Faith Conference - Bishop I.V. Hilliard

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I understand I'm gonna come to hear word from the Lord tonight let's pray father in Jesus name we do thank you and praise you for tonight and for this time of fellowship and gathering around your word lord I thank you you know its name by name situation my situation so it is with great confidence father that you that we believe that you were minister tonight through this vessel of clay tailoring this message for every listener that is our prayer and so Holy Spirit I step back that you may step forward manifest yourself as the teacher causing the complex to be made simple that is our prayer so in advance we give you alone all the praise and all the glory all the honor and all the adoration for all that shall be accomplished tonight and for all that shall be revealed in Jesus name and the believers said a man god bless you you may be seated I want you to go with me the Bibles to the book of Ephesians the third chapter and the twentieth verse Ephesians the third chapter and the twentieth first amen do you know the name of the person that you're seated next to if not take a moment find out that person's name Amen all right let's have a smile in exercise look at them real big look at a smile real big show them your pearly white your thirty twos your 22s your tens or whatever you got left let's raise our Bibles now repeat after me this is my Bible I've said like you mean that this is my Bible I am but it says I am I can do but it says I can do I am a believer not a dollar I am a doer not just a hero and my life is the better after having heard the word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing by the Word of God a man all right well in this faith conference we're going to teach a 4-month the subject of faith - when when the odds are stacked against you faith to win faith to take your life to another level even when the odds seem to be stacked against you Ephesians 3:20 says now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in US this will be our foundational passage as we really stir your faith these next two days on winning in life succeeding in life are going to new levels in life even when the odds seem to be stacked against you even when most people who would survey your situation would say that you have a high probability of not making it a high probability of staying at the same level a high probability of failure it is the hallmark of the Christian faith is that we do defy the odds the hallmark of the Christian faith is that we overcome the odds that we are not intimidated by statistics we understand that statistics are just markers and they are not barriers so that's we're going to talk about how to do that well in my own life I've had to do it time after time after time again when I was counted out when it didn't look like I was making I would make it yet I understood that there were principles in the Word of God that would cause the momentum of life to be shifted in my favor and that's what I want to talk to you about tonight anybody want to go higher in life yeah anybody still believing for something that the odds may seem to be stacked against you all right well I got the right mail for the right house amen so then when we look at this scripture it says that God is able so am I going to one level or to the next level or to accomplishing something is not well it's God has the ability to do it so it is not that God cannot it is not that he will not and it is not that he doesn't want to but the will of God does not automatically come to pass now I'll be very fundamental for a few moments because I don't want to take for granted that everybody knows you know what I've taught you before and what your pastors taught you for because many times people are new and I thank God that when I first came into the knowledge of faith that they were fundamental and they covered the bases so that I could get a found good foundation well I grew up in church and in the church I grew up in they loved the Lord and they were sincere but they misinformed me about life and initially it crippled me in my understanding of the things of God because they told me that whatever the Lord wanted to do he would just do anyhow well it sounded good I thought they had read the Bible because they was there when I got there you understand so you almost think that they got that out of the Bible and then I read in the Bible and I saw something totally different that's the will of God but we find it in the scripture does not automatically come to pass you know I'm where every time I say that I judge the crowd I see people always have this perplexed look on their face and I can prove it to you real simple is it the will of God for everybody to be saved yes because the scripture says God is not willing that any should perish but that all come to repentance so it is the undeniable will of God for everybody to be saved next question will everybody be saved no well if the will of God was automatic and it's the will of God forever be saved then I would automatically be saved but because the will of God does not automatically come to pass you and I both know that everybody will not be saved because they will not do what is required to receive the salvation that is freely given so I rest my case the will of God does not automatically come to pass but the will of God comes to pass relative to the exercise of my faith Galatians chapter 3 let's go there real quickly and verse 13 and 14 and cover the base here and then we'll move on that's why the conference is so important is because I really the foundation of faith is what every believer needs because the promises of God are received by faith though found in Scripture they only come to pass relative to the development of my faith verse 13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it written cursed is every one that hangeth on the tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ watch this that we might receive the promise of the Spirit how through faith so even though it's talking about a specific promise the promise of the Spirit it is a universal principle all of the promises of God are received by faith can you say that with me all the promises of God are received by faith amen amen alright so then faith is a very important subject for the believer because it is by faith that we overcome it is by faith that we overcome and what we're dealing with today is really overcoming the odds overcoming the mental barrier that we grew up with because we are trained and conditioned to consider the odds you get a bad report from the doctor we want to know really what is the percentage of recovery yeah yeah when you know we're in a financial matter we look at what what is the percentage of of me getting this house or me