🤫 I Should Be Selling This ChatGPT + Publisher Rocket SECRET

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in this video I'll show you a really cool way to use chat gbt and publisher rocket together to create a book faster than ever [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've earned well over seven figures from my Amazon KDP business I sold the first brand and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want no BS publishing advice from someone who's actually doing it then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built my KDP business to that level then the link is in the description below so if you guys have heard of publisher rocket it is a tool that I love to use and recommend to other people because it is a very useful tool if you're building your publishing business but this tool and chat gbt synergizes flawlessly so in this video I'll show you a strategy that I see nobody else covering that'll help you research profitable keywords very very quickly and using AI to create content and creating a book on that so that you can go and publish that and start making money as soon as possible now chat GPT can be a very powerful tool but if you use it the way a lot of these other YouTube videos are talking about then it can get you in trouble so in this this video I'll show you how to correctly use chat GPT so that you can avoid potential book being blocked or even your account being terminated alright so we have publisher rocket here the first thing we want to do is to generate keyword ideas so we will go to the keyword search section now let's type in trivia so you can come up with any book topic book ideas and you can check that with Publisher rocket but in this case I'll type in trivia and click on go get them rocket now what you want to do is to start clicking on this analyze button except for the ones that has the author name or you know it sounds like a trademarked phrase or something like that those will be skipping because that's not actually a keyword but something generic like trivia for adults trivia for seniors trivia for kids those look pretty good so just keep doing that and now what you want to be looking at is this estimated Amazon search per month which means how many people are searching for this keyword on Amazon on a monthly basis and the competitive score so you want both of these numbers to be showing up in either yellow at the minimum or green so publisher rocket actually tells you by the color on red green and yellow you know how good or bad the keyboard is if it's green then that means that there's a lot of searches and also not very much competition as well as a lot of people who are searching for this keyword is actually purchasing the book so when you see green or at the minimum once again yellow on these two metrics then that is a very very good sign so there are a few keywords here that really stands out this one trivia book for adults it shows that a lot of people are searching and also buying the book but it is competitive because it shows red under the competitive score trivia book for seniors looks very good good searches low competition as well as trivia book for adults 2022 interesting that a book that says 2022 is still selling but the tool is staying so so I guess that is another keyboard that we can go and take a look I personally would make trivia book for adults 2023 instead and also trivia for kids 8 to 12 also looks pretty good now one of the key word was trivia for kids as an example I found one book on Amazon I do have a tool called bookbeam that tells you how much this book is making every single day and it's making around 15 in royalties so if you times that by 30 and for the month it is making around 450 dollars just from the paperback side it's probably making over 500 a month from all formats from this one book which is pretty good and if you look inside here the type of content that is inside this book is extremely simple now this one doesn't even have any you know nice designs around or any extra elements it's literally just trivia questions is one after another so these are super super easy to make now next we're going to use chat gbt to help us generate these kind of trivia questions but before you do so I'm going to let you in on a little secret in terms of what kind of books will be the easiest to make with chat GPT and that is list type books so anything that is list type like trivia is a good example because it's just you know a list of questions one after another think of travel guides same thing a list of things to do things to eat restaurants to check out you know cities to visit right those travel books that is more so list types would work really well with chat GPT as well and another example will be cookbooks or recipe books because it's the same thing it's a list of recipes one after another and those are very very easy to create especially with the help of chat GPT alright so the first thing I've done is ask chat gbt give me five titles for a book on trivia for kids it came back with these following titles so brain Busters fun trivia for curious kids amazing amazing facts for awesome kids a trivia Adventure the big book of trivia for young explorers smartypants a collection of trivia for clever kids the ultimate trivia challenge for kids test your knowledge and have fun so I do like these if you want you can ask you know to give you more titles but make it funny this time or witty this time those extra you know descriptive words are really helpful when you're generating prompts but in this case I do like smarty pants a collection of trivia for clever kids I'll probably stick with something like this however I'm not gonna copy paste it it's very very important that you take elements so perhaps you can take the title but then you can take the subtitle or a few words from this title and then a couple more words from here and then you know create your own title okay you don't want to just copy paste it from chat GPT and I'll