you meet her without her you are not complete once you realize that oh if i don't if you guys don't get in touch with your family in nature you're in big trouble yes okay all the guys out there and girls same thing okay if you don't get in touch if you don't know it if you don't know the two you won't know god now where are we i think we've done well how many minutes are we doing uh are we doing this now almost one hour so we're going we're about to close okay but i just want to you to see this god looks at everything and says good good good good good good and then he gives the sabbath okay he gives a sabbath because we're supposed to now enter into the spirit because everything that was good was made in the spirit realm now he's going to make things off the ground that's what you need to understand okay and when you make things out of the ground you have to make it in the stillness in the rest in the ability to see the whole okay and so from the realm of the spirit items are now creating from when when when the soil is there the earth is there i don't know what the elements are god adam is now speaking it breathing into it and creating everything it characterizes just like um uh he says okay uh very powerful stuff okay and then uh eve comes and he uh eve is not taken from the earth but from the side okay and he characterizes the uh name sir and he she becomes a helper the mother of all living i'm just trying to show you this thing okay and guess what happened after that they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and suddenly adam sees her as separate okay if you see yourself as separate then you will see others as separate if you can see your own self as separate then you become separate from god and then you became human and he became god and this separation is what we call sin okay it's the polarization not being able to see the whole is what we call sin okay it's not pure truth we are still creating from that place and i just want to uh where are we going with this um what i like this one okay so then the lord god in verse 23 he says this then lord god then they ate of this tree and i this is i love this here because it says a lot here because then the lord god said behold the man has become like one of us no good and evil you see that he now knew good and evil in a sense where that was something that we can do we're supposed to discern good and evil and judge but he was just one aspect okay they've grown up in that respect and now let's he put his hand and take also of the tree of life you remember jesus said now he's going to open the tree of life why first first you've got to know i'm the alpha and i'm the omega i'm the living oracles i'm the living words i am all of it i'm one okay first the first thing is that okay and then he says he says i'm the full alphabet now for those who understand this you'll overcome you'll be able to eat of the tree of life again okay so now they say no you can't eat it if you have life because now you have eaten from knowledge of good and evil you can only see two sides of the story are you going to you're going to create the world and because of you the earth is going to be cursed now listen carefully therefore the lord god sent him out of the garden of eden to till the ground from which he was taken so he drove out the man and he placed a cherubim at the east of the garden of eden and a flaming sword sword which turned every way to guard the way of the tree of life you know that word god there that's the same word that is used when you talk about the sabbath guard the sabbath and keep it holy okay that's the same word i just want you to understand this that this flaming sword you know that sword like i said that i saw that sword that was in jesus's mouth and he says now the word of god if you go to hebrews the word of god is living there you go oh the living oracles again is living and powerful sharper than the tweeted sword okay what does it mean that now what is in your mouth the way you characterize the way you name man that's what you were given the word of god is living and powerful sharper than a two-edged sword so it's talking now that you have access to the tree of life if you understand how you characterize do you characterize through your emotions do you characterize to the lack of your heart to the fear of your heart okay now this characterization that you have okay can give you access to the tree of life this sword that cuts on every side it's a double-edged sword remember that's what you're talking about and that's what is in jesus's mouth the sword again okay this road and where is it what is guarding it your mouth you say it says death and life are in the power of the tongue do you understand that it's in the power of the tongue so adam had the ability now to create everything out of his words and you have if you understand the stillness be honest on the sabbath if you understand the holistic nature without judging between good and evil what takes you out of december what takes you out of your rest is judgment eating of that tree and as you get back to the stillness the meditation the contemplation the ability to see the whole what happens is you start creating out of that place again and you're eating from the tree of life again very very important to understand guys i'm going to close with this god did not curse the earth everything is good okay what closed was our eyes so important to understand but close was our eyes and because our eyes were now close to seeing the spirit it was like on this on the sixth day on the seventh day when they collected the manna it multiplied and then it became what their hearts wanted it to become okay you see throughout the bible a good man will produce somebody out of the abundance of the heart the bad man will produce out of the lack of his heart okay and we'll realize that what close was our perception and joshua had a particular gift about him caleb and joshua he is the one who went in and saw the good report and others saw giants he didn't see it like that he saw food he saw nourishment it was the eyes that are open and therefore constantly the bible says arise and shine your light has come light means now your eyes are going to burn the whale okay well the covering has been taken off that means now you can see you can constantly now we are unlike moses we can see bo we are we have great boldness why because we can continuously look and not just see the natural face we don't forget the natural face we remember the natural face who is the do of the word the one who sees the natural face but remembers the natural face but continuously look into the spiritual face of jesus christ if you continuously look into the darkness i'm telling you some people don't want to go into the void kirby i don't want to go in the water i only see darkness i'm saying continuously look into the void you know what when i go into the void i don't see darkness i just see light but i know i started from seeing the darkness but then after i go into the void now i can see light and i can see just more light and more light and more light and it's just complete light why i got myself accustomed to look into the darkness waiting because he has commanded light to shine out of darkness to reveal the face of jesus christ you understand that so unless i'm looking at people and being able to see the natural and really know the natural there's no judgment when i see the natural there is no judgement your ability not to judge but see just one hour that's just one part judgment is when you decide just on one part wholeness is when you see two it was like something that happened to me when i was very young you know a lot of people used to ask me a question like kirby this guy played you out before can't you see that this guy's come to play you out and and the same guy has played me out two three times i'm still working with him and like he did this to you before don't you don't you see it it's like i absolutely see it but i i can also see something else i can see loyalty i can see love i can see kindness no but he's a murderer he killed people why are you dealing with this guy how can he see kindness i can see kindness i dealt most of my life and lived with the with the mafia people who kill people and i could see kindness i could see loyalty and people like but how can you trust them because i could you could see the natural face but you can also press through the darkness and see the light when you when that can happen you see the whole and guess what a lot of those people you know a lot of those people even know jesus christ today believe me they even know christ today because i was able to see through the darkness into the light and not eat from that tree i'm telling you you have the same power but it up to your perception are we going to eat from the tree of unrest getting up and judging constantly and continuously only seeing one side or we're going to go into stillness and see the whole that comes from a meditative life okay there's life there abundant life there okay i think we've done well ah hey debbie yeah i was talking about you okay sweetheart all right uh fiona is saying that if you have any questions maybe the next session on transcend yeah uh depends maybe maybe i'll answer like this uh you can ask me questions okay fiona and i really want to talk about um we want to talk about america we want to talk about uh why the prophet's got it wrong yeah we want i want to talk about why the prophets got it wrong why the church couldn't see um i want to talk about that and i i believe that it really will help a lot of you guys and maybe we'll just have it on the transcend page and we'll have a real one-to-one discussion so i'd like you to ask me questions yeah ask me questions about the us election and uh all your hurts and your pains and in context to the church okay u.s elections in context of the church i want maybe talk just on a transient page to uh the transition group about it and my thoughts on it okay and what's happening with the church today um and any question also on who is satan okay that was a new series okay and then we'll see where we're going okay okay guys love you guys and i shall see you uh on sunday okay on sunday [Music] you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 2,924
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, christian yoga, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, day of atonement, repentance, desiring god, bible study, personal growth, truth, what is pure truth, Paul Washer, The Gospel, Christian, Jesus, Christ, Lord, Truth, Salvation, Word, Holy, Spirit, Sermon, index, Conference, Revival, pure, Practicing the sabbath, bible
Id: syJu6x4iF9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 3sec (3663 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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