How To Write A Novel with AI #chatgpt #midjourneyai

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[Music] hello and welcome to video three in the series of writing a novel with chat GPT and other AI so I'm using chat GPT for the writing part I'm using mid Journey for the illustrations and the images and I'm using um probably speech hello because I actually bought that pretty cheap to um if I'm using any AI voices if I come to do the audiobook I may well upgrade and shell out but we'll see how we get on because we're not even at the stage where we've got a book that's worth turning into an audio book so let's take it step by step we'd already got so far as to create some of this the characters for this story and they were all imagined by chat GPT the setting the place the The Chateau Inc not just its descriptions but the very concept of it we fed in ideas about Gothic novels and typical things and then it suggested things and it came up with the characters it came with their names it's coming up with their motivations and it's kind of putting them all together the the thing about this is um to use AI it's a bit like using Photoshop or a paintbrush or a typewriter you you it's a technology so you have to intelligently use that technology and you have to learn how to do it that's what I'm doing now is learning how to do this and sharing this journey with you um and so I'm not in any way suggesting I'm an expert in any of this we're just seeing how far we can get for some fun and enraging some people along the way who are horrified by the idea but I think they've kind of maybe misconceived it because basically chat GPT is not a creative human being it is a piece of technology that creative human beings can use to create in interesting ways I mean people are doing things with photography and digital art now which is just as artistic and valid as anything else as it ever come before us before we had paint brushes before we were just drawing things on Cave walls even that was technology so anyway that's a select digression but that's what we're about here and I so I asked it to create some more characters because we didn't have the three children well as we left it last time we had the count the counters the two retainers or servants and Adele Dupont that was it we needed some the children and so I've come back and I create the children and we create images of the children we do a family portrait and it comes up with all sorts of little character facets about the children that it's conjured out somewhere which I think are quite good and then the next step after that is we start looking at the structure and we go with Jessica Brody's adaptation of Blake Snyder's screenwriting script writing manual save the cat and she Jessica Brody did a book called save the cat writes a novel and we're going to use that framework and this framework is very much it's set in beat so how we do it is we have our act structure a three act structure we know what the ACT is supposed to do that's based on our knowledge of stories and then it breaks this method Jessica Brody's version of it breaks it up into 15 beats and the beats are like a condensation of a scene and there are 15 of them and we'll probably end up with a novella rather than a novel we may need to rewrite it I don't know how good it's going to be but at the very end you'll see it started to write something um I misprompted it I wasn't actually looking for a fully fleshed out scene I was looking for a prompter like a condensation of the beat what happens in this scene we there's more work that needs to be done but it actually produced something which was surprisingly not awful so anyway you you take a look and see what you think and I hope you're enjoying this anyway as much as I am so these are the characters that we've created and you see there the heroine is Adele Dupont and first of all chat GPT created all of this background here I had to prompt it for a name and we did the same with all the others as well and this is the count Louis Philippe de Clermont again this is his wife the Countess Victoria de Clermont and all these backgrounds are created by Chachi PT Genevieve the evil woman servant and Jean-Pierre the evil man servant it remains to be seen how evil they are it's not down to me after all the male servant Jean-Pierre is an elderly man in his 70s with a lined face and a sharp gaze that seems to miss nothing we've got the description here of the Chateau again provided by chatgpt and I inputted that description into a mid-journey and created these images there's a bunch of images which we showed last time and I'll show them later on let me show the gallery The Chateau is a sprawling estate that sits on the edge of a dense Woodland it's once Gwen facade now crumbling and weathered by the passage of time the Estates once impressive Gardens are now overgrown with weeds and Tangled Vines their once vibrant flowers long since withered and dead no this is all done in plotter so I create this story on Chad GPT mid-journey and he input it into plotter there is a affiliate link if you want to get plotter I find it very useful for for getting the structure of the um the story to get the p l o t t r so we open the imaginatively named the French Chateau story and there I've asked chat GPT to remind me of the main characters in this story and it gives me the five the little summary it remembers them I didn't tell them they tell it who they were they remembered them and I think as long as you do it in the same chat you see in the left there are different things I've asked it about and now I'm gonna ask it to suggest the children who are the children Marie Louise the Countess and Count's eldest daughter was a striking young girl of 12. she had auburn hair that fell in loose curls around her shoulders and deep brown eyes that seem to hold a world of intelligence and curiosity