Using ChatGPT for Scientific Writing: The Dos and Don'ts

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in this video I'm going to talk to you about how to use Chachi PT specifically for scientific writing which includes reviews research articles and even conference abstracts now previously I did a video that was on how to use Chachi BT overall in scientific research and I got a lot of different questions specifically related to the writing component of that video so I'm going to answer some of your questions in here today talk about sort of the ethical concerns and how to work with this software to get really good results when using it for scientific writing so if you don't know what Chachi BT is it is simply a language model program so basically it's an AI bot that allows you to ask it questions and it gives you results back it's really helpful because it can really quickly give you results or help you to improve things in a very specific manner that may not be possible without another human to interact with so for a general example if you wanted to write a literature review let's say in one of my fields and let's talk about maternal obesity affecting fetal development I could ask chat gbt so I asked a specific question can you summarize the scholarly literature on how maternal obesity affects fetal development so one thing you have to be careful of whenever you're using something like Chachi PT is the quality of the output is going to be related to the quality of the input so it is going to say yes I can summarize the scholar see the scholarly literature obesity during pregnancy is associated with increased risk of adverse outcomes maternal obesity can alter fetal development and growth leading to a number of complications including and now it's giving me increased risks different things that it could lead to a big question that I got on my previous video was how do I get citations for what GPT creates so here you can see it gave me a lot of information but no citations for it so what I can say is could you include in-text citations for the previous answer so now it's going to re-give me that answer with now these in-text citations included in so that's how you simply include in-text citations in to what chat GPT is giving you for each one of these potential things that's happening it's going to now give you a single citation that it pulled that information from so here you can see is that results it basically gave me in-text citations and then it will give references down here now if it stops you can't ask it to continue giving the references as well I'm not going to do that because it takes a lot of time but basically that's how you can create in-text citations now the second question that I got asked a lot is can I just use this and publish it right can I just copy something that Chachi PT says and just publish it and there's only two things that I'm gonna say on this topic the very first one is that a lot of journals are actually coming out with guidelines on using AI written material I think nature is one example that I said that you cannot include anything written by AI in your journals for publication they won't be published so that's one factor is that journals are actually looking for AI written content now and there's a risk that your paper won't get published just because of the way just because it was written by AI the second thing that I will say to this is AI is a starting point chat gpt's results are a starting point to what you want to write AI is not going to be able to write it like a researcher who knows that field can write it doesn't understand the complexities it's never sat and collected data it doesn't understand and you're not going to write as good of a piece as if you were actually to write it yourself in fact if you're someone who's worried that chat apt is going to replace researchers it's going to replace the researchers that are letting it right like if all you're doing is putting props into chatgpt and and letting it give you the output and you want that to be your entire job why are you in research like you should be interested in this now I'm not saying not to use chat gbt and what I'm about to cover is a lot of really good ways to use chat GPT that are ethical and are not just copying it and pasting it but if you literally just want to put in a prompt have it write a lit review so that you can publish it you really have to question your motives for being in this career field when that's all you want to do so if you are somebody who does want to write it yourself but you want to get better at writing you want to be able to get more efficient at writing let's talk about how to use chat GPT for that so a good example of this is writing a research article and if you're someone who is going to write a research article and you're just getting really stuck Chachi BT can really help you with this and if you are trying to write a research article I really recommend downloading my scientific research paper checklist it's just a step-by-step guide that walks you through how to write it and you can use chat GPT for those steps so the first step is if I was writing so let's say I'm writing a scholarly search article on how steroid isomers are separated by imobility spectrometry using polarization and group one metal adduction so this is my first research paper let's say this is what I'm writing on and I'm going to say I'm I just don't know what what's my first sentence I don't know what to write so I'm going to say could you write an introduction for this paper so what I'm telling it is what I want my research article to be about and now I'm seeing okay what's what's a draft of an introduction that I could have for this paper so I'm going to let this go ahead and finish okay so this is the introduction it gave me it gave me a three paragraph introduction and really if you look at any of my content on introductions this is really telling me the background knowledge and a little bit of significance like that's what it's giving me right here it's not giving me the background literature parts of an introduction or anything like that so already this is not enough to just copy and paste into your turtle and get started so it's giving me these different parts it's telling me what I'm abilities used for is telling me why it's difficult to separate steroids and the recent development it's talking about what multimerization is in group one metal adducts and then it's talking about the aims right the aims of this paper is to do these different things that's all really helpful and that's a really really good example so now maybe I can come from this and I can say okay the first thing I'm going to talk about is I am Mobility maybe I use something similar to this sentence maybe I change it a little bit to make make it more specific for what I'm talking about so it's a widely used analytical technique for detection and identification of compounds well I'm not really talking about that I'm talking about separation so I can maybe pull that in instead of using what chat GPT gave me IMS is particularly used for small polar compounds including steroid isomers steroid isomers are actually nonpolar so you know like as a chemist I need to change these things it's not giving me exactly what I would need to just be able to submit it and then