ChatGPT Training for Nonfiction Writers | PART 1 | Getting Your Book Started With ChatGPT

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check TPT has turned the content creation World on its head and it's an extremely powerful tool when it comes to writing non-fiction hi my name's Tim Cooper and I've already used chatgpt to assist me in writing two books in the last month and I'm well and truly into the writing of my third book and over that process I have been experimenting with different prompts and refining my approach to how to drive chat GPT to produce top quality content so in this series of videos I'm going to break this training down into three videos just to keep the videos reasonably short and easier for you to just jump into the information you want but over this series of videos I'm going to take you from where to go what my process is from start to finish in the first video we're going to look at some considerations when you're looking at publishing on Amazon and other platforms like draft digital for Barnes and Noble and that sort of stuff we're also going to look at how to get ideas from cat GPT but more importantly some of the tools I use to validate those ideas to make sure that the book I'm writing is actually in demand that people actually want that information that's so important you can spend so much time and and put so much hard work and love into a project they need to find that it's in an area that doesn't have a lot of demand so we're going to touch on that topic research and validation isn't in the scope of this training but I think it's important just to give you a very quick overview of what you can do to help validate and make sure that your book is going to be a winner okay that is going to be up there okay then we're going to go through the process of outlining content creation editing checking to make sure that it's passing AI detection and also making sure there's no plagiarism so in this video part one we're going to look at the considerations for publishing on Amazon we're going to take a quick look at ideation and validation and we're going to do the outlining so if you're ready to get started with chat GPT in your writing you're in the right place and if you've got any questions whatsoever please drop them in the chat or email me at Tim at Tim timcooper dot a u that's Tim at timcooper dot a u and I will address those questions in future videos but for now let's jump over my computer and get started [Music] okay so before we dive in and start the creation process I just want to quickly cover some important considerations when it comes to using AI to generate content what impact that may have when you publish on Amazon and the impact that I have actually personally experienced when trying to publish on other platforms like Barnes and Noble and Kobo and that sort of stuff because the big question is you know is AI content AI generated content acceptable and the short answer when it comes to Amazon is yes there is there is nothing in their guidelines that say that you can't publish a book that has been generated using AI okay and as we can see there are many many books on Amazon that are just simply being produced generated by Ai and they haven't really been edited just the content has just been picked up and pasted and the covers on it and it's out there okay so there's a lot of AI generated content hitting Amazon but the thing to to look at with the with the guidelines here and I tried to make the screen bigger but the uh the text won't wrap so I was cutting off is number one is you look up here and they say that they they continuously review their approach regarding and listening to feedback so the concerns of the customer right they say here we reserve the rights to remove content from sale if we determine it creates a poor customer experience and I think that's the only only part that you're going to potentially have trouble with if all you do is just going to check GPT give it a few prompts generate just some stock standard AI content and put it onto Kindle is it you know people might just turn around and say oh this this content isn't relatable it's it's it's not really good content so this is what you should take into consideration when you are using AI to assist you in creating your book okay and I said throughout this training I'm going to show you my process which I I am continually refining where I use chatty PT to assist me in writing the book but I there's still a lot of my own input in there I do a lot with the content before it goes into a published book and by doing that you're going to ensure that your book is good quality it reads well and it actually does address the problem because there's a lot of training out there at the moment just saying just put these prompts in and and spare that information if you don't train the AI properly and and you don't prompt it properly all you're going to get is very generic content that is very very similar to what other people are producing and your book won't stand out and if you want your book to stand out and get reviews and and Rise through the ranks of Amazon and be able to publish it on other platforms you just go do a little bit of extra work so this training isn't going to teach you how to get your your book on Amazon in record time but what it's going to teach you is how to work with chatgpt to go through get your content written very quickly and then how to go through and edit it so I just wanted to to touch on that is that yes you can publish AI generated content on Amazon there are there are no restrictions anywhere I've done