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That was a lot more convincing than I thought it was going to be.

👍︎︎ 2207 👤︎︎ u/fallenmonk 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

The oompa loompa bit got me good

👍︎︎ 1298 👤︎︎ u/Modspot 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Well I have a new movie to watch.

👍︎︎ 310 👤︎︎ u/TheCazMan 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

There are exactly zero holes in this theory.

👍︎︎ 863 👤︎︎ u/cdubyadubya 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

For some reason I absolutely love the theory of Mike Teevee becoming Charlie's personal hitman.


👍︎︎ 605 👤︎︎ u/MicooDA 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

I believe you.

👍︎︎ 97 👤︎︎ u/FourKicks17 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'd love to have an entire channel of bat-shit crazy theories like this. Plus, the creators implore you to harass celebrities until they confirm them.

👍︎︎ 721 👤︎︎ u/ham_solo 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

im on board

👍︎︎ 184 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is fucking genius. The parallels are too great to be coincidence. I'm sold.

👍︎︎ 116 👤︎︎ u/infinitum17 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2018 🗫︎ replies
So one of my favorite filmmakers is the South Korean director bong. Joon-ho I remember seeing his film the host when it came out in theaters when I was like 16 and it blew my mind His stuff is really dark and quirky and he didn't really break out in the u.s In a huge way until snowpiercer came out I really really liked snowpiercer but one interesting thing about it was that it reminded me of my favorite movie of all time Okay, I may have lost a lot of you there how could an incredibly violent r-rated movie set in the post apocalypse from 2013 possibly remind me of a children's classic from the 1970s well They're both two movies about groups of people that work their way through a large Fantastic structure one by one a person from the group is removed in each room until one person makes it to the very end Who then found out that the entire thing was a test because a wealthy industrialist needed to find a new successor Okay. Are you still with me? because the more I've been thinking about it the more I'm convinced that Snowpiercer is a sequel to Willy Wonka and Edie Harris plays the adult version of Charlie Bucket who took over? Wonka's candy Empire and who is the one who built the super train? Before I start getting into the specifics Let's take a look at the broad commonalities that these movies have both of the plots heavily revolve around economic class structures children Food and I main food in a big way. I know what people taste like roast beef in a baked potato But most interesting of all both of these stories somatically examines sacrifice choice and free will There are few moments in Willy Wonka If you think about them play into the idea of fate and the roles that certain people are destined to fulfill You ask a fish how it swims or a bird how it flies? Hmm? No siree You don't they do it because they were born to do it. I'm not you were a shoe. We must each of us occupy our preordained particular Position just like Willy Wonka was born to be a candy man. You look like you were born to be a wanker Curtis This is your destiny now, let's look at the hard facts Remember that Willy Wonka specializes in creating two different things in his factory state of the art food production And experimental modes of transportation And he does all of this in a factory that is completely sealed off from the outside world meaning that Wonka has the technology to make a food producing factory that is self-contained and Self-sustaining and this train is a closed echo system Nobody ever goes Nobody how that comes out with that in mind Let's try to piece together a hypothetical timeline that links these two movies at the end of Willy Wonka Charley inherits the factory he does his best to continue Wonka's philosophy of decadence and Imagination but let's suppose that Charlie ends up Forsaking his last name Bucket and as an apprentice takes on the name of Wonka Specifically Wilfred Wonka and also like his teacher is sure to brand everything with a giant W Fast forward to 2014 in an effort to combat global warming the governments of the world agreed to disperse the gas Cw7 Charlie now known as Wilfred is one of the few people that can foresee the devastating consequences of this gas Given his experience in chemistry, which is actually foreshadowed in this overlooked seen in the original Willy Wonka Realizing that Cw7 would be too effective in cooling the planet Charlie devised his only plan that he could to save the rest of humanity By focusing on Wonka's transportation and self-sustaining aspects and making the snowpiercer Under the guise that it was simply just another luxury product Saving all of humanity comes at a great cost though Charlie knows that the population is gonna have to be strictly regulated in order to keep the Train Self-sustaining which is going to involve the loss of human Precisely 74% of you shall die. Is it still the same number? Yes It still stands at 74% this important role that percentages will play in his future is once again for that in a classroom see Percentages and for an example. Let's take the recent unpleasantness Surviving the near extinction of the human race causes Charlie to go completely insane and take drastic Measures in order to try and preserve humanity, but it is important to note He still holds on to wonk a sense of decadence and imagination in fact There's a lot of things that he borrows from Wonka's playbook all of wilfred shock and awe Manipulation tactics were actually learned from Willy Wonka we need to maintain the proper balance of anxiety and fear Chaos, and horror in order to keep life going And if we don't have that We need to invent When it came time to find a successor Wilfred even borrowed Wonka's method of hiding messages inside of food And using spies, that wasn't what Gilliam and I had in our plan what Well, don't tell me you didn't know Gilliam and I our plan come in. Mr. Wilkinson Charlie meet. Mr. Wilkinson pleasure slug No, no, that's not slug worthy. He works for me. All right pause for a second Feel free to call me crazy if you haven't already But don't you think that there's a little bit more than a passing resemblance between mr Wilkinson the spy hired by Willy Wonka to play