Budget Food Ideas For Your Bug Out Bag

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hey everybody welcome back today we're gonna talk about some budget food ideas that you can use in your get home or your bug out bag all right thanks for joining me today what I got in front of you is a list of stuff that I've come up with just by going to the store locally here or a various stores we have in town locally and just compiling a simple basics list of stuff that you can put in your bug out bags for food supply that won't cost you a fortune and is readily available any of this stuff here you can pick up this afternoon if you want you know it's not hard to get you don't have to order it it doesn't require a ton of prep although some stuff does require cooking and it's a little less expensive and going out and say buying you know eight or nine dollar entrees for freeze-dried food now there are some downfalls to that with freeze-dried food it's pretty much set and forget you can put a couple of freeze-dried entrees in your get home or your bug out bag and kind of forget them you know they're they're good for a pretty long time I do rotate mine out every four or five years but it's probably unnecessary and a lot of the ones that you've seen me actually taste test on my channel are the ones that have been in my bug-out bag for four or five years so before we get into the food we're gonna explain what we're trying to do here in a bug-out scenario or a get home scenario and I mentioned get home bags because I think they're a little bit different get home bag is something you'll keep it in office maybe you're keeping a vehicle you might keep it at work or you might take it to work with you every day you're getting home from your job or whatever and they're probably gonna be a little less complicated and a little less food dense than say a bug-out bag where you're leaving and possibly never coming back to wherever you left from so that's the difference of those but in a bug-out scenario we're looking to get from one place to another where we need to be okay so we need a high calorie high carb protein rich diet those carbs will keep us moving down the road will keep us going if you can get it you can afford MREs or freestride that's great but if you're doing this on a budget this is some stuff you can use a couple things you got to consider when you're kind of hunting because it's kind of food you know freeze-dried entrees we know they're light and MREs you can field strip and just take out the entree on the side and it's a lot lighter this stuff can get pretty heavy if you're not careful on what you buy and if you notice everything here is in packs even the spam isn't in a can I'm not gonna stick a can of spam in a bug-out bag so what we're looking for is space how much space do they take up weight how much do they weigh and calories and how convenient it is for you to use now a good amount of this stuff you could probably eat without even cooking it obviously you don't need to cook the nuts or anything like that or the jerkier you know even the salmon and tuna over here you don't need to cook it some people even eat the spam and the ramen raw I'm not about to do that I like my stuff cooked but we're not trying to find the most healthy food all right just a dense car bridge protein rich diet okay this isn't a lifelong diet this isn't what you're gonna store for the end of the world you know or for your apocalypse - or your food stash this is um just enough to get you home get you where you're going it's not health food in other words I wouldn't suggest eating nothing but say Campbell's ready meals in your food storage you want to have a diverse kind of mix up here now when we go through this piece by piece I'm going to show you everything and explain my opinions on it and we'll go from there all right we're gonna start off with the heaviest item here probably and that is these Campbell's of Hormel either Hormel or Campbell's same company makes these complete meals they are pretty good they can be filled stripped down I have one here that I'm about to rotate and what you can do is you can just take off this packaging okay toss it out and there's your meal but they are a little heavy they are a little bulky and awkward however they are precooked so in pinch if you got a run and you don't want to start a fire or start cooking on the side of the road they can be eaten so this is what they look like that's my favorite one the Swedish meatballs one I love that one all right so you got that now what's next we're gonna go with raisins these can be opened up you can stick a pack or two in your bag good snack and that's another thing too I'm gonna mention snack foods you don't necessarily let's say give you a scenario you're bugging out you work in a city or you're getting out of Dodge you go you're going back home you have a situation like say the LA riots okay are you gonna want to set up on the corner of a street with your little wood stove and start cooking your meal no you're gonna want to grab say something like this and tear at it take a couple quick bites and get the heck out of there you know so that's something to be considered too you want to balance your especially in get home bags you want to balance your food so you're not having to cook all of it you know because again if you're in the middle of civil unrest or some kind of emergency or disaster the last thing you're gonna want to do is sit there and set up your stove in the middle of it and start cooking food so raisins excellent option very nutritious very nice and dense full of protein good stuff now we'll get on to what I was showing you different types of beef jerky and beef sticks and this kind of stuff you can buy these almost anywhere I always toss a few of these in my everyday carry bag even because sometimes you know how you in society today there could be some kind of disaster and you could be locked in a building for four hours you know with the new mentality of locking people in the danger or lockdowns you got some food with you next up another thing doesn't need to be cooked nuts nice and simple healthy easy to eat open up a package toss them in your pocket pick on them as you go if you have people you work with who have nut allergies maybe you'll want to reconsider it generally if you have a get home bag or a bug-out bag in your vehicle and it's locked I wouldn't worry about it something else too especially out here in the heat when you need to replenish electrolytes these little propel things I keep a couple of these in my everyday carry bag too because I always have water with me and in a worst-case scenario I can dump this in and really rehydrate I also have some instant coffee now people say well how am I going to cook that well if you really want to low budget in your gear okay and you want stuff that works I can show you a little trick here build yourself an alcohol stove get yourself an old tin can burn out the plastic on the inside I like to use a blowtorch or just toss it in the fire and then scrub it up and clean it up really good guess what you got yourself a way to cook didn't cost anything I mean you can get this stuff out of the garbage if you really really want to go low budget so anyway these are easy to pack easy to carry next thing natella mean you know I have never had Nutella in my life I am going to try it everybody says it's so good growing up it was always to me was always considered something you only got from Europe