Choosing To Answer The Call To Greatness Part 1

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oh this greatness the whole idea of greatness and we're going to study greatness in this in this series of lessons greatness has to do with serving greatness has to do with the cause of God greatness and the call to greatness normally travels through a season of trouble mmm around like that don't like that not only you like it but that's the way it is okay how many of you attended college okay now those of you who attended college and got your degree you will attest that you had some trouble kind of get the bigger man than that because I mean anything of value that you attain you pass through seasons of trouble difficulties all right if you're working and you're successful in your career you can look back on your career and you can see that you went through seasons of trouble now what I got I've got if I say I got to get your believers they believe was a really wimpish right now and the trouble just seemed to throw their faith the way they threw everything away that confidence God went so I gotta get you to understand trouble just a part of the Bible says man born of woman is of few days and full of trouble so trouble don't bother me because trouble is a stepping stone to greatness there by stepping there miss a stepping stone to greatness alright so when I look in the scripture I can see that God wants his calls greatness to be a conscious a factor in the believer I got to fake advancing the kingdom of God being victorious in life I got to keep that in my mind no matter what happens no matter what happened my consciousness is that I will be victorious I will overcome this will not take me out well the sickness disease being laid off unemployed under employed somebody walked out on you you got to keep it in your mind no no no no no no no no no God wants me victorious greatness is me living up to God's plan and standard for my life and even though I'm going through I'm going to get through it you're working me hard alright alright if I say the cause the cause of course and that is it that there is a cause for you going through now about cause I'm not talking about the reason something to blame but I'm saying the cause of it in the plan of God is so that you can come out and God can use your life as a testimony to inspire others because somebody's looking at how you handle your situation and your life is a living epistle there's two religious we are your life is that your life is a limited example for others others who will not read the Bible are looking at you their young soldiers I call them soldiers our young soldiers look young Christians they're looking at you and then looking at how you handle your situation they see you come to church waving your hand all that sort of thing and then when you go to your trouble they look at your children looking at how you handle this if this thing is really real see your lifestyle will teach them and your victory will be a standard that teaches them more is caught then talk if I say boys call boys caught then talk boys Kulp then talk now one of the reason I know swear to God warned me explain see some of y'all have never been a part of a fight so you need to see how you how you walk through a fight like this I'm open I'm open I'm open with passes in that sort of thing why because if you don't see somebody walk through then you won't have an example of what it takes to walk through that's why we are so transparent with what we do is because I know it's a teaching time if so cause there by sitacles all right now the cause of Christ calls for the giving of self here by self now Romans chapter 10 verse 9 let's go that roller shaft in verse you made him Lord and when you made him Lord that means I don't do what I want to do I do what he tells me to do even in difficult times in troubled times it is my discipline to obey Him that anchors me verse 9 that if thou shalt confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus believing that heart god raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved when you got saved when you get an out many of you who'll give your heart to the Lord today what you're saying now is from this day forward I choose to do what God tells me to do it's not joining Church it's in your the joint church but the lordship is not about joining church lordship is about surrendering my life to him and that is a daily thing where I say I'm going to do what God says to do and you can walk out of here with that assurance that I'll make him Lord not just with your lips but with your heart I make him Lord now that's easy because that decision makes many more decisions automatic because now all I need to do is find out what does God wants me to do but it's not based on how I feel but it's based on this lordship now I made him Lord of my life so the scripture tells me when I do that I'm no longer my own I have been bought with a price if I say bought with a price no no I have been bought with a price I am NOT my own I cannot do what I want to do that was the turning point in my marriage turning point in my marriage was this ain't about me no all of all the point all of ours it was about me bridge you need to do what I tell you to do I say jump you say how high that's how I got raised oh that's all other passes I was around that's how they were they were very dominating and I was very dominating hey hey you do what I tell you to do she and will go along with that where the problem came in then I read in the Bible husband loves you well your wife do well with them according to knowledge giving all of them as the weaker vessel that your prayers be not him not God not what if I made it Lord I got to do that that's where it comes in every area of your life see you got to decide whether you gonna have a relationship with God or just be religious if you're religious you just come in here when you want to you understand when you filled out I need to go to church I need to go to your coming here crime pop you up there then you going back we see you next you know four or five months understand but if you have relationship you're gonna build that thing we don't feel like coming to church you come to church I need to know what God wants me to do while I'm