How To Shop For Backpacking Food

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backpacking food we got to go buy some backpacking food I'm in let's go I'm going to go on a shopping trip I'm going to see if I can't walk around sporting goods stores and Walmart and see if I can't put together enough food to be able to give through some days on the trail when we're backpacking I'm going to try to take the mystery out of purchasing and assembling backpacking food let's go on a shopping trip I'm gonna head into a get amount and take a look and see what they've got for some back packing meals backpacking food let's go check it out all right we're just leaving standard mountain we're going to head over to Walmart now we're going to go pendulum or or kind of the less conventional route from the actual meals that are prepared specifically for it we're going to look to find what we can find at the regular store and put together gonna try to call you my trash when I walk into the store I don't walk up and down the aisles hoping something is going to look good I usually walk in and I say I'm gonna go find something for breakfast and I walk the store looking for breakfast items once I've made my choices I'll do the same thing but I'm looking for lunch it forces me to grab on and look at stuff and actually think for a moment hey can I eat this out in the woods and make it taste good most of the time you come up with some ideas you've never come up with the floor the other good news is there's always the old tried-and-true that you're always going to go back to that everybody knows about as I'm walking up and down the aisles and trying to think of the other meals that I've seen fellow backpackers eating I wonder if I'd be any good for me I go grab it see if the mood hits me if it does I'll pick it up and I'll go for it you find something in a foil pack pick it up grab it get creative odds are it's going to be a pretty good trail meal no cans to mess around with it's a foil tie so you can get all the food out of it wrap it up put it back into your food bag and hug it out other trail she is pet music is I think about how times uh spirits are trying to find different things to drink on the trail is real fun for me I take a look at this peanut butter ha tea mint that's a powdered mix I think to myself how good would that be at the end of the day I think it'd be pretty good when it comes time put together a full meal I usually start with the inspiration of trying to find some type of the meat what is the main part of the of the mix going to be I'll then start thinking about what do I normally have at home what do I normally have at a restaurant what else would go good to make this an entire complete meal once you start to think that way and you've got the main ingredient your hand it'll all start to come together interesting don't walk by any of these little prepackaged meals if it's microwavable it will work on the trail just add water and microwavable meals of all kinds we'll work on the trail I usually will buy two of them I'll try one the actual proper way mix it at home see if I like it it tastes good and I do like it I'll take the second one I'll mix it up the backpack to a boiling water in my alcohol stove adding water to it letting it steep in my food I got the call what I didn't want good old peanuts and raisin Gore cheese and crackers any type of little power bars or any of those types of things are all excellent raisins yogurt raisins all those types of things make excellent trail snacks dry basic dry baking is becoming more and more simplified on the trail with some of the gear that's being built for it take a look find you just add water mixes and go for it whoops add milk you don't want that one you want to find just adds water bingo got it what a is in the job here's my bounty here's everything that I picked up at the store let's jump in take a look at it see if we can't put together a few meals based on some of these purchases I'm going to start out talking about different breakfast options so I picked this up at the store it's essentially just a flavor packet that's tastes like chocolate milk 13 grams of protein and minerals so it made me think about this option is when I hike with my buddy duct-taped with Ross Russell's to get up cracking down pack up camp hit the trail hike for about two to two and a half hours then stop and do coffee and a muffin or at some type of breakfast that you normally have I like to give up and have a little bit of breakfast and so this would be a real good option to be real easy and as well you can do this for a stack in the middle of the day tastes like chocolate milk and just kind of turbocharger how I would mix this together how I do it is I pre measure out a couple of powder or enough powder to make one cup of milk I've mix up my cold water in my milk I'd have this in I'd be off and running be as simple as that next let's cover off something else that you see me do on the trail if you've watched any of my actual my actual videos you take about a half a cup or three quarters a half is he about 1/2 or 3/4 a cup of granola I added a handful of blueberries dried blueberries again I pre mix up enough powdered milk for one cup of milk put that all together in a ziploc bag by the way you're gonna need a lot of Ziploc bags me go backpacking everybody talks about wanting to have free gear less stuff I wish I could just get free ziplock bags I find that's a very easy way for me to pack up my stuff but again 1/2 or 3/4 cup of granola handful of dried blueberries some powdered milk get up in the morning add a cup of cold water shake the bag up you got a real simple easy breakfast you can get on the trail with so next let's talk about bagels I have never personally brought bagels but I've seen a lot of hikers with bagels they'll bring bagels sometimes they'll bring little pads of butter that they get from restaurants or the liquid butter loop from Kentucky Fried Chicken I've actually seen somebody take peanut butter by just both peanut butter put it into a ziploc bag cut just the bottom corner of the bag out that allows them to squeeze the peanut butter over and then just fold it back put some duct tape on it back in their pack and