ChatGPT for Writers | From Idea to Book | How ChatGPT AI Can Help You Write a Book

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I wrote a 27 000 word first draft for a book with chat GPT like chat GPT even gave me the title the outline and the first draft content so if you've been wanting to write a book not knowing how to get started or got stuck stay tuned because this video will show you how you can quickly generate a book from idea to publish book in seven days or less so let's get started foreign GPT is all the buzz at the moment some people love it some people hate it but the truth is AI generated content tools have been around for years I've been using AI tools for at least two or three years and check GPT is just the newest kid on the Block but it is so valuable and and I love it because you can just generate so much good quality content quickly now it's not just the case of typing a prompt into chat GPT and telling it to write a book you've got to guide the process you are still the Creator you've got to make sure that the information is valid it's actually correct so you've got to fact check and just got to go through an editing process so I'm talking about a first draft I'm not saying you're going to press a button no spit out 27 000 words and then stick it on a Kindle and put it up on internet no no no there's there's a process and there is a lot of work to do but it's so rewarding and you can really generate your book quickly and go through your editing and get get to publish a lot faster than you normally could so are you ready let's jump over to my computer and I'll show you how it's done so here I am in my chat GPT window and you'll notice I'm using chat GPT plus I did upgrade about a week ago you notice I do use chat GPT a lot there's a lot of you know past chats there and the reason why I upgraded is is firstly because I want to support them because I do use chat GPT a lot I use it every day uh chat GPT plus gives you a turbo mode so your content is generated a lot faster you can access GPT even when the servers are under high demand which can as you know if you're using the free version it can be either slow or you just can't get access at all and you also get access to new features first as they become available now if you're only going to be a casual user of chat GPT just use it every now and again then you probably don't need to upgrade to the Plus I did write my 27 000 word draft on the free version but towards the end check GPT brought in some restrictions on how many prompts that you can enter in an hour so I found that sometimes I come up to my limit for an hour but that didn't matter I just go I take the content that I'd already generated and I would start you know formatting that that up and laying that out while I was waiting for chat GPT to allow me to enter more prompt so I still got it done so that is the story of chat GPT the other thing I want to talk about here too is that just don't it's not as simple as just telling gbt to write a book okay you have to be the content creator and you've got to bring now you've got to let your expertise and creativity shine through and so I would recommend that you write a book based on your subject matter so now we know where you're a subject top where you're a subject expert in it's a great place to start because then you can identify the the information whether it's actually correct you you do have to fact check uh check GPT also does repeat sometimes so what we're doing here is we're going to be creating a draft the first draft is now up to you did to go through and edit it and mold it into some stunning content so let's get started with the first prompt and I'm just going to copy this in and so say I want you to act as a topic expert and write a book on a topic and I've just expand on this a little bit so in this case I'm going to say um I want you to act as a health and wellness professional a Health and Wellness expert so we'll get rid of this and write a book on the topic of into Mitten fasting okay if I get the spilling right that would be absolutely wonderful funny thing is the GPT is pretty clever even if you get some spelling wrong um including tips or beginners and experienced blasters and then I'm also going to say here [Music] um include bursting plans for weight loss and weight maintenance and also include important Health considerations right because I'm not a doctor I don't pretend to be one I haven't even played one on TV so obviously we want to put the the warnings in so you know fasting isn't for everybody and so before people consider fasting they should they should seek medical advice from their Primary Health practitioners so we want to put that in that covers you from being sued it covers them from hurting themselves so basically we've just expanded that prompt out and we've given check GPT some context we're going at some instructions and now we're saying do you understand so we're just going to press enter right so it's telling me it's actually started to write which every time I come into to check GPT it does something a little bit different we don't want it to start writing yet okay so we'll just we'll just can that but it understands what we want to do so now I'm going to come over here and I'm just going to say okay please suggest some titles for this book so I'm going to paste that in and just and that chatgpt do its stuff okay so it's done a pretty good job there um I think I like intermittent fasting made easy and sometimes you can like what I do sometimes is I use part of one title and part of the title and just sort of stitched them together um let's just go with number four here okay we're gonna go for this one so now I'm going to say now I could say proceed with number four and it will start writing an outline but I want to get it to write a more