ChatGPT Tutorial: Write a systematic review under 1 hour

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hey guys my name is Dr Ben Tran in this video I wanted to cover how to use chat GPT to write a systematic review article and so for those of you who aren't completely aware chat GPT has kind of taken the hold by the storm recently it's this large language model that's been trained by AI scientists to actually be able to have human-like conversation and it's basically like a smarter Google search but it's really really powerful and so in this particular video I wanted to cover how to use it to actually write a systematic review into how to actually optimize that process for you and at the end of this video I'm going to cover a little of the pros and cons from what I see from using it to actually write the systematic review that I did in a little bit of the ethical issues that I think surround this as well and so if you like this sort of video and you like this sort of content go ahead and hit the like button to subscribe below so that you can get more of this content this is a research article that I wrote in med school and it took me forever I had to do a PubMed search from 2005 to 2019 looked at all these randomized Patrol trials all these abstracts and all these sorts of things and it took me a really long time actually it took me like days to weeks to months and so this is the product that I was able to make after about an hour of using GPT and so this generated the title and generate the abstract and generate every single piece piece of it the only things I added or edited were just a little bit of grammar things or just a little bit of structure but the most interesting thing that I found was that imply generate really really good and accurate content for the most part that doesn't necessarily mean that everything that chat GPT generated was actually contextually correct which I'll call the pros and cons but I thought that overall it was pretty pretty darn good and so in here we can see we have the introduction we have covering every single type of intervention particularly for wound care keloids hypertrophic scars surgical scars and so this was able to generate all this and not only that it was actually able to generate the citations that corresponded with it so for example here we see that um you know they're citing the sources and the studies this would be Source seven this one they're citing in this sort of format and then I included everything that it generated actually into this manuscript that I would have thought that would be a version that I would be submitting to a journal for example and so as I mentioned it's actually really impressive that can actually generate the references for you and so these are actually going to be from PubMed um you know and they're also citing other things that may not be as clinically relevant or scientifically uh peer-reviewed but it's exciting clinical trials as well and even up to date so that's just the power of chat gbt chat gbt is limited that is only up to the year 2021. so any sort of scientific public education to PubMed or any other index Journal is not going to have that data in chat gbt so luckily for us there's actually a new plugin that's been released it's called so if you go to the Chrome extensions you go to the web chat GPT and so I've already gone ahead and installed this so you're going to have a different little bit of but basically it's a plug-in that's been added onto the Chrome extension so that it functions with chat GPT to be able to search the web and any you could include a top three results anytime or any region and I'll be showing this in actually a real practice and how to use this later on trying to make sure that you have this plugged in and installed first before you get started so when you first load up chat GPT this is what it's going to look like after you lock it the interface is pretty simple it's kind of like a chat bot with the message box in the middle and then it also has if you've already had the web chat GPT plugin installed you have the search on the web features on the bottom below and so diving right in if we want to ask it to summarize in 100 words what a systematic view article is and then depending upon the lag on the server it will then punch up the what chat GPT believes the answer to the prompt should be and then so you can see that it can really specify the length of the words that you want to use and also that it's wording and its phrasing is actually quite good um and in the next part if we try to ask it to write and outline of how to write a system oh that actually go ahead and type out the introduction the methods and the way that a systematic review should be done and this is a really good helpful way for us to think about how to actually use chat GPT to approach um writing a systematic review and being able to augment our current workflow that we currently use right now not necessarily just asking it to write it completely then we can actually ask chat GPT to actually write an outline for the systematic review that we want to do in this particular case we want to ask them to please so I'm going to go ahead and just copy and paste this in from before so to please outline a essay reviewing the treatments and we'll care for keloids hypertrophic scars and surgical scarves focusing on these particular treatments in this systematic review and so let's see what it punches out and so it's actually able to write the full introduction the um highlighted points beneath each one that we would like to do and then also write each individual treatment that we're analyzing in the systematic review which is actually just really amazing in that it's able to provide this level of depth and this is before we actually start searching the web to see the most relevant research data articles and then so now that we have this all we have to do to actually go ahead and get started to write that contents now that we have this background in introduction is if we want to just take this information here and then just right here please write the following please elaborate follow and then make it paste that here and let's see what chat GPT is able to generate from that and so this is going to be basically be the introduction of our systematic review and so now that we have all this actually all done we can continue to do that for every single part however the most important part here is that whenever we're doing a systematic review we're trying to review sometimes the most recent data that has been published within the past one year for example so that's where the web chat GPT extension comes in and so we're basically able to actually search the web and so for example if we wanted to just do the next section which is the use of silicone gel sheets for example and wound care and effectiveness of this and so if we're if we write this and we say please provide up to three Publications published within the years 2021 so actually kind of surprised myself I put in this prompt please provide up to three Publications published within the years 2021 to 2022. on the effectiveness of silicon gel sheets in this actual study and so chat CPT is actually able to generate and actually summarize studies that were published in 2022 and 2021 as well and so maybe this data is actually a little bit more up to date since 2021. however with that being said moving forward and as we continue to go on the use of the web chat GPT extension could be