Chef Pasquale and Johnny Meatballs Have A Ball - OrsaraRecipes

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come on everybody today we got John me Bob over here well yeah I'm Johnny meatballs and it's pretty pretty simple we're gonna make meatballs we're gonna make Johnny's meatballs cuz I seen you make meatballs before but today we do Johnny's me dragging this ball I don't know not you you the chef unwrap it Johnny ball you asking to see you me the harp I can help you okay huh now we roll together or you will know to get soup to the side where are you these are you double-booked after it what you done anything it would make a meatball your way not over here I was a buy beef mm-hmm veal and pork that's right that that's that's what makes Johnny's meatball special the Holy Trinity as we say huh another thing that makes my meatball special carmelized onions on it a lot of people they put raw onions inside yeah sometimes but I like to put them calm eyes I get them on the stove we get them nice and soft Oh brings out the sweetness you know you think these fats as good as perfect perfect okay we get a little bit of olive oil inside get it on the stovetop it'll be good Pasquale is going to chop up to me here while we have on the stove the pot where the oils getting nice and hot for the Heinz I'm going to put the onions in there you go a nice sizzle take one of these here so we're going to leave it on the stove for a little while so they get nice and soft and sweet shrink down a little bit and then we refrigerate all of that song you sing good with this so where you go sing a little bit the wonder you thought about the meatball song me yeah my song song I want to hear I'm making meatballs over here over here I'm megameters over here away making me for making me kind of feeling very far making me but making me book on a drink of my hey so where's the wine little sugar in the onions okay meet this down look how beautiful look at that Wow chef is good phenomenal look at that you can't get more fresh than that huh over here I can make one meatball yeah one bball look like a football we're gonna make it a couple of nice sandwiches okay let me check the onions again all right they get a little golden in color you know they're just about ready we're going to refrigerate the onions so that when we put them inside the mix you know they're not boiling hot all right it's okay I'll put them to freeze oh yeah pearl is equally just spraying down the sheet pan here so the balls don't stick that's the first step because we're going to cook them in the oven at a very high heat we got to me here the veal pork and beef how beautiful freshly ground there's very good so now we put everything else inside the mixing bowl okay we have the onions which year we had cooled off cool off in the friend or freeze the reason pristine over the process a little bit that's good there it is inside okay and it's the garlic that we chopped up put that inside the grated cheese again so how much pounds of meat do we have here this one that think it's like a maybe for for the almost a fight and all right okay yeah so I like a lot of cheese we're gonna put pretty much most of all this - yeah you I don't get it in there nice and cheesy if you like that you like a lot of lamb or goat cow huh oh yeah all right if you shop a broccoli yarmulke the breadcrumbs brick chrome we have a mix of regular brick from and paint okra from Cigna mix together now you do the bread calm good thing absolutely not I like that inside okay this is eggs but it's liquid eggs speeds the process when you make it on C I make four or five hundred meatballs at a time you know yeah so I use the breadcrumbs the liquid eggs the already little egg that's already done like this it sounds good see that okay a little bit of tomato paste inside the mix we've got a lot of media so I only use about 3/4 of this little can here like that okay and the final is this is my special 10 spice blend Oh Jon Amiel all the spice salt pepper oregano garlic powder basil and five of the spices I never reveal you going to throw me faisal basic surmise with you added to the spices from your god and it's a really nice smell phenomenal so we have everything in here we get it all in here I chopped it up get some of the bays let's see it's in there yeah it's good the smell really good and it packs quite a punch all these spices so we don't need too much yeah because it's a breadcrumb seasoned breadcrumbs shots already we don't want to go crazy you know so there good job you have everything right here okay you want to make sure you mix if we can get in together with you know Sadam pizza fun of the whole thing is they say go bison on the volge Amanda Congress we made it not even we get right in look this lovely vase oh hey smelling good ready man look good lovely good see that oh yeah I wanted I wanted to go on the meat yeah definitely ah I said for me I always do as a rule when you can pick up everything like a giant meat loaf then you mix them up yeah you know because of course you don't want to overmix