ChatGPT + Canva: The Ultimate Learning Combo

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let's see how we can learn pretty much anything by combining chat gpt's almost infinite knowledge with canvas powerful visual communication tools let's go what is up guys Ronnie here welcome back to the channel today I have another chat GPT plus canva tutorial and this time I'd like to see how to use these tools to learn pretty much anything that is useful to me so I have a couple of steps let's jump into step number one all right guys the first thing you need to do before learning anything is obviously Define what you want to learn there are really three ways to look at this you could think in terms of hard skills okay so things like learning carpentry or learning how to speak a specific language or learning how to code in a specific programation language so those would be hard skills another way to look at this would be to learn in terms of a career path okay I want to become a software engineer I want to become a professional basketball player I want to become a teacher what are the skills what are the soft and hard skills I will need to learn in order to achieve that goal and then the third way to answer that question what should I learn is to think in terms of soft skills so these will be skills like emotional intelligence communication skills maybe people skills like managing people stuff like that so these are three ways to answer that question hard skills sub skills and career path for this video and the example we will choose because we need a topic to learn about so I can show you how to use chat GPT in canva to really learn about this topic I thought since you are all here since you all love canva why not try to learn more about becoming a better graphic designer so I'm choosing the career path professional graphic designer what do I need to learn in order to become a more prolific a more qualified a more professional graphic designer so that is what we will be learning about but you can literally learn about anything that's the beauty of it all right we are now in Changi PT and I am ready to start preparing chat GPT for our conversation so make sure you start a new chat this is very important let me remind you that every chat every conversation chat GPT is like brand new it's like it's born again okay it doesn't have any knowledge about you or the context of what you will be asking it so it's always a good idea to start the conversation by prepping chat GPT by telling it what is it that we are trying to achieve and our overarching goal for this entire conversation so I have a prompt right here so I'm just gonna read it to you I am going to ask you to run different tasks My ultimate goal is to learn how to become a qualified graphic designer I want you to insert a number in front of each answer you will provide starting with one for your first answer then two for your second answer Etc do you understand so the reason I'm asking Chad GPT to put a number in front of its answer is so that it will be easier for me to go back to specific answer it gives me I could just say remember what you said in answer number one please elaborate on this stuff like that so it would be easier for me to run these follow-up questions if I have a clear way of identifying specific questions so this is what I would write first to prepare chat GPT and I ask a question do you understand so I'm going to run the prompt and it answers me yes I understand I will number my responses as you've requested please go ahead and ask your question so it is now ready we can start prompting we can start learning all right so let's start asking our friend GPT here A bunch of questions and let's get to learning so I have prepared the first prompt right here and by all means I am also going to put a number in front of every prompt I run through chat GPT so it will be easier for me to refer to questions but also to some of its answers okay so this is my first prompt and I highly recommend whenever you prompt chat GPT to let it know this is who you are and this is who I am and this is what I want okay so it's kind of like the structure of the prompt so I'm gonna ask a chat to act as an expert okay act as an experienced graphic designer tell me what are the fundamental principles I should know about as someone who wants to get better at graphic design okay so I'm just asking chat to teach me a bit about the graphic design principles let's see what it says the principles of designs are fundamental to graphic design they include balance contrast emphasis movement pattern in repetition proportion Rhythm unity and variety these principles help you create designs that are visually pleasing and effective understanding color theory typography composition so that's where it is it gives me a little paragraph about everything I need to learn understanding the different file formats and softwares using graphic design is essential and then it mentions a couple of softwares like Adobe Illustrator Photoshop InDesign and finally always keep the audience and purpose of the design in mind okay so I have a little bit of a program already of the different things I need to learn if I want to become a graphic designer we are going to take this with a grain of salt obviously like everything that comes out of chat GPT but I can see there are some good things in there I just would like the information to be a little bit easier to read [Music] all right so what I'm going to do now is to ask GPT to regenerate the same answer but make it easier to read so for that I'm going to use this prompt right here I still have my