ChatGPT for LinkedIn: How AI can boost your profile

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let's see how we can all use chat GPT to elevate our LinkedIn profile let's go what is up everyone Ronnie here welcome back to the channel this is the place where we talk about canva and sometimes like today about other things other things related to content creation other things related to boosting your career boosting your business boosting your search for new clients out there today I want to create another tutorial about chat GPT because let's submit it I'm obsessed about this new technology it is so powerful that I just cannot talk about it so let's talk about it and let's see how we can use chat GPT to optimize to supercharge to boost to elevate our LinkedIn profile so why LinkedIn well very simple LinkedIn is the social network where you need to be and you need to be creating content if you want I would say finding client or getting hired or getting in front of the important people and yes there are a lot of other Maybe more popular more fun to use social media platforms like Tick Tock Instagram Facebook YouTube but LinkedIn has that professional flavor to it so in my opinion if you are serious about building your business or your personal brand you need to look great on LinkedIn and even if you're not sharing content on LinkedIn yet make an effort and clean up your profile because this is the bare minimum in my opinion so let's see how we can use our friend GPT here to help us do this difficult work I would say of updating or creating our LinkedIn profile [Music] so let's have a quick look at my profile we're going to be using my profile as the example because this is what I want to optimize obviously you will be optimizing your profile so this is what it looks like and I already spent a good amount of time not recently but in the past working on this okay so it is not completely up to date but it is already a good amount of hours put behind this actual profile so a LinkedIn profile is typically made out of your photo your banner then you have a headline right here mine is very short some keywords if you've turned your profile into a Creator profile so some people might have the option to do this then you'll have some other sections like your analytics etc etc a featured section which is very important if you want to feature some of your work some of your courses some of your tutorials blog posts this is where you should do it your activity feed and then this section the about section which is pretty much your description your presentation we call it the about section that's how it's officially called and this section is long enough for you you see here I'm using almost all the available characters so this is the old version of my about section but as you can see it's a pretty long section where you can fit a lot of information and a lot of people are not using this section correctly they are either not using the about section at all which in my opinion is a huge mistake because this is a valuable piece of information that any recruiter will at least check out and scan through if they are considering hiring you me when I was working at canva I needed to hire people I always checked out their LinkedIn profile and headed towards their about section because this is really where you can judge people's creativity how well written is there about section actually written and yeah it tells a lot about people if there is nothing my first impression was oh they either don't know this is important or they are too lazy to spend an hour to figuring out how to tell their story because this section is really where you need to tell your story your professional your career story to the rest of the world so you need to have something good in this section and that's exactly where our friend GPT is going to come and help us because Chad GPT knows the entire internet so let's use that power let's use that super power and supercharge our about section so because I'm going to be leaning on that information I'm going to copy it I'm going to copy all of this information right here all the way to here okay so copy this and I have pasted that in a Google doc right here you could use a canva doc if you want but I want to keep a version of that current about section in case maybe something goes wrong or in case I realize okay I made a mistake I want to go back to the previous version if I just erase is it then it's gone and I spent a long time working on this one already so I prefer to have a backup version right here in this document so that's the first thing I wanted to show you we are going to start from our existing content if you don't have any information in your about section I suggest you spend an hour or two searching for other tutorials on YouTube and figuring out like what type of information you should have there do not start from scratch because you need some information to feed to chat GPT in order to receive some valuable input so if you don't have anything yet I would definitely start looking at my resume and at least like list the different experiences and not just I worked there I did that I worked out but try to explain it as a story start with this do not be lazy here it is important otherwise the outcome is not gonna look great you're gonna have like a generic about section which is exactly what you don't want so do not believe crazy here trust me on this one start with a base all right so that's the first step now let's move on to the second step which consists of figuring out your tone of voice I believe it is super important to be clear on your tone of voice or the desired tone of