Elevation of the Faithful | Bishop IV Hilliard

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[Music] [Music] within us we will rise to be your witness and spiracle spiracles I'm gonna pour it out little elf run over yes here and now let your glory fill this house Here I am down on my knees again surrendering [Music] Swingle like a my Easter stir within my so every way I surrender [Music] thank you father God thank you Jesus let's all raise our hands father in Jesus name Lord God we thank you for being here Lord God in the midst of everything Lord God we thank you Lord God that we command the angels or God to sanctify this alternate in this replacer God that no demons can penetrate these walls father I think you Lord God that this is the night of installation Lord God this is a night of placement Lord God we think you look bad though you're not only placing a gift for God but you're revealing things diets or God I think you are God that eyes will be oh my god souls will be saved father I think you are God that tonight is not only the night Oh God you're bringing starmon but it is a worship moment where God people will begin to get right through so I think you are God every single person's life your your commanding people are out to certain areas in the world father that you're sending them home father I thank you for god I think you like I think you Father thank you Father yeah I think you Father I think you for your angels or God I thank you for the people in this room the people that are coming Morgan I think you not I praise you and I protect the lookout in the name of Jesus or God we give you a shout [Applause] Oh tonight that series No like this can we just declare that he is the way Magnus say we make me come on can we declare that it's who you are we declare our Marci awesome the way makes us sad our ship our every home you say I worship you [Music] and we defendants who are away [Music] [Music] we do have a she ran away we made a mistake we make miracle worker promise key light in the target wave a miracle worker vomits keep high in the darkness that is who you are [Music] we make a safe [Music] you [Music] we worship you say I work you say bless you tell you the Lord of praise hallelujah hallelujah holidays listen now that you standing please remain standing we want to go who are here with us tonight can somebody say praise the Lord we're here for the elevation of the faithful somebody say elevation let's give the Lord a round of applause around oh praise validation thank you Lord for elevation so right now coming in right now in a processional starting off out of the Lord with me as we welcome our advisory board let's honor the Lord with a round of applause allowed to play our advisory board hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord these are men and women of God who have submitted themselves to be advisors to our pastor let's give them a round of applause right after them our servant leadership team our city deacons ministers and pastors let's give them a round of applause hallelujah let's thank the Lord for them hallelujah these are men and women who serve us in this house men and women who serve us in this house hallelujah thank you lord next from all over the country from the east the rest the north and the south welcome our aim of pastors that's welcome our aim pastors brothers and sisters in the gospel are a pastors they come from New Orleans they've come from the East Coast they've come from the West Coast thank you Lord for our aim pastors functional cargo from New Orleans from down in Florida hallelujah thank you Lord for brothers and sisters in covenant brothers and sisters in covenant hallelujah let's spank the Lord for the grandparents and the parents of pastor Charisse Joburg Albert and Sheryl Galloway who are in the house today and share all the way from Houston Texas hallelujah let's thank you Lord for them Thank You Lorne let's thank you Lord also let's honor with your bird family the chipper children Joshua Chabert and Kari thank you Lord for the Japan family thank you Lord for children of character children of character can we thank the Lord for the angel of this house and my pastor I don't know about yours but this is my pastor pastor snow ruse Oh that might be your pasta - all the way from Houston Texas all the way from Houston Texas we got other advisory board members other Deacons ministers and pastors let's give them honor and praise in the hallelujah thank you Lord hallelujah Lord hallelujah all the way from Houston Texas less honor the lord for the pastor of new lights christians since the pastor IE irish ax kill your pastor reach a million in a house Thank You Lord hallelujah and let's give honor let's give honor to our overseer our overseer in character in calling in in covenant they need no introduction but the man of faith himself and the counseling a bishop IV and pastor rich billiards presiding Halloween let's give the Lord suppose you [Music] praise praise God well you guys can be seated amen praise God well good evening my name is Shana Williams and we just want to take a few moments just to welcome everybody we're Street we're extremely excited that you guys have come to join us tonight amen so we just want to welcome everyone and we're grateful that you've come to celebrate our very own pastor sure Easter Bert amen amen [Applause] amen so if your fellowshipping with us for the very first time you've never been to a dwc service before we just want you to raise your hand we want to take a moment just to celebrate you a mint just raise your hands just wave at me so everybody can see you amen amen well on behalf of pastor Charisse Chabert and the entire DWC family we just want to say welcome thanks for being with us thanks for coming all the way this way to be with us amen and if you're in the Detroit area we want you to join us on Sundays or Wednesdays right here on Wednesdays at 7:00 and amen amen and on sundays at 8 a.m. and if you are like me and you live on the west side then you can join us on sundays at 11 a.m. in the Novi area I think this Sunday we're going to be at the Sheraton at 11:00 a.m. amen amen and we want everybody just to stay connected no matter what coast you're on you can stay connected with us by texting DWC two five four two four four amen in Jesus name well how we do thank you and praise you for this time together around your word we thank you for Jesus that he's our high priest he ever liveth to make intercession for and we thank you for your word that your word is never Lord of power you always confirm the word with signs following thank you for the Holy Spirit a teacher a guide and we believe revelation truths will flow freely in this place on the hindered and unchecked by any force now lord I thank you that the people have ears to hear hearts to believe and receive that is our prayer so in advance we give you along the praise the glory the honor and adoration for all that shall be accomplished and for all that shall be revealed in Jesus mighty name and the people said and the people shouted in god bless you you may be seated amen tonight at first first of course no we do give honor to God and we'll you know they got to work with this to get this straight so we'll give them a moment to do that but can we honor the woman of God who's the leader of this ministry can we do that amen [Applause] we give honor to whom honor is due and I wanted to give honor to God for her and of course my wife is here lady B won't you just stand it and they'd be the soon-to-be pastor of delight amen amen and I really just want to applaud the aim family that's here aim would y'all stand those of you amen and they've come from across the country to be here for this this night and that just demonstrates their love some of who couldn't come said they would be sending so it's all good amen and you've demonstrated of course you know by your being here you're just not we're not just friends of been in words but you've been friends of been indeed in prayer amen and I mean I mean no disrespect when I call him in that's my son he's my first son outside of my own church and you know I know y'all miss him it's not gonna be a eulogy I miss my boy but I know he's in heaven smiling amen then I really want to armor this board can I get this board to Stan [Applause] in a day when people will go anyway to win those it is good to see men and women of faith who will stand up for righteousness and stand up the polls and so you know I have had conversations on the phone with them and that sort of thing and I do applaud you because you were rare most people won't stand for righteousness a man you know they they they they don't get this straight - you know when I was I grew up in the hood y'all know that and I had one cousin I had two cousins not same age I was and one cousin if that was a fight he would run from you you already knew if you were going to get in the fight Michael was gonna run just all two of you heroes when I had this other cousin named Charles Charles don't even have to know what the