question number two I'm not sure this is actually making any difference and the prompt is this one make that same answer of yours easier to read with headings for each topic from one to six so let's see how this works yeah I think this is the exact same text the principles of designs are fundamentals to graphic design they include principles of design okay yeah so this is already much easier to read because I can see straight away okay the principles of design color theory typography etc etc so while chat GPT is generating this better formatted list I would say I'm gonna head back to canva and we are going to choose a document type in which we will gather we will regroup all that interesting information we generated with chat GPT because this is really what I want to show you in this tutorial how to come combine canva and the power of canva with cha GPT and the knowledge of chat GPT so after thinking about what sorts of document type I should use it came down to three options to me I could use a presentation okay I have 300 pages in the presentation so I could use that the benefit of using a presentation is that I can publish it as a website so that could be nice I could use a canva doc the benefit of a canva dock is that it's like an infinite scroll you don't have any number of pages you can really go and create a bunch of information but the format of it is still like an A4 kind of document so it's not very wide and the third type of document type which is the one I am going to go for is a canva whiteboard which allows me to have this Infinite Space and so I can really put things on that whiteboard and then move them around and add a bunch of different media through the Whiteboard so this is what we are going to do I am going to open a blank whiteboard by clicking on that tile right here okay perfect I'm going to zoom out a little bit the reason why I chose a whiteboard is because of all of these templates right here and they have a bunch of different templates with a bunch of different elements already baked in your templates and this is going to be really useful for us to structure that information to organize the information so I have one particular template in mind let me find it right here Yep this is this one right here it says organizational charts and I don't need all of this okay I don't need everything on this template for example I don't need this probably don't need this probably only this this either but I'm gonna keep all of this for now okay so this is going to be my main topic what we are trying to learn so graphic design okay this one right here it's gonna go let me zoom in a bit here and we are going to start filling this green shapes right here with the six main topics that chat GPT generated for us okay so I'm gonna skip ahead and do that quickly [Music] all right so I added the six main category of knowledge I need to dig deeper into according to chat GPT principles of design color theory typography composition design softwares and understanding your audience so these are the green shapes right here that is the first step I would say this is kind of like an overview of the program I would have to go to so let's go back to chat GPT I want to ask a follow-up question and it would be this one right here so I'm gonna write number three and my question is is there anything really critical to become a better graphic designer that you left out think about sub skills hard skills Trends tools that talented graphic designers use and I'm gonna ask it to continue to use uh headings for the main topics okay let's see so its answers yes there are several other critical factors that can help you become a better graphic designer here are some additional topics to consider so it gives me a bunch of sub skills hard skills so it uses my terminology really to give me an answer such skills are personal attributes so they are essential for graphic designers who work with clients teams and stakeholders some of the key sub skills for graphic design include communication collaboration time management and problem solving okay so here are four soft skills that will be useful to me I'm going to copy that in my whiteboard in a second okay so hard skills okay they include skills like Proficiency in design software image editing typography layout design I think we've pretty much covered everything of that already composition yeah then it tells me about industry Trends the graphic design industry is constantly evolving and staying up to date with the latest trends is essential so maybe I can ask a follow-up question how how do I keep up to date with the main graphic design Trends in the industry friends can influence everything from color palette and typography design style and software keeping up with the industry Trends can help you stay competitive and produce design okay so that would be keeping up with the trends I would say and we will see how we can do that tools and Technology okay there are many different tools and Technologies available for graphic design in addition to design software you should be familiar with tools like prototyping wireframing web development tools project management software okay all of that I will also list in my program and then professional development graphic design is a dynamic field an ongoing professional development is essential to stay ahead of the curve so this can include attending industry events taking courses and workshops joining professional associations Etc okay so let's start adding stuff maybe we need to add a soft skill column in my whiteboard right here so yep let's do this so these would be kind of like top topics