voice you want to use and feed that information together with your base information to chat GPT I don't know if you remember the previous tutorial I shot about chat GPT when I tried to turn Chat GPT into my personal assistant in that video I taught you that the more input you give chat GPT the better the output you will receive from it so if we want to be creating a very personalized about section for our LinkedIn profile which is something very personal what you don't want to do is to Simply ask GPT write the about section of my LinkedIn profile you don't want to do that or I've seen other tutorials on YouTube where the presenter asks can you write the about section of my LinkedIn profile based on my resume and then he pastes the entire resume you don't want to do this because it's going to be quite generic the information in your resume is not gonna show your tone of voice just gonna be a bunch of facts a bunch of accomplishment a bunch of objectives that you have reached with the different companies you've worked with it doesn't tell a story per se all right so we need to figure out that tone of voice I'm going to show you two techniques I've been experimenting with with chat GPT to figure out the tone of voice that you might have the first strategy will apply if you already have a piece of content that you believe represents your personality pretty well that piece of content could be a YouTube video you have created where you show your personality so you you'll be talking and you'll be expressing stuff but you do it in a natural way where your personality shines through so that could be one thing it could be a blog post that you have written with a very personal tone like a very personal voice so if you have something like this great that could be useful for figuring out out your tone of voice or it could be something else like in my case I have the introduction lectures of my courses that I try to make very personal and I leave them free for students to discover those are usually in the first section of the course the first lectures of the course I usually do this I make them as well as I can full of graphics and things going on and I let people discover who is running and what is this course about but doing my best introducing myself under my best light so I'm going to be using the script from one of these lectures because I think it's full of Personality I'm going to feed that into chat GPT so let me show you how that would work I have the text of the lecture right here so it's about two pages it's lecture one of my canva master course it's what is canva and how it can help you so I'm gonna select the entire text doesn't matter if it's in all different colors right here Ctrl C I'm gonna come back to at GPT and I'm going to start my prompt okay remember the more information you feed the better the outcome you receive so I'm gonna ask check GPT to analyze this text this information and then generate a list of 20 adjectives that it thinks best represents the tone of voice the writer is using all right so let's do this [Music] so here is the exact prompt I'm going to be using could you analyze the script of this lecture and generate a list of 20 adjectives that best describe the tone of voice the writer is using here is the entire transcript you need to analyze and then I'm going to paste the entire transcript hit enter and chat GPT it's going to think for a little bit and then it's going to generate that list of 20 adjectives that will characterize that will describe my tone of voice so there you go it already started passionate enthusiastic confident inspiring empowering encouraging knowledgeable experience persuasive positive optimistic determined ambitious helping supportive caring honest inspirational exciting and dedicated alright so now you have your top 20 adjectives that kind of Define your tone of voice and if you want to refine that you can ask chatgpt to refine great now give me the five adjectives that you think are the absolute most accurate and best describe the tone of voice and now it's going to boil it down to only five so passionate knowledgeable experience inspiring and empowering I think maybe you tell me I don't know because you've watched my tutorials you've maybe bought this course you tell me is that a list of adjectives that Define the way I teach my tone of voice when I teach I personally think it is pretty accurate so now we have defined our tone of voice based on some existing material let's keep that in a corner of our mind for when we will be asking chat GPT to write the text for our new about section now you might not have any of these stuff like you might not have YouTube videos you might not have blog posts or course lectures like I did in that case I'm going to show you another trick that you could use to figure out a ton of voice that you find engaging let's assume you're new to content create Asian and you don't have any material to feed chant GPT so it can give you a list of adjectives that represents your tone of voice but you follow a couple of people online and you actually like their style or you might have stumbled upon like some very well written blog post or some very interesting landing pages like this landing page right here this landing page is from a copywriter professional called Kira hug okay from Australia and I found this person by reading the canva learn blog and there was an article about Kira and so I read it I found it interesting I checked out her website and it is indeed super well written it's fun it's Dynamic so let's read a little bit on your weird conversion copy so she's a conversion copywriter meaning someone that will optimize