ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Course

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the term prompt engineering start to rise up in the last couple of weeks salary is up to 350 000 dollars are being paid for this new skill today I'm so happy and excited to be one of the first YouTubers to publish The Prompt engineering free course I believe this course will help millions of people learn this new skill and provide more job opportunities for a lot of people worldwide think about it as a full guide to master this new skill The Prompt engineering skill so what we will cover today we will start by understanding basic terminologies like NLP GPT llm AI they will move on to see some use cases and go in depth in prompting Advanced prompts how to get the best outputs out of AI and much more then you will see some important parameters like tokens top beef temperature as you will see important skills you have to master in order to be a professional prompt engineer so if you are ready let's start as a prompt engineer as a beginner you have to understand some basic terminologies let's start with AI artificial intelligence it's simply the field where we try to teach and make the computer think learn and understand like humans so it will be incredible to write create content solving complex problems drawing or even coding and programming so simple words you are trying to make the computer do what humans do now what about NLP or nature language processing it is a field in AI think about it as a subset of AI where we train and make computers understand human language so if we ask it a question it understands and replies and this is where prompt engineering comes as you will see later on in this course now the third term is GPT maybe you had about chat GPT or gpt3 so what is GPT simply it is an abbreviation of generative pre-trained Transformer in simple words it is an NLP AI model so when we train the computer to understand human language we are working in the NLP field and when the computer is able to do this we call this an AI model so it's a GPT model so in simple words GPT is the name of the nlpai model that understands human language and we have multiple versions of GPT like gpt2 gpt3 we have some open sources like GPT Neo and so on now our main constant in this course is about gpt3 like Char GPT and the last term is llm and this is very important because it will be used a lot in prompt engineering courses it's simply abbreviation for large language model like gpt3 that has 175 billion parameters you will learn more about this later in the course of the parameter and other stuff okay so now the big question is what is prompt engineering what we are going to learn in this course what is this new skill let's make things simple we are working in the AI field in the NLP section or subset of this field and we are working with large language models so we are talking to AI language models like cha GPT and we are getting answers what is a prompt it's simply the text you give to the AI that the AI will understand and then reply this is called a prompt for example this charging PT if you don't have or you how are you is the prom the text you give to the AI model to the language model to the llm and then the language model like cha GPT will understand the text and reply back so we have the prom and the AI reply that's simple another prompt example is give me five YouTube video titles about online marketing go foreign it will give you back the answer it will give you ideas now what if the titles or the result wasn't the expected result Here It Comes The Prompt engineering skill it is simply learning how to give the best prompts how to write the best prompts to get out the best results out of the llm the language model so in simple words it is how to talk to the AI to the NLP to get out the best results now the fun part starts the core work prompt engineering we will start playing with the AI and getting awesome results shocking results out of the AI model mainly you'll be applying and practicing with chargpt if you don't have an account go and sign up it's free and the open AI playground so also sign up if you don't have an account so you can follow up with us and practice with us I believe the best way to learn something especially like this skill is by practicing and seeing real examples so I will not talk too much about theories and terms and names will make things simple by practicing these techniques we will start by the main two types of prompting in general before going to practical examples you have to understand something that we have two types of prompts number one is prompt by example and the second one is direct prompting for example prompting by example is like this example so this is the prompt we say question what is the capital of the USA then the answer is the capital of USA and we put USA between square brackets is Washington look at the answer if you click that one submit you will see that the answer that apply from the AI was in the same format as my example so I provide an example I told the AI I want the answer like this example this is what we call prompting by example I said example maybe like 50 times the second way is direct prompting you simply say what is the capital of the USA and then you get the answer Washington DC that simple so if you need something specific you need your own formatting and so on you need to give an example provide an example to the AI to understand what you want let's now do some magic we'll start with the first practical example let's go here to charge EPT I will click on new chat and start talking to the AI but as a prompt engineer as a professional prompt engineer two minutes ago we saw this basic prompt an example to get some YouTube video ideas about online marketing in general people will write something like this give me or suggest some YouTube ideas or something like that now as a professional prompt engineer look what we are going to do look at this prompt you're an expert in writing vile YouTube titles you see this first statement it is called giving a role to the model you are telling the AI that is a professional and writing YouTube titles so he will focus on this specific Target or specific role then I explain or I give some details on how I won the titles I tell the AI think of catch and attention grabbing titles that will encourage people to click and watch