God Answers | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale broader thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or 6 o'clock p.m well our scripture text today comes from the 14th chapter of saint john saint john chapter 14 beginning with verse 12 12-14 reading from the new living translation notice there are these words these are the words of jesus he says now i tell you the truth anyone who believes in me will do the same works i have done and even greater works because i am going to be with the father i can you can ask for anything in my name and i will do it so that the son can bring glory to the father yes ask me for anything in my name and i will do it i want to talk today from the subject god answers god answers god answers god answers now once you didn't realize that from this particular passage here as jesus is speaking in saint john chapter 14 he's not just giving us a blank check for any kind of whimsical desire that we could have toward anything because you never when he says ask it in my name it it implies that it has to be in keeping with god's character and his nature so that means that if somebody that you don't like you just can't pray that god would just kill them that's that's not in in line with the nature of god when he says you'll ask anything in my name it has to be in his character in his nature in in his will and and i want you to think about it he said here that i tell you the truth that he talks about the fact that the works that i do shall you do also he's talking about asking god for an empowerment to be able to do the works of jesus and the earth that ultimately bring glory to god think about the things that jesus did jesus served others jesus blessed others jesus taught others jesus healed others jesus delivered others jesus fed others jesus comforted others jesus died so that he could save others so when you think about it all of the works that jesus did were ultimately to bring glory to god everything that jesus did it was not done for egotistical purposes it was not done for self-aggrandizement it was done to bring glory to god he lived to bring glory to god he says herein is my father glorified that you bear much fruit that means that you got to do something in this world if you intend to please god if you intend to glorify god you've got to do something with your life god will generally grant the things that you request of him that will bring glory to him oftentimes uh the times that there were two times that jesus marveled at someone's faith and both times it had nothing to do with the person it had everything to do with someone else jesus marveled because these people had faith in jesus to be able to heal someone else uh one time it was it was it was someone's child and another time it was another person's servant but it wasn't for them personally they were asking god for his miracle power so that it could bless someone else but they were asking in an unselfish way and that brings glory to god whenever we are doing something that is unselfish uh ego is edging god out it is edging god out and those little three letters of that word ego can destroy the 12 letters of the word relationship more relationships have been destroyed because of somebody's ego the egotistical things and so it displeases god when people live unto themselves with no regard to how their actions their behavior and their attitude affects other individuals but i want you to know god answers god answers god answers now i know that the the topic is a bit ambivalent because you don't know whether it's just a statement saying that god answers or whether it's god answers that these are answers that come from god to whatever problem well it's both of them it is but in first john chapter 5 verse 14 and 15 notice this now this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us you see jesus gave us sort of a check in uh in john 14 but now he clarifies uh some things have been clarified for us that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and we know that uh he hears us if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him this is simply to say to you this god always answers every prayer i know that you might say well you know what i prayed and asked god about something he didn't answer me just before you jump there let me just say to you god answers every prayer it just may not be the way you want it to be answered but god does answer every prayer sometimes you know you can pray for god to heal someone who may be on their death bed and then the person dies but you have to understand death is an answer death is the perfect healer because beyond that there is no sickness they'll never have any more sorrow they'll never have struggle uh a night where they're struggling to breathe or being in pain from cancer or some other type of treacherous disease it is an answer it may not be the one that you're asking for but god always answers god always answers i i want you to realize that god's idea of a good thing may be different than yours his idea of a good thing may be different than yours and so you might pray and ask god to do something and god might say i've got a different idea about this than you do but god always answers is just not always the way that you think that he should answer and so i want to submit this to you today that god generally answers in four different ways god generally answers us in four different ways whenever you pray whenever you're seeking god about something god generally answers us in four different ways number one when the request is not right god says no if you ask god for something that's just not right that's why it says if you ask him for anything according to his will he hears us so when the request is not right god says no no if you ask me for something that's against my will no i'm not going to do it you know i mean can you imagine if somebody asked you to pay for something that you don't believe in and they want you to put the bill for it if the request you know so you can't say that god didn't ask no he did answer his answer was no the answer was no that is an answer no is an answer it is