I could between this and this I would talk about steroids I would go steroids are compound so do this this is why they're interesting to study and then have this is challenging because of this so you can already see I can use chagi PT as a starting point if I if I can't figure out how to do step one it gives me something to start editing it gives me something to start working with and so then I'm able to go through this and create out my introduction where I could have just been stuck before so that's a really good way to use something like chat GPT another thing is is when you're trying to write the results so let's write a ask it to write a result section so what I'm doing is asking it to write a result section I'm giving it a couple conclusions that we found and letting it kind of fill in the additional information and then what you can see here is I've specifically asked it to write it in third person you need to be as specific as possible when you want Chachi PT to give you something specific back so it's giving me a result section so the first one is dealing with the resolution above one however when steroids were analyzed as monomers the resolution was lower optimization of the multimerization conditions I would never say that showed that all steroids had an optimal condition where they were separated above a resolution of one and then this is discussion right like this isn't results section anymore this would be better off to just put in a discussion section on this so it's kind of giving me a mix but again this is something that I would take and then I would edit past this right like I would never use this term it's not giving me everything that I think is important for a researcher to know I would need to put in figure Legends I would put in more numerical data relative to this I would need to expand upon this all of these things if I'm stuck and I don't know what to write it it's a good way to do that so let's move to from research articles into talking about literature reviews that's another one that I think is really common where a lot of people are saying just use chat GPT to create your lit reviews and I'm gonna say you can use it in a way but it's not the most efficient route so we kind of did a version of that up here where we were just like summarize it on this if you've just put in write a literature review for me it's actually not going to do it it's going to be like that's too complicated for me to do I'm not going to do it but what you can do is you can ask it to summarize the literature in a field so that's what we did when we first got started and then you can take the different things that it gave and say okay these are my different themes or I'm only going to focus on a certain number of them and those are going to be my different themes so now I could ask it can you summarize the field on or the field of let's say increased risk of gestational diabetes so let's go so I'm asking can it summarize the scholarly literature on increased risk of gestational diabetes in obese pregnant women so it's gonna go through and talk about these different things so you can see it gave me basically a few paragraphs of what is the risk and very similar to how you would write a literature review and then it also gives me the references I stopped the generation here but you could have gotten all of the references for this as well I'm gonna say can you summarize the results section of the browers paper so now it's going to give me much more specific things so can you take this and then just instead of only saying this you could just take whatever it's giving here and just kind of basically jigsaw puzzle a Chachi BT article yes you can do that what is the negatives to doing that so here you're getting something the study followed over this there's also that pregnancy related complications were more common in obese pregnant women more associated with an increased risk of gestational diabetes so yeah we have all of this and we could kind of Frankenstein this into a larger more comprehensive lit review by just creating summaries of each of these individual papers and putting it together the issue with this is first of all you're not are you you're not reading these papers to understand is there something more important you should be pulling out of these papers you're not actually generating a story with this so this is going to feel very segmented it's like when a first year tries to write a literature review when they've never done the research before they're just summarizing papers and combining it together it's really hard to publish like that because Chachi BT or a first-year researcher doesn't know what it's like to actually do that research they don't know to say okay this is not important but this is important when other people might think that it would be the opposite right so you can take this I highly suggest using this to summarize your research papers to get an idea of what's going on and you know the literature at the time what are the different things that you should discuss all of that valid ways to use chat jbt but once you've done that you need to really come through what your story storyline how are you connecting things together because if you're not doing that you're gonna have a lot harder time in getting accepted into journals because you're not producing a high quality review if you're not synthesizing from it if you can't offer what should be done next it's not going to be as high quality of a review because essentially whatever they're going to that paper to that person could come to track GPT and just say what is this the value in lit reviews now that you have something like Chachi PT is going to be the value in the researchers advice and knowledge being injected into the combination of literature reviews not just the summarization of literature reviews the other thing you will notice is all of these articles are older right 2007 2009 great chat apt is only trained on 2021 and before so even if you were just to take this you would then need to go into something like research rabbit like lit Maps something to see what's been done next or even searching this on Google Google Scholar what's been done since Chachi BT's summary right and then you can go okay this is what I'm going to produce from there so I hope that this was really helpful and good ways to use chat GPT to actually produce really good writing the other way that I talked about in the previous video was also to chat gbt to help enhance your own writing and I will link that video up here and I will also do a link to creating a lit review using research rabbit as well if you're trying to work through this how do you expand past just what chat gbt can give you if this video was helpful please like it and subscribe to this channel to learn more ways to become a more efficient researcher I hope to see you in the next video
Channel: Science Grad School Coach
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Keywords: how to use chatgpt, chatgpt, scientific writing, scientific writing in research, chatgpt for research, chatgpt examples, scientific writing skills, Write a scientific paper with ChatGPT, ChatGPT write scientific paper, ChatGPT scientific writing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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