the copy of landing pages and anything really in order to sell so that person knows how to write so that's a good example I would say of what I would like my about section on my profile on LinkedIn to be doing like to sell me to sell myself so you can read through the entire thing right here it's pretty well done it's super well written so what I'm gonna do I'm just going to copy the text right here we're not going to steal this text we are just going to run this all the way to here and I love the last section right here sign up for your weekly hug for conversion copywriting insights business advice and maybe even the occasional mullet gifi I found that super witty and sharp and funny so yeah I'd love to be able to write like that I'm not a copywriter but let's see how Chad GPT defines the tone of voice of this page okay so I copied the entire text all right that was relevant right here and I'm gonna go back to chat GPT and here is the prompt that I'm gonna be using how would you describe the copywriting style of this webpage write a list of 10 keywords that best represent the stone of voice here's the transcript of the website copy and then I just simply pasted the text from the website okay let's go and see what list of 20 is going to come up I love that I think this is not my tone of voice per se but I would love my profile to be a bit more like this alright I think I have all the context and information I need to generate a complete and detailed prompt so that chat GPT can start providing me with the base content for my about section so let's do that so the front I wrote is the following here is my LinkedIn about section could you rewrite it completely keeping the information in the current version but using a copywriting style that resembles the copy I pasted here above from the website so rewrite my LinkedIn about section using a tone of voice that is unique authentic quirky bold personable unconventional ambitious playful energetic and determined here is the copy of my current LinkedIn about section so this text right here is the current version of my LinkedIn about section so this is what you see here I left out this part here which I believe was not so important so let's come back to the chat and see what chatgpt generated from this and so there you go this is the content that chat GPT generated for me I see I still have one two three four paragraph that correspond to the four paragraphs I had here but they are completely Rewritten it's not the same anymore it's been written in a different tone of voice are you ready to build an online community that's bursting with value and authenticity look no further my friend I am Ronnie and I specialize in creating educational content and fostering genuine connections with my audience together we'll teach the world how to use canva and make enough money online to live life on our own terms as the leader of the largest canva community on YouTube I know a thing or two about standing out in a crowded space etc etc and it's pretty good it has this witty smart like daring kind of attitude and we can recognize that quirky personal ball unconventional tone of voice in a sentence like this one right here Canada even invited me to be an official canva expert and I have been proudly rocking that badge ever since I mean that's pretty cool so the text goes on etc etc you can read it all if you want but I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of this outcome so now let's move on to the next step my next step was to ask chat GPT to generate some Punchy headlines for each of these paragraphs okay because in my original piece original about section I had this little paragraph headlines or taglines that want to have that in my future profile because I do believe it helps people scan through your profile and to also hook them when they see a catchy tagline they might be more tempted to read the entire paragraph so that's exactly what I want to do so I asked chat GPT great now for each paragraph suggest five really Punchy taglines continue to use humor this is what it generated okay so I have 20 sentences right here remember I had four section four paragraphs so four times five that's 20. it's just that it didn't segment each paragraph giving me five taglines per paragraph it just gave me 20 sentences taglines so I checked and yeah indeed the first five matched the first paragraph and then the following five the second paragraph and so on so it was not too hard to actually see what goes with what so the first paragraph the one I just read you it suggested to me building online communities with a side of SAS creating value one canva tutorial at a time like this one making bank and making an impact the canva community leader you never knew you needed making online education fun and profitable okay so from all of these taglines I like number two creating value one canva tutorial at a time I think it goes well with what's in this first paragraph remember are you ready to build an online community authenticity etc etc like that so yeah I would pick this one okay so so far what we've done is to generate the core copy of our about section and five taglines for each of the paragraphs so what I've done here I started by simply copying the information the core information without the tagline so these are the four paragraphs and also on the following page right here I started adding the tag lines from all the taglines the 20 tag lines generated by chat GPT I added in Black the ones that I think I'm going to be using because they are good they reflect the paragraph pretty well and in purple right here I added those that I'm not quite sure or yet but it's still