Bing might be better than ChatGPT

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I finally got access to the new Bing so in this video I am going to test it I'm going to review it for you guys and tell you how it Compares in my opinion to Chachi PT what is up guys Ronnie here welcome back to the channel today we talk about the new Bing the new AI powered Bing so for those of you who don't know Bing is Microsoft search engine it's not been very popular the last forever it's never been really popular because of Google and the dominant position of Google but recently Microsoft made a very interesting move and integrated open ai's chat GPT chatbot into their search engine Bing and so Microsoft and Bing were giving away these early access to the new Bing experience and I signed up and I recently got accepted so the way this happened is that I had to sign up to be an early user an early adopter of the new Bing so I was on the waiting list and then recently I got this email in my inbox from Microsoft Bing saying you are in my friend welcome to the new Bing so let's open up this email so here is what it says you're in welcome to the new Bing we are excited to give you access to an early preview of the new being your AI powered answer engine would love for you to give us some feedback blah blah blah to being a team so when you click on this button right here that says start exploring you will be redirected to this page kind of venting the benefits of the new Bing and you can see you can ask it anything things like asking it to give you a recipe write you a poem uh whatever like you know a bunch of different prompts like we are used to in chat GPT but in order to use that new version of Bing you will have to use Microsoft proprietary browser which is called Microsoft Edge and therefore you will have to download Microsoft Edge so that is the first step for you if you want to use the new Bing once you got access you need to download Microsoft Edge so this part was very easy I just clicked on the button and then selected my operating system and installed the new Bing I had to log in Microsoft Edge and I could do so via my Skype Hotmail or Microsoft account if you have one if you do not have one you'll have to create one and yeah once it's all installed this is what you should see so it does looked like Google but it is Microsoft Bing it's a search engine and you can start typing anything here to launch a web search so that is your conventional your usual I would say search engine now what we are all interested about is obviously the chat functionality of the new Bing and if you look up here right underneath this dialog box you will see a second tab that says chat so if I click on chat it's going to move up a bit and it says welcome to the new Bing your AI powered copilot for the web okay so you can ask complex questions get better answers or get creative inspiration now this is kind of the equivalent of chat GPT but integrate it with your traditional search engine so this is very cool I'm going to start prompting and see how this compares to our good old friend chat GPT and I will be comparing it to chat GPT plus because that is the version of chat GPT I'm currently you using the paid version of chatgpt which cost 20 dollars a month all right something else before we start is that Bing or the new version of Bing is completely free all right so you won't have to pay any subscription any fee for using it the first thing I really wanted to try with the new Bing is its ability to provide me with answers that are based on actual recent event okay that is probably chat gpt's main limitation is that there is a cut off in terms of the information it has access to and this cutoff is 2021. so basically it's just like Chad GPT has been learning everything about what's online but it stopped learning at 2021 or the beginning of 2021 so everything that happens after that date well it's kind of not taken into consideration into what chat GPT could use to generate its answers so that is a major problem indeed if you are looking for up-to-date in information so the first thing I wanted to try with the new Bing is something that is related to some sort of up-to-date actuality or news so let's search for a fresh news from today or at least very recent news so for that I'm just going to head over Google News okay so I'm typing at news here okay so we have Google news right here I'm gonna just go there and I'm gonna click on the world alright so these are all news related to the world let's see if I can find something Hong Kong lifts city-wide mask mandate after almost three years after 959 days this city Hong Kong is no longer imposing a thousand dollar fine for not wearing a mask all right so let's try this this is a very fresh news from nine hours ago okay by the time you are seeing this video this might be already all news but for me right now it is fresh news so let's come back to Bing and I'm just going to prompt our masks still mandatory in Hong Kong okay I'm just gonna prompt this see what happens so we see this is Lifetime I'm not accelerating I'm not slowing down anything here as long as it gets to generate these answers so it was searching for mask mandatory Hong Kong and then this is the answer that I get according to several news sources and it lists the different sources I have three different uh sources right here reference for this information mask will no