How to Write a Science Fiction Book with ChatGPT

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all right welcome back to AI content creation today we're going to be writing a science fiction book using only chat gbt so let's get started so one of the first commands that I'm going to give it I'm going to go ahead and zoom in a little bit for you all right we'll zoom in to about right there that way you guys can see it see it a little bit better all right we're going to go in here and I'm going to come up with my first Command right here which is let's just say something like um let's write a science fiction story together so if you start off writing with chat gbt and like they're uh like a real person right they're an assistant they're going to help you write the story I find that you get better content when you kind of pre-talk about it pre-prompt it instead of just saying write a 30 chapter book on this boom and then you know Chad gbt we'll go ahead and start doing that but I think that you'll get better results when you kind of pre-talk about exactly what you're looking for you'll get better results and that really kind of applies to almost everything you're doing with chat gbt I'm going to say um ask me for input about characters um plots Etc okay so I'm gonna push enter right there and see what's going on great let's start with the setting where do you envision this story taking place is it on Earth or another planet is it set in the future or a different time period okay so let's just say set in the future on another planet then another galaxy far from Earth and right here if you're not creative or you don't have any thoughts or anything you can just say you suggest so let's make the protagonist a human astronaut named Maya who's been sent on a mission to explore this new planet uh Maya because that's pretty uh creative right there and um Maya is an experienced astronaut and scientist who has always been fascinated by space exploration her goal is to gather as much data as possible about the planet's geology atmosphere and potential for sustaining life she's motivated by a desire to uncover new knowledge and make groundbreaking discoveries that's perfect okay that is great now we need to create a conflict for the story suggest a good suggest an interesting conflict that Maya will face on her journey and push enter right how about Maya discovers that the planet is already inhabited by an alien species that has a very different culture and way of life from humans at first the aliens seem peaceful and curious about Maya but as she continues to explore the planet she discovers that they have a hidden agenda the aliens are actually planning to invade Earth and they see Maya's Mission as a potential threat to their plan Maya must navigate a dangerous and unfamiliar situation balancing her desire to learn about the aliens with the need to protect Earth and prevent an Intergalactic War okay so we're really getting somewhere for somebody that is not a creative writer this is better than the what they're going to be able to come up with so really cool stuff so now let's go with we're going to start jumping in I'm just going to say okay okay that sounds great and then I'm going to say I need 30 chapter I need a 30 chapter version add characters and subplots um and here we go so they're actually writing 30 chapters first signs of conflict Maya's growing curiosity Maya discovers the alien's hidden agenda so we're into the conflict right there Maya's internal conflict Maya's growing distrust the aliens reveal their plan Maya's plan of action um and then looks like a new Ally the battle begins a surprising twist the desperate race a sacrifice the aftermath a new threat Maya's new Mission um and then right here we're just going to say continue so basically we've got chat GPT is working their magic and doing what would have taken days just to get this outline of this book created for somebody that's not a creative fiction writer or um and more specifically a science fiction writer this could have taken a week to do and it probably wouldn't be wouldn't be as good because Chad gbd has so much information about so many different science fiction books that it's able to really gather from all that knowledge and just quickly within seconds come up with a 30 chapter outline book right here so now what we can do is give it this last command I've already pre-typed it so you don't have to watch me type this I'm going to throw this in right here and it says now it started on chapter one and start writing a full chapter each chapter needs to be over 1000 words in length so create the first chapter and then stop and let me know you are done then we will start on the next chapter so I don't know if we're going to get a thousand words out of this or not it's really hard to kind of get even when you tell chat gbt to write you a thousand words it doesn't really actually do that most of the time but we'll see I mean hopefully the chapters can be at least 800 words or or longer and that will be great for our book alright so we're going to push enter and see what happens so here we go chapter one Maya's arrival on the planet I'm going to come back up here and look and that is to make sure that that's the chapter Maya's arrival on the planet and we she already has notes that she created for the chapter so that's really good and it is just going out and writing this so definitely you want to read through the story to make sure that nothing crazy jumps out um you know something very rated R or something like that I believe that chat gbd has filters on it but you still want to be careful and then also this is really cool so we've gotten to a point right here where this first part I'm going to zoom out now so we can see a little bit more so I'm going to come back up right here and I just want to see how many words are created so far so we're at 600 words and that's about how much uh content can be produced in one go and that's why I'm really glad that they're not uh chat gbt is not done with chapter one and that way that why that's why we're able to push continue another um awesome reason to have the um this extension over here um let's see the a i p r m for chat gbt it's a free extension it allows you to also have this these buttons down here and that's where this continue button comes from and that's really a cool in just the standard chat GPT you'll end up having to type in continue and push enter and right here by having just a simple button you can just say continue and chat gbt already knew what it wanted to say so that's what we're going to get we got about 650 700 words out of that chapter and that's the chapter right so now we can say begin chapter 2 and if you don't want to do it this way I think this is a good way to not overload uh chat gbt on doing 30 chapters and just