Turn ChatGPT into your Personal Assistant

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unless you've been living under a rock for the last two months or so you've probably heard about chat GPT indeed the entire internet is talking about it creating content about it and therefore I thought it would be a good idea to see how we can leverage this new technology as content creators so in this video I'm gonna show you how to turn Chat GPT into your personal assistant let's go what is up everyone Ronnie here welcome back to our Channel this is the best place for you to learn all about canva and more like today today we're not going to talk about canva so much but about chat GPT and how you can leverage this new technology as a content creator during your life you will come across some very transformative technology maybe a few times and I feel like we are living through one of these times chat GPT and generative AI in general is transforming I wouldn't go as far as saying transforming Society but it is definitely transforming the internet and will have a major impact on how we work how we search and how we interact with our computers and this is by far the really beginning of this new era this new technology and of course just like always at the beginning of a technology shift there is a lot of blur there is a lot of uncertainty but from what I understood this stack is here to stay there is some big investment behind it namely Microsoft and this is going to change or disturb the way we use the internet so we might as well dive into it today and start seeing how we can leverage this technology to really fully benefit from its potential and believe me the potential is huge all right so let's dive into it in this video we are going to quickly see how to get started with chat GPT and then we'll jump into a bunch of different tasks that I've asked chatgpt to conduct for me as a content creator foreign so let's start at the beginning Chad GPT GPT stands for generative pre-trained Transformer is a chatbot launched by a company called open AI in November of 2022 so not so long ago this is still very recent and the chatbot is built upon a large language model developed by openai called GPT 3.5 so that's why we call the bot chat GPT if this is the first time you use chat GPT you will need to go to openai.com and create an account there once you have an account you should be able to log into chatgpt now at this stage it is possible that you run into this screen when you try to log on to chatgpt saying that chat GPT is at capacity right now now that is because the entire internet is talking about it remember I told you there's a massive Buzz around this new technology therefore everybody wants to try it and when everybody wants to try a website being a any website usually the website is kind of breaking under the traffic so sometimes this happens hopefully it doesn't happen to you when you are watching this video and when you finally manage to log into chat GPT this is what you should do this is the chat GPT home screen I would say so you will see a couple of examples of how to communicate with chatgpt right here you will see a summary of what chat GPT can do so it remembers you remembers the conversation it allows you to tweak the conversation on the fly as it goes to give it specific directions and also it has some filters to avoid people asking legal stuff or an appropriate queries prompt into gpts also some limitation here that I will let you read for yourself so the way this works is that you will use this text box right here at the bottom to start inputting information into chat GPT so this could be a question it could be a request for information or it could be a casual statement really anything you want you can copy paste relatively large prompt right here in this box and you will see how this could really play into our advantage later in the video so the way it works is that chat GPT will use its machine learning capabilities and analyze first your prompt and then generate a logical response to what you asked in that box then you can continue the conversation that's why we call these conversations or chats then you can ask GPT to refine the answer or to rephrase this in a different way or you can basically build up on this conversation just like if it was a human interaction just like if you were talking to a real person so that's what makes chat GPT different I would say from normal search engine like Google is that human interaction type of dialogue conversation you can have with it so without further Ado let's give it a try the first thing I did obviously the first time I tried chat GPT is that I used it to generate some content ideas for my business for our canva YouTube channel so one basic way of doing this is simply to ask the chat can you write me 10 tutorial ideas for my YouTube channel about canva okay it's very basic prompt let's go and see what chat GPT can generate for us so creating a professional resume with canva designing a social media Post in canva making a flyer for an event with canva designing a business card in canva creating a custom Instagram story template in canva etc etc chat GPT will generate I would say 10 basic tutorial ideas based on what he has found within its language models about canva and what canva it seems to understand what canva is already because these are pretty accurate they're not great but they are pretty accurate now another way to prompt better because this is going to be a recurring theme in this tutorial the better you prompt the art of prompting the better you prompt in chat GPT the better the result and the higher the quality of the responses you will get so now we are going to try to elevate this because I'm Not So Satisfied about these answers okay so another way to do so would be to search for more material to input into chat GPT before asking it to generate some ideas okay and be more specific also about the type of videos maybe we want to use all right so