no no I think like this it's already good right looking good yeah absolutely okay now if you finish it with some legs you know what do you gonna do we're gonna roll now we're gonna make the balls that's all ya got before you roll where you gotta do something else you're gonna taste it like this and alright come on well you can you can do the honors yeah you know like ah well you know what I mean like I've been practicing this recipe so long I know scare it'll come out okay he's carry the big rope that's old school old school nobody does that not want it bad ah see that delicious really good tie thing alright not you coming on you you get the oven on write it together see the ovens preheated 425 degrees because what we do is we put it in the oven first at the high heat for the first 15 minutes 20 minutes depending on your oven how it works it gets the crust okay which is just like if you frying it on the stove it makes it the same way then turn it down finish it off the final 20 minutes a much lower temperature so the inside is all done that's it yeah I always keep some water running or a bucket of water just so my hands always wet and moist when I roll the balls oh it's good yeah they say I've never dinner like this a [ __ ] good I keep my hands moist like this yeah you roll of the butter right how big in the mid ball I do somewhere between two and a half and three ounce okay it's okay I'll look how big that is your favorite we eyeball we don't take measurements right no I want the CC let it be a lot of Miss Molly got different size yeah I want to say that this kind of the meatballs and said there it is okay this is to the big ball nice nice okay this is yours enough little mind sing okay not too big not too small because when I make a sandwich yeah I put three like this and they shrink a little in the oven too don't forget and a little bit look remind me politics okay this size over here well that's a big more it's a bigger ball okay with making the smaller meatball you see I come up a fortune you see you know I think this one is good all right all perfect we're oh let me Bonnie like a boss mm-hmm okay see we're gonna race now do you use beef chicken what kind of no I'm in all my work machine like Authority oh yeah the turkey makes you like authority say it's really you know and we do the talking mm-hmm but you know got a kook in the past and not mm-hmm you do right in it right in enroll and you put it right inside chicken broth or something like that yeah we got a good meatball today mmm okay that's it now you gotta go right up the oven well I put a little with me at the end on top just at the end here okay little bit all right so good they look really good into the oven we put them in at 425 okay and we let them start off at that high heat and then like I said we turn it down okay leave me washing my hands mm-hmm yes tinkle I do all right the let's open of the oven okay oh look up beautiful move on we got today over here we did good we've been gonna come beautiful this will keep for the first 15 20 minutes 20 minutes and we'll check on it after 10 minutes to see cuz everybody's ovens a little bit different yeah okay you could smell their cooking very good right yeah so they take a peek you know it's a big ahh look at Hey look at them making a nice crust on that and look a nice beautiful okay now we got to turn it down because it's too hot we don't want to burn okay what time does she want let's finish it it like put it all the way down to like 275 maybe 300 and let it finish it for a while 3 mm 300 stood yeah that's a sig nice strung up in here torn off now 300 0-3 then stop I should I smell like it's ready as well I think we're ready to take it out okay we take it out this over here you're all right oh it's a bee oh yeah baby 31 balls right there oh it's a good ball oh this is nice it's you know what I love yeah nobody does this for me because everybody they say only San Marzano tomato Sun was up yeah I use New Jersey grown tomatoes yeah for my sauce or my gravy with the meatballs nobody does that okay now this sauce it's the sauce I wanna give it to you this is my sauce this is my sauce now well in rate one nose one you taste that you say now we got a big ball of the put inside that sauce it's hard to ride along come on you gotta stay the meatball put in there 20 minutes five minutes to see that okay beautiful and you could see the nice crust on the meatballs you know people say oh you can only achieve that crust from frying but not if you put it at a high heat you see that nice crust yay come on good nice ice and then into the sauce the gravy Jersey tomatoes I got it this over here this surprise shoulder the pork oh God Oh whist Akins I absolutely won't need to listen to sure okay hey boy the look at a lotta flamey I'm gonna make the sandwich okay mallets we talked I wanted a Johnny meatballs on a roll that's all okay the name is sandwich okay let's roll the big ball enough get the nice nice bread here nice roll from the bakery and now what I do is yes three balls one sandwich three so you