her sharp wit and passion for literature were evident in her every word and movement and she had a gift for writing poetry that the lighter tender age also last week I'd um misremembered the date of the French Revolution and so I've asked Chachi P to give me a chronology of the French Revolution from 1789. and I'm going to put this in the notes section of plotter paste it in and so I can always remind myself where I am historically so I put the description of the children into the machine and it creates the first of all Murray Louise who's 12 and it gives us always gives us four options and then shall Felipe who's eight who likes hunting and getting in the Outdoor World he's a bit mischievous or mischievous of those of the Elder one I like number three so I'm going to upscale that of the boys there I think the fourth one's far too old um I I like the third one I think it's really nice picture so I'm gonna upscale number three again for little Eugene is only five a lot of those are pretty cute all four of them would work for me but of them are kinda like number two so she's got a dog in three of them but I like number two so we'll upscale number two and there's the upscale pictures the eldest Mary Louise Charles Philippe eight Eugenie five I'm gonna download those now and then put them into plotter with the character descriptions created and there is the family so far I also asked her to do a family portrait and it created four possibilities and it's made some mistakes here because I tell them how many boys and girls there are and they're not right and the closest one I've got is number two but the daughter there looks more kind of 18 than 12. but they have a small son and the small daughter in the family but in the other ones the the genders of the children are wrong or the number of people's wrong of those I like two and four possibly but I think two is probably the best even though the daughter the eldest daughter is a bit too old but we'll go with that one as it's the closest we can get as I said it's not it's not a perfect science so as I said we're going to use the framework of Jessica Brody's book save the catwriter novel you can see it's got 4409 ratings and it's four point something Stars so it's really hard to maintain over four stars with that many ratings so you can see how well it's received also that book there by Into the Woods by uh John York I've got that that I haven't probably sold it but um it's uh it's a good book so there we are save the cat writes a novel the last book on novel writing You'll Ever Need affiliate link below obviously eleven dollars oh no it's 11 pounds on the UK still obvious you could buy all three of those it's only 32 quid only the log line for us so far Untitled French Chateau story so basically they say the cat says you can actually summarize it this is due to these elevator pitches where you're supposed to be in Hollywood and you get in a lift with some producer and you've got to put your log line down and get it to them in a second on the verge of a stasis equals Death moment a flawed hero breaks into two act two but when the midpoint happens they must learn the theme stated before the All Is Lost so let's take a minute to think about all those things and of course we should really ask chat GPT what this is just for fun we're going to ask chat GPT about the log line are you familiar with the log line I'm going to ask it what is the log line of this story when a young governess Adele Dupont arrives at a decaying French Chateau to care for the count and count as his children she must navigate the dangerous secrets and Supernatural forces lurking within the estate while also protecting the children she has grown to love okay we could develop that the log line should be on the verge of a stasis equals Death moment the flawed hero breaks into two but when midpoint happens they must learn the theme stated before the All Is Lost so basically in this it seems that Adele comes um and she certainly starts to care for the children very much and realizes that there is great danger the supernatural danger remember it's a monster in the house genre so it's it's a horror story and um she the theme stated she must solve that problem to save the kids and I guess the All Is Lost is the death of the children it didn't say that but protecting the children's I'm inferring it from that what is she protecting the children from Adele is protecting the children from the dangerous secrets and Supernatural force that are lurking within the decaying French chateau the nature of these forces and secrets are yet to be fully revealed that they will pose a threat to both Adele and the children as the story progresses okay the nature of these monsters is yet to be revealed that's fair enough I think but they pose a threat to both Adele and the children fair enough about the the theme it knows about the theme must be stated let's ask what the theme is what is the theme of this story the theme of this story could be the battle between good and evil or the struggle to confront and overcome one's fears and inner demons another potential theme could be the importance of protecting those who are vulnerable such as children and the lengths one is willing to go to ensure their safety the femur family and the bonds that tie people together even in the face of adversity could also be explored ultimately the theme will depend on how the story unfolds and the message that the author intends to convey to the reader I don't love that theme the theme has to be specific to Adele they must be personal to Adele does that narrow it down yes you're right it's likely that the theme of the story will be tied to her personal struggles fears and motivations so it could be tied to her personal struggles if you remember in in number two she'd lost somebody in Paris through drowning we had that Chachi PT so it's about that