slugworth and Gilliam the leader of the back section of the train that was secretly working for Wilford all the time Would it be too much of a stretch to assume that they are in fact the same? person the timelines match up and it makes sense that Wilford would refer to Gilliam as an old friend and Having it be the same character adds a layer of significance to this moment from earlier in the movie Decades and the strange thing is he might not be the only character still alive Fair warning even I think this next parts a bit of a stretch So if you want to get back to more reasonable things in this already and reasonable video just skip to this mark There's something weird about the passengers in first class that Wilford has in charge of the Train Why would these people who are insane and selfish be left in charge? Well one could look at it as a deliberate statement of satire Or maybe these were all significant figures from wilford's past one of the most mysterious and enigmatic Figures in snowpiercer is the seemingly unstoppable And almost mute gunman Franco the elder in a train that supposedly run out of bullets. How is this man? So skilled. Well, what if he's had an obsession with guns since he was a child. I'm Mike teevee One can easily see how this young boy with an obsession of fictional violence could grow up to become a deadly Soldier like the killings, huh? My cell about mic would you tell us it? Wait till I get a real one I also don't think it's a coincidence that he delivers his first devastating kill on a TV screen maybe Charlie slash Wilford kept his fellow golden ticket winners around as an example of this twisted sense of mercy and Wilford is divine Wilford is merciful Tilda Swinton gave an iconic performance as Minister Mason, but what if Minister Mason is just the future version of Ivory salt now you might think I'm reaching here because these two characters don't seem that similar at first We don't know what Veruca is like after surviving the garbage chute Remember her and her father were trapped together and there's a good chance. She narrowly avoided getting Incinerated this could have traumatized verruca and changed her entire outlook on life instead of being ungrateful She now became too grateful fanatically devoted to the graces of Charlie who saved her life But she still keeps her ill temper and tendency to insult people You're always making things difficult now I understand the idea that Tilda Swinton is playing a traumatized four ook assault is a little thin But there are at least two facts you can admit they both have fur coats and both of these characters always enter the room first Finally got what he wanted. What's that Earl go in first? The last major member of wilford's Posse is the child catcher Claude and almost little to no Information is given to us about this character the clearest details we get about her are her body type her lack of impulse control She's getting sensitive recently and the fact that she eats her own blood and there's a character in Willy Wonka that exhibits all of These tendencies the boys name Oh Both of these characters have ravenous appetites poor impulse control and Members of the gloop family are known to eat even inanimate objects Claud might just be the daughter of a ghostess gloop as for Violet Beauregarde Well, I confess she doesn't really fit into this theory, but it is worth mentioning. There's another woman with a giant swollen belly also, there's a candy in Willy Wonka, that could be seen as the Precursor to the lame' bull waste drug. Kronole. No, it's not the ever lasting Gobstopper It's the exploding gum for your enemies that Mike teevee eats But there's one key Signature element from Willy Wonka that isn't present in this linked snowpiercer theory But in a weird way the fact that it's missing Proves that these two films are connected and I'm of course talking about the Oompa Loompas Surely if this was indeed a sequel to Willy Wonka wouldn't there be Oompa Loompas everywhere working on the train? Well, they would have been if they didn't go extinct all of Wonka's prior Transportation technology was operated by Oompa Loompas. It was operated by tiny people the space only allows for a very small person the engine lasts forever, but Not so all of its parts that piece of equipment Went extinct recently. Maybe it was because of the climate Maybe it's because there is no female Oompa Loompa and thus they can't procreate but once all the Oompa Loompas died out Wilfred Wonka needed the next best thing to keep his pert engine running small children Now all of this leads to one big question why have I been so obsessed with this for years I've literally wanted to make this video for years and like this is a Really esoteric thing to keep being obsessed about but I think there's an important reason why it's stuck in my head It made me appreciate the fine details of these excellent movies Like how both Wilfred and Wonka greet their guests by saying Curtis dear boy Charlie And I think they make both movies more interesting Selflessness is a very important part of snowpiercer and Curtis has been longing to sacrifice his arm for the entire movie in the end He finally achieves that selfless sacrifice just like Charlie did at the end of Willy Wonka when he gave up the Everlasting Gobstopper and it adds a twisted note to wilford's final moment when he witnesses a sacrifice against himself that parallels his own all he can say is Nice, and I don't think this theory ruins the end of Willy Wonka by having Charlie turn evil when you think about it both movies end with a hug and with the notion that I'm sure this is all kind of ridiculous to believe but maybe it is true and all it takes But most importantly if you enjoyed this video all I ask is this tweet at Chris Evans Tell him to watch this video and make him admit once and for all that Snowpiercer is a sequel to Willy Wonka if he says it it's canon because that's totally how this stuff works There's also some more cool stuff on this channel including some original series and ridiculous shorts, you know Feel free check it out. It's really good stuff. I promise. Thanks you guys Bye
Channel: Rhino Stew
Views: 10,266,887
Rating: 4.9237995 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Evans, Marvel, Avengers, Movies, Film, Korea, Snowpiercer, theory, willy wonka, conspiracy, eating
Id: jEX52h1TvuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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