fight is about if you was in the fight here come Charles [Applause] so when I had to go through you know we were very territorial y'all know about that so when I had to go through the tough neighborhood that didn't like my neighborhood y'all know who I wanted wit me right I wanted Charles I want to let y'all know the spirit of Charles as a boneyard [Applause] amen y'all did not tuck tail and run but you stood and you know of course everybody don't know but I won't let you know that's a record kept in heaven hallelujah amen oh I got to say this is I'm gonna get in trouble on my daughter per sheer the singer she had to go preach somewhere tonight so she could be with us but she wanted no let-up pastor know she sold her offering online of $250 all right praise the Lord are we good can y'all hear me well all right there will be Bibles to Jeremiah 29 Jeremiah 29 yeah my 29 the way that God all right let's have my smile and exercise try and look at the person next to you smile real I'm your pearly whites your 3222 is your tens whatever you got left all right let's raise our Bibles repeat after me this is my Bible I am what it says I am I can do what it says I can do I am a believer not a doubter I am a doer not just a hero and my life is the better after having her the word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing by the Word of God amen all right in during my twenty nine and eleven it says fine know the thoughts that I think toward you say if the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you and expect it in amplified reads this way for other thoughts and plans that I have for you says the Lord thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil to give you hope in your final outcome now here's what I won't talk about tonight wisdom keys for kingdom success wisdom keys for kingdom success tonight we want to talk about this these wisdom keys as if I were sitting down with you in my office talking to you about how to have success in your own life and how to have search success as a corporate group as this church moves forward these are things that I learned from my mentors over the years I've been preaching for fifty five years been in the as a half a century and then a clip you understand a man I started when I was a kid my father gave me great wisdom he said son that's only so far I can take you he says others will come into your life learn from them and don't waste their time great wisdom because I've learned a lot from a lot of other wise men and that's one more share with you some things that you need to incorporate in your own life check in your own life because these are the things that will cause you to be a successful person amen now we all know it's the will of God for us to be successful and God has a plan for our lives a plan for our salvation a plan for our service a plan for our situations and a plan for our ultimate success Joshua 1 an 8 why don't you go there and I'm gonna set this up a little bit because I want you to understand this moment I don't want you to miss the moment here buy/sell don't miss the moment now there is an apostolic mantle that's on my life an apostolic memo and see you know now in in today's time a lot of folk just want to have a title to have a title and Ephesians talks about the fivefold ministry gifts and officers that are there and of course the office of the pastor very respected office of the teacher very well-respected but then there's the apple pie apostolic the Apostles office and a lot of people who got the title of apostle ain't been no more apostle than I'm a man in the moment yes but but they want to be higher than a bishop so they just give himself a title now my lion condo name so but here's here's a real battle possible apostle is a sent one one who is sent by God what's this to take the church into new territory so when you know guys couldn't means time with the Apostle I said well what are you said to do and what new territory are you taking the church in and nine times out of ten they can't answer that question but but a real person is a person that God has sent and he's sent to take the church everybody say into new territory now let's let's talk about my credentials as an apostle I'm sent to teach church the church faith and picked the church into New Territories very early and minister in the Atheist when God laid upon me this apostolic apostolic anointing I start talking about multiple campuses before it was popular long before was popular I was talking about multiple campuses because God wanted to lead the church into this multiple campus structure you understand and so then I call all kind of flack when I was talking about multiple campuses now you can rather go to a church now I said I'll only one but I know I was one of the ones they have bring the church into this multi campus concept now you can rarely go into any city in America and not hear one Church multiple locations amen now another thing God has used me to usher into the church is the public giving I started public giving in 1995 we've had our first act of the church coming together and probably give now a lot of churches all over the country will have public giving everybody say something like he's an impossible little things I could tell you about that a popular now we're not popular back when God gave me the assignment right now now tonight about 8:00 tonight tonight really weird we're the churches being ushered into an age of female leadership of mega churches at the end of this year I am going to my successor at my church if I say and he has a mega church my successor is going to be my daughter and we're installing her now I was talking to Bishop Blake of the Church of God in Christ presiding prelate then I was talking to him about what I was doing with my daughter and man he got all excited got all excited because see I'm not saying that haven't been pastors female pastors in the past I'm saying that we're gonna have broad worldwide acceptance that's that's what's uh stirring in that God's gonna use this gift in this in these female vessels like never before you just write it down see if I tell you the Lord said that a chicken dip snuff you look under his wing for the can I think you missed me I think you missed thank you Miss no no if I tell you I heard from the Lord I have heard from the Lord on this and so tonight as we install this woman of God we are in step with what God is doing in our generation watch this and he has DWC on the front lines [Applause] I don't want you to mistake your role I don't want you to take your role lightly God is about to do something in you with you that will be modeled are you listening to me hallelujah amen if I could sit down and talk to you about success in church ministry success in your personal life I would give you I mean it you don't know I need a clock y'all know I need a clock so somehow to give me pig slop otherwise yeah you got me baby okay you know because you know I need about what 40 minutes can y'all help 40 minutes but I came further than all y'all okay Joshua wanted me just wanted a talks about success now y'all know I just have a lot of fun and I don't think just because you're Christian you ought to look like you've been baptized and act like you've been baptized into code you see understand you ought to be a happy group you understand this is a happy night alright verse 8 it says this book will launch now the part out of that mouth thou shalt meditate that rend day at night that's how men observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt makes that way prosperous and then thou shalt have what good success so success is the will of God for your life now success is a perspective matter imasu perspective in other words you got to get the right perspective on kingdom success and when we talk about kingdom success it's not a comparative thing where you compare one church with another Church and that sort of thing my success in the kingdom of God be it personal or be a corporate is that I please God with my life that the creative purpose that God has for my life I live out that creative purpose I know years ago of course you know whether if I said well you know so I was an overnight success I tell them was along it was a long night long night but uh you know back in the days when we were believing for the things so that eventually manifested and I'm you know I you get in that comparison thing you start looking at this person and looking at that church and that sort of thing and so I was kind of oh god you know why you have blessed me you know my peers some of my friends had nice churches and you know I knew stuff on them I mean you know how you don't bless them and you ain't beautiful in it it was a lot to me said who told you that was a blessing who told you that what you're seeing in their lives is my blessing on them in this life you can have what skill and intelligence can produce he says you just keep obeying me and I will show you what a blessing really is so it's a perspective here by say perspective matter and see what I want is I