How To Pick Up The Pieces "Maximizing Life's Broken Situations

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it says I am I can do what it says I can do I am a believer not a doubter I am a doer not just a hero and my life is the better after having heard the word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing by the Word of God amen first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 there is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you're able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it of course when we read this and move the word temptation in the text it really is a far more expansive word than being tempted to sin but it's a word that has the meaning of trials or tests and we know that in this life we will go through trials and tests but look at this revelation we get from the Word of God but times of trials and testing let's read it this way there is no temptation or there is no trial or test to take anew but such as this comma demand meaning that there's nothing you're gonna go through that somebody else hasn't already gone through all right but God is faithful who will not suffer or who will not allow you to be tempted try to test in the book that you're able but will with the temptation with the trial with the test that you're going through also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it so we've been teaching from this subject I say we because you know we started before we left on vacation and pastor Reynolds so eloquently handled two of the lessons for us and I was able to watch both of them by way of the internet amen thank God for the internet amen and I know y'all had a shot a good time last week hallelujah amen and all right now so but the lesson is about maximizing life's broken situations how to pick up the pieces because if you live long enough something's gonna fall apart on you something will not work out like you want it to work out the bottom drops out of relationships the bottom drops all the plans and dreams and you'll find yourself in a situation where you're picking up the pieces and it's comforting to know that even though the Bible does not tell me I'm exempt from problem problems because I'm a Christian and that's no exemption but I do have the confidence and I do have the assurance that God will help me through it so he has a plan to help me pick up the pieces to go over in life even after I have experienced some discomfort in life we said that broken situations are are never really monumental in scope in other words they never last forever even though when you're going through it almost seem like it's gonna be forever but the reality of it is is they're never monumental they're really momentary and so we have to know how to handle these moments and so we said that deliverance we talked about deliverance in this context it's not about deliverance from save some satanic situation but it's about getting back on track with your life deliverance from the negative things that broken situations set in emotion so getting back on track is what's important so we've we've given several things or what it takes to get back on track first of all a first principle was that you must get a vision beyond the trouble you're facing and that is what is real hard to do that when you're midst of everything it's hard to see beyond the problem that you have but it's not going to always be like that I found out the most that really I don't want to get too far into this but the problem that your that you're in is really a platform for the next promotion it really is and and and but it's hard to see that at the time and most people quit planning when they go through trouble they quit dreaming when they go through trouble so in order for me to get beyond where I am if I'm in a broken situation if I'm picking up the pieces things didn't work out like I thought they were going to work out I have to get a vision beyond where I am number two I have to value the benefits of relationship with God and carrying others I don't run away from church I run to church amen I don't run away from God I run to God the third thing was that I must voice my breakthrough in the midst of my trouble now that's hard to do because you're going through you're troubling you telling everybody my bias stripes I'm healed you're going through your trouble and you're telling it people ever leaders men I remember very early in ministry when when I first got the faith message and lady Bridget did not have the faith message and of course we were going through in those days I mean seriously going through personally beautiful I mean we were living from week to week and I've always depended on the people to give to me and so uh Richard wanted me to staff and tell you about how bad it was and I was standing up telling every need is unless he's getting his big car you better tell them for little food oh you know it was in those days I mean really I mean I know one Sunday I had to point folk back to I said we're gonna eat it to house tonight this evening I mean after church were going to your house and then then Monday night I need to be at your house I had a point O God Bridget was so embarrassed but she went with because she was [Applause] being able to talk faith and talk boldly is important when you're going through because faith comes by hearing but it's released by the words of your mouth the fourth thing we have to do is vigorously bless the Lord for progressive results and boy I'll tell you but pastor he'd hit all the shout out Sheldon over there in China you got to bless the Lord you got to praise God in the midst of what you're going through I'm telling you and you're some folk to understand