Stafford Gambit CRUSHES Garry Kasparov Bot

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all right so the game i want to share today is a game that i played on an airplane i took a direct flight from chicago to dubai it was a 13 hour flight actually on route to photograph at the fide world championship and on the plane i discovered that uh in the the built-in entertainment system in front of my seat there is a game called kasparov chessmate in which you can play an ai version of the one and only gary kasparov now it allowed me to select the difficulty of my opponent but it only allowed me to select up until 2300 so i didn't really get the the real deal of the the 2850 gary kasparov but 2300 especially for an ai it's still uh still a level that can be difficult to beat and we went ahead and started a game and as we're gonna see the game features a staffer gambit but it also just features a really really fun tactical attacking sequence that i think all of you are going to enjoy so before we get into the game i do want to give a big thanks to the sponsor of today's video which is audible now when i'm on a plane and i'm not defeating kasparov bot uh with the staffer gambit i do really enjoy listening to audiobooks and audible is my go-to platform to do that they have a huge variety of genres from comedy to non-fiction to fiction sci-fi romance whatever you're into any sort of spoken word entertainment you can find on audible and let me give a sneak peek into my personal audio library and just share some of the titles that i've been enjoying in recent weeks and months and one audiobook that i do want to highlight is a new release is chess queens by jennifer shahadi and this is an audiobook that i am in the process of listening to and i've really really been enjoying so far it highlights some of the triumphs and struggles of women in chess and talks a lot about some of the notable inspiration and success stories including the polgar sisters and pia kremling and some of the early pioneers in chess like sonia graf and vera manchuk and i do have to say jennifer shotty does an amazing job narrating the book and providing some really nice insights that i would not have been aware of otherwise so if you would like to try out audible for free and listen to any audiobook of your choice click the link in the description iamrosen or text i am rosen to 500 500. you can listen to chess queens or any other audiobook of your choice and i really hope audible brings as much value to you as it's brought to me and with that let's get back to the chess so the game started gary played e4 and even though this is a bot representation of gary's kasparov i'll just be referring to him as gary and i responded with e5 it was my goal to enter a staffer gambit and to my dismay gary did not take the pawn on e5 but rather played knight to c3 and i was a little bit disappointed here but i really insisted that we enter a stafford and if you do want a stafford from this position the move to play is bishop to c5 and this is considered a dubious move because you are you are counting upon but its only way to attempt to transpose back into the stafford the alternative is knight to c6 which is a bit more symmetrical can lead to either a four night scotch or four knight's main line but after i played bishop c5 we did transpose back into the staffer gambit after takes and knight to c6 and i actually had this position against magnus carlsen real life magnus carlson in a titled arena over a year ago and magnus played knight f3 here which is a very sensible move and the game continued d5 takes takes and then d4 and after bishop b4 bishop d2 uh the game continued i'll leave a link to that video if you want to check it out but i will say that magnus did handle the the opening and the middle game quite well so uh we did not enter this line in this game uh but rather after knight c6 gary took on c6 and i took back with the pawn it's as if we just entered a staffer normally it's usually black who had just played bishop c5 here but this is a direct transposition and for the staffer gambit aficionados out there you'll know the the main move for white and the supposed refutation is pawn to h3 which is recommended by a lot of other like coaches and chess youtubers as just a safe way to meet the stafford because it prevents knight g4 and i'll admit that yeah black does have some issues in this line there's been a number of moves i tried here between h5 and g5 and b5 and there's still room to try and muddy the waters but white is objectively doing quite well here if they don't fall into any trickiness but instead of playing h3 in this game we see bishop to e2 which is also a very sensible move but this move is prone to some really nasty traps and the move i play here is pawn h5 now the alternative instead of h5 is to play queen to d4 but as we'll see sometimes these lines transpose and the point of pawn h5 is to support the g4 square to basically prepare knight g4 next and get multiple pieces attacking on the king side now from here i will say the best move for white is to play pawn d3 which was not played in this game but the point upon d3 is to quickly develop the bishop and if i play knight g4 i can take take and play bishop e3 and this is a position i've had countless times before actually i'm checking my stats here on the chess i've had this position 25 times and i've scored pretty well even here despite the fact the engine will say white's a bit better after the move queen to d6 black has some kind of nagging pressure against the pawn on h2 and there's potential tactics where if white plays g3 black can take and win back the pawn and go into some