I need to understand and I feel like I could probably have my soft skills right here so I'm gonna write in this box pink box soft skills and I can start listing the different skills that uh chat GPT gave me here so I'm going to add rows to this table right here so I'm going to skip ahead but I'm going to fill up the information in my whiteboard of everything new I learned with this question number three all right so this is where we are at the moment I have organized this first batch of information and we can clearly see our training program slowly is taking shape okay so obviously this is just like a rough outline still I still need to add a couple of things like for example how do I keep up with industry Trends or some additional software because here it only mentioned like the Adobe product what about canva what about figma what about these other software that I probably need to learn about if I want to be a prolific graphic designer so I'm going to go back to chat GPT and try try to refine trying to prompt deeper to get some more detailed answers and every time I get some more information I will add it to our whiteboard right here so let's go back to chat GPT and by all means we are going to stay within the same conversation do not start a new chat at this point because chat GPT really has all the context it needs or the background it needs to really understand what this conversation is all about so do not start a new chat alright so I'm going to add a next prompt right here this will be my prompt number four let's uh focus on the software okay what other design softwares do I need to learn about if I want to start a career as a graphic designer continue to name each Topic in each one heading okay let's ask chat GPT that question and see if you want to start a career as a graphic designer it's important to be familiar with a variety of tools okay the Adobe Creative Suite I think we already talked about this chat GPT are you sponsored by Adobe sketch okay sketch is a vector graphic editor that is popular with designers figma okay figma is a cloud-based design tool that is increasingly popular for its collaboration features canva is a super user-friendly design tool that allows non-designers to create professional looking designs procreate procreate the digital painting and drawing app for the iPad which is really good by the way and it's probably going to come up with a bunch of different ones so what I'm going to do is to Simply start adding these to my whiteboard alright I now have completed this column right here I can zoom on that column so you can see what's going on uh so we have design softwares InDesign Adobe Illustrator Photoshop sketch figma canva and Pro create for the iPad alright so that's good we have our list we have an extensive list of softwares that we should probably learn about I want to prompt chat GPT and ask it directly how can I learn about these software so for that I have my next prompt right here should be prompt number five and I'm gonna paste my prompt which is for each software app in H1 heading give me a list of five YouTube tutorials with their URL that will help me learn this platform let's see if check GPT can do that sure here are some YouTube tutorials for each of the design software tools I mentioned starting with Adobe okay Adobe Photoshop tutorial for beginners by Photoshop training Channel okay we have a link I'm not sure it's going to work let's wait until it generates the entire list and then we will start fact checking because this is a very important part of working with chat GPT at least at this stage when it's not yet very well connected to the open web you have to take every URL that it gives you with a grain of salt and you have to test them okay so it's still generating my ideas right here what I can do is I'm just gonna right click on this open link in the new tab and see what happens it generates a new tab Here YouTube you see this video isn't available anymore so first link is already a fail let's try the second one getting started with Adobe Illustrator you see 2019 it's a very old tutorial so again it's not available so this doesn't seem to be working very much I'm gonna go ahead and skip to the canva part 10 canva tips and tricks you need to know let's see this one again not working so I'm just gonna stop generating all of these and I'm gonna try to adjust okay because this doesn't seem to work I believe this is prompt number six I'm gonna say none of these URL actually work can you provide me with the YouTube channels URL instead of specific tutorials so maybe the specific video is not working but the channels still exists and in this case I can probably go and have a look by myself and find the tutorials that I need but I at least need the channels URL so I can visit it alright so let's see if Photoshop training channels still exists it doesn't what about danxy thanks I Yeah dance guys still exists so creative education for everyone everywhere so we have a bit of luck here this one could work let's see Satori Graphics this one I'm pretty sure it still exists because Graphics still exists so we have more luck here uh spoon Graphics I believe this one still exists as well Chris Spooner spoon Graphics is this about graphic design this is not about graphic design so this is probably not a good one and yes I'm a designer that's a good title for channel for the past four years Photoshop training channel so this one will work as well so here we have a bit of a hit and miss but we did achieve some results let's see what they give us for canva are we in there Melanie Melanie is that Melanie Perkins Channel