ChatGPT's Easy Way to Find Your Target Audience

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what if there was a way to generate a detailed  buyer persona for a product or service you want   to sell what if you could do that for any  market and for any type of business what   if you could do that in any language wouldn't  that be wonderful well keep watching my friends   because I had a surprise for you what is  up everyone Ronnie here welcome back to   the channel this is the best place for you  to learn about canva for you to learn about   Ai and all of these AI generative tools that  will help you supercharge your business or any   project you might be working on today I have  something else that will blow your mind I've   been working all day on this and I really needed  to press that record button to share it with you   so without further Ado I want to show you what  I'm talking about I'm gonna stop talking and I'm   just going to show it to you all right are  you ready for this let's jump into chat GPT all right guys it starts right here with this  box that says buyer Persona legend by Ron GPT   so what this is is a prompt template that I have  created took me all day to make this the perfect   prompt and I test it and tested and tested it  again so now it is perfect now it is working   and the only thing you need to get started and  to generate that detailed buyer Persona that I   promised it's simply to enter this information  right here what does your business sell   Dash where are your clients so I'm gonna post  my first prompt right here I'm selling vegan ice   cream in Barcelona okay I'm gonna click the little  button right here and chat GPT is going to start   generating different tables in which I will have  some detailed information about my buyer Persona   okay you see the name age occupation annual income  marital status family situation location even   gives me the name of the neighborhood in Barcelona  then I have a little user description Lucia is a   single 29 year old yoga instructor living in  Gracia Barcelona she is a health conscious and   has a soft spot for plant-based food she values  quality authenticity and sustainability then I   have another table with the psychographics and  then I have the last table table number four   right here with her shopping behaviors her budget  for ice cream shopping frequency Preferred channel   local Health Food Farmer's Market online online  Behavior she researches the product and Brands   she reads reviews the search term that she uses  organic fair trade vegan sustainable preferred   Brands brand with eco-friendly packaging and  ethical practices the triggers the stuff that   make her buy the products high quality ingredients  unique flavors or eco-friendly packaging and some   barriers she might have like limited availability  or the high prices so all of that information I   was able to generate with the help of my friend  Chad GPT here by simply prompting a product that   I sell and a location in market so that is pretty  amazing in my opinion but I don't know what do you   say you want to see another one alright let's try  this again so again I'm gonna generate a new chat   using buyer Persona legend by Ron GPT click on  this alright so I need to paste another business   right here all right let's try something else  let's try canva template sets in the Philippines   okay let's try that so one thing I love here  is that chat GPT is adapting it recognizes   differences in the cultural context the name of  my target Persona right here Sofia Reyes so that   sounds like a very Filipino name to me okay Sophia  is a 27 year old freelance graphic designer from   Manila she earns an income of 700 000 Filipino  pesos and lived with her parents she's single   and actively thinking creative inspiration to help  her design projects stand out she's interested in   drawing painting traveling baking and photography  some of her challenges finding the right client   who appreciate her work competing with other  designers in the market and staying updated   with the latest design Trends and techniques  her dream she dreams to travel the world and   experience different cultures to be recognized as  a successful and well-respected graphic designer   and to inspire others with her creative work so  this is pretty mind-blowing I've been playing   around with this perfecting the answers that I  was getting by crafting this template and I've   been feeding it a lot of different user personas  to see how it reacted to them okay so let's try   another one so that you can see the breath and you  can see the diversity of the answers here and the   possibilities and then I will of course show you  how you can start using this template and this is   going to be absolutely free I'm not going to sell  you anything in this tutorial you won't have to   pay for any extension any program any template  this will be free on me because I like you guys   and I want to be helpful and by all means this is  my very first chat GPT prompt template there will   be others but this is the first one all right  that being said let's try a third prompt with   a very different Persona here to show you kind  of like the diversity of the answers we could   receive so don't forget to start a new chat okay  so start a new chat use the template again okay   let's try this one lactose free gulab jamun  in India now I can see a smile on all of our   Indian viewers right there because you know what  gulab jamuns are and for the rest of you guys who   don't know what gulab jamuns are well they are  traditional Indian sweets kind of like an Indian   dessert and they look like a round balls like  so in a liquid like a sugary syrup and they are   delicious okay but very often they are made out  of milk powder so what if I am lactose intolerant   cannot have milk but I still want to have like a  gulab jamun right well that's exactly what this   business right here is trying to investigate  who would be the perfect target audience for   this product so let's see what chat GPT can teach  us about that so we have demographics Nila Sharma   she's 31 she's a marketing manager she earns a  million and 8 000 Indian rupees she is married   and she is living with her husband and parents in  Bangalore okay so that's who she is now let's see   about the psychographics she is health conscious  and she is lactose intolerant but she is a sweet   lover her Hobbies reading traveling cooking she's  interested in health and fitness in nutrition she   aspires to stay healthy and fit and start her  own business one day okay professional goals   she wants to become a marketing director pains  difficulty finding lactose-free sweets main   challenges finding lactose free food options in  restaurants in India needs healthy and delicious   lactose free food options obviously her dream  to start a successful business Venture okay   so she has a budget for these lactose-free gulab  jamuns she's willing to pay a premium for a higher   quality products she would love to buy them like  once a week online in supermarkets before buying   she searched for reviews she compares prices and  she purchases online search term that she uses   lactose free healthy sweets gulab jamun preferred  Brands local organic and premium Brands triggers   health benefits delicious taste and positive  reviews and the barriers limited availability   high price and lack of awareness so