longer be mandatory in Hong Kong starting from Wednesday March 1st this is the last major covid-19 restriction that the city imposed during the pandemic however masks should still be worn in hospital in places where there's a risk of infection so the sources are one bing Fox News and all right so this is the information coming straight from Bing now before going any further or analyzing any deeper I'm going to prompt the exact same thing in chat GPT so same thing right here I'm just going to paste the same prompt our mask still mandatory in Hong Kong and child GPT should be responding very soon all right so this is chat gpt's answers as of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021 it's not the beginning of the year September 2021 my fault masks were still mandatory in most public indoor settings and on public transportation in Hong Kong as part of the government's efforts to control the spread of kovit 19. but basically it says that as of the cutoff of its knowledge masks were still mandatory at the time of that knowledge cutoff okay and it ends by it is advisable to check the latest update from official sources such as Hong Kong government's websites or local news outlets for the most up-to-date information so it does provide me a little bit of a heads up look this might not be the latest up-to-date information so check on official sources but what I was trying to demonstrate here is that the new being because it has access to up-to-date information will provide more accurate answers than chat GPT because it has this knowledge cut off as of September 2021 so that's the first thing I wanted to show you now the second thing that I think is a major plus point for Bing is that it actually tells its sources so I can go there I can click through and double check fact check the information that it's given me one of the major problems of chat GPT is that it just gives you a bunch of information without citing any of its sources and therefore you have to take it for granted that this answer is actually accurate and very often it's not so accurate but there is nothing for you to dig deeper or to go fact check that specific information so I love that being right here actually gives me the sources so I could click on any of these sources and find the information as a matter of fact let's click on the first one to see some results so it's basically a bunch of different results for this same query mask mandatory Hong Kong and then I will have a bunch of different websites some videos and I can double check the information it gives me so that is for me a major Plus for Bing all right now let's push this a little bit further and use another prompt I used in chat GPT earlier and didn't quite get a good result because chat GPT struggled with that result and the prompt is the following so let me just paste that for you what are five YouTube channels I should subscribe to if I want to improve my canvas skills okay let's see what Bings answers to that question searching for YouTube channels canvas skills best YouTube channels canvas skills so it's actually running the prompt like a web search first and then it will generate its answer hello this is Bing if you want to improve your canvas skills you might want to subscribe to these five YouTube channels canva design anything publish anywhere so that is the official canva Channel then it gives me a little bit of a description of the channel designed with canva this channel has informative videos explaining various awesome features of canva such as how to use grids shapes font and more there are two little sources right here okay five best YouTube channels for canva designers and the other one is 22 insanely useful canva tips and tricks okay cool then we have a third Channel learn with sub fourth is icann canva this channel is owned by Hadas who is another canva certified expert and then we have Darren Meredith Darren is also a canva certified creative or actually is now called canva verified expert but yeah these five channels are really up to date now this was very good pretty impressed I'm really happy that we are number two right there right after canva so kudos to this thank you Bing and now I'm kind of curious to see what chat GPT will answer to the exact same prompt so let's head over GPT start a new chat so he's not confused and I'm going to paste the same thing the same prompt so if you are looking to improve your canvas skills here are five YouTube channels that you might find helpful canvas canvas official Channel okay the simple way simple ways is a YouTube channel dedicated to teaching canva tips and tricks the Creator Salini gopal shares tutorials on how to use canva to create beautiful designs the future the future is a design education platform that offers a variety of courses and tutorials yes indeed but they do not teach about canva creative Hive Co creative Hive Co is a design agency that also offers courses and tutorials and Lisa Noble designs Lisa Noble is a graphic designer and canva expert who shares tutorials and tips on her YouTube channel I don't think so I don't know any Lisa Noble design I'm going to copy that and I'm just going to double check this information because I don't think so so let's just do a quick search in a YouTube right here Lisa Noble's design so yeah don't really see Lisa hot design would that be it maybe if I click here welcome back and today we're doing a countdown