How To Write Fiction With ChatGPT and Midjourney AI

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[Music] foreign so last time what we did was we asked chat GTP to drag up from its memory or whatever you call it all the gothic novels they were and we had to interrogate it a couple of times before we got a really big long list of Gothic novels not just in English but in French in Russian and in German as well so we had a pretty comprehensive idea and then we asked it to kind of strip out everything and just leave us with the locations and the dates and the date period with the story took place in so we could get kind of like the essence of the gothic novel in a very simplistic way so then um I asked it to suggest that settings for a future Gothic novel because the purpose of this is we are going to get chat GTP to write a novel for us which we will illustrate using mid-journey another AI program and we will then create an audio book using 11 Labs another AI program so we will create an audio book an ebook a paper book Illustrated and written completely by Ai and when I suggested this a lot of people were really offended appalled and I would categorize those people I'm not running them down I'm just saying there are two groups of people there are people who you might call futurists who are very interested in craft and construction and how you make things and doing it in a very algorithmic way step by step through a procedure so these tend to be analytical thinkers who who may be coders or maybe mathematicians not necessarily but they they and in writing we would we would probably call them plotters so if you know much about writing you'll know that there's a general split between plotters who plot everything out before they even write a word of the actual narrative such as JK Rowling or somebody like that she's a very famous plotter and then you get Panthers who sit down and just wait for the for the inspiration to come and that's something like um Stephen King and so on the second group the Panthers are writing by the city of pants that's where Panthers comes from they are Romantics they are directly in the line of Goethe and um Wordsworth and Coleridge and people like that and the German Romantics and the French Romantics and Rousseau and people like that so they believe that this divine inspiration comes from somewhere and I'm not unsympathetic to that idea at all but um they in general with the idea of a of a novel being written by AI are appalled and they will actually react very emotionally to it and when you see the comments that some people write as I put this out not necessarily just on the YouTube channel I'm gonna publish it on um but on Twitter and places like that people are very strongly against Ai and I would say these are the romantics okay the the non-romantics what might we call them the the crafts people uh The Artisans um but I don't know if that's the right word I haven't come across the right word but the plotters if you like the people who like algorithms and systems and systemization they quite like this idea so you will remember that by the end of the last video what we got was a I had I had been inspired by some of the suggestions and I said right we're going to write a Gothic novel and it's going to set in Venice it had mentioned Venice and Ireland which it hadn't really spoken about Ireland but I thought right that's a good juxtaposition of places we're going to set it in something like the 1890s and um and then and I thought right that's what we're gonna do and then I kind of realized that was my suggestion I the AI hadn't suggested that it had given me the tools to work with but it hadn't suggested those locations and that time period so I kind of had a thing scratch my head and went back to it and let it go a little bit and it came up with a French Chateau in surrounded by dense Woodland and so this is very very Gothic and it's drawn it from things like carmilla which of course is set in Corinthia in Austria but it's the same idea and there's um the gray woman which is by Elizabeth Gaskell I want to say and that's set in this rundown French Chateau on the German French border and then there's uh Lawrence durrell's the entrance which is set in a French Chateau I mean that's much later than the gothic period but it has lots of Gothic elements so a pose mask of the Red Death in a in a castle in a Spanish Castle I think um correct me if I'm wrong but so in in effect we left it where AI had actually suggested the time period which is going to be something like the 1780s uh around about the French Revolution just after the French Revolution and the terror uh and it's going to be in a French Chateau so we've got the setting this step is about creating the characters so we're going to use some Theory and as I say the point is this when cameras came around I imagine painters were appalled but look at somebody like Leonardo da Vinci who he creates a masterpiece just plucking his name out of nowhere using paint canvas and brushes which are technology so always art if you want to call it art has been created with the help of technology and to me AI is just another form of Technology it is like the paintbrush it is like oil paint it is like the camera it is like Photoshop and as we come forward and so I don't think we should be frightened of it I think we should be I certainly am pretty excited about it but um the camera still requires somebody to frame the photograph and it requires somebody to see the photograph and Leonardo da Vinci needed you know he was the man who did it you know he used the technology but there was a creative human behind it so I think we've still got the same thing even with AI we can interrogate AI we can help guide it but it is just a form of Technology that's going to help a Creator arrive at a creation which will be viewed by other humans so a human is going to be the orchestration of it one of the you know without getting too philosophical about this or metaphysical about this one of the things about AI is it can know lots of things