you tell  me guys is this beautiful or what I think we   are up to something I want to put this into the  hands of every marketer out there you can just   use that to research you can use that to create  different buyer personas for yourself for your   client for friends who want to start businesses  I think this is accurate and not only accurate   but pretty detailed alright so how can you get  your hands on this let me show you the steps all right so the first step is that you will need  to be using Google Chrome because what we will be   downloading is a Google Chrome extension right  so use Google Chrome this is Step number one   step number two will be to find the extension  so you locate the three little dots right here   when I click on that and go to more tools and  in more tools you click on extensions okay this   will bring you to the page where you find all of  your current extensions the one that you want to   find is this one right here it's called AI PRM  for chat GPT so where do you have to search for   this new extension because you won't have that  already installed on your computer like I do   well very easy locate the little hamburger menu  right here on the left side click on that and   then at the bottom right here it says open  Chrome web store so click on that and click   on that it will open in a new window so once  I'm here I'm going to be using the search box   right here in the top left corner and type in a  i p r m for chat GPT so that is the one click on   this and you see you should see this one right  here it's black it's called a iprm so once you   have located the extension you need to click on  it and install it add it to your Chrome browser   so you can start using it once you do it will  probably ask you to log into your openai account   for chat GPT you will have to put your password  there and then maybe refresh or reload your chat   GPT and once you have done all that this is the  screen you should be seeing so what this Chrome   extension is it's actually a repository of chat  GPT prompt templates and you can scroll all the   way down to the bottom right here and you will  see there are at the moment of filming this video   707 prompt templates on this I wouldn't call  this a Marketplace because they're all free   so you won't have to pay for anything here at  least not at this stage but it's kind of like   a library of prom templates so how do you find my  template well I made it easy for you guys once you   have downloaded the extension once you are seeing  this screen that I'm showing you right now you can   click on the link that is in the description  of this video and this link is a direct link   to my prompt template so when you click on it you  should land on this prompt right here okay so this   is how it's gonna work I would appreciate I will  absolutely love at this stage if you could give me   a little thumbs up on this uh prompt window right  here where I explain what the prompt is all about   because this little thumbs up right here will help  me upvote my prompt in this Library so that more   people can actually see it and use it so if you  like what it does please give it a thumbs up to   upvote it to push it at the top of the search  results and maybe one day show it somewhere on   this home page right here if the link I leave in  the description doesn't work for some reason it   will work but if it doesn't you can always use the  search box right here and search for buyer persona   Legend okay buy a Persona legend that is the title  I gave this prompt template so once you find it   again very easy to use it just simply click on it  and then you can start your prompt right here so   the way you need to prompt this just like I did  is very simple just read the prompt right there   it says what does your business sell Dash where  are your clients so just follow this structure   don't forget the little Dash so let me show you  one more example for example gold plated Rolex   in London okay so I have what I sell and I have  the location where are my clients located I'm not   gonna wait for all of this to generate all of the  information I just wanted to show you the way you   need to prompt this so yeah this should be working  it should generate a nice table every time you use   it all right there is something else I want to  show you guys is that you can use this prompt   in any language basically I've tried it in couple  of different languages and it worked it provided   me my tables in my target language so let's try  one in French for example because after all this   is my native language and probably the language  I speak the best so let's go for French I'm going   to use the template okay so make sure you click on  the template first then I'm gonna paste my Target   business so Air Max One sneakers you know me I'm  a big Sneakerhead in Brussels my target market and   I'm gonna change the output you see this box right  here that says English I'm gonna click here and   find something else you see a bunch of different  languages right here so feel free to try them I   don't speak all of these languages so I cannot  vouch for the output of all of this but what I   can show you is that it works I tried in Spanish  I tried in French I want to show you that it works   in different languages so output is for Save we  wish you and let's try try this I'm going to click   here and it starts generating my tables in French  you see donate [Music] on design the mode etc etc   so my entire buyer Persona has been generated in  a different language even though I prompted in   English so that is pretty amazing you can choose  the language of your output and I definitely   encourage you to play around with this let me know  if it works well in your native language I'm super   curious to know about this so there you go that's  all I wanted to show you today I hope you will   make good use of this let me know in the comment  section if you would like me to create some other   prompt templates like what kind of templates  let me know and I will do some research try to   generate these templates share the link with you  guys so you can start saving time you can start   working 10 times faster what am I saying like a  hundred times fast faster if I had to do all of   this research probably would have taken me three  four hours to generate something remotely as good   as this so yeah let me know in the comments what  other prompts you would like me to start working   on and I will start working on them alright guys  I'm Gonna Leave You with our playlist with all   of our chat GPT tutorials and I would appreciate  a subscribe if you're not yet subscribed to this   channel thank you for watching play with this  responsibly and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 99,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: find target audience, buyer persona, how to find buyer persona, how to create buyer persona, how to find target audience, chatgpt, how to use chatgpt, who is my target audience, marketing, growth marketing, marketing analytics, lead generation, content marketing, marketing online, internet marketing, marketing strategy, marketing tips, business marketing, digital marketing, target marketing, identify target audience, identify buyer persona, aipmr, customer avatar
Id: RMG-fh2RSqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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