in order to be more precise and to create a better prompt from chat gbt I want to find a canva landing page talking about a specific feature all right so let's see if we can find that right here from the canva homepage design Spotlight let's see photo editor let's go for video editor okay so free online video editor so this is a landing page by canva I'm just trying to see where I could grab some information that would be useful for my prompt right here so all the video editing features you need that is pretty useful I'm going to copy all of that information okay so copy that go back to chat GPT all right so let me rephrase this prompt in a different way this time I'm going to put chat GPT in a situation I'm going to say you are a tick tock content creator who creates short form video content about canva based on the information below could you give me 10 video ideas about using canva to create videos here is the information you need to analyze and so now I'm just going to paste the information I copied from the canva landing page there you go once I'm done I'm just gonna send the prompt okay so Tick Tock is going to analyze so chat GPT is going to analyze the prompt and then start generating uh some tutorial ideas based on my prompt so how to create a video timeline in canva using canvas free template to make a professional video collaborating with a team on video project using canva editing videos on the go with canva mobile app adding animation to your videos using canva splitting and splicing footage in canva to create a polished video so you see these are already of much higher quality because they focus on real feature that exist in canva it is more precise than my first list of 10 I would say mainstream tutorial ideas so this is already much better now this is how you generate I would say precise content ideas by providing more information into chat GPT inputting all of that data so that it has more material to work with alright so this is the first thing I wanted to show you how to generate content ideas foreign let's move on to the second way I want to use chat GPT as my personal assistant now that we have ideas I want to ask chat GPT to actually write scripts for some of these ideas so let's pick two and ask it to develop an entire script for my Tick Tock video and for that I have another precise prompt that I want to show you so let's use collaborating with the team on video project that sounds good so that's number three and splitting and splicing crop resize adding animation to your video so five alright so I like this one so that's number three and adding animation to your videos using canva so that's five so all right I have another prompt so this is how I would continue the conversation I like option number three and five could you write scripts for video tutorials of about 60 seconds so you see I give him some extra information about the length for each of these two topics the scripts need to be written in a conversation additional way use wit and humor have a CTA at the end asking the viewers to check the link in my bio for the full length tutorial on YouTube so I am being very precise about the tone of the video the way it should talk to the viewers and also about a specific call to action I would like to be inserted in the video so let's see what chat GPT can do with this information all right so it finished creating its response and I do have two video tutorial ideas so this is where the second one starts so you see the video is about this long which from experience is probably around the 60 second Mark 60 second is usually less than a page and about this size so I think it did that correctly let me read the first one so the video tutorial number one collaborating with a team on video projects using canva opening shot you sitting in front of a computer screen with canva open I like that it's not only giving me a script it's also giving me directions on how to film how to record this video because it tells me what viewers need to see on screen me hey guys have you ever tried collaborating on a video project with a team can be a real pain but with canva it's a breeze cut to a demo of canvas real-time collaboration feature so it understood that we need to see my talking head for maybe a couple of seconds and then we cut to some b-rolls in that case it's also giving me instructions on what b-rolls to shoot a demo of canvas real-time collaboration feature and then it goes on and creates a very I would say relevant video about this feature for example it says stuff like as you can see you can leave comments or assign actions on specific scenes for your team plus with the ability to edit on any device wherever inspiration strikes you will be able to capture it cut back to you sitting in front of your computer so I like that it understands suit the feature of leaving comments on any of the scenes of the video using canvas built-in comment system the reason it was that precise is because in my input in my prompt I paste a description of the message functionality in canva remember I pasted this from the landing page let me go back and find it it's probably one of these features right here so real-time collaboration leave comment or assign action on specific scenes for your team so because I was precising my prompt chat GPT generated a precise script for my video and then let's see how it dealt with the score to action at the end call to action check the link in my bio for the full length tutorial on YouTube to learn more about collaborating on canva that's how we end the video that was a pretty good video script I mean it would have taken me maybe an hour to do all of this research and then start like writing the screen script and have it like well structured like this think about the b-rolls chat GPT did that for me in five minutes now I'm not saying I will just turn on the camera and start saying this because the beauty of this is that it is your base okay your personal assistant did the work for you