want God's perspective I want God's hand to be on my life I want to have my life where I have pleased God and that is the key thing amen and then I'm living a life where others can follow number two success is a spiritual priority matter Matthew 6:33 so I can get through this says seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness so it's talking there about the order of God if I am going to have kingdom success I've got to respect the order of God now that's I mean in a world where everybody you know we come out of the world system and we bring that same mint are they over into the kingdom of God and that can be a barrier to God's order it really can it can really be a barrier the gods order but I gotta understand that when we talk about kingdom success for my life came them successful the church that God has a different order go to Acts chapter 16 Acts chapter 16 I was talking to a young man who I'm mentoring now and he was about to make a big mistake in you know he's about to make a big mistake but thank God he called me and he said listen you know you know my daddy ran the church this way and bla bla bla bla bla and and I think in this modern time we oughta do dotted out of that and I see what you're saying sounds good but that's not the order of God amen and he listened that's a good thing I like people who listen Jesus and I gotta tell you I've been in church I've been have been preaching ministry 55 years all of know something you follow me and if you don't want to listen to me I'm gonna point that hand go chase you down so I'll quickly tell you okay bye now serious I had this one guy you know who's got one to hit told him I'd hit him and he called me real spooky talking about do you know where he's gonna obey God when I said young man let alive I told you we keep you from obeying God and I just wanna know if I can just come back I said listen first caught me too early I said man listen listen you already gonna do what you want to do don't waste my time so by I just I said did you hear what I say I said goodbye I'm ready to get off the phone cuz you don't want to hear what I have to say nor do you wasting my but that's what I like about you fasting she does not waste much if ITIF she asked me someone I trusted all right got it and I love that amen okay not ex ex ex-gf 16 verse 9 and a vision appeared to Paul in the night that stood a man of Macedonia freedom saying come over to Macedonia help us after he had seen the vision immediately we endeavored to go into Macedonia or surely gather as the Lord had called us for appreciative gospel to them now this is the order of God for the church that God gives vision to a person and never to a committee never you know ever find it in the Bible but what God said I committed down and gave them a vision he gives vision to a person and surrounds that person with committed people watch this literally so in this passage who saw the vision Paul only Paul said and after he Paul had seen the vision and look what he got the vision at night everybody got the vision at night I mean that's symbolic when nobody else can see you see years ago when I told everybody what the Lord had told me I had 300 builders and 277 mom walked out the next day they didn't believe God had talked to me so if we had had a vote I would have lost the vote even though it was God's will for me to do it really who you may know know I believe in wise counsel but wise counsel has to be submitted to the order of God thank God for my boy and I got a great boy because whenever I tell him I've heard from God no matter how much it costs no matter how quote impossible it's same they say okay pass we're going for it if you find what I'm saying wait there but yes people not enough because I asked him I want to hear their thoughts because you know that thought yep me crystallized way I'm doing watch it and after he had seen the vision immediately we voted immediately what we endeavored we started now here's why I say that because many of you will go to will you'll be working with coworkers and all that sort of thing whose churches have a democratic order where they have to vote on everything and I'll go over that and if you don't understand the order of God what's this the order of God is not that you have to vote on a vision [Applause] it's the order of God I got to tell you if if they had voted for me vote I would have lost even though I had genuinely heard from God watch this and it has been demonstrated for thirty-three years that I heard from God so you can't get intimidated because of us don't know to order God you watch God do super natural things when you follow God's order you buy some more follow God's order amen we follow God's order follow God's honor so he says immediately we endeavored watch this to go into Macedonia or surely gather and watch this that the Lord had called us not the Lord had called huh or the Lord had called him but they got their calling from the vision they were set on them wish I had another person say man with that see your calling is defined by the vision that you said under amen amen amen so if I'm gonna succeed I've got to have a success perspective I've got to have spiritual priority and then I have to stay in prayer unless I stay in prayer Jeremiah 33 33 talks about me calling on him and you'll show me great and mighty things that I'll know not what's that present what I said I said 33 33 and I say 33 33 33 times - don't be scared up happen all the time Jeremiah 33 let's go there you scared huh call unto me and I'll answer the verse 3 shield agree to my things that knoweth not now I want you to get this understanding about prayer I think many times we can get caught up on the form of prayer and and and lose the whole purpose and attitude of Prayer praying always I should always be in an atmosphere aspecting God and talking to God see all my prayer does not happen I'm not against this all my prep does not have to be on my knees on my face you got it but my prayers meet communicating with God and you will be amazed at what God can tell you watch this as you walk along the way see if I don't limit my experience with God to that time at night before I pray before I go to bed and if I don't limit my time with God with at that time in the morning when I get up but I'm in this open communion with God I'm talking to him because I'm respecting his presence all along that's what I mean my staying in prayer and not just praying I stay in prayer what's this because I'm open to hear what God wants to tell me anytime he wants to tell me amen amen amen yeah prayer is a platform for my faith of course it says watch this it says about praying what they self desire when you pray you know believe you receive them you have them it's a platform for mine but it's also a platform for my partnership it's my partnership we got I'm in partnership with God and I don't have to limit my conversation with God to a strict time in the morning I had night amen all right number three number four I should be number four right success is a strategic planning matter I'm a strategic planner by say you must plan I have this saying the things known to happen don't just happen they must be planned I think it's us proverbs definis 24 and living bible verse 4 says in an enterprise is built by wise planning become strong through common sense and prophets wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts so got to be a planner but I don't count God out when I plan right because if God said something to me I've got to understand he already knows what he's going to do and already knows how he's gonna bring it to pass because I'm in partnership with him and by some in partnership with God yeah yeah now when we plan you have to understand we know in part I'm gonna help you right here we know in part but we have to do the part we know God does not give us all the information when we start we wish he would but he doesn't give us all the information when we start he gives us information on a need-to-know basis when I need to know I don't know now that's because that's kind of hard for a lot of people because they want you as a leader to give them all answers well I can't I can only tell you that God told me to do this right now and you and you got to trust that I heard from God but see I can only go through the door I see because after I get to that door I'll see another door alright watch this watch this how many know the door of your house exists come on open book test that's easy that's easy you hope your own house you don't steal and praise the Lord by faceless car still there some of y'all just let me try to trick us easy in trying to trick us hi watch this watch this watch it but you cannot physically see that door right now all right but for you to see that door you got to walk through the door you see so to get to the door of your house you gotta walk through that door that you see you know impart you see in part but after you get through that door you're gonna see another door and you walk through that door and you're gonna see a nother