open in a new tab okay let's first close this one down and no Mel's channel is not there uh howfinity let's see nope pics make nope the badass business show let's see this one no so pretty much nothing works here in canva I'm just gonna ask out of curiosity do you know any YouTube channel about canva with a guy called Ronnie just curious I'm not aware of any YouTube channel featuring a host named Ronnie however there are many canva tutorial channels available on YouTube so it's possible that there is a Channel with that name that I'm not familiar with all right so that hurts a little all right so chat GPT doesn't seem to be a huge YouTube fan it doesn't know much about YouTube it gets lost with the URL the channel names and everything so what I suggest is that we go back to my question number five which was for each of these software give me a list of five tutorials well instead of tutorials I'm gonna ask uh chaji PT to give me maybe courses okay so I'm gonna ask it to go back to question number five but instead of YouTube tutorials to give me online courses available on udemy skillshare Coursera let's see if that works okay so go back to my question number five instead of five YouTube tutorials give me five on online courses for each topic search on udemy skillshare Coursera Etc let's see if it understands what question number five was okay I'm gonna scroll down sure here are five online courses for each topic available on popular e-learning platform yeah it does know it does remember uh the five topic categories so Adobe Creative Suite we have something from udemy here uh Photoshop 2021 Master Class let's click on that immediately and see if this course not available let's try the second one this is a private core so the course is still there by this private that's weird in design 2021 let's see this one doesn't work uh this skillshare course doesn't work so after prompting for two minutes it seems like Chad GPT is not great at providing specific URL to specific graphic design resources its knowledge of the open web is limited to 2021 which is already quite old and on the other hand like most of the URL it provides are just non-existent so what I would suggest we do in this case is that we go to udemy we go to the specific platforms and just search for the top courses directly in there so I'm going to show you what would be my way of selecting a course on udemy and you can apply the same reasoning on any other course platform course Marketplace so let's just use this broken URL right here and search udemy for uh this Adobe Creative Suite okay let's just click on the first one right here I'm going to accept all of that so basically udemy is a search engine okay so on top you'll have probably the most popular results meaning results with a high rating are lot of reviews and also specific tags so the best selling course will be probably showing on top graphic design Master Class it's 29 hours this is probably a very good course okay so you can just expand this box right here and start seeing everything that you will learn by Lindsay March Lindsay Marsh the instructor is someone who has created a bunch of different courses be it for graphic design the Adobe suite how to use all of these tools how to use graphic design to build a business so I would definitely vouch for this course and this particular instructor on udemy if I go back here I can see more results so yeah I would just scroll through this read a couple of reviews maybe go for one of the courses that has the best seller badge right here and also look at the number of reviews any course with over a thousand reviews and a 4.5 at least rating should be a pretty course so if you want the most bang for your buck go for the longer course and you should be good to go so what we could do from here for example if I come back to this graphic design Master Class okay which seems like a good course to take for someone who wants to become a graphic designer I could probably make a screenshot of this so I'm going to take a screenshot of this and kind of like the top uh part of this what you will learn Box come back to my canva whiteboard and import that screenshot okay so I'm just going to upload that file upload file it's on my desktop so there you go this is it I'm just gonna import that and place it on my whiteboard it is now here uh it's very small at the moment but I can zoom in this whiteboard at any time and I probably need another uh space right here on my whiteboard to learn about this specific course so let me collapse this menu right here and start zooming in my design right here so graphic design Master Class learn great design so this will probably be connected to this First Column right here so I could position that right here and I know that there is a course on udemy and I could even link this thumbnail with the link to the course so let's do that I'm going to go and grab this course URL okay so this will be the course URL I'm going to click on my screenshot right here go to link paste that link right here and now whenever I would click on this I would have the option to go to this specific course by clicking on this little icon right here so all I need to do is to position it near My First Column right here and you can start doing this for as many courses as you want so you have your categories right you have your different pillars of knowledge right here you can start browsing udemy skillshare Coursera for any course about these different topics and then you will add them to your canva whiteboard so unfortunately chatgpt cannot do it for you at this stage I'm very confident that this will be