no it can store lots of knowledge but he doesn't know anything so what is knowing well knowing is an appearance there is there is there is knowledge there is Art but it has to appear to someone and that for the moment is not a piece of technology maybe never will be but who knows but certainly at the moment the only thing that something can appear to is a human or an animal um there is a Noah and that I don't mean in the ark nowhere within ah on the end okay so let's have a go so the the reason for that kind of digression was to say we're going to use some theories I mean particularly Larry Brooks's story physics I'm fond of and also of course Robert McKee's book on it's really script writing but he but script writing is just another form of Storytelling so and what we're going to look at is to to to frame get AI to create characters by guiding it using those principles and this is the the the new found technology art science of prompt engineering whereby to be able to use AI properly in the same way as you can you learn to use a a paintbrush and a canvas or a camera or photoshop you have to it's a technology you need to master so prompt engineering is about asking AI in the right questions giving it the right feed in the right way to produce something that is worthwhile so I'm gonna now skip over to chat GTP and I'm also going to use the technology not a technology a program called plotter which isn't quite AI well it isn't AI but you'll see what it is it's really useful and I'm going to use mid-journey as well to help me with some visual imagery I hope you enjoyed this let's nip over to chat GPT now PT and if you see this is a neat little thing I just got it's an extension AI PRM and it's got lots and lots of different prompts um so it and in different areas this is a complete digression but you know you may it's got loads of things it's free as well so that's useful but I'm not going to bother with that today I'm just going to just go straight into it so the first thing we want to do when talking about characters is I'm just going to quote a little bit from Robert McKee so I'm going to ask chat GPT to give us some information what I'm saying is tell me about Robert McKee's idea of character wants versus character needs to create depth you can see that Robert McKee renowned screenwriting teacher and author emphasizes the importance of character wants versus character needs in creating depth and complexity in fictional characters according to Mckee character wants refer to the external goals and desires of the character Pursuits throughout the story these ones are often concrete and specific such as winning a competition getting a promotion or finding love so we see the character engaged on his or her search for something and the needs underneath are what he really needs so McKay suggests that we are in conflict and the conflict is between what we what we think we want and what we really need and he says if you create a character with both of those aspects once versus needs and they are in some kind of conflict you're going to get a deeper character so we're going to kind of look for that a little bit as well so the next kind of framework I'm going to use is Blake Snyder's monster in the house genre so this is a framework we're going to give to chat GTP when we come to create story and Blake Snyder the screenwriter again very much a systemizer that relates to what I was saying about Romantics who believe you should just let it all pour out from the unconscious and people who say no no no you want to actually write it all out beforehand so Blake Snyder and this has led to very systemized way of writing movies particularly in Hollywood so by on page 100 this should happen you know the character the characters the theme should be revealed so it's very uh prescribed what you should do and you write out there's a three outs act structure with specific plot points that he calls beats this is really well known so the monster in the house is there is a claustrophobic area that is to say contained area where and it's going to be the French Chateau in our case looks surrounded by dense impenetrable Woods probably terrifying Woods as well with things in them I'm going to leave chat GTP to come up with that of course but um and then the next thing is um there is usually and I'm not sure it says it here but as I know about black black uh Snyder and it would pull it out if well let's just have it said for completeness it's a it's a nice summary there so we have the claustrophobic area we have a group of people those are necessary things we have the monster that is let in that is going to destroy the people unless they figure it out so that's the basis of the monster in the house genre but an interesting thing that chuchi PT says here is a presence of a sin or wrongdoing it can be curiosity because curiosity is the great great Gothic sin if you think of uh Frankenstein the whole thing is set off because of this desire to create life this curiosity about life so and and also a lot of Mr James's characters go uh searching places they shouldn't finding books they shouldn't doing things they shouldn't and it is this curiosity but it can be a more venial sin like a lust or one of the seven deadly sins you know it can be one of those so um the sin as it says here the sin is in this genre typically refers to a character's past transgressions or mistakes that have led to their current situation so if you think of something like Poltergeist it's Bill on an Indian bearing and it's a desecration of these indigenous people so that is the sin there and there is always a sin in uh horror stories in my opinion um and you know my other opinion is the stories are always moral Tales are about how we should begin and the point of view of horror is um we shouldn't commit these sins whatever they are so a moral failings are just cheating on a partner or a practical mistake such as ignoring a warning sign but that's the sin of ignorance this sincers of a kind as a kind of fuel for the monster making it more powerful and