Sunday Service March 1, 2020 10:10 AM

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not math okay stay safe is that it that's it okay look at your neighbors say wash your hands wash your hands can y'all bring the beat in bring the beat in okay y'all got it look at your neighbors say wash your hands that's the plan wash your hands everybody get up say wha show hand what's the plan what's the play watch show hand this need to be on TV wash your hand what's the plan wash your hands okay we got time to apostle is here so listen for the whole birthday song happy birthday - happy birthday - come on let me see you do it happy birthday [Music] look at your neighbors say what's the plan [Music] listen we are so favored of God you guys are here me say this all of the time whenever God gets ready to call the chaos of your life into divine order he will always set an apostolic gift I know that our generation is sort of used to people throwing titles around but we have a for-real apostle in our midst today here's what I believe your financial life is about to come into divine order this is the season God's gonna give you the grace to protect your chicken huh come on look everybody get on your feet we're gonna worship God in just a moment but this is the season I want you to speak it out of your mouth this is the season that God gives me grace to get my money together talk to yourself again say this is the season where God gives me grace to get my money together if you believe it open your mouth for just a moment and give God praise [Music] whoa I feel something happening in this room somebody open your mouth one more time let's just let's just worship the Lord [Music] [Music] say it again this is the season where I have grace to get my money together I need calm opacity this is the season that I have grace to get my money together oh my god and every any and all unnecessary debt this is the season that God wipes it away come on you gotta open your mouth and say it any unnecessary debt this is the season that God we're gonna cut covenant today if you don't already have of the bread and the wine just wave your hand so we can serve you but everybody should already have it if you don't have it wave your hand so they can serve you everybody should already have it glory to Jesus we're about to cut New Covenant today I believe something supernatural is about to happen with your finances you better say more than yeah I'll say it something supernatural is about to happen with my fine if your neighbor won't say it look at him like they got the coronavirus come on look look look at him and tell him something supernatural is about to happen as we obey God [Music] you'll see merci merci merci it crashed [Music] oh my gosh gosh the way you took the mold there's not a trace freeze them here freely everything [Music] the Bible says that Jesus was in an upper room he took the bread and we know that the bread represents the body of Christ the Bible says that he took the bread blessed it he broke it and he gave it unto them saying this is my body which was given to you you may take it and you may eat [Music] [Music] [Applause] the blood has washed away all of your sins can I get you to just open the other okay to thank him for the blood bond today come on we hear the words of the song wants to hear the words that emanate from your heart he wants to hear you can I just get someone to say thank you from me in the blood of Jesus can I get about fifty people one more time to say thank you for washing me whiter than snow and in that same room he took a cup which was filled with wine he took the pub he blessed it and he gave it to them saying this is my blood which was shed for you you men take it you may dream See Mom [Music] come on throw your hands up what can wash away my sins nothing but Blair [Music] what can make me whole again [Music] the precious is that float that makes me Oh Oh Oh everybody sing father in the name of Jesus we pray now that you would give us ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the church anoint our Apostle afresh for this season and push us into the next place and we will give you glory and honor for all that you have done and will do it's in Jesus as mighty name we pray amen and amen will you put your hands together let's receive apostle Abby he'll hear these [Music] [Music] while we're standing let's pray father in the precious name of Jesus we do thank you and praise you for this time of fellowship around your word we thank you for Jesus that he's our high priest he ever liveth to make intercession for us we thank you for your word that your word is never void of power you always confirm the word with signs following thank you for the Holy Spirit I'll teach you our guide and we believe revelation truths will flow freely in this place unhindered and unchecked by any force now Lord you know us name by name situation by situation therefore it is with great confidence we believe that you will tailor this word for every individual every situation that is our prayer so in advance we give you along with the praise the glory the armor and adoration for all that shall be accomplished all that shall be revealed in Jesus name and the people said and the people shouted god bless you you may be seated go with me in your Bibles to second Corinthians chapter 9 I just want to applaud again all that Bishop Murphy is doing one of the sons and whom I'm well pleased he and his precious wife we just love them and the whole family amen you're going and celebrating going and celebrating [Applause] [Music] how right praise the Lord so I get a minute of celebration time back on the clock my wife dr. B is here won't you stay dr. B [Applause] 45 years amen praise the Lord a man a man that's my girl a man praise the Lord all right let's have a smile and exercise lift the person next to you smile real