fixed within a couple of weeks maybe month and particularly with the new Bing browser that should include a newer version of chat GPT which will completely be connected to the open web and give you really up-to-date results so once this is out and rolling for everyone this kind of task will be much easier to do much more accurate I would say in terms of the results you will get either from YouTube from courses from any blog really to really create your curriculum faster all right let's go a bit deeper this is where we are right now for our study of graphic design okay we have our different pillars and we do have some soft skills hard skills and Industry trends like I'd love to know how to keep up with industry Trends in the graphic design industry so let's ask chat GPT how we can do that like what are some ways to do that so I have a prompt for that as well this will be prompt number seven and the prompt is what are some ways for me to keep up with the latest trends in the graphic design industry include websites blogs platforms or any relevant information so let's see what Changi PT says staying up to date with the latest Trend in the graphic design industry is an important thing to do for any designer so here are how to keep up with the latest Trend Design Publications and websites there are several design Publications and websites that offer regular updates on industry news and Trends some examples include creative review communication Arts design week and eye on design okay social media social media platforms like Instagram Twitter and be hands are great places to follow other designers and design related accounts okay it gives me some popular hashtag like graphic design design inspiration or design thinking to find relevant content online design communities okay like dribble behance creative block so there's some good stuff in here design conferences and events okay like Adobe Max IGA design conference how to design live Trend forecasting websites uh trans forecasting websites like Trend watching and wgsn okay design podcasts like the future creative pep talk all right so I have a bunch of different information so what I would do I would extract all of that good stuff and pump that into my whiteboard alright so let me show you where we are on our whiteboard I have added different ways to keep up with these industry Trends okay based on chat gpt's latest answer so I have created this new section of the Whiteboard and I've given it a color code I could probably use the same color right here for the heading which is going to be this color right here so we have our industry Trends how to keep up with the industry Trends and this is not the same color let me make sure it is the same color now it is so yeah five different ways design publication or websites I have fact checked all of these they absolutely work social media Instagram B has Twitter and Chachi PT also gave us a couple of hashtags to check out so these hashtags right here on these different social media platforms online design communities on dribble behance creative block a couple of design conferences and events that exist throughout the world so I have listed them here and some design podcasts we could also create another table right here for YouTube channels we could create another one for we could go deeper for example on Instagram like which creators which designers do we follow and list them all here so we could really go granular on our whiteboard right here but what I want to show you is the combination once again the combination between canva chat GPT to really create these custom educational path because once you have this like you can really geek out on this whiteboard right here and go deep and then every day you open up this whiteboard and you start learning things okay and you can check every time you have actually finished one section of the Whiteboard or you feel like you have dive deep enough in one specific section of the Whiteboard then you can go to the next one and you can still continue to use chat GPT to go back and forth and go deeper on specific uh topics so that's what I'm going to show you quickly right now so how to dig deeper on any of these topics so if we come back to the a whiteboard and want to learn more for example about the design principles okay I have these design principles right here it seems to me that some of them are still missing so I could just go back to chat GPT locate the question about the design principles which is the first one right here and let's go back and ask chatgpt so I would use this prompt let's talk about the design principles again give me an exhaustive list of all the design principles you could think of let's see what it says okay so it's going to start generating this list balance contrast proximity alignment hierarchy repetition Unity emphasis Harmony economy white space scale movement Rhythm symmetry asymmetry dominance focal point texture color theory typography negative space rule of thirds golden ratio Gestalt principles composition Simplicity Clarity consistency that's 30 design principles right here so we can probably go back to our whiteboard put everything there under the First Column and really start going deeper so one other thing I like to do when I receive a long list like this one we can ask chat GPT to give us a very succinct summary of what each of these design principles are all about okay for that I have another prompt The Prompt is this one so I believe this will be prompt number nine okay so organize these 30 points into a table format your answer in this way okay in column one insert the name of the design