getting this loan me doing this or the other because have been trained to respect the statistics amen now we are not in a lala land as Christians we understand the difference between facts and truth John 17 and 17 would you go there quickly because as a believer I'm based my life is based on the truth and so the Bible says here Jesus was teaching and he said this very powerful sanctify them set them apart through thy truth thy Word is truth so for the believer the word is truth you will live out some philosophy you will live by some philosophy or another yes you're gonna govern your life by something some philosophy well if I were you I would govern my life by the philosophy of Scripture Jesus said it like this man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Father in other words he says really if you're going to experience life to its fullest then you need to follow the Word of God it's truth all right so we're not we're not we're not confused by facts facts don't confuse us facts just simply States what is but what is is subject to change if I say what is it's subject to change now the fat can be that you know there's a they took an x-ray spot on your lungs or there's a spot on the x-ray that'll not be there that is a fat amen yet we understand the truth is by the stripes of Jesus we are healed well if I stay with the truth the fact can change in other words they could take another x-ray and the spot is gone thus the facts change because of the truth are you less than 10 min fact maybe you don't have any money in your pocket or say you was broke but that may not sound real good but you know it's a fact maybe you're broke you understand amen you don't have any money hey man that's a fact you know looking fine in that now you understand the truth is the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he addeth know something that's the truth because the word is the true night may not have manifested in your pocket just yet but the truth is yes the blessing of the Lord it make you the rich now rich simply means to be abundantly supplied does not necessarily mean that everybody's gonna be a million there but I'm not gonna count that out either for you amen so you know a lot of people who have problems with with the message of increasing the message of prosperity they go ask not for everybody who's it not fall who is that scripture not for when it says the blessing of the Lord make it rich and they added no sorrow amen so if I stay with the word of God and practice the word of God then the fact can change fact that I don't have any money fact that I'm broke fact that my credits all jacked up that can change I stay with the truth amen so we understand the statistics don't intimidate us amen statistics don't intimidate the believer who understands the ability of God and the willingness of God he not he is not only able but he's willing if I say he's willing yeah that's the exciting thing about that God wants to do something I was in prayer other than God said tell my people that they're about to enter into the season of the supernatural and get their faith ready hallelujah amen hey man hey man alright now watch this watch this watch this because when it comes to statistics and and and that's so thing somehow another we've allowed them to speak louder to us than the Word of God and so we really set the level of our faith based on statistics and that's why I say what most people call faith is not faith what most people call faith is reasoning on tiptoes that when they just about able to reason how something can happen then they call it faith biblical faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen amen amen so he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I could ask or think yes it means the biggest dream you have right now God says I can do more than that yeah yeah more than you could ask or think and of course we read the Bible we see some awesome things happen in the Bible who would have thought a man could stand before a sea and raise a rod and the c-pod who would have thought that who who would have thought that people could walk around a walled city and on the seventh day do it seven times and scream at the wall and the wall fall who who would have thought it who would have thought a man filled with leprosy all over his body could go bathe in muddy water and come up the seventh time muddy but clean who who would have thought it who would have thought that Jesus could stand before the grave of a man who had been dead for days and by the account of his sisters by now he's stinking and call him by his name and he come jumping out of the tomb who would have thought of who who would have thought that Jesus could get on a man's boat after the man and preach to the multitude after the man had toiled all night and had caught nothing until the man let's go fishing now at the inappropriate time to fish and catch a boatload of fish who would who would have thought who would have thought amen so what I'm trying to get you to see is we come from a heritage of God doing the incredible God doing the amazing and if he's done it for others y'all help me preach this thing he'll do it for you the Bible teaches us make a note of it Acts chapter 10 and verse 34 that God is not a respecter of persons so that means that what God will do for one in principle he will do for another what God has done for one in principle he will do for another if I am going to win against the r6 and succeed against the odds number one I must develop this possible possibility mentality if I see a possibility mentality yeah I must develop this mentality of possibility this possibility mentality must be developed it is not automatic with the new birth when I get born again I bring my old thinking right out of the world into the kingdom of God however I thought as an unbeliever it's where I initially think that's why the Bible says I have to renew my mind now Romans chapter 12 verse 1 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of the mind so obviously that does not take place at the new birth otherwise he wouldn't be telling me I had to renew my mind so the transformation of any situation takes place with the renewing of the mind the transformation of any situation be it a relationship be it finances be administering the transformation of any relationship or any situation takes place first with the renewing of the mind amen now go with my Bibles a third John 2 we're talking about developing the possibilty mentality in other words before you know after I've overcome the odds of the intimidation odds I got to believe that the situation is possible for me I got to believe that that that what I am expecting where I want to go what I'm believing to possess is possible for me amen and so the Bible teaches there in third John 2 says beloved I wish above all