really quite helpful and so just to demonstrate how it works is we want to click here on search the web and so basically we want to summarize 10 PubMed or scientific studies for the use of the silicone gel sheets in dermatology with the focus specifically on brand width control trials published between the years 2021-2022 and so after punching this in let's see what happens and I'll speed this up a little bit again just for sake of time and so basically when we look at what it actually punched out is it did a web search but and it was able to pull articles from PubMed and then also our other journals and articles as well and then also including Cochrane reviews um and then at the bottom here it instructs chatgpt to actually use web searches and then to actually write the summary using the citations above since it didn't do that we can actually ask chat GPT to then do this in a format with citations and so in order to do that without searching web again we actually have to turn off to webchat GPT extension so that we can write this and so here we've kind of run into an issue in which chat GPT was actually working on this great essay 500 Words however it stopped in the middle of a sentence so if this ever happens we could just say continue above sentence while these annotations aren't exactly exact we can actually use these and then search it and look at them up in the actual Google search however the also another way to get the citations is actually from here um these also are all the citations that were previously used we can then start to write the conclusion and so in the outline above we also had a little bit that was copy and paste directly from the outline or I remember the initial prompt that we had which was to foreign side and maybe we want to use a future research section that's a different one looking particularly at the new results and so here we could just say elaborate on the above conclusion section two at least 300 words and so what we want to do if we want to think about the future steps of research that are possible it's more important to think about things that have been published within the last year for example here we can specify within the past year and so here we can see that actually punched out some different treatment options are being researched as well such as injectables botulin and toxin a and also identifying genetic markers in keloid tissues and stem cell therapy as well so now that that tutorial is over let's talk a little bit about the pros and cons using chat GPT to actually write a systematic review and so first and foremost it's a really really big Time Saver it rapidly accelerates your outlining process your brainstorming and also your writing and not only that it actually writes pretty professionally as well it can also provide some new insights into Data analysis so while there's a lot of different Publications a lot of different studies that are being included in the systematic review it's chat GPT is actually able to tie some of these together in a way that I wouldn't have actually thought about not only that whenever they're even looking at new research areas for example in the conclusion section even if it's a Google Search and it's punching out things like new treatment areas that I haven't even heard about it's actually really quick in doing so and even though it would have taken me a while I could have done the same thing on Google this is just a much faster way to being able to do it in a much more concise way and so it is also able to elaborate on the limitations or the interpretations of these studies which is already included in the text but I can compare these across all the different treatment arms that we're looking at so it doesn't also have to just do it at one but also five different things and you can do that all together really really quickly so I think that's a really good Pro and so some of the cons about using chat gbt is first and foremost it lacks customizability and so whenever I'm doing a systematic review I want to look at data that has been published in scientific Studies have been published within the last year for example and certainly as we go on from 2022 to 2023 just that is not built into chat gbt currently so we're unable to specify the years of Publications that we really want going forward and also this provides while web chat GPT is helpful that provides a Google search it doesn't search just PubMed the clinical articles controls that we actually want so sometimes it's pulling in blog posts that may not be scientifically peer-reviewed so that's not as helpful and then also really importantly is that whenever you're actually doing a scientific review or a systematic review you're actually learning a lot by reading these abstracts reading the individual articles and learning how these studies were devised and potentially thinking about from a scientific standpoint what are the limitations of these studies so you're not learning learning that whenever you're just using a chat bot to actually do it for you not only that chat GPT is sometimes also medically accurate as we know science means very rapidly sometimes and so chat GPT is pulling from studies and drawing conclusions from certain studies while playing less attention to the studies that may be debunking those myths for example from a practical standpoint the open AI server could be really slow just because it's a very popular tool to be using nowadays sometimes even to just film this video for example I had to wait like almost a few hours to be able to go on to chat gbt and open AI just because the server was so busy and then last and potentially most importantly is the question is this actually plagiarism and is this ethical and I think that this is currently a really big gray zone right now I know from some educational school standpoint they do completely ban the use of chat GPT to be able to help students write essays but from a practical standpoint if I was a researcher and I wanted to help get some suggestions on titles for example or help me write an abstract or get edits from an abstract from a colleague that's going to be completely ethical but if I'm doing that using an AI and I don't actually do any modifications to what AIS putting out I think that would be considered plagiarism and you know I think that over time there's going to be some professional bodies that would come together and write a best practices guidelines and suggestions on how to use AI but at this time I I think that you know we're at a really big pivotal moment and it's going to be interesting to see how this pans out but right now currently really helpful to help generate outlines brainstorming in your writing process overall so thanks so much guys for watching hopefully you found this video helpful if you did just go ahead hit that like And subscribe button down below and then there will be some more videos coming out on how to use chat GPT if you're a resident or a medical professional as well thanks so much guys catch you next time
Channel: Benjamin Tran, MD
Views: 89,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, systematic review, what is chat gpt and how to use it, artificial intelligence, how to write a research paper, productivity, how to write well, scientific writing style, how to get scientific paper published, research paper, how to become more productive, openai
Id: RgzBIQfi1nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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