show you why very very soon alright so next you want to get the book outline so you want to plan out your book structure right so I asked chat jbt to give me a book outline on this trivia book it came back with first off I think it's funny that it chose the title that I like the most without me telling it that I like that title the most uh but the outline came back with chapter one animals so we have interesting animal facts wild animal versus domestic animals endangered species animal behavior and communication so these are good topic ideas chapter two we got history chapter three Science and Technology geography pop culture miscellaneous so this is pretty good and when it comes to the book outline I would say you know I always preach that you don't want to just copy paste from chat gbt uh that is for you know book title description content but book outline it's not really that much of a big deal you know obviously you don't wanna copy the order exactly but maybe switch around the order of the chapters a little bit you know add a few of your own ideas in terms of the chapters and sub chapters as well but it's not too much of a big deal to kind of model the book outline that you get from chat GPT so next we want to start generating our content so I asked chat jbt to give me 30 interesting animal trivia came back with 30 interesting trivia so what you want to do here you don't want to once again copy paste this is where pretty much everybody gets wrong uh following YouTube videos you think you can just copy paste this directly into a book but that is exactly what Google hates if you're making blog posts and also Amazon if you're you know publishing books there are tools out there that I will show you very very soon that can detect if the tool is generated by an AI or not Google probably already implemented this Amazon as well I'm pretty sure we'll implement this in the future and they will most likely de-rank the book that is purely AI generated uh if not they will block it or even terminate your account if you're abusing this the last thing Amazon want is people pumping out low quality books that is generated by an AI so what we need to do is essentially two things one is to make sure that our book is actually high quality and two is to make sure that our content does not get caught in the AI detection tool so let me show you what I mean so if we just copy this entire text and go to this website called originality.ai paste it and click on scan now then as you can see it comes back as 95 percent AI so if this tool can detect AI content that easily then I'm pretty sure that Google and also Amazon is implementing something similar in their algorithm as well so what we need to do is it's pretty simple we just need to rewrite this content so that it's not just copy paste right we need to first off fact check because a lot of times chat GPT does not uh tell facts so we need to fact check all these informations but on top of that we want to you know add our thoughts into it add our input as well as simply sometime we just need to rephrase the sentence so there is a very very good uh tool out there that is free there is a premium version it is called quill bot and basically you want to paste the text that is generated from chat GPT now for the free version there is 125 words limit so for now let's just cut the rest of the section if you do pay for the premium then you can do a big reward count at a time but when you click on paraphrase here it will basically rephrase the sentence on the left with a new sentence on the right so you can go and check this right so as an example we have koala sleep up to 22 hours a day and it says koalas may sleep for up to 22 hours every day so you can keep this if you like it you can change the words uh like let's say you know if you want to change this to per day they give you a lot of different suggestions in terms of like phrases so you can go and rewrite all these sentences even more if you don't like this then obviously you can delete the May section but go through your sentence right and if you're happy with this then you can basically copy and then you want to go through the final check so the final check will be at originality.ai so click on start new scan scan now time it shows up as four percent AI so just like that we went from 95 percent to four percent so that is a very quick and easy way to get past the AI detection that most likely Amazon will also be implementing very soon so once again these steps are to generate content on chat GPT then you take that into quill bot rephrase it right and also add your own input fact check it then you do the final check on originality.ai so in my opinion this is by far the easiest way to get started with Amazon KDP you use publisher rocket to find a ton of profitable keywords and then you take that into chat GPT and go and create the content but before you do so I want to go and re-emphasize this point once again because it's extremely important you want to use AI as a tool to help you with the writing but not as a replacement so never copy paste once again to make sure that the content is original by you know adding your own input to the the content that is generated by Ai and chat GPT but if you can do that then in my opinion and the opportunity to make money on KDP with AI is massive alright guys that is it for the video hope you enjoyed it the links to all the tools that I mentioned in this video including publishing rocket quill bot originality.ai is in the description below thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed it leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 35,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, dane mcbeth, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Audiobook Publishing, publisher rocket tutorial, chatgpt ebook, how to write a book with chatgpt, chatgpt ebook writing
Id: DSry5onfX6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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