okay but maybe they could be refined so so far this is what I have creating value one tutorial at a time second paragraph the official canva expert with a badge to prove it I like this one it's witty but not completely sure third paragraph helping companies look as good as they are and I really like this one tagline because it matches well the paragraph which is as a branding coach and trainer I work with organizations and entrepreneurs around the world to improve their visual identity and online presence leading training workshops and consultancies in over 20 countries I've worked with big names like Facebook canva the World Fair Trade Organization and Oxfam so the tagline helping companies look as good as they are I like that because it has this side of working with Social businesses Oxfam in the World Fair Trade Organization like as good as they are they're like social good companies and helping them look good because I delivered workshops and webinars about branding so making them look good improving their visual identity so all of that is kind of encapsulated in the tagline so I like it and then the last one telling impactful stories through digital content not quite sure with this one but I kept it here so let's focus on the second paragraph here you see the tagline not quite happy with it let's see if chat can provide me some other options okay so if you're not completely satisfied with an answer you can always come back that's what I did here I asked chat give me 10 more Punchy taglines that summarize this paragraph and I pasted the paragraph and I added one extra line here one specific request I asked chat insert a relevant emoji at the beginning of the tagline because I believe a tagline with a relevant Emoji is more powerful than just a tagline so again paste it the entire paragraph here and tried my luck so here are some of the answers mastering canva and design with me as your guide nah don't like that leveling up your business with my video courses propelling your business to new heights empowering entrepreneurs worldwide that's very cliche and not saying anything becoming a canva pro with my courses no making an impact with my online courses bringing design education to your fingertips no transforming your business with digital storytelling rocking the online course game no that's too pretentious official canva expert here to teach you the ropes not really so didn't quite hit the mark but that's okay let's move on to the next step the neck The Next Step consists of really fine-tuning that copy that chat GPT generated for you okay this is where you need to kind of like get in the dirt and read everything and really understand process and run that through your filter to see if you're happy with it so that's what I did I started by underlining all the passages that I didn't quite like so you see here for example paragraph two but it doesn't stop here or it doesn't stop there I don't quite like that again like and I've been proudly rocking that badge ever since I like the attitude but maybe not the exact sentence like so and so on and so forth like you can see here you can pause and read if you want but there are a couple of passages in that text that it generated and I didn't quite like or didn't quite hit the mark for example here I've been on the road with my own non-profit for 10 years and I think here we should add maybe in parenthesis but the name of the non-profit fair trade connection so these were the parts where I think we needed to try harder refine so let me show you how I did that I started asking a bunch of shorter prompts like creative Punchy and humorous tagline based on the idiom knowledge is power why this one well I figured I don't want to start this paragraph by but it doesn't stop here here we talk on the first paragraph we talk about knowledge okay how I can teach you some knowledge that will help you create a business online and live on your own terms so here I want to start with this knowledge is power kind of idea but I don't want to write it as such so create a Punchy and humorous tagline based on the idiom knowledge is power powering up with knowledge one with equip at a time what the heck no this was not good like not what I was hoping for so I tried something different okay I tried to approach chat from a different angle I asked add a humorous and Punchy subtitle to the headline and knowledge is power and here is the answer unleashing your inner genius with a side of SAS I mean no dude this not good so obviously didn't accept that as an answer I asked for more give me 10 more options when chat is not giving you the right answers ask for more more options so I got a bunch of options but they were all mediocre becoming annoyed all one point at a time empowering yourself with the Ultimate Weapon knowledge not good so you know I try different ways of getting at this first sentence of the paragraph couldn't find it so I let go for now and I asked the chat to do something else okay find the most appropriate Emoji for this tagline creating value one tutorial at a time okay so I started thinking okay let's try generating emojis for all of the other taglines that I already feel are good enough so a pile of books yeah but I'm not using books so I wrote find a sassier Emoji woman doing this I mean not great give me five sassier funnier ones woman doing this painting nails women raising hands guy doing this or detective this was pretty much garbage so I decided not to go with any of this and come back to my idea of knowledge's power so I tried a different approach finish this sentence knowledge is power but branding is why do I talk about branding well simply