big show them your pearly whites your thirty twos your 22s your tens whatever you got left or purchased all right let's raise our Bibles give our confession of faith repeat after me this is my Bible I am what it says I am I can do what it says I can do I am a believer not a doubter I am a doer not just a hero and my life is the better after having heard the word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing hearing by the Word of God amen second Corinthians chapter 9 and it's real familiar passage you've probably heard it over and over but we believe the Spirit of God will breathe afresh on it for us today for success but this I say he put so it's parently shall reap also sparingly he would sort out a foolish you reap also bountifully every man accordance he purposed in his heart so let him give not grudgingly norm neccessity for God loveth a cheerful Giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work I want to talk today on experiencing the power of a kingdom seed experiencing the power of a kingdom seed everybody say that experiencing the power of a kingdom see our Texas real simple God he he really kind of be parallels our giving as sowing seed it's a kingdom principle that will change your life I just want to talk to you a little bit today as I know you're all preparing for your time of great giving but given can transform your life it can really transform your life I remember when I was going through everybody said he went through he went through yeah I remember when I was going through and person talked to me about giving and it transformed my life but later God gave me a revelation on sacrificial giving that totally transformed me took me to a whole nother level I'd gone to a church if I put my little raggedy building up there I'd gone through a church fight so why do you put it on a regular building everywhere you go cuz that's what God told me to do let folks know where I came from so that's a little raggedy building that was my church at one time people look at me and they think wow I've always had no and one guy said you overnight success I told was a long night long night long night next photo next photo next photo quickly next photo that's the front of the church look two cars side-by-side the church is not lighter than two automobiles next photo next photo inside on a Sunday morning I got fifty barber chairs and I don't have 50 people coming to hear me preach a man a man next photo next photo next photo as I began to practice principles things began to happen for me gradually went overnight next photo next photo next photo y'all can see that's a look better women hey man and then I came in contact next photo next total I came in contact with this man of God who fed dr. Fred apostle Frederick Casey price and he taught me a whole nother level of giving he taught me a whole level of releasing faith when I would give and as a result next photo next photo next photo this is what God was able to do in my life 33 years of ministry Amen million square feet of property 500 acres of land Church grew from 23 to right at about 20 plus thousand amen and the recently we turned the church over to my daughter she's doing a great job that's why I could be here today amen next total but it all started right here now I'm already tired everybody was already a tired up I'm already a tither but God takes me to a whole nother level with the offering I'm already a tithe and I started tithing when I was making six dollars and sixty-five dollars before taxes and I was trying to borrow money from a guy and and he told me IRA if you will tithe the Lord will bless you when I don't want no Sun and I'm trying to borrow some money understand and then he tells me he just been the same breath he wasn't tired but that moment was a kingdom moment for me because it's fun it sparked something in me and I by the way he didn't lend me any money and I went to studying tithing myself my church unfortunately we're not teaching it but I studied it myself and I got convicted on the tithe the tithe enough and once I read on the time then I found he wanted an offering to you know and I said it like this my god I don't made all these bills my god then made one for me to understand but when I looked at it I saw it was the pathway to increase now you got to understand I'm not saying with the Holy Spirit I don't have all the revelation that we have today I just got a conviction from the Word of God and making $65 next $65 a week working in a warehouse imitation Brogan's I didn't have the right shoes safety shoes and III I started tithing I went from a dollar given to a leaven dollar and fifty cent giver who you mean living down first I gave my tithe off the top six dollars and fifty cents you know I didn't try to get only try to negotiate with the you know the gross and all that somebody's gonna have to wait anyway so let's go after this thing you understand so then on top of that I took a $5 offering and sold it to my man of God now I understand now that's cuz I read Philippians chapter 4 I saw y'all cut confessed that I read Philippians chapter 4 and I saw that if I would give into his life never said he has no revelation of it he'd be more take my mind oh I can't take your money I know I heard you're having it I said pastor this at him about you I said I found something in the Word of God see I grew up warming the see stuff happen in my life you know I was a boy preacher started preaching that ten years old I got called at nine they made me wait a whole year before they would let me preached my first sermon I preached my first sermon at 10 they say they wanted to see if I was serious well I'm 67 now I've been preaching fifty-seven years I think they looked in I think you look nine year old boy were serious understand watch this watch this and so and so but I've always wanted to see what I saw in the Bible