7 Day Backpacking Food List

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hey everybody alright so I'm going to go over all of my food for seven days on the High Sierra Trail so one thing that I think is a little bit different about this video than a lot of other videos I've seen out there and you've probably watched them too by this point is that you've noticed that for a longer backpacking trip let's say it's 5 or 7 days there's a lot of guys that are on the John Muir Trail they have they're gonna be out there for five or four seven days but at some point on that trail they're going to be able to stop somewhere they're gonna be able to catch a restaurant they're going to be able to grab a lunch or a dinner someplace in the middle of that five or seven day trip on the High Sierra trail there's nowhere to stop in that seven days or in that five days so you really have to be 100% totally self-sufficient for however long it is that you're on the high sierra trail for me and my group it happens to be seven days so let me show you the food that I'm bringing okay so there's really nothing revolutionary here most of these ideas have really just been stolen from other people that other people's YouTube videos but hopefully you find something in this video that that you can incorporate into your meal plan so for breakfast while I'm hiking basically until dinner it's just a lot of small snacks I don't want to feel full and and a big breakfast really just slows me down so I'm just going to do one packet of oatmeal and then I'm going to add to it one scoop of whey vanilla of whey protein and that is going to be a milk substitute but it's going to also obviously add calories to it and it add some flavor in obviously protein to it as well I'm gonna get myself one of the Starbucks instant coffees in the morning and then also I have a couple extra just in case maybe I'm really tired and I need some extra get up and go then for on the trail I have these I bought these at farmer's market and I have to know sorry one pound of already pre shelled roasted and salted pistachios and they are amazing and then I have half a pound of let's see seasoned and salted macadamia nuts in here and hazelnuts and so those are gonna be awesome ton of calories they taste good and I just don't I'm not going to get sick of them and then I know that this seems crazy I have not seen this in other people's videos but I am going to bring two avocados just because there are a ton of calories in avocados and I'd love to get it's just a little bit of produce in my diet I'll probably eat them the first day just because I don't really want to carry them for a super long period of time but I'll probably have this on the first day and then all you the second one on the second day but there are a lot of calories in there and it's nice just to get some real real food whatever that means into into my diet so I am going to bring you some avocados and I will say also that all of this this is all of my food for seven seven days it's two pounds of food per day and so that kind of gives you an idea of how how heavy all of all of this is so let's see moving on to lunch I'm going to have everyday I'm going to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich using tortillas so super common if you've watched a lot of other videos out there then this is not a new idea for you so I just grabbed a random peanut butter that happened to be sitting in my cabinet so peanut butter it's important obviously that it has a plastic container this is not in a plastic container raspberry jam it's my favorite Jam and that will get moved into a plastic container these tortillas these are just ones that were randomly in my fridge not necessarily the ones that I'm going to bring but for the sake of the video I do like these mission ones the flower ones they simulate a cheap white bread and really well and so I do I do like those so I'll have two of the tortillas peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch on the trail let's see moving on to after words I don't know maybe around 1:00 1:30 something like that I'm gonna I'm gonna have a Fig Newton these Fig Newtons are 100 calories per ounce which is pretty good it's the same but like Clif bars are the same amount of calories per ounce as the Fig Newtons are and I just prefer the Fig Newtons over the caliber of the Clif bars just because I like the force but I burned myself out on them so I'm going to bring the Fig Newtons with me so that brings let's brings us up to dinner first in foremost a friend recommended this recipe to me Thank You Skyler let's see the Santa Fe refried beans and so these two containers right there that will make up three dinners and I have these little Colby jack cheese --is that I'll add to it so it'll be bean and cheese burritos so need tortillas and then I have a little Tapatio packets you can go to Taco Bell I then the tablet to you is just stronger that's why I like the Tapatio packets and so that will be three dinners for for my trip I try to stay away from the from the mountain house but I am going to bring with this one beef stew what I like to do what I like to do is I take half of this package I use half of this package and I rehydrate that half of and I read rehydrate half of this I put the mashed potatoes in this will fill up half of my mug and then I will cover the mashed potatoes with the beef stew fill up my mug it's a very full hearty meal and it just it just tastes really good this over here is really a backup meal it is a bunch of small shell pasta and what I have done with this is you just get boiling water and you fill up your cup with boiling water you add the pasta to it let it sit for five minutes and then it will be totally