the same as a parent that tells their child no for sometimes a thousand different good reasons but god doesn't owe us an explanation every time that he says no to us to a request that we give to him he's not obligated he's not santa claus he's not obligated to give us everything that we want sometimes god's answer is no notice what jesus taught us in luke chapter 11 verse 11 through 13 notice you fathers if your children ask for a fish do you give them a snake instead or if they ask for an egg do you give them a scorpion of course not so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the holy spirit to those who ask him so you ask god for something that's in his will for you god will do it with great joy but a parent doesn't give a child just anything you ask for one thing then they give you something that's just totally opposite but neither does a parent cater to every desire that a child has because if a parent did that the child would be eating pop-tarts and cinnamon rolls and in sugary cereal just every single day rotting their teeth rotting their guts out and so sometimes they're asking for things that are not even good for them so god says you know what i love you too much to give you what you're asking for i love you too much and so the answer is no and then sometimes when the request is not right god will say no the reason that he's saying no is because we are asking with wrong motives is that my opinion no it's not my opinion it is the word of god james chapter four notice this verse one through three what's causing the quarrels and fights among you do they come from the evil don't they come from the evil desires at war within you you want what you do not have so you scheme and kill to get it you are jealous of what others have but you can't get it so you fight and wage war to take it away from them yet you don't have what you want because you don't ask god for it and even when you ask you don't get it because your motives are all wrong you want only what will give you pleasure and so sometimes we're asking because our motives are all wrong the request is wrong and god says no and guess what if you ask god for something and the motive is wrong the request is wrong if god were to grant that to you it would delay you in your destiny it would delay you if god would to give it to you it would sometimes distract you from your purpose it can delay you it can distract you it can even derail you there's some times that a person was asking somebody was asking for this man somebody was asking for this woman and when that person came into your life they were trouble they were your worst nightmare and you were running out of your life now you got to go down to the uh you go to the courthouse or somewhere and file a restraining order from the very person that you were crazy about at one time is is that not amazing it can derail you it can deceive you if god were to grant you some of the things that you asked for when the request is wrong so when god says no god's doing your favor he's trying to protect you from something because sometimes we ask for things and our motives are wrong so when you ask with wrong motives if god were to grant that thing it would delay you it would distract you it could derail you it can deceive you and ultimately it can destroy you it can destroy you so you want to thank god every time that god says no you ought to say lord i thank you that you love me because you know something about this situation that i don't know yet you can see something down the road that that i can't see i'm looking at at dr jekyll but you're looking at mr high you know i mean it's like god you you see something that i don't see god i thank you for protecting me you ought to thank god whenever god says no to a request that is not his will because i'm just telling you if it's not god's will it's not going to bring you joy if it's not god's will it will not bring you fulfillment so sometimes the request is not granted simply because it's the wrong request when the request is wrong god says no here's the second thing when the timing is not right god says slow when the timing is not right god says slow slow your roll slow your roll now i want you to understand this there is a big difference between delay and denial there's a big difference between delay and denial i mean no and not yet are not the same and learning to accept the difference shows your spiritual maturity and so there are people that will hear a slow from god and they interpret it as a no but no and not yet are not the same can you imagine a five or six or seven year old child that wants to get behind the wheel of the car and drive and and if mama or dad says no they're really not saying no they're saying not yet you need to be 15 16 years old for you can handle this with some some decent level of responsibility some of the teenagers are still crazy with it so but he said not yet he said no no it's not that i don't ever want you to drive you're just saying not yet and sometimes you know when you have babies babies will try to do things that you don't really mind them doing later but not yet i remember when our twins were were born we had the two other children that would i guess they were maybe three and four years old and then here we have new with newborns and and our twins were upstairs sleep in their career i know three and four-year-old went and got the babies each one got a baby got a twin and came here they come down the steps with the baby a two-year-old and their newborns and it's not that we didn't want them to hold them it's just not yet and you know and you know we're frightening out of our wits seeing them coming down the steps with our newborn infants and the babies were still asleep but we were saying not yet it's not no no no when you when you babysit an age i'm goody here take this baby but if it's premature it's it's simply not yet and sometimes we've asked god for something and god is simply saying not yet don't interpret a no or not yet as a know that's all that he's saying sometimes god just says no to your request because the request is wrong other times he says slow to the