because in that paragraph I start introducing my branding workshops and consultancies so I want to make the link between okay you can get the knowledge through the online courses but I also have The Branding so I needed to make that connection between paragraph two and paragraph three therefore I want to start with something related to knowledge's power transitioning to branding so hence this new idea finish this sentence knowledge is power but branding is dot dot and he here is what Chad said but branding is the secret weapon that makes you stand out from the crowd now that was much better and I felt like we are back on track to something I could probably use some material I could probably exploit or dig deeper so I asked it give me 10 more Alternatives so remember knowledge is power but branding is the cherry on top taking your power to the next level and the key to unlocking your full potential what turns knowledge into action the difference between blending in and standing out the face of your knowledge and expertise the key to success in today's digital age this one was interesting so I went with this one I gave it a couple of twists and then as chat GPT to rephrase in a sassier way and sassier Sassy sassier is a term that has been working for me because it gives me a very familiar very conversational tone of voice that I liked and so here is what I asked chat to rephrase for sure knowledge is power but branding is the key to success in today's digital age so I pretty much like use the same thing I just added for sure at the beginning and so here's what Chad gave me sure knowledge might be power but let's be real branding is what's really going to make you a boss in today's digital world so I really like this one I like that style but it's a little bit too much so I asked for more alternative give me 10 sassy Alternatives so it gave me a bunch of options here some good and some not so good but uh within all of that stuff I could dig a couple of gems so for example number four here knowledge is essential but let's not forget branding is what's really going to make you shine in today's digital landscape that was pretty good like to make you shine in today's digital landscape and then my eyes went back up to number two sure knowledge is important but branding is what makes you a player in today's digital game player game being a player like get it so I really like this one decided to go for this one so that's pretty much what I did I started working back and forth prompting chat for example I'm going to show you some other prompts that I asked chat in order to refine my copy improve this sentence I work with organizations and entrepreneurs around the world to spice up their visual identity and make them shine in today's digital landscape remember option number five so here is what it gave me I help organizations and entrepreneurs around the globe Elevate their visual identity and stand out in today's Digital World some other prompts I use show me 10 relevant emojis to go with the sentence helping companies look as good as they are some emojis rewrite this using a tone of voice that could be described as sassy Kirk keyboard so at some point you could feel like you're running in circle so it could be good to go back to the origin the original prompt okay because we are far down the conversation and I felt like we were losing the original tone of voice I decided to go for so I reminded it to the chat right here so rewrite this sentence using it on a voice that could be described as the original 10 keywords but my passion for impact doesn't stop there when I'm not creating YouTube videos I like to use my skills as an impact Storyteller to help non-profit and social businesses show not just tell the positive impact they are making so that's the prompt I had so far and then Chad came up with this very sassy line listen up your my passion for making an impact doesn't stop at YouTube videos oh no no no when I'm not creating content I'm using my skills as an impact Storyteller to help non-profit and social businesses prove not just tell the positive impact they are making I don't just talk the talk I walk the walk and I'm not afraid to get a little quirky unconventional and playful that's chat bugging because it's just like repeating some of the keywords I prompted so other than that the beginning of the sentence has some good stuff going on so I'm not gonna use it as is but I'm gonna be inspired by it to come up to my final sentence as I would say so I was not sure about how to write aha like in a negative way so I just asked chat give me the correct way to say aha to express negation and it says are both common ways to express negation or disagreement perfect so again rewrite this using a tone and then I pasted the 10 keywords I've been on the road with my non-pro so I basically repeat the same process of asking it to rephrase my current version of where I am with a paragraph So that I'm sure it's still relevant with the bass tone of voice the original tone of voice you better believe it I've been living my best life on the road with my own non-profit for solid decade and let me tell you I've had the privilege of working with some of the most badass change makers from all corners of the globe that was pretty bold and I like it with my extensive experience in the fair trade industry I know how to use digital content and marketing strategies to make a real impact I'm not afraid to think outside of the box then again start bugging like quirky and conventional so at the beginning with the badass change makers I like that feels great like I I love to use this sentence so I used a few other prompts like