lots of lots of searches and I'm seeing lots of AI generated content hitting Amazon so that's the case but if you really want to stand out and avoid this then this training is going to take you through a process of creating great content the other point is that with my last book I went to a site called drafted digital because I wanted to also release the ebook version on a number of different sites okay so obviously the bulk of book sales are always going to come through Amazon KDP because it's just so big but in the process of trying to submit my book these other sites it basically didn't work because they picked up that it was there was AI generated content and so it wasn't approved for those sites that is another reason that forced me to refine my process and put a lot more work into my books which I'm doing now with my third book so that's that so let's talk about ideation you know getting getting ideas now throughout you know these training videos I'm going to use the chat GPT 3.5 model even though I've got a Plus account and I and I can and I I currently generate my content with gpt4 but understanding that gpt4 is only available to to plus users at the moment I'll do all these examples in 3.5 taking into consideration now that that the content that the chat GPT board generates is faster period of 3.5 and is already well along the way of being non-detectable to AI content detectors as long as you train it properly okay and we'll go into that we'll go into the training to write in your own voice in the next lesson but that's that so we're just going to come to a new chat and get started now I personally don't start my book creation Journey inside of chat GPT okay I I go to to Amazon and search because I have an idea of what I want to write about so I'll go to Amazon and I'll do my validation there but you know that being said there's nothing stopping you from from using chat GPT to come up with some ideas and then go into these other tools to ensure that there's demand check the competition and that sort of stuff to to just just to just to validate your idea and ensure that your book's got a chance to be successful so one one thing you can do so say in in this training we're going to use essential oils as an idea and so this is one one thing you can do is look at some sub niches or this topic so the topic is essential oils but what are some things that we can look at it's some different approaches some things we may not have thought about and you can get some ideas here now once again this is just all part of building ideas another prompt that you can use is looking for for some different angles okay so once again to make your book stand out what are some some ways you can approach it that are that are different but still within that demand window that people still want it so you can ask check GPT to suggest some different angles for the book and another one you can do if you can just simply ask it to suggest some some topics okay and it will come through and give you some ideas now these are probably doing this is is probably a good starting point especially if you've gone into Amazon and you're doing research and you're finding that there there's a lot of competition there and there's a lot of established books and it's going to be hard for you to hit the the first page or the top 10 top 20 because it's just a really uh there's Just Books there that have been there for ages and they've got hundreds of reviews and and they're really solidified in in that spot so it's you know you can sort of come through and they say well okay well what's another way you know how can we do it and obviously a good a good thing to do is to to look at things like this so instead of trying to write a you know the you know the comprehensive A to Z on something to to think about more of creating a series and writing shorter books and then break them up into into topics create a series and that obviously is also going to increase your book sales because if somebody likes you know one book you've written they know they're going to look for another book okay so so that's that so I'm not going to spend a lot of time here I just want to say that that's just there's some ideation for you okay so now we're going to come to Amazon [Music] and I'm just going to type in let's start really really broad okay so I'm going to go essential oils and I've got this plug in this this Chrome extension called self-publishing Titans and it comes up with some interesting keywords as well once again this is great for ideation because now we're seeing this is based on actual searches so we can see what people are actually searching for because one thing with chat GPT is it can give you ideas but it can't give you any volume it can't give you any idea of competition it can't give you any idea of popularity it can give you ideas you need to come in and to the actual platform and and just check out what's what's going on okay so so these this is all all these searches that people do so I'm just going to click on that and then what I generally do is I is I go down and I search for for themes and how popular books are now I've got another tool called things called DW I'll put the link for this tool as well because this gives you an idea about what's happening how popular it is this is the overall seller rink in the store and if it's above say 100 150 it's not really selling that well so this is giving me an idea of what is popular okay so look at this into this essential oil stuff and then now we're finding that the best-selling book so far down at 58 000 is natural spills for the