6 GTA Easter Eggs Found YEARS LATER

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brenn thought Oh games are just full of weird secrets and easter eggs some of them so obscure and hard to find it took years for fans to finally decipher them help some things still have fans scratching their heads desperately trying to find the next clue that might not even exist this is Rockstar we're talking about the create worlds so detailed and realistic feeling but it's easy to think that could hide anything in there hi folks is falcon 2 today on game ranks 6 Grand Theft Auto Easter eggs and secrets found years later starting off at number 6 in Grand Theft Auto 3 the Upstate region and grand theft auto 3 there's a large section of the map known to fans as upstate Liberty that's inaccessible through normal means really it's just meant to be background scenery you know to make the world look like it ascends beyond the boundaries of the playable portion of the game just basically to make things feel more real but we know gamer is if they see something in the distance they're not meant to go they will find a way to go there with some pretty careful use of the dodo and remember this grand theft auto 3 that plan wasn't designed to be able to fly very far in the game you can reach the boundaries of the map and fly through these hills that was the hard part the tip player is a long time to pull off and at this point I wasn't able to find a definitive timeline of just when someone was able to get into the Upstate area but it took a while once you're here the game becomes increasingly unstable freezing and crashing isn't just likely it's pretty much certain as you go further off the beaten path still there's some pretty interesting stuff to find here like the Cedar Ridge Observatory which you can get a better look at these spots up on the mat that seemed to be named after different programmers who worked on the game and the ghost town a section of the map used for the open and cut scene of the game it's actually a pretty interesting area to look at because the level of detail is actually higher than the regular game world this may be because of technical limitations or maybe because the area was developed near the end of production either way it's cool to compare some of the details in the ghost town to how Grand Theft Auto the Beast map ended up looking on rockstars website in 2012 they put out a statement regarding this area basically admitting it was never meant to be found but that they're impressed players managed to find a way to get there sure you can use cheats and mods to get there now but back in the day was pretty much just using the dodo or no things so the fact people were able to fly that thing for any length of time and find this stuff it's pretty impressive well I couldn't barely get off the runway in that thing hand at number five in Grand Theft Auto five the Infinity killer this is a bit of an unusual one because the actual conclusion to the mystery was discovered fairly quickly it's the details that took a little bit longer to find during the story of grand theft auto 5 you'll probably end up hearing an offhand mention or two of a serial killer from 1999 called the infinity killer a pretty obvious reference to the Zodiac killer whose murder shocked the state and whose victims were never found but you can find the bodies if you look hard enough all eight victims can be found in and around the small cluster of islands North Mount chiliad all of them wrapped up in plastic or something along the sea floor you'd be weird enough if the story stopped there but random clues and information about the infinity killer can be found all over the place this is burned-out house and sandy shores with weird scrawling on the remaining walls stuff like eight is just infinity stood up and there will be eight look at some rocks near as home and you'll even find some more crazy man writing this time a rhyme which seems to relate to the killer's eight victims inside boiling brook penitentiaries even more clues like this graffiti and the recreation yard that reads where water meets land and fire once spewed forth the infinite eights shall lay until I return which points to where the bodies are eventually found probably the most mysterious thing in these bloody footstep near the billiards table and the eight ball you can even find some barrels and trash cans with the bloody look eight on them it's all pretty spooky right so is there any more to this than surprisingly detailed world building for players to discover out there on their own probably not but as we've seen with this list that hasn't stopped people from speculating anyway and moving along to number four in grand theft auto san andreas some Secret cheats these were only recently discovered in 2019 these cheats aren't actually from the original version of San Andreas rather they're found in the mobile version of the game which just so happens to be the same version used for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 ports the developer of this particular version war drum studios added in cheats like the ability skip missions get certain weapons become invincible which surprisingly wasn't a cheat in the ps2 version of the game and other really powerful effects they were mostly added for testing purposes but the keyboard shortcuts still work you know as long as you've got a keyboard to connect to your mobile device the cheese's themselves aren't actually that interesting but the fact that it took around six years for someone to discover them is pretty impressive and that just goes to show the lasting appeal and fan interest of this amazing game moving on to number three grand theft auto 5 S cryptozoologist here's another grand theft auto 5 Easter Egg which took a while to solve when Rockstar released the next-gen version of GTA 5 in 2015 they added a few new features mostly small stuff but one of the weirdest things was the addition of peyote plants that can be found in some pretty random locations around the map you eat some of it and hey you're now an animal this lasts for a little while then you turn back to normal outside of being weird and amusing addition there didn't seem to be a lot else to it at least until people saw the description for this achievement which you get for collecting all 27 peyote plants that description is the cryptozoologist you unlock to all animals for use in director mode or did you director mode just basically lets you play as npcs be they human or animal but the achievement implies there's some secret animals left to be found players began searching the game files for any graphics or audio files or scripts that may contain references to any undiscovered animals and eventually found out about the existence of secret gold peyote which only appears at specific locations on specific days and only between 5:30 and 8 a.m. and when it's foggy oh and also they only appear if you're in the process of completing the mission the last one where you help out a Bigfoot hunter and that only appears if you 100 percent of the game so there's a lot of requirements for these things to appear find one of these incredibly difficult to find things and you'll get a vision of Bigfoot and when you regain consciousness you'll find a dead animal nearby you'd think that'd be it but after further digging into the game files people discovered that eating the gold peyote in a certain order from Sunday to Saturday would trigger a unique event a hallucination as Bigfoot you'll find the Bigfoot hunter from the last one down on the ground and you can follow a series of bodies to the taunts and