door the door to your automobile you get in that and drive and you're gonna see a are you listening to us it's important because see when we walk by faith and you've your passionate faith ministry and y'all know her bishop being walked by faith and so is it it's a lot different when you are following a person who's hearing God it really if you know you can follow a pre confer and all kind of church then thrown rock nobody but you know not you're just going through the program this is what we do this they do that but then God has those who who's here he's gotten because he's gonna do something and when God's something they have and you know we're going to hear well go here well III all I know is this step God told me to take and and listen he gives you more on your way that he does before you start if I said God already knows what he's going to do and that's good enough for me amen amen so our churches accomplished incredible things just incredible things all because I go through the door that God tells me we were on television years ago my god went on television I had only a handful of members just handful of members and God had supernaturally given us some television equipment and then a lot of spoke to me says now in the morning a TV station will call you except the time one line that just was out of the blue I mean I've got I mean I wouldn't tell I went trying to go on television our budget was already tighten that constant well and then I have gone no television station so I kind of laughed at that okay that morning I get a call from that reef channel 20 he calls me says I say yes he said this is Matri from channel 20 and I said hold on wait hold on it how you getting my number and he says he said well years ago when channel twenty first came to town you called inquiring about commercial time I was an intern then and I took your call I have kept your number all these years I am now general manager and and and and we have some time available and I want to know if you want the time now when is God already told me septa Jana so I said of course I want the time then he told me how much it was I said well we won raising that kind of money understand this is TV this is before they had cables and all that kind of stuff you got to be serious but what God said sod took the time by faith back took the time and he told me I think through the first Sunday the next year cuz I'm kind of like the end of the year that will be going on television so I start telling everybody going on television they say someone gave something him he had always been bragging about the Lord put him on television I said well if the Lord can put you on television with a whole bunch of numbers and if it's the Lord he can put me on television we're not agree if it's the Lord if it's the Lord not so you know I had one guy come to me said it's good good number to chase it put my side and lovely said pastor I know maybe one day we'll go on television but but not now he's a pastor I just don't see it I said listen you're not supposed to see it cause you not division there I'm the visionary all I want you to do is don't put your mouth on it so I got it one day and I'm gonna receive an offering you know cuz I got to get ahead of this TV bill and I got the people all ready to give and I heard God said do not receive an old friend oh well you could have told me that nothing you could have told me for I got only about already to give they got envelopes and every time you know you gotta told me so but I know go against I said well well all right where are the Lord said no offering the people look at me laughs well said Lord said no offering no offering so what we're not gonna receive all for television I'm gonna follow God now so uh when we got up to the week we were supposed to go on television and now to put it all out in the city was going on television yeah by the same we not here running a game on all those people and then Matt caught me and says he says passed I'm sorry I said what's not right he said I got bad news was bad news he said you cannot go on television the first week in January the first month I was more as a mom first Sunday for first old month of January right yeah so you can't go on television I didn't know my national sales manager had already sold that time so we know it will cause you some embarrassment so we want to make it up to you [Applause] so we decided we would extremly cut the costs and then show you how to become your own advertising agent and that made that thing affordable what if I had not taken the step oh yeah your listen to Beyonce see we know in part but we got to do the part we know because God already knows what he's gonna do am I talking to anybody in here see the Spirit of God will impress upon you to go look for a house but then you top yourself out because you don't have any money we don't need money to go look Oh y'all understand what I'm saying see so we know impart but we got to do the part we know and sure enough for that first Sunday I went on television May I'm first time there that I didn't go men falling off the wall here yeah wow yeah buddy I thought you said you was coming on television I told you man you just a dream I didn't try to argue it and I said well you just keep going to bed getting up in the morning and looking at television you're gonna see me on there and I think we've been on television over 30 something years happening I said God everybody say God already knows what he's going to do all right I got a her all got a hurry all y'all slowed me down got slowed me down y'all do all right success then is a prospective matter it's a spiritual priority matter it is staying prayerful matter it is a strategic planning matter watch this and it is a sovereign participation matter if I say Sauron participation I never wanted to count God out I always want to depend on the favor of God and the favor of God has guaranteed me as a soul so I want to be a giver I got to be a giver second Corinthians chapter 9 and I'm not gonna take up another offer so y'all just be cool we already know my mother's huh yeah I sent for this chapter 9 verse 8 it says God is able to make all grace abound toward you when I had this little raggedy building and many of y'all I've shown it to you man it was the ragas building neighborhood all I had was a block couldn't get 50 people to come to church and the Lord told me back then this was in the 80s I was already a Tyler he told me says son I want you to saw a seed of $10,000 now $10,000 in the 80s was a lot of money where it's a lot of my a day okay but $10,000 now you got to understand I don't have 50 members I'm a full time preacher because God would not let me go back to work not because I didn't want to work but he told me I'm gonna teach you how to trust me I had come out of a terrible church fight almost like y'all's [Applause] Elsa [Applause] anywhere and so the Lord was teaching me how to live by faith and is teaching me how to trust him but he told me that where he wanted me to go it would require a significant seed and I'll tell you I mean I mean I have all right God's voice you tell me what you saw saved $10,000 and I say I'm like the widow when a prophet asked for the cake she said real quick I ain't got it man Oh God so I said Lord I'm and he said no he said no you can get it though so I'm not telling anybody else to do this I'm making my point I had equity in the house he told me to sell the house get the equity I said we got to talk to Bridget this is our dream house and she by that time Bridget was on board welcome buffet she here sell it less so to see so we're so to save $10,000 saver broke over my life and wisdom for my ministry like never before and you always talk about money uh-huh I'm guilty because the offering is so vitally important to supernatural kingdom success and I can't deny that's my assignment and normally the folk who don't want to talk about money at the stage of people amen and so for God's participation I mean he requires a seat I've had so many times I mean I needed God's wisdom and he asked me for see we getting ready to put some engines on our jet gonna be 2 million dollars million dollars an engine I want to pay that I'm child God I'll get a better deal I'm sitting in it I'm sitting as a guest in a guy's church and God said I want you to sow $20,000 so I said I saw it when I get home [Applause] y'all quit judging me y'all judgment not a judge was my times I can hear I'll get through it Oh y'all slow okay oh okay okay watch this watch watch watch watch so he said so what today's I said about that time I've been walking with the law and I already know I sewed the $20,000 in his church Silas Johnson a bishop Silas Johnson in this church and that next Monday we got a call you would think I can't sit out the blue cuz I don't sold to see God has things up we got a call from a guy we never had talked to don't do this they don't know how you got our number and can't get back in touch with it and he called and said the maker of your engines on your jet has come out with a new program