now you have to do your part like you are the content creator you are the reason people tune in to watch you meaning your personality your energy Your Enthusiasm your expertise that need to be added on top of this base layer of information so that's how in my opinion everybody needs to be using chat GPT and that's also where people are gonna cut Corners people are going to be simply using this or finding hacks to find a robot to read this and generate a video and put this on YouTube without showing your face or whatever you'll find a lot of videos that try to cut corners and this video trust me they won't perform very well because if you cut Corners if you use a robot to create content for you and don't add any personality to it nobody's going to want to watch that I think it is a really good time for Content creators to take a minute and brainstorm what makes them special why people watch them instead of somebody else in a world where information and content becomes so easy to create what is going to tip the scale into your direction and bring people to watch your content when content is so readily available and the answer is your personality so absolutely do not skip that step and to the country build it like develop that personality develop that thing that makes you special right we still have a lot of things to cover here we've seen how to generate content ideas generate scripts entire scripts for your videos now let's see how you can use chat GPT to optimize titles for your videos now for this new prompt I'm simply going to start from our YouTube channel and see if there is a video for which we could optimize the title that's really what I want to ask cha GPT to do is to generate some better titles for my video so for example I have this one canvas 10 most underrated features okay I'm going to copy this and I'm gonna come back to chatgpt and I'm going to create a new chat it is important that you do create new chats because otherwise chat GPT still considers you are talking about the same conversation all right so you will see here on your left side all different conversations I've had with chat GPT previously so it is important that when you start something new like in this case you start a new chat alright so this is what I'm gonna ask could you optimize this title for SEO on YouTube and then I paste the title with the little emojis let's see what happens all right so only one answer 10 underrated canva features you need to know then it paste the same Emoji here so I'm not super convinced about this new title so I could give it a thumb down but I'm not a hater so what I'm gonna do is please provide more provide me with more options so you see I start communicating with the chat because this is a human interaction right I mean at least I'm a human unlock canvas hidden gems 10 underrated features and then a diamond emoji maximize canvas potential 10 overlooked features and then a rocket emoji canva Pro tips 10 underrated features you need to know fire 10 canva features you didn't know existed had exploding so these are already much better so now I have some options right I have 10 titles here with customized emojis I like that chat GPT went as far as giving me the relevant emojis so yeah all I have to do is to pick the best pick the one I think is the best and simply swap the title and see maybe run an A B test with my tubebuddy extension on YouTube and see which one performs best so this is another way when you receive a first answer you're not completely convinced about it do not hesitate to ask for more options at the end of the day this is mimicking human interaction and if you're not happy with the response of someone when you talk to them you might ask them in a different way so that's what I did here now let's move on and I would like to show you a couple of conversations I've had with chat GPT recently a different tasks I ask it to conduct for me I'm not gonna do them live because these are right here but what I'm going to do is to show you the conversations and the things that we can learn from them the next one is that I wanted chat GPT to brainstorm names for new content series that I'm intending to launch on this channel and this content series is about interviewing experts and you might remember this from a video we published recently about what to expect on our channel in 2023 well in that video I talk about oh I'd love to start interviewing other experts so I prompted chat GPT let me find this conversation it is right here so I asked chatgpt Can you brainstorm smart and witty names for a YouTube series where I interview experts in different fields then I give it more details I wrote the shows will be educational they will bring value they would be fun to watch they will be entertaining they will contain actionable tips and be an interview type of video mixed with a tutorial after watching the show the viewer will have a list of concrete steps he can take and apply to his business okay so that was my prompt and Chachi PT said sure here's a few names ideas for your YouTube series expert insights Pro tips masterclass genius Corner Prodigy perspective Brain Trust Einstein's lab Eureka moments etc etc and then it finish with a little blurb about what these names and why I picked these names so out of all of these I didn't find many that really resonated to me but one did and that was Pro tips because I felt like it summarized very well it encapsulated well the essence of that show so I communicated that to charge GPT I said I like Pro tips could you generate a few more like this one short Snappy easy to remember okay I really wanted to reinforce like I want this to be short and snappy and then this is what it gave me Pro mindset Pro coach pro Insider Pro Secrets Pro hacks Pro blah blah blah Pro everything basically okay to which I answered I was not so happy I didn't ask it to give me only Pro blah blah blah type of name so I said these are all using the word Pro suggest me some without that word