things that Tommy is come on what prosper and even as thy soul cry so watch this now he links the prosperity the manifestation of prosperity in my life the manifestation of health in my life he links that to the development of my soul prosper be in health even as thy soul prospers all now that brings me to the question what is the soul you know to understand what the soul is I must understand how God created me he created us tripartite beings by the soul and spirit you are a spirit being who lives on the inside of a physical body and you possess the soul now you are not your body you are not your body I had to say that because II many times we grew up thinking that that we are about it but no your body is just the earth suit that you live in your body is not you the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord for the believer so if I could be absent from my body I must not be my body you know because I can be absent from it well the real truth is I am living that I'm a spirit being that lives on the inside of the physical body and as long as my spirit is in this body it has life it's kind of like the relationship between a hand and a glove you put your hand in the glove and you move your hand and the hand has the appearance of life and mobility you remove your hand from the glove the glove falls lifeless to the ground so is the relationship between the spirit and the body as long as the spirit is in the body the body has physical life amen now so then I understand now the real me is this part of me that lives on the inside of this physical body it's the spirit part and it will live forever forever you will live forever the question it's not whether or not you will live forever but where you're going to live forever but you you you will live tell the person that says you don't live forever you can live all right now so I understand now the soul and the spirit I like the wit and the water they go together only in the context of the word of God can they be divided instead of my soul has five components that make me the unique person that I am my mind my wheel my imagination my emotions and my intellect my mind my wheel my imagination my emotions and my intellect my mind my will my imagination my emotion and my intellect that makes me the unique person that I am and the scripture says that I will prosper and be in health relative to the development of my soul my mind my will my imagination my emotions my intellect so it's time to get to work because if I'm gonna get there I've got to understand that it's dependent on the development of my mind my wheel my imagination my emotions and my internet and that means I've got to get to work amen because I need to develop this possibility mentality the possibility mentality is is it is about it's kind of like what God what we've seen in Romans 4:17 where it talks about Abraham 1718 he hoped against hope in other words a way to believe beyond statistics if I saw hope against hope yeah yeah well I can't find any hope in the world I go to God's Word and find hope all right go with revival now to a mark chapter 9 we're dealing with this possibility mentality because it sets the groundwork and the foundation for where we are going we are there's some things I want to go to some things I want to do that are beyond that statistics say I probably won't be able to do it but if I can believe it then the Bible says the door possibility opens for me amen if I can't believe it so I began to break through in life when I got the revelation from Scripture that statistics don't chain me don't bind me don't block me amen amen hi are you March fd9 verse 21 my favorite scriptures it says that Jesus says verse 23 then I says and jesus said unto him if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that way that's good news in it okay that means watch this one says so when everybody is saying it's not possible and they'll say it's not possible for so-and-so tried it it's not possible because nobody in your family has ever accomplished it it's not possible because you don't have I counted that with the word the word says if I can believe it then it becomes possible for me so now what I did that what that did was that sets everybody else up and puts them out of the picture because you cannot determine possibilities for me I'm stirring somebody's face up somebody's pretty good sir the scripture says if I can believe it then it becomes possible for me or may not be possible for you but it's possible for me if I can believe it has nothing to do with anybody else this is the same between me and God he says to me now IRA if you can believe it then it becomes possible for you even though your friends may not believe it and you'll be amazed when you get ready to go to the next level how many folks you thought wanted to see you go to a new level how they began to try to talk you out of it get out you don't need that you don't need that kind of car you don't need that kind of car do you have mercy on much the gas constant that car you know how much insurance comes from that car do you need that you don't need that kind of car oh you don't wanna stay in the neighborhood with us anymore that's why you want to move out that's I don't have multiple campuses and years ago when we started multiple campuses and we were trying to go from one campus to another or on and on the highway with police escort hundred miles an hour one day the policeman almost had an erect because pulled behind this lady had his flashing lights on she looked at a review mirror Psalm and hit her brakes and bam he had the concept mine that ain't this is not God's best this is not God's best so I thought about that saying that God's best it's me have a helicopter it's nice it's about six ten years ago by 1617 years ago and so uh I saw I started believing for helicopter no my friends aw man never hear no Vela no preacher no Helicon would you talk about that because what see I found out the reason they had the issue they were trying to believe for vans see they trying to believe to drive I'm believing the fly if you can believe it see some I sense now some of y'all shaking your dreams off that dream you put on the back shell you respect then got that thing and said wait a minute for wait a minute now yeah if you can believe it then the Bible said it becomes possible for you so you can't let people talk to you out of your dream you can't let them talk to you out of the possibility parameter that God put in his word he didn't say if everybody liked it it's possible for you he didn't say if everybody was with you it's possible for you he said if you can believe now that is vitally important because there is what I call a possibility moment it's a moment in time when you have to choose that you are going to believe for the best you're going to you're going to