dangerous and he can have a sense of guilt and responsibility in the characters which adds to an emotional layer to their struggle against the monster they may feel they just have to be punished or they're being punished and then as he says this I say he chat GPT is obviously I'm assuming it's gender now um Additionally the sin can serve as a metaphor for larger societal issues or themes a sin of greed very importance in in this kind of story the inclusion of a sin Canard not only can It add I would say say that it is necessary so what we've got is we've got the setting the French Chateau we've got the framework of the monster in the house genre which is going to be three acts and it's going to include the claustrophobic setting a sin that has been committed a monster that is let in and a Race Against Time because of course that is in a very important issue in um stories against the clock we may say something else about Robert McKee's ideas about suspense so you see here that we've asked chat GPT about what Robert McKee's ideas of tension so in a nutshell the protagonist is our Avatar it's like we are playing a computer game we're seeing through the eyes and out the tension occurs from us caring about what happens to that person as if it was us now if we don't engage completely or sufficiently with the character we really don't care what happens to them so there is no tension so a writer must create and in this case chat GPT must create a character that we can identify with at least a bit and then the other idea of course is the balancing of knowledge so we care about what's going to happen with the character and that it leads on to it being important what the character knows so in some cases dramatic irony is where um there isn't McKay says about the importance and there are different balances as where the the viewer reader knows as much as the character there's the part where the character knows more than the uh than the reader and there's the part where the um the reader knows more than a character and that last one is dramatic irony we know that this person is heading to their Doom um and and a lot of tension is created by skillfully manipulating the balance of information so in the case where we have the the character knowing more than the the viewer that will be like the um unreliable narrator basically they're lying to us so that's like um The Usual Suspects you know or um the murder of Roger Akron which is the famous One by Agatha Christie but it's used quite a bit and we don't trust we may start off trusting the the character but then we find out they're not telling us the complete truth this is my quill bot so it's another program I've got and I actually pay for that as well and I paraphrased paraphrase things one little trick is you know if you're ever doing stuff that you don't want to appear as Ai and sometimes Google doesn't like AI so if you created an AI such as chat GPT and then run it and paraphrase it in quill bot another AI it becomes human and it's the machine can't tell it's been written by machine which is a weird weird idea which we won't get into now so let us go to the fact we now have the French Chateau and we need some characters we need typically in a Gothic story you'll know so um you know we're using these Frameworks we have the the narrator then we have usually a defenseless female it may turn out she isn't defenseless and we have a monster and then we have usually idiot servants or mysterious servants or malevolent servants and if you go through the Gothic tales you find these crop up time and time again these are tropes that we have and then we're going to have some kind of um male who may or may not be Wicked it could be the father so in carmilla the father isn't particularly harmful he's just a bit um Clueless and then of course you know other ones you know so we need first of all the first person we need is the protagonist so we're going to get Chad gupiti to suggest a protagonist for a Gothic ghost story said just after the French Revolution at the time of the great Terror in a remote and decaying French Chateau surrounded by dense woodlands so let's see what it comes up with or blimey I had a man in my maybe because I'm a man but I had a man in my mind then but what it suggested as a protagonist for a Gothic ghost story said just after the French Revolution is Adel Dupont who's just lost a job in Paris due to the political upheavalness Foster seek employment elsewhere when she hears about a Governor's position the remote Chateau in the countryside she jumps at the opportunity surrounded by dense Woodlands as Adele begins to care for the children of the chateau's wealthy and enigmatic owners she realizes something sinister lurking in the shadows goodness May it's come up with some stuff hasn't it so let us let us go a bit further and we'll go on Robert McKay's ideas and um we're going to ask a bit more about it but first of all I'm going to ask about this is quite a subtle question what is Adele's or what are Adele's over at once in the story versus her subconscious needs so we see what Chan GPT has to say okay what this suggests to me is that Adele needs to be a good governess I might ask it why it's so important I could presume this to do with her you know she's left lost a job she's actually financially precarious so she needs to do a good job that is a fairly overt need want to rather um but then psychologically she has fears and insecurities particularly regarding her governess as an ability to protect the children from the dangers of the Revolution and the supernatural forces that threaten them so it seems to me what it might be suggesting is that there is a symbolic parallelism between the the physical damages of the Revolution and the supernatural monster it somehow the Revel the terror of the revolution is somehow connected but I'm not sure if we know and if chat GPT knows it hasn't told us yet so maybe we should ask it what why is Adele so Keen to fulfill her duties as a governess so it's not just money it's about as esteem isn't it and the