Mastering ChatGPT For SEO Content

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this video is going to be the only process you  will ever need to create content using chat GPT   incredibly quickly that will rank on Google now  if that interests you make sure that you watch   this video until the very end I'm also going to  be giving you a free script which will internally   link all of the content that you write for you  let's talk about prepping and prompting chat   chat GPT and let's get it to give us some amazing  unique content I have this entire process down   in the description so feel free to check out the  description where you will find this document here   which tells you exactly what I'm doing first of  all you need Google ads Keyword Planner to find a   keyword you can watch the video in the description  if you don't know how to set this up but I've got   it on English and the United States and what  I'm going to do is I'm going to search for   how to dress for men what this does is it prompts  this Keyword Planner that I'm looking for keywords   in this Niche and it will take things like how  to dress for a date mail and it'll tell me that   up to 1000 people search this every month I want  something that can get me some quick traffic so   I'm going to look for something that is currently  trending what I like to do is I look for 900   trending things how to dress in your 20s mail this  is a perfect keyword so we're going to copy this   keyword here once we've copied this keyword we're  going to search it on Google and then I'm going   to go down to the people also asked section and  I'm just going to click a few of these like this   in order to get a few more open and  then I'm going to copy it like this   and I'm going to take this into chat GPT this  is where the magic starts to happen Okay so [Music] foreign here is I want to write an article  today with a keyword how to dress in your   20s mail do you understand I'm going to  hit enter and chat GPT will tell me yes I   can understand blah blah blah blah so what do  we actually want chat GP to help us with here   we want to continue to prompt or prep in this  case chat to GPT and what I'm going to say is   so this is the most important part of this  people keep coming back to me and saying this   doesn't work this won't rank it just gives  you pointless content Etc I'm now going to   give it some information about my brand so that it  knows not to talk about my brand in a certain way as you can see I'm writing do you understand at  the ever at the end of every sentence here because   I want to know that uh chat GPT is actually  understanding what I'm saying okay and we're   now going to prep chat GPT to make sure that  it knows to use bullet points headings etc etc so again I'm just continuing to prep chat  GPT this is not prompting yet this is still   the prepping side so you can see that  blah blah blah I understand blah blah   blah okay so first thing we're going  to do is we're going to copy this list   of keywords here and we're going to  say we're going to continue to prep [Music] okay so I've added these keywords so that  we can try and grab some featured Snippets   etc etc you can see that it thinks  that I've asked it to write an article that's fine these are now kind of  stored inside chat GPT basically okay so now I'm going to show  you the amazing thing that I   did the other day on Chachi PT which was this here I started off by um asking chat GP basically to  make me a script and amazingly chat gbt at the end   it just made this script for me which does exactly  what I need it to do and you will find this script   in the description okay but I'm going to show you  how this script actually works so what we do is   we go on extensions and we click app scripts  like this this takes us to   and then I'm going to add this script that I  have here so I'm going to copy and paste it I'm   going to take a keyword from here so I'm going  to put Google ad Keyword Planner just so that   we can see this as an example I think you guys  are going to be blown away by this and we want   this to link to the Google AdWords Keyword Planner  obviously so that's exactly what we're going to do   and then we're going to click save project which  will save it obviously and then run the project it   will pop up with something saying that we need  to give permission for this to actually run so   we'll just let this load real quick and we'll let  this review permissions like this we're going to   sign into the accounts Advanced go to Project  blah blah allow and then this should give it   permission to run on my system okay so if I click  here now you can see that this has actually given   a hyperlink okay so to understand what we can do  with this is I'm going to click on app scripts   and I'm going to click on two men script this is  the internal linking that I'm doing automatically   you can see it's incredibly complicated okay and  I have a lot of links to add to each article but   what I did was let me show you exactly what I did  because I think this is really really smart and   this will save you a lot of time in the future is  you can copy this and take it to Google Sheets and   we are going to get back to chat GPT in just one  second once you're in Google Sheets you want to   hit Ctrl V then click on this little paste thing  here and click split text columns this will put   this information here in this column then you want  to hit Ctrl F click on more options and then type   add links and then that and then that to a bracket  and then a speech mark and then just press replace   all and then you want to just do a speech mark and  press replace all this then gives you your list of   keywords I'm just going to select the first um  the slur I'm going to select 50 let's say and   I'm going to put these also into uh two men okay  so uh into chat gbt okay so I want you to [Music] and then hopefully chat GPT will say yes  I understand exactly what you want me to   do I definitely need chat GPT premium  this video is probably a bit before   it's time in the future this will be a lot  quicker because chat EPT won't be this slow   we'll just give this a second to load okay so  you can see yes I understand I can include the   following keywords in this article how to  address in your 20s for males and then it's   giving me a list of these keywords so this  is what separates good AI content from Bad   AI content I am inputting my information my brand  my knowledge into Chachi PT first and once it can   remember all this without you know going into a  new chat whatever it might be once it remembers   all of this this that's when it will really be  a game changer okay so now instead of getting   the normal content and the same content every  single time now when I generate the content   it's going to be a lot more unique than it  would have been before so now what I do is [Music]   please remember to mention the  brands in my keyword list and   the questions I added before to the  article do you understand yes I do okay so now what I'm going to  do is I'm going to say please [Music] please give me a Blog  outline for this article okay and now you can see that the information  that it will give me will be unique because   I've inputted my Brands okay I'm  guessing at some point yep there   we go luxury Brands cocktail attire  wedding attire professional blah blah   and here are the questions I asked it to ask  me etc etc Brands to consider now I can get my   brands in there as well which is the whole point  of this article is to give me internal links as   well as give more SEO around the brands that's  the entire reason I'm writing these articles and   then all we have to do is one by one we have  to take this information and we can just say it will then give us this information here  so introduction into brief overview of the   blah blah what to wear in your 20s General  guidelines it will answer all these questions   one by one and then at the end of that all I  do is I put them in a blank document and I run   my internal linking script which as I said  you'll be able to find on in the paste pink   paste bin Link in the description it's  completely free I'm not no one has to   pay any money to me or anything like that it's  completely free um or you can make your own by   asking uh chatgpts to make it for you so once it  finishes like that you can just write continue   and then the only really other things that you  have to do is you have to make sure that you   have pictures in there you have to make sure you  have some bullet points and aside from that this   content is now pretty unique it has my business my  heart my soul inside the article but I'm just not   writing it and you can see it's a hell of a lot  quicker than doing it yourself it's a hell of a   lot less effort doing it yourself and the fact  that chat GPT wrote this script for me which   works perfectly is also completely insane my mind  is blown I've been trying to do that for years   okay that's going to be the end of this  video guys this should give you enough   information to sink your teeth into you  can find this process in the description   also the description will have is full of  information as well I think this is quite   a large topic so it definitely requires  a lot of explanation I hope that wasn't   too quick for people and I will see you  soon with some more content peace out
Channel: Income stream surfers
Views: 688,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai writing, chat gpt, chatgpt, chatgpt explained, chatgpt seo strategy, google seo, income stream surfers, mastering chatbot for seo content, search engine optimization, seo, seo 2023, seo for beginners, seo tutorial
Id: cscMzoIWTYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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