exercise your faith beyond the comfort zone so to speak it's that moment in time amen go to the book many Bibles to Deuteronomy chapter 30 it's this moment and that moment is a very dynamic moment and many times the pressure of the situation if you are not built up in faith the pressure of the situation will cause you to scale back your faith it'll cause you to scale back your faith because believers the only I mean we were especially don't we sincere and and we don't want to see God not come through for us as though he means his reputation protected no Caesar so says some people who will not even stretch to do or because if he doesn't then hi I'm not going to if he does not how am I gonna explain it as though God needs you to protect his reputation and once we think like that we will never be able to really walk in that exceeding abundantly above pass has asked me all the time they said did you ever think your life would be like it is today no no I I never felt that I never you know how most like that way years ago I mean such a good thing like that hit home I couldn't I was it wasn't so much here almost in a little bit I will show you how to get there but in the beginning about I wasn't thinking like this I don't know I didn't know anybody who lived like I live now you follow me but bah but even though I didn't know it couldn't see it didn't mean that God didn't have it in his plans for me so God's ability was not limited by my finger see now those of you who tweet that's on the tweet now God's ability is not limited by your thinking he has so much more that he wants to give to his children that he loves but the way God has set the system up is that the system operates by faith and you have to choose to live by faith he's not one for Cydonia but you got to choose to live by faith and that's a moment in time when you're facing a situation that you've got to choose to live by faith Deuteronomy 30:19 calls to choosing life I like to close it I like to say it's choosing to live by faith are you there Deuteronomy chapter 30 look at verse 19 since I called heaven on earth for today against you I set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose well that both our and our seed may live so there's a choice that you can make in time that will not only affect your situation but and your destiny but it will affect the situation of future generations Maina amen the much says now here's well here's what I really want to go now I won't try to take you on this because I got to get you to see some saw I can stretch you we are intimidated in life situations because we are more overwhelmed with the difficulty then we are with trusting the power down got it so you know the difficulty and the enormity of the situation and what the criteria others say you got to have that can overwhelm you to the point where I mean you won't even choose to trust God to come out or you may want to but you won't you won't dare to trust God to come in I'm saying good Christians they get bad report from the doctor and the doctor says nobody has made it through this and they said well I guess I won't either I've also seen those when they said nobody won't make it and they said well I will watch understand this for every situation in life there is a death and right alongside of it is life I guess since he says before you always is death and like not only time of death in life he's using them metaphorically not necessarily mean physical death physical life but in some cases it is what the Bible talks about really four kinds of life are absolute life and John they said that come from God physical life eternal life and abundant life when he uses a life as a mother life is used as a metaphor of a profitable existence then in death Bible uses three kinds of death I'll talk about three kinds of death first filled to death Bible says God to Adam the day in truth you'll surely die we didn't fall down dead physically that day but he died spiritually separation from God secondly physical death and then death as a metaphor just like it says death and life is the power of the tongue where he's using that as a metaphor saying that death being and unprofitable in all right so watch this here's what I want to get you once you get to get you to see because many of you facing some difficult situations and I want you to understand how God operates he says I will never let death exist without life being right next to it some of y'all got that something I got to work a little hard on that see you got to understand got to understand this is this is the order of God Lord of God that will never be a death situation with its physical death metaphorical death God says I will never let a death situation exist that I will not have a life option right next to it alright let's go to another passage because because he says now see because you've got to be able to believe that and then you've got to be willing to choose life you got to be able to see it and choose life if I say sit and choose life listen listen before I go to the other passage let's see if we can work on a little bit this profits her servant comes out and it looks at the around and he sees the whole mountain filled with chariots of the king and the horsemen of the king the arm of the king and he sees only death oh my god as the master we're gonna die those in Kali lines Elisha with him they got us outnumbered Eliezer walks out there and said hmm more with us than with them serve him go warm - let's count that thing the other way point - why was it he's so consumed with what he sees what's this he's so consumed with that that he can only see that what a man of God walks out there with a spiritual perspective understanding that will never be death unless life it's right next to it and he chooses life and he says Lord open his not these eyes but there's a spiritual eye that has to be open that you must see that no matter how dark and disabled and devastate in your situation is God will not let you face a death situation unless there is a life option right next to it click the person next to you and say choose light yeah yeah yeah first Corinthians first Corinthians 13 first Corinthians 10:13 Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established so let's see we can't establish description this truth that I just brought to you alright verse seven verse 13 there are no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you're able but with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it now we understand the word temptation here is better translated trial and test and not necessarily meaning to be tempted to sin so it should read this Way's better way it read this way there's no trial or test taken you but such as is common to man so in other words whatever you're going through somebody else has already gone through it so the