need to protect perhaps we could say that she was not particularly protected herself so I'm gonna ask about Adele's family background I may just I'm curious whether it's traumatic because she's she's so Keen to protect I may do a leading question so I'm gonna ask was it particularly traumatic and maybe you may suggest some feeding ideas to it but let's let's give it a shot maybe I'm allowed to do that yeah past trauma loss of a loved one yeah no it's playing um playing games so let's let's um okay from pretend you are because you can ask chat GPT to pretend it is somebody so I'm gonna um pretend you're the French author Alexander Dumas can you write me a paragraph on the traumatic passage made it so important for Adele to protect the children let's go what kind of violence which you've witnessed and can you fictionalize the scene where she was lost a friend or sibling okay well the original situation is coming is a a friend or sibling is drowned while Adele wasn't able to save them that will work to create this um need to protect people and the so I suppose they're not really in conflict because the first thing is she needs a job and the second is she has a need but they could become in Conflict you know later on in the story so we need to bear in mind at the moment her subconscious desire to protect young children and her financial need to have a roof overhead and food to eat are both running in parallel so there is no conflict there at the moment but this is this isn't a bad thing so we're going to go a bit further now and ask um so we can ask what in the history of the shatter might have led to the creation of the supernatural forces that like to become a problem and it gives us quite a lot of um suggestions previously Sato could make it deal with dark Forces for power and wealth this classic Faustian thing the shatter could have been built on the side of an ancient burial ground well here we go this is the Poltergeist number of the Chateau stuff on Outsider could have been wrongly accused creating a vegetable okay I quite like that one the Chateau could have been used as a place of torture imprisonment not during the reign of terror because that's happening right now but okay cursed attended land that's that's the uh the thing I quite like the idea because remember we have to have a sin so somebody has created a sin so the first thing is the first thing is doing a deal with the devil which is either Pride or greed because usually do do deal with the devil to get something or the second is a desecration which is um you know failing to honor the spirits the ancestral Spirits you know honor thy father and their mother there's a great issue about honoring our ancestors and that's not again wrong wrongdoing you know false witness yeah that could work um so I'm drawn to the first three potentially and of those number one or number three are clearly sinful tell me a bit more about your third suggestion I'm gonna push it back into the Middle Ages because it has to be for the time Yep this is a this is a pretty classic thing I realize I've gone off the character and I've gone into the bit of the story but okay so Adele Dupont loses a job in Paris she's had she's a sibling drowned um she's lost everything through the revolution she's had to leave she needs a place she's very keen on looking after the kids um okay what does she look like I wonder she's educated so she's lower she's middle class so you can read and write she can teach but she's not Gentry so she's not high and so she's not at risk from the revolution um let's just say you know give me a description it's given us quite a lot a lot of stuff here you know so I'm gonna nip over to mid-journey now and I'm going to see what she looks like Jack was doing Kratom leaves so um what we're going to do is we're going to give it a prompt so this is how you do it on Mid Journey so we're going to prompt it and so we are more directive with this kind of AI than with chat GPT which is purely chat this is we're going to put parameters in you can do all sorts of problems I'm probably not going to make it too um complex we've got the description so this is this is her we've got to some chat GPT but um I need to say something about it it's um it's going to be something of its period so it's going to be an engraving isn't it so um so we're going to say Engraving now I don't know whether to do it black and white or whether it was copper engraving I think there was copper engraving in the 1780s so so we'll call it copper plight copper plate and what we're going to do is copyright engraving um and we'll give it a time period 18th century uh style um okay now that might be enough I'm not going to stylize it I'm not going to be too fancy you can put aspect ratios I just want it to be normal and square so I'm just going to leave it like this and see what Adele looks like here she is emerging from The Ether so far you're like what what's going on here as it gets more developed here we are and here she is but this this is done as this is a uh I'm not happy with that actually it doesn't look like a um what I wanted so go back to the drawing board I don't want to photograph although she may look like this but I I'm not happy with it now so um copper plate Engraving in this style of I wasn't happy with the engraving of Adele Dupont so what I'm gonna do is um craters and oil painting she's no oil painting you might say no I'm gonna make her a watercolor why not water because she's you know just to be different from she wouldn't be able to afford to get herself painted watercolor in the French style from the 1700s still don't like it of those three is the better but let's try it again I will make it an oil painting because I don't like that watercolor she looks an honest girl I trust her she's got a lot of Terror coming to her unfortunately but I trust her we'll upscale her and that is Adele DuPont so there she goes description from mid journey of the countess and we are go we put we take in the description of the Countess from chat GPT we've plugged it into mid