isn't it the theme is that she doesn't want to lose them again so I'm saying here the possibility Adele lost somebody before and the hint was that she didn't do enough to protect that person so perhaps this is a theme here that she needs to instead of running away if she did to come to the Chateau she's now been given the chance to prove herself again to find her courage to protect those who were vulnerable which she failed to do before so that would be okay that is a that's a character Arc I think if chat GPT is not being massively helpful here and I suppose as we go on we're gonna find I'm gonna maybe have to intrude a little bit more but we've got we've got something of a log line on so we would say the log line is when Adele who has fled Paris comes to the Chateau she learns of evil Supernatural forces threatening the children she is sworn to protect she must challenge her courage that she's failed in before to protect the children before All Is Lost I think that's just what the log line of the story is about I could make it neater than that and I may do but I think that's basically what it's about so we're now going to look more specifically at the monster in the house genre and we'll see that here what we need is a three essential ingredients of monster in the house are a monster a house and a sin where we've got a house the French Chateau the monster is something we don't know yet that's been created by the sin of the family declemo which is now carried by the count himself so we've got all three of those I think you see these notes I've read this book before obviously I obviously like this book because I bought it and I've been through it and I've done notes on it and these are some a list of stories including the watches by Dean Coons pet cemetery Woman in Black Ghost Story by Peter Straub the ritual by Adam Neville and of course Frankenstein The Haunting of Hill House which I've just done on classic Ghost Stories podcast The Exorcist the sin of course in Haunting of Hill House is probably Eleanor's uh deceit potentially deceit's a common one um hatred is another you need to fall back on the seven deadly sins really gluttony that could be a good one it's not in this story Envy Roth all of those the seven deadly sins now we'll go to the beat sheet so you can see the Beats this is the idea that you don't write the full book to start off with you break it down into scenes and you break each scene down into a beat which is just an interaction you know it changes along the way as you learn more about the world and the character you can use the beat sheet before you start writing somewhere in the middle when you're feeling lost or not until you've finished your first draft and are going back to revise so in act one there's three acts remember the opening image so what we have is an image that encapsulates the story and then we repeat the image at the end so the opening image is the same as the ending image the ending image is transformed within five percent told you it was very prescriptive we must State the theme so it's about courage I think somebody has to make a comment within the first five percent the Catalyst then something happens to introduce us to the conflict of the story and in particular introduce our Avatar Adel Dupont to the conflict of the story so she's thrown in it now she needs to think about what she's going to do and it costs the last part this is the same as refusing the call in the hero's journey thing the last part is um this the choice to intervene and live up to her moral failings is presented to her the Catalyst and then she debates whether she's going to do it and there's got to be a genuine reason it's going to be real I think you know it's and it's got a play on that difference between what she wants and what her unconscious needs are so probably what she wants is to walk away I don't need this stuff but an unconscious need is saying no you need to make right or you fail to make right in Paris and so that's her debate I think and we're going to act two break into two the moment the hero decides to accept the call for action and leave their comfort zone the World Turns Upside down the hall the second act is is conflict really um there's a midpoint and the midpoints are really important exactly halfway through the story and there's a false Victory where she feels she's succeeded and and hasn't or a false defeat I'm gonna do something about twists later on but I'm not going to introduce that right now and we will have to do it before we write it we'll have to know vaguely what the twist is or less vaguely and then the midpoint has either been a false defeat or a false success a false Victory so she thinks she was doing it right and she isn't or um she thought oh it was lost and there's just a little sign of Hope the bad guys closing always lost the lowest point of the story The Dark Knight of the soul and this is the end of Act 2 just before we break into act three and it's like oh no it's all we're finished we're finished we're finished we're finished and then we get act three all action we're gonna have to solve this problem I asked chat GPT if it knew about these the Blake Snyder saved the cat's story Beats it's a bit um chachypt oh yes so I'm familiar Chad GPT is a no-wall chat gbt is a smart alec and then I said well you know can you divide it by accident he goes while the 15 beats in Blake snide is say the cutter typically thought or was a single structure no they're not chat jpt it's just you can't admit you're wrong and then you do so in a mealy mouth sort of the way if I if I call you out on it you go uh yeah oh yeah okay I was wrong but um so we break this into into into Acts and it says some really useful things so I forgive it about what act one's about what act two is about the story deepens and complicates the Beast story introduces a secretary parallel narrative we may