request just slow down you know why because sometimes what you've asked god for is waiting for you in a place called obedience sometimes what you've asked god for is waiting for you in a place called obedience there's something that you've got to do before god can trust you with it so that it doesn't destroy you and so you'll ask god for something and is waiting for you in a place called obedience sometimes you pray for money money is waiting for you in a place called obedience when you do what god has called you to do when you've done what he's told you to do then god will grant it it'll just come it's waiting for you in a place called obedience can you imagine if you said you know just follow this follow this you have to move to this you have to move to this you got to go through this that and the other and then bam you can get it and somebody who's at the starting line and they're just saying god give it to me give it to me no no he said no you got to bust a move you got to go to step one step two step three you got to do what i've told you to do quit doing what i told you not to do he says it's waiting for you in a place called obedience so he's not saying it's not that i'm saying no to you saying not yet there's some things that you've got to do first there are some things that you've got to work on first so sometimes the delay in answers has nothing to do with you but it has everything to do with others who are a hindrance to you sometimes god wants you to do something and he's got something for you but you have to wait on somebody else can you imagine if one person said in law but i'm going to get married but suppose your partner is not ready and you say you you're saying i'm lord i want to be ready all of my friends get married now but suppose the person who is destined for you is not ready yet i mean especially you know for cougars you got to wait for them to get out of high school sometimes he's just saying not yet not yet not yet you see sometimes god wants uh us to wait for uh for people to change and other times he will move the wrong kinds of people out of the way and sometimes that takes time if you'll notice the word of the lord in exodus chapter 4 and verse 19 notice this before moses left midian you know moses had an encounter with god and midian the lord said to moses he said to him return to egypt now for all those who wanted to kill you have died you know how long he had to wait in midian 40 years 40 years he had to wait for the people who wanted to kill him to die sometimes you have to wait for haters to be moved out of position you got to wait for them to die or retire you got to wait for them to be fired you ever been on a job and somebody was causing you trouble and you prayed to the father and you're wondering what why and then god moved that person that was trying to cause trouble for you i'm just telling you god has a way of your trust him if you trust him and give god time he's just saying slow slow you roll i know they're a terrible person i know they get on your nerves i know they frustrate you but god says give me some time i'm going to work some things and mature some things in you but i've got to get them out of the way and sometimes the reason that you can't be moved into place is because they haven't been moved out of the place and moses had to just go there and chill out he wanted to deliver them 40 years earlier that's why when he saw uh a a a an egyptian you know and that was that was abusing one of the israelites he killed him and hid the man in the sand that was that deliver in moses but god was saying not yet not yet you're trying to do it according to the strength of the flesh and if you try to do it without god you're going to end up killing somebody instead of waiting for them to let it let it be in god's hand god says vengeance is mine i will repay says the lord and when you try to take it in your hands you're going to jail i mean it's going to it's going to work out bad for you so you have to trust god and this is just saying slow he's like i'm going to handle this but he's saying slow your roll slow down slow down it's not a no it's a it's a slow because sometimes things simply have to mature in your life before god will grant them because there are several things that you need to have maturity in your life notice you have to have maturity in your mindset your mindset has immature that sometimes people with an immature mindset do childish things because their mindset is immature that's how you think and that's what you believe your mindset some people have to mature in their perspective you know there that this this ego again this selfishness because they they they look at everything and interpret everything in a narcissistic way as though the whole world revolves around them they have to mature in their perspective you've got to mature in your emotions there's some people that are just drama kings and drama queens your emotions this is how you deal with others god doesn't need to put you in a position of leadership when your emotions are out of control because you're going to be a nightmare to people if you you've not matured emotionally you need some emotional intelligence you need to be able to have a filter you can't say everything you feel in everything that you think when some people are like well you know what if it just comes up it's coming out well you won't be a supervisor and if you will you won't be one for long no so you know and and even if you are the supervisor people will be hating your guts and talking about you behind your back you can't trust you they are tolerating you and i want you to see that we have to mature in our mindset we have to mature in our perspective we have to mature in our emotions you have to mature in how you understand and use money because if god were to bless you and you don't have any sense the younger that we are the more immature that we are in our mindset the more we mess up money and i'm just telling you if you've got a choice of being a teenager and having money or being an older person and having money choose to be an older person with money because you're going to