principle column two a brief description of that principle in column three a relevant example of this principle and in column four why do I need to learn this principle okay I should change skill by principle why I should why I need to learn this principle okay let's see what it can do so I really hope it can create that a nice table because this will really be super useful for me to paste in my whiteboard imagine I have this clear table and yeah that's what it does so balance Distributing elements evenly to create visual stability symmetrical layout of a web page it helps create a sense of equilibrium in a design contrast draws attention to specific elements to add Visual and adds visual interests proximity so this is really good because I can really like have a visual overview of all of these principles and start digging deeper if I want to so let's wait for chat GPT to finish this one table I will copy the entire table into my whiteboard and then I will show you how to go way deeper on one specific point one specific design principle sometimes you will notice that chat GPT stops generating its answers so right now it made it up all the way to rule of thirds and if I go back here rule of thirds is actually the 23rd principle I still have seven missing right here but Chad GPT is not answering anything anymore so in that case you can just ask jagpt to continue just type continue it will continue generating the answer it was generating so that's important to understand and if it doesn't give it to you in the form of a table like it's doing right now I meant continue in the table format and you see what it did here it started over and I don't want to start over so I will say something like start over from principle 23 which was root of thirds okay so let's see if it understands that format in a table so start over from principle 23rd rule of thirds format in a table seems like it understood yes so you see sometimes it's a little bit capricious like you will have to put it back on the right track when it starts to wander off the wrong way but that's totally fine I mean this is a wonderful tool it's giving us so much information so it is normal that you keep an eye on what it's doing and you need to correct the trajectory when it's not going the way you want so let's just keep an eye on the different design principles that I get here to make sure they correspond to my 30 points right here so Simplicity Clarity consistency functionality functionality train awareness it's giving me more actually but it is the right order at least so what I'm going to do I'm going to show you how you can actually keep all of that information in a table format in canva I'm going to copy the first part of the table right here okay so all the way to here command C or control C going back to canva and here if I paste that directly into my whiteboard it's not going to look great so let me bring it here and zoom in on this so you can see what's been generated here so this is how it looks like and I can extend my column right here so what I can do is probably select the entire thing and simply make the text bigger I want this to be in size 14. great now I have my table I could probably make it longer here so I do have a bit more space in each of these cells that we can see here so you see this is a little bit tedious okay because I would have to manually adjust the size and the the spacing in between each of the cells so this is not great I'm going to delete the entire table okay zoom out again and I'm going to show you a trick you can use another document type you can use a canva document okay so I'm going to start a canva dock and I'm going to paste everything here and now my table is going to look very nice okay it's going to look perfect and what I can do is to Simply select this First Column right here so by selecting the first cell all the way to the last cell I can format that including this one right here so I'm going to do this again I'm holding my shift button my shift key on my keyboard to select all of this first row I'm going to make that bold actually I'm going to change the font to something Bolder so monserrats extra bold yes and I'm also going to uh use the same formatting for these column titers right here description example importance I'm going to make this Montserrat extra bold this one actually doesn't need to be bolded and I want to Center this so I'm going to justify this in the middle and I also want some colors okay so let's give this this nice pale green color all right so now I have this nice table I could go back to chat GPT and continue making this table what I'm gonna do is to First bring that over my kind of whiteboard okay so with it selected okay it's entirely selected I'm going to command C or copy this thing come back to my whiteboard click in the Whiteboard and command V and now you see here I have my table right here just need to make it at the right size like so and I can bring it here next to my design principles and so now I can move this a bit more like here probably change this for a green which matches what I have here I believe it is this one now the design principles I can bring that Arrow right here and point it here so if I zoom in I will see my entire table here so what I could probably do is to select the entire table and make it bigger so it's easier for me to actually read all of this information I probably don't need that much space on that side right here so it's just a question of playing around with the formatting so that it looks good to you and now I have all the design principles here I have the descriptions and it's pretty good