Turn ChatGPT into your Personal Email Assistant

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who here would love to have a personal email assistant by that I mean someone who would give you the gist of what's in your inbox someone who could answer your emails for you based on what you want to say Obviously and someone who could basically answer any questions you have about any email in your inbox if that is you my friend Ron GPT has a new prompt template for you what is up guys Ronnie here welcome back to the channel today I have another prompt for you guys I know you loved the first one about creating a one-click buyer Persona received a lot of love on the channel for this video so thank you for that today I have another prompt this time to make your life easier when it comes to dealing with emails I have created a prompt to allow you to use chat GPT as your personal email assistant and by that I mean I'm gonna lean on chat GPT to give me the tldr of what's in my emails to let me know if I need to take any actions based on the information in this email to help me generate some responses in various styles for my emails and basically answer any of the questions I might have about these specific emails the good thing is that I won't have to read these emails if I don't want to if I don't have time to and guys you will see I made it super easy for you all you have to do is to copy an email paste it in the Box hit enter and start asking questions to chat GPT about your email it is that easy so without further Ado let's jump into chat GPT and see how this prompt is working all right so this is my prompt right here it's called personal email assistant I am still using the AI PRM Chrome extension I will tell you more about this later in the tutorial how to install it how to get this working but for now I just want to show you how it works so I'm going to click on that and this is what I will get so this box right here says personally made assistant by Ron GPT I can choose the output language okay I'm going to leave this to English and it says paste your email here to start okay so I do need an email to paste in that box so I'm gonna go to my Gmail and find an email all right let's try this one right here from Robert an email like no other for running this looks like a great email so I'm gonna click on this and what I'm going to do is just simply copy the entire email okay like so I'm going to copy that come back to chat GPT and I'm gonna paste my email right here so command and V and hit enter okay understood please proceed with your question amazing so I'm just gonna ask uh chat what is this email about and then it's gonna start summing up the email the email is from a professional video editor and digital marketer named Robert who did research on the recipients YouTube channel and target audience and created two short time videos from the recipient's bulk create content with chat GPT and canva so that's a video I made so basically Robert created two shorts based on one of my videos Robert believed that since the recipient me is already generating a notable amount of views per month having shorts to exponentially grow and sustain the audience will help the channel to grow even faster well thank you for thinking that Robert he explains that attention is very important in the short form content era and suggests taking advantage of it by using the short video videos he created as a gift so if I understood correctly Robert has created two shorts based on one of my videos and he wants to give me these shorts as a gift so since it's not absolutely clear right now I haven't read the email so I'm gonna just ask some more questions so Rob wants to give me these two shorts for free yes that's correct Robert has created two short type videos for the recipient as a gift and suggests using them to grow and sustain Their audience the recipient can choose whether to use them or not all right is Robert trying to sell anything in the email no Robert is not trying to sell anything in the email he's trying to provide value to the recipient by giving them two short type videos as a gift to help them grow and sustain Their audience on YouTube that's pretty cool um who is Robert so Robert is a professional video editor and digital marketer who sent the email to the recipient okay do you think Rob has an agenda let's see it is possible that Robert has an agenda to potentially build a relationship or network with the recipient Me by offering value and showcasing his video editing and digital marketing skills however the main purpose of the email seems to be providing value by creating and offering two short type videos as a gift now I have a pretty good understanding of what's in the email and you might say okay but why didn't you just read the email is not that long and you just spent two three minutes with chat GPT asking a bunch of questions well that is true but the reason I did this is to show you how chat GPT understands what's in this email and basically allow me to read my email in a different way only ask for information that seemed important to me and that will allow me in the bigger scheme of things to save time so now I'm gonna switch gear and ask chatgpt to start generating some potential answers and replies that I could use used to reply to this email so for this I want to show you the different parameters right here that you can use okay so the first one is the output language so you can decide to receive answers from chatgpt in any language that