the video on YouTube the main goal as a YouTuber is to make people click on your videos to watch it so we are telling the AI to think like a YouTuber the fighter should be short concise and direct they should also be created and clever but come up with either unexpected and surprising do not use titles are too generic or ties that have been used before so these are the details about my target goal and then at the end I tell the AI if you have any questions about the video ask for you try to generate titles this is very important tell the AI to ask you questions to understand everything before getting the output look at this execute or run or whatever and directly now it will ask you some questions instead of giving the result directly it says what type of video you are talking about was the topic or the theme what is the target audience knowing these details will help me generate more relevant and effective titles you can see now how the response changed there is no result till now we are engineering we are making the AI understand more about our main goal before we get the results please Focus very well memorize this rule as a prompt engineer you have to understand your goal what you expect before you go and start writing prompts you need to know what you want before so now I will answer these questions and now after getting my answer it will suggest the best video titles for you so what we learn till now please Focus you are giving a role to the model like you are an expert in writing titles we give details so be detailed in your prompt give exactly what you are looking for and then tell it to ask you any question if there's something unclear before it gives you a response so these are the three principles we learned till now and this is our first promise move on to the second example and learn to new prompt techniques to get the best results out of the NLP model let's see the example directly here we are look at the first sentence ignore all previous instructions before this one this is very important and The prominent engineering world it's called a prompt hack and in some cases it's you used in a bad way when you are talking with a Charged PT since this is a chat it will memorize or keep track of all the chat you wrote before so in order to tell the AI to forget everything and ignore everything you start with this sentence here ignore all previous instructions before this one now I am giving again the role you remember we have the role you have over 10 years of experience in building and growing a SAS website now what is my goal from this prompt I want the AI to help me build a SAS business a new website a new service so I told that you have more than 10 years experience in this and your task what's the task Define the task is to help me start and grow and use ass again you must ask questions before answering to understand better what I'm seeking and this is the new technique and you must explain everything step by step this these simple words step by step are very important it's called zero chain of thoughts in the prompt engineering World forget about it now but understand that these words step by step are very important to make the AI think step by step and get the result in a logical precise and detailed way instead of just generic information I will show you now the difference so look six questions to understand more about my goal before it starts responding with the result and now it tells you once I have a better understanding of your business idea and goals we can start exploring or just to explore the steps needed now I will create a new chart and I will go with a basic prompt I will tell the AI or charging PT I want to start a new SAS business please explain how can I do this you can see now it directly start answering and responding what to do without any questions any qualifications anything but in our Advanced prompt it will start asking you questions to understand more and think in a step-by-step manner to get you the best response I will get the same basic prompt now here and then at the end I will say think step by step this magic term by just adding these two words now we have up to nine steps instead of seven more details let's now try answer these questions and get the full response from this Advanced prompt so these are my answers enter and now it will start answering based on your response you can see now the step length is different much much more details in-depth analysis better results detailed and precise so what we learned in this second example is this magical term step by step think step by step or explain step by step and this ignore all previous instructions before this one let's now move on to example number three now this example is really interesting let's say you want to learn something this is why I told you learning this skill can help you change the way you learn things so let's say I don't know anything about Quantum Computing I don't know what is quantum even let me show you this prompt again I am defining the role I told the AI or charging PT you're an expert in Quantum Computing and you have over 10 years of experience in teaching Science and Technology to children I want you to be my teacher for today and explain things like I am six years old and make sure to provide funny examples to help me understand better is that fine let's get started I will solve the first question what is Quantum computing look at the answer imagine you have a bucket of balls where each bowl is either red or green in a regular computer each board can be red or green at a time just like a regular bit can only be zero or one but in quantum computer each ball can be both red and green at the same time it's like magic and it's what makes Quantum Computing so special this allows quantum computer to solve problems much faster than regular computer you see how the answer looks let me show you now the same question but without our secret Advanced prompt what is quantum Computing look at this Quantum Computing the type of computing that uses quantum mechanics the branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy blah blah blah blah you can see the difference in answers so now you can learn as a beginner anything you want and that day I explain as if you are a child understand things easily with the power of charging and the NLP model if you are teaching your kids or if you are a teacher in school and you