Greenwich okay um interesting so this is how you go through and validate the popularity because you can write a great book but if nobody's looking for it it's not going to really sell that well if nobody's searching 101 ways to use essential oils so it's a 61 essential oils that would be quite a lot of work essential oils of the Bible interesting so there are some some books are doing reasonably well here so I'm just going to I really couldn't see any sort of Trend there so I'm going to say for Stress and Anxiety okay and that's that's obviously a search term because it's actually coming up in the in the suggested searches here so I'm going to look at how popular this is so once again if you hone in on these these different areas you can then look at you know writing a series you could write a series on Essentials for Stress and Anxiety write it write a book on essential oils for for pets for cleaning that sort of stuff and build out a series but once again these books aren't doing wonderfully so right the so personally this is not a topic that I would pursue and that's probably the reason why I'm doing this as a as the demo thing because it's to me it's it's not really worth worth the work okay it's they're just not popular now it could be that they're not executing their their self-publishing well but it just doesn't look good so that's once again just an overview so now I also use another tool called publisher rocket I'm just trying to find I'm going to find one that's doing reason because I want to see what category they've got it listed in so I'm just going to open this up and just see what category get get an idea of the categories so aromatherapy naturopathy okay so now I'm going to come across to publisher rocket because this is going to give me some further insights as to whether this this topic is viable or not I'm going to come to category search and then up here I'm going to type in aromatherapy there it is so books Kindle Store all right so you can see it's not really selling so we're going to look at at this book category here so we're going to click on insights and it's saying that it is growing and the average price is 16 dollars to get to the top 10 you've only got to make seven sales a day to get to number one you've got to make 18 sales so this is this is a great um tool you can see over time the trend and then you can see related topics so these are the related topics so let's have a look at the Kindle side of things right and as as we were saying this one's not really doing that well it's on it's on the downward trend okay so as you can see tools like publisher rocket can give you some great insights and and show you how hard it is to to rank like saying you've only got to make one sale to make the top ten this one sale a day in in 22 sales a day you'll be number one in that category so these are a really valuable Insight so that's an overview of of validation right before you start saying like if you just jumped in to write a book on essential oils and you went through all that trouble and you published it and it didn't move you'd be you know rather upset so it's good to see it's good to check the viability first so with the viability out of the way let's look at jumping back into GPT and generating some content okay so what I would have normally done before I reached this point is I would have gone to the look inside option on the Kindle Store and checked out the table of contents to see what the top selling books contain what they're covering and I'd make a list of that as to get an idea about what I should have covered I would look at the the comments to see what the book was covering well what it was missing what people like what people didn't like and that would have formed the basis for this next prompt okay so I'm just going to copy this in here and I'm going to say I want to write a book on essential oils or dress anxiety and sleep right the book should include chapters on Central oil safety top essential oils or dress inside we can sleep Blends and recipes right so I'm not going to go to's bar here but these are the the topics that I would say I'd include and then I say what topic should be included to ensure the book is complete and comprehensive so we're just going to hit that and now it's giving some ideas here I don't want to include the song I don't want to be a scientific book I just wanted to be just a guy just so you can just get straight in and start using essential oils safely so we don't need to give them the science behind Stress and Anxiety for them to get help we don't need to give them this in-depth properties and chemistry and that sort of stuff that that isn't required that would just be be fluff but the methods of application the essential oils for specific use the oils different types lifestyle factors precautions and Communications is important that's basically the safety side combination with other therapies you could put that in and obviously the recipes so then I would come through I'd copy this and I'd say I like to include the following topics in my book okay and then we shift return otherwise you're going to submit it and then we're going to we're going to paste it in and then I'm just going to come through I'm going to delete the ones that I don't want so I don't want the science and I don't want the understanding but I want the methods of application yeah that looks interesting essential oils different types of sleep lifestyle precautions I'll leave that out because I just want this purely on and recipes and blends okay so so that's what I want to include so those are the top the