and I have I would say an overview of all of these design principles now if I was to search deeper for a particular one I could really do that by going back to chat GPT and ask it to tell me everything you know about I don't know like focal points so I would grab focal points give me a crash course about creating focal points in graphic design what should I know about let's see what it tells me creating a focal point in graphic design is a critical part of caching the viewers attention and emphasizing important information here are some key things you should keep in mind when creating a focal point okay so choose a focal point that aligns with your message use contrast to create visual interest position the focal point strategically okay so all of these different points right now are telling me more about one specific design principle so I could leverage that to really learn more to dig deeper and this is going to be some interesting information and again I will extract and bring to my canva whiteboard I think you get the point by now so I'm just going to copy this information right here okay all the way to one go back to my whiteboard I can move this table to any direction really so what I'll do is just simply paste all of the information it will look something like this okay it's not exactly a very fun format to read so I'm going to unbol this I'm going to make this about the same size as these guys right here and I'm gonna make this uh Justified to this side okay now I can zoom in and see what's going on here I have a different font from this one Montserrat so I'm going to make this Montserrat for sure so I can use the copy style button right here and just copy the style here don't want this to be bold I want this to be montserrat's normal okay and I want this to be justified this way so choosing a focal point okay I can add a couple of enters to Simply create different blocks or I could ask chatgpt to do this kind of formatting for me so I'm going to show you how to do that and then wrap up the tutorial because I believe you get the main idea of how you would use chat GPT to really prompt and prompt and prompt deeper okay so I will ask generate this same answer by using H1 headings for each point yeah let's just do that and it's going to generate this in a much easier way to read right so the task is ready I have all my headings small paragraph all my texts here so I'm just going to copy all of that information like so copy and I'm going to come back to my canva document right here I'm not going to paste straight to the Whiteboard gonna go to my canva document I'm going to delete this entire thing right here deleting the entire table that I created earlier I'm going to paste this text right here because it seems like canva docs keep the formatting so copying from here and then going to my whiteboard okay I'm gonna get rid of this box now and create a new box there you go now I have this box with my formatting which is exactly what I wanted okay so there you go I have my first I would say more detailed answer about how to create a focal point so that would be this point right here and I can now adjust this box by using an arrow that's why I kept this little guy right here let's bring that closer on this side to use the arrows okay so I'm going to copy this and paste it here and zoom back in bring that Arrow right here sorry to connect it to this text box and I'm going to connect the other part of the arrow to focal point right here now when I move this it's always going to point at focal point so what you can do is for each of these design principles to generate a similar text like so and all of a sudden you find yourself with 30 different design principles and a way to apply them and you could go deeper and ask for example etc etc and you can do this for any part of your whiteboard you can really go deep you can really go down the rabbit hole and use chat gbt to go deeper in any of these points this is just to show you how you can really leverage both these powerful tools and the power of canva especially for organizing this information with arrows and blocks that you can link together so just know a couple of work around a couple of hacks if you paste from chat GPT in a specific formatting directly in your whiteboard you probably will lose the formatting but if you paste in a canva dock first and then copy that and paste in your whiteboard after you will maintain that specific formatting which is very interesting in my opinion make you save a bunch of time all right I'm gonna leave it here guys let me know what you thought about this tutorial in the comment section as always if you like the tutorial well give us a like subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so yet and since we are talking about graphic design I'm Gonna Leave You guys with our playlist with all our graphic design tutorials all the principles and then here at the bottom our playlist with some other AI tutorials thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 29,658
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Keywords: artificial intelligence, ai, generative tools, openai, chatgpt, ChatGPT, Canva, Learning, Tutorial, Skills, Soft skills, Language learning, Career development, Emotional intelligence, Professional graphic designer, Education, E-learning, Online learning, Self-improvement, Personal growth, Productivity, how to use ChatGPT, how to use Canva, how to learn new skills online for free, How to learn new skills onlineskills online
Id: 2Ct7sdlDjN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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