detailed outline so I'm going to say write a a detailed outline for a book titled and I'm just going to copy this in down wrong one this one I'm just gonna command C or control C I'm going to put this in quotes and paste that in please use attention grabbing chapter names because once again now you put this up on Amazon or something like that now you want your your chapter names to be now either raise curiosity or to or to drag people and saying yeah that sounds like me uh chapter names so let's start with that and so now it's writing our outline now once again we're going to be using this as a as a guide as a starting point this is AI after all and there is no doubt going to be some additional information that you want to include and you can see it's it's doing everything that you know we've asked asked it to do and it's created a a 10 chapter layout for us so now we've got that that's a that's a basic that's a basic outline so I'm going to come over here I'm going to open a new document and then I'm going to come back here I'm going to paste in the title actually what you've got to do because I'm in I'm in dark mode so I'm just going to hold down command shift V or Ctrl shift B on a PC and that will bring that text in without all the other formatting going to hit that as a title one and we're away to the races okay I'm going to come back over here I'm going to take this outline and I'm going to copy that into the document as well okay so now we've got our outline now you may want to add more detail so so this is a very basic outline and what I would normally do if I wanted to have a really comprehensive book with lots of really good information I'd expand on these on these sections here so what we can do is now we can say um oh this one to say this one here so we could say expand on chapter seven to include more information you can say use cases and examples okay and hopefully what we'll do now what it's doing here is it's actually writing the chapter we didn't want it to write the chapter we just wanted it to expand on that um expand on that that outline section but you can see the outline she just had multiple day multi-day fast intermittent fasting for athletes and combining fasting and it's bringing in more information right and it's bringing in examples and that sort of stuff okay so it is expanding out but it's not really doing what I want now because I want to once again I want to generate a draft for a full book these responses are reasonably short now if you were just doing a short ebook so there's no no for now for a lead Magnet or something like that this would probably be be fine but the other thing too is it's not writing in the style that I want to I want I want the book to be written in a conversational Style I want I want the reader to believe I'm talking directly to them okay so let's just try another way I did experiment with this the other day when it started to sort of not give me exactly what I wanted and you can see here I tried I tried this one this this prompt here so I'm going to come across and I'm just going to put this into my chat so I'm going to say update chapter three section of the outline to include more subsections and see what happens there so sometimes you do have to play with it too to get what you you know to get something out of it that you that you want and this time it's this time it's doing what we want okay so I'll include this prompt in the prompt guide but if you try one way and it doesn't work then you can try another way and generally get what the outcome that you're wanting and this is the outcome that I I wanted I wanted to to really blow out the the outline so now I can I can come in and I can highlight this and come back to my intermittent fasting now and where we've got here this this tiny little section here with this with the three things we're just going to delete that and we're going to paste the expanded version and of course we can come in and just so to make it easier to read we can we can format that so we know exactly where each subsection starts and what each subsection I think that's it anyway so you can obviously you can go back to um to check GPT okay put a put a space in there all right all right I'm not going to muck around too much showing you I don't know why it's I think what I'm going to do is just have to remove this formatting biking with the system all right so as you can see that's the way you come through but as you can see if you if you do this expansion side of things then you can really I'm going to fill out the know the content with good so so we're not talking about just loading up you know 150 pages with with fluff we want really good information for our reader and this is the way that we can go about doing that okay so and then what what you would do is then you would just go through each of those areas you know if we want to do another one then we could just copy this in again like so and say updates with section four and it will hopefully do the same thing again and there we go so it's doing it again it's even put it's even written as a short introduction to the chapter so you can see just by asking it for a detailed outline and then asking it to expand on each of the of the chapters to add more information in you you can see how how quickly you can build an outline that's going to be most solid okay all right so now once again we'd never take this and we'd paste it into our outline over here and formatted all up as I said I'm not going to go into too much uh detail with the formatting I don't know I'm sure you get the idea and I'm sure you're more interested in seeing how chat GPT Works to generate content versus um how to format up a word doc so now let's look at how to get the chat GPT and actually what I'll do while I'm here because we are including this in the you are