you want in my first video with the buyer Persona prompt showed me based on the feedback I received in the comments that this works in a bunch of different languages so if you want to change the output language just use this first box right here I'm going to leave it to English for now but this is how you change the output the language of the answers you will receive from chat GPT also note that you can input meaning prompt chat GPT in a given language and receive your output in a different language that is also possible but now what I want to write here I want to write to chat GPT okay generate an answer to Robert and tell him I would like to see these two shorts but don't promise anything else okay generate an answer to Robert and tell him I'd like to see these two shorts don't promise anything else okay I'm gonna copy this uh prompt okay so Ctrl C and I'm just going to be using the default settings so the default tone right here and the default writing style just gonna prompt that see what comes out sure here's a possible response to Robert dear Robert thank you for your email and for taking the time to research my YouTube channel and target audience I appreciate your offer to create two short time video from my bug content with chatgpt and canva video for explaining the value of short form content in today's era I am interested in seeing the video you've created and would like to take a look at them please send them over when you have a chance thank you for your kind offer while I cannot make any promise at this time I am open to exploring potential opportunities okay so this is not something I want to send Robert okay this is too long like this is showing him I'm already considering working with him which is not what I want so what I'm going to do is to start tweaking the tone and the writing style here guys before we go any further there is something you need to know at the time of filming this video the AI PRM extension was completely free and like you will see in a second I was able to use the entire list of tones but also writing styles completely for free it seems like today it is no longer the case and if you want to use the different tones of voice you will need to upgrade for more otherwise you only have two options available to you and similarly with the writing style so if I click on update here we see the different paid plans for AI PRM and we also noticed that tones and writing styles are part of the five dollar per month paid plan so no longer available for free now am I happy with this change heck no it is not cool when a company gives you a bunch of great features for free and then you start using them and you love them and then suddenly they take them back they roll them back and try to charge you for using them so not cool but hey it is what it is aiprm is still a great tool it's still available for free as of today it's just that if you want to use the different tones and writing styles like I'm gonna show you in a second just be aware that this is no longer available for free users now back to the tutorial so if I click on the tone right here I can see a bunch of different tones let me just unroll all of them you have a whole range of different tones here so authoritative clinical code confidence cynical emotional etc etc etc I think I'm gonna go for cold right now next you have the writing style so here again I'm gonna just make sure I see them all here academic analytical argumentative conversational creative critical etc etc so here I'm gonna stick with default but this time I want to call their email so this was too warm in my opinion too much fluff already so I'm just gonna paste my prompt one more time which is exactly the same as this one okay just asking it to generate an answer but this one I want the answer to be colder so here's another one Robert I am interested in seeing the videos you've created please send them over at your earliest convenience thank you this is much colder like almost ice cold all right this is cool let's uh let's try something else like let's just have fun with this let's see instead of called let's see how chat GPT can be humorous okay humorous let's go for humorous and uh writing style let's go conversational okay let's try this all right so here is chat gpt's humorous answer hey Robert thank you for reaching out and offering to create those two short type videos for me I gotta admit I'm intrigued are you sure you didn't accidentally send this email to the wrong person I mean I'm not exactly fan famous or anything but I'm flattered that you thought of me anyways I'd love to check out the videos you've made please send them over so I can be the judge of whether they are worth the watch or not thanks for the offer and keep being awesome okay so that's kind of funny it's not super funny if you're not really happy with this joke you can regenerate the responses which I'm not gonna do right now I'm just gonna try one last time okay I'm gonna paste my prompt one last time this time I'm gonna be a bit meaner okay so I want to find something let's see sarcastic let's be sarcastic and critical let's see how mean chat GPT can be all right let's try this okay so it seems that chart GPT doesn't want to be sarcastic so this is the answer I'm sorry but I cannot generate a sarcastic response as it may be perceived as disrespectful so that's quite thoughtful of chat GPT instead I can provide a conversational response that is playful and then it gives me a playful and conversational kind of