Titan this paragraph or write a Punchy tagline with a relevant Emoji for this paragraph give me Alternatives so these are prompts give me 10 synonyms for non-profits and social businesses I wanted to shorten this thing improve this sentence or make it shorter so that all of these are prompts that I use to refine the copy of my about section now let me show you what it came down to so this is a fine tune version and I'm not gonna read it again you can do so if you want by pausing the video video but I felt it was much better so from here I think it's time to move to the next step six is simply to come back to your headlines now that you have kind of like final paragraphs text is final so you have a better idea of how maybe to write and optimize these taglines so I went back to chat there were two tag lines I wanted to maybe optimize change refine the official canva expert with a badge to prove it as for second paragraph and then the last paragraph telling impactful stories through digital content so I simply went back to chat and my prompt was write a Punchy tagline with a relevant Emoji for this paragraph okay then I pasted the paragraph in this case it was the last paragraph the one about traveling with my non-profit Etc so the answer was like flexing muscle Emoji making an impact beyond the screen now I didn't quite like that so I asked chat to give me 10 alternative proving impact one digital strategy at a time shining is put light on social impact making a difference globally gave me 10 and among these 10 there was number eight telling the world impactful stories and I felt like yes this is exactly what I was doing when traveling with fair trade connection I was traveling around the world interviewing these people trying to tell the world's impactful stories of these change makers so I went for this one I choose telling the world's impactful story and guys this shows you the power of chat GPT to understand the tone but also the personality and the meaning of everything you feed it so very impressed by the tagline generating exercise right here so I went for this tagline I used it here telling the world's impactful story I also came back to my second paragraph which used to be the official canva expert with the badge to prove it I like the last part of it with the badge to prove it it's kind of sassy it's kind of quirky but the official canva expert I'm not the official canva expert there are 40 other canva experts but one key word I like to use in the description of our YouTube video is Guru your go-to canva Guru so I decided to bring this one back and change official canva expert by your official canva Guru with the badge to prove it because this one is quirky right it's a canva guru the official one which doesn't mean anything because the guru I mean what's a canva guru with a badge to prove it so it refers to me being a verified expert but without really saying it right here so yeah I went with this one and that's pretty much what I did for refining my taglines now I have my four different taglines that was very satisfied with so I moved on to the next step The Next Step doesn't really involve chat GPT at all because it is to add your own human touch to this text and I believe this is a very important step I mean at this stage I already put a lot of human components to my copy because I went back and forth I changed a couple of things I really kind of hassle chat GPT to give me more give me options give me this give me that I already did a lot of work but I felt like it's time to shut chat GPT down and come back to the page and simply read it and make some finer tweaks so for example here paragraph two canva even invited me to be an official canva expert and I've been proudly rocking the badge ever since I felt like this is one part of the story I'm not telling here that is the part where canva actually hired me and then relocated me to Sydney and I worked for canva I don't say anywhere in the story right here that I worked for canva and I believe for LinkedIn about section working for canva it's not something I should omit from my story so I decided to rewrite that part and this is what I came up with so I start here I must have been doing something right with my content and Community since canva relocated me to Sydney to work for them and I did so for two years and now I continue spreading the canva love with my own team as a verified canva expert and yes I have a badge to prove it check out my udemy profile if you want to see it wink Emoji so this is the human touch one of the human touches I added to the final version I added a couple more here and there especially at the end right here want to chat hit me up I change the contact detail previously was a link to my messenger message conversation and I didn't want people to reach out on messenger so I just swapped it for my email address right here so people can contact me here that's my professional email address so yeah there you go guys this is the final version I'm very proud of it now I'm going to walk the walk I'm gonna copy this entire text and I'm going to go to LinkedIn and replace my order about section for this one so let's do this all right so here we are on LinkedIn this is my about section you can see this is the old one I can hit that little pencil button and start adding the new one but before we do this there is one thing we need to do and that is to make sure the new version will fit in that box meaning making sure it's not too long in terms of the character limit that is being allowed by LinkedIn so we can actually check on this limit by clicking on the pencil icon and we'll see that the limit is 2 600 characters