living out his calls for my life the call the cause of greatness is a calling for service the disciples had a problem one day and that the problem was they wanted to be great so they went to Jesus on the side and said hey he definitely got their mother to do it she said let's go there let's read that go to my mark chapter 4 mark chapter 4 no mark chapter 10 in verse 4 in mark chapter 10 verse 40 greatness is servant greatness and the kingdom is serving her a class gotta get to man all right 1st 4th are you there now watch this because it's gonna come this one listen things up for you well I'm sorry for thirty five then James and John the sons of Zebedee come to him saying master we would that thou should just do for us what some we shall this without whether we we shall desire and he said of them what would ye that I should do for you they said unto him grant unto us that we should may sit one on that right hand and the other on the left hand in my glory but jesus said unto them you know not what you ask can you drink up the cup that I drink up and be baptized with the baptism I'm baptized with and they said unto Him we can't and Jesus said unto under them you shall indeed drink of the cup I drink up and the baptism I'm baptized with it withal shall you be baptized but to sit on the right hand and on the left hand is not mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared and when they heard it talking about the disciples now and when they heard it the disciples heard it they began to be displeased with James and John and Jesus called them to him watch this now and said unto them you know that they which are accounted to rule over the gentiles exercise lordship over them and their great ones exercise authority upon them but so shall it not be among you for whosoever will be great among you shall be your minister and whosoever of you shall be the chiefest of all chiefest shall be servant of all now he redefines greatness greatness in the kingdom of God is serving of us not having folk bow down and serve you but giving yourself giving your service to others because there's a cause if I said there's a cause I got to keep this in your mind because most people get saved for their own reason and they never grow up to embrace the cause of Christ that God needs me to be a witness in this generation because people will be inspired to serve Him looking at my victorious life that's what it means to be a witness but if I never get that and that never sinks down in me then I only come to church as a consumer what can I get for me now because it's never about the kingdom of God God's looking for you to grow up click verse and I say it's time to grow up no it's time to grow up to understand listen I am NOT a consumer running from one church to the next Church to the next Church I'm going to set my roots I'm gonna learn the Word of God I'm gonna be victorious in my situation and I'm going to be a witness that God can point to so that others can see him in my life who a men amen alright now the call of greatness is not only the cause of greatness is not only that the giving himself the giving of service but watch this now it's the giving them my substance if I say you've been talking about the increase yeah I got talking about increase cuz I'm gonna need the increase okay now if I go to the hospital and I'm teaching in the hospital listening we get a group people together me teach the hospital what should I teach on healing good that what they need if I went to say you know the UH the psychology ward song psych ward people all depress what do I need to preach I need to preach my peace and deliverance because you need to preach what people need how many y'all need increase yeah why I got the preacher cuz faith coming by and hearing by see you here all the time how tough it is how dark it is how the economics are so bad and if you don't watch it you began to adjust your expectation and then what happens is you nullified the god factor in your life okay okay right now I ain't trying to put nobody down please I'm just I deal with preachers and preachers of the guys who are who supposedly only game you understand so I got this letter from this preacher and this is his talk about my conference in October and he says if I come in October I know I'm not gonna have enough money to stay all week see that some of y'all going huh cuz see you understand my faith how is it my faith and you say you and faith October not even here but you said ah if I can't make it I already know I ain't gonna have enough limitlessly all week what has happened he has Lord his expectation to his present situation and I'm saying that that's not just happening there that's happening across the board so if it's happening this safe if it's done in the green tree will be done in the dry if it's happening there it's happening also another folk with you that if you don't watch it you will start low in your expectation and all your faith can do is produce what you expect y'all stay with me these next few minutes because I got to get you to see increases God's will for you it was his will for you before all this happened it's his will for you now but I lost my job don't change what the will of God is it's now time for God to show up and make the difference am I just gonna push it myself this morning see I cannot afford and you cannot afford to understand to underestimate God all right Malachi 3 and 8 says bring you all the tygo that quickly bring you all the ties into a house if there may be meat in mine house provement our wish said the Lord of Hosts I'll not open you the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing that should not be room enough to receive it imprint put any economic factors in there you're supposed to prosper in bad times can I get anybody to believe that if all if all my God can do is bless me in good times he's not much of a God who is that blasphemy no that's just the truth but see if I thought I watch it all all my expectation and all my faith can do is produce my expectation so Malachi chapter 3 y'all got that I quoted it already y'all do I need to read it for y'all I'm at that step this is the foundation of principle that I got to become a tithe but one of our guys yesterday in pastor training he did this thing on