of the five top I'm not sure but I don't see many canva tutorials here so this doesn't seem to be super accurate let's try another one to see the simple way like answer number two right here the simple way let's just see if there is a channel called the simple way yeah there is a channel a simple way uh but this is a cooking channel it's not a canva channel so definitely take the information coming from chat GPT right here with the grain of salt because most of this particularly when it comes to Accurate up-to-date information or web-based information is mostly erroneous so it's not good now what I want to do is to quickly fact check a couple of these channels suggested by Bing right here so I'm going to use learn with Seb and for that I'm gonna use the same YouTube window here so learn with Seb I'm gonna click enter learn with Seb and I know this channel because we've been kind of like following what Seb does and there is indeed a bunch of canva videos see canva here canva here canva tricks now I would say this is an accurate this is a correct answer in terms of a YouTube channel I could follow I could subscribe to if I want to learn more about canva he also suggested I can canva so I can canva right here with our friend Hadas definitely a good place to learn about canva tutorials as well so plenty of canva tutorials right here so all of that to show you and to prove you that Bing is way more accurate than Chad GPT when it comes to queries related to I would say up-to-date information or information that has to do with URLs or text-based results in general so just know that just take that into consideration when choosing the tool you are going to use to prompt your queries now I want to see if Bing is as powerful as chat GPT when it comes to a bunch of other types of prompts for example one thing I love doing in chat GPT is to ask it to organize the information it provides to me as an answer in a nice and neat table so I can use this data in other ways so I'm going to try just that I'm going to see if Bing can organize this information into a table and for that I'm going to be using this prompt right here okay so I'm going to paste it can you organize your previous response into a table the table will have three columns the name of the channel the URL of the channel and a short description of the channel let's prompt that and see what comes up so sure here is the table you requested so name of the channel URL of the channel short description of the channel so I see here is generating the table but I can see that there is a little overlap between these two columns which kind of May takes the URL impossible to completely read so let's see if you persist when I copy the data over to a spreadsheet because that's what I'm going to do right now I'm going to copy everything here command C and I'm going to open a blank spreadsheet right here test AI this is a simple Google sheet okay so I'm going to click on the first column and Ctrl V to paste all of my information I'm going to select the entire information and I'm gonna use this text wrapping tool so that it wraps text onto the second line if it's too long for my color so that just makes it easier for me to read so I do have exactly what I prompted here the name of the channel URL and short description now my question is are these URL going to work so if I click on one I can see this one canva YouTube so if I click through I am landing on the canva homepage so this is not too bad let's go back one notch design with canva is this going going to link through our Channel no unfortunately this channel doesn't exist so that's a little bit disappointing uh is seps channel is going to work I'm going to click here and also not so I have some mixed results right here and I'm not going to click on every single link but on this spreadsheet out of the five URLs that were provided only one really worked and that was the first one the one with the official canva channel so a little bit of a mixed feeling right here for this answer right here from Bing it does provide accurate Channel names and channel descriptions which is great but the linking of this channel is not perfect but it's already much better than chat GPT that basically invented some fake YouTube channels or use some existing channel that had nothing to do with canva and just suggested that as channels I should follow so here again Bing seems Superior in its answer though not perfect to chatgpt all right let's try something else I want to see if Bing can perform tasks that I have been performing in chat GPT and Chad GPT offered some pretty good results so I'm really interesting information when I was using this particular product The Prompt is about analyzing a piece of text or a transcript for for example one of our videos and generate a list of adjectives that reflects the tone of voice used in that video so I have had some good success with this and chat GPT I want to see if Bing is capable of providing similar results so I have this prompt right here you are a marketing expert your task is to analyze this transcript and generate a list of 15 adjectives that reflect the tone of voice used by the author of the text here is the transcript so I'm going to shift return to go one line below and I'm gonna paste the transcript of my video right here so for that I'm going to be using one of our videos this is could this be the perfect Creator Mouse this