each other son right I'm working on something how you praise God look I am working on something and you got to do that and then the the next one I think number five was the you have to have choose victorious behavior based on the Word of God and not how you feel if you're gonna get through it it's got not going to be based on how you feel but it's going to be based on what the Word of God says so I do what I do out of discipline if I say discipline discipline is enforced obedience in other words I don't have to feel this but I'm gonna do it go to first Peter chapter one first Peter chapter one because I've got two more things that I'm going to tell you you need to do if you're going to pick up the pieces and maximize a broken situation two things two more things you have to do and the Bible is real clear about us being disciplined to do things a lot of people surround waiting on God well God's waiting on you alright verse 10 says wherefore the rather brother and give diligence to make your calling and election sure for if you do these things you shall never fall if you do some things you won't ever fall so Peter lays out some things that's it said and the point I'm simply making here the Bible is clear that I've got to do something and so these things we've given you choosing to do this too you've got to be a part of your deliverance you've got to be a part of putting life back together you cannot get into a state of depression while you sit along and wish somebody else will do it for you who am I talking to the day amen so you gotta got it you understand you have to take part alright remember these things we've said choose to get a vision choose to that value the benefits of relationship choose the voice of break through choose the victoriously bless the Lord and choose to have victorious behavior that's my attitude I'm going win look the presentation I'm gonna win no you got to remind yourself and I'm having others remind you today that in your situation you gotta remind yourself it's not going to always be like this and I'm gonna win you gotta look yourself in the mirror sometimes and you got to tell yourself nobody else will tell you you got to tell yourself listen you're gonna come through this amen amen amen now now now go in your bibles now and let's look at 2nd samuel chapter 24 all right here's the point I must choose to value breakthrough enough to sow into the kingdom to sow into the kingdom if I'm gonna get through it all right then I've got a value enough if the spirit of got everybody if the spear to God if the Spirit of God tells me to then I got to be willing to soar see if I say if he tells me to now now I ought to be a little bit but I've already already been tired already and even though when you ever talk about money it's always a country girl talking about money that's my sign invited Christ I can't get away from that oh right and until everybody become a hundred percent tithes I think I still got a job not right real until everybody I tell everybody quit sin and we got a job to teach on sin teach on victory over sin amen but I want you to listen to this because even though it's controversial it does not change Scripture it does not change Scripture and I am NOT saying that every time you go through a problem you have to soar see I'm not saying that but I am saying that we can see some cases in scripture where there people were asked to sew something to honor God with a see to get the plan of action to get to the next step to get the miracle fluid in their lives and remember now if you're going to judge rightly divide the word of truth then when there are exceptions to your thinking that are in the Bible because all of us got our thinking but if there's an exception you can't ignore that exception in your summation of doctrine now What did he say all right your personal dog and say well you don't always have to give you don't always have to saucy and I just said it but there are some cases where you do so you can't ignore the way you do and the cases in the Bible where a person was required you can't act like that this that's not in there that's in there so when it comes to me overcoming getting the breakthrough wanting God to help me pick up the pieces I got to include that too I can't just leave that out now personally I can't leave it out because I know so many times I've come through because of the seed God told me to soul I'm all personal life my church I mean there's been times that's okay but we in a wood you know we fight the fight of faith and what we needed to break through God said do this I did boom and it happened so I can't nor that so I got I got to talking already told you it's not every time it's not like every time somebody came to Jesus did say okay you got off no but there are times if I say there are times now we give because of the spiritual principle the scriptural principle scripture principle and then we also give based on spiritual promptings when the Spirit of God prompts me to do it you follow me and we have scriptural evidence that God used as offerings to bring breakthroughs hey man amen amen all right are you doing second what I tell you second send me Shep 24 all right now watch this now what is going on is what has happened is that there's a plague and people are dying by the hundreds and thousands and then David gets this word from the Prophet to go and offer a sacrifice alright verse 18 and dad came that day to David and said unto him go up rien all turn to the Lord in the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite and David according to the saying of God went up as the LORD commanded and I looked and saw the king and his servants coming on toward