work I wanted to see it work I wanted some results and so you know I'm going after this thing so I went from a dollar give up to a an eleven dollar and fifty cent giver overnight but I did it with an expectation that God said that he would open some wonders I didn't understand the whole thing about Windows at that time but he said I could prove them on this I'm from the hood don't tell me you're gonna prove it no Ted I can't test this thing you understand don't tell my kid I can I can put it up to a test and God came through it didn't take him long you know right after - after two weeks of time - you know - there was really two weeks - three weeks that either I go back or go to work if I say stay with him stay with him I go to work and they say the boss want to see you upstairs oh my that's bad because when you go upstairs from the warehouse you go downstairs outside that mean you got fired so all I could think was they found out I don't have the safety shoes to lose my job and I get there he's got a big grin on his face he shakes in my hand he says come in sit down an hour I said that he said something your supervisor just quit he quit and he recommended you to take his place Wow yeah I'm kind of relieved and then he says he says but you know here a seniority rules and you have the least seniority in your department but management met this morning and we changed the policy [Applause] and your increase will be on your raise at the end of the week Jesus amen amen it's not working for me it started working for me now I know you've heard old I know you've heard this I know you've heard it but it's time to do something about it they might say do something I got only three simple points today number one embracing the truth about tithes and offerings embracing the truth you heard it but you got to embrace it they say well is this really necessary oh yeah it's necessary because statistics say only 20 percent of the folk in here Italian that's you know I mean I mean that's just that's just the statistics so how long till your purse because you may be sitting next to a god robber I know y'all can't laugh at that too much because ok praise Allah amen amen amen then if we're good class we'll get to the erroneous thinking about tithes and offerings erroneous thinking and then we're gonna close out we're talking about experiencing the targeted tied-in and often in other words when I'm intentionally tithing intentionally giving offerings intentionally releasing my faith because that's how God wants us to live Joe 36 and 11 says if you obey and serve Him you spring your days and prosperity and your years in pleasure that's the will of God if I said no that's the will of God the God says now it's based on my obedience and my serving him that I can spend my days in prosperity and my years does anybody want that anybody want that I read that years ago and found out that it was for all of us amen and so you have to embrace it everybody say embrace it embrace it I embrace it because number one it's a sovereign mandate it's a sovereign God says this this ain't some of the preacher made up you say something the church made up it's a sovereign man they God says this is what he wants us to do Leviticus 27 and 30 says the time belongs to God he lays hold on it now we can't treat the Bible like we treat a menu at the restaurant here at the restaurant get your best restaurant you got your menu you can go through it you call listen listen can y'all change this can y'all change that can y'all no no no can't do that with the Bible it is what it is if I say it is what it is yeah God lays claim to that it's a sovereign mandate but it also requires a sacrificial move if I said sacrificial go to Malachi chapter 3 I think they're putting it up on the screen Malachi chapter 3 I read it yes ago he says Malachi chapter 3 will a man Rob God yet you brought me but you say well really have we robbed the end times and office is tied and all friends a man a man y'all said offers real week let's try that again tithe and all friends a man alright next part of next verse next birth you cursed with the cursed thing you brought me even this whole nation bring you all the time all the time into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith saith the Lord of hosts but I will not if if I sovereign God said I'll do something if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that's enough to receive it next verse he's gonna go look further than that I will rebuke the Devourer for your sake he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground amen need to share your vine catch the fruit before the time in the field said the Lord of hosts next verse and all nations should call you blessing and ye shall be a delight some land saith the Lord amen with a powerful scripture what a powerful Scripture now I know where you're going in your mind but it's just hold on I'm gonna get that's all tested I'm gonna get there in just a moment but just hold on right now we're looking at it's a sovereign mandate so sovereign man God said do this my church would even teaching me this but when I read it back then I saw God said he laid hold to it when I could go through the scripture in Psalms 96 I could see that God says when we come to worship we ought to bring an offering see all they want is your money listen I'm told I never wanted your money you don't say that by the way you go you don't say that when you go to the grocery store but I dare you to go and then try to get some groceries without some money you you don't say that when you go to the arena I dare you to try to get into the arena without a ticket without some money you don't say that when you go to the club and all they want is your so not only is it a sovereign mandate it's a sacrificial move it is a sacrificial move a sacrificial because God asked for it so that qualifies it as