devil is a lie you're not the only one anybody the devil ever tell you is the only one trying to pull you into the bottomless pit of despair poor poor you you the only one where this scripture just made them alive there's no temptation there's no trial up test that you're going through that somebody else hasn't already come through amen but now look at this next part of scripture says but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be trying to test it above that you're able so if I'm in a trial a test God already knows I'm able if I'm in that God knows I'm able he wouldn't let me be there if he didn't know I was able a man so you able to handle it you may not like what you're able him I mean I plan to be there but God someone let you be in if you weren't able and all right but I look at this latter part of the scripture says but will with the temptation also make a way to escape but we're with the trial attached also make away were saved but will with the trouble also make a way of escape he's saying the same thing he said listen I cannot let trouble exist without us without a solution one cannot exist the trouble cannot exist unless there's a solution also so no matter how dark it looks there's a life option right next to it you may not see it now that's why we got to get to the Spirit of God to open our eyes so that we can see because there is not much the scripture says this I mean I didn't make this up but the scripture says it and you got to believe it you got to believe it before you need to believe all right let me let me tell you what I mean by that one J what I mean by that um oh how long ago was that lady I was in the airplane situation because she got there dating everything where was it November 13 2009 November 13 2009 we were flying in a large exit at 43,000 feet for 3,000 feet coming from preaching the gospel and therefore 3,000 feet I mean it just served in my food you know thing I mean getting me to eat my food you understand and all of a sudden both engines go out and all you and that's what you don't want to hear 14,000 feet is silence you love the home and you love that but all of a sudden and at the same time a total electrical failure it's pitch black all we can see is the light from the moon outside and the plane is falling it's falling ya'll and we look in the cockpit and they got flashlights you don't want to see your pilots with flashlights in the cockpit and the plane is full and then the devil says I'm gonna kill you but I understand there has to be a life option now I can buy in to the devil and start screaming oh yeah I'll see him that night y'all didn't get that but I saw the picture that Jesus has it's when the devil talk you better talk back so I said I ain't dying the night well I'm choosing life y'all I'm choosing life I ain't dying the night now there was no panic that was no fear in the king in the cabin at all not a bit Bridget my wife was in there with us and that we had another couple another friend of our work Maya my sons and daughter was in there and then I had a spiritual door with her daughter there and went but but nobody was in fair we choose in life so well shut for I start praying in the spirit and then I start taking authority calling my angel I don't care how you land this thing danger can take that baby and just set that baby down you understand but I plan to walk over the stage understand I'm Chu I got to tell you you gotta choose life now you may have hurt had a bad doctor I'm getting in the spirit you heard a bad doctor report but you got to choose life I don't care if everybody else who had died you got to choose I'm not dying to this Bible says he satisfies in with long life and I wasn't satisfied so so I'm calling my angels the holy spirit then began to tell me to pray for the pilots I prayed for their wisdom and about 13,000 feet they they got the engines on so we fell 30,000 feet oxygen mass and all that I don't go TV I feel it and he leveled off at about 13,000 feet and then pilot looked at everything man here told told my told my son long everything is perfect we don't understand what happened what happened well I know what the devil try to kill a brother so except what you want to do I said no that's going on man and my wife will tell you we climb back up at the 43,000 feet I hit the button raid my seed bag and I went to sleep now now what I'm trying to get you to see is no matter how dark your situation may be well I'm never giving house my credit is bad mommy it's gonna be bad that see in that situation you acting like the only way you're gonna get a house is that you've got to get it with good credit who said so why would you put that comma criteria on you that may be here behave ideas get dialed but ain't got to be how you get the old if I say choose life choose life I worked in industry and I give him all my testimony amount but I worked in the industry and as a computer operator operator trainee I got an opportunity to be a training and never went to school for it even trade school didn't go that for it and I had an opportunity to be a trainee and I wanted to move up to be a program and they said you can't be a program you know have a college degree well who said I had to I want to be a program I just learned the program and I was so good and say you don't need to agree we hire you anyway see but I could have said well I'll never be a programmer because I don't have a degree so I'm gonna just settle for being a better operator for computer operator I could be and the only of course age their bid those operators a stink right now I didn't then I left after I made it being a computer program I said well I want to be a system analyst oh you can't be SSL she got her master's degree vlad well they told me i could be operator then they told me I couldn't be a pro he taught me listen to them now so in favor of God I worked with while were to work with we did a guy who was a system analyst went to his boss and told him about me they interviewed me and told me company policy says we cannot hire you without you being having a master's degree but here's what we don't do he says I'm gonna appeal to Lou York for them to change the policy anybody getting stirred up me right yeah I don't suck at something I'm gonna go look for house this weekend I'm I'm looking for a house this weekend that's what I'm gonna do all right now watch this in this moment of time watch this down what'd you say women now in this moment of time at the deliberating table four elements show up to help you make your decision number one the mind shows up now the man shows up with an agenda of reasoning and logic and we're believers we don't throw away our mind you understand we just have our minds subject and submitted to the Word of God number two I emotions show up at a time to make decisions we cannot trust