him and our nurse went out and bowed himself before the King on his face upon the brown and our nurse said wherefore is my lord the king come to his servant David said to buy the threshing floor of thee to build an altar under the Lord that the plague may be stayed from the people and all now said unto David let my lord the king take and offer up that wood seemeth good unto him behold here be oxen for burnt for burnt sacrifice and threshing for instruments and other instruments of the oxen for for wood all these things in Oren law as the King give unto the all these things did or Noah as a king give unto the King an are when I said unto the king the Lord thy God accepted and the king sent or not nay I will I will surely buy it of thee at a price neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my god of that which doth cost me nothing so David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver verse 25 and David built there an altar to the Lord and burn all friends and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings so the Lord entreated the Lord was entreated for the land and the plague was stayed from can you see that I know it's a lot of reading but I wanted to read it to you so that you could understand in this particular case for David to get his breakthrough to pick up the pieces to deal with the situation it was required of him and offering amen praise the Lord your enthusiasm overwhelms me now so this is the principle in Scripture go to second Corinthians chapter 9 second Corinthians chapter 9 we are to all be Tigers Amen see but we're not in this talking about the time that's that's that's an assumed obedience I know you shouldn't assume the obedience because they're people who still struggle with the idea of honoring God with the tent but I got to tell you now if God didn't bless me with all of it I wouldn't have any if he didn't bless him or whether I would have it you understand and all he asked me to do was to give him a tenth as as as an honor gift a tithe amen and so how can I expect for God to do his part when I'm not willing to do my part the Bible says you're cursed with the curse which means if I don't give to God then I'm not under his protection I'm not under his covenant now I don't know how we think that when times get tough for us we would exempt from giving you know I thought if I didn't want to help you I'm just gonna skate around this but I got to help you if I may help him we help you and you know like I said I was going through cover terrible time in my life you're talking by picking up the pieces I had messed up my scholarship had messed up my work-study program I mean my life was in the pits and a preacher came to me and said IRA if you won't tire God will bless you he didn't talk to me about the offering I picked it up when I was studying the tithes and offerings and once I saw it oh my god I have reason I'm under recent things are breaking down like God I'm a god Robert did I love God yes was I going to church yes but I wasn't able and had not trusted God in that area of my life oh I said he was Lord of my life but he had not become Lord over my pocketbook and it was a time of growth for me but I got to tell you I started trusting God by giving it a tithe of $65 a week salary before taxes and from that day to this day I can tell you tithing works it works and I know some of you young Christians and you're are you still you're just struggling with it but I got to tell you you know life goes to a whole nother level when God becomes your partner now when I studied the tithe out of Malachi chapter 3 I saw it said tithes and offerings if I say in offerings and so when I studied the offering out of 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 I saw in here a promise for God getting involved with my life all right verse 7 says if a man of cause he purposed in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or necessity for God loveth a cheerful Giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work so Michael says that when I give offerings as I purpose in my heart then God's gonna get involved in my life now how does he gonna get involved preaching he's going to get involved with favor or grace I'm gonna teach on grace tonight a favor tonight but I'll just give you a little snippet on it it's the willingness of others God begins to touch other people so that they use their power their ability and their influence to help you come on if you think about it think about it now everything you've accomplished somebody has been there to help you none of us has made it anywhere on our own somebody has always had to be there to open the door to help us in order for us to get from one place to the other the Bible says when I give my offerings in faith then God goes to work to raise up people to help me now that is so simple that is you don't need to the Hebrew you don't need to Greece you don't need anything to understand that that is so something the question is do I want God to raise up people to help me put my pieces back together to put my life back together to help me do I want that and of course and the answer that is yes so then you follow me if I get a witness from the Lord to sorce to give then I'm going to do that I'm gonna do it with the express desire God I'm sowing this I need you to raise up somebody to help me it says all sufficiency in my self sufficiency so it's not just talking about money but it's talking about the all sufficiency of life now program your Bibles now to psalms 66 some six or six ship to proves that we bow and pay in times of trouble and so just so you understand it is a scriptural concept than giving and moves the hand of God