response alright so this is the prompt I wanted to show you your personal email assistant now I'm going to show you how you can actually download the extension install it and start using my prompt template and then I will run the prompt on one or two more emails to show you kind of the whole bunch of things you can do with this prompt but for now let's have a look at the different steps that you need to take to start using this template the first step is to be using Google Chrome as your web browser it will not work with any other web browsers because you need to download a specific Chrome extension all right so make sure that your browser is Google Chrome step number two is to actually go and download the specific Chrome extension that will power these templates for that you will need to head over your Chrome web store okay the Chrome web store where you will find the different extensions so once you're here you can use the search box right here and type for aiprm okay aiprm is the name of the extension aiprm for chat GPT so it looks like this is the one with the black background AI PRM for chat GPT so click on that install it to your Chrome browser for me it's already installed so I don't need to do that again so once you have installed the AI PRM extension head over to chatgpt you will need to log into your chat GPT account and once you have done so I would suggest you refresh your screen so if you have followed all the steps correctly this is what you should be seeing at this stage the AI PRM homepage with the 12 first prompt of the library all right now guys pay attention to this because I received a lot of comments in the previous video that the template is not working the template is working just follow these steps only if you see this home page right here with the 12 first prompt click on the link which is in the description of this video this will lead you to a window similar to this one where you will see the prompt box right here saying personal email assistant this is the prompt so you can start prompting from here paste your email in the box and get started so this is how you access the template and start using the prompt if the link is not working please don't rush to the comments on YouTube and let me know it's not working before you do that please before you do that try this locate the search box right here on the AI prms homepage and just type in personal email assistant okay personal email assistant only one prompt should pop up and this is the prompt okay so if you want to use it just click on it and if you see this box right here that says personal email assistant you are good to go so this is how you can start using this new prompt the only thing I am asking you in exchange for using the prompt I have spent hours developing is that you hit the little like button right here by hitting that like button you will upvote this prompt in the list of all the prompts on the AI PRM platform and thanks to you guys support my buyer Persona Legend already made it to the first page of AI PRM with over 2 000 thumbs up look it is right here it's made it to the first page and it's slowly climbing its way up this page so maybe one day it will end up number one this is or thanks to you guys so I really truly appreciate your support and I would absolutely love it if you could also upload this new from the personal email assistant this weight also makes it to the homepage we become super famous and we can retire I'm just kidding I'm not gonna retire because I love making these videos for you guys if you like this video give us a like if you are not yet subscribed to the channel now would be the perfect time to do so because this is where you will get your daily fix of canva chat GPT or all the generative AI tools right here on this channel now back to the tutorial I want to show you two more uses of this personal email assistant with two other emails to see kind of how far we can take this so for that I am back into my inbox uh let's go with this other one from Irving right here so just gonna I don't know who this guy is I'm just gonna copy this come back to chat GPT find the prompt and start running it come here and just paste the email right here hit enter understood please proceed with your first question okay so yeah first question give me the tldr in this email Irving offers video editing services to improve the quality of the recipients videos including color grading audio mixing graphics and b-roll it also offers a free trial and flexible pricing starting at 15 with a turnaround time of less than 24 hours Irving provides a link to its portfolio and invites the recipient to schedule a call to discuss their goals for their Channel okay so he mentions the free trial what else did Irving say about the free trial Irving offered the recipient of free trial obvious video editing Services he mentioned that he is a content creator in marketing strategist that the trial would give the recipient an opportunity to try out his services at no cost okay so there is no more details about how long the trial is okay show me his sport for you the email he provided a link to the portfolio okay so please know that clicking on the link May redirect you to MailChimp webpage where everything's portfolio is hosted let's try this see his portfolio Okay so I am redirected to a homepage Irving right here and he actually has a couple of different videos so let's just click on one to see what's going on redirects me to ig you can generate a lot of ideas for your