journey and we're gonna we've had some good results with um oil paintings um so oil painting and let's see here we go move on from Adele and I get the owner of the Chateau and this is very typical of the um chat GPS it can be very quiet times as an AI language I do not have access like yeah I know you're an AI language model you don't have to keep telling me that this is not yeah blah blah blah what is this a legal get out you know anyway common tropes blah blah so he's going to be a member of the French nobility Authority in power social rank fine okay could it yeah generally and I say what about his background and it gives me generalistic and I go no okay all right forget it take the role of the writer of Gothic stories and then we get a bit better because it's saying you know it comes up with this idea that his family has a dark secret been passed down from generation to generation lovely Trope here the legend has one of his ancestors May deal with a powerful demon in exchange for wealth and power leading to the creation of a malevolent presence that continues to haunt the shatter to this day I think that's the one we're gonna go with so what we have is the count himself and he's troubled and haunted tormented by so this is good this is good so I'm like I need a name though so I say give me some typical French aristocratic names and it gives me a bunch of them and of them the valois and the bobal the and rishler that probably two de Lafayette they're probably too Posh so I think I'm gonna settle for and his accounting rather than a Duke I don't want to make him too prominent Louis Philippe declaremore okay so there we are that's what he's called and then it isn't Koy at all it just gives me a description which I can then paste into mid-journey is deeply conflicted and tormented this is what we want and then what what is this conflict as an AI language model I cannot know for certain you can't know anything you're just words I don't need you to know anything just give me some inspiration his conscious Duty his unconscious desires May conflict is secretly drawn to the Dark and Dangerous Power of the supernatural World quite like that it's given me an idea um and I've got to be careful I don't have too many ideas um my idea is that uh in some way he has created some kind of succubus creature so he's dark magic has created this uh this feminine monster that he's secretly in love with maybe since the death of his wife but that's me constructing that so I've got to be inspired by chat GPT but I want to be remember I said everything's going to come from this so the name all the characteristics so we're gonna just sit on that for a while of those I like number one I'm Gonna Save the count and he's gonna be part of and we're going to need a retainer um in Gothic stories so say imagine you Alexander Duman writes something about these two characters in Gothic stories and old and either kindly or Sinister retainer can you suggest the male the female servant for from the decaying Chateau and describe them in a paragraph each so it comes up with say it it doesn't give me all that cavaling about oh you know I can't tell you I'm an AI model and it's almost like it's teasing you isn't it but this is this is what we want Jean-Pierre elder man is 70s line first sharp guys man a few words fiercely loyal to the count he has rumors and secrets Genevieve Regal bearing force to reckon with housekeeper she's got a dark side as well they both got dark sides oh there we are so we're gonna have those and we're going to create pictures of them um I'm gonna go to Mid journey and create pictures of both of those people um and then we we need is the count married um would the count be married so we should still be in the personality of Alexander dumasso trying to create the most engaging story is the count married and is his wife looking at the shadow is this oh as an AI oh I couldn't possibly yes yes right okay she could be an ally or an adversary well what we've got is let's have a twist okay can you suggest a Twist to this story that transforms how we see the count and his wife from the start to the end as an AI language I can suggest or it can suggest the count is brooding Count's wife is not as heartless as she first appears she's secretly working behind us and so here we have it here we have it the count is haunted by the past he's this family has been Dreadful created this monster um for through greed and power and he's married to this wife who who appears heartless but as it turns out she's actually the good one so that's a nice twist transforms the perception of both account and his wife you know um can you tell me I think she could deeply conflicted isn't she yes yes yes can you select a typical French Barry stock cratic name for the countess and describe her is she younger than the count or older we won't I was going to say younger I was going to feed it but let's see let's see what he comes up with yeah there she is Victoria she sounds nice she's younger here can you describe the countess Victor I thought Victoria was a man's name we have to check that so we're gonna have now we've got the two servants and the Countess we're gonna get some pictures and while we're waiting we're waiting for that to come we'll do the same with the seven Genevieve so 18th century French oil painting is the countess that looks older than 18th century you know I quite like I mean she looks She's located in Century but let's do a variant of that one so we'll do this We're not gonna have as an oil painting we'll have color illustration period costume I don't know why I said that but let's have done two again oh again they've come like this like her like her one too she I mean she's ended up as a pick as a photograph on too you just give it an idea what she looks like when we can we can visually imagine her you know so we'll have that and this is um the contest being redone and in the meantime we'll we'll get because I've got no patience we'll get you Jean-Pierre um he's a bit Sinister jump here I think well they're both are