D.I.Y. Backpacking Meals | Northville Placid Trail Series

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hey everyone thanks for tuning in this week uh we're going to talk about how i planned my food for the northville placid trail and why i decided to not go with a bunch of these and do it myself so stick around and i hope you enjoy the video [Music] [Music] so yeah i decided to go with um packing my own foods for the northfield placid trail instead of doing the dehydrated dehydrated backpackers meals um for a couple of reasons one cost uh those dehydrated backpacker meals are anywhere between eight and eleven dollars a piece and um this i can get a meal out of what i have here for probably three bucks and um the other big concern is calories per ounce right so as you're hiking you want to have as many calories as you can for as little weight as possible and um the way i've calculated the meals i believe i will be at about 140 150 calories per ounce so um that's a huge win i think so um let's get started i'm going to show you how i take all of this and make it into this [Music] let's check it out [Music] the very first step in putting all this together was coming up with an actual meal plan um i don't have to stick to it a hundred percent but uh it gives me some guidance as to what to buy what to package and uh how to make it so um like i mentioned in my planning video i used google spreadsheets google docs and i just came up with a generic meal plan with uh some ideas for food and listing when i resupply so you can do the same thing or just wing it whatever you want that's how i did it though [Music] first meal of the day is where we're going to start and that's because it's probably the easiest for me to package up uh we've got pop-tarts we've got oatmeals i've got maple brown sugar and apple cinnamon i actually take one packet of each and mix in some raisins and that's an amazing breakfast um pop tarts are gonna be breakfast on the go so we don't need to stop and boil any water or anything like that um but yeah let's uh let's get these packaged up so the way i've done it is um i've planned for six days of oatmeal six days of pop tarts so we've got one bag a little brown sugar apple cinnamon some raisins just estimating maybe take a few for a snack good one breakfast done let's make the rest all right breakfast is done that's pretty awesome one of the cool things i learned about oatmeal on the trail and i learned this from frozen's outdoor adventures he went on an at through hike this year i'll link that right up here you actually can just put the water right in the oatmeal packets and you don't have to get any pots and pans dirty so that's a huge win that helps save some time in the morning all right let's move on to lunch all right for lunches i have decided to go with some old staples peanut butter and honey on the wrap and some summer sausages um i haven't decided if i'm going to grab some hard cheese or not yet but to go with summer sausage but regardless wraps that's a traditional through hiker backpacker lunch because you can put all of your stuff on the wrap and just go which we're not looking to make huge miles every single day or make amazing time so that's not really a huge point of this but uh ease of use and cleaning up that's big so um let's get started and get these portioned up i'm actually going to package my lunches a little differently than my breakfasts and dinners because i'm going to have three resupplies i'm actually just going to break this stuff down into three packages so that i can have them in my resupplies and just grab them and go i'm not really concerned about number of sausages per wrap or anything like that um but yeah let's get this broken up so you know what i just noticed i realized um i have three resupply boxes but i wasn't accounting for the initial loadout that goes in my bear cans so let me reconfigure this these packages of wraps are 10 each so i will just split them up into four even packages um i will only use two zip locks because these are resealable packages anyway and i don't like to waste if we can avoid it so i ordered a bunch of this wild naked honey online and it comes with a box of 20. so i'll split these up and put them into probably the wrap bags again i don't want to waste anything but i would like to keep things together so um these will go in i figure i'll have uh the hard salami wraps every other day and the peanut butter and honey wraps on the opposite days so um if i'm gonna be out for about two weeks i only need about seven of these so yay extra while i only need seven total i'm actually gonna pack all of them um because they are extra calories and they're pretty light and they're very tasty so i'll just put five in each one of these bags and call it a day remember i mentioned uh trying to save space always keep learning guys those wraps really flexible so why not fold them in half and make them easier to pack that works really well i think i'm gonna put the four packages of salami one in each one of these and lunch will be done okay let's get started with dinner um i've got some alfredo some rice cheddar broccoli rice potatoes mac and cheese some chicken tunas we're gonna make a bunch of meals out of this um these packets they say they have what three and a half servings um i'm gonna break that down there's only two servings in here and uh i'm not playing around with that game these actually have four servings in them so we're gonna split them in half and make uh two out of each and each one of these is a serving in my opinion um so let's get started let's break this all down and make some meals so these potatoes um like i said there's four servings in each one a quarter cup of the dry mix is one serving so i'm actually taking a half cup and putting it into a ziploc