a sacrifice it's a sacrifice because I could do something else with it come on now you can always you can do something else with it amen it's sacrifice because it's something you think you can control amen let's go to proverbs chapter 3 verse chapter 3 if I say stay with him stay with him stay with it alright today I'm building faith comes by hearing and hearing by what the one I'm building your faith for a change that's gonna take place in your life amen now there in proverbs 3 trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not to thine own all right and all that weighs that I just him what he's gonna do yeah he'll give you a plan of action watch this now he says be not wise lean on own eyes fear the Lord and depart from evil let's go and it shall be help that I need narrow to thy bones next verse next verse honor the Lord honor the Lord with thy praise honor the Lord just by coming to church honor the Lord with my wife with my son I need the money stuff okay y'all get in yo yo that's alright see I'm on assignment and I'm always happy to fulfill my assignment I believe I was talking about dresses on the other day because I was assuming the vision for something he said he said no maybe then Big Daddy you seem really happy I said I'm always happy when I will be God I said because God always does something special for me when I obey it amen so see this is I'm gonna assignment so you know some of y'all look at me strange but that's alright I love you and I've already God and if you embrace this some supernatural is gonna happen in your life I love the Lord with that substance and with the first fruits of that increase then the first fruit is the sacrifice say if I said sacrifice first fruit principal says if I take a part remember the scripture says first of the first fruit if I take a sacrificial part of the whole and honor and worship God with that he's gonna bless my life so shall thy barns be filled with plenty see whoever told you that giving is going to cause you to be without lied to you because all of the scriptures are given promises you something back giving it shall be given unto you what good measure pressed down shaken together and running over God said when I give the tithe you open the windows of heaven pull me out of blessing 2nd Corinthians 9 we in the in the text he says there and God is able to make all grace abound toward you so that you'll always have if I say always have always have all sufficiency so whoever told you that when you give you're gonna go without they lied to you amen and amen all right all right all right so giving it's not only scriptural but it's spiritually about saying spiritual the Bible says that there was a connection between my heart and my treasure the Bible says that wherever a man puts his heart that's where his Trish is going to be amen I can tell you what you really like if you let me look at you that's your checkbook or at your given record at your spending record I can tell what you really like amen cuz wherever our man puts his money his heart goes trotting right behind you husbands let me just in or something if you wanna fall more deeply in love with your wives just spend more money on them I thought I'd get a better response out of the Barry leave that I thought I'd get a better response out of the very ladies that know it's principal wherever I put my money that's why my heart goes so if you want to know where my heart is just take a look at lady be Jesus [Applause] now come on out in this wheelchair go to Hebrews chapter 7 Hebrews chapter 7 because giving us God's plan and it's very spiritual so though something is happening here something is also happening there now it says here men that die given him and that die receives time but that he receives them of whom it is witness that he liveth Wow so it means what you did at the altar was one thing that's here but when you did it him up there received that's why this moment it's so powerful when you're coming to the altar you ain't paying Church bills it's got to go beyond that you got to see that this is your point of connection that here I get it but there he was season that's a New Testament scripture that debunks the argument that tithing is Old Testament cuz here I see it in the New Testament in the New Testament church they are still giving the time a man a man matthew 23:23 good at quickly because Jesus had the opportunity to debunk the whole timing thing but he did not he in fact he endorsed it if I say Jesus endorsed the time amen amen all right all right Matthew 23:23 y'all got that yes now some of the scriptures I gave them some of them I didn't so I told him I was gonna do my best to stay with my script but listen come on now get up there cuz I want them to see this now see watch when I find it they don't put it up there Matthew 23:23 alright woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you pay tithe submit and anis and cumin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law judgment mercy faith these you ought to have done and not to leave I'm just saying you paying ty for all these things but you're forgetting to do this this this but then it goes back said you should have done that she says you should have given your time I need a better remand in that ok now I got to go to my next point y'all make me labor on that but listen I'm giving time because it's expected of the Lord if I suspected the Lord it establishes my lordship when I give the tithe I'm saying God you a lord over all that I have you're the source and your sustainer of my life when I give tithes and offerings all right so it establishes it's expected of the Lord it establishes my lordship watch this it eradicate slack it's God's plan to eradicate lack in my life and then most of all it's an expression of my love it's an expression of my love let's look at erroneous thinking because I think