getting all these prompts in the prompt guide so I'm just going to come in here and I'm also going to and this one in so you've got that as an example as well right and it said like there are other ways to outline to include so so you can specifically tell it that you want to include specific information in sections if if you're a subject matter if you're a subject expert and you know that these are some important things that you should include in a section you can tell Shippy GPT to respond now we're going to give it instructions on how well we're going to give it instructions on how we want it to write for us because again we're going to start generating our content okay so it's going to paste this in and it says I want you to respond to all future requests in a conversational style and use standard book formatting including chapters subtitles less than bullet points do you understand yes I understand from now on I'll respond to requests so it's got it and now some people might just go okay well let's just tell it to write chapter one so you could say you know right right chapter one and off it goes and it will write and now once again some of the responses are going to be short or cut off because check GPT has a limit as to how many words or characters it can return in one um in one prompt and you can see it's following my instruction it's using bullet points it's it's using subheadings and that sort of stuff so it's writing well I'm just going to when we when this finishes riding okay so that's finished writing there and that's I'm just going to sort of review is it writing in a conversational way because conversational ways should be more you your as if you're actually talking to one person this game popularity in recent this is a way to improve health and goals because if you just use the standard way that chat GPT or any AOA response like AI General responses is quite dry matter of fact and not very engaging so um I don't really know whether that I don't really know whether that was actually really in the style that I wanted well that's right for you um so I'm just going to say rewrite that in a conversational Style as I said it's up to you to to guide the AI and you can see it's writing it's a very easy to to read it it flows it it varies the sentence link that's the one thing another thing with AI is sometimes the the structure is is pretty robotic and like all the sensors are the same length and that sort of stuff so that's one that's that's written that I don't think it has really finished because we had we wanted this sort of layer um if you think it hasn't finished you just say write more or continue and just see whether okay so it has it has actually finished so uh that's that section but as you can see that's not a very long chapter okay um so the way that the way that I do it is I will say write the section and I I found that some somewhere sometimes along the way check GPT forgets some of the instructions especially once you've got a few thousand words in there um I don't know how far back chat GPT looks and remembers so I just keep on repeating the instruction to use a conversational style and use standard formatting settings list and bullet points okay so I'm going to going to write this in I'm going to paste this in and then I'm going to come up to the to the first section of chapter one all right and so this is how I do it I do it section I do it subsection by subsection not not chapter by chapter now when you do it this way yes there is a is a possibility that chat GPT will repeat itself so you've got to be aware of that and then in your editing you're going to go through so now you may end up with say a 27 thousand word draft but by the time you go through and you edit it and you remove all the you know repetition and that sort of stuff now you you know you may have carved off you know 5 000 words or something or other which is fine now you don't like books aren't about the number of words it's about the content right so there we go it's writing a wonderful piece here all right so there you go once again it's up to you as a as a subject expert to um to read to read through make sure the facts are correct and if there's anything missing then you can instruct you can prompt check GPT to write more so then once we've got this we're going to cut and we're going to copy this and we're going to paste this over into our book and start building all right so that's this would be a heading heading three this would be a heading what two and then we just paste our our text in and then of course you're going to have to because we're pasting in without formatting you're just gonna have to come through and just add the formatting okay this is quick as that all right so you just come through and and do all all that sort of stuff so let's see um we'll we'll do this section here um so we're going to do the tips for maximizing weight loss within it so I'm going to come up here I'm going to copy this prompt again paste that in there I'm going to come back and I'm going to copy that and I'm going to paste it in there I will show you another way too which can make it a little bit probably easier to edit the different things I'm going to press enter send that off to to right let me just wait for and as I said your role as the as the author content creator is to guide the AI so when it writes a section you may want to rewrite it to include some things rewrite to exclusive things so um right so now you may want to expand on eat nutrition eat nutrition dense foods so I could say you know that's great what a some examples of nutrition dense foods Okay so one thing I like about using AI is that even if you are a subject expert the AI will often come up with now with angles and and ideas and things that you may not have thought of so it really helps to to build out your