our emotions because emotions are too fickle all right then the flesh shows up the flesh is that the part of you that the devil had a chance to corrupt and the Bible says in your flesh dwelleth no good thing so flesh cannot be trusted to make righteous decision and then the Spirit of God shows up and he shows up to be the deciding witness with your spirit according to the Word of God stay with me if I say stay with it they were not so the spirit of God's story he shows up he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in US I'm telling you as the deliberating table you as a believer you've got to decide in witness there you've got a person in there pulling and pushing you to make a decision or bow courageous decision to trust God when others can't see their way hallelujah amen amen and so I understand that and the one that I have relied on the most will be the one who wins out in the argument and so if I learn to rely on the Holy Spirit he will win in the argument and he will he will help push me everybody say push me he'll help push me into some decisions that defy the odds that defy the odds let me get let me see if I can help you here okay I'm riding the Rome with years ago we believe in for a bus in our church and I'm riding along you understand and I get this prompting of the Spirit of God because he doesn't his healing he just kind of prompts she just kind of nudges you and I'm passing this Bank and he said the Spirit of God says I want you to turn in going in this Bank and ask for the president all right now first of all I'm not dressed for appropriately I mean I mean you know I I you know I rat down but you know I think I'm a suit on and my time I'm gonna take your business you know I'm saying so so so my thing I'm gonna go home he's no no no go now okay okay so I go back pull in the bank and I walk in and say I would like to see the president and so uh they said well the president's on vacation he's not here he's on vacation but they have this other guy here and he's taking all of the you know the work the president normally take your seat would you like to see him well might as well I'm there so I said I sit down talk to the guy and I told him you know I said listen to our church uh listen I don't have good credit and at that time Church in hell week really and I don't have a account at this Bank I have never been to this man okay so I'm talking to the guy telling him about my busted Minister we need a bus this guy's eyes light up and he says well I'm the bus ministry captain at my church he gets all excited and then he tells me hey this is kind of bus you need to get him we start exchanging notes about bus ministry and that sort of thing never check work ready what to say never check my credit no he said go on get you the bus listen I go and find what I thought was a great bus went to church and everything I'm getting ready to sign on the bottom line because you know he's the banker he's getting rid of eat and the Lord says that's not the bus so you know I don't want to feel like I'm flakes make the guy think I'm flaky your despair so amazing he said passing that problem I said well I said not you know I take you to be a spiritual man I just got a witness in you know that this is not the bus for me he's our pastor don't worry about it if you need to pray about a little bit more call any prayer pilot do what you got to do so I felt relieved I go to church walk in my door phone rings this guy's from phone I said hello this guy tells Miss name and he says I am from Buda Texas now I ain't never heard of Buda Texas but he's a guy who sells buses and he said I met him at something meeting I only remember meeting a guy but he says I got a bus I want you to see if you buy this bus I'll give you another one okay I said now well you he says I'm in Buda Texas now where is Buddha Buddha is right outside of Austin so I take a flight go to Austin he picks me up takes me there nice bus well I think the other bus like six sixes 60 passengers this one like it's a six a six passenger and then he's going to give me a sixty passenger bus and gonna paint it put our name on it and everything so I pick up the phone call the bank I said you're not gonna believe where I am he said where are you I say I'm in Buda Texas who know who I met Buda Texas I saw told him about the deal on the bus and that sort of thing and I told him hey he's going to give me another bus and I remember he said put him on the phone I give him drafted instructions so I ended up with a bus now that was because I was able to follow the holy spirit all right that's why we're going now because the possibilty mentality is dependent on several things depend there by say dependent okay number one he is the possibility mentality is dependent on me valuing the profit if I say valuing the profit yeah I got the value the man of God or a woman of God that I am sitting under because so much of my destiny is linked to the one I'm sitting under yeah because my faith is strengthened from the one I'm sitting under because faith comes by and hearing by that's why if you remember this church you entered the church because you got a man and woman of God who'll teach you the word if I say you must value the prophetic voice I think the second Chronicles 2020 says if I will listen to the Prophet I will prosper and here's why he has the ability to see further than you see he can see in you things you don't see in yourself amen see I need a man of God who yeah I mean I'm not against someone there isn't and I'm not against academic training and all that but I need a man of God who he is from God jeremiah 3:15 go that quick - jeremiah 3:15 I need my future my possibility my going to the next level all of that is dependent upon who I'm sitting under I need to sit under per person the Bible says those I should follow their faith I need to sit on somebody who understands faith who walking by faith who's living by faith who gives me an example of faith jeremiah 3:15 and I'll give you passes according to my heart who feeds you it and what okay Casey I don't need entertainment for my preacher you follow me I need somebody who has been with God who can feed me with knowledge and come understand I see him as a gift from God about your gift now when have you ever given somebody to give me a contact I didn't it didn't we got a mystery together and you be saying if you ask me the last time I'll give you something what I'm gonna tell you I mean God's given you a gift the question is how are you treating the gift you never get so common with your man of God your woman of God that you don't see them as a gift to you from God to feed you with knowledge and understanding of us they got a value to give we got a value the gift I got I got a man because he sees many tender you know I think she heard a testimony he said