we can touch on this real quickly erroneous thinking the illness of thinking thinking about tithes and offerings and I need you to go to Galatians chapter 6 I need you to buckle your seatbelts on this one because you got to get to receive this the right way amen all right y'all got that Galatians chapter 6 and I want them to look at verse 7 all right is it up there yeah okay be not deceived God is not mocked for what's the way of a man soweth that shall he also reap here's the erroneous thinking the erroneous thinking is that giving does not matter to God no no see akin in the Bible when they took Jericho God said everything that they take on this first one it's like a first fruit he says everything that they take in this first bell goes into the treasure but they consult something he liked and said no I'm gonna keep this really mattered to God for him to take the you know but it did matter because God recognizing God saw it now akin was from the tribe of Judah Judas about praise God looked beyond his praise and saw his robbery let that sink in scripture says God will not be mocked me don't you mess with God don't mess with your stuff Ecclesiastes chapter 8 mocking God when you take from him and then come expect him to bless you anyway you think you can play God no no see people's thinking they don't think it matters they really think they can mock God and get away with it because they said you know you said this is yours but I got a bill to pay so god I hate you wait and listen I will make it up to you but you never do and then when a prophecy is given amen this is my here oh god yes thank you Jesus hallelujah oh oh because the sentence against evil work is not executed speedily therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil let's put the messenger up there messenger message of translation because because God that's not execute judgment quickly I got it it says because the sentence against evil deeds it's so long and coming people in general think they can get away with murder see see that's the thing first we okay you kept at the end God and God she's got us so loving the Bible says he wants to win you with his goodness but see in this age of teaching grace people have taught that it doesn't matter if you obey God or not that's a lie if that's the truth God's got to apologize to Ananias and Sapphira you can't mock God to face the blessings are gonna flow into your life and you're stealing his tithes and offerings I hope I can close a little stronger but I'm trying to get this across to you because I see it all the time I see it all the time you know people they want God's best but they compromise with the obedience it's a greed mentality it's a get over mentality that we bring right out of the world into the church amen amen I see if you know and this is this lesson is really about you just get everybody that's got to get this right okay because we want to experience in your experience what I call targeted ties it off and I'm targeting in other words I see this blessing I want this blessing and what God did for one he will do for another amen amen and see that's God taught me regiment before he taught me revelation go put the little raggedy building back up there he taught me regimen everybody say regimen before he gave me revelation before he gave me revelation now I mean this was a regular building and God asks me for seed this is back in 1980 so I mean I admit I had enough had never met prosperity preachers or anything like that you know nothing about that I'm just talking to God as I'm there I'm a full-time pastor because God would not let me go back to work come out of a church fight I'm ready to go back to where God says no son I'm gonna teach you how to trust me I said I want to learn I'm gonna go back to work he said no more teach you how to live by faith now you understand that I had been a system analyst and so my skills in demand I'm making serious money but you can see how many folk about got coming to church on Sunday and God says I'm gonna teach you how to trust me and so I'm in this little raggedy building and God asked me to sew a ten thousand dollar seed what now ten thousand dollars back in 1980 would equate to somewhere around 30 thousand dollars today I'm told God so if we can't got that he says but you can get it we're sure we where it is I so go get it now not just upon them this time I tell about this but God God told me to go he said now you got a house sell your house and take the seed out of that and sew it into the kingdom nation teaching me how to do this I I said you need to talk to Bridget cuz that's our dream house talk to Bridget Bridget says fine let's do it by that time she's on the bandwagon with us living my faith and she ain't saying God come through and so many other ways sold it I so tender why would God ask me us or a seed like that an extra seed like that because there's something about a sacrificial seed that gets God's attention and calls us a move of God and God wasn't gonna change the rules for me see he had a big harvest for me but I could not get the big harvest without so in a big seed because he that soweth sparingly can only reach perrolli he that soweth bountifully can expect to reap bountifully and God is able to make all grace wonder what is grace grace is this favor of God it's the willingness of of us to use their power their ability and their influence to help you gosh that's what I'm going to do is I'm gonna raise the people to help you nobody makes it without help see most people don't know how to release their faith with their giving money doesn't fall from the sky in Houston I don't think it falls from the sky here in Atlanta but favor comes before money punch the person next to you favor comes before money watch this I know it doesn't seem most people are looking for money when you ought to be releasing your faith