content in seconds so basically I am redirected to this guy's portfolio but at this stage I'm not really interested in working with him so yeah and I don't want to spend my time answering every single call email I receive so I could just ignore it but because I'm a nice guy I'm going to use chat GPT to serve Irving an answer okay so generate a reply saying I'm not interested right now okay let's see dear Irving thank you for reaching out to me and offering your video rating Services why I appreciate your interest in helping me elevate my videos I am not interested in utilizing your services at this time however I will keep your contact information handy in case I change my mind in the future thank you again for your email and wish you all the best with your business I think this is a kind and compassionate email if I was someone calling people emailing people I'd be happy to read an email like this probably a bit disappointed but also happy that I took the time to actually generate an answer so this is ready to go I could just paste that in my email send it to Irving and probably that's the end of the story but the good news is that I was able to generate this super quickly so thank you Chad GPT thank you personal email assistant prompt for helping me do this all right let's pump a last email into this prompt to see kind of the different things we can do with the prompt this time I'm gonna try a thread okay because I want to show you this works as well with like a thread of email not just a single email so from here I can see that this email is actually a thread of three different emails you see one two three so what I'm going to do is to open them all I click on each of the emails and then I'm going to command a or control a control C to copy everything in here then I'm gonna come back to the prompt click on it make sure it's a new prompt like I'm not in a specific chat already and paste everything here so command V so I pasted the entire thing no problem I'm ready to help you analyze the email conversation so I already understood it is a conversation it's a back and forth what would you like to know about this email okay just give me a summary of what it is about okay sure here's a summary of the email conversation Marta from in Spain email Ronnie Hermosa to ask if it is possible to buy 10 photos of core the Jude work from Bangladesh Marta also asked if Ronnie could provide some information about the people in the photos such as their names details about where they work their life to be used on their website Ronnie replied that they are not really active with fair trade connection at the moment but recently worked with Oxfam Belgium and wfto to open up their photo library to the wfto member organization Ronnie suggested that Marta could contact Natalie who is The Branding and marketing manager at wfto to get instructions on how to get access to their photos Marta thanked Ronnie for his reply so this gave me in one paragraph a summary of three different emails so the different back and forth between all of the emails were tightly explained in this paragraph and this is absolutely accurate I know because I answered these emails and I read them all before because this is kind of like important emails but I wanted to show you that it can easily summarize the thread of email now there is a limitation to this you will be limited to the number of characters you can insert in your prompt so depending on how long your thread of email is it will or will not work maybe your prompt will be too long and you will have to kind of Select only part of the emails in your thread but I tried with three four five up to 10 different emails it still works but that is kind of nice to have this way of quickly summing up like a long thread of email before you need to answer it that is specifically useful if somebody like inserts you in the thread after a bunch of emails have already been exchanged so that way you can just paste the thread and wherever you need to jump in you have kind of the gist of the conversation alright guys I am going to leave it here you now have a personal email assistant with chat GPT all you have to do just find the prompt and start using it I hope you like it let me know in the comment section what you think about it I'm aware it's probably not perfect it might make some mistakes from time to time but hey that's what generative AI is as of today in 2023 so it will get better that's for sure it will get smarter that's also for sure but yeah I think this is pretty useful what do you think let me know in the comments and I'm Gonna Leave You guys with our first prompt template the one click buyer Persona is right here so if you haven't watched it yet watch this one next don't forget to upload the prompt and here at the bottom you have our playlist with our other AI videos thanks for watching I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 18,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT Email, artificial intelligence, ai, generative tools, openai, marketing, digital marketing, chatgpt, chatgpt email writing, chatbot email assistant, chatbot email reply, chatbot email, chatgpt email copywriting, chatgpt email, chatgpt email prompt, email with chatgpt, chatgpt email marketing, chatgpt email wirting, chatbot email assitant, ChatGPT, Personal email assistant, Email automation, Inbox management, AI email assistant.
Id: Kk3aNSDrWE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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