have a better understanding of it you see you you'll be balling you know as a teenager you're going to buy everything for all your friends and everything and you're going to be broke before you're 25. so listen you have to be able to understand money and how to use it here's another thing you have to mature in is how to effectively use your time because when the younger that you are the more that you feel like you've got all of the time in the world you don't have all of the time in the world that's why the scripture says teach us lord to number our days so that we might apply our hearts to wisdom because you don't have all the time in the world use your time how to how to effectively uh use your time and then how to value your relationships how to value your relationships the relationships of your spouse your children your mom your dad your siblings family close friends that are in your life you have to be able to know how to value relationships you have to mature in certain things before god will will grant certain things he's just saying slow slow down because you cannot rush maturity you cannot rush maturity sometimes you pray and ask god for something and he says no because the request is wrong other times he says slow because the timing is wrong you see you have to let patients have a perfect work let patience have its perfect work what is the work of patience well patience exposes remember that give it time patience exposes things that you can't see right now patience exposes patients will expose wrong motives it'll expose wrong people uh it will expose wrong opportunities and then sometimes you give it give it time and it'll expose the right opportunity but patience exposes is one of the works of patients let patients have its perfect work patience exposes then patients educates it educates you to think it gives you time to develop it gives you time to grow it's a part of the work of patient let patience have its perfect work patience educates us it educates us it helps us to to get ready for the next level of where god is bringing us and then patience eliminates out of your life the things that you've already outgrown when i was a child i speak as a child i saw that since i thought i was a child i understood as a child but when i became mature i put away childish things it eliminates the childish behavior the immature carnal things that you were doing the fleshly things the things that that says that this is just all about me so let patience have its perfect work the work of patients exposing the work of patients educating the work of patients eliminating things that you've already outgrown in your life patience is a wonderful gift toward us patience is a healer patience is a revealer patience is a concealer give it time give it time patience works patience works for us here's the third thing how god answers when the request and the timing are right but you're not right god says grow if the request is not right he says no if the timing is not right he says slow but when the request and the timing are right but you're not right god says grow grow god wants you to do something in your life before he answers certain prayers because otherwise you won't be able to handle the prayer the answer sometimes you need to grow in love sometimes you need to grow in forgiveness before you're ready notice what jesus said in mark chapter 11 and verse 25 jesus said but when you are praying first forgive anyone that you are holding a grudge against so that your father in heaven will forgive your sins too he had just talked about it jesus had just said in in mark chapter 11 verse 23 whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things that he sails shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith but then he says and when you stand praying if you have ought against any if you have ought against any forgive them because if you don't forgive them god's not going to forgive you he says listen i want to answer this thing but i'm not going to answer anything until you get this thing straightened out you you got to deal with that unforgiveness in your heart because it's like if you won't forgive other people we can't go any further because i can't even forgive you so you hinder yourself and that's why god will say i need you to grow yes the right request yeah it may be the right time but you're not the right person and if i gave you the right answer and you're not the right person you're going to do the wrong thing with it so god will says i want you to just chill out and i want you to grow grow grow to being that loving and forgiving person that i've called you to be i need you to grow god will call us to grow he doesn't leave us the same god calls us to grow growth is always a sign of life if something is alive it is growing it ought to be growing it ought to be growing it ought to be growing and then you know you have to treat people as as you grow you have to treat people with equity and especially your spouse notice what first peter chapter 3 and verse 7 says in the same way you husbands must give honor to your wives treat your wife with understanding as you live together she may be weaker than you are but she is your equal partner in god's gift of new life treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered do you notice that if you are not walking in a proper way if you are not living with equanimity uh inequity toward your spouse it can hinder your prayers and god says i'm not going to answer anything until we check until you check this out do you get your relationship right with your spouse you're gonna have to do some growing you want me to answer this for you you wonder why i haven't given you what you asked for because you're not the right person yet and it's like i need you to grow so you'll stop making all of this about you so you'll stop abusing the very person that loves you and that's been assigned to your life to help you he said i want you to walk in equity toward this person be be equitable toward them or your prayers are hindered don't talk to me until you can talk to them and when you get it right with them he says then come