content and make it more comprehensive and then as you go through and you and you read this just by prompting for more information right you're getting more and more so you know just just instead of just having this this eight nutrition dense foods right now you can have eat in nutrition dense foods and include examples right so you're just continually prompting more you know for more information um before you plan create a planet with your style choose fasting schedule okay you say okay sounds good could you suggest a fasting plane right and so that's the way that you're just going to go through and just build out the information so as you see areas where the AI has just given something general go in and ask it to expand on that provide more information provide more examples and as you can see we're getting a lot of a lot of content very quickly and it's good content once again it's up to you to go through and fact check it but you see it's reading really well and um it's a it works out to be a great starting point so I'm just going to quickly copy this over into the word document and then I think what we're going to do chapter three then I'll show you some other bits and pieces oh I didn't copy that I I just want to sort of give you a lot of a lot of information quickly and then you can go off and have a have a play with the system okay so that's that's that's put all all that in there that's going to come through um oops okay so if you're looking stay hydrated all right so then you know then we can sort of you know it's up to you how you want to format it all right okay so even if we come now and we look at our our word count no we're up to you know 1500 words and we really haven't even started yet okay so you can see that you can generate a lot of good information quickly and then obviously go through now when it comes to formatting the books up I use a tool called Atticus and it's not a free tool but it's it's a great tool because you can actually just create one manuscript and then you can create ebooks for Kindle and you can also format up books for print off the one manuscript you don't do create multiple manuscripts so I'm just going to come in and I'm going to um say okay so we're just going to where are we let's check three chapter three okay so I'm just going to copy this put this into the chapter title and then I'm going to come here and I'm going to pick this up and I think it is where that ends there I'm going to paste this in over here and then I'm just going to to read to read through format it up and that sort of stuff and over here you know we can see what it's going to look like like Atticus comes with a number of pre done templates for you this is what it's going to look like on an iPad this is what's going to look like on an iPhone this is what it's going to look like in print okay and we can actually come through and change the layout if we don't want it indented um no but this isn't a a tutorial on on Atticus I just want to show you what a flexible tool it is and it's a tool that I use and recommend it I'll put a link to Atticus under this video but so say you're coming through Andrew and you're writing something and then you find that you you want to um you want to you know you you may want to edit edit things up I haven't read through but say no this is some additional information [Music] about the benefits all intermittent fasting no blasting um okay I don't I really don't want to because I just it does obviously when you're in the editing phase it does take time and and you've got to think and and be on be on point but what I want to show you is that so even when you're coming through and you may have to reword or remove some stuff if it's if it's not accurate you may need to add some stuff so if if I'm if I have to rework a paragraph what I'll do is I'll is I'll rework it and I'll reword it and then I'll copy it and then just say for example I I rewrite this this paragraph here because it just wasn't working but now I want the the flow to be congruent I want I want it to be consistent throughout the entire thing and like my writing style might just differ slightly to to the way that the AI has generated and that can sort of be a little bit of putting to the reader it will upset the flow so what I can say is for the for the stop the library Rewritten I'll just say rewrite this in a conversational style because that is going to keep these the style consistent and then I just paste in what I'm what I've entered myself and it will rewrite it okay so it's Rewritten it in the same style that the rest of the book is written in I'm going to copy that and then I'm just going to come across into there and then I can paste it paste that new stuff in okay so that's so so we've covered coming up with your book title coming up with your outline expanding your outline out to be more uh comprehensive and to provide more information how to prompt the AI through to to write write it you should be doing it section by section and then how to prompt for additional information just to really build it out and and just provide as much good information to the person so that they don't have to go off and look at they say well eat nutrient rich foods then they go what are nutrient-rich foods and they've got to go off and look for it no put everything in in the book and then you know that it's a it's a very comprehensive guide for them and they're going to love it okay and then come through study editing process I'm very aggressive with my editing because I said I want I don't want any fluff or fillers in my books I want every word to be there for a purpose make sure that you you check for repetition and remove and repetition some things yes sometimes you do want to repeat something for emphasis or to make a point but generally speaking remove any any repetition