and this program we think your engines qualify and you will not have to spend a million dollars per engine to get it done you would only need to spend I think with 200,000 so you are 260 per engine yeah 260 per engine instead of a million dollars [Applause] amen my point is when it comes time to soul you can expect God's participation never I said I want to live a supernatural life so I'm bold enough to sow supernatural see then it's also not only sovereign participation but watch this sanitized partnerships their boss it's sanitized I got to be careful who I have close to me because they will either be assets or liabilities and I've learned though you may like everybody everybody can't be close to you when you walk by faith amen everybody can't be close to you when you walk by faith because everybody can't agree with you see the scriptural agreement in Matthew says if two of you shall agree as touching anything that they shall add they shall ask it shall be done for them not for him but for them so therefore if you are going to be agreeing with him then he has to walk for you as much as you want for you the job get that because he's gonna do it not for him we're just gonna do it for them did y'all follow me who didn't follow me on that who didn't follow me sound like I was talking double talk okay that's good I want to know because I watch this he says he'll do it for them not for the him so I need somebody to agree with me I'm the person I need somebody to agree with me well in order to activate the agreement principle got it okay I'll give a good illustration years ago we just believed for helicopter but but all of my friends people people close to him oh well you want to look up there were no church no helicopter well I see they couldn't agree with me you follow me they couldn't agree with me and I found out they were believed in for Vance on the right now I thought all right I'm said see I'm believing the fly they believe in the drive see we are in agreement all right so now for this Agreement principle to work this god ain't just gonna do it for me based on the agreement principle on the agreement principle he's gonna do it for us so I got to find somebody who want it for me as much as I want it for me [Applause] and so I gotta understand everybody can't agree with me everybody can know me it's that maybe I'm just tough yeah II think that they bad people but my take they can't break and roll with me and I don't need when I'm walking my faith to hear your negative comments why you why you like that why you [Applause] and and that's why many times with family you don't have to you don't have to you know abandon your family you just put some guidelines now it isn't we're all family we go get together eat together have fun together but weighing old talk church talk okay that's all yeah we go talk to yourself and you got friends then they wanna weigh fine but we met we all talked about that now if you follow me because when it comes to my partnership I have to have sanitised partnerships partnerships that pass the tests amen amen all right so not only is number one it's I must have a success perspective I must have spiritual priority I must stay prayerful I must have strategic planning I must have sovereign participation I must have sanitized partnership and I must have scriptural proclamation now scripture problem population to four to four I got to hear the word because faith comes by all right but also got to speak the word because faith comes by hearing but it's released about the words in my mouth so if I'm going to be successful it's got to come out of my mouth and you know in the beginning when before stuff start manifesting you look I'm stupid and if you don't understand the principle you're back away if I mean the Lord had me saying years ago I'm the head not to tell you I'm a little raggedy building driving a little raggedy car and I'm telling about I eat the best I live in the best I Drive the best I go first class in life no no why here you won't lie like that look at that boys caught just look at his car but I understood the principle I just Eclair they stand in line to get in my church let me say you ain't got enough more line in your church ever to live a lie to get anything but ultimately what stand in line once service within another service began one serves or in another service began I'd fly across town and there's another church building with a line outside of it but I said right so you got to see it you got to be bold enough to see it because you have all right talk to me talk to me all right I'm not ready let your garment number eight success planning is showing persecution here by say shining persecution now I gotta tell you yeah I already knew about this focal talk but the Bible says second Timothy chapter 3 and verse 11 all that would live garland Christ will suffer persecution got it so you go they don't talk about you if you just leave I'm late you cannot escape it and I think I thank God for my mentors you know I had a lot of mentors who were front-line pastors and all of them what but all them were talked about so I got to understand him real early their folk don't talk about me got it one one mentor he would say it's like a barking dog he said you ever seen a dog chase a car now what can that dog do with the car the dogs greatest joy is for the car to stop and once the car stops what does a dog do walk away for my dog is taking you you're gonna get talked about but the Bible says the hundredfold comes with persecution so you got to understand what's this that though they talk you will walk at the hundredfold level Paul says for persecution I in do it which means when it comes to persecution it's no sense in trying to argue with people you just gone and live and watch God vindicate you [Applause] I remember when I came through the church fight that I went through ah turbo I didn't have the revelation of faith like I have right now but it was it was a terrible thing and I basically had to start over and you know this other place was big brick place all this kind of stuff and they would ride by my little place and laugh but they didn't know God was doing something and when you got talked to me one day about vindication he says that son he says now you gotta let that go he says listen he says your vindication does not come in the harm that comes to others to attempt to hurt you your vindication comes with the continuous manifested blessing that I will pull on your life what's it brother Garcia I will let them live long enough for them to see me bless you [Applause] you're gonna forgive them in your level and I have raised you up as that intercessor because judgment is on they all listen to me no no no the Bible is clear when it talks about judgment the quiz answers chapter 8 and verse 11 says though really judgment does not come swiftly some think they got away no no no sir and so he says that therefore people are prone to do what they think they big enough to do because they think they got away but as you continue to read that it says oh no you don't get away consequences if you don't repent if I say I hope they repair but your vindication doesn't come with argan with folk don't argue with folk you just go on and live for God do what God says right there [Applause] and let the blessing of the Lord testify I really prayed about giving this part of my testimony because I don't think I've mentioned it publicly ever but I remember the day I walked out of that church that sent me the jail and and all that sort of thing I walked out there's a cross on the top of the church and it failed in spooky and they're like that this is the truth that cross fail and a lot told me he had lifted his hand over them I understand this the church had been in existence for years it's no longer church today no no I'm serious it's after years and years because of what they had done to men of God they not only had done that had had run their little game on me but then God says he would judge you and I don't them but see when you talk about people hope the grace teaching now is a little God's great no no no no no you'd have to apologize to a man a sense of fire and we pray because God is such a loving God that he says he cannot stop judgment unless somebody prays so he loves folk who mistreat us to the point he raised us up to be their ancestor he got you praying for folk who done you wrong but when you do that you step into another place amen amen amen so your vindication is all come amen he already started [Applause] I only got two Moe can y'all help two more I came them success is a setback perseverance matter and I said that perseverance Madame alright store reps turn the Bible shows what believers though they were walking right they may have experienced is setback but it's the perseverance to overcome a setback a setback does not have to be a tombstone it can be a stepping stone amen so don't be fooled to think that everything everything that I won't have setbacks oh my god we've had all kind of challenges and setbacks but we overcome because