and now I see it in the stores and you know what that's actually pretty good these packages or rather small and rather brittle so remember that when packing them you know something sharp to poke right through but this is good dense high-energy food that will get you moving and yeah I gotta say that was actually pretty good that's the first time I've ever had I just licked a little bit out of there first time I've ever had it I'm not a big sweet eater so I don't seek the stuff out but it is actually pretty good okay energy bars protein bars any kind of bars from kind bars and Nutella bars and Nutella bars from kind bars to oatmeal raisin bars I mean the Apple bars Clif bars there's tons of them out there especially the the protein energy ones that people use pre-workout excellent thing to have in your bag even if you just want to stack two or three of them in there and that's it you know that's your main food source if you don't live that far from home you'll get home and you'll be full all right next up leaves again are kind of heavy these are the campbell ready meals if you go back and you look I did a review of a bunch of different types of these they are a little heavy but they are pretty good they're very salty the sodium is 790 milligrams per serving and that's one pouch I'll give you the nutrition info there again we're not looking for health food we're looking for a high carbohydrate you know think think of what runner do before marathon they load up on pasta well you may not be used to walking 10 12 30 40 miles home you know or walking yourself out of your house and to your bug-out location so you want something that's pretty dense and heavy that's gonna get you moving next up these things are awesome and they are light these are almost as light as I say a freeze-dried entree you can stack them like that you know inside against the six side and you can put four or five of these in a in a pack you can even use them in a ziploc bag or something put them all together they have herb and butter rice and butter flavored fettuccine now with these I'm gonna tell you be careful a lot of these require milk you're not going to be carrying milk with you and I wouldn't suggest carrying condensed or dehydrated or anything like that just look for the ones that just require water and they also say margarine optional I would just stick with the water that's how we make these at home but there you got rice and you got butter butter noodles you can make that with one of your other items now people have asked me why boil and bag rice why not stick some original regular rice in a ziploc bag this stuff boils quick that's why again time is of the essence especially in a bug out in a get home scenario you know you don't want to be sitting out exposed cooking food forever you can take a couple of these little bags here and this is the same as success rice this is just the Walmart version of it you can pack these flat in a ziploc bag and you've got a side of rice for whatever other entree you're eating with they cook quickly they don't require a lot of fuel it will require a lot of water real simple cooking time is ten minutes total for those so you can take a couple of those and pack them up and don't think if you buy something in a big box like this that it's useless for a bug-out bag ready pack it you guys have food ready height I not food dehydrators the sealers food sealers those are awesome for making yourself a little portable mini MRE this is something new and you can buy these pretty much anywhere now these little pouches one has salmon one has tuna these are real easy to eat they can be eaten right out of the pouch get yourself a spoon or a fork or whatever open them up and you can eat these you're gonna also heat them up if you want my own personal preference with spam is to kind of crisp it up but in a real pinch I could eat these raw because they are already cooked say eat them without further preparation oh I wanted to mention the Nutella it comes in a box like this full of mini cups if you're looking for it in the store these little tiny individual mini cups all right moving on this stuff is all kind of what I consider side dishes to your spam or fish or whatever you're carrying these are kind of bulky but they work really well these are mac and cheese you just stick water in them cover them up you know you can carry a piece of tinfoil to put over the top or you can just seal this back over they cook up really nice they taste pretty good you know I could throw some spam in that one of those spam packs this and this could be a meal and again especially with get home bags from work or wherever you're gonna be you don't really need a ton of food you don't need a bunch of diverse options I'm not gonna stock spices and kale and whole this other stuff in there I'm looking for quick food fill me up and get me moving the good old standby ramen you can't eat these raw I know some people that do they'll use the spice pack for a seasoning a little just eat the thing we're off I bet you can cook it and then again requires very little water very quick preparation uh noodle soup these chicken noodle soups these things are awesome we we call them box soup because they're in a box and my wife and I use these for when we're sick it's really kind of convenient and lastly good old instant oatmeal talk about a nice carb dense food you know you can pack two or three of these in there pour in some boiling water and again simple as butch boiling water and your alcohol stove in a can and again I would look for a can without the rubberized stuff in there I burn it out myself I'll toss it in the fire I'll use a blowtorch and just burn all that out but there are cans without that and if you want to go and buy a $5 will mark up you know and make yourself a little alcohol stove there are thousands of videos on these there are tons of different ways to make them so you can do this very very cheaply and make yourself a good kit and be way ahead of everybody else out there trying to survive a disaster and I mean this whole box here you know that I put together of all this food probably didn't cost me more than 20 bucks maybe 25 so that's the video for today just give me some budget food items for your bug out bags or your get home bags hope you enjoyed it don't forget to check out our links down below we've got our amazon link you can shop there doesn't cost you anything helps bring them bring a little money into the channel so we can buy cool stuff off Amazon and review it and don't forget our thrive life link down below that one we have some new stuff coming out from thrive that I'm gonna order and you get to try it out you get to see it not try it out but you get to see it and decide whether you like it I think the new stuff it's the to go items I think they're gonna be really really handy for just what I was showing you today you know bug out bags and get home bags anyway thanks for watching we'll talk to you guys soon bye
Channel: Iridium242
Views: 25,504
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: Water-Filter, hiking, camping, Survival, Iridium242, iridium242, bugoutbag, prepping, preppers, bushcraft, camp, preparing, prepper, backpacking, bug out bag, cheap prepping, prepping on the cheap, thrifty prepper, thrifty survival, prepping foods, bug out bag foods, bug out bag meal, bug out, prepper bug out
Id: swIKZ0OiyCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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