not get a B story because remember we're probably just going to do a novella rather than a novel act one we're intro is all about introduction and then the inciting incident the moral question is given to the heroine Adele and she doesn't want to go there and then she does and that gets us into it because she's pushed there she's pushed there by her unconscious need to to fix things or else we don't have a story and then act two oh I don't know what it'll come up with but I can see the kids pleading with her or something or she sees the children in great danger and that is enough to propel her but that's me thinking of it not chat GPT so we're gonna go with that I say to chat GPT just remind me the first beat write me the beats and it does that all of these things opening image uh decaying French Chateau Adele depart arriving on horseback same stated she's driven by a desire to protect set up a delmaid's account and Countess as well as their children Catalyst Adele begins to experience strange occurrences within the Chateau including hearing mysterious voices and seemingly ghostly apparitions debate she must decide whether to speak out about the supernatural occurrences or to keep quiet I think that's interesting we'll come to that when we come to write it the break into act two Adele discovers the evidence of the Count's sin but decides to keep quiet for the sake of the children's safety and her own job security that's nice because she's refused to call her but in a sense by staying she's accepted it the only quibble I have with it was um it's uh she's from a lower social status so she wouldn't be coming on Horseback as I put that to chat GPT you're right it says it's unlikely that Adele will be arriving on Horseback and he says perhaps you could be dropped off by a coach a distance away from the Chateau so I had her coming to the shuttle on a coach but no that's actually good that's better because then we get to walk up you know we can't drop you there that's something about her status it's not going to bother taking you there it probably couldn't anyway but you know it's a it's a way of putting it down a little bit and she has to walk with a bag if this actually feels a bit like um the turn of the screw by Henry James with the governess looking after the children and um kind of nastiness in a big house so it actually then writes it and it wasn't terrible it wasn't terrible as the coach rolled to a stop Adele Dupont stepped out into the cool Autumn air she had traveled from Paris to the remote French Chateau by coach enjoying a long and uncomfortable Journey the driver informed her that they were unable to approach The Chateau due to the overgrown and treacherous condition of the road leading to it so Adele would have to walk the rest of the way so what it created for the first scene wasn't terrible it wasn't great but it wasn't terrible two little things that struck me was it invented the fact it was Autumn I hadn't told it was Autumn I mentioned hadn't mentioned it was Autumn and the second thing was that the driver explains they can't go to the Chateau because of the disrepair of the road now I hadn't thought of that either so it's inventing stuff now if we go to plotter we see that I have set up the Beats for act one and I've included copied and pasted everything that chat GPT suggested my own feeling is that this isn't enough it isn't uh it's it's the structure but I think we're going to need to do a bit more with it I like the idea of the the opening image of course um and I know as we've said before that we need to mirror the opening image with the closing image so we've got them approaching the decaying French Chateau so that would kind of suggest that a final image might be a refurbished French Chateau or it might be a French Chateau in Flames the same Chateau obviously I don't know how that's going to go yet um because chat GPT hasn't told me the next thing I think we might have the theme might be something like one of the retainers makes a comment about why she's here and she hints something of her backstory about how her sibling I think it was a sibling uh drowned we can interrogate that so I think before we actually write the scenes or get Chachi PT to write the scenes we need to do a little bit of back and forth yet but I'm I'm feeling that it's coming together um what we'll probably do is do Acts 2 and 3. and I want to do something about twist endings based on some of them yeah there are some famous twist endings you know people like Oh Henry it was and Chekhov check I'm not so much but oh Henry was famous for his twist endings and other people are very good at them and I think uh we don't want to make it too obvious that I think that might be a problem with chat gbt and I'm I'm stand to be corrected if it's not as we'll find out but it might just dish up the obvious and what we want for a good story is something that's familiar so it needs to be a Gothic story with all the tropes and then Twisted so it's unfamiliar so we need to give them as they say give me something like that but different yeah that's what we need to do but so far so good anyway so what we've got now we've got all the characters we need we've got an inkling of the story I think what we're going to do before we go and write the story is we're going to map out all the Beats but we'll do that next time okay if you enjoyed it stick with me if you didn't don't come back no I'm you know I'm not saying don't come back obviously I'm saying please come back but if if you didn't like it probably wouldn't want to come back that's what I'm saying anyway okay you all take care bye-bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Deliberate Practice For Writers
Views: 2,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _x8M4UK-IQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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