you have to walk by faith with a will not be denied attitude everybody said will not be denied do y'all remember my chocolate cake story who does not remember my chocolate cake story look at that look at that look at that you know I got to tell I got to tell it that was this this this restaurant in Palm Springs we should go there for vacation and they had the best chocolate cake in the entire world and I have traveled I have traveled the world and no chocolate cake came close to this chocolate cake I mean it had layers and it had nuts in the lair and when you when they brought it to the table the aroma filled the place I would I would go there not for this food I wanted the chocolate and every time I talk about like it I could taste it [Applause] so one day we were in the neighborhood I was preaching for I passed in Riverside and he told me he says well tomorrow we're gonna go to Palm Springs for lunch while King back the other way so we went to this other world restaurant for lunch and he says now we're gonna go get your cake that's great klappa that's all I've been wanting I mean you could pass this place up I want to take we'll get to the place the rest of the cake and they got a sign on the door that says closed because the lunch period is over and the clock not open up that evening so I jumped out the car and I go to the dough you know you're look in the window [Applause] you can see people in there you understand let's talk babble [Applause] I'll stop banging on the door so the look waitress come to the door you know she you know she seems sugar and you know I'm 6 1 235 back then look too far too Pleasant but uh and I'm telling her listen I want some cake she's all the Freyja cuz I'm bamming on that door I mean I'm sick I'm is not known somebody go come to this door so she was all nervous and said yes go get the manager over so the manager comes out and I says I said to him I said now listen I live in Houston Texas I said I've come here before to eat and your chocolate cake is amazing I said and I'm here that of this week preaching in in in Riverside and I want some cake I'll stand I understand you closed for life to lunch and I said but I can't wait I can't come back I got to have me some cake now the manager he wouldn't he couldn't see matter he's still looking up at 2:35 yes and I you see the look on my face that I am NOT going to be then he opened the door where come right just come on in it's come on now here's the moral of the story when it comes to success and having God's best don't let nothing stop you I told that guy today I said I've come too far to be denied and that has to be your attitude you've come too far got two minutes seed planted too many price free I will not be good now my closing point amen did y'all get blessed tonight this is a super natural praise matter if I say supernatural praise I learned this one my mentors in a tough time because all the time in service I mean growing up in church they never talked about how praise can call some supernatural help and so we kind of took the worship and praise it was just some listen to get this out the way you know we just never looked at it's supernatural potential and I was faced with a tough decision well one of my banks you know you know cuz when you talk my faith and you know people make promises and then they don't follow through so some notes that the bank got behind and man it was tough I got in the head with the folk I was yelling I got it so I go to my mentor and he tells him he says because banks said you know you got to brainy's knows currently my bank I had been a good friend and he said listen they took your account from me I can't I can't come yet and I remember him saying you've done well you know if you quit may repossess everything you've done a good job and I was from Rosa you don't have a last word to say about my ministry he say what'd he say about I know you better pay these notes so so watch this talk to my mentor cuz one of my mentors had been bragging about how much reserve money he had I remembered that there was I was telling him about my situation all at the same time y'all know what I want him to do well Robbie what objects' understand so he said well what are you gonna do so I told him he said I don't know why I asked him wish I do sees I don't know he says uh I never had that problem object but you can't say it you can't see it so anyway he said okay so he says up I told myself well I'm up or some of the numbers together and talked to him and he says well what criteria are gonna are you going to use to select some members and at all well why are you gonna be you know are you gonna be coming down on me like that you didn't give me no idea why you're gonna shoot my idea no you're gonna give me no idea so said I'll tell you what you do Sunday go there and just praise God like it's done that's the craziest thing I ever heard in my life I'm gonna go there now say nothing about my problem not telling the folk to Bank on my case and I'm gonna praise God like it's done craziest thing I ever heard cuz I don't know a scripture see but he momento okay that's what I'm gonna do so old Sunday we went after I mean we talking about praising the Lord I was a Hooper back then I scroll to say that we had a subject I couldn't wait until the Finance Committee finish cutting offering I'm sitting there cuz we counted on Sunday right after church John Stan you know I'm sitting there right now wait and they brought many receipts regular [Applause] a horse we did Holub screen him shouted regular my prep time that next morning God's nice time to go by that building you've been believing for do you understand do you understand what the bank and I have been by displaced by been nervous trying to buy this place before and they would sell it to minutes sims got on it and this time I hear from God I tell Bridget about it and we go and we walk into place and the guy and the lady at this at the desk she took joy and telling me because she knew where I was therefore it's been sold it's been sold [Applause] till I was here to see this new Pretender it's been so so so we are refreshed super-tender comes out he tells me says we got an earnest money on it an earnest money is good too today and these people said that they have you know they have cash they're gonna buy the building but we haven't heard from them since they put their owners money down we're supposed to go over to the church today make sure it's clean to our part so that if they don't come through we can keep their own money I say I'll meet you there with my banker see what I did not know my praise had set something in although it has set something in motion in the realm of the spirit so walking in the bank and and he's been to my church to testify this he got folk waiting for him I walked right into his office and says come go with me and then was lastic come go with me the Spirit of God is all over me and he picks his coat up Tencent secretary util there by the way that I'd be right back and then we got in the car he comes to sir hey wait a minute my what we're going I said I'm driving up the parking lot I then and so we tell him about this bill then we go to this building and the lights are off and they hand him the that's for flashlight when he walks in the door he says he's called me first name of higher power we can't let this slip through our hands I said no we came [Applause] and so I go back take him back to the bank call the sevens guard I worked the deal I told him they said they said no we can't we can't work a deal today we have to have a board meeting I said well you saw my bank oh you know I'm serious I have to tell him all in the background I [Applause] said my offer is good today only they got on the phone got a conference call with the board members called me back and I said you got the deal so I go to the bank the next one and the banker says I don't know what you did to me yesterday but you got to pay these bills you got to break these notes up cuz I walked in the bank - we got to deal with with the with the church he said hello what you did to me he said but listen then he said you got some land for sale if you sell that land I will do whatever it takes to get you that builder I walk back to my church I walk in the door and the phone rings and it's this guy I'll never forget it his name was open I am Managua it's an African guy I have 55,000 cash dollars do you want to sell your land well of course [Applause] praise time I said y'all get [Applause] we were able to sell the land pay off the debts had some debt the bank did what they needed to do we got to build it and it was praised that calls the change if people realize the power praise they would never Dragon Hill eight they'd be here because I'm working on something no don't talk to me right now because I'm working on something amen amen amen I'm amazed at the phenomena of divine appointment about the divine appointment it's amazing when you look at the Bible how a person was going to do one thing and something else happened abouts a divine appointment