they go and just simple bagels they're light they last forever either with butter you can do a plane you put some jelly on it and that leads you to jelly you can do the same thing with jelly I said with peanut butter that's how I've done it before put some jelly in a bag just enough for one serving turn it over smear it all out you're good to go pop-tarts we're talking pop-tarts these are about as easy as it gets I tend to bring the whole pack with - I've seen others that will skin it up into aluminum foil or get into a ziploc with just one per day pop-tarts are simple 200 calories 4 servings there's one serving for per container for two pop-tarts fills you up gets you go I like peanut butter there's a lot of other colors colors flavors the color of the box is different which is what I was thinking it's the flavor of the peanut butter not the color of the box with breakfast don't forget about oatmeal oatmeal is real simple you can put it into the pot and add your hot water and mix it up another thing you can do is just ripple on the very top edge shape all the ingredients down rip along the top edge hold it in your hand open the packet up put the hot water in there you can eat right out of the packet the packet actually can be the container lot less mess to clean up and very easy Oh meal is filling whoopsy or - whoops it looks he'll eat 2 packs oatmeal that's too much for me it's just loaded meal it makes me feel all bloated don't like it one bit I usually leave one pack of oatmeal typically what I find with oatmeal is I leave a couple two or three packs in my food bag with no intentions of eating it at all on the trip but it's there in case something goes goes left to set it over I get hungry but oatmeal is is very simple to do for breakfast in to round out breakfast that brings me to coffee I learned from showed on YouTube about Medaglia d'Oro tried it and I do like it it's real strong and I use Medaglia d'Oro I do like to have a little bit of the French vanilla cream of it again I just bought the powder i pre mix it up into the bags that I go there are many manufacturers of instant coffee that are already little singles packets from Taster's Choice and and Starbucks and many others you can buy other types of coffee that are instant I've seen some individuals actually bring different devices to brew their own coffee coffee on the trail is real simple test it out at home see what flavors you like what kind you like coffee is pretty simple let's talk about some of the lunch options that you can do on the trail my personal favorite did you see me do this before on some of my videos it's just the single packets of tuna fish wrap a tortilla easy and simple I enjoy actually love the taste of tuna fish out on the trail it seems to give me a little bit of energy it gets me going which I really like another thing that's very very good that I've had before is by the spam singles of spam light for the regular spam how I've done it and liked it take a tortilla slice my spam up a little bit put it on to the tortilla wrap and then I'll add a little bit of barbecue sauce this just happens to be one left over from a chicken nuggets from my daughter from McDonald's but now you've got another option horsey sauce from Arby's on spam with a tortilla wrap my good gravy is it delicious I've had that a couple of times I didn't catch it on video but on my fall a lightweight backpacking trip in the Adirondacks cat Mountain day number one that's what I had for lunch which Arby's horsey sauce tortilla wrap and a couple of spam light singles it was fantastic again just walking up and down the aisles looking for stuff that's prepackaged that you can throw on a raft wraps work real well you could use a bagel little tiny packets of sauce if you can't find packets of sauce put into little tons of blocks you can make do other options for snack or lunch or any time is cheese sticks you can use mozzarella cheese sticks these happen to be white cheddar cheese dude they're going to last plenty of time on the trail you're not going to go bad this is something new I've never seen this before I never had it before little cheddar cheese Ritz cracker pack again lunchtime snack time after dinnertime it's rich crackers jiff on-the-go peanut butter is delicious on the trail if you've never brought peanut butter whether it's the idea I shared earlier about putting it into a big ziploc bag when you bought it bulk whether it's these little types whether it's the small Justin's peanut butter which is very good peanut butter on the trail either by itself just eat it with your finger putting it on a wrap is delicious let me talk a little bit about some of the more traditional type meals that people talk about quite a bit the noir pasta sides and the noir rice sides a lot of individuals have those and use those I personally have found that the rice sides tend to cook a little bit better in the traditional dump the hot water in put in a cozy type cooking the shells or the pasta it gets a little bit gummy and it's a little bit difficult to do unless you're going to simmer it over some heat but a trick that I did learn back on a fall hike with the gray gorilla is after 10 minutes of it steeping in the water I took and dumped the water back out put it back on some heat in to thicken the sauce up and actually made the sauce much better so that might be something you want to but something is simple eyes I found some pink salmon now this is at the pink salmon State this is more like a like a flaky pink salmon but urban butter with a lemon pepper pink salmon a couple of packets of this that make a fantastic dinner you can do it for lunch as well but I would make a fantastic dinner when I had the pink salmon and urban garlic noodles with the gray gorilla it was like gourmet it was out to a nice restaurant Tek quality it was fantastic on the trail that was just a real simple throw it together again walk it up and down seeing what you can put together here's the noir size creamy garlic shells here's what I do if I had this I'd bring a little chunk in a ziplock bag of summer sausage I'd have it all cubed up into small little bite-size pieces when I was boiling my water I'd throw my summer sausage in get the summer sausage