people have been throughout the ages using offerings to move God's hand in their time of trouble even when they didn't have any bow they made about God if you'll help me I'll do Dustin so alright look there first well since the house calls men the ride over our heads we went through the fire and through water that brought us out onto a wealthy place I will go to the house with burnt offerings I will pay thee my vows which my lips and my mouth spoken when I was in trouble so he isn't talking about our situation what person was in trouble and made a vow to God now we got an example of that of Jacob Jacob fouled to God that he would give the tithe he said God have you just helped me let me come back to my family in peace he says I'll certainly honor you with my time so Jacob wasn't either and because of his tithing won't you listen to me and that's there are little people people I think that's why the devil fights is the devil fights this because of the supernatural that happens when you become a consecrated I said consecrated consecrated gyfer when you're just you given because you're consecrated yourself to God that it's not just you know all for me God but I'm in this for the kingdom as well so the Bible talks about God giving Jacob this incredible idea for increase going to cost him to be abundantly blessed and then the scripture says the angel says I did it because of your vile so it's all through the Bible and so we accept that then if I'm going through and I get this I get this function I get this prompting too so then I want to be able to do so amen I mean Willie I've just give me a brief testimony and that is when we were trying to buy a house years ago and I was at one doctor prices meetings and for wheat somebody was hard boy we've been turned down 20 times for a long 20 times my god I don't know what kept me going I guess my faith huh I knew what yes was out there finally got it yes been the mortgage company required us to put a whole lot of money down when we were trying to save the money was so difficult saving the money and the time was going to the place we had to come here come to closing well I was sitting in a meeting and then the Spirit of God spoke to me and said I want you to sew this thing which should meet the budget I went oh my god yes well there's a whole bunch of money a whole lot of money I've never given that much money to my church you gotta love somebody somebody else me and you know I've been giving all week found this by but third or fourth day of the meeting and meeting was Dan I've been giving all week so I mean and then you know press a lot I didn't have some come you know is who say with mine you know so we're like what my sponsibility I'm just talking about how you talk when I asked off of my leg in there RMS you don't TV I know you I know you but uh obey God and I it was it was challenging because you know and Bridget was strong that day I can take her she had she I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't been there cuz I said let's do hair because she had said the Lord said something about giving us a well let's do hair isn't know you know boys that's okay I raised my hand and I gave him and they'll forget that the building where I gave the seed was these campus I was when my brother John Osteen was still alive and it was Lakewood Church at that time and I gave that seed in that place that day that night things broke for me and that that from that night to this day people walk up to me and give me money is amazing I'm over in Tokyo and to dude that's not helping me with my luggage I want to shake my hand well I shook his hand and my God puts on Midland Jonathan what if I had not obeyed God because I'm thinking histor thinking what I have in enough from a down payment I ought to keep it and put a little more with it because you showed own thing or to take out it didn't give it away because see that's not that's not Kingdom thinking Kingdom thinking is I got a sore seed so I can get increased now that's the teaching of Jesus Jesus says give come on y'all know it and it should be I know we know that but that's a disconnect when I got to look at what I got to give out up how he said well Lord if you blessed me then I'll give ok that's not going to the ground and say if you give me a fruit I'll give you a seed okay understand that that's not going to you the job and telling the boss I want to must pay and then I'll work amen alright so all I'm trying to say is when you're going through and some of you and here you're going through something it's a matter of being able to trust God you know I've done it so many times myself that's why I cannot withhold this from you I've seen the breakthrough power of God you know what's that's an old Tesla my got some current testimony but some of my current testing doesn't have to wait for I given T because you can't him not know a few years ago I think you heard the one heard a few years ago God spoke to me and told me that I think it was wait was it wizard we should know something to happen and God told me to call brother Copeland and you know I appreciate his ministry but I'm not really a part of brother Copeland camp and that sort of thing you know his group of pastors I'm not really part appreciate his ministry watches ministry that sort of thing great teacher of faith and told minutes so acceded to him coming to call him and saw see I called him and was going to to sow seed into it all right behind the bless you all right I just put that on the altar now here's his his and listen listen listen so here they got to me to talk to him and I called he was in the middle of his uh his kick camp me so person went brother hey brother co-op