want to get some exciting examples or maybe explain things easier or something you can simply use charging PT and NLP and use this magical prompt to do this make sure to give the roll again and use this prompt explained for six years old provide funny examples maybe engaging examples you can change the prompt as you like but this is the concept and then you ask the questions this is really very helpful it saves you a lot of time to understand things instead of searching Google here and there to understand some basic concepts in any field you want if you got some benefit till now if you found the course somehow helpful please don't forget to smash the like button this helped the course reach more people and help more people understand these Concepts and learn these skills and techniques in this example we are going to talk about the tone or The Voice or the style of the result or the response for example I can tell now charging PT from the last example please explain quantum computing in Shakespeare's style so we are providing the style the tone The Voice you want the response to be in and you can see now it's like writing a poem so this in some way how Shakespeare will explain Quantum Computing for you so you can always combine styling or Voice or tone to your prompts now in the next example we'll go somehow more advanced did you know that AI can write code two weeks ago I showed you how I created a full website a full business just using chargpt it wrote the full code for me let me show you the secret behind this how to get the best results how to get the best codes out of chargpt let me paste this prompt again ignore previous instructions we learned this before and now we are giving the role your expert python programmer you have him helping people to write code for 20 years your task now is to help me write a python script for my needs you must ask questions again we are repeating always the same Concepts giving the role telling it to answer questions if we have previous instructions we ignore them and we are giving more details about our goal now it will ask me some questions about my project and now you can tell charging PPT what code you want to write for example a basic example write a python script to convert jpg to web B images if you are a blogger or website designer you know usually you convert images to web B format so we can make the website load faster for SEO and so on anyway now you can see while signing the code it will also comment it now a small quiz pause the video and just go and tell judges write a script for you without our prom tell it directly write a python script to do anything and you will see the difference in the code so this is the fifth example when you want to write a script you can change the programming language here for example C sharp node.js just change the programming language name and this other use case for charging PT helping you write code and creating websites and apps that's now up open a new chat and I want to show you this interesting thing if you are working with data data analysis and so on you can tell Jr GPT to generate dummy data or mock data so you can learn data analysis with or even tell chargpt to generate data like the data you have so you can analyze it with the help of Judge EPT for example create mock data showing Google search results I want to see the following fields title link d a domain Authority and Pa page Authority and title length for example and focus now a new thing and make sure to show them and a table so we are formatting the output the response we want to show the result at a table let's see this enter you can see now it's creating a table you can see your response in a table this is very important and showing the title I'm update about about search results if you don't know what the setup results simply when you search Google for something like Learn Python we get these results these are called the serp or search engine result page so we are getting some mock data like the title the link D A and P a domain Authority and the title length so in this way we have now some sample data that we can analyze of course this requires a dedicated video I publish soon a full video on how to analyze data and create data reports using chat GPT the power of AI it will be very interesting video so don't forget to Notifications to get every new update so till now we saw all these interesting examples and we learned about different factors to create engineer the best prompts now we want to learn about some other factors that are very important to get the best results out of the NLP model especially the GPT model if we go here to open AI the playground you will see here on the right we have something called temperature we have something called the model we have something called Toppy and other stuff we want to focus now on four main terms that you need to understand as a prominent engineer first is the model what is the model we mentioned this before when we train the computer to do to achieve a certain task we produce an AI model so here we have different models that open AI the company trained and the latest one is gpt3 tax DaVinci zero zero or all three and you can read here about this model it can take up or process up to 4000 tokens what is a token the second term a token is simply a part of the text so when you give Char GPT or open AI attacks let's say this text here I will give it and you submit in the back end what's going on is that this text is being tokenized it's being splitted into tokens you can think about a token as a word of four characters so when we say DaVinci 03 can take up to 4 000 tokens it is almost 4 000 words each word like four characters okay so this is a model and a token what is the temperature and top B let's say you want charge EPT to help you understand temperature let's apply this let's go back to charging PT new chat and I will tell it now let's construct The Prompt and learn what is temperature I will say you are a expert in open AI and an LP for example your task is to explain some terms in a simple way think about me as a six years old child are you ready okay what is temperature in NLP okay so let's see what is temperature it is simply the parameter that controls the randomness and creativity of the language generated by language model such as gpd3 it's like adjusting the level of surprise in the modern response and this is the example