Moses was just getting ready to put out a fire but it was a divine appointment and there he got his orders to become an emancipated Gideon was just trying to Thresh we keep the family fed but it was a moment of divine appointment angel of the Lord appeared unto Him are you listening to me yeah see and you just thought you were coming here for the installation what is divine appointment the God [Applause] God is saying I've got something supernatural plan for you I have success that I want you to have I'm ready to snatch success out of the jaws of defeat God says but I got but you got to be willing to take a step everybody say take a step yeah yeah that's that's the bold thing see nothing would have happened unless Moses has raised the rod he took a step nothing would have happened until the Joshua and Israel walked around the walls and shouted they had to take a step amen nothing would have happened until Gideon and the man his 300 smashed the Lateran and shouted and the victory came nothing happens until you take the step nothing happened at the grave of Lazarus until Mary and Martha took a step and moved the stone and in your own life nothing happens until you take a step look the person next to you and say take the step and watch God take the step and watch God amaze you with your obedience I'm out of time god bless you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and family can I get y'all to come [Laughter] [Laughter] amen what can I get y'all to just draw close to [Laughter] amen a lot of kids by the kids children watch the children amen [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hallelujah amen we're going knowing about oil and oil doesn't is not a symbol of the Holy Spirit when you look at the Bible it invites we tell the Holy Spirit hey here with all of your presence all of the power and so I wanted wanted with oil and see God already installed her throughout the Bible God has always used an established person to endorse local coming Jesus even had to have John the Baptist endorsed him amen but unless God does it it none of it worth anything but she's proven already she has the boldness [Applause] and a woman of God who hits from God amen so Emily hands on her tonight in a very special way best lesson when I loved her as though she wasn't my own daughter amen I mean watch her grow up i watch to actually grow up and I remember when man come to take her away that Bridget always liked Bishop dance he always liked to might like him at first but he grew old me to the point I loved him you got it and so on I understand my strength of character I know the tree that she came from got it so where the Bible says you don't lay hands suddenly on anybody this is not a sudden move this is a spiritual so the grace of God that's on my life already all in life wanted to manifest even emigrate away then what God told me about this church was going to be amazing amen you you need to understand your role not just here and DWC but in the body of Christ that's the key in the body of Christ amen all right stretch your hands this way [Laughter] [Music] amen amen [Music] Oh shocker and I see Lucia cattle anonymous while of Sola Gracia today Kieron day sakura Lumosity robo she tell Amanda Sakaya she do grappa transition or mobile shot a male to be with me would you do that with father in Jesus name I laid my hands on her setting her apart for this dynamic work thank you for the heart of compassion that she has thank you for the strength of character already in her now declared the day she hears your voice clearer than ever before the boldness of heart that's in me now in her even at a higher dimension I thank you Lord that her steps are ordered by you and the path that you have for this church in Jesus name the Holy Spirit have your way in her life in Jesus mighty name [Music] supernatural prosperity for this house to do everything you placed in her heart to do the Lord we thank you for the heritage and a legacy of a husband and we thank your father but as this family stands on his shoulders and as this church stands on his shoulder and they will never forget his work in Jesus name the Lord we call it done and I pray for these children in the name of Jesus I thank you for each one how they have held up her hands and how they pray for their mother and that they find their place in what you're calling this family to do in Jesus name god I pray for this board and I thank your father for the supernatural strength of character they have already exhibited and I father I thank you now that you open their eyes and ears so that they can see and understand the supernatural past you have for this church and then I pray for this membership those who are here those who could make it tonight those who are hear about this in the future I think your father that they accept the mantle and the assignment and responsibility and you've given this church in Jesus name so we call it done in Jesus name Amen and amen [Applause] I want all y'all to come love on the family can y'all do that can already everybody come love on the Family [Applause] yeah I want the board to come forward love on the family to come on y'all represent the whole church so as they double the family they live on and then proxy for you amen thanks guys well let's just give God a hand of praise for the gift that is our Bishop Amen Bishop I'd be here amen amen well if you just give me one moment because we don't ever want to take for granted that we're all believers if you would just bow your head for just one moment holla do you think your Lord just repeat after me so that we can make sure that everyone is covered amen amen father we know that without you we could not live and we could certainly not have eternal life so father we surrender our hearts we surrender our lives to you we ask that you would shape our lives and mold us into exactly what you would have us to be we make you Lord today and father we thank you that we will share eternity with you in Jesus name Amen amen amen you can be seated you can be seated we just have a quick presentation really quick if sister Stacey would join me amen another board kind of through there there our our gift in there with everyone so we've already done that you're good you're good we already did that but we just have a quick presentation amen if all of the women of DWC would just stand right at your seats just stand right at your seats with us amen amen there's so much that we could say pastor Charisse about you so very much and I personally know because I've lived with you all of my life and you've always been a pastor to me amen but just we have a token a small token because we heard from a little birdy something that you liked something that you said that you wanted and so we just decided on behalf of all the women to just get you just a little something and I'm gonna let Stacy tell you what that something is and then I'm just gonna say one more thing and then we will go ahead and dismiss amen amen we the ladies of DWC love you as well as all the members and we think you need to have the very best of everything and this is just a small token of what is to begin so you've been talking about possibly an Apple watch that you want it yes so you have the latest and the greatest Apple watch seriously cellular on behalf of all the ladies here at the WC and I just wrote something I just want because the Lord was kind of dealing with me as I was at my desk today at work I was so excited I can hardly sleep and so when I was at my desk at work today I just wrote down something that the Lord just kind of put on my heart for you on behalf of all of us and it just simply is this every time that you look at that watch know that god I said I wanna do this [Music] I know that God is with you I'm so proud of you I thank God for you and I offer you now I honor your strength your fearlessness and your boldness I honor you when others turn their backs I honor you for just standing for righteousness and for being obedient to our spiritual father I just honor you today and on behalf of all of us we honor you but God said every time that you look at that watch know that God is with you and that he's completely rewarding your faithfulness integrity commitment and sacrifices every time you look at the watch let it be a reminder to you as the sand and stars were with Abraham that God said is your harvest time so every time you look at that know that it's your harvest time that God has so much for you and he's just gonna go from glory to glory to glory and we just love you on behalf of all of us we love you [Music] please God [Music] [Applause] amen hallelujah you could be seated I just want to first of all say was the word amazing tonight [Applause] was the word amazing tonight [Music] it was awesome word awesome word I have some thank you someone has Shama can you grab those I have to work personally to say thank you to all of the ladies and all the men because we still have the men of men of valor in the house tonight amen and all the men stand to your feet on the men in