I know some people in staff said he can't call you now he can't call you and I said no problem I said I have no idea was in the middle of his meet cuz I know when I'm in I mean phone call nobody when I'm in my big conference I'll have my own car nobody follow me I'll return no calling like that and so the secretary calling just said hey he's not gonna be able to call you maybe after the meetings over then that's fine I've done my part because the Lord told me to give $10 now I'm gonna send 10,000 regardless so uh right that's winter when the phone hung up I got a call Bry this Kenneth here not used to be on the board of directors at or or you and so that's how we have a relationship you understand and so then I began to talk to us a lot to him did to suit Enda and board then he start proper sign and that thing that we were waiting for it broke in the next few days see so so so so see this and I know a lot of for answer gimme that what you think it's again me that's not for you but then there are those who will be like that Widow in first king who will believe and will obey God and will see God break through amen goat in your Bibles now let's get this last one in Luke 22 Luke 22 amen amen Jesus taught it also which rich ruler comes to Jesus and he says to Jesus he says I Lord I just I just I'm just empty inside what do I need to do and Jesus says if you will go and give something to the poor who's asking for an offering and offering for his ministry that's we asked for and then he told him things would break for him but the guy couldn't do it he says the Bible says he went away because he had he had he had great possessions and but really the money had him but the point is Jesus told this man the key to what he needed wasn't a seed that he would sow amen amen and and that that's the point that's the point that it worked in the life it was as in the Ministry of Jesus and what I just took time I go through all through the Bible to Abraham was and he was all been shaped by God when you go from me what's going to happen and God told him this in Genesis chapter 15 the Bible says they got told him now you going off on this particular offering and told him what to do and when he did it then God start speaking because see what comes to you is the favor of God the wisdom of God are you listening God begins to speak to you it's like some thoughts off your eyes it's like shouldn't you need it rises up to help you are you in Luke chapter 22 and this is for those who believe in a honest tonight I mean I watch this because here's this last point the last point is I must choose to volunteer beyond my victory to be a blessing you gonna bill you go come out of this come on ago you you you know you are going to come out of it you are going little person say you're gonna come out of this it's not gonna always be like it is you are going to come out of it you need to have that assurance stories told about a leader who was cooking well a grandmother she was uh baking pies and baking cakes not high but baking cakes and she had her little granddaughter there and for the first time a little granddaughter could see how the cakes were being made so she was watching there a stir at the batter had been put together and put in the cake pan and the daughter was wondering why you know cake pan is this big but then the batter that was putting there was so small and so she was watching and grandmother says it's going to rise and the girl she was watching watching through the oven door she said grandma me it's not rising it's cool rise bread bread mommy it's still not rising it's cool grandmama is not right and then she looks at grandmom it's rising so uh later on that day to the grass grandma says mama why were you so confident it was going to rise she said cuz I put some minute [Applause] God has put something in you or you listen to me so he has the confidence that you are coming out of what you're in you are going to rise Luke 22 look at verse 31 and the Lord said Simon Simon behold Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat but I prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted strengthen your brothers here's what Jesus said when you become victorious and you are going to be victorious when you are victorious you have a responsibility to help somebody else you will either be a shoplifter a self lifter or a saviour lifter now people who are shoplifters they come with their burdens and they get blessed and they leave amen a self lifter is like person who comes gets minute is two Rises and then credits themselves it's like they have amnesia and forget it was the Lord who did it but the savior lifter is the person who comes and gets blessed and then becomes the testimony for everybody else look at what the Lord has done because God is waiting to use you testimony to help somebody else whenever God blesses you he has more than you in man come on look the person actually said whenever God blesses you he has more than you and mine [Music] you are coming out go to Micah chapter 7 Micah chapter 7 don't let the persecution discover it you know in the midst of which you go in the midst of your fight you would think there would be others who will help you you would think there would be others who would encourage you that is why it's so important to be in a church that's going currently in the midst of you fight the mystery of fighting when people are telling you child I wouldn't do this and I wouldn't do that and I wouldn't do the other it's good to come so you can hear what the Lord says hallelujah thereby say persecution comes with the hundredfold amen amen when folks start talkin get ready to start shouting when the folks start talking