40 Best Backpacking Foods at Grocery Stores

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hey thanks for subscribing to backpacker camp in this video you will discover the 40 best backpacking foods at grocery stores for more tips to lighten your pack explore safely and camp comfortably visit backpacker camp comm you finally make to the campsite after a long day of challenging hiking you're hungry and fatigued but energized from your trek through nature the sights and sounds fueled your soul the way only wilderness can but your body aches and your stomach grounds one of the great joys of backpacking is camp cooking and eating meals backpacking food is always a trade-off between weight and space vs. calorie density every ounce of weight you carry matters especially on difficult Heights because of that it's important to carry lightweight foods that satisfy your physical needs and your tastes the other major consideration is preparation and cleaning time foods that require a lot of preparation are usually not a good idea when backpacking here are 40 convenient backpacking foods that you can find at grocery stores near you one cereal breakfast cereal is an excellent food for backpackers it's ultralight full of energy tasty and can be eaten dry and on the go as a snack or as a meal too dehydrated hashbrowns hashbrowns make a wonderful meal staple during backpacking trips it's like to carry and is fairly simple to prepare with hot water and a greased pan hash browns are great by themselves added to soups or as a side dish to freshly caught official game three powdered eggs getting enough protein and fat in your backpacking diet can be challenging powdered eggs gives you a hearty breakfast option of a warm meal that satisfies your crucial refueling needs for pancake mix if you're looking for a carbohydrate blast in the morning consider packing pancake mix a few cups of pancake mix doesn't weigh much and packs a lot of calories and it is easy to prepare with water and a hot pan 5 boat wheel another perfect backpacking meal for breakfast is oatmeal or hot cereal they come in serving sized packs that don't take up much space in your pack and they're simple to prepare with hot water 6 grits if you prefer a less sweetened option for breakfast instant grits are another terrific back pack of food bricks also come in single serving pouches and only require hot water for preparation 7 pasta pasta can give you a big energy boost before a long hike pasta is lightweight easy to pack and only requires boiling water to prepare fully cooked pasta pouches are perfect for backpackers see link in the description eight rice if you plan to catch wild game rice is an easy and filling side dish a few pouches of instant rice go a long way and could provide dense calories and minerals to complement meats and soups 9 quinoa you can get keen when pre-seasoned easy to cook pouches that are perfect for backpacking these make good hot meals with just a couple of spoonfuls of water 10 ramen noodles ramen noodles are good comfort food on a budget they're simple to prepare and deliver an easy hot and tasty meal that refuels your sodium requirements and calories 11 potato chips potato chips make a nice snack while on the trail and are more natural than Doritos to refuel your carbs fat and sodium they practically weigh nothing and hit the spot during brief breaks in hiking 12 banana chips banana chips are a healthier option than potato chips with more potassium and less grease they can be eaten as a quick snack or added to cereals and pancakes 13 apple chips dehydrated or baked apple chips make an excellent backpacking snack as well it's another lightweight option with essential vitamins and minerals and a satisfying flavor 14 kale chips unless you are an experienced forit of wild plants getting enough greens on the trail can be difficult for the ultra healthy backpackers kale chips provide a healthy snack or greens for soups rice eggs and other means 15 snap pea crisps a healthy alternative for chips our snap pea crisps which are dried and salted sugar snap peas they're lightweight and loaded with essential vitamins and minerals 16 tortillas it's not very practical to carry bread on the trail because it's easily crushed tortillas make an excellent substitute as they are much easier to pack and are great when combined with many other ingredients on this list of backpacking foo 17 fruit snacks fresh fruit is impractical for backpacking because it's heavy bulky and perishable dehydrated fruit snacks deliver the same benefits and satisfy your sweet tooth without added sugar 18 crackers crackers like Triscuits Wheat Thins or saltines are lightweight filling and boost your calories to handle arduous exploration 19 cheese crisps if you're looking for paleo or keto backpacking foods add the next few items to your pack cheese crisps are a crunchy alternative to high carb chips or crackers 20 pork rinds pork rinds are as light as air and provide a salty greasy crunch for keto hikers they can also be used to flavor soups eggs and even help start fires in the rain 21 bacon bits real bacon crumbles are perfect for backpackers on low-carb diets they are a filling snack that doesn't take up much space and are