where's to me he people we he we had some church dad yesterday he preached on where's to me and what he basically did was he basically took some factors and just showed that if all of our members times where we'd be it's an incredible message cookie see the primary objective is meet in the house alright verse 8 says all right will a man Rob God yet you robbed me but you say wherein have we robbed the enticing offer you're cursed with the curse but you brought me even this whole nation bring you all the ties in the storehouse that there may be what meat in mine house that's that's just cause I'm putting his calls first that mean maybe maybe meet my house and prove me now herewith God says you prove this if I'll not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing but now why is that people see that they know that people see here the scriptures on giving why is it that it's difficult we want to talk about that why is it difficult because I got to overcome some barriers I got to overcome some barriers and I got to understand that the short term discomfort is worth the long term benefit if I say short term discomfort is worth the long term benefit now the call to greatness often comes during times of calamity and frustration but called the greatness when God calls these men in the Bible he's women about this normally when there's a distress in the land you follow me I had a distress in my life when I understood about tithing well I understood about tithing it was a tough time for me but because I trusted God you follow me and didn't let the present moment dissuade me I was able to see God come through now um what my basketball where my basketball give a bring my ball bring my ball all right at Oh Johnson where as for my ball y'all act like y'all come on y'all okay bring my ball bring my ball go to James chapter one James chapter one thank you very much okay yeah here's what I found out I'm just telling you're not early I gave you one illustration you can't let trouble cause you to change how you think about God about say years ago years ago I was in a situation where now this is before new life I was passing another church who's in a situation where a boy you know I don't have contracts with people so I can't make ya'll come Church understand it was in second situation and bore me I mean the people who didn't come to church and boy and my banker was a good banker and but he finally called me and said I can't protect you anymore they took your account from I said let me say that yeah you need to know you need them you know we had some land we had bought and I was behind on the land note and if I say years ago years ago and pour through it and then he said that he says you he says if you give up nobody would blame me fact I got a letter from him this week I did got enough of this Bank as we saw the newspaper article in The Chronicle and I called Tory wrote room 11 to applaud me but that day he said that he says if you give up nobody would blame you I've seen your sacrifice and I realized well you don't have the last word to say about my ministry he's not how you better paid his bill anyway watch there so I go to doctor I can't give you a name I go to passenger Patterson and that's fast passing about situation and when I told my situation I had Bank was you know threatened to call my note that's what I'm and he said to me so I asked him what shot do I know better I don't know what T never been through that so they said what's your glass well I'm gonna get some of the people together he says and I'll tell him after church he said well what criterion used to get some and not all today I gotta sit with him cuz he had the money color mom I live it IV could wrote me a check but he did then he told me he said I want you to go and so so so uh then he said go to church Sunday and praise God like it's done so I didn't get that from word of faith for I got that from a baptist brother I said that's the strangest name I got all these Stephanie but we go praise God he said go praise God I like it's Dylan and talk about your vision I did that's after he finished counterman I thought who we don't have someone same with his world the phone but I heard a word from God God spoke to me and he said now is the time to go by the building you've been believing for I thought saying God I just said but because I heard his voice and because trouble didn't blind me and block my ears that lost our whole church wheel I mean God give us so tremendous favor land sold all of that happen in the course of one week I go to the Simmons of Gaza all the land on the building and I told them I said you know I went in somebody saw said lazy it's already so I'm going I like she got happy got joy telling me was so and so we stay but we haven't heard from the guy I took my banker I said we got to go to overthrew the building today and and get it ready for him so we live done our part he got an earnest-money but he's supposed to bring the rest of the cash blah-blah-blah-blah-blah I'll meet you with my banker told the same banker that said he there was gonna foreclose on everything took him to the building he walks in there they gave him the flashlight he says we can't let this slip through our hands I say no we can't I go back to the next day and I talked to the Simmons of God and I give them a deal I had no money everybody say no money but I gave him a deal I said I'll give you 20s I think maybe $20,000 down y'all financed arrest or something like that I gave him a plan to actually understand and he said we don't do business like that we have to have a business meeting I said to her well jail is good only for the day you saw my banker you know I'm serious they got a conference call call me back game idea next to the I tell the banker I said banker he said mr. banker we got this deal and he said look I don't know what you did to me yesterday but listen you got to pay these notes so I said I set there and then he said if you sell that land I'll do whatever it takes to get you that bill I'll go back to my office walk in the door the phone rings and it's an African Obon I of Managua I will never forget that name and he said remedy Illya I have been looking at your life I have fifty five thousand cash dollars do you want to sell your land God turn