continuing to go go go I think that just focusing on one chapter at a time and letting uh chat gbt stop every time gives you more control but if you wanted to just do this all in one go you can also say okay now write all the rest of the chapters and push enter and then jagi BG will just continue writing and you'll have to just sit here and just continue pushing the continue button right here begin chapter two and we'll just say enter and so chat GPT uh let's see right here okay so begin chapter two right here oh okay there was a lot more text down there so let's go um no uh so I messed that part up right here we needed to finish right here but that's okay um we're just doing this as an example but this is how much text in chapter one has already been created we'll right click right there boom and we're at 1266 words in that chapter and uh chat gbt wasn't even done you can see right here I needed to push continue again right here so we can fix that part up we can actually have that chapter and we can just say continue that chapter later on and we're right over here so we really need to when you're writing this much text um you know this is a good this was a perfect natural example of what happened you want to probably just be monitoring what's going on uh this looks like a really good story and you can give a lot more information like you want a lot of dialogue you want a lot of character development you can really dive into the plot specifically on how you want um it to it to go right so right here it stopped right there I don't know if the chapter is done or not I'm going to go ahead and just say continue and it wasn't done so there we go so we just keep pushing continue and I believe that it will we'll see when it stops when it's done with its chapter okay so it ended right there I'm just going to say continue and it's just going to continue writing continue writing it hasn't told us that it's done with the chapter or move tried to move to the next chapter so that part is uh interesting we'd have to really read through this to see um I'm going to push continue okay so what I did was it just kept going and kept going so I had to kind of intervene right here and I said keep writing but remember to let me know when you complete a chapter and so it just jumps right into the chapter four so you'll have to read through that and see if it does come to a stopping point right there and you can always take the chapter or take the last part of the chapter and say hey come up with a good ending to this chapter you can start that in a new chat there's all kinds of different ways that you can use chat GPT looks like we're on chapter four right here and we're going to just go say continue and so that was a really short chapter probably too short for a chapter in the book so we would probably want to revisit right there revisit that so we're on chapter five right here and so forth so you can see how it just continues to write for us continue and it's on chapter six right now so it's not really writing let's go down here it's it's writing about 400 word Chapters at this point uh let's go over here and look at the words so yeah literally 282 words so we'll have to jump in and fix that up right there but as you can see you're going to have a really nice chapter right here and so what you can do is you can actually take this right here before um going into the next part now you could just say Focus on chapter six again remember to develop the chapter in great detail and to focus on writing at least one thousand words in this chapter so you could really come to a stopping point and let me know the chapter is over by saying finished chapter let's see if that works push enter so it's going to go back and rewrite chapter six it's going to hopefully write more for us and then it's going to let us know when it is done with this chapter so as you can see you got you want to do some customalities with this see what's going to work best for you and and basically you just need to tell chat chat gbt exactly what you want and that was uh the the prompting is going to get better and look chat gbt let me know that they finished the chapter and let's go and see um if we're doing better on content length and content length we're at 500 Words so we did get somewhere we could say um we could take this right here and you could focus on one chapter at a time but we would say chapter six um and you can just say okay thanks but we need the chapter to be longer than what you just produced try again enter and let's see what it comes up with for us okay it should be coming to an end but it's definitely writing a lot more and then it did the finished chapter and I like the finished chapter because that tells us um remember if we go back and watch chapter one I believe it just went on forever and it didn't ever say a finished chapter and we were probably getting thousands of words so let's go back up I think we did get a lot more Improvement you can tweak this as much but we got 639 uh words right there so you can continue doing that and continue uh honing in and optimizing your prompts that you're prompting in order to get the chat gbt to write as long as you want and is detailed and descripted descriptive as you want and then right here you would just say move on to next chapter it's going to move right into chapter seven and you're going to be able to grab this text go throw it in a Word document and you can literally create thousands tens of thousands of words uh books using chat gbt and in some cases it's going to write better than even humans now you could depending on how much time you want to put into this but you could uh you read through all this and add a human touch to it in each chapter you know spend the time that would take months to write maybe it'll only take a week and you can go into each chapter and add a little bit of human touch and so forth or send it off to an Editor to now edit this really cool stuff um now you can create full length um chapter books uh on fiction you could do non-fiction and so forth so hope that you got value from this video and on how you can use uh unique prompts in order to get books created for you and so forth so make sure to subscribe to AI content creation and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: AI Content Creation
Views: 9,120
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Keywords: ai content creation, chatgpt, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt prompts, awesome chatgpt prompts, make money with ai, write book with chatgpt, make money with chatgpt, self publishing, fiction book chatgpt, chatgpt tutorial, ai content writer, ai content writing tools, ai software for writing, ai content writing
Id: MoKDyNMM4vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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