and then it got back to work he said sure here are a few more names and then this is the new list genius sessions Mastermind moments expert hours knowledge cast Smart Talk Brain boost inside Show expert tutorial etc etc then again you explain why I picked these ones and so from the bunch I kind of remembered smart talk I like this one smart talk and pro tips so again I told it I really like Pro tips and smart talks can you suggest a few more in that range of ideas you see what I'm doing doing here I'm trying to really narrow down not only a name but a feeling like the way it sounds and I could see here the limitation of chat GPT because it started providing me with names that were already mentioned before okay so proactive show proactive business smart success we started to get further and further away from what I was trying to generate so I I cut the conversation there and I said okay let's go with Pro tips all right I decided I made up my mind Pro tips is a good name and I asked it can you give me a few Punchy taglines for YouTube educational series called Pro tips so you see what I did here I selected one we are still in the same context and I ask it to go deeper to work a bit more and provide me not just the name but the tagline that could be the playlist description for example and that's what it did expert advice for real world success The Insider's Guide to achieving your goals elevate your game with Pro tips level up your knowledge with Pro tips Master the art of success with Pro tips from experts for Success not great but learn from the best to be the best etc etc so nothing really great here so again I try to refine could you focus on actionable tips things viewers will be able to leverage straight away and so this is what it generated get ahead with Pro tips actionable advice now proven strategies you can Implement today learn apply succeed Pro tips Empower your success with Pro tips take your game to the next level with Pro tips etc etc but there is one that I actually really liked it was this one pro tips the shortcut to success Pro tips the shortcut to success not bad I would change one thing I would probably say your shortcut to success Pro tips your shortcut to success and I believe I'm gonna stick with this one pro tips your shortcut to success yes so this will be the name of our future series with the interview Pro tips your shortcut to success so you see what I did here like we really had a back and forth with the AI to refine some Concepts until we found something we liked so this is just another way of making your life easier to use your personal assistant your chat GPT assistant as a sounding board like someone to brainstorm ideas with and generate ideas for you now from this you can definitely build some more but this is already pretty good Pro tips your shortcut to success happy with this all right moving on something else I asked chatgpt to do for me is to generate a list of questions for my video interviews so the pro tips series will be me interviewing experts so I actually need some questions to ask these experts and the first expert I hope to get on the show is Michael Rubio Michael works at canva is a recruiter and is a specialist on Crafting a powerful resume like resume tips and tricks to get noticed by recruiters this is what he talks about Michael has a tick tock Channel where he talks about all of this about this type of expertise about getting hired getting noticed by recruiters crafting the perfect CV so I needed some good questions in order to ask him when he will be on my show alright so this is the prompt I created creating resume with canva I think this is the one I asked chatgpt write me a list of 20 questions for my new podcast episode I said it was a podcast because in might not understand the notion of video interview as much as podcast it's pretty much the same so I use the I chose deliberately to call this a podcast though it's going to be a YouTube video so write a list of 20 questions for my new podcast episode in this podcast I interview Michael who is a recruiter working for canva which is a big tech company located in Sydney in case you didn't know chat GPT the goal of the podcast is to one teach people how to improve their resume and make sure they optimize their chances of getting hired and two to promote Michael's course about creating resumes so these are the two goals you see I provide this information so chat GPT has got some information some context to work with generate a few questions related to Michael this question will help us understand what a recruiter does what Michael's jobs look like at canva and then some other questions about how to create a resume that will get you noticed by recruiters focus on questions that will bring actionable tips to our audience that was the prompt and then chat GPT thought a bit and then it came up with this list of 20 questions from which I have selected 10 to use for the show and you'll see there are some pretty good questions here can you tell us about your background and how you became a recruiter at canva can you describe a typical day in the life of a recruiter at canva how does canva differ from other tech companies in terms of its recruiting process etc etc a couple of more that I really liked was what are the most common mistakes you see candidates make on their resumes can you talk about a time when a candidate's resume really impressed you this is a really good question how to best handle gaps in employment on your resume and then I love that chat GPT understood my second goal for this podcast which was to promote microscourse can you tell us about the course you offer on creating res resumes what topics does it cover and how can listeners enroll so in my opinion this was really useful then obviously after that took that list and I trimmed it down to 10 questions with some minor tweaks here and there but these questions were really really great as a base to start with so as you can see this technology is pretty