back he says you need to grow before i give you this this is about your relationships your intimate relationship i hope you see how practical god is he's not just so ethereal god says don't talk to me if you can't deal with her you can't deal with him you need to work this thing out here you want to have intimacy with me but you can't have intimacy in that relationship and more than anything else god compares the relationship of his people to himself as a bride and a groom and if he said if you can't get that rage you won't have this one right so he says don't ask me for anything until you do you can deal with her this is about you when relationships dies because you've got to go and look in the mirror and say god what do i need to change here how do i need to grow to be able to to make this a a haven heaven on earth what what do i need to do what do i need to do and at the end of the day the things that spoils most relationships is selfishness it's just selfishness but the person's just thinking about themselves when you prefer your your your mate over yourself when you when you have a heart to say you know what i'm going to serve them is something that you give to them but you reap the benefits so god god allows us to do that so and i want you to understand this principle that god has to transition you into your next dimension god has to transition you into your next dimension he has to transition you into your next dimension because waiting is often about transition and transition is more about who you are becoming and who you should be next much more about the who than what you do next god has to transition you into your next position uh life is lived in st you know on certain levels but it's arrived at in stages and as god transitions you he has to transition you for your next position this is not about what when you're going through transition the transition is not about what you do it's about who you are so the transition transition is different than change change is like an event it's just something happens and it changes but but transition is the emotional psychological relational and financial processing of change when i'm going through all of the psychological elements of my processing this change i have to grow and so here's here's what happens if you're in transition and then a person is nervous because they lost the job so you're in transition you're in between jobs and now you you you see opportunities that come and you say oh my goodness here's a good opportunity right here here's a great opportunity and but the reason that you think is a great opportunity is because you're basing that opportunity based on who you were back at the other level that you were when before you got fired and so you said i know that i can do this and now you're going back and now you snatch this opportunity that is available to you but the opportunity was ideal for who you were and not who you're called to be on your next level so god puts you in transition to help develop you and form you and make you ready to be who you need to be as supervisor as leader as the boss on this level when you're still acting as a subordinate down here and you recognize a subordinate opportunity when god wanted to be able to trust you in leadership to be able to serve other people and bring leadership there and so you have to ask yourself god am i becoming what and who i need to be for the next level of where you're calling me so you don't settle for wrong opportunities and you'll get this opportunities that was for the place that you left and you'll only be excited for a couple of weeks and then all of a sudden your joy leaves and you're no longer fulfilled in the position any longer because you accepted a position based on who you were and not who god was calling you to be next when transition whenever god takes you through transition whether it is a death of a person whether it is sickness whether it is the loss of a business or a home or whatever it is if it is lost it is trying to transition you to make you better than what you were before if you ever break an arm when that bone grows back you are stronger in the broken place that means that i can hold more weight there before it will ever break in that place again maybe god is trying to strengthen you to be better in the next assignment where god is calling you to be and not trying to take you back to where you were i'm here to tell you that if your life is in transition transition is an uncomfortable place i'll be the first to admit that it is uncomfortable it is challenging it is frightening but it will develop you to say god i'm throwing everything that i've got on the altar jesus if you'll help me through this god god help me i don't know where the money is coming from i don't know where we're going to stay next i don't know how long we gonna have grace to even be here in momma nem's house but jesus show me god help me to be who i need to be this is not about what you do stop thinking about what you do think about who you are what you do is an outward manifestation of who you are transition is about making you right for your next level i hope that makes sense to you it's trying to get you right for your next level school is a transition it's working on making you right for your next level for when you graduate from the challenge it is to give you some certification is to give you some degree is to give you some skill is to give you some knowledge to be able to operate on a new level you don't exit a thing the same way that you entered if you do you've just wasted time and god is saying i want it when the request is right and the timing is right but you're not right i need you to grow i need you to grow because you know what we do oftentimes we ask god for a miracle let me just tell you this most of the time you ask god for a miracle god will send you a person you know why because god's answer to every problem is always a person god will send you a person to speak into your life to bring a new level of revelation every time that god really wants to change your life and take you to a brand new level you're going to bam bump into