my situation around what's this cuz I was able to dream in the time of trouble and my stirring in the hour I need two young men two young men real quickly for my illustration here and then I got to change my whole message today I need two young man two young men two young men all right that's two these two young men that's good that's good that's good that's good that's these two young men cuz I'm gonna give you all the opportunity to make ten bucks I mean pit box and a whole bunch of money you understand but you know is little bit more than you got right now okay okay now if I'm going through a jump ball you got it y'all see the brook oh I still got it okay okay okay okay come on come on come on back come on back come on back come on back come on back okay if I'm gonna do a jump ball what y'all gonna do okay y'all ready y'all getting ready to cuz I'm throwing up hi y'all do huh no you can't steal it now you read you sure cuz are you we're stop freeze there by say free okay now I'll said y'all are freezing hi let's do it again freeze freeze do not hold okay now look at their posture they are not standing at their full height because they are preparing for something big to happen see you can't jump your highest when I first take him a squat and nobody should ever measure you or your potential in your time of preparation the mistake that people make is in this position they judge themselves when his potential and his potential is not to be judged at this place but it should be judged after recoil take place a by some recoil all right I'd sing again now y'all can y'all can go on in unfreeze thank you for just participate well I'm about to wrap it up my lesson went totally different where I wanted to go I got to get you to see you do not judge yourself in your time of preparation for your greatness can I go back to is eco 21 and clothes that go back to cycle 21 I'm will close there because I was gonna take you out to the moment of wit of Zarephath I ain't been able to get to her I've been trying to get to Huffman's last couple of weeks and but I see how you don't get to cuz I see y'all making me plow if I said a long recoil a lot of recall when I'm going to shoot an arrow in a born air with a boat before that arrow goes following I got to bring it back so you got to understand in your position of recoil you're on your way to greatness when some of you in college and you were eating your sardines something else in sorry I went without or you went without you were in your position of recoil if I saw on my way to greatness because see when I understand that I don't count myself out when I'm getting ready to do something big all right and so he's achill y'all get blessed today I got a story to tell y'all back before I go but I got but you know this just this store just this lesson just went all kind of ways is it for 21 written verse 26 first in the amplified thus saith the lord god remove the high priests my tongue and hit man take off the king's crown things shall not remain as they have been yeah by say things shall not remain as they had been that's been our war crime things shall not remain as they have been and watch this story is told if I see closing that I didn't get to my preaching points I came preaching but I gone closed stories told of a time in slavery where this plantation was known for its beautiful roses and people would come to look at the roses and one day one of the servants little girl servant was watering the roses while other little girls were out playing and so somebody pulled her aside to ask him a question while you here Warren roses when everybody else is playing so she began to talk she began to tell them these are very special roses if I can order get these roses there's a hill that you have to climb and it's a rough Hill that you have to climb and therefore say these roses are clipped from thorn patch and it says it's very difficult to get to and so the process of what do you go to sell no no my mother climbs the hill my mother cuts the roses I've seen her knees and I've seen my fingertips and she says it's a tough thing to do she says I wanted these plants because I know if I can keep them alive just a little bit longer then that's another Dame I want my mother then have to climb to here in other words she's saying what I know the price that has been paid I'm willing to go above my commitment go above what others will do because I know the price that's been paid when it come to calls in the kingdom of God you've got to understand the price that has been paying for you to be where you are I believe that's why I believe us are so laxed in what they do it's because they forget the price that's been paid and that price goes back goes far beyond just what new life has done to get you to work it goes far beyond just what you know your parents have done to get you the word or people in your life did so that you could have a god consciousness but it goes all the back all the way back to a heel jesus paid it all and it is that price that keeps us advancing the kingdom calls that I wouldn't be where I am had it not been for him Oh folks say he picked me up turned me all around in this passage that I just read you say things and I gonna be the same why because God is getting ready to overthrow some things that's it so so in your situation in your time of preparation don't you judge yourself don't you look at yourself now you gotta understand that's a price that you got to pay to get where God wants you to go and if you're willing to pay the price don't count yourself out that's what the scripture says count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations knowingness that the trying of your faith worketh patience then after patience has run its course you will be full entire and the Bible says and wanting now let's pray father in Jesus name thank you for your word and I thank you Father it's falling on the ground and therefore it produces fruit in Jesus name father we thank you
Channel: New Light Church Video
Views: 51,712
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Keywords: New Light Church, Bishop IV Hilliard, New Light, Christianity (Religion)
Id: fgnzbKz-O8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2013
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