powerful so useful for Content creators and yet I haven't showed you the best part so stick around and if you like this video by the way please smash the like button this will really helped me or at least I think it will help me that's what people say that's what YouTubers say it will help us get some visibility on YouTube it will also show me give me some feedback that you like the video if you really love the video can leave me a comment I'm for sure gonna read that comment answer your comment and we can have a conversation or maybe your butt will have a conversation I'm just kidding I will answer the comments this is not something I'm ready to delegate to chat GPT because I love answering you guys is coming alright back back to the video I have two more impressive prompts to show you to try with chat GPT other use case right here is about summarizing information for you to process it to consume it faster so there is so much information out there how do we consume it in the less possible time well chat GPT is here to help so I found this video right here the first one on top here five massive graphic design Trends in 2023 by our friend will Patterson I want to know what's in this video so I'm going to click on it I'm gonna open the video okay I'm not gonna watch it but what I'm gonna do I'm gonna click on the three little dots right here and ask YouTube to show me the transcript and now on this box right here I see the entire transcript of the video which I can copy first I need to select it all like so then I can copy it just like so now I copied the entire transcript of this video everything will is going to be saying so now back to chat GPT and actually already did this prompt so I'm going to show you the prompt already written five massive right here so the prompt is this one I asked chat GPT can you summarize this video about five massive graphic design Trends in 2023 please structure your response in the following manner so I didn't just ask the chat to summarize it I asked it to summarize my video but also to respect the specific structure and then I gave it guidelines for that structure so this is the format I would like it to use I said one create a separate paragraph for each of the five Trends two explain each Trend in one paragraph and three create a headline for each paragraph So I again I gave it more data to use more guidelines more precise guidelines to achieve hopefully a better outcome all right and then I paste the entire script goes all the way to when it says goodbye 948 goodbye so this is what chat GPT did like Trend number one virtual reality in graphic design perfect like I have got my headline I've got my paragraph Trend number two vintage minimalism in graphic design my headline and then it stopped it said note as the video transcript only provide the first two Trend I cannot provide the summary for the next three Trends and then I was a bit bummed like I was what the heck I thought it was the video was going until the end so I located in the script in the transcript of the video I located the third Trend so design Trend number three low poly realism starts at 359 so I went ahead and I copied this and then I pasted it again and said here's a transcript for Trends three four and five please continue I mean come on SO pasted the transcript you already had the transcript before and so there you go Trend number three low poly realism Trend number four 90s retro and graphic design and Trend number five and vato elements for graphic design so the last one right here seemed a bit off seemed like this was not quite correct so I went back to the video uh unrolled the entire description here and I found Trend number five so I clicked here now the last Trend that we're going to see that's going to scare all of you is AI design so that's the actual Trend number five so not what chat GPT is writing here in vato elements for graphic design so this taught me two things like we have to take what chatgpt gives us as an answer with a grain of salt like it's not always going to be correct like in this case so always do your due diligence always know you are at risk of receiving erroneous information from this language model so I said I'm sorry but that didn't quite hit the mark you will notice that the transcript I provided contains some timestamps so use these timestamps to highlight each of the five Trends this will help you and then I copied and paste the timestamp from Will's video description so it started again went to Trend number five and again did that same mistake all right so I said this was better but Trend number five is incorrect so when it's wrong tell it that it's wrong the presenter actually presents Trend number five as AI design it starts at 7 52. here is a transcript to help you generate the paragraph and headline about AI design so I mentioned it I'm super clear with my last guideline here because I was getting a little bit irritated I mean come on that's not why I'm paying you I'm not paying you so I pasted the transcript for Trend number five I mentioned the name of trend number five and I finally got what I needed so design Trend number five AI design in graphic design my headline and my paragraph So I was finally happy okay that was good now please put the five Trends together because I want the five Trends in one block of text right and so that's what it did Trend number one number two number three number five and Trend number five was correctly written correctly summarized so this new task is really showing us that we need to be on top of the answers we need to kind of like fact check and double fact check because sometimes some BS is gonna come up and if you don't pay attention if you just take this and paste it and create content straight away you might look like an mature or you might commit some mistakes or you might say something which you should not have said have you done your research a little bit or your fact checking so take the responses with a grain of salt and