somebody who's on a different level than where you are all of a sudden philip and andrew were minding their own business and all of a sudden jesus said hey hey hey hey boys follow me you're probably nathan he said hey hey follow me peter follow me the moment he came into that life that life shifted they went through three years of transition three and a half years was their seminary of god transforming them into mighty apostles of the lord jesus christ these were not seminarians these were fishermen these were tax collectors these were business people these were medical doctors they had no religious training god took ordinary people and disciple them for three and a half years and sent them back into the world he transformed them into somebody else and when you get with god that's what god will do for you you'll put something in your hand that you're designed to be able to turn loose and it turns into what you needed to be so when moses took a rod and threw it on the ground it changed from a rod into a serpent it turned into what it needed to be to handle the deal and then he could pick it back up and become a rod again that's maturity when you have to know how to balance the lion and the lamb you can't always be a lamb because somebody will run over you their time that god will have you to lift up your head and roar like a lion and said no you don't not on this watch i mean there are times that you you can't just tolerate everything the lion will rise up every now and then he'll plant his whip and turn over some tables and said not in my father's house [Music] and you'll have to rise up and say not in my house and say that not out of anger and bitterness but out of love and concern to help them to become who they need to become and let me give you the fourth way that god answers when the request is right and the timing's right and you're right then god says go he'll tell you no slow grow or go god always answers i hope you see that god always answers god always answers it may not be the answer you want because when you want something you want it right now and you don't want to hear god so much slow it's like a lot i'm already 45 where anything has been coming he said he just said slow down slow down slow down slow down you never notice what ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 11 notice it says yet god has made everything beautiful for its own time everything had its own time he's made everything beautiful for its own time he has planted eternity in the human heart but even so people cannot see the whole scope of god's work from beginning to end that's why he says trust me because you can't see the full scope of god's work from the beginning to end he said trump he said i got everything worked out i've figured it out i've got a plan for you he says you can't see the full scope of god's work from the beginning to end but he says i already know god declares the end from the beginning he already knows how it turns out so god often gives us the green light to our prayers and so at that time it's a time to celebrate because sometimes you don't get what you think that you deserve because god has something better in mind for you that you haven't even thought to ask for and i don't know about you but sometimes god can blow your mind by doing more that you didn't even have sense enough to ask for at the time so sometimes god will get to you more than you think you deserve because god has something better in mind for you that you haven't even asked for how do we know that because of ephesians 3 20 now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us and i want you to rest assured that god will never give you anything that will be harmful to you or bad for you in the end remember that even if carnal parents know how to give good gifts to their children how much more does our heavenly father and i just want you to know that god is ready to answer your prayer in his own perfect time and in his own wonderful and unique way whether god says no whether he says slow whether he says grow whether he says it's the green light go ahead i'm with you it's your time it's your season god always answers god always answers he always answers we just have to learn how to recognize his answers and sometimes if he said to us no and if we are spiritually immature and we don't know how to recognize his voice we start rebuking the devil and god's up in heaven said no no no no no that's not the devil that's me that's me you're rebuking me but you can't stop god god's will be done on earth as it is in heaven our great assignment in life is to come into alignment with god and when we are aligned to god's purposes that's when the resources of heaven flow down into us he's just saying just line it up and it'll flow there's no struggle just line it up and he says you're asking for stuff and you're out of alignment when you come in heaven and earth agree bam power flows agreement is the place of power that's why when you get somebody who's going to do some work for you you draw up a contract they sign it you sign it it brings you into agreement and authorizes the work to commence so the moment that we come into agreement with heaven we say lord thy will be done thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven i come into alignment with you with your will with your purposes and i would pray that you would thank god every time that god has said no to you because you're asking him for things that you couldn't recognize at the time that really weren't good for you sometimes in your younger years those of you that have gone through love relationships you look at somebody that you were crazy about maybe in high school maybe in elementary school maybe even in college and then you see them years down the road broken down looking old enough to be their own parents and you say lord i thank you you recognized that god saying no to that request was a gift from god sometimes god's greatest gift to you in your own understanding would be an unanswered prayer it wasn't unanswered it was just a no it wasn't the answer you were looking for god always answers and that's why if you'll