is our review of The Creator Mouse on YouTube third and most important keyword so this is just the video okay what I'm going to do is to click on these three little dots right here so click on that show transcript this is going to show me the entire transcript here so what I'm going to do is to toggle off the timestamps okay by clicking on the three little dots toggle them off and I'm going to start at the beginning so what I'm going to do is to copy about 5-10 minutes of text okay let's go a little bit more maybe up to here I have no idea how much text that is come back to Bing okay so right under my here's the transcript I'm going to paste this entire thing and I can see that I reached the limit already 2 000 characters have been reached it's not a big deal I'm just gonna run this and see the adjective that comes up from this analyze of this transcript okay so hello this is Bing I can help you with the task here are the 15 adjectives reflecting the tone of voice used by the author enthusiastic engaging friendly curious informative casual conversational humorous energetic positive honest professional creative confident interactive I hope this helps okay so I don't know what you think but these keywords I believe reflect pretty well the tone of voice we were using in that particular video so I will give it a thumbs up right here so I'm giving feedback thank you for your help so thumbs up very happy with this let's move on to the next prompt immediately another thing that I love doing with chat GPT is to use it to kind of reply to my emails okay this is still a manual process for me because I do not want to connect AI to my inbox I don't want them to read my entire life but I sometimes do not have time to reply to specific emails or I don't want to really use my brain power to craft the perfect email so a very easy way for me to reply to these emails recently has been to use chatgpt so the the way I do this I prompt something like this reply to this email saying that we would be really happy to participate in this interview project let's schedule some time in our agendas okay so uh here is the email okay so I'm asking Bing to reply a specific thing to a specific email now I'm going to go fetch this email so this is the email it's basically someone from canva running one of the canva communities asking Diana and I if we would be okay to participate in an interview and then she shows me a bunch of questions that they have prepared for this interview so I'm just going to copy the information including the name of the person here at the bottom come back to Bing so I'm just going to paste the information right here under my prompt and just simply run the prompt okay and there you go Bing started to compose the email hello we are doing great thank you for asking how are you of course we remember you you are doing an amazing job with the communities we are honored to be part of them we are thrilled to hear about the interview project it sounds like a fun and valuable way to share our experience and insight with other canva enthusiasts we would love to participate etc etc then it starts to kind of like suggest time frames for the interview to be shot so this is a great way to get back maybe 15 minutes of your life by asking AI to reply to your emails in a specific way with specific answers and it does that very well it sounds very polite it sounds very cool you could also ask Bing to use a specific tone of voice to include specific sentences in its reply it's very complete and it does is similar if not a better job than chatgpt at writing these emails so here again I'm very impressed by what Bing has come up with let's use the little sweep icon right here that says new topic this will clean all conversation and let's try something else something else that I've been using chatgpt a lot for and that is to translate information into another language so just gonna type this other prompt right here it says translate this text into French and I'm just going to grab a piece of text I'm going to grab the piece of text about the mask mandatory in Hong Kong that we used earlier I'm going to paste that right here in prompt Bing to see how it can handle translating into another language okay so French is my native language so I could probably judge of this translation so here is Bing's answer to my query it says I can translate text into French for you using Bing Translator and there is a little source for that here's a translation sounds so this is word forward what it says there but in French so you can learn more [Music] and so here again some more sources for you to verify this information but it did a great job at translating so here again thumbs up well done Bing and since we're here let's try something else that chatgpt does quite well and that is formatting your text into a H1 H2 headers or body text like making the text easier to read okay so I have this other prompt right here I'm just gonna paste it okay it says good now analyze this text and use H1 H2 and body formatting to make it easier to read okay see what it comes up with so it's probably going to be using this text that it generated earlier the translation it says I can analyze the text and use some markdown formatting to make it easier to read here's the result okay so covid-19 Mass guidelines in Hong Kong summary masks are mandatory in most public indoor settings guidelines are may change depending