two learn how to communicate learn how to rectify and to correct the trajectory of a conversation using the tools that exist that are at our disposals here on YouTube I use the transcript I use the timestamp that the Creator had provided and I gave some more precise guidelines to obtain some more precise outcomes so that's really what we need to learn about this and the last thing the very last thing I want to show you for today because this video is getting already pretty long let me know in the comments if you'd like to see more about chat GPT or about generative AI for images or anything really related to AI let me know what you'd like to learn and I will try to do some more research and come up with that content for you guys so the last thing I want to show you is the potential of chat GPT to translate information in other languages so what I did here I simply use this text right here that was finally well organized I have my five design Trends well structured I copied all of this and I created a new prompt asking chatgpt to translate that into French so this is my exact prompt I ask could you translate this article into French for me please and I pasted the whole thing and so this is what chatgpt came up with full text in French and I do speak French it is my native language so I can vouch for the translation here but but I just noticed that there was one word that should not have been translated and that is the word design chat GPT translated the word design to a French word Concepcion which does not mean design I mean it is a synonym but it's not the proper use in this particular example so conception is not the same as design Trend number one and so I noticed that and I wanted that to be changed in the entire article and I tried something quite ballsy here I tried switching to French the my original prompt was in English because I asked it to translate into French I decided let's see what happens when I start talking to it in French so I said merci said poor conception thanks that was not too bad though you misused the word design and when you translate it by Concepcion design Salon original wrongly design par Concepcion so could you by keeping the word design in its original language English not translate design for Concepcion that's what I wrote in French and it answered in French it said of course here are the titles in the description without translating the word design and keeping that word in English design Trend one virtual reality in graphic design headline adapting the advancement this was English so I said stop you know you can stop the chat when it's generating you can click that button that says stop generating so I did that for the very first time I said stop version on Francais I need the French version and then this happened he said oh I'm sorry this only means sorry so he actually asked for forgiveness he say oh I'm sorry Master here is a French translation blah blah blah and then it gave me the French translation keeping the word design in its original language which was exactly what I asked phew alright guys so we are going to leave it here for this tutorial I think I did a good job at showing you the power of this new technology and I urge you to do like I did like spend some time using this platform figure out a way to better communicate with this chat because this what some people on the internet call The Art of prompting chat GPT is going to bring you the best results the better you get at prompting the better your answers will be believe me and I think if you remember one thing from this tutorial is this like provide as much information in the best structured and concise way possible so on this slide I put four golden rules I think you should take away from this video first Define the purpose and focus of the conversation you really need to be clear on what it is you're trying to achieve with this new prompt with this new conversation so Define the purpose and the focus number two use Clear specific and relevant language okay you cannot be vague here you need to be very precise very clear with the prompt you're inputting into the chat because this is all it has to generate your answer number three you need to feed chat GPT some data it needs data to work and tell it what to do with that data okay remember when I inputted the transcript of the YouTube video I told it this is the data this is what I want you to do with it this is how I want you to structure your response so feed it some data and tell it what to do with the data how to use the data okay very important and last but not least keep the compass station on track if you see it's going in a way that you're not very satisfied with rectify the trajectory keep the conversation on track like provide some additional information kind of like what I did with the YouTube video when it gave me Trend number five which was not Trend number five so I went in there looked at the timestamp listened to this two second of the video figure out what trend number five was all about and then came back to the chat and rectified the trajectory I put the conversation back on track and ended up with the result I was expecting alright that's it for today thank you for watching I'm Gonna Leave You with two other videos right here the first one on top is from our friend Rob Bolivar he put together this crash course on chat GPT so if you want to learn more about the basics you can watch this one and the other one right here is something YouTube tells me you would like so make sure to check it out
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 207,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, chatgpt explained, what is chatgpt and how you can use it, what is chatgpt, chatgpt use cases, chatgpt tutorial, understanding chatgpt, how does chatgpt work, how to use chatgpt, openai chatgpt, how to use chat gpt, chat gpt prompts
Id: 7ofzqRDFlsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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