for favor now remember my testimony what happened was my supervisor god I never really had an overhead in a you know friendly conversation with him as always work-related but he uses his favor he goes to upper management and he uses his favor to get me promotion God raised him up are y'all understanding this see because if I don't know how to target my faith for this I'll be giving and nothing may not happen because I'm not targeting my faith for it amen amen now we thank God for pastor for your pastor giving you an opportunity to give extra I thought I'd get a man right there he's giving you an opportunity to be blessed see God did it for me back then he says now I'm already tired tonight I'm already giving offerings but he wanted me to give a sacrifice something that would go above and beyond my initial expectation and every time I've given a sacrifice now now I started off as a $6 and 56 56 dollar and fifty cent tither by dollar offering every year now we give over a million dollars away see my goal is to live off the ten and give God the ninety now in just a few weeks well put my picture up there put my next picture up there because here's some passes around the country as Rick Warren he gives his members and offer an opportunity to give over and above put the next photo that's Bishop Jake's I mean he's giving his members an opportunity to give over and above next photo that's a Robert Mars who give in Dallas he gives his members opportunity give over and above next photo next photo that's doctor that's my daughter and tonight they in a few days they're gonna give an offering over and above you know and she's believing for a million dollars million dollars and Lady B and I we're gonna start it off with a hundred grand yeah what I'm trying to get you to see beloved is that that giving moment it's it's it's really an emotional moment listen God loves a cheerful cheerful Giver he puts it it can be cheerful but initially it's traumatic when God asks me for the ten thousand that was dramatic like God's gonna ask you to do something miss giving campaign beyond what you thought some of you might need to change what you put on your commitment card because you're gonna obey God it is a temptation moment to hold back what God says but it's also a truth moment it's gonna show you where you really are it's a testing moment to demonstrate to God that you can be trusted with more what's this but it's a transitional moment because you're gonna step out of the natural into the supernatural Abraham gives an offering and gets the supernatural response Solomon gives an offering and gets a supernatural response gideon gives an offering and gets a super natural response david gives an offering and gets a supernatural response Hana gives an offering and gets a supernatural response the winner of first king gives up often gets a supernatural response Jacob gives it often and gets the supernatural response Jesus gives an offering and gets a supernatural response put my next photo up there because God can do amazing things with your dime dime is the smallest size coin in our currency but your whole life can turn if you can trust God with a dime out of every dollar the power over dime you open the windows of health on a dime he'll rebuke the Devourer Oh your calls favored to abound on the dock I trusted God one day with a die my life has not been the same since I trusted him with my dying I'm hoping the day I got somebody in the house then the next time you get ready to give but it's not gonna be a token gift but you're gonna say God I'm willing to trust you with my dime now I gotta talk to you now because it's like any other investor whenever I see this song Oh Laurie to God whenever I see this sold the Bible says seed time and harvest ah watch this vs. don't worry about the time because the harvest is a promise if I say don't worry about the time because the harvest is promised time happens but the harvest must happen that's what happened there at Calvary Jesus when they was beating him heaven never got excited when they were beating Jesus heaven was not excited because they knew Sunday was come they put a crown of thorns on his head but angels did not get disturbed because they knew sunday was coming Jesus in any man when they nailed his hands heaven did not get disturbed because they knew sunday was coming when they lifted him high stretched him wide dropped him low angels did not get bothered because they understood sunday was coming a man when they pitched him in his side blood and water he stopped he hung his head and a lot so they shoulder he died angels did not get him but he get excited demons start dancing hip starts shouting inhale they didn't understand a / because sunday is coming a man y'all do know what happened on Sunday don't you see got song but Jesus gets up I'm telling you when you sow your seed rest assure your Sunday is covered I'm telling you today we gonna invite God into our lives with our seeds because whenever you invite God with a sacrifice he always shows up give the Lord a shot God will thank for today for this word God we repent for having locked you expecting something from you we thank your father for mercy we thank you that we know mercy can be revoked so look we're not gambling anymore give us strength obey you without giving so that you will be released to do in our lives all you need to do and want to do can I get you to be seated my Simon from the Lord is just about complete but it would not be complete if I did not challenge you in this moment already ask past if I could do and he said it could if I was teaching a message on healing I'd be laying hands on the sick at this time if I was doing the message on deliverance I'd be casting out Devils at this time this message is about you trusting God for the favor that you need I'm gonna need favor I'm gonna need somebody to help