a perfect addition to eggs soups grits or rice 22 beef jerky beef jerky is a must-have item for all non-vegetarian backpackers beef jerky is light low carb and provides a key source of protein to stay strong in the wilderness 23 tuna pouches tuna provides another source of protein are easy to pack and carry while backpacking they can be eaten directly out of the packaging or with crackers and chips 24 chicken pouches like tuna chicken also comes in convenient pouches for quick meals and snacks that are low in carbs and high in protein can be eaten with crackers or added to soups pastas rice and more 25 nut butter packets peanut butter and almond butter are favorites for hikers and backpackers especially those on low carb diets like paleo and keto individual packets are convenient and loaded with fat and protein 26 peanut butter powder make your own peanut butter on the trail by adding water to peanut butter powder it's lighter to carry and gives you more bang for your buck 27 bean packets beans are a significant source of protein carbs and vitamins easy light and convenient instant bean pouches are a satisfying addition to meals eat with tortillas chips or with eggs rice and stews 28 nuts a staple in traditional backpacker trail mixes nuts for good reason peanuts or mixed nuts are a lightweight filling snack on the trail that provide fat protein and sodium 29 raisins although raisins are under the dehydrated fruit category they're such a staple in trail mixes that they deserve their own slot raisins are great snack and can be added to cereals oatmeal and pancakes for extra flavor in the morning thirty powdered milk dairy products like milk and cheese are luxuries while backpacking they're heavy and typically require refrigeration to stay fresh a little powdered whole milk is nice to have for coffee cereal oatmeal and creamy soups 31 granola bars remember when nature lovers were called granolas hikers and backpackers earned the nickname because granola is such an excellent trail food granola bars are inexpensive snacks that pack a lot of energy to carry you between meals 32 protein bars protein bars are like jet fuel for backpackers they provide a compact jolt of calories and macronutrients and there are much tastier options today than ever before including those on keto and paleo diets 33 spices spices take very little space in your pack and make camp cooking much more enjoyable depending on tastes the minimum spices that are nice to have wild backpack camping are salt pepper onion flakes garlic salt and red pepper flakes 34 chicken beef and vegetable broth chicken beef and vegetable bouillon broth cubes are also worth adding to your spice bag a hot cup of broth by itself is soothing on a cool evening 35 T along the same lines sipping on a steaming cup of tea on bright chilly mornings while waiting for breakfast to finish cooking is an unforgettable joy while camping teabags are lightweight and to take almost no space in your backpack thirty-six instant coffee it's easy to get your coffee fix while backpacking there are plenty of flavorful instant coffee options that come in individual serving packets 37 drink mixes flavored drink mixes provide a welcome change from filtered water additionally some drink mixes can add much-needed electrolytes calories and other essentials when you're burning energy on fierce expeditions 38 cooking oils camp cooking using many of the ingredients on this list requires cooking oil you won't need much and you'll miss it sorely if you don't have any adding a few tablespoons of olive oil into an airtight container is sufficient for short treks also consider mayonnaise packets which is nearly pure vegetable oil and is a surprisingly adequate substitute for butter 39 sugar sugar is great for coffee tea boat meal cereal and pancakes you don't need much to create a more pleasant experience at camp sugar packets or cubes is best for backpacking for tea candy candy seems like a luxury while roughing it in nature however candy like Werther's Originals provide fast bursts of energy and are great for the time between breakfast and your afternoon snack hard candies are also good for soothing a sore throat and they help you make friends on the trail here are some pro tips for backpacking food remove bulk foods from the store packaging and empty them into clear heavy-duty Ziploc bags before packing this allows for fast easy access while reducing waste during backpacking and you can never seem to have enough ziplock baggies another great hack for saving money on your food rations is to grab additional packets of salt pepper sugar Parmesan cheese red pepper flakes hot sauces ketchup mayonnaise mustard crackers creamers etc when you go out to eat at restaurants these make your backpacking wheels much tastier for zero cost tell us what you eat on the trail in the comments below visit the link in the description for exact product recommendations
Channel: Backpacker Camp
Views: 37,407
Rating: 4.6805897 out of 5
Keywords: backpacking food, backpacking meals, backpacking snacks, backpacker foods, best backpacking food, grocery store
Id: GjO-vbyxJig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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