on the situation and local policies check official sources details okay so what it did here it's not only I would say adding formatting but it also added kind of like a summary with three bullet points and then some more context about the entire thing but it did use H1 and H2 formatting and also body text so it is easier to read indeed and it went a little bit deeper than just use formatting it also made a summary a tldr for me to start with if I don't have time to read the entire thing so very good very happy so here again another thumbs up all right guys I have to admit I have been thinking long and hard about things that I could do in chat GPT that maybe Bing would not be able to handle I couldn't really find anything so there is one last thing I want to try with you guys it's a little bit more advanced I'm gonna ask Bing to simulate a job interview for a specific job listing I found online okay to prepare myself for a job interview where I to apply for this job so I'm gonna do this in just a moment but before that if you like this video please give us a like and also if you haven't done so yet I strongly suggest you subscribe to the channel because we have a bunch of other videos about chat GPT and also some really cool videos made by Diana about mid-journey or Dal e and other generative AI tools so make sure you subscribe because we have many more of these AI videos to come alright back to the tutorial I have one last trick to show you okay so for that I also have a prompt let me paste it here so it says Act as a recruiter here is a job description I have applied for I want you to simulate interview questions for this specific job here is the job description shift return all I have to do is to come to my job description right here copy everything so I'm just going to command a command C copied everything on this page back to Bing right here and I'm going to paste it right there you see I'm a little bit over so I might not have the latest lines of this job description which is fine okay let's see what Bing starts to ask me after reading this prompt I'm ready being let's bring it on all right I can act as a recruiter and simulate interview questions for this specific job here are some possible questions why do you want to work as a global Community manager for Pixel so my motivation what are some of the challenges and opportunities that you see for Pixel as a source of high quality free imagery how would you approach building and engaging with pixel Community across different platforms and regions what are some of the skills and tools that you use to manage your project and communicate with your team members especially in a remote setting how do you measure the impact and success of your community initiatives and campaign how do you balance being creative and data driven in a community strategy and execution etc etc so this gives me a bunch of different good relevant interview questions if we come back to the job description right here it is a job at canva for Global Community manager and so because I fed being some of the key responsibilities here it was able to really provide some custom and accurate questions to help me prepare for this job interview so here again I would give this a thumbs up this is at least as good as what chat GPT would have done for me okay so do these questions help you prepare for the interview yes yes they do thank you very much okay so this is what I wanted to show you guys in conclusion I do believe that Bing is at least as good as chat GPT for I would say all sorts of normal prompts but it is better than chat GPT when it comes to web-based information when it comes to up-to-date information things that have recently occurred or when you ask it to provide you information that it goes and fetch on the internet about specific YouTube channels or people you should follow or courses you should take Bing is going to be better than chat GPT for these types of prompts so there you go guys this was my two cents about the new Bing if you want to try it you need to first get on the waiting list so how do you get on the waiting list just go to you should see a visual similar to this one saying introducing the new Bing click on learn more and you should see this page right here so all you have to do from here is to click on that blue button join the waitlist by leaving your email address in a couple of days if not weeks later you should receive an email similar to mine saying that you too are in and can try the new Bing and that's all I have for you guys today I'm Gonna Leave You with our playlist right here where we talk about the other AI tools chat GPT me Journey daily Etc so make sure you follow the other tutorial in this playlist they are all very good thank you for watching I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 12,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bing vs ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, ai, generative tools, openai, chatgpt, bing, bing better than chatgpt, bing chatgpt what's best, best ai tools, what's best ai tool, bing review, chatgpt review, bing chatgpt comparison, ai chatbot, chatbot, best aichatbot, llm, large language model, gpt, bing ai, ai news, microsoft bing, microsoft ai, openai chatgpt, digital marketing, machine learning, new bing
Id: Qbabgu2SJts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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