when the persecution comes see the Bible says go to what I take go oh I got to read Micah Dean will go to market anyway then we wrap it up cuz I you know I'm from vacation I am preaching a long time I'll be free home I didn't have to help myself i watch this Michael chapter what seven watch this if I say when the folks start talking get rid of star shot I think in verse 8 it says rejoice not against me or my enemy when I fall I shall arise when I sit in darkness the Lord should be a light unto me if I say when I fall I will arrive now you guys have little attitude about you amen see they're waiting for you to fall waiting just the time to show you uh-huh I know when I started and I talked telling everybody got to meaning you know I was in the denominational Church I moved out of the denominational Church and I began to teach the Word of God and quit whooping and that sort of thing I know problem folk who do that that's what I'm just saying what God told me to do and when all the people walked on all the preachers say hear you we tried to tell you not look at you I just told them keep going to bed and keep getting up [Applause] God puts something in us that makes it difficult to quit I got this land whenever you feel like quit and you will you need here that's a and you will keep that did you ever feel like quit I can't count the number of times I felt like quit since I've been in ministry since I've ever I can't count the number of times I used to feel like quit cuz I could use it I gotta tell you in the early days now struggling is different I said I can make money to take care of my family I was a systems analyst I took a severe cut to come and minister so you know while I'm in ministry I understand how much money I could really be making someone with a cup I'm here to tell God I had your boy did he get you another boy ain't your boy by the developers way back then if I hope on Frank I decided whenever I was going quick I give me one more day [Applause] whenever I felt like quit just get one more day and that next day when I felt like quit I'm just gonna get one more and that next day when I felt like quit and then one more days Amanda are you listening to totally persuaded now I don't feel like Whitney nothing to quit now you understand I mean I've been in 50 years now ain't no time to my quittin I'm talking in the early days and I was trying to prove all of this stuff you understand yeah I felt I couldn't go big I go get me a job girl you get you another boy come looking for this in the dank hole phantom one more day it's a matter of trusting God now we're gonna talk about persecution I talk about persecution to Berlin I got to go I got to go and wrap it up but see persecution is pressure of people trying to control you using their acceptance as leverage and the moment I understand I don't need your acceptance that's the moment I'm free from persecution the hundredfold comes with persecution I gotta be willing to trust God and go through if I say through through the persecution because what will shut down my house it's not my argument but the vindicating blessings from the Lord I got the clothes I love my church I got Oh y'all still sweet y'all y'all gonna break me down I'll break me down don't break me down I got the clothes they'll bring me that the regular day now watch this story can see this is all about trusting God's plane all of is about trusting God's plan because it's not a gimmick it's not a game it's about trusting God it's easy to say you trust God when you already know how you gonna do it but it's when you don't know how God's gonna work it out then it becomes difficult to trust God waiting for he's waiting for you to use his won't he wants to use your victory as a platform to encourage others that's why God tells me to tell my testimony I'll never get tired telling my testimony because he told me to tell because every time I tell my testimony he does something the hearts of people people need your testimony when they're facing similar situations and they're about to give up I need my own testimony because that's how I encourage myself I encourage myself that if God did it once think about it course you have to encourage yourself sometime you may come to church that would preach on what you need preached on you could you go home and encourage yourself and yet tell yourself listen ain't the first time I've been in a situation this ain't the first time I felt like this I felt like this before and look what God did I've been through this before and look what God has done because when I'm going through and I began to encourage myself I can then give it oh come on I can get it come on let the person lecture say you got to give it you've got to give God a house was on fire kid was on the second floor and the firemen were down below telling the kid to jump because the house was burning but the kid was petrified as he looked down they said jump jump jump he wouldn't move smoke was filling the air he couldn't see and then finally his father arrived on the scene and called his name and said jump and the boy looked down he said daddy I hear you but I can't see and the father said as he looked up I see you and that's what really matters [Music] how many no you got to trust God when you can't see him but you know he sees you and if you jump he will not let you fall one more day I'm out of time you gonna be the god [Applause]
Channel: New Light Church Video
Views: 65,041
Rating: 4.7171717 out of 5
Keywords: New Light Church, New Light Christian Center, Bishop IV Hilliard, Bishop Hilliard
Id: VUw6CrqZWsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2013
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