aren't they you know oh and so we want to say what he is old French retainer from 1780 who knows dark secrets I'll be back later I've done that before just it makes it more Sinister I want to I I'm drawn more to her she's older and she's got more it appears to me to have more character in her face so we'll have one two three we'll have her upscale so that's we now know what the Countess looks like we know what the Genevieve looks like we know what the count looks like we're not Adele Dupont looks like this is the old retainer he's coming out not period I don't think he looks like he's from about 1970. oh no we've got some yes oh no it's not funny it was it went through it and then it actually presented him at the end and of those any of them could be him I think this guy here these these look like aristocrats so let's go for him I've always got some kind of name tag so we'll have him this is plotter p-l-o-t-t-r see that and it allows you to sketch out your stories so we're gonna create a new story now create a blunt we're not going to use a template we're going to call this uh I haven't got a better idea the French chateau a Gothic horror but never mind so we we've learned a lot so far from chat GPT we know the characters we know the setting we've got an idea of the plot although we haven't sketched it out yet when we'd come to do the plot we'll do it on this and we'll do it um in the timeline um well the outline notes for the different chapters and beats will appear here any any notes we haven't got any where we can do things about objects or particular places we've got places there and the characters here so let us start with Adel DuPont and put in what we know about her so this is about Adele this is a little bit of text about it though we know a bit more about it than that if you remember we asked about her needs quite a lot of things about Adele and we've we've got a picture here as well let me and there we have it down and she is main character and the next character we're gonna have is the count um supporting of that gonna we know what he looks like I'm going to upload a file there he is we know a bit about him we've got the male serving Jean-Pierre and this is what we know about him supporting we have the female seven Genevieve I've got a photo of her as well we've got the countess I've got the contest there you try declaremore so we're gonna need some more characters we're going to need the children but otherwise I want to keep it kind of so far from what we know as uh this is our this is our um cast so far one thing we don't have is a Chateau de Clermont um so the Chateau it's a place so I just asked chat GPT for a description and this is a description The Chateau is a sprawling estate that sits on the edge of a dense Woodland it's one grand grand facade now crumbling weather by the passage of time um the states once impressive Gardens are now overgrown with weeds and Tangled vines that wants vibrant flowers long withered and dead as Adele because it remembers Adele approaches The Chateau she can see that the once imposing structure is now on a state of decay I didn't write this it remembered um Adele so what we're going to do is we are going to use this as a description for an image in mid-journey and then that'll be that will wrap that up for um this video so as you see we've come a long way we've got a cast of characters we've we've got a location we've got a time scale we've got an idea about the plot which seems to be about the fact that this uh somehow the it's a the French Revolution the Shadows come on Hard Times the count is a is a torn man between his sense of duty to protect his inheritance and his children but also the um the draw of black magic and and he's linked to his ancestors and then we've got the Countess who puts on appearances and she's doing her best she's younger than him they've got young kids got the two the two mysterious servants I'm not sure how they're going to turn out yet and we've got Adele arriving from Paris who is doing her best let's say she's doing her best description that was generated by chat GPT into mid-journey and we ended up with these pictures of the Chateau um these two could be the same building in fact these three could be the same building so I'm probably going to save all of them as different aspects of it so I'm gonna upscale all of those um and one do them all as you see a maximum number of allowed concurrent jobs don't worry I'm not worried so here we have them starting to come through pretty quickly let's save these ones quite like that that one as I said these could be the same building it looks a terrible mess it's hard to believe everybody lives there this is a bit more disused than I thought this is this is when things have gone really wrong but it's a good it's a good reference my daughter's an artist and she's always talking about her she likes this AI to create references for paintings and pictures so there we have it and we've got I'm not going to do the short description but I'm gonna choose an image and upload a file so of the Chateau itself I kind of quite liked it's two similar ones but I quite like that one and that gives us a bit of a reference of what the shuttle looks like and as we go on in the story we can create certain rooms and we can we can picture the rooms as well and then as we go on the next step will be to create the story structure but we'll do that next time so I hope you've enjoyed that if you have please subscribe to the channel we'll be doing more of this and um if you're interested in plotter I should say that I that I can put a link below and that's my affiliate link so um if you buy it through that I get a little bit of money so that's great okay all right so um hope you enjoyed it see you soon thank you foreign
Channel: Deliberate Practice For Writers
Views: 5,373
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Id: xs7czNBKW8g
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Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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