nice and hot and mix up the creamy shells put it in there and I'd have a garlicky creamy shells and and summer sausage dinner summer sausage is fantastic on the trail pre-cut it up either put in a ziplock bag if you have one of those vacuum bags you can do that too but summer sausage is fantastic on the trail macaroni and cheese and summer sausage is a terrific meal by any of the crafts or store-bought macaroni and cheeses pre cut up some summer sausage throw it in there very very good meal here's one you see me talk about before 1/2 a cup of soup mix 2 cups of water and some ramen noodles a cheesy broccoli macaroni and cheese type dish that is delicious it's incredibly good here are a couple of just add water so when I'm walking through the store and I see little packages like this that look like they might taste good what I'll do is I'll read the back and see if it's a microwave just add water type of a dish and if it is it's worth a couple of dollars for me to try this at home ok to open this whole thing up convert it over into a ziplock bag get out on the trail Abby I think what they call it premium seasoned packets I'd have the premium seasoned packet in boil up my over the right amount of water up to the fill line so when I was repackaging this I would figure out how much water it is that write a little note in the ziplock bag I'd mixing the powder seasoning and the savory sauce let it steep for about ten minutes or so and give it a try little bits of shrimp it looks like it'd be delicious what I do and how I do it I try it at home I get something like this I like to measure out my cook kits and the stove and have fun I'd give this a try at home the same goes for this peanut noodles remove all the envelopes I'm one cup of water to the carton except for the peanuts have the contents of all the envelopes into the carton and stir microwave for three minutes wait for one more minute add the peanuts and enjoy every package it have the one cup of water add the water and go so right there you've got a peanut noodle mixture that has 340 calories per serving and there's two servings in there so that's a you know 700 just under 700 calorie meal with this little thing as a couple bucks two or three dollars simple easy I can try to home track the lunch try it for dinner see if you like it the differences between the mountain house type meals packet gourmet you've all seen I love packing gourmet you got the mountain house meals that are already prepackaged down you can eat right in the container heat the water up in the container you've got buying bulk like this you can buy the big number ten cans you can separate out into single size servings into freezer bags into vacuum sealing storm in your freezer the last plenty plenty plenty long enough get out on the trail you have the right amount of boiling honor and this is a more economical way than buying all of the bulk packaging so here's another way to do it this is chicken with gravy dressing and potatoes excellent meal 200 calories per serving 1 cup of dry ingredients and a little over a cup of water per 200 calories 16 servings so if you were going to do a double batch there's 8 meals in this I think I paid $34 for 8 packages of this this is about a third a little over a third of the price it's less than half of the price you can have the same meal so they make a chicken and gravy and mashed potatoes stuffing single serve here's the number 10 can you saw me pick this up at the store here's a 7 ounce pack of white meat again make a single serving size of potato add about 3 or 4 or 5 tablespoons of gravy mix mix it all together boil up your water have your chicken in the water add in your ingredients stirred up and you've got the same type of meal the problem with this is if nothing it's a problem it's going to be a little bit heavier if you're going to be carrying about probably eight and a half or nine ounces to have the meal as opposed to probably four ounces or five ounces so it's about half the weight but it all cases it's the same type of meal one I just picked up with regular stuff that I bought at the store here's the individual mountain house and here's the number 10 can a little bit of thoughts about drink mixes probably every second or third fill-up of water I like to add either the Arnold Palmer the half-and-half lemonade iced tea all lemonade aisle all iced tea propel there's off-brands they make the same thing you can buy the little liquid squirt bottle type stuff to flavor the water again probably one out of every three water bottles that I go through a little something to it for some flavor I love to bring hot chocolate just seeing a lot of my videos there's something about have enough having a candy bar some hot chocolate a cigar at the end of the night there's a lot of options out there a lot of people get very apprehensive about purchasing a trail food and I was there I used to as well have some fun walking around Walmart walking around in a grocery store take a look at what you can find that may work for a backpacking meal and what I'd like to see you do is go find something that you didn't see here or you didn't see in the shopping trip that I did give it a try at home and put a comment in or go over to my facebook page over to backpacking adventures Facebook page and leave a message it says hey I just found this take a picture of it tried it for a backpacking bill it's terrific go find it out your store that guys it's a wrap backpacking food and hopefully I've simplified it a little bit giving you a few tips give me a few hits walk around the store give it a try don't starve on the trail try it at home we're getting another 14 to 18 inches of snow over the next 24 to 36 hours hunker down get out your alcohol stoves get out your cook kit try some meals that you're going to try on the trail during the summer months or different months and give it a go thanks everybody have a great day
Channel: BackpackingAdventures
Views: 274,532
Rating: 4.6957526 out of 5
Keywords: 12trysomething, HammockCamping, Backpacking, Hiking, Camping, BackpackingFood, BackpackingGear, backpackingadventures
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 08 2015
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