pray to god there's nothing more that god desires than for his people to pray that's why he reminds us in second chronicles 7 14 that if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face then will i hear from heaven the word whenever you find the word here in the old testament it always means answer it is synonymous with answer if god hears you he answers he always answers love is responsive love answers god will not ignore you because he has an attitude with you god answers god answers it may not be the answer you're looking for but it will be the best one for your life and if you can just say lord [Music] i yield myself to you god will transform your world the power and the resources of heaven can never be made available to you until you come into agreement with heaven heaven has already done it heaven is a finished work and that's all that we do is ask god god what you've done in the heavens let it now manifest into the earth because i set myself into a light man i bring myself into alignment with you god your will be done on this earth as it is in heaven so let it happen in my life let it happen in my mindset let it happen in my values let it happen and how i understand time and money god let it happen in me in my family let it happen on earth in this dimension god may your will be done and i implore you today that if you're not in right position with god if you're not in right standing with god you're just a prayer away salvation is just a prayer away if you sinned if you aired if you've missed the mark if you confess your thoughts he's faithful and just to forgive you and it's not going to give you a long conversation about why you did this and i told you not to do that he's faithful and just to forgive us he restores god restores some of you today you don't even understand what's happening in your life but may i remind you of this you're going through transition your life is in transition it doesn't matter whether it's a financial transition or whether it is a relationship transition whether it is an age and health transition whether it is a pandemic transition we are in transition the wonderful thing about transition is that transition is never a destination it is only an intermediary process that is preparing us for a destination the wilderness experience was so that things that were in egypt that were born and in bread in their hearts could die in the wilderness but then there was a whole generation of desert babies that were conceived that were born who had no knowledge or experience in egypt that were destined to be the new inhabitants of the promised land so god will give you a transition of a desert experience in your life so that the old things that cannot inhabit the new that become passed away will die in that wilderness and so that the things that are designed to be born in your desert experience even in the midst of pandemic babies are being born life is continuing the beat goes on god never loses his rhythm the beat goes on god never loses his rhythm he knows what he's doing he's god and as long as you will trust him god will be faithful to answer every prayer faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful if you've never accepted jesus or you've backslidden and gotten out of fellowship with god i want to ask you to just bow your head right where you are just pray this prayer with me dear lord jesus [Music] i've missed the mark i've sinned and i ask you to forgive me wash me cleanse me i accept jesus as my lord and savior to come into my heart and live big in me i bring myself into alignment with heaven [Music] and ask that your will be done on earth in me and through me as it is in heaven [Music] now lord i give you myself to use for your glory in jesus name and father now i pray for all of these for joining us today may you give them grace in the times of transition in their life grace to endure give them pertinacity give them your divine perspective to see god that you are willing to do exceedingly abundantly and above all that we can ask or think i pray to the lord jesus that you will heal marriages strengthen them strip out father and minimize the frustration that they even calls toward one another at various times make the reality of who you are so real to them lord every time the relationship experiences friction may the all of the holy spirit lubricate their dealings one with another i pray father that you will bless the households of the children siblings family members god your blessings your own families god thank you that you even place the solitaire the single person in families because god your promise was that through abraham should all of the families of the earth be blessed thank you that you have not left us alone that you always create a family for us whether it's a natural family or a spiritual family of friends and brothers and sisters in christ thank you for the family thank you god for giving us a tribe so that we don't have to do life alone and i pray god that your peace will be experienced even amid transition and that you will bring us to a good place and help us to become the right who of what you're calling and demanding for in our next level of where you've called us and assigned for us to be thank you for the equipping though it is uncomfortable we thank you and we trust you god that you are doing something exceptional in our life and we cover that in advance that we will give you the glory and the honor and the praise for everything that is wrought in that glorious matchless and majestic name of jesus amen god bless you we love you and we thank you so much for taking time to worship god with us on this day celebrate forever the king of glory because god is forever faithful faithful faithful faithful and we will see you next week god bless you have a wonderful wonderful week we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 99,550
Rating: 4.9002347 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: _9x5BK_yevw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 10sec (3070 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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