cooked all the way through so my point is is that it doesn't take a lot of fuel just if you have a jet boil boil the water and that's all the fuel that you'll need for that meal and then once it's cooked through and it's strained just go to round two you'll give yourself some Parmesan cheese and red peppers and if we'll add a lot of kick and a lot of flavor to an otherwise pretty boring meal so but that is a backup so we're just going to kind of put that on on the side so three that's three nights this is two nights brings me up to five nights and now I have my other two nights pepperoni pizza I've seen a couple other guys that have suggested pepperoni pizza I tried it and I absolutely loved it they were making a pepperoni pizza with tortillas that's what I did absolutely loved it like I said again but this time I'm going to use I'm gonna use pita bread so there's four pita pieces of pita bread in there I have the bulbulay a pizza sauce here you don't need to buy the pizza to give a sauce they do sell separately so this one package has 300 calories and this will make four pizzas and I will consume two pizzas per night so this is two nights worth food pepperoni here for the pizza and then cheese and if one thing that I think might worry some people is that you find this in the refrigerated section a lot of times and so you might think that you need to refrigerate it up into the backpacking trip or something along those lines and you'll notice that it says refrigerate after opening they sell this in a section that is not refrigerated it's sitting on a show so this will keep for longer than you probably otherwise might think so this you're going on a longer backpacking trip don't worry about the pepperoni it will last so that covers basically my dinners and let's see I am bringing these crystallites here I have a raspberry and a mango peach water is fine for the for the middle of the day and while I'm hiking I don't want to drink this stuff while I'm hiking but at dinner and then until I go to bed I want something with flavor this stuff weighs almost nothing it's it's alarming how light this package is and how little is actually in this package and how much water it actually flavors so can't be great for you but it it tastes great so I have two of those one peach mango one raspberry for each evening just as a way to add some flavor and it's it's a morale boost moving on to dessert for the evening I have some dark sea salt chocolate it won't melt at least it's a lot harder to melt every video seems to have Snickers bars I kind of wanted to try and get away from the Snickers bar and be a little original but at the end of the day these things are obviously taste amazing there's 250 calories in here and they it weighs 1.86 ounces so calories per ounce it is very very hard to beat the Snickers so that's why they taste great and there's a ton of calories in it so it's hard to beat and then I really just like the peanut-butter eminence so I'm gonna bring this package along with me that'll be a great snack one thing that let's see one thing that I am bringing is mainly tea but I'm gonna bring two packets of hot cocoa just two because the it actually kind of wastes quite a bit the cocoa compared to the tea so I have two packets of hot cocoa just to mix it up then I have ten bags of tea this is my favourite tea tea weighs next to nothing and again it tastes great it's kind of another morale boost and a way to add flavor to your diet on the trail one thing that I that I really like here is the Trader Joe's candied pecans so this weighs 5 ounces and it's 950 calories in this small in this small bag so it is 190 calories per ounce there's a lot of calories in this and they taste amazing and really at the end of the day they've they gotta be better for you than peanut butter M&Ms right and let's see so that covers that lastly top ramen so I am going to bring some top ramen just for if for nothing else so that I have a little bit of peace of mind because at the end of the day I'm probably I'm still going to wonder am I gonna get really hungry and I go am I going to run out of food am I gonna have some type of anxiety because I don't have enough food I always pack too much food but being on a seven-day trip I had a you I just worry even more about running out of food then I would otherwise so I'm going to bring the Top Ramen on this trip it weighs next to nothing it does it takes up more space than it does actually weigh anything so I'm gonna bring that Top Ramen just as a backup so I've got got all my meals planned for for my 70s I've got the Top Ramen and I've got the pasta that will really it make that'll be six extra meals just as a backup so I've tried to fit in a little bit of produce there and all of this all of this comes in at at two pounds per day so not too bad not altra light but also not too bad one thing that I will say that as a little motivation with some of these things with the tortillas and the pizza bean and rice that that your girlfriend your wife if you want her to come back packing you might be fine with just eating the beef stew or the mountain house every single day more than likely she's going to appreciate you know some some Trader Joe's or some some farmers market nuts or some produce or food that is just resembles more day-to-day food she'll probably appreciate that that might be an incentive for her to come and tag along more than she would otherwise so nothing revolutionary in here but hopefully you found something that you can incorporate into your meal plan and thanks for watching
Channel: Jay Broome
Views: 320,572
Rating: 4.837069 out of 5
Id: zPbl_R6D8vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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