whatsoever okay so that that's the book writing and editing the layout and I said I'll put a link to Atticus underneath and then of course um there's other things that you can do as well okay so sometimes when you're coming through the outline and you're doing it like subsection by subsection you may want it to write a a short introduction to the chapter and what I would do is I would go through and I would generate all the content for that chapter section by section and then after I after the AI has written the content then I'll ask it to write the introduction because it now knows actually what's in that chapter and then I'd ask it to write the conclusion okay so those are those are some other other prompts here and so down here there's some examples on prompting for additional information examples and that sort of stuff which is important builds it out um and then you can also you know get it to you know to write and about the authors so here you know I've got no writing about the author section for me and then I I tell tell it about me and it goes off and it writes a and about the author section once again in a conversational style keeping the tone install consistent throughout then some other things like you can use check GPT not just for writing your book but then for for marketing your book so what are the key blocks that make up a success so if you want to make up a link if you want to make your book available for for the download okay so you may want to be building an email list you could just say you know what are the key sections blocks that make up a successful landing page and it's going to come through and it's going to tell you what you should have on your landing page okay and I'd sort of do this after you've generated your full draft content because we're going to use GPT to pull from the content of the book to fill out this this information here right so that's so that's good stuff to have like you don't have to have all those sections but it's saying that's what's good and then you can just say um [Music] you know so just some headlines and it should know that we've just asked about a landing page so it should know so saying it's just going to carry on the chat and so there's some so now not only has it written the draft for your book now it's providing the information for your website okay so that's really helpful so you could go through and basically tell it to to write each each section the other thing that you can do is you can ask it to suggest a book cover for you all right so you just come in here come in here and you can say I said no what should the book cover be so saying the background covers should be gradient from bright green at the bottom to dark blue at the top written in bold right so in the center there's an image of a woman with her arms raised and triumphed so once again this is just a suggestion but it's you know it's a starting point even for the cover of your book now now you could say right and write a um Imaging and grabbing Amazon book description so now it's writing the book description so when you want to put this book up on Kindle or whatever there you go so there should be a call Direction at the end right um I probably wouldn't use chat GPT please um there are other tools I'd be when it comes to SEO and keywords I generally would use tools like publisher rocket or other tools that are that are hooked in with with Kindle and and there's there's search volume and there's it this is just simply suggestions we've got no idea about how how good they're going to be but obviously intermittent fasting would be a good keyword weight loss would be a good keyword fasting plans would be a good good keyword sustainable weight loss is probably you'd have to once again do you know do your research I'm just showing you um what you can do like uh you know write a Twitter post to promote the book so obviously you know you do this after you've published your book but you can see that chat GPT is just absolutely amazing my right Twitter post Facebook post LinkedIn post so I hope you found this video useful I said the whole prompt guide and everything is also available so if you haven't already you know downloaded your prompt guide there'll be a link below this video where you can go and download The Prompt guide and I yeah I'm really excited I love GPT I know some people love it some people hate it but I'm really excited about what chat GPT can do and how it can help just the cavities use AI generated content as a starting point only don't just simply tell it to write something paste it in and then send it out unedited and unchecked right it's a starting point but now you think that you know I I generated a 27 000 word draft in a matter of a couple of days and then editing if I if I had just sat down and concentrated on the editing without in the formatting without having to worry about doing any other client work and other bits and pieces that would have probably been done in two or three days as well four days so basically could have had a a solid quality book on the market in seven days or less and that's pretty exciting okay if you've got any questions whatever please do not hesitate in commenting below or contacting me you can reach me at Tim timcooper dot a u that's Tim at Tim Kubota you I'd love to hear from you and I'd love to know how you went and hear about the books that you write okay until next time you take care
Channel: AI Guy
Views: 4,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, AI writing, writing guide, writing tips, book writing, writing process, manuscript drafting, creative writing, author tips, writing assistance
Id: dpytSDeR074
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 13sec (2833 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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