them amen amen all of us need favor you missed this person you know it you know if you don't have to be a business person famous god reason up somebody to use their power their ability and that influence to help you so we're gonna soar seed I know you've already given and we thank God for that amen we were about to invite God in our situation with a seed today a special seed sacrificial see it's not gonna take away from what you hear I'm spent with your special Sunday he's what we're going to do my life years ago with a $52 C two dollars he spoke to me international partners for $52 see I did in all hell broke loose next thing I knew my letter was being read on television in Houston on the news on the momma's on the six o'clock news and the till o'clock news and they were saying that I was promising people new cars in 52 days if they gave to my helicopter rotary blades a project the church the church on the helicopter not me but the news media spin it like I was asking people to fund my lavish lifestyle they were in front of the church's hangar and said he's rich well I mean I never told so embarrassed me got a call from Bishop Jake's it and doubtless it here you almost don't have it in news that now so what you mean Bishop he says I'm sitting here watching you're talking about your helicopter hey you'll fit the $2 seed here in Dallas you're alright but what they didn't know what they thought they intended they used to hurt me it helped us for what made judge fell'd you know Castillo some folk just superstitious they just start selling $52 from everywhere believing for them to get me and some upstart get new cars and $52 in 52 days then they was telling everybody else and that was one of the greatest increases we had wonder why was it that the devil folded because it's just something that God uses and I said $52 and so I'm I better be up the wall in 52 days you got it he's able to walk through two days that was amazing but why God uses that I don't know but I do know it works amen I'm gonna ask you to soar $52 see today but that some of you fit the two dollars won't put you in faith I need you to sort of see that's gonna put you in faith for faith everybody say favor because we're talking that God I need help in this area and I'm sewing my seed today releasing faith for favor in this area it may be for a promotion it may be for a job it may be for more increase in your business it may be in a legal situation but we're so on for favor hereby say favor and that's what we're going to do today now I'm believing for many of you I need I'm believing for really 10 of you who are so seed of a thousand 50 - really yeah yeah and and you don't have to govern your heart about this pastor didn't ask me to do it so I'm not gonna count you out or anything like that you just have to obey everybody say obey God obey God obey God yeah and then then there some who are going to sow a seed of 350 - 350 - my 350 - everybody say 350 - fit for two now I'm really believing really for about twenty to do that now that may register with you okay yeah that's me that's me that's me and then I believe that everybody who can or do 50 to have I said for failure that's what we're gonna do now I'm gonna pray and then I'm gonna have Bishop come and he'll give you further instructions but all I want to do now is just obey God Amen Bishop will will give the offering of I mean he'll give the appeal of course for salvation like y'all do here because y'all really do it up here I love it you got it so this won't take long but obey God I thank God every time I've given a sacrifice God has always show that I'm in agreement that he's gonna show up in a special way in 52 days now I'm not promising your new car pizza today so don't do that okay but I'm promising you and I'm telling you have an expectation to see God do something special it's father thank you for today thank you for the opportunity that you've given us here thank you for this man again and thank you for faith rising in the people of God they'll trust you with a 450 dollars in Jesus name Amen now lady beer now we're gonna give one of those 1052 amen I've never asked you to do it amen lady beer not going to do it and can y'all just get an agreement that we got nine other folk who gonna do can y'all just get an agreement Amen Bishop Bishop are you ready thank you for giving me an opportunity to say my little speech today I love yourself look at somebody tell them Glasgow do it on a dime God's gonna do it on a dime come on you already know how to do it those of you who gonna do it electronically just wave your phone at me let me see you there you go there you go those of you gonna do it if you need an envelope and you want to do it I know I want to get my miles on mine so if this time give the five doesn't take Amex so I'm filling mine out so if you want to do that wave your hands so they can give you an envelope if you need that we want to serve here today and I'm in agreement with you that you don't know this but the last three weeks I've been recurring and declaring that those who would obey God that something supernatural is gonna happen for them over the course of the next 52 days that's what we've been declaring those of you who gave you a commitment car when I took it from you you heard me say I set my faith in agreement with you that something supernatural is gonna happen in the next come o y'all in the next 52 days if you need an envelope this wave your hand and they'll give it to you and we want to serve you we know we don't help me thank God for Apostle Hillier today who just saw he's a he's a gift to so many and we honor God for him and thank God for him on today passively finished filling this out for me I'm trying to do it and talk at the same time thank you and we give God praise thank you special seed if you're gonna give it on give the fie use the special seed