get a nice a nice meal huh but that meatball is so big well you know I mean you want the people to be satisfied you know oh yeah look at the meatball it's beautiful okay now we got three then we put a little bit extra sauce gravy little bit extra on top all right get it on there nice but we not done yet chef we're gonna put a little robot them I'm not touching up then you're the boss it look good one of my signatures as I put the ricotta on here okay it's a brush this it's officially got the nice one big scoop like this for every sandwich Wow just like that see that say more more MORE you each one of this your cave all day I like eating one of this and I got for breakfast by exam I'm okay for launch everything the fresh basil nagging all the colors of the Italian flag right you get the green the white the red it's all there right oh look at the record to what I do it cook look I'm nice you can see that with the meat all inside you could see inside of it that's a good angle we got the inside and then we put the other one like this okay oh yeah and you know a little bit more sauce a little a little bit the monkfish the people they love okay so you got everything yeah I mean this is like you know this is a meal okay John we're gonna eat it now right some fellows hello hmm what do you think not it I'm with the good huh mmmmmm by oh they're not oh yeah lady oh well is it the sauce or baby with the aperture well you read Maya I think my nose is running who who's come from the garden to you need to tell us up front on you hey meeting a better get it forget the pasta guys sticking out of the bed at all not at all okay mama Tim agrestic qua eighty Japan or a captain Wow beautiful now over mine let me make you me I don't want to miss uh my wine you gotta have gotta have to be tall with the meter to think about the macaroni and the sopressata and the bread and oh yeah baby the peppers we got everything we got at all once again for the invitation we appreciate it I mean this is great this is what they say in Italy as a lute they do take root day I shoot the one that we had a ball we had a ball and I sell older beautiful Oh Jenna the dress it's brought well you're fresh you're faster than me I tell you know below go hope Oh see old the way it was it go down well it John whatever my meatball when you come out I wasn't wrong with Ebola like the boss you had your mama you had that one lone meatball it was the 31st meatball so that was in there somewhere that's one of the bigger ones yeah yeah good yeah yeah okay now everybody asked him a face press so I'll make expressive everybody he was bigger than me some cannoli seventeen espana tell Baba after wit they go with this okay ah okay now we make espresso cops Chris EOS I was drinking the bed and I put it right in there yeah hey I wanna pull the same thing right there okay Bella that's a cup for every day the bells about straighter Jeremy no thanks I was a cleaner already my dish it's in I got my espresso with a shutters dragons I saluted okay was so nice you come in over here and I'm so glad to see you I appreciate it yeah I know was a thing you know but to me you're a really good person thank you help everybody you give you I wanna set up business can you make critical to me boy you know I had such a good time and we made a good team yeah it's good we really did look at one day maybe we work at the dead we make a journal invol you were fast if I swung shut up and like this I like that [ __ ] with it oh yeah baby we got we got you see we gotta use over your played anthem and among people you like first time you eat you wasn't gonna read my my eyes is still watering but you know it was good delicious you want another one no with a coin huh I'm going just the espresso it's perfect okay hi thank you I appreciate it really good everything let's pack especially look at this Saturday Strahan yet I still he gotta come alone and boy he wasn't one back it's about look like eagle or not her in a desert espresso we know we did it all today I was like a regular Sunday you know they're good damage I did my thank you [ __ ] okay hope to come back you know Vesta Pascual that's what we call this is very soon I'll rest up a swallow okay thank you very much of everything it was a beautiful day outside it's nice of them oh okay thank you very much David Mary thank you John the ball is friend over here he said I'm the best to make a friend Jeremy door next time we'll have the freudian Avast will make any vast and bust of us all and we'll bring some Kobashi and put a yogi for Mama okay Thank You Jan nice a fantastic huh you
Channel: OrsaraRecipes
Views: 241,896
Rating: 4.9035802 out of 5
Keywords: chef pasquale, orsararecipes, cooking, italian cooking, italian recipes, food, foodie, johnny meatballs, meatball recipe, chef pasquale and johnny meatballs, johnny decarlo, pasquale sciarappa, italian food, restaurant, italian meatball, pasta, orsara, meatball
Id: 3xDog5GBco0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Fri May 02 2014
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