she put you prophesied over the singer then when at the part of her testimony you prophesied over singer that's that does she make a record and oh that's so thing a man praise the look I'm in more time you know years ago my church was small and I was being mentored by this guy he had built a 3,500 seat auditorium Quast and c300 I was looking to cross then one day and I saw if I ever had 300 members or I wouldn't ask the law for nothing else my mentor looks dit he looks not just at the choir stand but the whole 3500 seat on a to him he says oh no he'll you you'll do far greater now he I was I'm ready to settle for 300 I'm ready to settle for the Christ and and he said oh no no no no no you'll do far greater than all of this he saw in me are y'all listening to me he's sawing me something I didn't see in myself and I'm telling you you need a man of God you need a woman of God when you step through those doors that they see something you beyond statistics hallelujah beyond what the odds say you can have you want them to see in you what the Word of God says you can have and be bold enough to stand flat-footed and tell you I don't care if your mama have never done it don't care if your daddy have never done it don't care if your sister and brother have never done it God says it's possible for you I'll get a little excited get a little excited bring the same back down to t yeah okay okay it's dependent if I say dependent on my man of God it's dependent on the prophetic voice a man a man now so so if you got a woman a god gee that's fine - I'm not I'm not counting her out at all but you've got to have somebody who sees in you what you cannot see in yourself it is also dependent me going to the next level doing things that defy how hard it is depended upon the visitation of power if I said the visitation of power alright now watch this alright go to first Corinthians chapter 2 first going to chapter 2 in my pursuit of going to new levels and my pursuit of having better I was introduced to the power of the Holy Spirit in the right way he's able to do exceeding abundantly the power first acts 1 and 8 ye shall receive so we don't stand up understand we talked about power we taught my dementia the whole spirit can we agree on that okay well when I grew up where I grew up I grew up of what preaching I traveled across denominational lines saw a lot of stuff folk blamed on the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost I'm not doing it walked my thinking on the Holy Spirit so my whole thing was initially I can I'm not speaking in tongues whiney speaking tongue God understand English my knees because I'm standing here just that so um this stuff I saw people's called blame on the Holy Spirit see I was preaching a month as the boy went his church and the people fell on the floor and they were all sheets and covered them up see it covered him up with the sheets and they put me up the priests people still covered up shop summer people laying on the floor covered with sheets and I'm up trying to preach and then they moving under the sheet sheets moving and then they Breyer are and they say the Holy Ghost working on my thing if dr. holder goes I want that all day of course I come out of shouting Baptist Church you know people say they get the Holy Ghost on they get happy we're not a folk in the church they got I mean he could have but it was follow as viola cutters big trunk i'ma pick him up get him out and then this one guy he had broke three or four guys laying just I know he was ba ba ba ba I mean not serious I'm serious this is verifiable and they he'd be brief I mean he should kick him and all that come stuff is serious it's valid and then you know EMS was like two or three blocks away but by the time they knew my pastor was closing they go and bring the truck on around there cuz somebody's gonna need some assistance Bridgette am I telling the truth because she goofy I'm saying what's it what's the sound people would run through glass doors cut themselves up call it the Holy Ghost how you reconcile you on the phone from the emergency room baby can you come get me mama why are you I'm at the emergency room at the hospital mama what happened oh well the Holy Ghost got on me it out I ran through the window and it and I cut myself up pretty bad come on now understand we got now they were sincere but but now I'm just telling you growing up I'm going I don't want no wanna go they're gonna get call me the run-through sir I don't want that see I had to him I had to have a justifiable reason to want to get filled with the Holy Spirit but none of them gave me the reason till I read the work not much this if the Holy Ghost gonna make you do something he gonna make you live right and he gonna make you pay your time all right watch this okay so said Brennan first gonna just chapter two first one is Chapter two we wrap it up there by Serafina now I want you to make a commitment to be here on tomorrow because on tomorrow I'm going to give you some several other things that are that this uh that go until the next level defying the odds is dependent on things that have helped me in my life I know help you in your life but let me wrap it up with this verse verse 9 says but as it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither I've been to the heart of man the things which God prepared for them that love him so that's the things that God has for me that my eyes have not seen my ears have not heard would you agree he says righteous but God has revealed them unto us how oh my god now I found the reason for the Holy Spirit he is to reveal to me the things that eyes have not seen is that not heard the things that God had prepared for me that I don't even understand now they're beyond what I could even ask you to think at this stage but the Holy Spirit knows them alright watch this watch this alright alright for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of Man which is in him even so the things of God nor no man but the Spirit of God now we received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might run up and down the house and scream at the top of that's not what that said that we might know come on come on that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God can you see that so I've been given the Spirit of God now so that so that I might know he's supposed to help me know he helps me choose life watch this watch this watch this which things also we speak which things things talking about the things that I have not seen know you heard these things we also speak not in words demands the words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Ghost teaches Wow Wow I said why would I saw that he says now the things that God has for me that my eyes are not seen nor ear heard have not yet entered into my heart my understanding the Holy