topics okay and now I'm just going to come back over here I'm just going to say just some catchy titles right we want to we want our title to be catchy so he's going to paste that in and away we go now once again if you if you didn't like any of the of the first ones you could just type in suggest more but I like essential oils for in a piece I think because we're not I'm not going to be publishing this anyway so let's go I like number six so now I'm telling it that that is going to be the title of the book now I've got two options here I can just prompt it to write an outline just by saying okay now please produce an outline for this book and it will but what I prefer to do is I like to tell it to not only write an a detailed outline but I also wanted to use catchy and compelling chapter titles and subtitles because I said when your books up on on Amazon they've got this look inside feature so if you're if if your chapter titles and subtitles uh interesting there's no and and maybe raise a bit of curiosity then it's going to work really well so there we are so that's the that's the outline that it's produced and I'm going to take this outline and I'm going to paste it into a new document okay so I'm going to paste it into here and then I'm also going to put the bring the title in like so Ctrl shift V otherwise it's going to bring the formatting in I'm going to set this to heading one and then I'm just going to come through and just quickly make sure this all reads well so that's a good a good basis or a pretty comprehensive book okay so now I'm just going to tell it that I want to expand certain parts of this this book to include more information optional introduction that's just a brief overview so I'm not going to expand that out but now I'm just going to ask it to expand on chapter 2 include more subsections okay and now it's built it out there's a little bit more information there so now I'm just going to copy this and I'm going to bring it across to my document and I'm going to paste that in there so now we've got that so it then go through and do it for every single one so what's another one because I'm not going to obviously I'm not going to write a whole book while we're here so here essential oil blends and recipes you can also when you're asking it to expand out you can tell it to also include so if you can see there's information in the outline that is missing something that you really want to put in there just tell it that you that you want to expand that out so let's let's try that as I'm once again 3.5 is not as good as four four gives you so much more but this is eight so seven so we're going to go seven please expand um to include more also include subtopics on the best essential oils to use okay once again this is all for illustration purposes but I just want to give you some ideas on how you can really expand things things out and get a comprehensive okay so here it's it's included that that extra section there and so we'll just copy that in and we'll replace this with that so he's coming back back over here aromatherapy DIY uh just breaking these up like that so you can sort of see so I'd go through the entire thing I'd I'd expand out the outline and then what I do is once I've got the outline where I want it I take a copy so I'm going to name this document I'm just going to put that up there and then I just come across and I make a copy of it because with GPT especially GPT 3.5 it only has a context window of 3000 Words which means it can only remember back the last 3 000 words that have gone into the window that's including what you type in that's that that includes your prompts and instructions and it also includes the chat GPT responses of course so the more content that you that you create within the window it starts to forget so throughout the process you have to re-prompt it you have to re-enter certain information or you just start a new chat just to make sure that check GPT doesn't lose context and and forget about what it's writing about so I keep a copy of the actual untouched outline so I can re-enter it into chat GPT to remind okay so this is the outline for this chapter and then it goes okay cool let's go and this and let's write that chapter I'll also keep it you know some other prompts in there too like in the next lesson we're going to go through how to train chat DPT to write in your unique voice so all these all these Specific Instructions that I give to GPT throughout the process outside of prompting it to create content by keeping a document so that when I need to re-prime and re-enter those instructions they're there in one place on this copy paste it through bring chat GPT speed up bring check GPT back up to speed and continue creating so that's this lesson done we've we've got our outline well the demo outline that I'm going to use for the remainder of this training so in the next lesson we'll go through how to use chat GPT to build out our content okay see you there
Channel: AI Guy
Views: 1,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT training for nonfiction writers, ChatGPT training for writers, ChatGPT prompt guide, ChatGPT prompts, ChatGPT for Writers prompt guide, ChatGPT for Writers, ChatGPT, AI writing, writing guide, writing tips, book writing, writing process, manuscript drafting, creative writing, author tips, writing assistance, Chat GPT, Chat GPT for Writers, Chat GPT prompt guide, Chat GPT for Writers prompt guide, how to use chat gpt, how to use chatgpt
Id: mFBzs61z5os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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