Cheap Backpacking Food Tips

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hey friends Matt with the Nampa hyper channel what I thought I would do is just show you quickly some of the things that I take backpacking with me now I was just kind of going through my supplies just to see what I had on hand and this isn't an exhaustive video of what I would carry but it's just some of the things that I had so I wanted to tell you kind of a how much calories each and every one of these have and why I take it and so forth first let's start off here in the corner right here I have a mission tortillas and obviously I don't carry this whole package but I do like to carry tortillas with me because there's a hundred and forty calories per tortilla and they weigh next to nothing and honestly they're really good the second thing I wanted to show you is this little egg holder I just picked it up at Sportsman's Warehouse for I think it was I don't know buck 50 or something and initially I was kind of hesitant to take eggs out but I got to tell you eggs were never refrigerated up until about 20 years ago and my dad worked at a grocery store for you know 30 some odd years and he said that they never refrigerated eggs until you know very recently so I take eggs out with me because there's nothing like having you know an egg burrito in the morning and one of the things I will say about eggs eggs are 90 calories a piece normally you know I'll have three or four eggs just just for my breakfast or right there that's awesome also you could carry a package of bacon bits with you and make your breakfast even better another thing for breakfast that is good is these little Quaker Oats oatmeal now the brown sugar one is 160 calories and the rest of them in the variety pack that you could get at Costco is 130 calories so normally I'll have two packets so you know I'm putting down a little over 300 calories just for oatmeal moving on to some other things Oh in the morning I also like to have apple cider just kind of as a refreshing drink but this is rich in vitamin C and it also has 80 calories just in a little packet of cider so something to think about for lunch I usually have something like Top Ramen one or two of these and you know I'm pretty usually light on lunch I also like bring in almonds almonds are good to snack on but also good thing about almonds is they're really high in protein and they're really good as an addition to other meals as well you kind of sprinkle them into different things also pistachios are just a good snack to have as well also a Minute Rice which is kind of added the screen here Minute Rice is also good to add too I don't have any soup mixes here but a lot of times I'll bring a soup mix out you know just add water and throw into a Minute Rice and you could take a soup mix and you could make it a little bit more hearty for dinner I usually like having a pasta dish noir makes some really good pastas but it says on the back you know as you can just add water but it also says that you know if you put in a little bit of butter or a little bit of milk it's much better but it's optional I got to tell you with water this is okay but if you get some of this Carnation Instant non-fat milk you could turn that fettuccine into something that is fantastic with just a little bit of this added to it so I would recommend that you grab one of these bags and if you want you could actually split it up into different serving sizes and in Ziploc baggies Ziploc baggies are something that you should always have with you anyway for your food of course Idahoans being from Idaho like to have my Idaho potatoes 440 calories in this whole package and I'll usually eat this in in one sitting the different minute Rice's are 720 calories for the whole package and you could eat those in one or two again this isn't exhaustive it's just some ideas because if you're going to be going out eating mountain houses mountain houses are like 9 bucks for one of those things and all this together is probably I don't know 9 10 11 dollars and this is multiple meals so just something to think about some ideas so please share what you think would be some good backpacking foods and why don't you let me know in the comment section down below the video and if you haven't subscribed to my channel why don't you give me a sub and give me a thumbs up and tell me what you think anyway god bless you happy trails
Channel: NampaHiker
Views: 342,380
Rating: 4.901494 out of 5
Keywords: Cheap backpacking food, backpacking food, what to eat while backpacking, Backpacking, Backpacking meals, Food (TV Genre), camping food, survival food, bug out bag food, emergency food, Backpacking tips, backpacking food ideas, easy backpacking meals
Id: Uu1CMjmSY9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 29 2014
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