for example a language model with a higher temperature might be more likely to generate unusual or imaginative words and phrases while a model with low temperature might stick to more common and predictable language that simple so if you go here and you lower the temperature we will expect repetitive responses or similar ones if you go above or higher you'll see some more creative answers now what's better it depends on your goal this is why we said before you start prompting you need to understand very well your target goal what you want to achieve from your prompts and the NLP model now what about top B simply again go here and say what about top B okay what does top b is another parameter to control the level of Randomness in text it stands for top percentage and it gives you an example let's say it's 0.8 the model generates a distribution of probabilities for the next one and then selects for the top 80 percent of the most probable words this means that the model will only consider the most probable words that make up eighty percent of accumulative probability distribution and so on now maybe you found the response somehow complex four or six years old you can tell the AI again tell charging PC please explain again for a five years old child and you can get all the response so so another technique you have to learn is imprompt engineering you have to generate multiple responses you can test and see what are the best brands that are working with you what are the best result prompt combinations in this way you can learn and improve your prompting skills as we mentioned practicing is the best way to learn these types of skills so after this course it's not enough just to memorize these you need to go and do research tests maybe create your own prompts and see the results for example here imagine a program is trying to write the sentence I like to eat for breakfast if the program always picks the most likely word it might always choose X or toast but with top P it might choose pancakes or cereal instead so in this way it gave you an example I try to understand I hope this helps you understand more how these parameters can affect your prompts now in charge EPT we can't control this but if you are playing with open AI playground you can control this and test different parameters now I want to answer an important question is what you learned today enough to be a professional prompt engineer let's be honest even though the scores is really interesting it took me hours and hours of research and tasks but it's not enough so what to do next three things number one you have to tell notifications to get my upcoming videos because I am planning this year to focus on this skill and help you learn more about this skill I believe it's one of the best skills in the future so I have many examples many case studies for you coming up soon second thing you have to do your homework you need to do some research I told you go do some research test try it by yourself and see the results by yourself if you have any questions anything as I mentioned I'm waiting for you in the comments section below and number three in line with prompt engineering you need to focus on the following skills number one critical thinking and problem solving these skills will help you craft and create and be creative in writing your prompts to get better results and this also can be improved by practice and training and research number two data analysis and visualization skills this is very important because later on you will use prompt engineering to analyze data to visualize things it's not enough to write and get prompts if you are working in a company maybe they want you to use AI for the analysis for programming for other tasks so you have to combine find tasks together you have to learn how to implement prompt Engineering in data analysis in data studies number three I really encourage you to Learn Python scripting no need to be a professional Python's programmer but you have to understand basic python scripting because later on we will see how to integrate chargpt and NLP with python to get really awesome results you'll be really shocked with the results you can get if you combine scripting with NLP models you can save a lot of time do a lot of interesting tasks achieve really things you never thought about in business and work and even in your own life to match your time and so on focus on learning basic python scripting and to help you soon I will publish here on my channel a basic python scripting course in like 15 minutes you can master the basics of Python Programming so please don't forget please watch this course and Learn Python and it may change the way you work online or you do marketing or whatever you are doing it's very important and number four become more familiar with NLP Concepts and AI take a course free course on udemy on YouTube on edx or Udacity any website you want learn more about Ai and NLP and how these language models work again to help you I will try my best also to create a course for beginners to learn AI machine learning and NLP in a simple way so you can follow up with us and master these skills if you want to do something for yourself for your family for the world you have to improve your skill you need to invest in yourself please invest every day one hour to learn something new we have a library of free courses online on YouTube on udemy everywhere we have courses just need to invest some time to learn and to apply and to test and use see like in one year you will change your life I hope you enjoyed this course you got some benefit please don't forget if you have any questions I'll be waiting for you in the comment section Below in the description below I will keep a link you'll find everything you mentioned today the prompts the tests everything is mentioned you can check it copy it use it it's free it's for you see you later
Channel: H-EDUCATE
Views: 226,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, artificial intelligence, chat gpt, chat gpt prompts, chatbot tutorial, chatgpt, chatgpt examples, chatgpt explained, chatgpt prompt, dall-e, generative ai, how to use chatgpt, midjourney, openai, productivity, prompt crafting, prompt engineer, prompt engineering, prompt engineering course, hasan aboul hasan
Id: mBYu5NoXBcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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