line and of course if you gonna do it about cash half those of you who are worshiping online if you want to do it by give the fire cash up give the five special see a cash app you just put our special seed in the memo line and we'll get it how many y'all expecting great things come on come we all you know sometimes in church when we talk about stuff that's not spectacular y'all kind of tend to be a little reserved I want y'all to put a smile on your face because God is talking to you about money I want y'all to get happy that God is talking to you about money because whenever God starts talking to you about money you better get ready to have some more money glory well okay don't say nothing in state you you good you got all the money you need don't say nothing but those of you who are believing God for accelerated increase that's what God spoke to me this morning when I got up he said I want you to speak accelerated increase I'm expecting great things let's are let's be a little old-school for the sake of time real quick for the sake of time do me a favor and look at your neighbor just tap them on the shoulder and asked them did I tell you to join this church today what they say they like what the Pat butter passed it in priests today I can't join on the date of Pastor dim preach look at him again say obey God obey God obey God obey God obey God you're in this room today you don't have a pastor you don't have a church you don't have to wait another week your days of church shopping are over look at your neighborhood say your days of Church shopping are over this is your church come come come come come this is your church come on come on somebody's getting excited people are obeying God come on come on come on come on come on this is your church thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you let's do this for the sake of time let's do this for the sake of time look at somebody say gods go and do it on my dime gods won't do it on a dime so powerful listen we typically are care for the platform in between services but don't mess with these dimes unless pasal is giving you another set of instructions all right amen talk to yourself again say gods go and do it on a dime real quick those of you who are gonna bring your offering you have it in an envelope but you need to bring it I'm gonna release us all at the same time to do that but those of you who are given electronically come on lift your phone let's all just get an agreement matter of fact everybody's standing let's go we'll see y'all here on Tuesday night we're gonna pick this up again up listen you're gonna make more money this year then you have made in any other year of your life okay so y'all now now y'all know the principle don't let the devil hold your mouth shut now you know the principle you can't have it cuz you heard it you have it cuz you say it say it I'm gonna make more money this year then I made in any other year in my life as a matter of fact I just heard the Lord say to speak over some of y'all some of the money you have this year you ain't gonna have to make it [Applause] some of y'all better be gifted some some some of y'all some people just gonna drop some money on you just that ain't for everybody but it's for some of us come on bring your see they're about eight other people they're about eight other people in this room and you don't have a church there maybe eight other people in this room but you don't have a church make your way to the altar now come if you're in the balcony come right around the front if you're in the balcony come right around the front there about eight other people in this room and you don't you don't have a church you don't have to leave here disconnected you don't have to leave here disconnected come come down come down come now come now come now come down come down come down come down will you smile at your neighbor and say you better obey God you better obey God look at y'all giving look at y'all giving listen I set my faith in agreement with you that over the course of the next 52 it's not 52 anymore it's about 30s 38 is about 38 days in the next 38 days or so God's gonna do something supernatural for you glory to God and he's gonna do it when you least expect it glory how many y'all got blessed today one more thing I need you to talk to your neighbor one more time tell him on your way out the door get you some hand sanitizer all right we don't want you to give that Koroma all right get you on your way out get you some hand sanitizer we will see y'all Tuesday night your neighbor doesn't know this but we have church on Tuesday night tell them tell them they don't know it tell me we have church on Tuesday night come on you being disobedient talk to your neighbor tell them we have church on Tuesday night and I want to see you there listen the Lord bless you this is my prayer the Lord keep you what week ago you guys welcome home to the Dream Center [Applause] good luck bless you the Lord keep you that's we see y'all Tuesday night all right you probably are still on your face now in the presence of God we're so excited to have you as a part of our worship experience and we tell you that it would not have been the same without you don't forget if you're ever in the area and you want to worship with us we're located at 2600 H F Shepherd in Decatur Georgia presently our services are at 10:15 and 12 noon so if you're in Atlanta come and see us once again thank you for worshiping with us without you it wouldn't be the same because we are still be something that matters part of our worship experience and we tell you that it would not have been the same
Channel: dReamTV
Views: 4,873
Rating: 4.5876288 out of 5
Id: KjeSSAtRw2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 55sec (3955 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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