Feast of the Seven Fishes: Fish Salad - OrsaraRecipes

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hello everybody today I want to make it I want to show you the make of vicious salad in the Fisher side of the make of what I you need that I got of the calamari mussels this is the head that the calamari I got a shrimp the creme meet this it's a little really good the crabmeat I got a scallops shrimp this are shallow the clean of the shrimp and I gathered the phone pole over here lookup beautiful pole began do use a lever garlic parsley oil salt black pepper no all your baby on this salad it's everything like this if we do all this fish I need only two parts even it too many parts this starts over here I use it for the pom-pom cut the pulp we gotta cook on least maybe for 45 minute in this parts of the time to the pulp we cook at the set of pots I use I'll stop the cook at the scallops gay cooker fast I cook the shrimp into first and then I'll do the calamari after you know it cook the same time left with the pope now we start for the water and the pads a weight of a boil I start to cook first the Pope okay the water started to bubble a little bit and visits a for the port after 1 this is cook we take the skin out to get some more easy the taking the skin out of this ok I put real assault over here same thing than this other parts are pure salt can now on Easter the boy I start to cook the shrimp the scallops everything at this one only one parts I use for this now over here I want to put a couple of pieces of the lemon cut the fish become a nice color in no turn the lemona keeper the fish you're really really good okay now like I say and the water I use the lemon I'll squeeze there live inside everything okay okay now the water over here start the boil and I put the shrimp but this is shrimp for the fish salad it takes only a couple of minutes you know mother for me two minutes okay then we give it a little turn over here okay except you got to stay a little bit too mom okay now the shrimp is ready and we take out they have two right over here in this make sure to take off all okay what I do I got a dilemma and I put it back over here and not this shrimp you gotta cool off Cold War yeah I live in the Cold War this in the from the war like this you live a steak now it's a time we put the scallops the boil in the scallops it take almost the same time like the shrimp a little bit more with the shrimp the cook okay now that the shrimp it's nice it's cold what I do I put all right over here the drain of the water like this you shake a little bit take the water out if this that's what I gotta make all the fish inside over here the make a salad and this one okay now I want to show anybody now the calamari you see the calamari wonder you eat someplace it not take this out this out you take her out it's good you got to cook that one but the calamari eat corn like this but me I pour the finger over here up or upside down like this I look inside one you not do like this what you got inside a lot look at this you like it this and I think so you see this this you gotta be out everything you gotta be clean in a lot of time what you find inside you find like like you know the piece of plastic inside its anaplastic it's the calamari got a that thing you look like a plastic if this one you wash it good to this look and I see that it'd be really really clean like this that's what I gotta do not each one this that's what it got a bit done a lot you see this and you gotta turn each calamari you got a lot stop inside each one look look look at this I don't think you're nobody lighting the heat to this you got a claim to the club - steel that you go sharp but he said they said oh it's a clean not it's not clean it's a clean outside but inside you got a lot of junk a lot of stuff okay okay now the scallops it's ready if we take it out and we do the same thing like I did with the shrimp but the cloth it's not look good there with the lemon the water now at the end people like two or three coppers this water people on the side come when I make the salad the water I gotta use the make a little bit more liquid everybody when it is fish salad everybody like a dick with a bread inside okay now this ready a dilemma you gotta go back over here again and not this and go Airport in the Cold War the same like I did at the other one there's a coal okay now I'd reynad a sister like this okay yeah I'd give a little more water on the path to make a shoe gets cold all right you don't think you know somebody you do like I do not if it's work but it's everything it smell like you would like maybe four five paths so they use it for the calamari for days so that I use the only one path through the water I put assault it said everything at the same water now it's a time I want to cook this the calamari here and this it go the same thing Ryan side over here will it turn at this you gotta cook like maybe ten minutes okay now everybody see see I'm not finished take around by see what he got inside okay it when you go into someplace this it's a fried two together with a calamari because you're not talking upside down the calamari it's what you find inside it's this okay if this it's not good you eat to this it's a fry I know you know feeling not that but I kind of like okay that's why I said they departed the mega show the turn all the calamari one you buy okay let me shoot the cleanup okay now this I use a shrimp cocktail in the shrimp cocktail the shrimp we gotta be really big now the cleaner for the shrimp cocktail do like this you take for the top and you start to figure the the skin out like this but you gotta leave the tail not take air out of this after what you do you take a knife and you Cora or we he like that one time at this it's open like this you wash and you take the black stuff out like this okay now one of this it's a cook you gotta see a beautiful time you put on you know on the glass and make a nice you can put each person maybe six like this within the glass a little lettuce like romaine lettuce to chop and the glass and you put of this okay now this is to the calamari the head claw Mari and I also put one shrimp but boy let me show what you got to do with a shrimp okay and this is the the kalamata take it out the Gail ready now I use a cold water yeah I wasn't putting this shrimp cook yeah one you got the shrimp one that's a cocktail it gotta be cold really you know you can put another frigid ayah and you gotta use a Kohl of the shrink-wrap everything know how to work you gotta pick up you do like this like I said before do you put a little lettuce okay now this one I was cooking for the cameraman my son he wanted taste of this okay I live over here for you and Jeremy okay alright thanks okay now we do the calamari at this after this is cook I got a quarter the calamari and like a car like a ring I was good to one store yeah I see