Spirit knows those things he revealed those things in me what's this and he helps me by speaking those things through me not in the met words of man's wisdom but which the Holy Ghost he's told my speaking in tongues I said Wow now I understand now I could put together the dots connected because always though he's able to do exceedingly bundle of all I ask the thing according to the power working at me but if I haven't asked you to throw that how I'm going operate in faith for it because if he's beyond what I could ask a thing so I have not operated in faithful work the only way I can operate in faith for those things that are above what I could ask or think is violating the holy spirit who knows those things that I have not seen is have not heard those things are not yet enter into my understanding above what I'm asking the thinking when I'm speaking in tongues I'm talking about my future and I gotta tell you we're living in the day when believers who have been filled with the spirit have now backed away you're no longer boldly speaking in tongues every day you're no longer praying in the spirit every day and you're from fit in your future they're fans that God wants to do the supernatural God wants to do he cannot do it because you're not cooperating with him and the more you sensitized your spirit to the Holy Ghost the more you're able to find out to move when he says move take those steps when he takes says take those steps he will guide you into places where you need to be and the way you do that is you sensitize yourself by being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongue so now watch this so I see it I see the reality of it who now hiya I won't speak in town but I got just brackets my blockage is I'm waiting for something take my mouth slightly won't play with gone so I'm worried for some take my mouth and going you know that make me talk yes I know it's gone so I went to my uncle's Church I'm up ahead of the spirit my uncle was part of spill filled Church I went to his church one Sunday night and Buddy danced around me for who out our water Saints out that man I warm out finally they she had to shut the thing down this mishegoss you didn't get it son tonight maybe next week hey will big afternoon so uh I got my Bible and the Spirit of God scales fell off my eyes he says and they began to speak it's understood that I had to speak it was a faith effort I had to speak so then I by faith father thank you I received the Holy Spirit received the evidence of tongues because I'm thirsty for it I need it now I see its value the supernatural that he has for me I can't get there without there you follow me everybody saying I can't make it I got a little raggedy Church you follow me look around the church building preachers passing by laughing at me credit bad broke but I still got dreams on the inside as I said okay God here you go I received my language in Jesus name it's not just that bad I'm welcomed by faith now they speak it's I'm a they say I'm straight so then I say okay god I know this sound bad but I know Bob says you understand so here's some oh and I need it I kept doing that kept doing that then one day a star la la basilica del amico say selamat sobre la ma ba flush until a mikoshi ha more amore Minister for say Marlo hora Miki show ma Tito sotto labarda la que o magician Talib ah ha hey boo Shalu Maya pyelo there's enough what do you say I will tell you what I say those things that I am NOT saying he is having a hood I'm calling in my future don't you think I have arrived there are many things god I thank God for where I am but there are other places where God wants to take me some still calling those are you listening to me when you operate by faith get ready for a fight go to Psalms 23 we wrap this down when you get rid of operate by faith get ready for a fight if I say get ready for a fight yeah yeah because if the devil does not want you to experience your faith working and once you start going to one level you'll go to the next level and the next level and the next level watch this first one the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want we like that don't process he making me to lie down in he leading me besides done he restoreth mine he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his alright watch this not now here is the fight yay here is my I gotta take you this way is because see if I don't prepare you for the fight and you start stepping out in faith and you get hit you will think that's unusual but whenever you get ready to walk by faith there are days of contradiction there are days when what you're saying is not what you see the days when what you believe it is not what you're experiencing and it's in those days you have to know how to persevere football guy get styled he don't get up after being tackled turn around crying as you do see you wouldn't he bet me believe he took what my back you don't do that cuz being tackled is part of the game when we believe us understand the fight is part of the game if I say yay yay he said yea though I won't watch this through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear knowing watch this here's why he fears no evil because it's just the shadow and shadows don't hurt anybody if I say shadows don't hurt anybody therefore shadows don't mean nothing yes yeah yeah they say see his is it yeah you maybe yeah they may have repossess your car and you drive in a car less than what you used to drive you tell your girlfriend the baby don't worry about this this ain't nothing but a shadow and it don't mean I'm not allowed I'm not living in the kind of house I used to live in but it's just a shadow I'm passing through this thing you don't have to feel sorry for me because it don't mean yeah yeah I know we used to go over there to eat but right now the way my mummy is we got to go over here to eat but that's alright don't worry about it does it don't worry about it don't feel sorry for me because I'm going through this thing it ain't nothing gonna shatter it it don't mean King tell Shadrach Meshach and Abednego either you bow I'm gonna burn you up you're gonna burn us up here's the fiery furnace that's all you got that ain't nothing but a shadow and it don't mean you gotta get your fight back you gotta get your bounce back you got to get your joy back so you get your life back statistics don't mean I'm out of time hallelu
Channel: ChristianWorldMedia
Views: 29,629
Rating: 4.6776557 out of 5
Keywords: God, Faith, Sermon, Preaching, Praise, Gospel, Christian World Media, Church, cwmnetwork,, sunday school, church service, sermon video, Living Praise Cyber Church
Id: vmor5XAp5rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 56sec (4196 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2013
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