so that we can make sure that we have two servings for one meal because let's be honest i'm a big guy and i'm gonna be using a lot of calories so there's no reason to skimp let's see here let's take that off all the way [Music] well of course the wind's gonna start blowing now that's all right we won't lose much [Music] it's not an exact science whatever you can do close it's probably good enough [Music] [Applause] that's uh one night's potatoes not too bad we just add about a cup cup and a half of boiling water to this let it sit it'll puff right up to actual potatoes so let's get everything else done and there we go there's our four chicken meals chicken and potatoes um and i'm just gonna write on here you know chicken and potatoes um i think it's probably 1 to 1.5 cup water and then add chicken after it's fluffy good to go that's one meal well that's four meals actually let's keep going so these boxes mac and cheese have about three servings in them again i'm going to split them up into two so i have four mac and cheese meals let's get these split too [Music] so for the mac and cheese it says on the back three servings and one serving is about a half cup of macaroni so we're going to take three quarters a cup of macaroni and put it into a box or a bag rather uh the the more difficult part is this powdered cheese stuff um we're gonna take half of it and put it into a baggie and then use it to mix up once we have uh boiled noodles when we're on trail [Music] again this is not an exact science close enough is good enough and i don't have a three-quarter cup measuring spoon so that's what we got these little macaronis wasted calories and pow that's a macaroni and cheese dinner right there man so to split up the powdered cheese sauce i did six and a half uh teaspoons uh in each serving so i think that evens it out pretty nicely actually um we're getting there okay we've got two of these macaroni and cheese with chicken um i wrote some instructions on the bag i've got two plain mac and cheeses that uh i plan on actually adding beef jerky to when we're on trail that's something that mark and i came up with when we were doing the cranberry lake 50 and it's it's awesome it's super incredible so um i won't even have to add anything to that because beef jerky is in my snack mix so um now we can move on these next two meal types are super easy i'm just going to put them in a bag because they're one serving and we're good to go so we're almost done with dinners that's a win so for these nor rice and pasta sides i'm not entirely sure you can cook them in the bags so i'm just going to dump these into a ziploc and put the meats of choice for each into the ziploc and then have it be done i don't want to have any mishaps or any weirdness so let's see what we can do boom cheesy chicken and broccoli rice that sounds really good off trail even so it should be good [Music] and eat like a king all right it was a bit of effort putting everything together but uh that's 12 nights of meals right there for the trip um i think that's going to be huge that's excellent now we'll just break these up into the bear can and into the uh resupply boxes we'll be good to go next up let's work on some snacks because that's what's going to keep us going during the day between these meals right for my snacks i've got some propel water mixes which is going to be good um beef jerky sticks i've got some more beef jerky in the house and peanut m m's whole lot of them i'm not going to bring this whole bag some bars probably help out supplementing breakfast and some regular gorp some trail mix um again not bringing this whole bag we're gonna break it up but uh yeah let's uh get these broken down so that we have snacks for every day all right there's my snacks we've got a bunch of propels i'm just putting them in one thing a couple packages of jerky sticks i got my bars broken off into four different groups uh m m's we got six one cup packages and trail mix there's also six one cup packages um i can pretty much guarantee i'm going to be tired of peanut m m's and trail mix by the end of this trip but um quick easy energy and honestly it probably will serve as some dessert after dinner um once we get camp set up so um yeah let's check everything else out all right that's the video for this week this is all of the food that i'm bringing for the north phil placid trail and i'll be breaking up into four different groups so that uh first day first group goes into the bear can and then i have three resupply boxes that are going to be given to me um paseko by mark when he comes to join the uh trek in wakeley dam when uh mark gets picked up and then i'm gonna mail a box to long lake so um lots of effort in here lots of really tasty stuff and i'm probably gonna be completely sick of all of it once i'm done but uh it's worth it gotta eat thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed the video if you did consider doing the youtube thing like comment subscribe share this with your friends and family that would be totally awesome and remember hit that bell notification because these northville placid trail series videos are coming out every single wednesday and you don't want to miss one i promise until we get together again remember try and get outside and do something awesome every single day see you next week
Channel: ADK Woods Walker
Views: 103,362
Rating: 4.833034 out of 5
Keywords: Adirondacks, Hiking, Outdoors, Adventure, NY, ADK, Nature, Woods Walker, Do Something Awesome, adirondack mountains, adirondack, Backpacking, thru hike, food, section hike, northville placid trail, npt, homemade, backpacking meals, meal prep, hiking food, trail meals, eating, high peaks
Id: IaglJ5BSPrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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