end game but i don't want to go on too much of a tangent because instead of d3 white in this game castled kingside which is a really risky move and uh sometimes you'll see this in engine chess is engine will play a move without fear but sometimes it's just a matter of not calculating far enough and i'm pretty sure that's what happened to my my ai opponent in this game is white took a little bit too many risks and then just reached a point of no return so i continue here knight g4 threatening the very deadly queen to h4 to attack both f2 and h2 and white plays a very logical move upon h3 just trying to kick away the knights and make it so queen h4 isn't as powerful but in this position uh black has a really really nice move that i'll just go ahead and show is queen to d4 and what this does is it puts a third attacker on f2 and this is also still opening preparation for my side i usually get this position from a slightly different move order it usually happens if white plays h3 first then after queen d4 castling knight g4 this would be a direct transposition and if we take a look at what's going on here there's not too many ways for white to effectively defend f2 and in this game gary took on g4 which at first it looks like white's surviving but if we calculate a little bit further you'll see that white's just completely completely toast now the best move according to the engine is bishop takes g4 after which black just has a raging attack with uh now the pawn the bishop the rook all aimed towards h3 combined with this battery and engine gives a decisive advantage black in this position so what happened the game is after takes takes bishop takes g4 was played now i do want to show a really cool line which has probably been featured in some of my other staffer gambit videos but it's a line that just never gets old and it involves another piece sacrifice from black after white plays probably what's the best try is g3 attempting to play king g2 and rook h1 black just has a really beautiful sequence after queen e5 king g2 this is black to move and find the only winning move now i guess i gave some sort of clue that it does involve another piece sacrifice but if you haven't seen this before and you don't see it already feel free to pause the video and find the absolutely crushing move for black in this position and the dog is barking maybe the dog finds it too so congratulations if you found the move bishop takes f2 uh just blowing up the entire king side for white and the point is if rook takes f2 and there's queen h5 and there's just no stopping the the threats along each file black is threatening queen e3 king g1 and queen h1 mate and if king digs f2 this leads to a really funny line rook h2 check king e3 queen digs g3 king d4 and then bishop to e6 and even though black is down two pieces black is ready to castle queenside with check and uh it's usually not a good sign when your king is the most developed piece in the opening and queens are still on the board so i was a little bit uh disappointed this position did not occur but what we're going to see is also pretty savage going back uh pawn takes pawn pawn takes pawn and bishop takes pawn was played and here there's a very simple and nice move for black queen to e5 a very simply threatening checkmate in one and there's very very few ways for white to defend against a threat and already it seemed like the computer was just trying to delay the game as much as possible bishop h3 was played i happily took the bishop and then after pawn d4 i took the pawn now we see queen to f3 so white trying to put up a little bit of resistance but after a nice move bishop to g4 i can say oh no my bishop and if white takes it then there's checkmate on h2 so bishop g4 has a nice threat of hitting the queen and also threatening mate so for that reason queen f4 is played but this doesn't slow down my initiative i simply slide over to h file queen h5 threatening mate on h1 and the only move to uh to keep the game going for a bit longer is to play the very desperate queen to h6 obstructing my queen rook battery this is a very telltale sign of playing an engine where it just chucks pieces trying to prolong the mate for as long as possible so if we zoom forward here i took the queen and after rook to e1 i now leverage the half open g file and for some reason the rook moved back to f1 and i think robot gary was beginning to tilt a little bit and just show its emotions by moving its rook back and forth i went in for bishop to f3 and i really thought i was gonna be meeting on the very next move but white prolonged the game for a couple more moves after bishop g5 i took the bishop rookie one i took the pawn king f1 and queen to h1 checkmate i defeated kaspar of bot in just 20 moves with black and with the staffer gabbit it was a very feel-good game now for those of you who might be doubting that this game actually happened i do have video proof which i think i'll just speed up and share above my head so if you want to watch at like 25 speed you can see the game unfold but i hope you enjoyed this game and i hope this gives inspiration for uh for taking down not only robot grand masters but maybe even real grandmasters too so with that let me know if you have any questions leave them in the comments and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 106,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess game, chess video,, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, chess 2021, garry kasparov, kasparov chessmate, kasparov chess, stafford gambit, ai, airplane chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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