scrapyard where the Beast will attack you and it's Teen Wolf you know the 1985 Michael J Fox movie it's a werewolf head with a varsity jacket and that's what all his mysteries been leading towards at least you unlock the beast and Bigfoot for director mode so you get something for all the trouble despite it all being completely insane - is the Bigfoot in grand theft auto san andreas the most famous myth an easter egg from grand theft auto san andreas is of course the bigfoot the mythical monster widely rumored to be found somewhere in the game's gigantic map there had always been Easter eggs and secrets in GTA games but with the huge size and ambition of San Andreas for the time came huge expectations for the fans for some really surprising secrets and the supposed Bigfoot in the hunt to find it became the singular obsession of secret hunters from almost day one of the game's release when the news hit about the hot coffee controversy and the hidden files in the game people's expectation to find something only grew of course in hindsight it's easy to say that if modders were able to find the hot coffee files then why didn't they find any of the Bigfoot stuff in the game's code but for a long time the possibility was there perhaps there's a phantom code that would only become visible when certain conditions were met I mean this is Rockstar we're talking about so it's not impossible I mean technically speaking it's not possible an account in order to do that you'd probably have to be connected the internet and most versions of grand theft auto san andreas had no internet connectivity but whatever it didn't take too long for people to claim they'd found Bigfoot when offering some ridiculous sequence of events you have to trigger to get him to appear like going to Mount chiliad at a certain time on a certain day under certain weather conditions and they'll be a 1% chance you'll see a blurry silhouette or something eventually modders started making their own Bigfoot models and porting them into the game for kicks people were going bigfoot crazy until Terry Donovan one of the cofounders of Rockstar Games set the record straight he said there is no Bigfoot just like in real this seemed to answer the question but of course this being the internet some people just assumed that he was giving another cryptic clue GTA myths fandom comm suggests the dan Houser another co-founder and head writer on San Andreas said in an interview Bigfoot was actually created for the game but only released in beta the problem being this interview seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth and remains uncredited so it's possible that a Bigfoot was intended to be in San Andreas and maybe even was any innovator if you trust information that doesn't exist anywhere anyways but you have to choose to believe a random on source statement in a wiki that can be edited by any person there is a simpler but unfortunately less interesting answer which is that there was never a Bigfoot in the game either way the Bigfoot has certainly made an appearance in other rockstar games like Red Dead Redemption undead nightmare where you can hunt and kill the last remaining Bigfoot in a pretty downer mission and in Grand Theft Auto 5 which was pretty much the same setup to the mission in undead nightmare but this time you end up shooting a role player in a Bigfoot costume instead but those Bigfoot's would have never existed if there wasn't such an intense fan interest in finding Bigfoot in San Andreas and it remains one of the biggest and most notable videogame myths of all time and finally at number one the Mount chiliad mystery you know from Grand Theft Auto 5 this is the big one the mr2 beat all other mysteries in the GTA series on top of mount chilliad at the cable car station there's a weird mural covered in symbols and lines there's a UFO an egg and a jetpack on they're all connected to what seems to be an AI above a mountain trying to solve this thing has been an obsession of a certain subset of gamers for nearly seven years now there's even an entire subreddit dedicated to figuring this thing out some people think it solves others aren't so sure and of course Rockstar isn't saying anything so all anyone can really do is look at the facts and decide for themselves well we do know is that progress on solving the Mount chiliad mural went absolutely nowhere until the next gen release of the game early on most people seem to think that solving this mystery would unlock a jetpack for you to use one of the most iconic vehicles you can get in grand theft auto san andreas but after years of searching no jetpack was ever found what was discovered was probably what the red eye was supposed to indicate as well as a message on the nearby observation deck that said come back when your story is complete if you beat the game and get a hundred percent completion then come back to the observation deck during a storm at 3 a.m. and a UFO will be there some people think that's all there was to the chiliad mystery and maybe they were right but many weren't satisfied with that conclusion and continued to search for clues things never progress far in those early years not until rocks are released the enhanced next-gen version of the game in 2015 in that they added a few new cryptic clues that potentially pointed to more that could be discovered from the Mount chiliad mural some of these like the cryptozoologists ended up being completely unrelated Easter eggs but the search heated up once again to finally unlock the jetpack or get an alien gun or some kind of reward for all this effort well in 2017 people finally got their jetpack from the Grand Theft Auto online update called doomsday heist in it you find a secret bunker built under Mount chiliad containing nuclear warheads from an insane tech billionaire that wants to destroy San Andreas so yeah GTA online goes places but the main takeaway from this is that in the climax of the mission you get a jetpack so there seems to now be an explanation for pretty much the entire mystery the eye on top is a clue for seeing UFO the UFO symbol is a UFO the cracked egg is a clue about the first Absalon tracked which is found on the observation platform after finishing all the epsilon cult missions oh yeah and a thing about the epsilon call is that they believe the world was hatched from an egg so that's the egg symbol and the jetpack well that was added to the game in 2017 with an update is that all there is to it for a lot of people who still post on our chiliad mystery the answer is no and on one level I can't blame them for thinking that because if it stops there then the ultimate resolution for this thing is kind of lame for something that people spent so much time trying to figure out on the other hand Rockstar is never been above making an elaborate joke at the players expense so this whole thing may have been one big troll either way it was pretty interesting stuff that's all for today leave us a comment let us know what you think if you liked this video please click like and if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription as always thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter at Falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game rings
Channel: gameranx
Views: 4,579,608
Rating: 4.794045 out of 5
Keywords: gta easter eggs, gta secrets, grand theft auto hidden, grand theft auto puzzles, gta hardest puzzles, grand theft auto easter eggs, gta san andreas, gta 5, gta 3, mount chiliad, gameranx, falcon
Id: 1TieKn0W4o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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