the house the men of the WC stand to your feet can I get a blessed I get a bless and I get a bless amen amen amen you all can be seated but I just have to tell you I'm so blessed so excited so happy to have my parents and my spiritual parents and my spiritual sister in the house amen I'm so excited my entire spiritual family to aim family amen I think that for all the aim family that has come out tonight for all of our awesome awesome members of DWC y'all are strong y'all are so strong and I thank God and praise God for you I love the advisory board that Weiser board is awesome you all you know when y'all his name was on the lawsuit and y'all stood then and you didn't back down and you have it back down now and so I honor you and I love you all so very much Amen it's so very much you know you didn't realize what you were getting into did you amen but blessings on the other side amen amen and I have to again tell you thank you so much and I wanted to honor my children tonight so imma ask Josh Chloe Kai and Carrie to come forward you know amen Josh Chloe Chi and khari to come forward [Music] amen amen amen y'all can look at them amen so they're they're almost in order 25 23 21 and 14 amen amen and I have to tell you all that um how about you comes down this time I have to tell you all that you all have been incredibly strong incredibly strong incredibly strong just and the way you have stood to believe God and then not forsake him or abandon him and the midst of difficult things and difficult difficult season you guys have not turned your back on God one time in the midst of all of this and that's the best thing that I could ever ask for is that you did not turn your yourself your life you did not turn your life in the direction that it didn't need to go in just because we were in a difficult situation you determined that you were going to stand strong regardless and so I thank God and praise God for each and every one of you and I was in Bishop and I had a jeweler that we got from our spiritual parents out of town and Bishop had some money on the account that you just would leave there for me and so when I went to go into that time of prayer and planning I went to that jeweler and I said you know what Bishop let this money on this account for me but I want it to be the last gift that's from both of us to them and so I asked the jeweler to make something that would signify something that Ben and I would have done and so we always sew into their destiny we're always so into who God has called them to be and so even though Joshua is the writer director actor which by the way in Jesus name he is he's in motion to get a deal with Fox hopefully believe in God for that to come through we're believing God for that to come through he's like mom why'd you tell everybody that's okay they're believing with you we're not at the other place [Music] and so I'm going to tell you something even though josh is not you see Josh on the camera you might see Josh doing anything that needs to be done in here Josh ministers on the set where he is Josh ministers to the makeup artists he ministers to the actors he ministers to the directors to the producers amen and so you know Josh may not be in here ministering but he's out there ministering amen and so the gift I have for them that narrowing right there that marilyn is a ring that I had the jeweler make and this ring is simply in Hebrew says faith because the Bible says that it's impossible to please him unless you have faith so as you go out and you make these deals he was in Beverly Hills and had 12 meetings in three days and I'm gonna tell you when you're out there and you make it you just don't ever forget your faith don't ever forget your faith and to walk in faith amen I'm gonna come to you last Chloe and then I got my chi chi y'all y'all hurt I pray haven't y'all high does not play when she prays she's my intercessor my prayer warrior my graphic artist amen my singer I mean this this awesome woman of God she may be quiet around here but God knows exactly who she is and so I think God had praised God for Chi with high praise things happen amen and so I have to tell you that hers is on the bottom I have here it's something that that they made for you and it is a symbol it's a Jewish symbol and it's a prayer it's a tree of life and really her name means life chi means life it's a Jewish term for I bless you with double life extra life over and above life and so that's what her symbol is and it has little diamonds all around it it's life life and life more abundantly because guy is that kind of person amen and that had my car II carry my 14 year old car I've gone to high school this year Amen just made the mock trial team amen we believe God they're gonna go all the way to Supreme Court amen and so sorry y'all know Carrie Mae seems may seem quiet around here but when Bishop asked her at the dinner table one time who of y'all wants to be the bishop they all were silent and Cory looked at the Kyle a Joshua looked at Chloe look too kind and she looked at her dad she said I'll be the bishop daddy I'll be the bishop she was about eight years old about eight years old and so she told her dad daddy you know what she said well she told me other news you tell you know why I really missed that and she was crying and she said mom I really missed that and she kept grabbing me and she dried her tears she said mom what do I need to do to be the valedictorian that was her way of saying you know what I'm gonna go to Stanford like daddy i'ma go and do such a such like daddy and I might just be the bishop like my daddy too and so it's a party this one's for you and this is a Hebrew symbol for bravery and courage because the Bible told you no Bible tells us Joshua said be thou only strong and courageous you have no other choice to be anything but strong and so that's simple there's a symbol it's a necklace and as a symbol for courage and bravery amen and then finally my Chloe amen I used to always say when she was younger that she was like a mini IRA dr. Aisha I always said that was she was younger and said watch her just watch her watch her when she was younger and she did and so Chloe is what can I say about Chloe Chloe is a mixture of her dad and I and I have to tell you that I love all of my children I love Chloe because she's like that part of my husband that's not here she has his mind she has she has his mind the whole life they all have a piece of his mind she has his mind and and I know it it's her desire to do nothing but please God and so I know that Chloe has determined in her heart that she will never give up hope for the things that God has called her for and to her middle name is Nadine which means hope and so I just had something made for her that actually is her name in Hebrew it is hope hope because she is anchored in the things of God and in the Lord and she will not turn back as a matter of fact even though we are not able to pay her yet she determined that she was going to come off her secular job amen and believe for God to do what he needs to do meanwhile she determined that she's going to work here in the ministry and God has paid every single one of her bills since then amen so I love you all you are awesome amen you go be seated amen praise God where you all can sing stand into your feet we're not going to prolong you but I have to tell you that I'm so godly proud of all of you and so happy that you will come out we invite you all who are still here in the Detroit area on Sunday morning to join us you can join us here at 8:00 or you can join us on the Westside at 11:00 amen amen well let's just bow our heads for just a moment father we just thank you log on for this opportunity just to come together in unity father because you said Lord God were that there was unity there would be a commanded blessing so we thank you log on for the commanded blessing that is on each and every one of our lives we thank you for the command and blessing that is on our marriages we thank you for the commander blessing that is on our on our ministries individually Lord God in that's on this church family Lord we thank you found the guy that you're true to your word father and that you watch over your words to perform it we thank you that your word is working in each and everyone around lives and finally God we ask Lord God that even though we leave this place we never ever leave your presence traveling grace be everyone here in Jesus name Amen amen god bless you thank you so much [Music] thank you for watching we hope today's message has been life-changing for updates and announcements and whenever you are in the Detroit area Tech's DWC to five four two four four that's five four two four four Detroit Worship Center where we love liberate and lead [Music]
Channel: Detroit Worship Center
Views: 26,377
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Id: vUaD5WnnhgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 21sec (6741 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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