the fish salad he caught the fish salad is so small Anna like you know Vinay the fish I won the taste of the fish nice piece maybe you can cover with a knife at the bar lightly see this guy to the ring the calamari I like a correlated like this all the way like ring okay now the pump is ready we take out and it was a taking like a maybe 25 to 40 minutes a lot of time that the probe we take a little long you gotta sit sit sit the baby Popo since the more all they gotta take a little longer but this one he was a take a Tori Tori find me okay not this what I gotta do I got a drain I drain dry over here okay and now this I gotta wash the clean up all the block you gotta run over there I put a cold water got this at night so really hot yeah pick it up and you start the wash like this it is utilize it look the same and you do one by one like this and you clean up okay I covered this right over here that's a little other place this he you say put in the salad I know one when you cover this over here you gotta put your finger inside now what happen he garden it's the mouth over here okay now I'll stick my finger inside and look what he come out this hey you know wanted to this it's so discussed it's some stuff inside yeah no wonder this is a mega shoot the cleanup like that though you say it's clean okay now this it's not like this it's a clean now what I gotta do this I got a quarter the same like everything got got over there and you correlate this you think this is you've got it you can't ever think like this it's so good this when you eat this the salad oh okay right over here the salad now I wanna quarter one over here nice big it when everybody eat the together I want to see who catch this alright see this I put me over here somebody catch you that one is so happy okay okay the muscles ours cooker this morning at night it's a nice call a whip or the get who is he okay now the calamari to cook it was to take a like maybe ten minutes okay now like I said before before I tore away this water I want to take her out can I use this this water are useful from the broad can make a little live with it okay so this is enough now I'll take you the calamari out look a nice look up beautifully see calamari look it's a really nice culinary this calamari see the big one you can make a stop stop the calamari it's really good - okay now we use cold water now this you got a co-op for really good now what happened inside you got a lot of water in the hot water inside okay now we start the car like I said before like this okay now the calamari at Socorro ready it's ready this is good to see you make a salad just like this slammer a Oreo a garlic it's really good now we put all together a little mix like this okay hey hey I got a ring all right now I got addict red meat but still I got a poor little em'ly garlic parsley in the crib meat I want to put it the last one okay see what happened this wonder you cook a you take it out you come out a piece of a little piece like this it's realistic okay now I wonder start pull the garlic lemon aioli a passer now we started with the garlic okay now the salad everybody totally gets a pre-christmas not in Christmas a day before Christmas I wasn't going to charge everybody was sing okay now the garlic is already good right over here and now we gotta start of the with the lemon hey the moment you got a cut on her hair first okay now we start with the lemon but she amo unas promoted the moment then in the patient this nominative of the fish okay now I was add or edit real Emma Barney the bus sick salamander for this what I'll do I know one put us the seeds inside a our drain like this say I only with this over here I got a squishy this uh dilemma lie in this I user again now you see that beautiful paths like that over here this it's even my garden everybody say yeah for your garden oh so Cory you got a pass I can't pass me outside nice a possible okay I got a ruler I got everything okay now parsley ready we right over here okay now what else we got Anna now we gotta use and got over here black okay now use black pepper money the salt not too much salt together fish it's cook everything good with a salt yeah I started not too much after you taste you wanna more salt you poor muscle because somebody said to me I'm a short man I use it too much of salt no it's not true what not taste the say needs salt upper salty you need a no poo now you need to good oil I use maybe couple of cops boy you need oil I got some scallops over here yeah I want to put over heat to with the water already like this in that we mix we mix let me wash my hand first for me I was washing my hands not I'm a 75 years old they are cuckoo for so many years nobody got sick ooh the stuff I cook I use my hands like this hey use your hand it's the best thing in under what oh look a nice it's it like I say see the water everybody like EFT but not use of the the fishes salad and the dish I put a little water next okay everybody wanted big for the the bread now like I said everybody this it's the last one I put inside everything inside okay we'd give another mix like this I gotta like it maybe 20 people you got a cup I don't know maybe 15 20 people what are this I think I got enough this I give you like this at each one up and give a nice dish like that okay now wait I want to taste this so the sort is good I did oil everything let me take a little spoon awareness okay let me taste them now I tasted the gravy only the DC toriel sets good soft or not you need a little bit more salt little bit not too much I do like this again one okay this it's enough now what I got to do let me clean up a little bit my hands will taste again I want to use a little bit more oil okay now again okay okay now I was at or never think let me take you this spoon gal when washing my hand yeah I wash the spoon again okay let me sit again Dena that's it it's good it's good the dilemma go to the oil salt black pepper you don't need them nothing no more don't think about this I'm gonna cover really good edit poor not free today this is the a couple of day or three day in the fridge day it tastes much better the lemon everything the gonna fish it's really good now this it's finish this dish I wanna say David berry Merry Christmas Happy New Year a buon natale buon anno up Noel a boronai a full month merci beaucoup grazie tante thank you very much arrivederci bye
Channel: OrsaraRecipes
Views: 80,528
Rating: 4.9299436 out of 5
Keywords: chef pasquale, orsararecipes, cooking, Feast of the Seven Fishes, fish salad, fish salad recipe, italian recipe, italian cooking, christmas, christmas recipe, seven fishes, seven fishes recipe, italian christmas, christmas cooking, holiday recipes, food, recipe, chef, knives, pots, scallops, shrimp, crab, octopus, mussels, calamari
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2013
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