okay I'm currently using 2100 roughly so the one thing we need to do I'm going to close that is to come back to our description right here I'm gonna copy the entire thing yep I have it all I'm gonna copy it and I'm gonna use a website which is a simple free website that will count the character of any piece of text alright so I will link to that website in the description of the video but I simply went to Google and typed in word counter or something like that so let me show you what the website looks like so there you go this is the website called word counter very original title I'm gonna paste this and see how many characters so I have 2471 characters so I'm good I'm within the 2600 so I can simply go back to my about section I'm going to click the little icon right here and I'm going to start deleting everything here I think these are going to have to go as well as I might not have enough character for them I might add them later but let's paste everything first so there you go we have creating value one tutorial at a time your official canva Guru with the badge to prove it helping companies look as good as they are telling the world impactful story and you would appreciate the little Emoji research I've done here with the nail polish like looking as good as they are with the goat for your official Canada Guru and finger up for creating value 1 tutorial at the time and then I need space here and that's about it let's save this to my new profile now let's see how it looks like on LinkedIn and it looks pretty good very happy about this I wish I could like have some bold going on here but can't do that so there you go it is updated it is saved successfully this is officially my new LinkedIn about section now strong of that success I wanted to see if I could push chat GPT to the ultimate Frontier and I was not an easy one like I wanted to know if based on that new about section chat GPT could actually find a better tagline a better headline for my LinkedIn profile my current tagline is I create canva fans heart so can chat GPT provide a better one when I feed it my new about section that's what we are about to find out so this is the prompt analyze the copy of my LinkedIn about section and suggest 15 LinkedIn profile headlines the headlines should be no longer than 30 characters the reason why I asked less than 30 characters is that I want the tagline to be fully visible when people visit my profile from their mobile if it's longer they will see the beginning of your tagline and then and they have to click read more to see the entire tagline I didn't want that that's why I have a very short tagline right now so the tagline should be no longer than 30 characters have one emoji and be unique authentic quirky bold like the 10 keywords from the tone of voice I opted for the beginning and here is the about section and I pasted the entire about section the new one with all the Emojis are you ready to see the results so there you go 15 new headlines building online communities computer Emoji teaching the world to insert what motivates you to get out of bed fun but nah creating thriving communities and income now standing out in a crowded space no canva guru with the badge goat Emoji I like this one canva Guru with a badge and a goat Emoji that's pretty unique that's pretty personable it has a lot of personality so I kept this one on ice for now impactful video courses 50k plus students and Counting etc etc nothing really good apart from this one canva Guru with the badge goat I was not quite convinced enough to actually change I create canva fans but I want to leave it up to you guys let me know in the comment section which one you prefer I create canva fans heart emoji or canva Guru with a badge goat Emoji which one should be my new LinkedIn headline should I keep the old one should I go for the new one thank you for watching this was a deep dive but showing you how powerful chat GPT could be if used the right way again the morale of the story is the better you prompt the better the outcome and that's really what I want you to remember from this tutorial this exercise you need to know how to prompt the right way and I'm super curious to know your opinion about this tutorial like this is the first time I do such a tutorial was it useful was it boring was it too long was it too much of me speaking let me know did you learn something revolutionary that blew your mind let me know do you want more tutorials about chat GPT or maybe you want me to just go back to canva and shut up about chat GPT already let me know I mean I'm doing this for you guys so your opinion matters I will certainly read it in the comments thank you for watching I'm going to leave you with this other chat GPT tutorial the one I created last week which is about turning chat GPT into your personal assistant and you will also find a button to subscribe to our Channel if you haven't done so yet
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 39,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt for linkedin, how to use chatgpt for linkedin, chatgpt linkedin profile, chatgpt linkedin bio, chatgpt linkedin summary, chatgpt linkedin page, chat gpt linkedin headline, chatgpt linkedin post, chatgpt linkedin, use chat gpt for linkedin, chatgpt linkedin learning, chatgpt linkedin hooks, artificial intelligence, chatgpt explained, chatgpt use cases, chatgpt tutorial, how does chatgpt work, how to use chatgpt, openai chatgpt, how to use chat gpt, chat gpt prompts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 59sec (2699 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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